
Aeron: Execution

Apr 26th, 2017
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  1. Rhaziel, with quite a bit of effort, dragged the deadweight of a Yokai into the forest, and eventually into the Citadel's lowest room, then saw the bane of his existence. Those stairs were difficult enough with a prosthetic leg, nevermind dragging another creature up them. But he did so, and with some struggle, he set the creature down on the floor before Aeron.
  3. "If I may, this is Void the Uncrowned, supposedly higher upon the foodchain than myself. I would say this is false, but I've no desire to eat him." He stood there, staring at Aeron before clearing his throat.
  5. "They've shown themselves to be remarkably arrogant, to such a degree I felt a desire to humble them. So, consider this a gift of sorts."
  6. (Rhaziel Vydres)
  7. "Lord Kaor." He said, and landed down upon the ground, taking an elegant bow as he placed his left hand on his chest. A formal greeting offered towards the Kaor of course, before standing up tall once again, speaking no further. Not until called of course.
  8. (Elyon Loreth)
  9. Waking up from his defeat, Void finds himself in the citadel. A place his father once ruled. Opening his eyes, Void begins to see an image of his grandfather's predator, Aeron. This yokai was a monster even amongst kaors and was and still is the only being Void fears to this date... Seeing him now in the flesh sent tingles down Void's spine...Th elemental's primal instincts told it to yeild, it could not win this fight and it wasn't the strongest. The more time Void spent in this room the more he realized the gap in power..
  12. "So this is power...Truely terrifying." Void's whole attitude changed when speaking to his own kin. His instincts wouldn't allow for such arrogance, not against a kaor of this power.
  15. It was truely pathetic and cowardly, but what would an ant do in the presence of a titan...
  18. (Void, The Uncrowned)
  19. Animus, lead along by Aeron's goon squad, sits nearby. If it was possible for a white skinned boy to get any paler then he would be it. A small bundle of red cloth and white skin trying to remain as silent and still as possible. Watching Rhaziel and the others and their interaction with the Kaor. The way the dark being seems to have himself as some kind of King.
  21. He wondered what was held in store for him.
  23. His body working like a gentle engine taking in the mana from the ambient magics from around the area and turning it into resevouirs for the boy. He definitely feels like he's gaining power just by being in the area around these people. Though the odd tastes that he gets from the occultists and Yokai makes him feel almost sick in his stomach. Those blue eyes poking out from his red hood as he restains the feeling of gagging.
  24. (Animus)
  25. The child taken into custody was to be addressed at a later time, the others had arrived with a fresh capture: A yokai. It was dragged and placed before the Kaor Lord, whom now bore a facial expression that demanded explanation from Rhaziel.
  26. With the words pertaining to the story behind this character, crimson hues descend to the fallen laden before him in silence. A mere Infernus-class Elemental... One budding on the fringe of Kaordom, submissive as of the moment-- Though whether that was because of the evolutionary advantage he beared or the state of defeat, Aeron couldn't tell-- Nor did he truly care.
  28. What he did take to notice, were small details... Details that otherwise wouldn't have proven so much of his attention, if not for the request prior.
  29. "... Your leg." He called out. "You bear a new one, and without my assistance despite requesting of me to aid you."
  31. "... What is the meaning of this?" That was, what Aeron had sent Rhaziel out for in the first place... Sacrificial victims, for his limbs-- Fellow members of humanity expectantly, albeit, he was bestowed with one of his own kind. The arm, wasn't noted right away-- From his height and perspective, he couldn't examine that well.
  32. (Aeron)
  33. "It simply turned to be far more practical. It is rather difficult to find a human with specifically the right leg size and hand size for my use. I apologize if I've offended, but it is simply easier this way- although I have had the idea of repurposing the ritual. I am not the sturdiest of individuals, and so I would propose.. Potentially using this Yokai in a ritual to, if possible, make me sturdier. It is, as I have noted, the primary reasoning of my defeat to that Ookami." He stared at Aeron, hands behind his back as he stood formally.
  35. He closed his eyes for a moment, before looking back at Aeron. "Elyon and I have also encountered one 'Quazla Mabon.' He seems to hold us in some regard. I believe he has mentioned defeating you previously.. Should you like, we can lure him here, to face you."
  36. (Rhaziel Vydres)
  37. He quietly listened as Aeron questioned Rhaziel. The magi didn't know though whether Aeron meant it in a somewhat curious, or a somewhat enraged kind of way. So, Rhaziel asked for Aeron's assistance regarging his broken leg? Now, Elyon didn't know that.
  39. His gaze was then turned towards Rhaziel and awaited for his response in silence. However, he didn't have any idea of what the occultist said next. A ritual? Now, that's something that interests him. Turning his purpling gaze back to the Lord Kaor, Elyon then nodded his head.
  41. "We can do that. But, I doubt it's a good idea, to be honest." He said and gave a sigh.
  43. "I'd rather we do it with multiple people whom you can trust by your side. I haven't heard much of this Quazla Mabon. But, he spoke of the Sunflower Village - that you attacked?" The man stated, raising an eyebrow. Though, the Kaor Lord would only find hints of curiosity within Elyon's voice.
  44. (Elyon Loreth)
  45. First, one started by claiming an aged and experienced entity as impractical in his methods, and soon after doubted due to a possible lack of understanding of how far the Umbral's power could exceed. It was one matter to question the process as to how, but to deny him of what he knew was, felt insulting.
