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May 27th, 2016
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  1. Kamen Rider Neo-Heisei Part 1
  3. Welcome to the new world of Kamen Rider! Things aren’t as they used to be, here in the new decade of the second millennium. This world is similar to the one you hail from, but of course there are some differences. This world harkens back to the origin of the Riders, people with noble hearts who take the powers of evil and use them for justice against the wicked. Human nature plays a stronger role in these stories, however, as many of the monsters are simply people like you and me, who have fallen into the temptation that power so brings. Will you play into this temptation as well? I can't say, nor can I judge, but know that many of the so-called kaijin are people who wished to live without regret, and simply went in over their head.
  4. You begin in late 2009, in urban japan. Later in the years there will be activity rising in Shibuya as well as the Amanogawa campus town, but for now you begin in the place where this new age of Kamen Riders has begun: Fuuto City, where the Narumi Detective Agency is working on the mysterious Dopant Cases plaguing the town.
  5. However, there are many factors at play in this world...from the shards of the Earth's own data-entity to the alien echoes of the far-off Presenters, to even alchemical creations forged of sin and desire...To get anywhere, you might need these.
  7. +1000 CP
  9. So now the Question is:
  10. Do you have the courage to ride with the devil?
  15. Drop-in(0) A wanderer from outside this world. Are you related to the Presenters, the alien race that granted the secrets of Cosmic Energy to Man? Are you an ancient entity awoken by the stirring of the Medals? Or are you just somebody passing through and hoping to get some fun and profit? No matter what, you don’t have any contacts or connections here, an enigma. On a steel horse you ride…
  17. Made Man(0): You’re an ambitious, cutthroat and above all else PROFESSIONAL individual. You’ve studied and trained hard to get where you are, and because of that I’ll give you a choice of either being a freelancer, an employee of the Kougami Corporation, or an…ahem…agent of Museum. You have access to resources, expertise and most importantly power to make waves in this world…just remember that everyone has pay the piper, no matter how high up the ladder you call. Sometimes you have to be ready to put it on the line to get ahead…whatever ‘it’ is.
  18. Good Samaritan(0): Whether you’re a native to Fuuto or you’ve simply visited, there’s one thing that’s true about you: You hate seeing people cry. Though you may have been mocked before for being a bleeding heart, you’ve always floored people by showing a stunning willpower and strength when it comes to helping those who can’t help themselves, either
  19. <Allen> by living without so that others can have, or even risking your life for those of others. You may not be a superhero, but you’re a good (wo)man….and they can’t keep a good (wo)man down.
  20. Creative Mind(0) You reach out for the clouds to grasp a fraction of that glory. They called you a Blue Sky researcher, but with the recent developments showing that yes, mankind can access something unto magic, you’ve sailed far beyond the mere sky. While other researchers may keep their feet on the ground, you dance across the heavens, working with the super
  21. <Allen> natural and untested energies of the Gaia Memories and the Core medals. However, take heed and make sure your wings are more sturdy than those of Icarus…lest you meet a similar(or worse!) fate.
  22. Inquisitive(0): You look to the past and to the earth for your answers, seeing the value in taking lessons from what’s worked for thousands of years. This means you’ve also learned long-forgotten secrets…Things such as the arts that forged the Greeed, and created the dread weapons such as the Medagabyru. You also know how to use the Earth’s might as part of your repertoire…but you should be careful…dead empires are dead for a reason, after all, and nature isn’t always fair…Just ask the dinosaurs.
  26. PERKS
  27. ---------
  29. I've covered wars, you know?(Drop-in, 100): You’ve traveled far and wide, so you know the best out of anyone that this world is filled with conflict and violence. You’re not the best fighter, but you’ve got practical experience in what it takes to get from beginning to end of a gunfight in one piece, as well as being able to counter any underhanded or guerilla tactics you come across, such as IEDs and ambushes.
  30. Working in the Shadows(Drop-in, 100): It takes some dirty dealings to get things done, in a world where you get quite a bit of power from a chip on your shoulder or a burning desire. Only the people who can come out smelling like roses can get ahead. You’ve got a natural talent for hiding your involvement in less than legal affairs, though completely erasing your trails beyond your ken. Still, you have the basic tricks it takes to keep your name clear from anything illegitimate.
  31. Select, Collect, Show Me Your Best Set(Drop-in, 200): It’s become immediately clear to you that in this world, everything worth having works best in a complete set. The Core Medals, the Gaia Memories, even those mysterious switches all seem to work on the concept that no single one of them is worth having alone. But lucky you, you’re the best collector there is. You’ve got a knack for being able to complete the set, whatever that set may be. Chaos emeralds? IF you’ve got that damn 4th one, it’ll be that much easier to get the next. A line of precious rare anime figurines? Once you’ve acquired one, the rest seem to simply make themselves known to you. Whenever you find something that belongs in a set, finding the rest to complete that set becomes much easier.
  32. Let's Start the Earning(Drop-in, 200): It’s all about that paper. Hopefully Mercenary work isn’t too beneath you, because you’ve got a natural talent for picking it up. Lucrative work in interesting places always seems to find its way towards you, and if you’ve got the drive to see it through, making 50 million yen in a year or two won’t ever be an ordeal. They also tend to get you involved in the kind of events you’re interested in as well(for example, if you want to learn more about botany, you’ll be hired for guarding a precious sample of some rare plant.) Just be prepared to really earn it.
  33. How Prototypical(Drop-in, 400): It’s not easy to get early access technology. Or to get it working for you, specifically. After all, it takes some very specific attributes to be able to handle all kinds of cutting edge tech. You might have to be a certain build, or even esoteric things like a blood type or a gender. Being locked off from the shiny new things because you’re not qualified is a pain…so why deal with it? From now on, you’re compatible with all kinds of prototype technology, and are the perfect test subject due to that. Brand new drugs that could cleanse your blood of toxins? You’re the perfect type. Weapon technology that wears on the person’s body over time? It’ll still wear you out, but you’re still among the best they can find to use it. It’d be hard to find any kind of ‘experimental’ tech that doesn’t suit you well. However, once it goes into mass production, you’ll find that the compatibility isn’t what it used to be.
