
crDroidAndroid Changelog - 20200113

Jan 13th, 2020
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  1. ====================
  2. 01-13-2020
  3. ====================
  6. * frameworks/base/
  7. cc13ad9 Bring back music ticker
  8. 5ca95f3 Status bar notification ticker [1/2]
  10. * packages/apps/Dialer/
  11. 691c7ac Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0
  13. * packages/apps/crDroidSettings/
  14. 0cd62fc Status bar notification ticker [2/2]
  15. 6769696 New Crowdin translations (#507)
  17. * system/core/
  18. dd0e98c Special tombstone delivery
  19. c8c52e0 LockscreenCharging: squashed (2/3)
  21. * vendor/crDroidOTA/
  22. f1225f7 update op6/t
  23. 1b8eb12 rolex: 01/13/2020 update
  25. ====================
  26. 01-12-2020
  27. ====================
  30. * frameworks/base/
  31. 7bcd35c FODCircleView: Patch partial wakelock issues
  32. f4d83af FODCircleView: Add partial wakelock on aod
  33. 2b0bae3 FODCircleView: AOD content should move only in Y
  34. 0b9a8e4 Add Comfortaa font [1/2]
  36. * packages/apps/Settings/
  37. deb4668 Settings: Display: font size in 5% steps from 80% to 130%
  38. becc553 Settings: fix hardcoded black text in storage summary
  39. b34ba96 Fix ViLTE is not available when WiFi Calling is disabled
  40. d92710d Settings: google dont be such an a..hole doing app themes
  41. 1023fae SearchBar: Add avatar to search bar
  43. * packages/apps/crDroidSettings/
  44. d801c7a New Crowdin translations (#506)
  45. f9c7d2c crdroid: Fix search indexable import
  46. 0a3ea55 crdroid: More strings for HAFR
  47. e31d432 Disable Notifications vibration [2/2]
  48. 7f9c6a9 Add ability to permanently hide apps from recents [2/2]
  49. b0d23e6 Settings: [2/2] Implement cutout force full screen
  51. * vendor/addons/
  52. 891cf34 Add Comfortaa font [2/2]
  54. * vendor/crDroidOTA/
  55. 1ff4e0c cheeseburger/dumpling: Changelog skip a line at beginning
  56. d830e46 cheeseburger/dumpling: Fix changelog style
  57. 85fca72 cheeseburger/dumpling: Add individual changelogs till fixed
  58. ff25529 cheeseburger/dumpling: Update
  59. 9cb7cb4 mido:13/1/2020
  60. 0c3ffa3 mido:13/1/2020
  61. 7b11bb3 lavender : update to 12th January
  62. 32f2ec0 beryllium: update to build 20200112
  63. b6f1ab6 guacamole: update to build 20200112
  64. 36ee164 hlte*: 12/01/2020 Update
  65. 5f4260a rolex: 01/12/2020 update
  67. ====================
  68. 01-11-2020
  69. ====================
  71. * android/
  72. 959f64b Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0
  74. * build/make/
  75. fe1aa15 build: Add to system props
  76. f4147da build: Add ro.crdroid.device
  77. c87b445 build: Remove comment for abilist in build.prop
  78. 230023b build: Don't fail when trying to run 'export' cmd
  79. 5c329dd envsetup: Automatically set CCACHE_EXEC to the system's ccache
  80. cbe1b41 build: Only set the default verity key as a fallback
  81. b969820 Use 'release-keys' for build tag
  82. 78be8e3 libart: Turn off jit profiles and just use speed
  83. 3e5bde9 build: execute changelog generator script
  84. 4ec5a41 build: Add ANSI name and build info
  85. 45d6433 build: Disable adding compatibility archive on treble builds
  86. 3c68a4e build: Rename OTA package and make build id simple
  88. * build/soong/
  89. 5f04e6b Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0
  91. * frameworks/base/
  92. a41a84a fwb: [1/2] Implement cutout force full screen
  93. a6842c1 Disable Notifications vibration [1/2]
  94. 47bda64 fwb: Add ability to permanently hide apps from recents [1/2]
  95. f0cfad8 New Crowdin translations (#334)
  96. 002ff4e Update Crowdin configuration file
  97. 2ad075b AccountManagerService: Fix ConnectionRecord Leak
  98. e245a21 Ambient Music Ticker - Allow to pulse on new tracks [1/2]
  99. 789d72c ChooserActivity: remove ugly separator
  100. 1c3b0b9 FingerprintManager: return "Try again" by default
  101. cabbdb8 Use Emergency Affordance toggle for Emergency Dialer Action as well
  102. 37d0d432f Add toggle for charging animation [1/2]
  103. 043b7f6 SystemUI: Animate the keyguard when charging
  104. bd4e713 Add mechanism to improve consistancy of notification
  105. 1447f5d Consolidate ActivityStack#finishCurrentActivityLocked checking
  106. 7a26d18 Fix to handle duplicate call id for conference call
  107. 0dbdf09 Resolve NumberPicker display abnormal issue.