  46. It shown across his visage-- That, of vile disgust, and before one could even carry out the conclusion of their speech, they were crudely cut off.
  48. "First, you have the audacity to drag one of my own kind before me for the sake of your own pride. -MY- kind... His tone burrowed into the minds of the many, though its malice intended for Rhaziel alone. "--Rather than the many that slaughter those I try so desperately to spare."
  52. A morbid silence consumed at the room. The atmosphere tainted with the riled shadows of the Umbral Kaor, now finding plenty of excused to unveil what he held back for so long.
  53. " . . . And to top it all off, not only do you want to grow off of the damnation of one of my fellow ilk... You, wish to dabble in matters that never concerned you in the first place..."
  55. "I, originally provided you a privilege to live within my domain for fruition in your studies, so long as they supported my own, and you've spat in my face..."
  56. A stood up from his throne, rising in fluid fashion. The fury stained across his visage, without equal in that moment.
  57. "You even disobeyed an order, to take upon new limbs" He picked up from the context; Rhaziel had a prosthetic arm as well... Or did he? He simply presumed...
  59. " I offered you the privilege of my personal aid... And you circumvent that... Why should I allow you to continue breathing in my presence, vermin..."
  61. Elyon's pitch in the matter, did not help the situation in Rhaziel in the slightest... And given more context, one could connect the dots to sink this situation even further. The glare from the Kaor Lord does not sway, expecting an explanation worthy of the Divines for survival.
  64. (Aeron)
  65. Rhaziel closed his eyes, breathing calmly before staring back up at Aeron. "I brought the Yokai here as so you may vassalize it. It spoke with an arrogance that suggested it considered itself superior even to yourself. As I recall, it demanded I inform it of the whereabouts of the other Kaors. That is to say, it considers itself an equal to yourself." Rhaziel remained entirely calm, suppressing his emotons as he had learned to do overtime. His eyes were cold and empty as they were when he had first met Aeron.
  67. "It also seemed to consider humans food, and was luring a young child, likely no older than six, further into the woods. What do you think New Alteros would do, if they learned of a Yokai near evolving killing a child? It would provoke a desire for action and no matter how powerful you are- numbers are on their side. Even if they can't defeat you, they would try.. Generation, after generation, after generation. You would be busy holding off a force from the south, allowing Dumuzid or Nostvale to take advantage of it, and attempt to take the Citadel- and your life- for themselves."
  69. He idly paced from side to side, carefully as to not limp due to his prosthetic, and after a few moments he stopped and turned towards Aeron, motioning with his hands. "Furthermore, upon the subject of my limbs. A leg slightly too long, or two short, would be more of a problem than simply not having a limb. It would offset my balance, reducing what little mobility I have, thereby further crippling my combat ability. Furthermore, as to why you should allow me to continue breathing.. Because I hate the same people you hate. We share enemies, even if we've no love for eachother. Why would I betray you? So that those I despise may rise to power and take my life next? This is a world of Azraelites, and I despise Azrael. What do you think my fate would be, should I be found out? No affiliation with Nostvale nor New Alteros, coming from Loranthis, looking into sciences that involve twisting and corrupting the body through the means of the soul. If anything, I am an outcast that would be condemned to torture for years, upon years; should I falter. So in short..
  71. I need you, just as you need me. I trust you are no fool; you have but a handful of servants of a higher caliber. New Alteros and Nostvale have dozens, at the least. Last I have heard, Loranthis does not fare better. To take my life, is to rob yourself of a shield." With that, he gave a full bow; not quite kneeling, but holding his left hand behind his back and his right hand across his torso, akin to that of a servant. All throughout it, however, he remained calm and collected.
  72. (Rhaziel Vydres)
  73. Like always as he did in the presence of the Kaor, Elyon stood in silence. His heart leaped for a moment, and he just closed his eyes as to prevent himself from losing it as Aeron displayed his might.
  75. He was also there when the yokai and Rhaziel fought together. If Elyon hadn't been there, he might not have known what might have happened to the child during an occultic clash. Aeron spoke well and wise, that, the man truly understood. The Umbral is the wisest that Elyon met, and so he was careful dealing with him.
  77. When Aeron gave him his mark, that was the beginning of a solid alliance between the two, at least for Elyon. Why Elyon stayed, is something similar that of Rhaziel's. They have common enemies whom they all loathed: New Alteros and Nostvale. Aeron is a very powerful Kaor, and very wise too, and the holy magi knew that the yokai can see a through him. Like always, Elyon will serve Aeron. Aeron knew full too well that Elyon a little doubts the Kaor's powers, yet will assist him if they are to crush and burn Nostvale.
  79. Rhaziel speaks well, however, unlike before - have thoughts of anger and revenge within. The occultist is Elyon's friend, and he actually didn't agree full too well of how he acted infront of the Kaor - perhaps because he didn't experience it for himself, of Aeron's power. But, for now, he stood there in silence, awaiting for Aeron's response.
  81. But, if ever the Kaor decides to slay Rhaziel, then he'll speak his mind, hoping to preserve his friend's life. For now, Elyon needs Rhaziel like he needs Aeron, and logically won't allow one piece of his to fall.
  83. Isn't everyone in this room just using each other, anyway?
  84. (Elyon Loreth)
  85. There was a brief silence after the fact, not a word spoken to interupt the man's speech. He wanted to hear it all... Without bothering to correct any flaws or mistakes until the end. It was all taken in...
