
RCO Council Meeting 12/10/15

Dec 10th, 2015
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  1. RaduBarvon: Alright. :L I have some news about Jackson and the person he's dating and such.
  2. LordCainKnightLord: Someone needs too bring Xendra in
  3. LordCainKnightLord: alright
  4. LordCainKnightLord: Now everyone is here let hear it Isaak
  5. RaduBarvon: -nods- I brought this up to Xendra and Isaak last night
  6. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: So let Radu speak.
  7. RaduBarvon: But Jackson is courting a princess from the Grimm kingdom.
  8. LordCainKnightLord: alright,hes shooting for a higher rank
  9. RaduBarvon: mhm
  10. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Is shini on council?
  11. RaduBarvon: and he mentioned wanting to make an alliance between this Empire and that kingdom
  12. RaduBarvon: Didn't even mention YOU in the equation, Lord Cain.
  13. QueenXendra: I told them to talk to you because this is out of my position at this current time.
  14. QueenXendra: And I didn't know anything about you maybe wanting an alliance.
  15. RaduBarvon: -nods- I told him to talk to the Emperor if he wants to see if he can initate that IF the Emperor was interested. But he's been spending more time in the Grimm kingdom than the Rose Cross Order now
  16. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I told him to speak to Lord Cain about this, but he never bothered to do so it seems.
  17. LordCainKnightLord: alright
  18. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I figured had something been said we'd know of a new alliance.
  19. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: But seeing as no one from the empire or whatever it is has bothered to set foot, they either know nothing of this or are not interested.
  20. LordCainKnightLord: let them come too us,becuz if Jeason is trying too talk too them about this then they will come too us with ther cards on the table of being allies
  21. RaduBarvon: -nods- Fair enough.
  22. QueenXendra: This was brought t my attenton after you had gone to bed. I didn't want to wake you back up....
  23. QueenXendra: to*
  24. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: None of us did.
  25. LordCainKnightLord: all you got too do is leave me a report in mail, the first thing i usely do in the morning is check my message
  26. LordCainKnightLord: or Xendra text me and tell me , it might take me a hour or two but ill answer
  27. QueenXendra: I just wanted you to hear it from the one who brought it to my attention.
  28. RaduBarvon: -nods- Okay.
  29. QueenXendra: Alright.
  30. RaduBarvon: I was just incredibly surprised and wary that he would mention something like that to me and not talk about that to you.
  31. LordCainKnightLord: next time everyone,say bring them too Lordcain, we are always looking for allies
  32. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I told Jackson to bring it to you.
  33. RaduBarvon: -nods- And it looks like he didn't. So I'm concerned that he might try something.
  34. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: It's possible, yet he's nothing to gain from this.
  35. LordCainKnightLord: all we can do is sit and wait on his next move,like the game of chest
  36. QueenXendra: Afraid so.
  37. RaduBarvon: -sighs- He's gone off and told me that he wants to take over the world
  38. QueenXendra: And I want to rule the universe. XD
  39. LordCainKnightLord: But then if he dose its up too us,then we must come up with a allies agreement,thats where Shini comes too play being the lawer and all
  40. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Well, until someone makes contact, it's merely words out of the child's mouth.
  41. LordCainKnightLord: your right Isaak
  42. QueenXendra: But Cain shouldn't be left out of something like that. It's his Empire, his choice on the matter.
  43. RaduBarvon: Exactly
  44. LordCainKnightLord: But we can always send a informent in and have them watch,i want too do this becuz i want too see if there alot of drama queens so too speak,becuz if they are i will vote no
  45. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: He has intention of wanting to become an asassian for the Empire...or diplomat as such
  46. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: So he wants to leave being a guard and try that instead.
  47. RaduBarvon: -nods- Which he is just showing that he's doing poory.
  48. LordCainKnightLord: who dose Jackson?
  49. QueenXendra: Well you did threaten to kick him down back to trial
  50. RaduBarvon: yessir
  51. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Yes.
  52. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I respect those who want to better themself.
  53. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: BUT
  54. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: He has yet to prve that he can handle his own. So far he's making Xenexus look good.
  55. LordCainKnightLord: i already have a asassin all i got too do is give the name,KillZone said leave him a message and he will send a clanmen in too do the job,we dont really need more asassin
  56. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: News to me, but understood.
  57. LordCainKnightLord: we dont even know if Jeason can T1,if he cant T1 then how and the hell will he be able too T5
  58. QueenXendra: Point.
  59. RaduBarvon: I gave him a little bit of guidance. What he does with it is up to him though
  60. LordCainKnightLord: all i can always get Cloud if needed,WonRose told me lets night too just summions him if i need too
  61. RaduBarvon: Hmmm.. is he really needed for this sitaution though? Jackson should have known what he was getting into
  62. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: It's the going behind backs I have an issue with.
