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Apr 1st, 2020
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  1. #
  2. # The following variables can be used in most messages that involve a punishment:
  3. #
  4. # Punishment specific variables
  5. # $id - The ID of the punishment in the database.
  6. # $type - Type of punishment - ban, mute, warn, kick.
  7. # $reason - the reason for the punishment
  8. # $executor - the moderator's name, or their display name (/nick) if this is enabled in the configuration
  9. # $executorUUID - the moderator's UUID
  10. # $permanent - whether this punishment is permanent
  11. # $ipban - whether this is an IP-ban
  12. # $silent - whether this punishment was executed silently (-s)
  13. # $active - whether this punishment is active
  14. #
  15. # Punished player specific variables
  16. # $playerDisplayName - player display name. If display names are not enabled in the configuration or if the player's display name is not available in the message's context, the player's regular name will be used instead.
  17. # $playerName - player name, only available in certain contexts
  18. # $playerUUID - UUID of punished player
  19. # $playerIP - IP of punished player
  20. # $geoip - Country of affected player, requires GeoIP to be enabled in the configuration, won't work with imported bans
  21. #
  22. # Servers
  23. # These variables represent a server.
  24. # If the plugin is installed on Spigot, a server is represented by the "server_name" option in config.yml.
  25. # If the plugin is installed on BungeeCord, a server is represented by their name in the "servers" section in the proxy's config.yml.
  26. # $serverScope - the scope of the punishment (the server(s) it will affect)
  27. # $serverOrigin - the origin of the punishment (the server/subserver it was placed on)
  28. #
  29. # Dates
  30. # Example format: "2017-02-03", depends on time_format
  31. # $dateStart - date the punishment was placed
  32. # $dateEnd - date the punishment will expire, "forever" if permanent
  33. #
  34. # Durations
  35. # Example format: "20 days, 5 hours, 2 minutes". If permanent, "forever", if expired, "expired" (both are configurable).
  36. # $duration - time until expiry
  37. # $originalDuration - the full duration of the punishment.
  38. # $timeSince - time since placement
  39. #
  40. # Placeholders
  41. # These variables represent messages in this configuration (messages.yml)
  42. # $base - banned_message_base
  43. # $appealMessage - banned_message_appeal_message
  44. #
  45. # Global variables
  46. # $activeBans, $activeMutes, $activeWarnings - total number of global active punishments
  47. # $totalBans, $totalMutes, $totalWarnings - total number of global punishments (including inactive ones)
  48. #
  49. # Any message can be disabled by setting it to "". Empty messages will not be sent by the plugin.
  50. time_format: yyyy-MM-dd
  51. history_time_format: yyyy-MM-dd
  52. banned_message_base: |-
  53. &7Byl jsi zabanovan ze serveru &9&lVentario&f&l.&9&leu
  54. &8&m-*----------------------------*-
  55. &bZabanoval: &3$executor
  56. &bDuvod: &3$reason
  57. &bVyprsi za: &3$duration
  58. &8&m-*----------------------------*-
  59. &r
  60. $appealMessage
  61. banned_message: |-
  62. &7Byl jsi zabanovan ze serveru &9&lVentario&f&l.&9&leu
  63. &8&m-*----------------------------*-
  64. &bZabanoval: &3$executor
  65. &bDuvod: &3$reason
  66. &bVyprsi za: &3$duration
  67. &8&m-*----------------------------*-
  68. &r
  69. $appealMessage
  70. banned_message_permanent: |-
  71. &7Byl jsi zabanovan ze serveru &9&lVentario&f&l.&9&leu
  72. &8&m-*----------------------------*-
  73. &bZabanoval: &3$executor
  74. &bDuvodem: &3$reason
  75. &bVyprsi za: &3$duration
  76. &8&m-*----------------------------*-
  77. &r
  78. $appealMessage
  79. banned_message_appeal_message: '&b&lUnban : &3&'
  80. banned_message_geoip_blacklist: ''
  81. default_ban_reason: Bezduvodne
  82. default_mute_reason: Bezduvodne
  83. permission_error: '&cNemas opravneni na tento prikaz!'