  86. Digested...
  87. All in silence... It carried on for seconds... Dragging on to feel like minutes-- All whilst his unwaivering glare sought to break down Rhaziel where he stood. It was a matter of arranging his words in the most tasteful fashion possible, to carefully deliver in such mannerism that didn't further provoke the Umbral Kaor.
  89. They spoke in a fashion that implied, not solely a need for Aeron, but one in the opposing direction. A need for him within Aeron's arsenal-- No, as a crutch against the many forces abroad.
  91. Nostvale.
  92. New Alteros.
  93. Loranthis?
  95. And then, the many factions and villages, such as Sunflower village and Cinder Fall...
  96. "...You're wrong." He answered to it all.
  98. "The moment a creature of such magnitude took place in my presence, it would learn to kneal in reverence for my stature, and its own well-being." He claimed, "As to the livestock dubbed your humanity, I find no value in those whom are not aligned with me nor my allied forces." Then, came the statement...
  100. The implication behind it meant that there was another entity out there, aligned with the Umbral Kaor Lord. It may've explained the rich abundance of daemonic ilk wandering the lands. "So long ago, I nurtured the inhabitants of this land. Protected the spawning pool, and enriched the many spawnlings of the shadows until they could fend for themselves to span the lands of this continent." He explained, finding himself able to connect the dots from a previous encounter... One made in his spare time amongst the past few years.
  102. "Several months ago, I met one of those spawnlings, having evolved into such stature that I couldn't help but honor..." Pause ensued.
  103. "Dumuzid Balaraq... Once, one of the many... Now, one of the few... Aligned with my forces in the east." The claim of such, debunked many thoughts of weakness.
  105. "Without doubt, Nostvale will be crushed... I will consume at their numbers as I had in the past... and I will ascend beyond this... feeble shell." He took a single step forth, the cobblestone shattering at his footfall.
  107. "Your hate makes you strong... But, it also makes you a liability." He explained, "You need me ... To lose you, would only be a mild inconvenience. I've mastered the likes of your capabilities far along in my youth, human..."
  109. Another step in advance, and he loomed closer... Continuing his downcast glare. "My servants are not limited to this land... But to the west... And with my ascension... A far greater quantity will come from the vast reaches of the land... Do not ... Underestimate the power of my kind.... For no matter how many generations of humans or malefic yokai rise against me, I will prevail, and grow." He boasted.
  111. " I embue your kind with gifts... Only to be rewarded with your swords and smiting hexes... That.... That is why... many of you must face Extinction to finally fix your broken race."
  112. (Aeron)
  113. What, the fuck, was he witnessing. The Kaor before him was something out of nightmares and was talking about the same things that would send shivers down even the strongest of people. How was he supposed to respond to this.
  115. The obvious reaction was to not do anything at all, he just slank back a little bit more. He knew there was no escaping but he could try to remain as invisible as possible. He was alive for some reason still and hopefully that reason would continue.
  117. He felt almost drunk however off all that was around him. The raw amount of mana flowing into him as his Neries's crystal had him breathing heavy as he glanced between the Kaor and his two men. Honestly at this moment someone could die and he wouldn't flinch in the slightest. Even the feeling of sickness from the occultic mana was gone, it tasted gross but the sheer amount that he'd never had before was overwhelming.
  119. Yet he still remained silently in the corner wondering what would happen to the other two.
  120. (Animus)
  121. As the Kaor Yokai responded, Rhaziel gave a small frown, although he was quick to change it back to that apathetic, emotionless look. The Kaor, if anything, seemed delusional, and sure of itself. So, he decided to argue back. "If I may.. Dumuzid is untrustworthy, just as all others. To believe all will kneel before you is arrogance. Dumuzid is an Imperfect. The goal of all Yokai? Perfection. To Dumuzid, you are undoubtedly little more than a tool. If any sign that you may lose comes, what do you think your 'loyal' subjects will do? Run to your aid? Some, yes. The majority? They will turn upon you. They will attempt to see you fall, so they may gorge themselves upon your flesh. Dumuzid is no different." He breathed deeply, staring at Aeron once again as he left his bow. "Yes, you are powerful. Yes, it is unlikely any single man, woman, or Yokai could ever face you. But what happens when they realize this? That one cannot defeat you, that two cannot, that three cannot? It is simple logic. Instinct. Lesser Yokai flock together into packs. Why? Because their behind their mindlessness, is instinct, and within that instinct, they understand. They cannot kill their prey alone. They cannot defend themselves from mankind, or other predators. So they come together. While one Lesser Yokai could never face a Greater One.."
  123. He stayed silent for a moment, allowing Aeron to register what he had said, "What of ten? Twenty? Forty? Eighty? It is within the instinct of all creatures, to acknowledge that a single being of immense strength cannot be killed by one, but by many. You are strong. You are ancient. But you are not a thousand."
  125. The blone-haired Occultist stared at Aeron, as his thoughts formulated further words. "What do you think Dumuzid sees within you? Opportunity. You can aid him burn Nostvale, cutting his enemies in half. What then? You would have fulfilled your purpose to him. Do you think he would embrace you as father, and beseech you eat him to grow strong? He has spent years growing, and he may very well be close to perfection. With that in mind, can you honestly say you trust him?"