  34. NEVER say NEVER(Drop-in, 400): All this focus on transformation. Becoming for a short time, something greater. Why not stay that way, forever? The human body is not so weak that it can not support greatness. You’ve learned, through various means, the ability to enhance humans into psychic soldiers known as Quarks, or revive intact corpses as powerful revenants called Necro-Overs. Necro-Overs are stronger than normal humans, and even more physically capable than many of the monstrous Dopants in terms of their combat ability, able to fight them without any outside empowerment. However, they’re vulnerable to sudden bursts of supernatural energy, in this world this is limited to things such as the finishing moves of the Kamen Riders, but powerful spells and bursts of things such as Chi may also put them down outside of this world. In every other respect they’re keen combatants, and are even compatible with Gaia Memories for further empowerment, as long as a small injection that stabilizes their being is given every few days. Quarks are less powerful overall, but you can make many of them with a painful procedure that changes the structure of their brain. Quark abilities can vary, but they are all usually related to what is conventionally thought of as a psychic ability. Telekinesis is a common ability, and some stronger specimens(not everyone is able to take to the treatment easily) are able to call upon abilities such as cyrokinesis, pyrokinesis and post-cognition. It comes down to the individual in the end, but the treatment doesn’t require any maintenance like the Necro-Overs do. Who needs to henshin with warriors like these?
  35. Plug N' Play(Drop-in, 600): Despite how disparate the power sources of this world are, from the knowledge of earth to the energy of Space…They seem to sub in for each-other just fine. Turns out, Power equals power. You’ve learned this, and can make this a guiding principle in your own work. Now, you can ‘substitute’ and ‘mix’ different kinds of supernatural items of power for one another, as long as they both even out in terms of how much potency there is. You could, for example, use a Gaia memory in place of a mystical gem in order to enchant a sword. Or the opposite, you could refine the gem to act as a memory for the purpose of transforming! You could also combine a Gaia memory and a cosmic switch onto said blade to pump it further than either of the two...However, the greater the imbalance in power between the ‘mixed’ sources are, the less stable and more prone to failure the results become. One of the greatest examples of this principle-Power equals power-in action is the Ginga O Driver, a device that utilized both a powerful set of core medals from the future and a unique cosmic switch with vast cosmic energy in order to transform a normal human being into a kaijin rightfully called “King of the Galaxy.”
  36. The Power Cosmic(Drop-in, 600): Space…a wondrous world filled with infinite cosmic energy. A mysterious power, its greatest ability seems to be creation. It forms mass and advanced technology from seemingly nothing, and now that power is in your hands. You are infused with the nature of SOLU, or the “Seeds of Life from the Universe.” This substance is able to use cosmic energy to replicate and even enhance technology! At first, you will only be able to mimic existent Astroswitches(which are themed after objects or natural forces, with things such as magnetic power, strong tower shields, scanning cameras and missile launchers available in switch form) and other cosmic energy-based technology (Things such as the Fourze Driver which can utilize switches to create equipment, or the Foodroids that use these switches to perform functions such as surveillance and data analysis) that you encounter, but in time you’ll be able to create entirely new switches or even apply these abilities to any form of technology you come across, able to tweak it for compatibility with the Cosmic Energy-infused switches(which can boost their effectiveness far beyond normal.)
  38. Ride Out!(Made Man, 100): You’re a driven young person, and you know it’s important to get everywhere on time. Thankfully, your skills on a motorcycle mean you never have an issue getting there…just getting there safely. As long as you’re riding a motorcycle, you know the best way to get from Point A to point B with as little time wasted. Now if only the path didn’t go through some buildings.
  39. Sealing the Deal(Made Man, 100): Part of working for your organization was making sure things went through. After all, it’s annoying to have someone on the cusp of a decision, joining you or buying your product, before changing their mind at the last moment. You don’t have to worry about that anymore though. You can now ‘lock in’ a deal, that is, set it up so that you can ensure that people find it hard to go back on the decisions they’ve made in an agreement(such as a contract or deciding to buy something off of you). Making sure they keep to their agreement becomes that much easier, as well.
  40. Read the Manual(Made Man, 200): As a trusted member of your organization, you have to be ready to handle whatever gear you’re given, either to use or hand off. You’re no slouch, though. You can now read through documentation and instructions quickly, and instinctively act on them as if you knew it by heart. You know exactly which switch does what, as well as what buttons are most useful in any situation. Of course, you better hope there IS documentation, or things might be a bit…dicier.
  41. Security Detail(Made Man, 200): Entrusted with the safety of a building or facility, you’re untiring in your vigilance. If you consider one place your “sanctum”, you know immediately the vulnerabilities and entrances, where it would be smart to fortify and where it would be easiest to keep off invaders. You could cover the weaknesses of even a wide open building like an apartment complex just by yourself!
  42. Part of the Family(Made Man, 400): It’s an unfortunate truth of the business world that everyone involved tends to see each other as a necessary evil. Employees see their superiors as annoying taskmasters that need to be endured to get their paycheck, Employers and managers find working with their employees like herding lazy entitled cats, stockholders are in a constant deadlock with CEOs to try to fill their own coffers. It’s all kind of cold-hearted, and that’s not even getting into what you have to deal with if you’re in a less than shady organization like MUSEUM or Foundation X. That doesn’t mean loyalty and camaraderie is nonexistent, however, and you’re a testament to that. You are the exception to this heartlessness, and you’ll find that making true friends with your coworkers, superiors and the people who work for you is significantly easier. You might even be unofficially adopted into the leader’s family, they regard you so well. Whatever the case is, they find a true loyalty within you, and will return it with interest.
