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Jan 20th, 2020
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  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash # Domoticz: Open Source Home Automation System # (c) 2012, 2016 by GizMoCuz # Big thanks to Jacob Salmela! (Sorry i modified your domoticz install script ;) # # Installs Domoticz # # Domoticz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # Donations are welcome via the website or application # # Install with this command (from your Pi): # # curl -L | bash set -e ######## VARIABLES ######### setupVars=/etc/domoticz/setupVars.conf useUpdateVars=false Dest_folder="" IPv4_address="" Enable_http=true Enable_https=true HTTP_port="8080" HTTPS_port="443" Current_user="" lowercase(){ echo "$1" | sed "y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/" } OS=`lowercase \`uname -s\`` MACH=`uname -m` if [ ${MACH} = "armv6l" ] then MACH="armv7l" fi # Find the rows and columns will default to 80x24 is it can not be detected screen_size=$(stty size 2>/dev/null || echo 24 80) rows=$(echo $screen_size | awk '{print $1}') columns=$(echo $screen_size | awk '{print $2}') # Divide by two so the dialogs take up half of the screen, which looks nice. r=$(( rows / 2 )) c=$(( columns / 2 )) # Unless the screen is tiny r=$(( r < 20 ? 20 : r )) c=$(( c < 70 ? 70 : c )) ######## Undocumented Flags. Shhh ######## skipSpaceCheck=false reconfigure=false ######## FIRST CHECK ######## # Must be root to install echo ":::" if [[ ${EUID} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "::: You are root." else echo "::: Script called with non-root privileges. The Domoticz installs server packages and configures" echo "::: system networking, it requires elevated rights. Please check the contents of the script for" echo "::: any concerns with this requirement. Please be sure to download this script from a trusted source." echo ":::" echo "::: Detecting the presence of the sudo utility for continuation of this install..." if [ -x "$(command -v sudo)" ]; then echo "::: Utility sudo located." exec curl -sSL | sudo bash "$@" exit $? else echo "::: sudo is needed for the Web interface to run domoticz commands. Please run this script as root and it will be automatically installed." exit 1 fi fi # Compatibility if [ -x "$(command -v apt-get)" ]; then #Debian Family ############################################# PKG_MANAGER="apt-get" PKG_CACHE="/var/lib/apt/lists/" UPDATE_PKG_CACHE="${PKG_MANAGER} update" PKG_UPDATE="${PKG_MANAGER} upgrade" PKG_INSTALL="${PKG_MANAGER} --yes --fix-missing install" # grep -c will return 1 retVal on 0 matches, block this throwing the set -e with an OR TRUE PKG_COUNT="${PKG_MANAGER} -s -o Debug::NoLocking=true upgrade | grep -c ^Inst || true" INSTALLER_DEPS=( apt-utils whiptail git) domoticz_DEPS=( curl unzip wget sudo cron libudev-dev) DEBIAN_ID=$(grep -oP '(?<=^ID=).+' /etc/*-release | tr -d '"') DEBIAN_VERSION=$(grep -oP '(?<=^VERSION_ID=).+' /etc/*-release | tr -d '"') if test ${DEBIAN_VERSION} -lt 10 then domoticz_DEPS=( ${domoticz_DEPS[@]} libcurl3 ) else domoticz_DEPS=( ${domoticz_DEPS[@]} libcurl4 libusb-0.1) fi; package_check_install() { dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "${1}" 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed" || ${PKG_INSTALL} "${1}" } elif [ -x "$(command -v rpm)" ]; then # Fedora Family if [ -x "$(command -v dnf)" ]; then PKG_MANAGER="dnf" else PKG_MANAGER="yum" fi PKG_CACHE="/var/cache/${PKG_MANAGER}" UPDATE_PKG_CACHE="${PKG_MANAGER} check-update" PKG_UPDATE="${PKG_MANAGER} update -y" PKG_INSTALL="${PKG_MANAGER} install -y" PKG_COUNT="${PKG_MANAGER} check-update | egrep '(.i686|.x86|.noarch|.arm|.src)' | wc -l" INSTALLER_DEPS=( procps-ng newt git ) domoticz_DEPS=( curl libcurl4 unzip wget findutils cronie sudo domoticz_DEP) if grep -q 'Fedora' /etc/redhat-release; then remove_deps=(epel-release); domoticz_DEPS=( ${domoticz_DEPS[@]/$remove_deps} ); fi package_check_install() { rpm -qa | grep ^"${1}"- > /dev/null || ${PKG_INSTALL} "${1}" } else echo "OS distribution not supported" exit fi ####### FUNCTIONS ########## spinner() { local pid=$1 local delay=0.50 local spinstr='/-\|' while [ "$(ps a | awk '{print $1}' | grep "${pid}")" ]; do local temp=${spinstr#?