
FEF: BW: Valter Eystein

May 27th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Name: Valter Eystein
  2. Age: 28
  3. Class: Cavalier --> Paladin
  4. Special: Horseback/Dismount/Canto, Triangle Adept, Shove (Unmounted)
  5. Character Skill: Guard+
  6. Affinity: Thunder
  7. Personal Fault - Tarnished Steel: -15 Evasion when not within 3 spaces of King Jung.
  8. Personal Skill: Polished Steel: +15 Hit when within 3 spaces of King Jung.
  9. Personal Skill: Gilded Shield: +15 Evasion when within 3 spaces of 3 allies.
  10. /Personal Skill: Ardent Protector: +2 DR when adjacent to two or more allies.
  12. Preferred Stats: SKL, HP
  13. Weapon Skill: Sword (D), Lance (D)
  15. Level: 5
  16. Total Level: 5
  18. Base Stats:
  19. HP: 20 [+4] (75%)
  20. STR: 5 (40%)
  21. MAG: 0
  22. SKL: 5 (45%)
  23. LUK: 2 (20%)
  24. DEF: 4 (45%)
  25. RES: 1 [+2] (50%)
  26. SPD: 5 (30%)
  27. MOV: 5 (7)
  28. CON: 8
  29. AID: 7 (21)
  30. LED: 0
  32. Levels Gained:
  33. Level 2: +1HP, +1SKL, +1RES
  34. Level 3: +1HP, +1RES
  35. Level 4: +1HP, +1SKL
  36. Level 5: +1HP, +1STR
  38. Current Stats:
  39. HP: 28 (75%)
  40. STR: 6 (40%)
  41. MAG: 0
  42. SKL: 7 (45%)
  43. LUK: 2 (20%)
  44. DEF: 4 (45%)
  45. RES: 5 (50%)
  46. SPD: 5 (30%)
  47. MOV: 5 (7)
  48. CON: 8
  49. AID: 7 (21)
  50. LED: 0
  52. Supports:
  53. --
  55. Inventory:
  56. Name | Type ( ) | Rng | Wt | Mt | Hit | Cr | Ql
  57. Iron Lance | Pier (E) | 1 | 7 | 7 | 80 | 0 | 31/40
  58. Axereaver | Pier (C) | 1 | 10 | 10 | 65 | 5 | 30/30
  59. Reverses Weapon Triangle
  61. Battle Stats:
  62. Iron Lance:
  63. Rng: 1
  64. AT: 13
  65. Hit: 95
  66. Crit: 3
  67. AS: 5
  68. Eva: 12
  69. DG: 2
  71. Steel Sword:
  72. Rng: 1
  73. AT: 13
  74. Hit: 95
  75. Crit: 8
  76. AS: 5
  77. Eva: 12
  78. DG: 2
  80. Bio:
  82. Born just two years after Arya slew Ryuushin and saved humanity, the only world Valter Eystein knew was one in which the Hero-King
  83. was celebrated and revered all across the continent. Both his mother Cassandra and uncle William were members of the king's royal
  84. guard, which afforded Valter many opportunities to see the legendary man (up close!) and get to know him in a way that others simply
  85. could not... even if it was not exactly a personal relationship.
  87. Valter's (relatively) close contact with Arya and his mother's constant tales of the Hero-King's bravery and leadership during the
  88. Last Dragon War fostered a great sense of loyalty and respect within him. He wanted to do his part to protect the king and his family
  89. - it seemed only fair, as he had saved all of humanity before - and, with some help from his own family, dedicated his childhood to
  90. learning military arts to do just that.
  92. Though he was too young to know it at the time, tensions were brewing among the band of heroes that Valter thought so highly of due
  93. to the Hero-King's recent tax increase (though it's quite possible he would have thought such taxes were critically necessary, had he
  94. known about them, or what taxes were at all), and would soon result in two major blows against the Eystein family: news of the
  95. Traitor's Scroll from Kraem, and the realization that his uncle, who had been in Kraem's service for the past year, remained loyal to
  96. the newly born traitor instead of returning to serve the king.
  98. They were utterly devastated, Valter most of all; how could anyone turn their back on the savior of humanity? How could his uncle,
  99. once a loyal servant of the Hero-King, follow such a despicable man in his treachery? Cassandra remained steadfastly loyal as ever,
  100. but the damage was done. Insidious whisperings in back rooms and between palace guardsmen said it was only a matter of time before
  101. the rest of them went off to join the traitor as well. The Hero-King was far wiser than to take them for truth, but among the rest of
  102. those in his service and the nobility, the Eysteins were all as bad as William.
  104. Valter refused to be deterred by the slandering of his family's name. He would prove to everyone who'd cast judgement on them for his
  105. uncle's actions that his family were truly worthy of the respect they gained during the Last Dragon War. For the rest of his
  106. childhood and all of his adult life he trained, always putting in his full effort and beyond to improve himself. Though his family's
  107. station could have easily earned him the position he prized so highly with a good word here or an owed favor there, Valter refused to
  108. exercise such privilege; he wanted to achieve them on his own merits, and worked tirelessly to do so. First, he became soldier in
  109. Fonal. Years later, a palace guardsman. And just recently he caught the Hero-King's eye, and succeeded his family members as member
  110. of the royal guard.
  112. The Eystein family's name has been tarnished, but Valter will restore it, no matter what.
  116. Valter is a loyal and protective man. He takes his duties as a royal guardsman with the utmost seriousness and care, devoting his
  117. full attention and effort to any task given to him, no matter how grand or how small. He is amicable to all his fellows regardless of
  118. station, but treats the King and his family with a special kind of reverence. He does not tolerate disrespect where it has not been
  119. earned, regardless of who it's aimed at or why (and when it targets his family, he is liable to explode at the person responsible in
  120. quite an unflattering manner). Valter would willingly and unhesitatingly give up his life to protect his fellow guardsmen and of
  121. course his King, but not only because it is his duty - because it is also his desire to protect them. His dream, even.
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