  63. LordCainKnightLord: i think Jackson is a kid,wanting big dreams and really dont know what he is geting into ,IF he did,he would change his mine
  64. RaduBarvon: -nods- Well I'm sort of half-tempted to have him go against Xenexus here soon and make him realize that he's playing with the big kids nwo
  65. RaduBarvon: now*
  66. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: brb
  67. LordCainKnightLord: tyt Isaak
  68. RaduBarvon: tyt
  69. QueenXendra: tyt
  70. LordCainKnightLord: Well he did show up after the ruleing message last night ,so he is still going up aginst Xen this sun day
  71. RaduBarvon: -nods-
  72. RaduBarvon: And what about Dutch? She wants to participate.
  73. QueenXendra: And apparently Xenexu's wife showed up
  74. RaduBarvon: mmmmhm
  75. QueenXendra: Wants to get in on things
  76. LordCainKnightLord: She is not a Guard,if we must and she knows of the T1 tournament system,we can bring her in as a Judge
  77. QueenXendra: I told her I don't know because the holidays are close and your having surgery.
  78. RaduBarvon: No. I've seen her spar against Petros and no...
  79. LordCainKnightLord: i dont think Bar will be there,and WonRose said she can not be there ,so there is only one Judge at this time and that is Radu
  80. RaduBarvon: Might need to bring Cloud in on that then if he's available.
  81. RaduBarvon: But I definitely vote against using Dutch as a judge.
  82. LordCainKnightLord: ill leave him a message
  83. RaduBarvon: -nods-
  84. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I say stick them all in at once and whoever is left standing wins
  85. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: XD
  86. RaduBarvon: o -o;
  87. RaduBarvon: That'd be pure chaos
  88. LordCainKnightLord: oh we need too inform Lilica she will not be fighting this weeken,Jackson shown up
  89. QueenXendra: It'd take care of things in a sense lol
  90. RaduBarvon: -nods- And what if Jackson or Xenxus don't show up to the match? I'm assuming there's a backup plan?
  91. LordCainKnightLord: or,we could stick them all in a match aginst Cloud and who ever gives Cloud a hard time ,is the winer lol
  92. RaduBarvon: oh god. xD
  93. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: XD
  94. QueenXendra: I'd demand to see THAT
  95. LordCainKnightLord: Cloud is the Crusnik champion
  96. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I think your mate wants to watch people hae their asses handed to them sir
  97. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: have*
  98. QueenXendra: Well, shame on me for wanting it
  99. QueenXendra: XD
  100. RaduBarvon: xD
  101. RaduBarvon: I feel sorry for the contenders
  102. LordCainKnightLord: later on she can,becuz what im wanting too do later on down the line is have a trial by conbat
  103. RaduBarvon: O _O;
  104. LordCainKnightLord: i just dont know how too stick that rule in yet on the rules
  105. QueenXendra: :O
  106. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I think someone's pleased.
  107. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: XD
  108. LordCainKnightLord: i think it would be fun too be truthful
  109. RaduBarvon: Oh yeah
  110. QueenXendra: are looking for them to kill each other off dear?
  111. QueenXendra: It sounds like you are wanting a DM.
  112. QueenXendra: Or the loser is put to death.
  113. LordCainKnightLord: (i said this from the get go,we are a rp team,if we do the trial by combat, we dont kick them out,we just let them change there name and come back, BUT just say someone says Xendra is messing around on the Emperor im NOT saying she will or is,But just say someone dose,its a trial by combat too clear her name, if the one that said she is falls and says she is cleared from all charges,then the accuser is at shamed,but if the accuser fights and dies then Xendra is cleared of all Charges as well
  114. LordCainKnightLord: )
  115. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I would think you would guive her a chance to speak on the matter before it came to THAT?
  116. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: give*
  117. LordCainKnightLord: i would but in the Empires eyes it would be splite down the mental
  118. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: That's...I'm not going to say anything more on that.
  119. QueenXendra: I'm...not even going to.
  120. LordCainKnightLord: it was a example poeple,and it was out of context with the lit thingys up ,so its out of rp)
  121. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: We know, and we were merely stating our opinions
  122. LordCainKnightLord: i just said something too Jactson
  123. LordCainKnightLord: alright ,back too the jackson situation,let him bring the allies thing too me,
  124. RaduBarvon: -nods- Fair enough
  125. QueenXendra: Agreed.
  126. LordCainKnightLord: just tell him too bringit too me,for now on,ill sit down on the Throne and ask if anyone gots any news or questions too open the door for someone too speak ,one at a time tho but they can speak then
  127. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Okay.
