
OBS Gripes

Mar 26th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. I'm not 100% sure all this is what you mean by UI and it's gonna be rambley/quickly written but here goes:
  3. There's this classic problem with OBS that's been around since the early days, when I still used XSplit I would laugh at people constantly for having it happen to them (and now happens to me constantly using OBS) and that's streaming to the wrong account!
  5. I get it's because of how *profiles* work in general (but I have A LOT to say about that later too) but the way it works with just selecting a profile from a dropdown, and then having the "Start Streaming" and recording etc buttons on the UI with very little indication of what profile/account you're using is aaalllwwaaayyys a problem.
  7. Streamed to your alt last night for some midnight chill gaming? Well now next morning when you start your day of full time streaming OOPS you forgot you did that and stream for ages to the wrong account!
  9. Ran a stream for someone else/a community channel last weekend at that event and just came home? Well better hope that other person/community doesn't mind you streaming your normal stuff to their channel and giving everyone a "This event is live!" notification!
  11. Hell even just having very different games you stream with bespoke settings can be annoying to manage. If I play 2D pixel art games I want very different settings to if I play VR games.
  13. It's a constant problem I've seen all the time over the years, and it all stems from how OBS handles profiles in general.
  14. This is the one thing I still miss from XSplit.
  15. In XSplit the "Start Streaming" button is a drop down menu, with all of your what OBS would call "Profiles" in it. You can select whichever you want (or multiple!) to stream to, and if you want to change that profiles settings there's a cog icon to click on which takes you to them.
  16. I get OBS doesn't exactly work like this since profiles define a lot about base resolution/canvas and all that, but that's an even bigger problem.
  17. When going through all the settings in OBS like Monitoring Devices, Recording Settings, Filename Formatting, etc, it's completely impossible to tell which settings are profile based and which ones are global!
  18. What if I want my alt account streams local files to be prefixed with "ALT", can I do that? Will it change the setting for my main account? I have no idea! Writing this right now as an example I actually don't know! The only way to know is to change the setting, load the other profile and go back and look at it.
  20. Why is it this way, why isn't it like XSplit where Global settings are in their own menu, and "Profile" settings are in their own menu?
  21. I can see loads of ways of fixing this, from the easy like adding some indication to the current settings menu if they're global or not, like a colour coding or something, to doing the dream thing of splitting the settings (and streaming button to a dropdown!) like how XSplit has it... to the insanely cool by having everything be both a global and profile setting, but just have any settings changed by the profile overwrite the global one for that profile!
  22. Oh, and local recording was it's own "profile" in XSplit that other "profiles" would use for local recording if you so choosed!
  24. Just how OBS handles this whole profile Streaming/Setting situation drives me absolutely nuts, XSplit had this so right... XSPLIT!
  26. tl;dr
  27. Profiles are bad but it seems like a deep routed issue with how OBS handles them in general, it should be clear which settings are profile settings and which are global, either by (from worst to best) having some indicator in the settings what's a global setting and what's a profile setting, or having global and profile settings be completely different menus, or having profiles be a copy of global settings that can then overwrite them if they differ.
  28. The "Start Streaming" and recording etc buttons should be dropdowns that give a list of profiles to pick from, so anyone who uses multiple profiles frequently either by having different streaming accounts or vastly different settings they use on one stream can change easily which one their using as well as not accidentally pick the wrong one.
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