  43. Want it, Need It(Made Man, 400): Marketing is a heavy expense. Why deal with it? It doesn’t take a lot of effort for you to make a totally unknown product into the Must-Have for people in certain social circles, all through word of mouth. It only takes a few sentences from you to get people’s attention, and getting their interest doesn’t take much more effort. Being able to shill your goods and services with almost no effort seems like an appropriate skill for the best operator your people can find, right?
  44. Trade Secrets(Made Man, 600): Some things are simply on a need to know basis. Clearance level for many organizations isn’t just another ranking system, it’s meant to be used only with people who actually need to know the information involved. People who are of higher rank might not have the clearance or even the permission to access the information that people beneath them have the clearance for. You’re the exception, of course. Now you have access to all the information and resources of the people who are underneath you, regardless of “need to know” status or clearance level. You can even extend this to the projects your subordinates have taken independently, or the ‘secrets’ of branch offices/companies you’re associated with. You’re the boss, or at least the trusted subordinate. You shouldn’t have to deal with middle men.
  45. Right-Hand Jumper(Made Man, 600): You’ve gotten your place for a reason. You could almost singlehandedly run this joint! You know just what it takes to make a large organization run smooth as silk with minimal effort, able to delegate and schedule like the God of Bureaucracy itself. You may need managers here and there to communicate your directives for larger companies(they’d have to span more than one country to get to this point, though) and even then, it’s remarkable what you can accomplish with simply a few memos and emails. All the skills it takes to be the hypercompetent professional you are.
  48. Reach My Hands Out(100, Good Samaritan): You’ve been surrounded by the suffering and hurt of others for so long. At first you may try to ignore it, but now the regret has grown so much you may feel the want to relieve it. You know how, now. While you can’t extend this farther than you can see with your own two eyes, you have a gift with relieving the stress of others just by talking to them, as well as having the sensitivity and skill to ascertain what troubles them and what kind of solutions there could be. Sometimes all it takes is to extend a helping hand.
  49. Nothing in this World is Useless!(100, Good Samaritan): You see the goodness in everybody and the beauty in everything, and it means you can find value in what was otherwise thrown away. You have a nice habit of discovering new uses for otherwise broken or ugly things, and you’re also able to find the good parts in people and bring them to bear if you talk with them long enough. You can even apply this to what you’re wearing and make a tie-die poncho with bright floral underwear work as your outfit, if you so wish. By seeing the value in otherwise forgotten things, you create it in others.
  50. Half-Boiled(200, Good Samaritan): They mock you because you’re kind, saying that goodness has no place in this world. Greed is a physical force, and this city is so full of troubles. To survive it, they say, you need to be hardboiled. But that isn’t you…and that’s fine, because you’re something much better. You’re the one who will befriend everyone in this town. With this, People now see you as a harmless do-gooder until proven otherwise, underestimating you or considering you just an overall trustworthy person, making it easy to open up to you. You’re also seen as more of a great person overall. Your gentle heart is what they mock, but it is your greatest strength.
  51. Known Wanderer (200 CP, Discount Good Samaritan): There's nothing quite like the outdoors- the sights, the sounds, the smells. Ah, the great open world! Or, it would be anyways if you didn't end up strutting into warzones. But your feet can walk a little lighter, for you know how to take care of yourself! A good knowledge of safe plants and their identical, deadly-poisonous counterparts, how to start a fire in a few minutes flat, the best way to navigate through unknown forests is all good, but besides the wild world you've got ways of scraping by in the 'civilized' places- how to beg and busk, how not to get caught and taken into custody- granted, you're gonna be living like a hobo, but some people really don't desire much past being able to buy a warm meal or two a day and how to find the local shelter. Hey, even if you're not the good-natured wanderer, it pays to know if you're ever caught broke and alone.
  52. Two in One Jumper (400 CP- Discount Good Samaritan): The poor fools had better know how to count. Two minds are said to be better than one, and this means you're a shining example of it- though obviously knowing the person in question would help, even mere acquaintances and you can coordinate to the degree of an acrobatics performance. Get to know someone real well, and I doubt it'd matter much if you were controlling the right side of a body and them the left- a meeting of the minds is preferable in your case, no standing stock still while you argue with your mind-roommate anymore. This can be to the point of working as two parts of a greater, stronger whole.
  53. Superior Combination(400, Good Samaritan): The Kamen Riders of yesteryear were single-form affairs, with at most a super mode. Even when multiple forms were had, it was usually extremely binary…”Strong form”, “Fast Form”, “Ranged form.” However, the OOO driver, W Driver and Fourze Driver all allow for mixing and matching capabilities…which often means a lot of stumbling to figure out which configurations work best. Much like how Shotaro and Phillip were able to find the ideal combinations of their powers such as Luna-Trigger and Heat-Metal, now you have a greater instinct on how to make the best out of the abilities you have already. Right away you’ll know how to synchronize a Kamen Rider belt’s gimmicks to the best they can be, but with some practice you’ll be able to extend this synergy to all of your abilities, getting a strong knowledge of the possible effects of different combinations. Sometimes your greatest techniques are better than the sum of their parts, after all.
  54. Above the Influence(600,Good Samaritan): Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely. It’s the unspoken link between the 3 sources of power in this world. Gaia Memories sold and bought by shadowy underground crime rings, Cell Medals that are generated through greed and desire, Zodiarts switches that use dark Cosmic Energy leave their poor Switchers begging and hungry for one more ounce of power. They thrive on the desire of the meek to finally stop being victims… but you don’t agree with that. You don’t see weakness in being good, and you also don’t find the allure overpowering. You have a stronger willpower, and you can completely ignore the addictive effects of Gaia Memories, Cosmic Energy as well as the overpowering amplification of Desire that the Core medals brings. This doesn’t make you immune to ALL of the side effects, as Gaia Memories can make you physically bonded and becoming a Last One Zodiart will still maintain the effect of freeing you from your body. But now you have the proper strength of will to use Zodiarts Switches and Gaia Memories without the mental drawbacks, and use the Core Medals without the greed completely overtaking you as it did the first Kamen Rider OOO. Other ‘addictive’ magical effects also fail to find a grasp on your mind, though if they possess physical drawbacks those will still be present.
