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Feb 21st, 2018
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  1. KexaCry left the lobby
  2. Small Teddy left the lobby
  3. x Angelababy007 left the lobby
  4. Distortoise
  5. Grump
  6. : legit just no team that game
  7. DraughtEX left the lobby
  8. SmaII Teddy left the lobby
  9. tigeryl left the lobby
  10. I Wanna AFK
  11. J4
  12. : no shit they have annie and malphite
  13. I Wanna AFK
  14. J4
  15. : dafuq u on about
  16. Distortoise
  17. Grump
  18. : you actually inted us
  19. Girl I Love You left the lobby
  20. Distortoise
  21. Grump
  22. : why are you talking
  23. I Wanna AFK
  24. J4
  25. : and u r actually silver
  26. I Wanna AFK
  27. J4
  28. : what u talking
  29. Distortoise
  30. Grump
  31. : you just ran into them and suicided like 10 times in a row
  32. Distortoise
  33. Grump
  34. : that's an int
  35. I Wanna AFK
  36. J4
  37. : cuz i had 400 ping?
  38. I Wanna AFK
  39. J4
  40. : u wouldnt be able to dodge skill shots with that ping either
  41. Distortoise
  42. Grump
  43. : dodge?
  44. Distortoise
  45. Grump
  46. : all you did was run into them and die
  47. Distortoise
  48. Grump
  49. : 10 times over
  50. I Wanna AFK
  51. J4
  52. : yea
  53. Distortoise
  54. Grump
  55. : you inted us and made it impossible to win
  56. I Wanna AFK
  57. J4
  58. : at least i used that strategy to get to plat
  59. Distortoise
  60. Grump
  61. : and just spammed the chat with your ping
  62. Distortoise
  63. Grump
  64. : you realise how annoying you are
  65. I Wanna AFK
  66. J4
  67. : meanwhile u r in silver
  68. I Wanna AFK
  69. J4
  70. : yea
  71. I Wanna AFK
  72. J4
  73. : i do
  74. Distortoise
  75. Grump
  76. : you are gonna get banned
  77. I Wanna AFK
  78. J4
  79. : silvers hate plats
  80. I Wanna AFK
  81. J4
  82. : surely
  83. I Wanna AFK
  84. J4
  85. : i have no doubts
  86. I Wanna AFK
  87. J4
  88. : lets seee
  89. I Wanna AFK
  90. J4
  91. : :DDD
  92. I Wanna AFK
  93. J4
  94. : just leave to lobby if u have nothing else to say
  95. Distortoise
  96. Grump
  97. : hmm
  98. I Wanna AFK
  99. J4
  100. : im still tryin to fix my internet
  101. Distortoise
  102. Grump
  103. : you have a bought account
  104. Distortoise
  105. Grump
  106. : don't you
  107. I Wanna AFK
  108. J4
  109. : LOL
  110. I Wanna AFK
  111. J4
  112. : why would i buy an account?
  113. I Wanna AFK
  114. J4
  115. : look at the games i got to plat
  116. I Wanna AFK
  117. J4
  118. : used my mains every single game
  119. I Wanna AFK
  120. J4
  121. : and my main roles
  122. Distortoise
  123. Grump
  124. : yeah I guess
  125. Distortoise
  126. Grump
  127. : why fucking int me then
  128. I Wanna AFK
  129. J4
  130. : and yes i lost all the games playing roles other than jg in ranked
  131. I Wanna AFK
  132. J4
  133. : dude
  134. I Wanna AFK
  135. J4
  136. : idfk
  137. I Wanna AFK
  138. J4
  139. : i was lagging af
  140. Distortoise
  141. Grump
  142. : watch replay
  143. I Wanna AFK
  144. J4
  145. : why do u think i would play aram
  146. Distortoise
  147. Grump
  148. : watch what you actually did
  149. Distortoise
  150. Grump
  151. : you just inted
  152. Distortoise
  153. Grump
  154. : over and over again
  155. WydowMaker: stop i already reported you both for bad attitudes
  156. I Wanna AFK
  157. J4
  158. : so?