  108. 722c0e1 Lockscreen charging info: show decimal in battery temperature
  109. 077bfec Update wifi interface ip state upon receiving ap disable event
  110. 9560742 Always use a positive value for timestamp
  111. 5d7d294 hwui: Avoid fake high input latency while vsync drifting
  112. 0e3dafa base: Handle NPE for ContentObserver
  113. 89381c5 Add toggle to hide lock icon on lockscreen [1/2]
  114. 2746a52 BatteryMeterView: More robust for showing estimate
  115. 3f22edb PowerMenu: Only tint items once
  116. 47e939c Incall vibration options [1/3]
  117. 5061cbf Add Flashlight blink on incoming calls [1/3]
  118. eaa3245 Add toggle to display battery in quick status bar [1/2]
  119. 85f7c85 Add option to select VoLTE icon [1/2]
  120. 3459f77 Separate battery estimate from percent for QS [1/2]
  121. 0d95086 Add toggle to completely hide status bar on lockscreen [1/2]
  122. 22eee09 ScreenRecord: Add config to enable it
  123. f92157e RecordingService: Use existing recording icon
  124. c9c9772 RecordingService: Use IMPORTANCE_LOW notification channel
  125. b757165 SystemUI: Add ScreenRecord Tile
  126. e2f001e ScreenshotTile: Make default state inactive
  127. 96372da Optional screenshot type [1/2]
  128. 5f7f5c7 Add delay for partial screenshot on long press
  129. 1265eb5 Add power menu option for screen record [1/3]
  130. 371f8d3 ScreenRec: fix possible SystemUI FC when stopping
  131. 68276aa Screenrecord: remember last recording options
  132. d0ac2b9 SystemUI: ScreenRec: Redesign the dialog
  133. 0722d9f Screenrecord: exclude dialog from Recents
  134. a42acf0 Screenrecord: start delayed
  135. 81a7bd8 Screenrecord: fix FC when using custom dpi values
  136. 5626ce3 Screenrec: use HEVC H.265 codec, add low quality option, fixes
  137. e8a4788 Screenrec: allow to show a blinking red stop dot
  138. 84bef31 Screenrecord: Change save location and make sure dirs exist
  139. 772f69e Add hexagon and cylinder icon shape overlays
  140. 7c1971d Restore light font styling of AOSP
  141. 1888a16 Add new font config to font overlays
  142. f993a95 Add regular / light font config
  143. f8bff5a Update default config for headline fonts
  144. 4b25f2e Update Google Sans font style [1/2]
  145. 6ea9279 Add Google Sans and Comic Sans font styles [1/2]
  146. 05cb309 Add semi bold font alias for custom fonts
  147. a9351bd Wire up default fonts with font engine
  148. 926f69b Add OnePlus Slate and SamsungOne font styles [1/2]
  149. e7714d8 Add our favourite fonts in AOSP FontEngine [2/2]
  150. 17eff55 Aggressive Battery: fix auto enable on battery saver
  151. 55e76c7 core: Implement Aggressive Battery [1/2]
  152. d04d41e SystemUI: Allow changing duration of ambient edge light [1/2]
  153. fd21cf9 base: Allow themes switching to drawable for qs icons
  154. 84ea181 Add Restart SystemUI button on Advanced Restart Menu (1/2)
  155. 0b94940 Hide power menu on secure lockscreen - improvements
  156. 8bc4e70 Hide power menu on secure lockscreen [1/2]
  157. acd1385 base: Allow to use old style icons as default [1/2]
  158. 4545e3bc Notify listeners when toggling old mobile type settings
  159. 8d1e308 StatusBarMobileView: Clean up
  160. cf68128 SystemUI: bring back old style mobile data indicators [1/2]
  161. e37a635 SystemUI: keyguard show charging watt
  162. 232210e DNM: HAX: Allow third party apps to access identifiers
  163. 6641baf PebbleBerry: Add new dark styles
  164. 83a9cf8 fwb: Conditionally set scaled brightness
  165. 1eeb0b1 core: Add camera intents for camera state [1/2]
  166. 9a534c1 Permissions: allow to grant permissions to more apps on dirty flash
  167. 5c8735f Add missing SET_WALLPAPER_COMPONENT permission to prebuilt wp picker
  168. 0531031 Grant BIND_WALLPAPER permission to prebuilt wp picker
  169. e06d1da Grant Wellbeing the SUSPEND_APPS perm if already declared
  170. 9dfccee QS columns/rows: fix rows not refreshing on setting change
  171. 0161372 base: Add bool to enable/disable doze by default
  172. 3f64bf1 Allow tuning ambient display with sensors [1/3]
  173. 9ff1698 DataSwitchTile: collapse notification panel onClick
  174. b52236e Allow to set QS panel columns and rows [1/2]