  128. LordCainKnightLord: so we are all at agreement with this
  129. RaduBarvon: Indeed
  130. LordCainKnightLord: Lets let Dutch be a guard but not be a port of the Tournament and just have her tested after the tournament by the Captain of the Guards ,do we agree
  131. QueenXendra: Alright sure
  132. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Fair enough
  133. LordCainKnightLord: alright let the meeting record show we agree
  134. QueenXendra: Yup
  135. RaduBarvon: o 3o okies
  136. LordCainKnightLord: Isaak i got something i think would go good with your outfit,if i gift it too you will you try it on ?
  137. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: o.o
  138. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: oh?
  139. LordCainKnightLord: try that i dev it myself
  140. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: One sec
  141. LordCainKnightLord: hell Radu might even be able too wear it
  142. RaduBarvon: Stand up, issy
  143. LordCainKnightLord: ill have too make the Ladys a cloak
  144. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: You do know your mates standing there right?
  145. LordCainKnightLord: Mates standing ?
  146. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Xendra in the other room?
  147. RaduBarvon: Hmm... it looks like Dutch is looking for some high positioning
  148. QueenXendra: Sorry I'm lagging really badly
  149. LordCainKnightLord: wel if she dont see it now,she will,in the Rose Cross order you have too work for it,and im thinking when we get 5 maidens,let them have a lit contest on who cant recrit the most maidens
  150. RaduBarvon: -nods- Makes sense.
  151. LordCainKnightLord: the one that really works for this Empire,is the one that really wants it too happen,thats why im makeing the Guards work for captain,and the Maidens work for the head Maidens job ,i want too see who really wants the office
  152. RaduBarvon: Which is perfectly fair
  153. LordCainKnightLord: yes
  154. RaduBarvon: Although Dutch's little fit throwing has been getting annoying. "Oh I'll just be the empire's pest." and stuff like that
  155. LordCainKnightLord: i mean you think about it,if they really work for it,ther showing they want it,but also what they get out of it,they get a room for there Maidens or Guards,they are kinda treated as a high rank,all they got too do is send Maidens or guards into the empire too make sure we all feel safe and happy
  156. LordCainKnightLord: they are all high rank i meant
  157. RaduBarvon: -nodnod-
  158. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: My patience is gone with him.
  159. LordCainKnightLord: then back off and let me take care of it
  160. RaduBarvon: okay
  161. RaduBarvon: @ _@ imma smack him like a bitch
  162. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I need a drink brb
  163. LordCainKnightLord: lol alright you two clalm down
  164. RaduBarvon: Well I've gone over this MULTIPLE times about humor and other people. xD And about the fact that ne needs to listen to Isaak even if it's a joke or not.
  165. QueenXendra: Oh dear
  166. RaduBarvon: mhm
  167. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Back...
  168. RaduBarvon: wb
  169. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: And I wasn't ignoring anyone
  170. LordCainKnightLord: i was talking too Jackson, i ask him more then one time Isaak
  171. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Sorry...
  172. QueenXendra: I don't think you did anything.
  173. LordCainKnightLord: i find it disrespectful thats why i said im going too leave ,becuz Jackson was being disrespectful
  174. QueenXendra: Then it's time to knock him down a few pegs.
  175. LordCainKnightLord: well im hopeing i took care of everything just now
  176. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I hope so to.
  177. QueenXendra: O.O
  178. RaduBarvon: Indeed
  179. RaduBarvon: If not, I'm more than happy to deal with him.
  180. RaduBarvon: He's pissed me off enough
  181. LordCainKnightLord: Radu,take what i just did ion the Throne room and let Xendra see it,and lets send it too the other Guards as well
  182. RaduBarvon: Yessir
  183. LordCainKnightLord: ill ask in here too,dose the council have new business we need too talk about?
  184. QueenXendra: Not that I'm aware of.
  185. RaduBarvon: Not that I know of
  186. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I've got nothing.
  187. RaduBarvon: -faceplants-
  188. RaduBarvon: It took me having to say something abuot that. 8'I
  189. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: -____-
  190. RaduBarvon: But here you go, Xendra
  191. LordCainKnightLord: alright ,then this meeting is over i call it,any one second it
  192. QueenXendra: YUP
  193. QueenXendra: I'm reading now
  194. RaduBarvon: I second the motion to end the meeting. For later reference, this chat will be saved for a later date.
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