  127. With his speech continued, Rhaziel deduced he should move further, and further. "As I have said, I see you as a stepping stone to my revenge. If you think for a moment Dumuzid thinks of you differently, then you are not as wise as you declare yourself. I do not underestimate you; it is true, you could easily kill me, and armies in your own right. But it is not a matter of strength. You can kill five hundred, so one thousand attack. You can kill one thousand, so two thousand attack. Stronger Yokai are not numerous. You are a rare breed. Humanity's least trained warriors already hold an advantage over your lesser ilk. Think of how they see it, as well. You are monsters, who want to kill them. They fight for their homes. They hold the numerical advantage when it comes to powerful Magi and warriors. They fight for their religion. Dumuzid has turned his people into slaves. Furthermore.."
  129. Rhaziel took a deep breath, to make up for all the air in his lungs spent speaking up until this point, before finishing. "I agree. A genocide of a majority of my race, your race, and all races is the only method for Eternia to correct its course from obliteration, to some form of survival." He, it seemed, was braver than any normal human. Of course, mentally he was quite strained; all in all, he was making a gamble, with his life to be lost, or kept. In the past, it may have made him more.. Resilient to such worries. In fact, he didn't care much about death then. Now was different. The influence of Depravity upon him had created more than simple emotions- it had created a desire to survive, for reasons beyond simply furthering his research.
  130. (Rhaziel Vydres)
  131. Animus: Wrong summon Renouria
  132. Elyon begged for the survival of his friend; as implicitly as one could in their current predicament. However, through Rhaziel's speech, the grave was only dug deeper-- Further blurring the thought of forgiving one for their antics.
  133. The man spoke of doubt for the Kaor, which extended into a claimed inevitibility of damnation from either the very kind he had bolstered in his years to the humans that sought to purge his existence.
  135. A human... A member of a race that commited a holocaust against his own, was trying to turn him against the very thing he had sworn to protect after seeing the sins of their kind committed against his. This, was no longer an insult...
  136. This, was degradation.
  137. This, was condescending.
  138. This. Was...
  139. "Absolutely infuriating..."
  141. It was one thing to proclaim their intentions and drive in the earlier encounter, but now Rhaziel overstepped, even as Aeron had been provoked through his words prior. It was not merely taunting death, but metaphorically mocking it in the face... To which, the pending response could be felt long before it'd be lashed out.
  143. An ancient that sought as far beyond his kind to meet an angel, was nothing more than a mere stepping stone to this human ? It almost felt hypocritical when taking the fallen Elemental at his feet into account. As if, to finally hammer the final nail into one's coffin, they wrapped it all back to Aeron's previous statement... Speaking up on genocide...
  144. The genocide of...
  145. his race...
  147. The Yokai Race...
  148. One that had been subjugated, genocided, mutiliated, tortured, wrought to nigh extinction and mocked for centuries... And this one, had the audacity to do it all, without the slightest iota of displayed fear.
  149. This, was no longer to be treated as brazen mannerism... But disrespect of the highest degree.
  151. Aeron held his glare... Even after Rhaziel finished...
  152. He didn't open his mouth to speak...
  153. In fact, he didn't even take a step further...
  154. He, had heard enough-- and to what he heard, he answered Rhaziel.
  155. All with fluid motion, arm rising to project an extended palm out for the occultist.
  157. The words that came in place for the opportunity to provide as a saving grace, had only ensured one's spite. The air was stained of a plum taint, deepening in depth throughout the transcendence of lilac.
  159. The coloration abroad was stripped from the encompassing scene, in the form of a spherical construct, collapsing upon the void amidst the Umbral Kaor's open palm. Where essence grew dense, spawned the amethyst of malevolence, applying a siphon for the generated particles of lavender to conjoin upon the manifestation of one's wrath.
  161. Its creation played in tangent with a shrill whine provided as its auditory backdrop-- Soon followed up by the humming saws it emulated in its constant pulsation against the atmosphere, forcing gales to buffet the encompassing area in a constant warning of what was to-come.
  163. This, was all of the answer he needed to get his point across...
  164. (Aeron)
  165. It seemed that Rhaziel's gamble was unsuccessful. Drastically so. It seemed to the blonde occultist, that combat was going to become a fundamental truth. As he had said before, he didn't care much about dying.. In earnest, he was curious. The mystery of death was the only one that he couldn't find any true, substantial answer to. He didn't wish to die, of course, as he still sought out his revenge towards Kuro, and to continue his research.
  167. He glared towards Elyon, expecting that the Holyfire Magi would side with him, as they have spoken of before. He returned that glare Aeron gave. It was unlikely he could win, but in the off chance that he could.. Perhaps then he could prove that what he had said was true.
  169. "Shall I presume you've no patience for words anymore? If that is so, then I am ready. I will not begin this fight, however, even if you deem us humans destroyers."
  171. He did move to the side, however, as to avoid the likely death ray, preparing himself, but not making any move to iniate the combat, as he had stated. He would leave that to Aeron, should he so decide to continue with it. Of course, Rhaziel made a concious effort to observe what the Kaor was doing.. It appeared to him as some form of magic, something he could attempt to replicate later on.
  172. (Rhaziel Vydres)
  173. Animus: <*Backs away as shit goes South*>
  174. Rhaziel's attitude was indeed infuriating. No, beyond infuriating. Even for Elyon who observed the occultic magi for years, found his current attitude in the present to be something . . . unacceptable. However, that was after he changed. The occultic magi is someone that is slowly falling to depravity.