  175. ce6567a Fix notification guts layout for force close button
  176. f5c5f1a Allow disabling of FC dialogs [1/2]
  177. 9bfbfe8 Add kill button to notification guts [1/2]
  178. 1674b45 Ambient Pulse: Use TunerAPI
  179. e12728c SystemUI: Fix ambient pulse notification layout
  180. d1b7f95 base: Add ambient pulse notification [1/2]
  181. 2401db7 base: Add Solid battery style from PA [1/2]
  182. f354425 base: Add refresh rate setting [1/2]
  183. 0610732 overlays: Add back IconShapeSquareOverlay
  184. 0792363 overlays: Remove accent overlays
  185. 4366718 core: Add support for MicroG
  186. 37aa6ae base: Introduce DataSwitchTile
  187. 1009f36 Allow to suppress notifications sound/vibration if screen is On [1/2]
  188. 2772ad9 Add toggle for emergency affordance in power menu [1/2]
  189. 0c9b888 Battery light: 100% charged level (1/3)
  190. 100f112 Less boring heads up option [1/2]
  191. c3861c0 ThemedMeterDrawable: Fix system crash on theme change
  192. 872025e fingerprint: notify client when cancelling succeeded
  193. 01820b8 PebbleBerry: Rewrite UIMode tile
  194. 071a6a3 PebbleBerry: Remove dark theme packages
  195. dc00275 CarrierConfigManager: enable LTE+ icon by default
  196. 914853e Bring back Gaming mode [1/3]
  197. f03e7a9 Add SystemSetting class analogous to SecureSetting
  198. de626c2 Use API function for three finger screenshot
  199. 4c86d6f base: SwipeToScreenshot: Import MIUI implementation
  200. 4f4ae55 base: Improvements for swipe to screenshot
  201. 12bb32c base: Add three-fingers-swipe to screenshot [1/2]
  202. fd8478cb Quick settings: Add Haptic Feedback to tiles [1/2]
  203. 8fe732f GlobalActionsDialog: Fix corner cases of NPE
  204. aabd203 VolumeDialogImpl: Apply settings properly
  205. 1426d3a Volume dialog timeout (1/2)
  206. 41dd884 Extended audio panel - fixes for unlinked notifications
  207. 964189e Extended audio panel [1/2]
  208. c4d8caa LocationTile: Rotate location modes and fixes for handleClick
  209. 74e2474 SoundTile: Make default state inactive
  210. b4d22ee RebootTile: Make default state inactive
  211. e4e8dad Extend reboot tile to add power off
  212. 3a30472 RebootTile: Fix gradient message display for reboot to recovery
  213. 9db189b Add Reboot/Recovery QS Tile
  214. 8e3db94 QS: Add Sound tile to Quick Settings
  215. adc3370 Disable long click for SoundSearch tile
  216. 1d3473f SoundSearchTile: Make default state inactive
  217. ac99ae2 Add Google Sound Search tile
  218. b68cc29 Remove call to expand QS panel while pressing the Airplane QS tile
  219. 8b885c5 Ask pin when tapping Airplane tiles on secure lockscreen
  220. 5c06d9c Disable long click for AOD tile
  221. d1b829f Add Always On Display QS Tile
  222. 6761631 MusicTile: Make tile state inactive if not playing music
  223. 458e80d MusicTile: Clean up redundant code
  224. 297d10c Add Music QS Tile
  225. e43b5c4 Disable long click for Caffeine tile
  226. ad6a245 Disable long click for Compass tile
  227. 0eb192d CompassTile: Add a device supports compass check
  228. 5b9ef5a CompassTile: Do not use slashed icon
  229. a9a0e6e CompassTile: Set default state inactive
  230. 47bbc4c Add Compass tile
  231. 653dc25 Disable long click for HW keys tile
  232. 56f0dbe Add HW Keys QS tile
  233. 0e59f09 Disable long click for CPU Info tile
  234. f57d758 QS: Add CPUInfo toggle tile
  235. 7f7de5f QS: Add partial/full screenshot QS tile
  236. 6462674a Clean up API for screenshot type
  237. 7711625 core: Add api to take screenshots
  238. 13c5296 Fix long click intent for Smart Pixels tile [1/2]
  239. c05280c Smart Pixels: Dynamically register receiver
  240. 3549064 SmartPixels: Add config to enable smartpixels support
  241. 5434f40 Add smart pixels [1/2]
  242. 0b71434 Fix Photosphere/Camera FCs
  243. 952eb7b Keyguard: add binary custom clock face
  244. f093e34e media: Define MPEG-H Encoder Format
  245. 9257e3f audio: add support for extended formats
  246. bdf8595 Camera: Ignore torch status update for aux or compsite camera
  247. 4a004ef Camera: Skip stream size check for whitelisted apps..
  248. f8dcf57 camera: Skip HFR checks for privileged apps.