  55. Power to Tearer(600, Good Samaritan): There are some things you normally wouldn’t do. Things you’ve declared “Not me”, things that would normally be taboo or unordinary from you. But sometimes that is exactly what is needed. You can declare a code that you consider unbreakable, it doesn’t need to be extensive, it can even be one guiding principle…But it has to be one you simply cannot be something you would agree with under normal circumstances or considered a trifling matter. But if you find yourself in danger and in need of power, you can gain a tremendous boost in your capabilities in every factor(speed, power, potency, viciousness, pretty much anything you can name that’s relevant for combat) by actively breaking the principle, either in battle or just tossing it aside for that duration. If you vow to never harm innocents, you’ll be extremely reckless and devil-may-care for collateral…but on the flipside, if you vow to never have a fair fight, you’ll gain this advantage by acting honorable and fair in the fight. It doesn’t matter the morality of what you vow, only that you normally would never do it. If you casually break it (Twice a week is a good baseline, anything less than that is safe) then you’ll find the power dropping by half until you renew the vow. If you’re willing to do what it takes to protect others, sometimes small evils are necessary.
  58. In The Right Hands(100, Creative Mind): Making new toys is obviously a cinch for you. Anyone with the right brilliance can cook up the world’s next top WMD if they wanted…It’s finding out who’s actually worth holding the damn thing that’s giving you a headache. If it’s not because they’re evil, it’s because they’re incompetent and can’t operate even a tablet computer without extensive coaching. The worst part is you have no idea they’re going to abuse or misuse your creations until it’s too late! At least, that’s how it used to be. You’ve learned through hard, hard experience now who’s most equipped (morally and mentally) to operate any piece of technology you create, as long as you’ve at least had a conversation or some time to observe them. In the right hands, even a simple sword can slay the greatest of dragons.
  59. Professional Quirks(100, Creative Mind): So you’ve picked up a few strange habits in your line of work. It happens. Sometimes you just gotta talk to a strange little doll on your shoulder or refuse to be called anything but “Lord Dragon of the mountains.” It’s also now a lot easier to not get seen as a weirdo (or at least for it to affect your job prospects) when you act out of the ordinary, as long as you’re competent at what you’re SUPPOSED to be doing. If you’re a molecular physicist who eats nothing but icing on the job, as long as you can prove you’re not banging rocks together nobody will begrudge you on it.
  60. Gadgeteer(200, Creative Mind): It can get a little lonely up in the lab…So nobody can blame you for making a few little buddies, can they? You’ve got skill in creating robots that usually can fit in one hand, with a tendency towards cutesy toy-like designs. Despite usually not being very smart, they have lots of personality, and you can even make them compatible with supernatural energies! You’ll only be able to make them compatible with Cosmic Switches, Core Medals and Gaia memories at first, but with time you can give them any kind of supernatural power source…however they’re only usually good for one or two things(such as the Bat Shot only being able to stun and take photos, or the Kujaku Candroid being able to fly and attack.) While they usually won’t be too strong even with this in mind, the fact that you can create devices capable of at least bothering the powerful kaijin that haunt this world is remarkable in itself. What kind of toy maker does that make you, when your creations can stave off the wolves?
  61. I'll Grant You This(200, Creative Mind): Funny thing about R&D. It’s expensive. Like. Very expensive. And usually they expect results, which can be hard to guarantee. Hell, even if whoever’s got the purse strings gives you money, you won’t be able to afford what you NEED to even start the testing. Of course, as always, no longer your problem. You’ve got an engineer’s wet dream, now: An almost unlimited budget. As long as you’ve got a major patron, your R&D efforts are cost-free, you don’t need to show results or fill out a quota. Just keep working, and the costs will be waived one way or another…But it DOES pile up, so don’t be too wasteful, okay?
  62. The Ends Justify(400, Creative Mind): One of the most frustrating things with research is when you hit a dead end. All that time, energy, and money wasted on NOTHING. However, when one door closes, a window opens. You’ll now find that as long as you put a clear and focused effort into researching or investigating something, you’ll always get something useful out of it, even if it’s minor or tangential. For example, if you were researching into infinite energy/perpetual motion, you may not ever reach it but you could discover things such as heavily friction-resistant materials or high capacity batteries. Let no effort be wasted.
  63. Clear Memory(400, Creative Mind): Gaia Memories are truly devious little things when you first find them. For one thing, they need living connectors just to be used at all. When you DO get them jacked in, it’s very quickly clear that they become harmful and addictive, with frequent abusers finding their bodies extremely vulnerable to bursts of supernatural energy like Limit Breaks and Maximum drives…Just ask the Weather dopant. Of course, like any natural resource, it just takes a little brilliance to refine it to your liking. You have the secrets required to take the rough, disgusting T1 Gaia Memories and refine them, creating Memories that are usable without connectors and without the addictive side-effects, though they’ll be limited in power compared to raw Memories.