  176. And depravity? Destruction of it, is Elyon's ultimate goal. If Rhaziel ever falls to depravity, then the holy magi wouldn't hesitate to slay Rhaziel himself. For now, he needs to keep this man from falling.
  178. Aeron's aura stabbed the holy magi as if falling down upon ten thousand metal spikes. It hurt . . . terribly, it hurt the magi. However, it was not enough for him to lose his calm. Rhaziel is the calmest person he'd ever met, but now, he's currently the most hot-headed person he knew in the present. A glare was then sent back towards Rhaziel.
  180. "You've disrespected Aeron. You've lost your sense. Losing to what. . . to the fire that we both wield? Losing to the darkness that surrounds you? Revenge? How petty can you be?" He said before turning around and facing Aeron.
  182. "Lord Kaor . . . You know I hold every race in equal regards." He said and remembered Rick. He didn't force nor captured the yokai even after getting attacked. Why? He understood what yokais truly are. However, humans are much much worse. That's why he gave Rick free will to follow him to the Citadel. The holy magi even met a Nethradin of Gorandis, though not knowing that's the red blob's identity, yet spared him with the reason being - the red blob was simply doing its job, to capture people for Loranthis.
  184. "The same as yokais. . . I understand that you feel disrespected because of my friend's attitude. It was an insult, truly, he overstepped his bounds. I also understand that it's not something easily forgiven. However, we have a common enemy right now, and we must all join hands, no matter how big or small." He continued before stepping infront of Rhaziel, as if to protect him from the yokai. Because of Aeron's noxious ambience, Elyon wanted to grab the staff hanging on his back, but decided not to do so as to appear non-threatening.
  186. "Are we really going to do this?" He said, his voice low and calm. Hints not of someone asking for a fight, but hints of concern in his voice could be detected. And so he stood, awaiting for the Umbral's response.
  187. (Elyon Loreth)
  188. Aeron held his stance, glaring upon the Exorcist whom he had marked prior. How was it that they were willing to put theirselves on the line, for an entity that clearly held not the slightest reverence for his being? How did they fathom there would be any forgiveness?
  190. Why? He couldn't come to understand the matter. What drove one to stand in the way of purging a malignant portion of a growing colony, and claim itself benign? These were only put the few of the many questions that badgered the Umbral to no end in the initial moments of this intervention. Far too many for him to consider pausing and providing those before him with the mercy of the passing seconds.
  192. A cognitive bridge was forcibly burrowed into the mind of the Exorcist, not merely to strain under the antipodal of his arcane-- But to trigger what Aeron recalled to be his runic markings marred across one's chest. They sought to sear at one's flesh, and bombard the mind with his tormentous gaess.
  193. "Get. Out. Of the way..." He ordered, no longer badgering himself with allowing one to reside with an iota's worth of will, should he be allowed to ensnare it wholly.
  195. Whether this enthrallment enabled by marking had worked, and Elyon had obliged-- or resistance followed suit to deny one's demands dictated whether the conjuration of the Kaor's wrath had clear shot, or faced two humans instead of one. However, it did not deny the inevitible...
  196. An eruption of psuedolight from midst his palm to roar in a thunderous display down the isle of his throne chamber-- Straight for the stairwell below.
  198. Any debris captured in the telekinetic upheaval was distintigrated in the stream's passage, as was any matter that fell well into the girth of the initial strike-- As intended. Evasion, was entirely up to the likes of the two...
  199. Fight, or Flight-- The third option, was vanquished.
  200. (Aeron)
  201. Rhaziel, grabbing Elyon by the collar, leapt out of the way of the attack; although he was quick to turn and gaze at what it had done. It was.. Interesting. Surely, he would have to look into that one of these days- that is, of course, if he and Elyon survived. Right, they needed to survive the fight with Aeron. Or, he would, if Elyon chose to remain outside of it.
  203. He got up, glaring at Aeron as he grabbed his staff, Micarda. It had proven rather effecient to date. If anything, this battle would be a final honor for the staff he got from those bandits in the woods before..
  205. It was clear to Aeron that the Occultist was intent upon fighting. After all, escape meant running from Aeron and into his minions, and even then.. It meant running into Azraelites, whom he despised as much as he despised Aeron.
  207. His gaze went towards Elyon for a moment, before moving back towards Aeron.
  209. "If I am to lose, as seems most likely, I would request you spare Elyon's life. His goals are far more grand than mine, making his life more important."
  211. With that said, he extending his left hand, to aid the younger Holyfire Magi up, his glance remaining fixed upon Aeron. If there was going to be any attempt to lessen the tension, and end the situation peacefully, it would be by Elyon's hand, without a doubt; Aeron and Rhaziel both seemed bent upon fighting.
  212. (Rhaziel Vydres)
  213. A malignant whisper in the holy magi's mind, terrifying to behold if seen, and under oath Elyon must oblige. Like a beast from the depths of hell, the magi screamed, as a mark on his forehead shone brightly rivaling that even of the morning sun.
  215. He sought not a battle, but a temporary peace. The man aimed to use the Kaor, willing to be used as the Umbral pleased. Images like blur, appeared within his mind, faces of people he cared for - yet not the slightest luxury is he rightful of their love. The world is a twisted place, twisted by humans pursued by their own selfish agendas. Victims of war, turning against the world itself. It reeks of the depraved, more so for the fallen.