  249. c6ed274 Camera: Clearing exception for Extended Face
  250. cfd9783 Camera: Extend face detection
  251. 0638166 Fingerprint error vibration [1/2]
  252. 893ca88 Pocket lock improvements
  253. 65c7fe7 pocket: Fix pocket lock view for display cutouts
  254. 68e2c6e pocket: Adjust sleep timeout for pocket lock view to 10 secs
  255. dbc6c0b pocket: introduce pocket bridge
  256. 2ea978c PocketService: Adjust light sensor rate to 400ms
  257. d9cffa7 pocket: Add hardware acceleration and properly maintain SYSTEM_UI flags
  258. 18bae71 policy: introduce pocket lock
  259. aaa99d0 pocket: introduce pocket judge
  260. 1fca9eb SystemUI: Add case to quick pull down status bar anywhere
  261. 3a7166d Separate double tap to sleep on lockscreen [1/2]
  262. 785d848 Fix some crashes with lockscreen album art filter
  263. 11a6db2 Add Lockscreen album art filter [1/2]
  264. b6d7e39 base: Live Volume Steps [1/2]
  265. 40ed4d3 Add battery styles and customizations for Android 10 [1/2]
  266. 5ecc666 base: media_seekbar: make it sexy
  267. 5c1bf07 Add ability to toggle bluetooth battery level [1/2]
  268. 193d264 Only show bluetooth icon when connected && enabled
  269. 473c226 SystemUI: Change bluetooth battery level icon drawables
  270. d872e8d SystemUI: Add more bluetooth device filters
  271. d9be804 SystemUI: Improvements for bluetooth battery levels
  272. 01553ec power: Disable keyboard/button lights while dozing/dreaming
  273. bf8240b Disable tuner pref for battery
  274. f76e4b2 SystemUI: restart timeout causes black screen
  275. 06141de Lockscreen Visualizer: Add pulse magic
  276. 4962817 FlashlightController: Disable sending intent
  277. 5b15e0b Fix layout gravity for status bar right clock
  278. b321bc9 telephony: Conditionally ignore RSSNR signal level
  279. ff9a12c SystemUI: Improve QS detail view layout
  280. c1a2ab3 PebbleBerry: Support initial dark themes
  281. 008a370 base: themes: dont use colorPrimary for active qs
  282. 3273fb0 SystemUI: Update automatic brightness drawables
  283. 408aff8 Camera: Expose Aux camera to apps present in the whitelist
  284. dfac448 PebbleBerry: Remove accent picker
  285. 2f144b9 base: Update path to camera_click ogg
  286. 2f882c4 PebbleBerry: Allow switching accents and light dark themes in better way
  287. 94a5c62 PebbleBerry: Don't show system overlays on apps list
  288. 3260bac BurnInProtection: Fix null object reference with timer
  289. 9b5bf33 Keyguard: Actually kill the Fancy Colon
  290. a6e3a21 base: SystemUI: reduce padding between clock and notification area
  291. 47097f4 SystemUI: Implement burn-in protection for status/navbar
  292. 3447723 SystemUI: assist: disable old Assistant animations
  293. 75b8e55 Add button to AppErrorDialog to upload crash information to dogbin
  294. 42afe94 SystemUI: Hide back icon when screen pinned and gestural mode enabled
  295. 3081e97 ScreenPinningRequest: Fix recents button not appearing
  296. 87306b2 SystemUI: Add method for getting estimated battery time
  297. 101bc25 SystemUI: Remove build version from qs footer
  298. 6bdab08 SystemUI: Fix flickering issue when live wallpaper is showing on aod/pulsing
  299. 1d263bb Use new gradient dialog also for recovery/factory reset action
  300. 9f6641c AppStandbyController: Only check user standby setting
  301. bca9115 Conditionally disable uncrypt for ota
  302. b67601e Shell: Don't show bugreport on DocumentsUI
  303. d60e402 SystemUI: Fix statusbar padding and layout for system icons
  304. 95a46bc Update rounded corner radius path for Android 10
  305. ef82d6a ScreenDecorations: Clean up tuner API
  306. 63c0797 Allow tuning extra padding for status bar
  307. f98c8cf Rounded Corner: Code improvement and clean up
  308. 551b1c8 Custom Rounded Corner and Padding preferences [1/2]
  309. 11e1d99 base: Remove round corner padding from statusbar
  310. a2dbf38 framework: Port IME selector notification toggle (2/2)
  311. 7f48d25 fb: add back all keyboard IME features back (1/2)
  312. b44c5f2 SystemUI: Allow overlaying max system icons
  313. 54a35e0 ambient display: Fix volume key music control
  314. a6a9b39 CPUInfoService: Improvements and fixes
  315. 09eeb27 SystemUI: add CPU info overlay
  316. cc12be0 BatteryBar [1/2]
  317. b9e2f39 Fix status bar for network traffic icon holder
  318. 73ab4a0 Toast icon switch [1/2]
  319. 072479c Fix: No text in toast for RTL layout
  320. 859e0c1 Show icon of package associated with Toast
  321. d3974d3 AbsListView: Fix widget couldn't find any view fc
  322. 1d6a18d Return: Listanimation Views and Interpolator [1/2]
  323. 53ce376 Allow toggling animations off [1/2]
  324. 76b2fe1 Add interpolators to qs tiles animation [1/2]
  325. c1048db Add animations to quick settings tiles [1/2]
  326. c30ae94 Add option to disable scrolling cache [1/2]
  327. a5e80e4 AppTransitions: Remove hackery for controls duration
  328. 9adeb4a FW_Base - XuiMod: Toast Animations [1/2]
  329. 02db78a Add Ethans animations
  330. d7ffa46 AOKP custom system animations (1/2)
  331. b1483df ScreenshotSound: Fix playing screenshot's sound when camera's sounds off.