  84. muted: '&cJste umlcen na ($duration remaining)!'
  85. muted_permanent: '&cJste trvale umlcen!'
  86. notify:
  87. banned_player_join: '&b$player &9se zkousi pripojit pres ban na &8[$duration&8]!'
  88. banned_geoip_blacklist: '&c$player&f se pokusil pripojit, ale je na cerne listine
  89. ($geoip)!'
  90. error_no_reason_provided: '&cMusite uvest duvod tohoto trestu!'
  91. error_no_sql_connection: '&cLiteBans neni pripojen k databazi!'
  92. internal_error: '&cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command.'
  93. duration_limit_error: '&cMaximalni povoleny cas: $duration'
  94. warned_join: '&cMate nove varovani:'
  95. warned_join_entry: |-
  96. &4 - Warned by &c$executor&4: &c$reason
  97. &4(&c$timeSince ago&4)
  98. command:
  99. ban:
  100. usage: '&cPouzij: /ban [-s] <hrac [time spec] [duvod]'
  101. unban_usage: '&cPouzij: /unban <hrac>'
  102. example: ''
  103. silent_prefix: '&7[&bS&7] '
  104. broadcast_ban: |-
  105. &f$bannedPlayer &chas been suspended
  106. &8-*------------------*-
  107. &8* &cZabanoval&8: &f$executor
  108. &8* &cDuvodem&8: &f$reason
  109. &8* &cDelka&8: &fNatrvalo
  110. &8-*------------------*-
  111. broadcast_tempban: |-
  112. &f$bannedPlayer &chas been suspended
  113. &8-*------------------*-
  114. &8* &cZabanoval&8: &f$executor
  115. &8* &cDuvodem&8: &f$reason
  116. &8* &cDelka&8: &f$duration
  117. &8-*------------------*-
  118. broadcast_ip_ban: |-
  119. &f$bannedPlayer &chas been suspended
  120. &8-*------------------*-
  121. &8* &cZabanoval&8: &f$executor
  122. &8* &cDuvodem&8: &f$reason
  123. &8* &cDelka&8: &f$duration
  124. &8-*------------------*-
  125. broadcast_temp_ip_ban: |-
  126. &f$bannedPlayer &chas been suspended
  127. &8-*------------------*-
  128. &8* &cZabanoval&8: &f$executor
  129. &8* &cDuvodem&8: &f$reason
  130. &8* &cDelka&8: &f$duration
  131. &8-*------------------*-
  132. broadcast_ip_ban_hidden: '[Hidden IP]'
  133. broadcast_unban: '&d$executor odbanoval $bannedPlayer'
  134. previous_ban_removed: '&3Previous ban for $bannedPlayer removed.'
  135. previous_ban_existing: '&c$bannedPlayer uz ma ban.'
  136. unban_queue: '&6If they try to reconnect, they will be unbanned.'
  137. error_no_spec: '&cNebyla zjistena platna casova frekvence!'
  138. unban_fail: '&cOsoba neni zabanovan!'
  139. exempt: '&cNemuzete to udelat Admin Tymu!'
  140. broadcast_unmute: '&d$executor odmlcel $bannedPlayer'
  141. no_override: '&cHrac je uz zabanovan!'
  142. response: ''
  143. cooldown: '&cYou need to wait $seconds seconds before you can use this command
  144. again.'
  145. mute:
  146. usage: '&cPouzij: /mute [-s] <hrac> [time spec] [duvod]'
  147. unmute_usage: '&cPouzij: /unmute <hrac>'
  148. example: ''
  149. broadcast: |-
  150. &f$mutedPlayer &cbyl umlcen.