  64. Greed is Good(600, Creative Mind): You don’t get where you are by not having a little bit of ambition, and that little bit goes a long way in these parts. You have through some ingenuity and a bit of skullduggery, acquired a set of 3 Lost Core Medals. You may check the Jumper Medals section of the jump to select which Lost Medal set you’re using and what powers they’d give if you used them in tandem with a Medal Driver, but you have internalized them into your body and become that unto a Greeed. You’re not FULLY a greeed and you don’t have a Full Power mode like the Greeed created by Gara and the Mad King, but you do have a few benefits just from possessing this quality. The most direct benefit is that your body is now entirely irrelevant for your survival, becoming made of a substance known as Cell Medals. These Cell medals can easily be lost and gained without harming your overall vitality, though losing too many will reduce you to your vulnerable Core Medals. You also have the ability to create Yummies, creatures that satisfy their host’s greed in order to produce Cell Medals. By absorbing Cell Medals, your body becomes stronger, more durable and fast. You essentially get a straight increase to your physical abilities the more Cell Medals you possess, even a Greeed with only one Core and a truly enormous amount of Cell Medals still is able to pose a threat to many combatants in this world. You have become a creature of desire…Go out and drink your fill.
  65. More Money More Power(600, Creative Mind): You’ve stepped beyond the bounds of mundane science and into the realm of desire, but marrying the two has become your talent. You now have a greater understanding of the principles that can convert Desire(in the form of Cell medals) into power, which is very potent indeed. For one thing, with enough resources and Cell Medals to do preliminary testing, you’ll be able to replicate the BIRTH System which used Cell Medals to create Kamen Rider Birth, as well as the Birth Buster which can ‘burn’ Cell medals to fire powerful bursts of desire energy as a weapon. You can extend these uses and easily use cell medals in place of regular energy sources for most technology, meaning that if you can get a good steady source of desire, you can essentially fuel your technology on greed. Now doesn’t that sound fascinating?
  69. Making an Impression(Inquisitive, 100): You take…
  71. You know how to make an entrance, an exit, and steal the spotlight between those two. You’re theatrical in everything you do, whether it be making a business deal or making a cake. As a bonus, you also know how to shout without hurting your voice or throat, so speaking loudly’s got no side effects!
  74. Terra-fying(Inquistive, 100): You’ve been touched by the death and decay of ancient things, one can only live so much in the shadow of defeated empires and extinct species before taking on the aura of fear that death so brings. It’s not overt, but you can put up a social pressure that shivers people to their core when they witness you, making them either unlikely to disagree with your or just want to stop talking in general. This can make you the proverbial elephant in the room unless you want to draw attention to yourself, someone so foreboding that normal people only WISH they didn’t have to acknowledge you.
  76. A Strong Foundation(Inquisitive, 200): You can’t do this all on your own, honestly. There’s only so much energy, so much time, so much money you have before you need to rely on others for excursions like these. It’s not like that’s an issue for you, however! You’ll find that looking for like-minded and sympathetic people for scientific and business endeavors is a cinch, as well as ensuring that they’re helpful to you. Gathering a crew of experts on any sort of research opportunity is a day’s work at most for you! You know how to find the best, and unite them behind a common cause…
  77. Let's Start the Lookup(Inquisitive, 200): You don’t get anywhere in your line of work without doing some digging, one way or another. But through skill and patience, you’ve learned a few tricks. You’ve got a knack for knowing where to begin the search for information, after all, not all databases were made equal and sometimes the scraps of info you need aren’t in widely published journals or even in a book or file per se. Once you arrive where you KNOW you’ll be able to find a lead, following up on it and being thorough enough to leave no stone unturned is a cinch for you. This makes you an excellent archeologist as well as incidentally, a not-to-shabby detective. It’s not the most glamorous thing, but we all can’t be Indiana Jones all the time.
  78. Timeless Tech(Inquisitive, 400): You’ve been to enough supposedly broken-down tombs to know that things were once upon a time built to last. Though some of their technology may approximate magic, the OOO Driver and Medagabyru should be ample proof that no matter how long they waited to be used, the second someone found these artifacts they were immediately useful. You can bestow that timelessness upon your creations, optionally giving them a sweet mayan/inca/Aztec aesthetic and making them immune to the ravages of time. They won’t be invincible but they WILL somehow work after years of poor maintenance in hostile weather conditions. This also means they won’t wear out after constant use, which is good for weapons and delicate but vital machinery. Once upon a time, things were built to last. Now, you can bring that back in one way or another.
  79. Born from the Mother Earth(Inquisitive, 400): The societies that lived closest with their world succeeded. Those that understood and lived with their world lasted long and prospered, while those who remained ignorant died of famine, predators and plague. Your connection with the True Gaia(as they’re known in this world) means that you have a special capability. You’ll find that you can adapt yourself and your creations to act as if you were native to the land around you. This won’t help adapt you to, say, a world of acid…but anything less than an entirely uninhabitable land is fair game. In a desert, you can find that your creations or yourself will move easier and unhindered by the sand and heat, wasting minimal water…or in an ocean, everything you create from here on will grow to be waterproof and resistant to pressure. They’re only subtle adaptations, but they can be the difference when you’re exploring unknown terrain. Becoming close to your surroundings is the key to survival and success.
  80. Knowledge is Power(Inquisitive, 600): You’ve reached the pinnacle of your understanding of Gaia’s Nature. You can now ‘condense’ information on a single TANGIBLE SUBJECT into a small ribcage-like implement known as a Gaia Memory. The more complete your knowledge the information on that subject is, the more ‘potent’ that implement becomes. While normally you require a Living Connector to shoot up- I mean USE these Gaia Memories, the ones you make can be freebased-I Mean used directly. When you insert a Gaia Memory into your body, it fills your body with a powerful transformative energy, creating a powerful monstrous ‘shell’ around you! The powers granted by this are often germane to the subject, but they usually aren’t anything world-cracking. The absolute strongest shown is Utopia, which gave powerful telekinetic abilities, but nothing on the level of omnipotence or major reality-bending. Not only that, but unless you have some way of getting absolutely complete knowledge on a subject(like a connection to the True Gaia Memory), you’ll often create incomplete memories that only grant small fractions of their true potential. Still, a Dopant(as the monstrous shell is called) is undefeatable by any mortal weaponry and often a single ‘complete’ Dopant is enough to present a major problem for the Kamen Rider of Fuuto city. With this, you can weaponize the ideas you’ve learned…Truly, Knowledge is Power.