  332. 3ddfb3b Disable/Enable screenshot sound [1/2]
  333. 440e0a9 Add colors to assistant animation
  334. 752eac3 Add option to select brightness slider positon [2/3]
  335. bb6c080 QS tile titles visibility [1/2]
  336. 2441ace Statusbar: Fix Tunerservice usage
  337. d854f80 Keyguard: Fix scramble PIN view for multiple users
  338. 9520108 Keyguard: Hide check button when using PIN quick unlock
  339. 3f4d419 Disable PIN entry after successful quick unlock
  340. 2dc7624 Keyguard: Forward port lockscreen quick unlock (1/2)
  341. cd66de5 Fingerprint authentication vibration [1/2]
  342. 725ce39 Network traffic mode for status bar [2/3]
  343. b1344de ViewGroup: Remove child parent when a new view is added
  344. 4f45584 Do not apply date customization to QS clock [1/2]
  345. d3a042b Add option to auto hide status-bar clock [1/2]
  346. 8a0a396 Statusbar clock customizations [1/2]
  347. 5f4d0f9 Add separate tunable for clock seconds
  348. ad17f76 CollapsedStatusbar: Fix phantom spaces in status bar
  349. 5db17c5 Allow using position tunable to hide clock
  350. 2fe54ce Use alphaoptimized layout for icons on left
  351. 0712aa8 Use same NFC icon as that in QS tile
  352. ad9cd7e SystemUI: Update NFC tile drawable
  353. 3c3a8de SystemUI: Update default set of tiles
  354. 1318dfa SystemUI: Add nfc tile to default list
  355. acda1f3 SystemUI: Add statusbar NFC icon
  356. 6785198 Add tunables for navbar layout customization [1/2]
  357. 4fe7ff1 Add toggle to disable HW keys [1/2]
  358. 21d7c8b Use FORCE_SHOW_NAVBAR to actually toggle navbar
  359. 1278816 base: Add accidental touch prevention for assist key
  360. 455f6c8 base: Introduce Accidental Touch
  361. f9d8736 base: Introduce new navigation bar key event source
  362. 0e70179 Allow overriding default volume dialog position
  363. 6afcb1a VolumeDialogImpl: Use TunerService properly
  364. 1698416 SystemUI: Add Profiles tile
  365. 63a5566 BatteryService: Add Warp charging support
  366. 8362feb BatteryService: add dash charging support
  367. cff4b67 LockscreenCharging: squashed (1/3)
  368. 51785fe Option to Display Data Disabled Indicator Icon [1/2]
  369. 354c5b8 Allow using 4G icon instead LTE [1/2]
  370. d4955eb Make roaming indicator optional [1/2]
  371. 16f901b Ability to toggle VoLTE icon in statusbar [1/2]
  372. 10b97d0 base: Add stub files
  373. 5868b5b Add customizable action for back long press button [2/3]
  374. 8ddaa66 Add device key action to kill app [2/3]
  375. 4a01617 TypeClockController: Make it compile with new plugin API
  376. 5bf60b3 Revert "Drop Type clock face."
  377. 044f4b3 Revert "Drop final remnants of Type clock face"
  378. f98115d SystemUI: Don't dismiss keyguard if user key isn't unlocked
  379. a524628 SystemUI: Dismiss keyguard on boot if disabled by current profile
  380. e0d20d7 SystemUI: Add visualizer feature
  381. fdd7258 Camera button support
  382. 1409e5d power: Re-introduce custom charging sounds
  383. 324caf0 Disable More Debugging
  384. e26301a Reset permission when network becomes default again.
  385. 23c1421 MediaCodec: Release lock before calling onFrameRendered()
  386. 8972f1f WindowManager: Fix "Clear All" recent app screen loop bug
  387. cf248bd Fix SystemUI crash
  388. 1a90d92 base: call log limit 500=>5000
  389. 678dd12 Select the proper request list size
  390. 75934b5 base: Grant storage permission to ThemePicker
  391. 398345c Fix Google dialer FC due to missing permissions
  392. d3830b1 Allow chromium to sign in
  393. c3fd8cd Fix Google Calendar FC
  394. ccf73c6 Fix permissons for ContactsProvider2
  395. cfdd5fb Fix Fi permissions
  396. 987e58c Fix Android 7.0 GApps permisions which were causing F/C
  397. dc7dd08 Wallpaper is half black after rotating quickly
  398. c2b22cd null check before accessing getCurrentScore()
  399. 72a7956 Reduce log verbosity: Don't spam logcat
  400. 54904f2 SettingsProvider: Add missing INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission
  401. 48d9122 Camera: Don't throw exceptions when value pairs have spaces in them
  402. 0af9b7a Guard in short-circuit evaluations for stringSplit methods.