  151. &8-*------------------*-
  152. &8* &cUmlcel&8: &f$executor
  153. &8* &cDuvodem&8: &f$reason
  154. &8* &cDelka&8: &fPermanent
  155. &8-*------------------*-
  156. broadcast_tempmute: |-
  157. &f$mutedPlayer &cbyl umlcen.
  158. &8-*------------------*-
  159. &8* &cUmlcel&8: &f$executor
  160. &8* &cDuvodem&8: &f$reason
  161. &8* &cDelka&8: &f$tempDuration
  162. &8-*------------------*-
  163. message: ''
  164. message_permanent: ''
  165. unmute_fail: '&cOsoba neni umlcen!'
  166. previous_mute_removed: ''
  167. previous_mute_existing: '&c$mutedPlayer uz je umlcen!'
  168. exempt: '&cNemuzete to udelat Admin Tymu!'
  169. notification: '&4$mutedPlayer &cse snazi napsat, ale je umlcen!'
  170. error_not_enabled: '&cUmlceni neni v konfiguraci povoleno!'
  171. broadcast_ip_mute: |-
  172. &f$mutedPlayer &cbyl umlcen.
  173. &8-*------------------*-
  174. &8* &cUmlcel&8: &f$executor
  175. &8* &cDuvodem&8: &f$reason
  176. &8* &cDelka&8: &fPermanent
  177. &8-*------------------*-
  178. broadcast_temp_ip_mute: |-
  179. &f$mutedPlayer &cByl umlcen.
  180. &8-*------------------*-
  181. &8* &cUmlcel&8: &f$executor
  182. &8* &cDuvodem&8: &f$reason
  183. &8* &cDelka&8: &f$tempDuration
  184. &8-*------------------*-
  185. no_override: '&cHrac je uz umlcen!'
  186. response: ''
  187. broadcast_unmute: '&a$executor &funmuted &a$bannedPlayer'
  188. warn:
  189. usage: '&cPouzij: /warn [-s] <hrac> [duvod]'
  190. unwarn_usage: '&cPouzij: /unwarn <hrac>'
  191. example: ''
  192. broadcast: '&a$executor &fvaroval &a$warnedPlayer &fza ''&a$reason&f'''
  193. message: |-
  194. &4Byl jste varovan $executor&4 za &c'&4$reason&c'&4.
  195. &4Varovani vyprsi za $duration.
  196. list_entry: ' \- Varoval $executor: ''$reason&f'''
  197. unwarn_response: '&aPosledni varovani bylo smazano $player.'
  198. unwarn_fail: '&cOsoba nema zadne varovani!'
  199. exempt: '&cNemuzete to udelat Admin Tymu!'
  200. cooldown: '&cMusite vydrzet $seconds sekund pred $player dalsim varovanim.'
  201. response: ''
  202. history:
  203. usage: '&c/history <hrac> [entries=10]'
  204. start: '&aHistorie pro $target (Limit: $limit):'
  205. ban_entry: |-
  206. &a -- [&f$timeSince ago&a] --&f
  207. &f $name byl &czabanovan $executor: '&a$reason&f'
  208. mute_entry: |-
  209. &a -- [&f$timeSince ago&a] --&f
  210. &f $name byl &7umlcen $executor: '&a$reason&f'
  211. warn_entry: |-
  212. &a -- [&f$timeSince ago&a] --&f
  213. &f $name byl &6varovan $executor: '&a$reason&f'
  214. kick_entry: |-
  215. &a -- [&f$timeSince ago&a] --&f
  216. &f $name byl &evyhozen $executor: '&a$reason&f'
  217. active_suffix: '&f [&cActive&f]'
  218. active_suffix_temp: |-
  219. &f [&cActive&f]
  220. &fExpires in $duration.
  221. error_no_history: '&cHistorie nebyla nalezena.'
  222. unban_entry: |2-
  224. &f$name byl &7odbanovan $executor.
  225. unmute_entry: |2-
  227. &f$name byl &7odmlcen $executor.