  159. I Wanna AFK
  160. J4
  161. : we cant win with our team combo anyways
  162. Distortoise
  163. Grump
  164. : we were winning
  165. Distortoise
  166. Grump
  167. : we were doing fine
  168. Distortoise
  169. Grump
  170. : but you kept running in and suiciding
  171. I Wanna AFK
  172. J4
  173. : do u think people actually play aram
  174. I Wanna AFK
  175. J4
  176. : to win?
  177. Distortoise
  178. Grump
  179. : and we never had you alive for ult engage
  180. Distortoise
  181. Grump
  182. : I killed them all every fight
  183. I Wanna AFK
  184. J4
  185. : i always ulted their backline
  186. Distortoise
  187. Grump
  188. : but then they would just come back and only Cass was there to ult
  189. I Wanna AFK
  190. J4
  191. : the second malphite engaged on u
  192. Distortoise
  193. Grump
  194. : I flashed almost every malph ult
  195. WydowMaker: Keep going in the log. I have reported both of you
  196. Distortoise
  197. Grump
  198. : alright
  199. I Wanna AFK
  200. J4
  201. : ok bronze yi
  202. I Wanna AFK
  203. J4
  204. : go ahead
  205. Distortoise
  206. Grump
  207. : Mr 2/8
  208. I Wanna AFK
  209. J4
  210. : lets see who gets banned
  211. Distortoise
  212. Grump
  213. : you mind leaving us to our private conversation?
  214. WydowMaker: keep it up
  215. WydowMaker: The tribunal loves to revise the log
  216. I Wanna AFK
  217. J4
  218. : League of Legends have less playeers every year
  219. Distortoise
  220. Grump
  221. : the tribunal hasn't existed for 4 years
  222. I Wanna AFK
  223. J4
  224. : they don ban people for no reason anymore
  225. WydowMaker: Because troublesome people get permanently banned
  226. Distortoise
  227. Grump
  228. : I've been banned
  229. Distortoise
  230. Grump
  231. : I know how to get banned
  232. I Wanna AFK
  233. J4
  234. : oh well i guess bronze players don understand the word
  235. WydowMaker: you better believe it
  236. I Wanna AFK
  237. J4
  238. : 'troublesome'
  239. Distortoise
  240. Grump
  241. : this is not how you get banned
  242. I Wanna AFK
  243. J4
  244. : xD
  245. Distortoise
  246. Grump
  247. : I am allowed to say the f word
  248. WydowMaker: Go at it both of you
  249. Distortoise
  250. Grump
  251. : I am not allowed to use racial slurs or attack Sona perasonally and call her fat or some shit
  252. WydowMaker left the lobby
  253. Distortoise
  254. Grump
  255. : that guy
  256. I Wanna AFK
  257. J4
  258. : dafuq...
  259. I Wanna AFK
  260. J4
  261. : im sure people get mad at u
  262. I Wanna AFK
  263. J4
  264. : when u go in ranked
  265. I Wanna AFK
  266. J4
  267. : and spam high pings
  268. Distortoise
  269. Grump
  270. : no I am usually very cool
  271. I Wanna AFK
  272. J4
  273. : which is why
  274. Distortoise
  275. Grump
  276. : I've just lost every game today
  277. I Wanna AFK
  278. J4
  279. : i play an aram
  280. I Wanna AFK
  281. J4
  282. : before ranked
  283. I Wanna AFK
  284. J4
  285. : dw add my smurf, ill duo with u and win every single game for u
  286. I Wanna AFK
  287. J4
  288. : if u want
  289. Distortoise
  290. Grump
  291. : it's frusturating when the enemy team is hard aiming and emoting you and it is basicly a 3v5
  292. Distortoise
  293. Grump
  294. : because Nid wasn't doing anything
  295. I Wanna AFK
  296. J4
  297. : its the team combo
  298. Distortoise
  299. Grump
  300. : the last game I had before this one the Sivir one
  301. I Wanna AFK
  302. J4
  303. : we have no tanks
  304. Distortoise
  305. Grump
  306. : 5/11 Ez
  307. I Wanna AFK
  308. J4
  309. : this is why i don play aram
  310. I Wanna AFK
  311. J4
  312. : team combo decides who wins
  313. Distortoise
  314. Grump
  315. : my Nunu game
  316. Distortoise
  317. Grump
  318. : team did no damage
  319. I Wanna AFK
  320. J4
  321. : i only play for yolo
  322. Distortoise
  323. Grump
  324. : I went tank nunu
  325. Distortoise
  326. Grump
  327. : yeah usually it is better
  328. I Wanna AFK
  329. J4
  330. : norms?
