
Liz's new friend

Nov 12th, 2016
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  1. Six days until the Galaxy League’s final match.
  3. "Let's look for some new team members!" Yelled Beatrice anxiously to her team mates after concluding their daily practice.
  4. "We already discussed that, our team is already pretty strong, we only need more training," said Neraizel, bothered by Beatrice trying to convince them for the tenth time that week.
  5. "Come on! You've seen those earth kids, they're all over the place, and there are some strong new players that we can't overlook, too!"
  6. "That last part sounded a little sour if you ask me," said Neraizel sarcastic , who now wanted to tease Beatrice a little. "Is it because Shanti is stealing your thunder?"
  7. "She's not! It's all because of this dumb outfit, it's uncomfortable and I can't run as fast as before, that's all!"
  8. "But that was too lewd! The Galaxy League superiors warned us about that! You can't use that again!" Said the little dragon, losing her composure.
  9. "I'm sure you don't want me to use it because then you'd be too busy looking at my-"
  10. "SHUT UP!"
  11. "G-Girls! D-Don't start again!" Said Rudiel trying to remain calm, but failing. "Y-You're both pretty!"
  13. Both dragons stared at the little bunny-dragon, now about to start another argument about who was the prettier one. The field was silent to hear amused this discussion, and the whole team was looking at this spectacle at a safe distance.
  15. "It's enough," said then Elizabeth, which in return made them all calm down to listen her closely.
  16. The whole team then reunited in front of the Silver Dragon, forgetting at all the little charade from moments earlier.
  17. "Neraizel is right, we are already pretty strong," Said Elizabeth, and Neraizel savored victory for a moment, but before Beatrice could reply, Elizabeth continued. "However, some fearsome opponents have appeared, and in order to beat them we may need a new team member.”
  19. Beatrice hugged Neraizel happily, while Rudiel tried to help her to escape from the deadly embrace, and the rest of members didn't knew if they should help or laugh.
  20. Meanwhile, Elizabeth sat on a bench, thinking if it was correct to get another team mate.
  22. "Something's bothering you, Liz?"
  23. "No, it's..." She faced to the source of the voice she just heard, to find grandpa Jin, looking at her unusually happy. "Oh, it's you."
  24. "The stars told me you’re worried about something," said Jin, confident in his observation.
  25. "I'm just nervous for our next match," she answered, trying to act calm, "nothing else."
  26. The little old man knew her better, so he only stroke his moustache while looking deep in her eyes with a playful smile.
  27. “Well, I’ll believe you, but remember, if you want to win the Galaxy League, you have to do everything in your power. Some sacrifices may be needed.”
  28. "I know, but if we lose this match, everything we worked for...”
  29. “Come on, you have nothing to lose! I’m sure you won’t regret it!” Concluded Jin, rushed because he just saw Kiki entering the arena and wanted to give her a flower and invite her to a date. [spoiler]She rejected him.[/spoiler]
  30. "Nothing to lose, eh? How bad can it be?" Whispered Elizabeth, feeling pity for the little Ojii-chan.
  32. A couple of hours later.
  33. "Look! A blue gleam in the sky!" Beatrice was so excited to meet someone new she couldn't contain herself, "I hope it's someone strong, those were our last crystals."
  34. When the ship landed, the earth trembled, and everyone was excited to see who it was.
  35. The pot labeled as “Xing” opened, to reveal, a black little dragon. Elizabeth knows she’s heard that name before, but she can’t remember.
  36. Faces of both deception and confusion surrounded the little thing, while it scratched it's head with it's tiny paws. Adorable.
  37. "Well, at least it isn't Ogre again..."
  38. "What should we do, Miss Elizabeth?" Magnus asked, trying to hide his dissapointment.
  39. "Welcome to our team!" She exclaimed ignoring Magnus. No one likes Magnus.
  40. Xing, immediately after seeing Elizabeth, flew right to hug her, and she embraced him in her bosom, while everyone looked at the dragon envious.
  42. And so, a new member team arrived.
  45. Five days until the final match.
  47. Part of the team (Rudiel, Neraizel and Beatrice) think he's just too adorable to dump. On the other hand, the rest of the team just wants him to go back from where he came from. Not only he can't concentrate on soccer, he tends to end up injuring some of the players, specially the male members. More accurately, only the male members, so they had to take a couple of days off to recover. Specially Magnus. He hates him too.
  49. By now only the female players can train, and Elizabeth herself is preparing for the match instead of just cheering for them.
  50. "Have you made some progress with Xing already?" Said Rudiel looking happier than usual.
  51. "It's just a matter of practice, we'll all get along with him," she answered with a shred of doubt in her voice while watching his new team mate chasing Neraizel while Beatrice and Moritz just bet who's going to give up first.
  52. "Maybe you could try to talk to him?"
  53. "You think it's a good idea?"
  54. "Of course! Maybe after the training you could try to bond with him!”