  228. expired_suffix: '&f [&8Expired&f]'
  229. warnings:
  230. usage: '&c/warnings <hrac>'
  231. start: '&aAktivni varovani pro $target:'
  232. prunehistory:
  233. usage: '&c/prunehistory <hrac> [duration]'
  234. message: '&aHistorie byla znicena.'
  235. staffhistory:
  236. usage: '&c/staffhistory <hrac> [entries=10]'
  237. start: '&aHistorie Admin Tymu pro $target (Limit: $limit):'
  238. staffrollback:
  239. usage: '&c/staffrollback <hrac> [duration]'
  240. message: '&aVraceni dokonceno, odstraneni celkovych polozek: $amount'
  241. banlist:
  242. start: '&f=== &aStrana &6$page&a mimo &6$total&f ==='
  243. iphistory:
  244. usage: '&c/iphistory <hrac> [entries=10]'
  245. start: '&aPrihlasovaci historie pro $target (Limit: $limit):'
  246. entry: '&a - [&f$date&a]&f $name&a:&f $ip'
  247. error_no_history: '&cHistorie nebyla nalezena.'
  248. dupeip:
  249. usage: '&c/dupeip <hrac>'
  250. start: '&fSkenovani &7$name&f na &a$ip&f. &f[&aAktivni&f] [&7Neaktivni&f] [&cZabanovan&f]'
  251. separator: '&f, '
  252. online: '&a'
  253. offline: '&7'
  254. banned: '&c'
  255. multiple_addresses: '[$num addresses]'
  256. start_no_ip: '&fSkenovani &7$name&f. &f[&aAktivni&f] [&7Neaktivni&f] [&cZabanovan&f]'
  257. muted: '&6'
  258. ipreport:
  259. start: '&fSkenovani &a$num&f aktivnich hracu.. [&aAktivni&f] [&7Neaktivni&f] [&cZabanovan&f]'
  260. entry: '&f$player&a: $result'
  261. checkban:
  262. usage: '&c/checkban <hrac>'
  263. no_ban: '&cOsoba neni zabanovana!'
  264. banned: |-
  265. &aTarget &f[&a$target&f]&a je zabanovan:
  266. &aBan udelil: $executor
  267. &aDuvod: $reason&a
  268. &aBan od: $dateStart
  269. &aBan do: $dateEnd ($duration)
  270. &aIP ban: $ipban, silent: $silent, permanent: $permanent
  271. lastuuid:
  272. usage: '&c/lastuuid <hrac|IP>'
  273. message: '&fPosledni UUID pro &a$name&f: &a$uuid'
  274. geoip:
  275. usage: '&c/geoip <hrac|IP>'
  276. message: '&a$target&f je z: &a$result'
  277. error_disabled: '&cGeoIP support is not enabled in the configuration!'
  278. error_unavailable: '&cGeoIP support is currently unavailable, has it been downloaded
  279. yet?'
  280. error_not_found: '&cGeoIP information for $target not found.'
  281. lockdown:
  282. usage: '&c/lockdown <duvod> | /lockdown end'
  283. message: '&cServer lockdown activated (reason: "$reason&c")'
  284. stopped: '&aLockdown has been deactivated.'
  285. kick_message: |-
  286. Server lockdown active, try again later.
  287. Reason: $reason
  288. error_not_active: '&cLockdown is not active!'
  289. kick_message_global: |-
  290. Network lockdown active, try again later.
  291. Reason: $reason
  292. kick:
  293. usage: '&c/kick <hrac> [duvod]'
  294. no_match: '&cChyba: &4Hrac nenalezen.'
  295. message: |-
  296. &7Byl jsi kicknut ze serveru &9&lVentario&f&l.&9&leu
  297. &8&m-*----------------------------*-
  298. &bVyhodil: &3$executor
  299. &bDuvod: &3$reason
  300. &8&m-*----------------------------*-
  301. message_no_reason: |-
  302. &7Byl jsi vyhozen ze serveru &9&lVentario&f&l.&9&leu
  303. &8&m-*----------------------------*-
  304. &bVyhodil: &3$executor
  305. &bDuvod: &3Bezduvodne
  306. &8&m-*----------------------------*-
  307. response: ''
  308. broadcast: '&6$player byl vyhozen $executor'
  309. broadcast_no_reason: '&6$player byl vyhozen $executor'
  310. exempt: '&cNemuzete to udelat Admin Tymu!'