  331. I Wanna AFK
  332. J4
  333. : or aram
  334. Distortoise
  335. Grump
  336. : I just get more unlucky recently
  337. Distortoise
  338. Grump
  339. : I hate norms
  340. Distortoise
  341. Grump
  342. : playing jg gets you invaded so much and it's the role I play
  343. I Wanna AFK
  344. J4
  345. : nunu is quite strong early game
  346. I Wanna AFK
  347. J4
  348. : shes not scared of invasions
  349. I Wanna AFK
  350. J4
  351. : im a big early game invader but i just don invade nunu
  352. Distortoise
  353. Grump
  354. : everyone of my friends sucks except my best friend and I am forced to play with unskilled players all the time that I can't teach because they refuse to learn
  355. Distortoise
  356. Grump
  357. : nah I play Sejuani
  358. Distortoise
  359. Grump
  360. : I play Aram in ranked
  361. Distortoise
  362. Grump
  363. : *and
  364. Distortoise
  365. Grump
  366. : haha
  367. I Wanna AFK
  368. J4
  369. : oh
  370. I Wanna AFK
  371. J4
  372. : fairo
  373. Distortoise
  374. Grump
  375. : I haven't played much this season
  376. I Wanna AFK
  377. J4
  378. : sej is more like a
  379. I Wanna AFK
  380. J4
  381. : ;farming to six'
  382. I Wanna AFK
  383. J4
  384. : type of cahmp
  385. Distortoise
  386. Grump
  387. : I duo with a friend and we hard carry a lot of the time
  388. I Wanna AFK
  389. J4
  390. : u a jg main??
  391. Distortoise
  392. Grump
  393. : but our main problem is our adc always has less than 10k damage by 40 minutes
  394. Distortoise
  395. Grump
  396. : yeah
  397. I Wanna AFK
  398. J4
  399. : ehhh
  400. I Wanna AFK
  401. J4
  402. : ma boi
  403. I Wanna AFK
  404. J4
  405. : jg is tiring
  406. Distortoise
  407. Grump
  408. : yeah I know
  409. Distortoise
  410. Grump
  411. : have like 300 games in Sej now
  412. I Wanna AFK
  413. J4
  414. : its a lot of thinkings
  415. I Wanna AFK
  416. J4
  417. : lol thats a lot
  418. Distortoise
  419. Grump
  420. : woah I dc'd from chat
  421. I Wanna AFK
  422. J4
  423. : dafuq
  424. I Wanna AFK
  425. J4
  426. : hows that possible
  427. Distortoise
  428. Grump
  429. : playing a tank is sucky because the game doesn't feel deicded on me late
  430. Distortoise
  431. Grump
  432. : not sure
  433. I Wanna AFK
  434. J4
  435. : u can add my smurf and i can give u free wins
  436. I Wanna AFK
  437. J4
  438. : sorry for inting lol
  439. I Wanna AFK
  440. J4
  441. : fk my internet
  442. Distortoise
  443. Grump
  444. : nah I duo with a friend we play all ranked games together
  445. Distortoise
  446. Grump
  447. : that's why I don't play much ranked
  448. I Wanna AFK
  449. J4
  450. : fairo
  451. Distortoise
  452. Grump
  453. : need to find a time suitable for both of us
  454. I Wanna AFK
  455. J4
  456. : if u wanna duowith a friend
  457. I Wanna AFK
  458. J4
  459. : make some sort of team combo
  460. Distortoise
  461. Grump
  462. : but nah I don't suck I just get unlucky a lot
  463. Distortoise
  464. Grump
  465. : that sounds like an excuse but I got inted twice in provisionals
  466. I Wanna AFK
  467. J4
  468. : no one really sucks
  469. I Wanna AFK
  470. J4
  471. : but i mean if...
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