  217. Get. Out. Of the way...
  219. The voice echoed in his head, as he grabbed his head in pain. Hearing not what Rhaziel said, the holy magi rose and spoke, his face hidden through hundreds or thousands strands of hair.
  221. "Ah . . . so, this is how it is then." He said as golden flames surrounded him, engulfing with holy fire. He then floated above the ground and stared level at Aeron's eyes. His plan was assist the Umbral with the destruction of Nostvale, and attempt to use Cinderfall to pressure both the Kyros and the Hiranos. Though nigh impossible to achieve, he also planned to destroy Aeron after that. Deep inside, he knew that the Kaor Lord knew of that, and also will destroy him if ever the yokai finds no use of Elyon.
  223. The Umbral also revealed his alliance with Loranthis, and this is an opportunity that must be taken. However, like always, his plan already failed with this. Left with no choice, he raised his staff to defend himself and to fight.
  224. (Elyon Loreth)
  225. From one magi, came the waves of flames-- All borne of his arcane. They swathed him, blanketed him, all in attempt to drown him in their deprived whirlpool. Albeit, surge as they did... Their sear against his the Umbral's bio-armor failed to bubble at the skin with the same marring effect it'd have upon the vulnerable. From within the pyres, the silhuoette of the provoked charged-- Making its beeline for Elyon exclusively.
  227. "YOU WERE BLESSED THROUGH MY MERCY!"Along the way, Rhaziel was found before a reared arm, swatted to the side to bounce off of cobblestoned walling. "BESTOWED WITH -MY- POWER! ENRICHED THROUGH ME!" Flames of a juxtaposing nature forged a cascading wave that sought to consume the Umbral in every right...
  229. The overwhelming size of such manifestation not only blanketed it... But whittled away at the shadow that permeated within its blinding gleam. Soon, rendered to oblivion in a flash of impressive power. A victory?
  230. It came before one had the opportunity to realize what was happening. Five digits encircled one from behind, clutching tightly to take him off-guard, and off the ground.
  233. What was to be expected from one that partook in the endeavor to slay him in their previous encounter?
  234. A heave, and Elyon's animated body was forced to ragdoll into a falling vessel of Rhaziel, pinning them both against the wall in suspension from gravity's grace.
  236. The speed that Aeron demonstrated was nigh flash-point, allowing the image of his being to flutter within arm's reach of the two once more. A hand was extended for each character, clutching them tightly and apart from one another. "I allowed you both the privilege of becoming more, and yet somehow... I'm reminded..." His figure eased off from the ground, no longer subject to gravity's whilms...
  238. "Of what your kind truly is..."He whipped around, soaring for the southward exit of his chamber, sights set on the stairs.
  239. Digits tightened around the bodies of the briefly incapacitated, before plunging them down to bury their heads through the staircase he rapidly descended.
  241. Their vessels, were utilized akin to driving picks, shattering once prestine stairs to cobblestone and debris-- Dust riddled the halls in their descent, and with gaining speed depicted through the mauve miasma flowing from his pores to forge an aura, they in collective become a malignant wave of Aeron's radiance. Until, he abruptly halts...
  242. He fingers loosen... And the two are forced to grind through cobblestone, over the citadel's pool and bounce upon the forgiving grasslands outside the citadel...
  244. Alas, liberation from close quarters... But that only meant a new threat, the environment. From within, Aeron made his approach...
  245. Slow...
  246. Fluid...
  247. Vivid...
  248. (Aeron)
  249. The battle went about as Rhaziel expected. A one-sided slaughter for the most part. Aeron was, without a doubt, formidable; but there was no chance for Rhaziel to escape and keep his life for long, at least. Especially now that he had confronted the Kaor Yokai..
  251. His face bloodied, his body bruised, but yet he refused to surrender or beg for mercy.. He was going to fight this 'til the end, even if that end was death. It was odd, feeling a necessity to fight onwards. Perhaps it was a new sense of chivalry, coming from the emotions forced upon him by that thick presence of depravity.
  253. It was ironic, really. He, who considered morality little more than method of binding oneself from their truest potential, was now fighting for some crude sense of ideals. Change truly was inevitable it seemed. Not as though Rhaziel minded; hypocrisy and morality seemed to go hand in hand. He was no different.
  255. After falling down the stairs, out of the citadel, and onto the grass, Rhaziel groaned.. That was quite unexpected from the bellowing Yokai. He forced himself to stand up however, glaring at Aeron as he prepared himself for another fight. He surrounded himself with that shroud of Shadowflames, glaring at the Yokai. Maybe it was the adrenaline of being within a do-or-die situation, or perhaps his focus upon trying to win, but Rhaziel soon overcame the pain. He looked towards Elyon, assuring he wasn't yet dead. After that was assured, his glance returned to Aeron.
  257. He prepared himself, taking deep breaths and gripping his staff in his right hand tightly. Nothing but trying to defeat Aeron mattered. Not even Kuro. Not even his research. The only task that came close, was attempting to see his loyal friend, Elyon, survive.
  258. (Rhaziel Vydres)
  259. Indeed, Elyon was blessed by Umbral's mercy. He knighted him with his mark. Was bestowed power and yet . . . he stood in Aeron's way. A vermin? Elyon? A vermin?