  403. be3c9d8 Catch IllegalArgumentException in stopScreenshot()
  404. f68eaf3 services/job: Fix a Jobscheduler bugs
  405. ad2ebfc bgdexopt: Let PM handler run between optimizations
  406. c101916 Fix incorrect context classloader initialization in system_server
  407. 094fb43 StorageManagerService: Fix for system_server crash while booting
  408. 5bcd7b4 Fix MtpDatabase multithreading NullPointerException
  409. a97ad4a ViewRootImpl: Fixed memory leak caussed by viewrootImpl objects
  410. bd342c0 PackageManagerService: Avoid NPE in matchComponentForVerifier
  411. 13b7053 BackupAgent: Add backup shared mode
  412. e0ee52e NavigationBarView: Avoid NPE before mPanelView is created
  413. 4bbd3b8 SystemUI: Remove annoying log caused by aosp bug
  414. 579b52d DEBUG: Turn off some debugging we don't need.
  415. 4e52f12 SystemUI: hide lock icon while dozing
  416. 01ee42c AlarmManagerService: Add null check to QCNsrmAlarmExtension call
  417. f9e5bb2 Improve comparison of fractions
  418. d170970 Improve integer aligned coordinate detection
  419. 5e4ddc8 Improve logic when to use filtering in readback and TextureView
  420. fbaa77e Prevent NPE due to unchecked r.uid
  421. 2a98303 Avoid NPE in system_server in bringDownServiceLocked()
  422. f23320e Crash occured due to null pointer exception.
  423. 321d831 ActivityManager: fix npe in ProcessRecord
  424. f7648d4 Clear all lingering notifications when network is disconnected
  425. 2abc425 frameworks: Fix null pointer Issue
  426. 78c91f2 view: add null check for dispatch touch view
  427. 6d1666e InputMethodManager: Fixed memory leak when windowDismissed
  428. 9578457 BatteryStats: Update WifiState even if EnergyInfo is invalid
  429. d6e297f BatteryService: scheduleUpdate asynchronously
  430. e09f695 display: Validate activePhysIndex before access
  431. ece9c77 WindowStateAnimator: Fix NPE with wallpaper offset
  432. 0926ac1 Fix bugs regarding system app cannot write visible path
  433. f73d4c9 Fix for, BT Carkit position issue when music app is killed
  434. bb2d2f4 Audio: Do not disconnect profiles till Bluetooth Off
  435. c9855d7 Fix bootanimation stack overflow
  436. fbc0fe9 Whitelist WRITE_DEVICE_CONFIG for shell
  437. 236a867 Add missing STORAGE_INTERNAL permission for BackupRestoreConfirmation
  438. 93f5aa4 NetworkStatsHistory: Prevent IllegalArgumentException
  439. a664437 Prevent crash in TTS engine due to improper configuration
  440. 5da7dbd Framelayout: Fix NPE when view is missing
  441. a0f459c SystemUI: Keyguard: Check for a null errString
  442. 81eefda FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: android.ui
  443. 726364d KernelWakelockReader: stop the panic
  444. ad796a6 ParcelFileDescriptor: can we stop the panic here?
  445. 7d74e5b Enable NSRM (Network Socket Request Manager).
  446. 2fe40fd Rename the backup file to base file when backup exists
  447. b1e830a SQLite: Do integrity_check only once
  448. 508387b SQLiteDatabase: Catch corrupt exception during transaction
  449. d4b0a62 base: limit direct share targets to reduce lag
  450. a9a256f aapt: Fix compiler warning (clobbered by longjmp)
  451. e5f3b07 aapt: add check for untranslatable "string-array"s
  452. 077769e aapt: Use a std::map instead of a SortedVector
  453. 02ad6d6 aapt: Speed up the style pruning
  454. 6901ac3 display: Don't animate screen brightness when turning the screen on
  455. adc84fc connectivity: Configure additional TCP parameters
  456. a401b6f MountService: Prevent NPE with DropBoxManager
  457. 629636a MountService: ensure VolumeRecord with UUID exists before modifying
  458. 68ce96d Settings:Bugfix for NPE, Only valid screen power consumption need to smear
  459. 970a24c SystemUI: Fix SystemUI Crash
  460. b48207d Suppress FingerprintManager logspam
  461. 02793e5 Kill off provider info logspam
  462. 13d28dc base: SettingsProvider: cleanup leftover logspill
  463. 13238fb Telephony: NPE observed in Settings when click on Search settings
  464. c9f6734 base: Add START_ACTIVITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND on phone priv-app whitelist
  465. 33d6983 base: rescuce party: check isDisabled on all public API
  466. 52d22f7 TunerService: Add parseInteger failsafe method
  467. 87ae888 SystemUI: Allow using tuner API for Global settings
  468. 855ec90 TunerService: Prevent NPE with tunable
  469. cb10321 Make Build.TYPE and Build.FINGERPRINT consistent for apps
  470. b5b8331 base: Add metric for crDroid Settings
  471. 8ad9890 Add crdroid utils
  472. bf13409 MediaScanner: Use build date to store last scan tag
  473. a9e756c Restore cache clean up code in PackageManagerService
  474. f75bf4f base: Use to signal upgrades
  475. 28ec931 base: Make Build.DATE visible to apps
  476. f4de792 telephony: Make IMS method updateToState accessible
  477. de90765 Revert "SystemUI: Bring back good ol' circle battery style"
  479. * frameworks/native/
  480. e225426 Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0
  482. * packages/apps/Launcher3/
  483. 5f3ec98 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r23' into 10.0
  485. * packages/apps/Settings/
  486. e810730 Merge 'lineage-17.1' into 10.0
  488. * packages/apps/Snap/
  489. 06515c0 Snap: Convert leftover* to*
  491. * system/core/
  492. d3d5d5e Change search order for system processes in vndk_lite.