  81. Font of Knowledge(Inquisitive, 600): You’ve dived deep into the Archive and have come out…mostly alive. You’ve found yourself connected to the True Gaia Memory, the archive of all recorded information on this earth. You now can access what is called the Gaia Library, which can only be seen when you fall into a trance without any awareness of what’s going on around you. When you do this, you fill find yourself in an infinite featureless mental landscape, with only rows upon rows of bookshelves going on into the distance. These all represent pieces of information recorded onto either paper or a digital archive, which you can access by picking the book representing that information. However…it takes a LONG time to comb through the library normally. Thus, you have the “Keyword” power, now. You can take up to 3 keywords and filter through the Gaia Library with them, taking only the information that mentions those 3 keywords all together. Through this, it’ll only show the ‘books’ containing information with those keywords in mind. This isn’t perfect, however, as it only works with information that has been written, and that applies to every world after this jump as well. For example, if you were to go from this modern-day world to a fantasy world, the information you can access would be vastly different, with Gaia Library changing to reflect this. Still, having all the knowledge on print and ink in any world can be a powerful thing. Use it well, as your fellow avatar Raito Sonozaki did.
  86. GEAR
  87. -------------
  88. NOTE: Good Samaritans get a discount on all items marked [HERO], due to their nature as the receivers and users of power for the greater good!
  90. [Hero]This Is My Stage Now!(600): Oh, you want the loadout of one of the Kamen Riders themselves? I can’t say I’d give these out for cheap, but on the other hand I can’t charge you this much for just the belts…so let’s make a deal. You pick one of the following riders, and then you get their belt, their bog-standard loadout(Which will be revealed in the following section), and any of the gear marked with their [TAG] at a discount. Fourze’s a special case, due to the “Mysterious Package”, so you’ll get a selection of his switches with this purchase instead. Discounts stack, Round up costs if they’re not divisible by 100, and if a gear option would be under 100 CP due to discounts you can take it free of charge. Ain’t it grand? They’re just copies, but they work as well as the real thing!
  91. ….A bit too expensive, huh? Okay, How about this. How about I…not make them copies? It wouldn’t take too much…But someone has to fill in their shoes. You can take this option for 400 CP instead, however…You’ll have to take “I Want To Be the Hero!” drawback for that Rider for no bonus CP. If you do more than one belt purchase with this discount, you’ll also have to take that drawback again!
  93. Kamen Rider W: Starts out with the Hardboilder motorcycle and the modifications necessary to make it the Hardboilder into the Hardsplasher and the HardTubuler, Double Driver and the LUNA, CYCLONE, HEAT, JOKER, METAL, TRIGGER Gaia Memories. Discount Tag is [DOUBLE]
  94. Kamen Rider OOO: Starts off with the OOO Driver and the TAKA, TORA, BATTA Core Medals. Discount Tag is [OWES]
  96. Kamen Rider Birth: Starts off with the Birth Belt, and the CLAWS system fully operational. Discount tag is [BIRTH]
  100. Drop-in
  101. ----------------------
  102. Cool Jacket and Shades(100): It's 100 miles to Fuuto, your bike’s got a full tank of gas, you’ve got a thick leather jacket of any color with your name, motto, and personal sigil emblazoned on it, it's dark... and you’re wearing wicked sunglasses. Hit it.
  103. Bowl of Never-Ending Udon(100): Delicious. You get a nice big metal bowl that has a little cover on it…When you unveil this cover, you’ll find that a fresh steaming bowl of the thick, spicy noodles are inside with whatever spices and toppings you desire. All you need to do to recover the bowl is to close the cover…and open it again! Stay fueled for the mission, jumper.
  105. Widget Detector(200): You think something like this would have already been created. Sure, the Gorilla Candroid can cover it…but this one is so much better in a lot of ways. For one thing, this gives you the actual directions towards what you set this device to look for. It resembles a stopwatch, oddly enough…In any case, this device is set to detect any Zodiarts switch, Gaia Memory or Core Medal within 100 miles of where you are, as well as being able to detect the energies of the monsters that those devices create. Not only that, but you can set this to detect any supernatural energy you already have a sample of! (though it will count all universe’s variations of that energy as separate. For example, if you were to use it on the magic of one world, then move on to another jump with a different magic system, the Detector wouldn’t be able to detect magic on that world until it was set with that world’s magic.) You can have up to 3 energies detected by this device at a time, but no matter the limitations, it’s invaluable to know where potential situations can arise!
  107. Aqua Miraider(200): A strange vehicle from the future! It’s a jet ski, however, it may aborb water in both the vapor and liquid form to convert it to a power source known as Manas Aqua, allowing it to gain a boost in durability as well as the ability to fly!
  109. CLAWS Personal Type(400): The Birth System’s greatest strength is the versatile armory it has, allowing Kamen Rider Birth to access up to 5 weapons known as the CLAWS. However, you’ve found access to Dr. Maki’s special prototypes…Cybernetic takes on the CLAWS modules! You have a few cybernetic Hardpoints to accommodate the 5 weapons! One purchase of this will give you a single weapon, and subsequent purchases will get you more weapons up till the complete set.
  111. The Weapons are:
  112. -Breast Cannon: A Cannon mounted on the chest hardpoint, it has a strong burst that can only be made stronger by introducing more cell medals into the firing mechanism! There’s no cap on how many medals you can place into the weapon, but at a certain point the power of the blast will launch you back, since your body hasn’t been altered to handle the higher end potential of the cannon.
  113. -Caterpillar Leg: Treadmill legs that allow you to get over rough terrain as well as improving your speed…as a side bonus, your kicks have much more oomph as a result of the rapidly speeding treads!