  261. No. Aeron's completely wrong. This man, wielding flames of light, yet ironically is lower than even the lowest of vermin. The man knew of Aeron's power, and why should he dare to feel his wrath once more? Rhaziel is slowly falling from depravity, and this man won't allow that. Even though Elyon is a trash and will do anything to accomplish his goals, he still has a little bit of human left in him. Depravity as his worst enemy, and it embracing a friend, and him letting it do so - will not only make him the worst vermin as Aeron said, but the worst hypocrite the world has ever know.
  263. And so, not only for his friend will he stand against the Kaor, but also for his personal beliefs and agenda. Indeed, he symphatizes with the Kaor. He really does. Though, he's powerless and weak, and Aeron is a being and an existence literally of darkness and power itself - they're alike.
  265. But, still, yokais and humans are different in a way. Kraus messed up, and let the world become like this. Using free will as an excuse? Or, was it his angels? He didn't know. But, they messed up. Big time they did. To save yokais is to kill them? Ah . . . the Book of Kraus. Mercy, Justice, and Wisdom. What a load of bullshit.
  267. Flash of thoughts crossed his mind as they were thrown out of the Citadel, leaving trails of blood. Elyon then coughed up blood, and Rhaziel will find out that he's at least still breathing.
  269. "I thank you for the blessing that you gave me, Lord Kaor . . . Truly . . . However, I'd still choose to at least die my own way. . . At least deserving that of a trash." He said, and gripped tight his staff once more and prepared for the Kaor's onslaught.
  270. (Elyon Loreth)
  271. Now outside of the enclosed scene, more manueverability was allotted the combatants. No longer was Aeron allowed to keep them closely within the confines of his mastered domain-- But forced to decipher them from the treeline and anything else that moved amongst the wilderness in parallel with their movement.
  273. "Such a nuisance."
  275. Flames came from opposing directions, buffeting one from both sides. From the searing of holy and occult, one was forced to block with risen arms. The shadows were conjured to serve as his spherical aegis against the many blasts, soon arising into a explosive cannonade despite his efforts. The explosions rattled the earth, and the Umbral Kaor could only idle within the mix for so long before his patience had come to an end.
  277. "To think... That the lot of you would have the audacity to betray me. To stand against me... To deny me..." He monologued from within the craft of their collective wrath. From within his aegis, the container swelled with his compiling energies. Soon, brimming full with his malice-- And with the crack of its shell, came combustion.
  279. A flash of light, and the shockwave welling within lashed out at both parties, tossing them abroad and birthing a heaven-piercing stream of vile crimson, gattled with ebonic static encircling it on the rise. From within, one sitting on the fringe of Imperfection levitated, rendered to naught but a blackened shadow of his former self from within the emanations of his pseudo-light.
  281. Telekinetic outbursts from before could hope to match parallels akin to this... From debris to ensnared beasts of the skies forced to fly within the confines of an encircling torrent above.
  283. For your sins against the Neothrinean State... I. Will. ERASE you from the surface of this realm." The pillar was dispersed, albeit his image never rendered back from this inept stature. All that'd follow would be the fluid rise of an arm-- Hand spammed out, and fingers erect.
  284. Particles pried from the atmosphere were drawn to the epicenter of his clutches, gleaming in their growth, from gem to threatening orb.
  286. This, was the power that impressed the fallen angel Lilith over a century ago...
  287. This, was the power that encouraged the Imperfect's invitation...
  288. This, was the power of Seiza's spawn...
  289. The power, of an Umbral.
  291. The generated craft of Aeron had collapsed in on itself, closing into the realm of oblivion with a thunderous clap for the lands nigh and afar. The perception of reality warped around the realm of his fingertips, before violent flashing wrought forth the roar of a manifestation unlike his demonstrations prior.
  292. No longer, was sending forth a wave of such malefic power... But a field's worth, spanning wide-- The very gaping maws of Atmos in the form of raw transmundanic power.
  294. It was intended for far more than one man... But a platoon-- Of many of masses... Overcompensating with his power for the simple sake of spite-- To leave nothing in his wake... All of which, intended for Rhaziel-- The betrayer, expected to have burned the last of his energy in the scuffle near the end.
  295. One could stand in awe to the looming mass... A vast wall of crimson... Shredding at the earth in its coming, gnawing chunks of it from the very ground to scatter it to dissipating dust.
  297. This... Was Execution ...
  298. This... Was the end...
  299. (Aeron)
  300. It was a strange turn of events that lead the centipede to the scene it was witnessing. Kuschoelu followed obediently after Xanathos, the creature it had seemed to pledge itself to, whether it understood the concept of an oath yet or not. All it knew was that it had been spared from death, and been told to follow.
  302. Through the yokai infested jungle it followed, its many legs trailing after another. As they advanced, the occultic signature of kinsmen wafted against his wriggling antannae, like worms. But, it seemed his newly acquired master was not afraid. Though fear was strong within this bug, it couldn't simply run away. It was a coward, but not that kind of coward.
  304. Into the courtyard of the citadel went, and the creature was absolutely baffled. The strongest signature, the most glorious concentration of utter occultic energies it had ever born witness to. It was simply too much for its little wiggly body to handle. Bile flew out of its maw, staining the ground in ichor as he witnessed the Kaor Lord Aeron shoot forth an absolute monstrous amount of unholy mana. Was this the true alpha of the pack it had been forced into?