  55. Elizabeth considered this idea since there was nothing to lose at this point. In the end she could only call the little dragon before he could bite Neraizel too hard, and decided to call it a day for them, and she tried to train with Xing on her own.
  57. “Guess it was dumb to scout for a player hoping it’ll make my team stronger from one day to another,” she told herself while looking at the mischievous new pet she had. “Well, little friend, come here, let’s train!”
  58. She thought the best way to connect with him was something they both liked, and who doesn’t love soccer? It’s the best thing in the universe!
  59. “Ok, try to steal the ball from me!” She told the dragon, who now looked at her with an evil look, and ran at full speed towards her, but Elizabeth’s could easily avoid him.
  60. Unfortunately, the dragon attacked her from the back while she was distracted.
  61. “Hey! You’re supposed to steal!” After she said that while lying on the floor, the dragon posed his paws on her back and upped her skirt, just to find she was wearing no panties. “W-What are you-”
  62. Suddenly, the little dragon turned into a dark skinned man, whose penis was exposed, fully erect.
  63. “And now, it’s time to penetrate!”He introduces his dick inside Elizabeth’s exposed ass violently as she yelled out of pain after the rough introduction.
  64. “Stop! It hurts!” She was immobilized by the feeling of Xing’s penis inside her anus, she could barely construct a sentece while trying to contain the tears.
  65. “What an annoying bitch you are,” said Xing before strongly slapping her ass, humilliating Elizabeth more than she thought it’d be possible.
  66. “J-Just stop right now! You’ll pay for this!” Xing stopped thrusting his hips like a piledriver against Elizabeth’s bottom.
  67. “Yeah? I don’t think so, you need me,” he said to the girl right next to her ear, while caressing her left breast with one hand and the other pushing her head against the grass.
  68. “I-I don’t need y-you!” Elizabeth stuttered, trying to release herself from him.
  69. “Well, guess I’ll just leave your team to be defeated in your last match,” whispered with a smirk on his face. He crippled her team on purpose to have her with no option but to do as he says, or he’ll leave her team to lose.
  70. “So, whatcha gonna do? Will you oblige, bitch?” He knew what the answer would be. Elizabeth’s only purpose is winning the league and restore peace in Umbra, and without him, she has no chance.
  71. She can only allow him to do as he wants with her body.
  72. “Alright, but please, help me win, make our team win!” She pleaded the dragon on top of her.
  73. “Oh, I promise, you won’t regret it!” Xing then started penetrating Liz’s defenseless butt once again, even more ferociously than before and enjoying the way Elizabeth tried to endure the pain. Tears streaming through her cheeks unceasably, and she could only wish this could come to an end soon.
  74. The man suddenly hold her by the torso and violently removed her from the ground, grabbed her thighs and held them strongly while lifting Elizabeth as he laid on the grass. Elizabeth was even more embarrased in this position than the other one because she could feel the abs of Xing, and couldn’t do mora than hold onto his legs while biting her lips.
  75. “Hah! You are starting to like it?”
  76. “D-Don’t be ridiculous! How could anyone like this sort of thing?!” Yelled at him trying to hide her pain and shame, and in response he just started to pierce her more violently.
  77. “How rude, maybe your team mates will like it better, then?” said the man, for the surprise of Elizabeth, who couldn’t believe his words.
  78. “Don’t dare you to...”
  79. “Oh, I will. What else am I supposed to do these next four days?”
  80. “You heartless monster...”
  81. “I have an idea, why don’t you do it instead of them until the day of the match?” Whispered before starting to lick Elizabeth’s ear, to her disgust. She just couldn’t stand the idea of her girls to experience this horrible feeling, so she could only accept his offer.
  82. “I...”
  83. “Yes? Say it,” the black dragon mocked her as he slowed her pace so she could answer properly.
  84. “I will do it...”
  85. “You will do what? Say it, clearly.”
  86. “I’ll let you have sex with me, these four days, so please...”
  87. “I couldn’t listen to that, say it louder, bitch.”
  88. “I’ll have sex with you...”
  89. “One more time!”
  90. “I’LL LET YOU FUCK ME!” Said in tears of despair and sadness the dragon goddess, and Xing could only laugh at her, it was a glorious day, and his happiness was massive for presencing this.
  91. “That’s the spirit!” Said before speeding up his thrusting, his pleasure was immense in both his mind and his cock, and finally released his fluids inside of Elizabeth’s deepest parts. She was relieved this finally ended, trying to ignore the disgusting feeling inside her anus. He let her fall to the ground with her ass clearly irritated, and she could only breath hard bearing the pain.
  93. Xing removed his dick, and immediately his juices poured over the grass.
  94. “That was good, see you tomorrow at your room, this place isn’t as comfortable as I though,” said amused looking at the expression of disgust Elizabeth had. He flew off the field in his dragon shape, and Elizabeth could only curse on him for what he did.
  95. “Only four days… I have to be strong for only four days, and it’ll all be over...”
  98. To be continued…?
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