  114. -Cutter Wing: A flight pack that embeds itself into the Back hardpoint, you are able to take to the sky with ease and maneuverability, with the wings themselves also doubling as swords! It takes the term “cut and run” to new heights, allowing for effortless hit and run strikes!
  115. -Shovel Arm: A Bulldozer-like arm attachment that allows for fivefold strength in that arm, allowing even an ordinary fit human to lift the kaijin off of their feet and throw them, or smash them into oblivion with a few strikes!
  116. -Drill Arm: A giant drill on your arm, allowing you to pierce through the cell medal bodies of Yummies and Greeed to collect the coins straight from their bodies! IT’s a powerful piercing weapon otherwise and can rev up to do continuous damage if embedded in something, as you’d expect from a superbly durable drill cybernetic.
  117. -Crane Arm: A winch on the end of an extremely strong wire, it can be used to gather loose medals in a single swing as well as acting as a whip capable of tearing limbs and cell medals loose from the targets!
  119. [HERO]Prototype Combo Driver(400): When two become one, you’ll attain the greatest power…Or so they say. This is a device that you’ll find nowhere in this world, so don’t miss out. This is a custom driver made just for you, Jumper, with two options here. You can take the Coin Flip Driver, or the Tri-Memory Driver!
  120. The Coin Flip driver is a belt driver that will allow you to take two core medals and give yourself the powers of both, with the arm’s enhancements coming from both Medals. The head enhancement will be from the first medal, with the feet enhancement being from the second! Heads and Tails, after all! You may start with any two Core Medals, the list and their effects will be given in the Notes section. However, their capabilities will all be active at once, allowing for some interesting combinations.
  121. The Tri-Memory is a bit different, working off of Gaia Memories and allowing for a single person to transform with capabilities from all 3! Your body will turn tricolor, with the placement of the Memories determining which of the 3 areas(Body, Right Arm, Left Arm) are imbued with that Memory’s capabilities! You will gain 3 Gaia Memories to transform with, selected from the Jumper Memory list!
  122. A unique combination of styles, blazing into the unknown, will be your path to victory.
  124. [FOURZE][HERO]Mysterious Package(600) Mysterious Package (600 CP): An odd assortment of stuff here. A rocket-themed motorbike and a black box with some sort of blue image on the front. Smells like collector bait. Inside is a wonderful silver belt with a large transparent light blue attachment- you can call it the Fourze Driver! A lever extends off to the right and four slots are on the front, 2 on either side of a viewscreen of a suited figure. These are Module Basements- and you get a starter pack of the first 4 Astroswitches that fit in them. The orange-button Rocket Switch, the blue-spoiler Launcher switch, the yellow-twisting Drill Switch and the black-flipping Radar Switch. Rocket is fairly obvious- you get a rocket on your right arm that you can boost into people and boost around with. Launcher gives you a missile
  125. battery on your right leg that can fire off a deliciously destructive salvo. Drill manifests a large drill on your left leg, which while making it normally a bit hard to walk makes for a devastating kick especially with a boost behind it, and Radar is a invisibility-spotting, wave-bouncing machine on your left arm. It also can make contact with regular communication systems and has a viewscreen.
  126. Oh, right. The motorbike. Well, it's obviously inspired by a typical white rocketship in design, it's very eco-friendly as it only uses hydrogen for fuel, so don't worry about destroying the environment while you fight evil. Besides being quite a quick and agile motorbike, you can't help but notice strange notches where it could lock onto something for a more stable launch platform. How odd.
  127. Sadly, despite what its styling tells you it wants to do, you highly doubt it could reach the moon on its own. What a tragic story.
  129. [FOURZE]Power Dizer (600 CP): You're suddenly getting a real Ripley-vibe from this whole thing. Standing quite tall, this is a large caution-yellow exosuit with two claws and wheels making up its feet. Surprisingly agile already for such an odd machine, it also has multi-form capability! First it can shift into the 6-wheeled Vehicle Mode, resembling a rover in design. It also has a Tower Mode- though the functionality doesn't seem entirely clear at first, you notice strange protrusions that look like something vaguely bike-sized could lock in and be boosted upwards. It also has missile batteries in this form, so huzzah for that. While the original model would generate so much heat it could scald a normal person during operation, this one has already had modifications to make it safe for anyone to
  130. operate made to it. Endless Play awaits.
  133. Good Samaritan
  134. ----------------------
  135. Tomorrow's Underwear(100): There’s not much you need in this world, just Tomorrow’s Underwear and Today’s change. This is the former. You get a hamper full of intriguing, randomly designed, colorful and unique underwear of all kinds, suited to your preferred size. The hamper fills itself every sunrise and any underwear that’s left inside will get replaced with a new design. Feel fresh and ready to take on anything!
  136. [DOUBLE]Windscale Brand Hat collection(100): These are pretty rare. After all, there was some maniac with a Gaia Memory attacking the stores...You get a selection of fanciful chapeaus inspired by noir and detective novel styles, unlike their contemporaries they’re exceedingly resistant to fire and tearing, it’d take a buzzsaw to cut through these babies! For when you need to feel hard boiled, you can’t get much better than this.
  137. [DOUBLE]Memory Gadgets(200): As a lone crusader for justice(Or at least severely shorthanded compared to the bad guys…) you’ll need a bit of backup to handle the technical aspects. Luckily, these little guys are here to save the day! Each purchase of this will grant 1 of the following Memory Gadgets. They run off of Pseudo-memories, which take the form of various small animals! Each one has a few abilities and uses, and are also easily passed off as simple toys to the untrained eye.
  138. -The Stag Phone is a cell phone that switches between Cell Phone Mode and Stag Mode! You can connect the Stag Phone to a vehicle, and it will allow the vehicle to automatically pilot/drive itself to your location while in Cell Phone mode! While in Stag Mode, it can fly and attack, as well as attach itself to weapons to give a greater boost to their effectiveness. It also has a slot for refined(AKA you can use one to transform with a Driver)Gaia Memories in order to perform a Maximum Drive!