  305. (Kuschoelu)
  306. Like what Arcelious said. The alliance of both Loranthis and the Citadel, is a force not to be ignored. He felt it firsthand, the might of the Kaor Lord. Failing to convince the Kaor to spare Rhaziel, he then clung to hopeless hope that they would be able to down the Umbral with their combined strength, at least to lessen the load of those who fight for light.
  308. The initial battle inside the Citadel, Elyon realized - how powerful had the Umbral grown. Too powerful to ignore, and finally the man realized how foolish he was. He believed that the Loranthis-Citadel Alliance is a force to be reckoned with, however, he didn't expect for Aeron to grow this strong. Though the Umbral's might is only matched by few, he still underestimated him. This is beyond his capacity of understanding.
  310. Crushed by the sheer might of the Umbral, the occultic-holy pair of magi fell. And so, he witnessed as Aeron gathered darkness and energy he had never seen before, save from the battle of Nerebia.
  312. His eye widened in surprise as Aeron continued to gather energy. He felt deep fear within him as he watched the display of the Umbral's might. However, he's too wounded to even be able to stop such. Even though he's at the peak of his power, he also won't be able to halt it.
  314. It was too late until he realized. The beam was directed towards Rhaziel. Instinctively, he gathered all the magical force remaining within him and leaped towards where the occultic magi is. If he doesn't get any closer, he won't be able to make it in time.
  316. Gathering mana, and manipulating gravity, he then dashed and pushed Rhaziel away from the beam. But, sheer strength is not enough that's why he needed to use magic in the first place. Rhaziel would find himself thrown afar, with Elyon using Push to save him.
  318. And so, this is how Elyon fell. . . not a dust left of his very existence.
  319. (Elyon Loreth)
  320. Fighting a Kaor Yokai went almost as exactly as Rhaziel would have expected. He was beaten senseless, and soon enough he found himself on the mostly dead ground; a result of the magic from all over. He couldn't even hear what Aeron had said as his blurred vision nearly faded again and again. It was simple enough for his mind to know exactly what was occuring: he was falling unconcious.
  322. Them came that beam of sheer, unquestionably superior occult magic. It was, without a doubt, grander than anything he had seen. It was going to be his death. His end. But he welcomed it, so long as Elyon survived. That Magi was his 'friend,' rather than 'associate.' Something especially rare for the world-hating occultist.
  324. But it all seemed to take a drastic turn, one that Rhaziel didn't find distasteful, but.. Unwanted. Hated. His eyes went wide as he saw Elyon move to save his life. He could but watch as Elyon was incinerated into nothingness, while he fell off the cliffside, and into the forest. By then, he had already passed out.
  325. (Rhaziel Vydres)
  326. Each step that was taken rumbled the earth leaving an imprint behind while the beast continued to march behind the small insect and Mega Yokai, they were leading him to something, flashing lights and the greatest sense of depravity that had ever been felt. Truly it almost made the Mountainous creature of over fifteen feet start to move quicker to try and catch a glimpse of what might be happening.
  328. Having one arm it was not in any mood to fight, but upon scaling the walls just as the others were doing to stay ahead of him they came into a courtyard of sorts. The area seemed to be full of life, well, or was. No matter what might be exploding before them it was clear that there was a large Kaor Lord that stood with immense power, feeling the depravity forced him to take notice and stare in awe.
  330. The Terrus had wished for the immense power that seemed to be coursing through the Kaor, just being in its presence brought the occult Miasma within itself to a new peak. The urge for power burned within its heart, wanting to rise above the mortal beings and take steps to never again look as it did now. The dark scorch marks that littered its entire body seemed to have remained ever since the battle, along with a few drops of dark purple blood oozing from the missing arm that was easily noticeable.
  331. (Xanthous)
  332. [21:10:24] The Kaor Lord had absolutely obliterated the area, his prey turned to nothing. It was a horrendous amount of power it had witnessed, but one that was incredibly enticing. The centipede inched its way from its mega master and towards the scorched earth, the wafting signature of occult mana tickling its antannae.
  334. As odd as it seemed, this insect had a test for anything occult. As such, it began to dig into the very earth, slowly eating the soil which had previously rested upon it grass and a man. Its pincers dug and drew the subject of its hunger into is mouth, swallowing dirt mouthful after mouthful.
  335. (Kuschoelu)
  336. [21:19:47] He'd watched a man die.
  338. The first time he'd seen anything he considered to be 'thinking' die, though he had killed that one Giga. This was entirely something else for him though! A man, a person just like him was dead and it'd happened right in front of his face. The terrifying strength of Aeron now something visible to him as through sheer strength he had decimated the two powerful mages. If it hadn't been for the way one sacrificed himself for the other they likely would've both died in that encounter.
  340. Whatever foul power Aeron possessed it was layed bare here. A torrent of energy so strong and large that it rips up the area and sends him to his knees, quaking in fear and awe. He'd never seen such power and had only read about the great feats of powerful mages in story books his mother had, usually about Neries from Nerebia. There was something about seeing it in person though that utterly changed his view of it.
  342. What had once been admiration and child-like wonder was now something else. A reverence and... Desire. He had always hoped to just get good at his job as a smith and help his family. What he wanted now was power, and sheer terrifying might like what Aeron possessed. He wanted to be one of those mages you hear of in stories and one who was passed down in legend.
  344. He still couldn't escape here, but for some reason that was more alright. Maybe he could learn from Aeron's power?
  345. (Animus)
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