  494. * vendor/lineage/
  495. 6613dc2 crdroid: Bump to version 6.2
  496. 55c5551 prebuilt: backuptool: Implement dynamic system mount for A-only
  497. 9a6ec00 extract_utils: Drop string after semicolon when parsing destination
  499. ====================
  500. 01-10-2020
  501. ====================
  504. * build/make/
  505. d045297 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r23' into staging/lineage-17.1_merge-android-10.0.0_r23
  506. f72bb9f Support PRESIGNED in
  507. f5d30ec releasetools: Move system mount handling to backuptool
  509. * device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy-um/
  510. 6e5465d Revert "common: Correctly Label /sys/class/kgsl"
  511. e517b81 Merge tag 'LA.UM.8.4.r1-04700-8x98.0' of into lineage-17.1-legacy-um
  512. 1bc8f02 Expose TimeService app cert to soong
  514. * frameworks/base/
  515. e487283 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r23' into staging/lineage-17.1_merge-android-10.0.0_r23
  516. 439b220 SystemUI: Bring back good ol' circle battery style
  518. * hardware/qcom-caf/msm8960/display/
  519. d9308fd hwc: Iterate through numDisplays in reset function
  521. * vendor/crDroidOTA/
  522. 2f79477 cheeseburger/dumpling: Update
  524. ====================
  525. 01-09-2020
  526. ====================
  529. * build/make/
  530. a1a2734 releasetools: squash backuptool support
  532. * frameworks/base/
  533. c0444c2 DozeUi: do not prepare for gentle wakeup
  535. * packages/apps/crDroidSettings/
  536. 8c55474 New Crowdin translations (#504)
  538. * vendor/crDroidOTA/
  539. fe6d125 oneplus2: update to build 20200109
  540. 9104f1b update X01BD: v6.1
  541. 09f0668 ota: update raphael
  543. ====================
  544. 01-08-2020
  545. ====================
  548. * bootable/recovery/
  549. bf3a4b2 Revert "recovery: Blank screen during shutdown and reboot"
  551. ====================
  552. 01-07-2020
  553. ====================
  555. * android/
  556. d7f59b1 manifest: Move from android-10.0.0_r18 to android-10.0.0_r23
  558. * frameworks/base/
  559. aebfbfd KeyguardView: report transiting bouncer as shown
  560. 9213b9f FODCircleView: rewrite and simplify implementation
  562. * frameworks/native/
  563. 2bb6083 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r23' into staging/lineage-17.1_merge-android-10.0.0_r23
  565. * frameworks/opt/telephony/
  566. 7bafaf7 IccPhoneBookInterfaceManager: Move class Request from private to public
  567. 40172ab SimPhoneBook: Add ANR/EMAIL support for USIM phonebook.
  569. * hardware/libhardware/
  570. 54f06b8 libhardware: Add new display types.
  572. * hardware/lineage/livedisplay/
  573. 588974a livedisplay: clang-format all files
  574. 302ee59 livedisplay: Replace clang-format with symlink.