} printf " [%c] " "${spinstr}" local spinstr=${temp}${spinstr%"$temp"} sleep ${delay} printf "\b\b\b\b\b\b" done printf " \b\b\b\b" } find_current_user() { # Find current user Current_user=${SUDO_USER:-$USER} echo "::: Current User: ${Current_user}" } find_IPv4_information() { # Find IP used to route to outside world IPv4dev=$(ip route get | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/dev/)print $(i+1)}') IPv4_address=$(ip -o -f inet addr show dev "$IPv4dev" | awk '{print $4}' | awk 'END {print}') IPv4gw=$(ip route get | awk '{print $3}') } welcomeDialogs() { # Display the welcome dialog whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "Welcome" --title "Domoticz automated installer" "\n\nThis installer will transform your device into a Home Automation System!\n\n Domoticz is free, but powered by your donations at:\n\n Domoticz is a SERVER so it needs a STATIC IP ADDRESS to function properly. " ${r} ${c} } displayFinalMessage() { # Final completion message to user whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "Ready..." --title "Installation Complete!" "Point your browser to either: HTTP: ${IPv4_address%/*}:${HTTP_port%/*} HTPS: ${IPv4_address%/*}:${HTTPS_port} Wiki: Forum: The install log is in /etc/domoticz." ${r} ${c} } verifyFreeDiskSpace() { # 50MB is the minimum space needed # - Fourdee: Local ensures the variable is only created, and accessible within this function/void. Generally considered a "good" coding practice for non-global variables. echo "::: Verifying free disk space..." local required_free_kilobytes=51200 local existing_free_kilobytes=$(df -Pk | grep -m1 '\/$' | awk '{print $4}') # - Unknown free disk space , not a integer if ! [[ "${existing_free_kilobytes}" =~ ^([0-9])+$ ]]; then echo "::: Unknown free disk space!" echo "::: We were unable to determine available free disk space on this system." echo "::: You may override this check and force the installation, however, it is not recommended" echo "::: To do so, pass the argument '--i_do_not_follow_recommendations' to the install script" echo "::: eg. curl -L | bash /dev/stdin --i_do_not_follow_recommendations" exit 1 # - Insufficient free disk space elif [[ ${existing_free_kilobytes} -lt ${required_free_kilobytes} ]]; then echo "::: Insufficient Disk Space!" echo "::: Your system appears to be low on disk space. Domoticz recommends a minimum of $required_free_kilobytes KiloBytes." echo "::: You only have ${existing_free_kilobytes} KiloBytes free." echo "::: If this is a new install you may need to expand your disk." echo "::: Try running 'sudo raspi-config', and choose the 'expand file system option'" echo "::: After rebooting, run this installation again. (curl -L | bash)" echo "Insufficient free space, exiting..." exit 1 fi } chooseServices() { Enable_http=false; Enable_https=false; # Let use enable HTTP and/or HTTPS cmd=(whiptail --separate-output --checklist "Select Services (press space to select)" ${r} ${c} 2) options=(HTTP "Enables HTTP access" on HTTPS "Enabled HTTPS access" on) choices=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) if [[ $? = 0 ]];then for choice in ${choices} do case ${choice} in HTTP ) Enable_http=true;; HTTPS ) Enable_https=true;; esac done if [ ! ${Enable_http} ] && [ ! ${Enable_https} ]; then echo "::: Cannot continue, neither HTTP or HTTPS selected" echo "::: Exiting" exit 1 fi else echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Configure the port(s) if [ "$Enable_http" = true ] ; then HTTP_port=$(whiptail --inputbox "HTTP Port number:" ${r} ${c} ${HTTP_port} --title "Configure HTTP" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) exitstatus=$? if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then echo "HTTP Port: " $HTTP_port else echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting..." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$Enable_https" = true ] ; then HTTPS_port=$(whiptail --inputbox "HTTPS Port number:" ${r} ${c} ${HTTPS_port} --title "Configure HTTPS" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) exitstatus=$? if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then echo "HTTPS Port: " $HTTPS_port else echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting..." exit 1 fi fi } chooseDestinationFolder() { Dest_folder=$(whiptail --inputbox "Installation Folder:" ${r} ${c} ${Dest_folder} --title "Destination" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) exitstatus=$? if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then echo ":::" else echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting..." exit 1 fi } stop_service() { # Stop service passed in as argument. echo ":::" echo -n "::: Stopping ${1} service..." if [ -x "$(command -v service)" ]; then service "${1}" stop &> /dev/null & spinner $! || true fi echo " done." } start_service() { # Start/Restart service passed in as argument # This should not fail, it's an error if it does echo ":::" echo -n "::: Starting ${1} service..." if [ -x "$(command -v service)" ]; then service "${1}" restart &> /dev/null & spinner $! fi echo " done." } enable_service() { # Enable service so that it will start with next reboot echo ":::" echo -n "::: Enabling ${1} service to start on reboot..." if [ -x "$(command -v service)" ]; then update-rc.d "${1}" defaults &> /dev/null & spinner $! fi echo " done." } update_package_cache() { #Running apt-get update/upgrade with minimal output can cause some issues with #requiring user input (e.g password for phpmyadmin see #218) #Check to see if apt-get update has already been run today #it needs to have been run at least once on new installs! timestamp=$(stat -c %Y ${PKG_CACHE}) timestampAsDate=$(date -d @"${timestamp}" "+%b %e") today=$(date "+%b %e") if [ ! "${today}" == "${timestampAsDate}" ]; then #update package lists echo ":::" echo -n "::: ${PKG_MANAGER} update has not been run today. Running now..." ${UPDATE_PKG_CACHE} &> /dev/null & spinner $! echo " done!" fi } notify_package_updates_available() { # Let user know if they have outdated packages on their system and # advise them to run a package update at soonest possible. echo ":::" echo -n "::: Checking ${PKG_MANAGER} for upgraded packages...." updatesToInstall=$(eval "${PKG_COUNT}") echo " done!" echo ":::" if [[ ${updatesToInstall} -eq "0" ]]; then echo "::: Your system is up to date! Continuing with Domoticz installation..." else echo "::: There are ${updatesToInstall} updates available for your system!" echo "::: We recommend you run '${PKG_UPDATE}' after installing Domoticz! " echo ":::" fi } install_dependent_packages() { # Install packages passed in via argument array # No spinner - conflicts with set -e declare -a argArray1=("${!1}") for i in "${argArray1[@]}"; do echo -n "::: Checking for $i..." package_check_install "${i}" &> /dev/null echo " installed!" done } finalExports() { #If it already exists, lets overwrite it with the new values. if [[ -f ${setupVars} ]]; then rm ${setupVars} fi { echo "Dest_folder=${Dest_folder}" echo "Enable_http=${Enable_http}" echo "HTTP_port=${HTTP_port}" echo "Enable_https=${Enable_https}" echo "HTTPS_port=${HTTPS_port}" }>> "${setupVars}" } downloadDomoticzWeb() { echo "::: Destination folder=${Dest_folder}" if [[ ! -e $Dest_folder ]]; then echo "::: Creating ${Dest_folder}" mkdir $Dest_folder chown "${Current_user}":"${Current_user}" $Dest_folder fi cd $Dest_folder wget -O domoticz_release.tgz "${OS}&machine=${MACH}" echo "::: Unpacking Domoticz..." tar xvfz domoticz_release.tgz rm domoticz_release.tgz Database_file="${Dest_folder}/domoticz.db" if [ ! -f $Database_file ]; then echo "Creating database..." touch $Database_file chmod 644 $Database_file chown "${Current_user}":"${Current_user}" $Database_file fi } makeStartupScript() { cp "${Dest_folder}/" /tmp/domoticz_tmp_ss1 #configure the script cat /tmp/domoticz_tmp_ss1 | sed -e "s/USERNAME=pi/USERNAME=${Current_user}/" > /tmp/domoticz_tmp_ss2 rm /tmp/domoticz_tmp_ss1 local http_port="${HTTP_port}" local https_port="${HTTPS_port}" if [ "$Enable_http" = false ] ; then http_port="0" fi if [ "$Enable_https" = false ] ; then https_port="0" fi cat /tmp/domoticz_tmp_ss2 | sed -e "s/-www 8080/-www ${http_port}/" > /tmp/domoticz_tmp_ss1 rm /tmp/domoticz_tmp_ss2 cat /tmp/domoticz_tmp_ss1 | sed -e "s/-sslwww 443/-sslwww ${https_port}/" > /tmp/domoticz_tmp_ss2 rm /tmp/domoticz_tmp_ss1 cat /tmp/domoticz_tmp_ss2 | sed -e "s%/home/\$USERNAME/domoticz%${Dest_folder}%" > /tmp/domoticz_tmp_ss1 rm /tmp/domoticz_tmp_ss2 mv /tmp/domoticz_tmp_ss1 /etc/init.d/ chmod +x /etc/init.d/ update-rc.d defaults } installdomoticz() { # Install base files downloadDomoticzWeb makeStartupScript finalExports } updatedomoticz() { # Source ${setupVars} for use in the rest of the functions. . ${setupVars} # Install base files downloadDomoticzWeb } update_dialogs() { # reconfigure if [ "${reconfigure}" = true ]; then opt1a="Repair" opt1b="This will retain existing settings" strAdd="You will remain on the same version" else opt1a="Update" opt1b="This will retain existing settings." strAdd="You will be updated to the latest version." fi opt2a="Reconfigure" opt2b="This will allow you to enter new settings" UpdateCmd=$(whiptail --title "Existing Install Detected!" --menu "\n\nWe have detected an existing install.\n\nPlease choose from the following options: \n($strAdd)" ${r} ${c} 2 \ "${opt1a}" "${opt1b}" \ "${opt2a}" "${opt2b}" 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3) if [[ $? = 0 ]];then case ${UpdateCmd} in ${opt1a}) echo "::: ${opt1a} option selected." useUpdateVars=true ;; ${opt2a}) echo "::: ${opt2a} option selected" useUpdateVars=false ;; esac else echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting..." exit 1 fi } install_packages() { # Update package cache update_package_cache # Notify user of package availability notify_package_updates_available # Install packages used by this installation script install_dependent_packages INSTALLER_DEPS[@] # Install packages used by the Domoticz install_dependent_packages domoticz_DEPS[@] } main() { # Check arguments for the undocumented flags for var in "$@"; do case "$var" in "--reconfigure" ) reconfigure=true;; "--i_do_not_follow_recommendations" ) skipSpaceCheck=false;; "--unattended" ) runUnattended=true;; esac done if [[ -f ${setupVars} ]]; then if [[ "${runUnattended}" == true ]]; then echo "::: --unattended passed to install script, no whiptail dialogs will be displayed" useUpdateVars=true else update_dialogs fi fi # Start the installer # Verify there is enough disk space for the install if [[ "${skipSpaceCheck}" == true ]]; then echo "::: --i_do_not_follow_recommendations passed to script, skipping free disk space verification!" else verifyFreeDiskSpace fi install_packages if [[ "${reconfigure}" == true ]]; then echo "::: --reconfigure passed to install script. Not downloading/updating local installation" else echo "::: Downloading Domoticz" fi find_current_user Dest_folder="/home/${Current_user}/domoticz" find_IPv4_information if [[ ${useUpdateVars} == false ]]; then # Display welcome dialogs welcomeDialogs # Create directory for Domoticz storage mkdir -p /etc/domoticz/ # Install and log everything to a file chooseServices chooseDestinationFolder installdomoticz else updatedomoticz fi if [[ "${useUpdateVars}" == false ]]; then displayFinalMessage fi echo "::: Restarting services..." # Start services enable_service start_service echo "::: done." echo ":::" if [[ "${useUpdateVars}" == false ]]; then echo "::: Installation Complete! Configure your browser to use the Domoticz using:" echo "::: ${IPv4_address%/*}:${HTTP_port}" echo "::: ${IPv4_address%/*}:${HTTPS_port}" else echo "::: Update complete!" fi } main "$@"
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