  311. kick_requested: '&6Hrac $player neni aktivni na serveru. Cross-server kick has
  312. been requested.'
  313. togglechat:
  314. toggle_off: '&aChat byl vypnut.'
  315. toggle_on: '&aChat byl zapnut.'
  316. clearchat:
  317. broadcast: '&aChat byl smazan $executor.'
  318. mutechat:
  319. response: '&cServer je nyni vypnut!'
  320. broadcast_disabled: '&cServer chat byl vypnut $executor.'
  321. broadcast_enabled: '&aServer chat byl zapnut $executor.'
  322. litebans:
  323. reload_success: '&aLiteBans uspesne restartovan.'
  324. reload_fail_connect: '&aLiteBans restartovan. &cNepodarilo se pripojit k databazi.'
  325. add_history_usage: '&c/litebans addhistory <jmeno> <UUID> <IP>'
  326. add_history: '&aHistorie pridana.'
  327. fix_history: '&aOprava historie tabulky $table...'
  328. fix_history_result: '&aPridan $amount entries.'
  329. import_usage: '&c/litebans import start'
  330. import_start: '&aImporting from $db, this might take a while...'
  331. import_finish: '&aImport finished successfully. $bans bans imported, $ipbans IP-bans.'
  332. import_finish_litebans: '&aImport finished successfully. Added $amount entries
  333. to the database.'
  334. import_fail: '&cImport se nezdaril. Podivej se do Konzole.'
  335. import_unsupported: '&cImporting from ''$name'' is not supported yet!'
  336. sqlexec_success: '&aSQL dotaz uspesne proveden.'
  337. sqlexec_failure: '&cNepodarilo se spustit.'
  338. reload_fail: '&cRestartovani selhalo.'
  339. reload_fail_config: |-
  340. &c[LiteBans] &4config.yml is not valid and could not be loaded, the default configuration will be used.
  341. &cPlease check the server console for more information.
  342. reload_fail_messages: |-
  343. &c[LiteBans] &4messages.yml is not valid and could not be loaded, default messages will be used.
  344. &cPlease check the server console for more information.
  345. fix_history_offline_uuids: '&c$amount UUIDs were not fetched from Mojang since
  346. they are offline-mode UUIDs.'
  347. checkmute:
  348. usage: '&c/checkmute <hrac'
  349. no_mute: '&cOsoba neni umlcena!'
  350. muted: |-
  351. &aOsoba &f[&a$target&f]&a je umlcena:
  352. &aUmlcel: $executor
  353. &aDuvod: $reason&r
  354. &aUmlcen od: $dateStart
  355. &aUmlcen do: $dateEnd ($duration)
  356. &aMuted on server &6$serverOrigin&a, server scope: &6$serverScope
  357. &aIP umlceni: $ipban, silent: $silent, permanent: $permanent
  358. duration:
  359. expired: vyprsi
  360. forever: navzdy
  361. year: year
  362. years: years
  363. month: month
  364. months: months
  365. week: week
  366. weeks: weeks
  367. day: day
  368. days: days
  369. hour: hour
  370. hours: hours
  371. minute: minute
  372. minutes: minutes
  373. second: second
  374. seconds: seconds
  375. format: '%d %s'
  376. separator: ', '
  377. error_no_uuid_found: '&cHrac neexistuje.'
  378. strings:
  379. global: global
  380. 'null': undefined
  381. 'true': 'true'
  382. 'false': 'false'
  383. bungee_switch_banned: |-
  384. &cYou are banned on $serverScope! Reason:
  385. $reason
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