  575. 159f19e livedisplay: Take into account new SDM lib naming
  577. * hardware/qcom-caf/msm8998/audio/
  578. d6528fb Merge tag 'LA.UM.8.4.r1-04700-8x98.0' of into HEAD
  580. * hardware/qcom-caf/msm8998/display/
  581. 02224d9 Merge tag 'LA.UM.8.4.r1-04700-8x98.0' of into HEAD
  583. * hardware/qcom-caf/msm8998/media/
  584. 2fc242a Merge tag 'LA.UM.8.4.r1-04700-8x98.0' of into HEAD
  586. * hardware/qcom/audio/
  587. 17c0c34 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r23' into staging/lineage-17.1_merge-android-10.0.0_r23
  589. * packages/apps/Settings/
  590. dd6e270 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r23' into staging/lineage-17.1_merge-android-10.0.0_r23
  592. * system/bt/
  593. 128340f Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r23' into staging/lineage-17.1_merge-android-10.0.0_r23
  595. * system/core/
  596. d686176 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r23' into staging/lineage-17.1_merge-android-10.0.0_r23
  598. * vendor/crDroidOTA/
  599. 4241055 rosy: update to build 20200107
  600. 78d2939 violet: update build to 2020/01/07
  601. 6231e51 add hammerhead (#99)
  603. ====================
  604. 01-06-2020
  605. ====================
  608. * packages/apps/crDroidSettings/
  609. 8d0757e Ambient Music Ticker - Allow to pulse on new tracks [2/2]
  611. * vendor/addons/
  612. c7476bc addons: Update default colors
  614. * vendor/crDroidOTA/
  615. 5709aaf cheeseburger/dumpling: Update
  616. f035734 update-6/1/20
  617. 978aa4e mido:update_changelog_06/jan/20
  618. 6f56f1f mido:6-1-20
  620. ====================
  621. 01-05-2020
  622. ====================
  624. * android/
  625. 6435f9d manifest: Track Telephony service
  627. * frameworks/native/
  628. fe060e7 fix -Wdangling-gsl in test
  629. 99f1e03 libbinder: remove INT32_MAX definition
  630. ef896c7 Remove "required:"
  631. 2828da3 fix -Wreorder-init-list
  632. 8d10d46 fix -Wreorder-init-list
  633. 6110291 EGL: Fix repeated extension lookups
  634. 0063b04 {math|ui} fix -Wimplicit-int-float-conversion
  635. 31f561b Remove unnecessary link library
  636. bc1e499 Link libvndksupport dynamically instead of statically.
  638. * packages/apps/crDroidSettings/
  639. f3f7f32 New Crowdin translations (#503)
  640. d8fc454 Add toggle for charging animation [2/2]
  642. * packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
  643. be4847a Change keyboard height
  644. 2ab3e74 Update rows_east_slavic.xml
  645. 294c124 Latin IME bug with deleted text will reappear after screen orientation changes
  646. 7990f7a Fixing layouts and adding 5th row to QWERTZ.
  647. 24877db Add 5th number row to keyboard.
  648. 3a057ae LatinIME: Fix to English dictionary can be added after deleting
  650. * packages/services/Telephony/
  651. 332b800 Use build date to check for system update
  652. 4f8575a USSD: Fix alert dialog theme
  653. 3914630 Telephony: Use system fonts at more places
  654. 08342a9 Font improvements
  657. * vendor/crDroidOTA/
  658. 42be2eb dumpling: Update
  659. 7cd4626 guacamole: update to build 20200105
  660. 7a82b20 rosy: update to build 20200105
  661. 41d5657 cheeseburger/dumpling: Update
  662. 9c26901 Bump crDroid 6.1 to stable version
  664. * vendor/lineage/
  665. bfa23ed vendor: fix buildtype and corrected possible wrong output in some cases
  667. ====================
  668. 01-04-2020
  669. ====================
  671. * android/
  672. d0d22f4 manifest: Track Recorder
  674. * build/soong/
  675. a7c9504 Don't print critical path parallelism ratio if elapsed time is 0.
  676. 3734467 Take into account RAM usage for multiproduct_kati
  677. b911055 Add TotalRAM detection
  679. * frameworks/base/
  680. 112d466 Notify ClockChangedListeners on main thread
  681. 11e3493 Get clock title on demand
  682. 82c0716 Revert "Apply front scrim to doze pulsing"
  684. * frameworks/opt/telephony/
  685. c3f8b06 Restore getSubIdFromNetworkRequest method
  687. * packages/apps/Dialer/
  688. 4cf7f3f Dialer: Remove in call vibrate options already added
  690. * packages/apps/Nfc/
  691. 5f7a9a6 NFCService: Add sysprop to prevent FW download during boot with NFC off.
  693. * packages/apps/Settings/
  694. 7f687d9 Settings: Clean up crdroid deprecated stuff
  696. * packages/apps/Updater/
  697. c45d292 Updater: Use headline font for activity header
  699. * packages/apps/crDroidSettings/
  700. 2f2317f Add toggle to hide lock icon on lockscreen [2/2]
  701. 137daa2 New Crowdin translations (#502)
  702. cd3706d crdroid: Clean up deprecated stuff
  703. 94e131d crdroid: Update strings for incall vibrate options
  704. 50562af crdroid: Remove ScreenRecord preference if not supported
  706. * system/core/
  707. 6b664ff ueventd: make parallel restorecon functionality optional
  709. * vendor/crDroidOTA/
  710. a0fd079 sanders: update 20200104
  711. d4915e4 mido:4/2/2020_build
  712. 61a4b28 mido:second-update
  713. 9a43cae beryllium: update to build 20200104
  714. d0e53ba guacamole: update to build 20200104
  715. 5802917 Jasmine_sprout:First Build
  716. 9974c4d sanders: Initial OTA for crDroid 6 (#98)
  717. 31cb5fc lavender : update to 6.1 4/01/2020
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