  139. - The Spider Shock is a wrist watch that switches between Wrist Watch Mode and Spider Mode with the use of the Spider Memory. While in Wrist Watch mode, it can fire out a grappling hook or tracking beacons that attach to targets, which can then be monitored through the wrist watch’s display! While in Spider Mode, it can be attached to weapons in order to give them a secondary attack that involves tossing out sticky, difficult to destroy web nets!
  140. - The Bat Shot is a digital camera that switches between Digicam Mode and Bat Mode! A live video feed can be linked to any digital archive or system while in either digicam mode or Bat mode, and while in Bat Mode the camera is capable of performing weak sonic attacks(amplified if attached to a weapon) and Maximum Drives if given a refined gaia memory.
  141. - The Frog Pod is a speaker that switches between Speaker Mode and Frog Mode with the use of the Frog Memory, which can act as both an MPC player and a sound recorder. When the recording is played back, the Frog Pod can modulate the sound to be anyone's voice. Its primary uses are for audio recording and analysis, as well as tracking shady individuals.
  142. - The Denden Sensor is a pair of night vision goggles that switches between Goggle Mode and Denden Mode with the use of the Denden Memory. It’s primary ability is to detect changes in the light spectra and alert its user to targets invisible to the naked eye! It is also used as a surveillance device, being able to store 8 terabytes of information in its Shell pseudo-memory.
  144. Today’s Change(200): Remember that bit about Tomorrow’s Underwear and Today’s Change? Here’s the latter. You now have a small tie-dye cloth, about a handful’s worth. It has a very unique property, but it only works when you’re trying to acquire something. When you close and open the cloth, a small hand-sized item that would work best to help you find that thing will appear. For example, when approaching a vending machine, it’ll create exact change for the machine. The interesting part is when you need to bribe, convince or pay someone. It’ll give you a small item that would give the best chance to sway them to your actions. However, this doesn’t mean always giving a nice little diamond for everyone. Sometimes you get items that make no sense, and that you’ll have to work to get them to accept that they desire it. However, it’s always something small and meaningful to that person, even in the moment. Sometimes you need quarters, sometimes you need a sandwich. You’re prepared to give a little something to make things easier on yourself, thanks to this.
  146. Medagabyru (400): The unfortunate truth of this world is that sometimes evil needs to be destroyed, instead of redeemed. The Core Medals present a particular problem with this, however. They’ve shown resistance to all but the most powerful of attacks, and they resist pressure and heat that would utterly destroy a normal metal…medal. However, this weapon has the power of negative desire, able to destroy a Core Medal permanently! It resembles a dinosaur themed axe at first, and is already heavily effective against kaijin with just that. However, if you insert cell medals into the axe’s opening, it will power up immensely by burning the medal’s latent energy, and perform what is known as the Ground of Doom. It is one of if not the only attacks in this world capable of shattering a Core Medal, and if used against a greeed it will heavily damage if not cripple them. Yummies will be outright annihilated on contact. As if that was not enough, it has a secondary ranged fire mode, and using cell medals in this way will create a blast with the Greeed and Yummy destroying properties of the Ground of Doom, though it cannot destroy medals this way. Some things on this earth cannot be allowed to exist…this is one way of fighting against that evil.
  148. Lost Driver MK 2(400): This is a familiar looking belt, if you’ve seen the Double Driver. This is half of that driver, allowing someone to transform into a Kamen Rider similar to Joker, Skull or Eternal. You’ll need a Gaia Memory to do that, though, and you’ll be provided a single free Gaia memory from the Jumper Memory list. You gain a single powerset according to this Gaia Memory, however if that was you all you’d have a pretty difficult time keeping up with Double and Accel, wouldn’t you? So here’s the true improvement on the Lost Driver: It comes with a set of weapons! You gain the Lost Saber and the Lost Shooter, versatile weapons compatible with memories and able to perform Maximum Drives as well! For 100 CP, you can select up to two more memories from the Jumper Memory list, whether to use with the Lost Saber and Magnum or to add more forms onto your repertoire. Either way, you’re prepared to fight…Whether for justice or power, is your own decision.
  150. [DOUBLE]RevolGarry(600): I didn’t know they made more of these things. Oh well, works out for you, tiger. You gain a massive truck, so large in fact that it’s treated like a mobile garage, hence the name “RevolGarry!” It usually is shaped similar to Kamen Rider W’s face, however you can theme it however you want with this purchase. The important thing is that it can contain up to 3 different motorcycles inside its revolving circular garage compartment, and if you don’t have any already you get the SpeedJumpder(a normal motorcycle, themed along the same lines as you pick for the RevolGarry) already inside! The RevolGarry is also extremely durable, able to take massive explosions and fly across a city block without a dent in the armor. If nothing else, it makes a good battering ram.
  151. Prism Driver(600): You thought two memories were strong? Let’s see them handle four!...Wait this isn’t what you thought it was. Oh well, it’s still pretty effective. You gain something akin to the Double Drivers, including the ability to mentally ‘fuse’ with someone by transforming at the same time. However, you gain two extra drivers alongside the Double Driver, in the form of the Prism Gauntlets. By using four memories, you can set a left half memory(think the Joker in CycloneJoker), a right half(The Cyclone in Cyclone Joker), a left gauntlet and a right gauntlet Memory. When you transform using all four, you will gain a combination similar to Double’s, alongside two weapons created from the gauntlets that are themed to the memories used in said Gauntlets! You will be mentally connected to everyone involved in the transformation, and those who transformed using the Left and Right gauntlet Drivers will be able to control their respective weapons independent of you, even able to act like drones or secondary combatants as the weapons attack on their own!
  152. You gain 4 Gaia Memories selected from the Jumper Memory list to transform into this state, and while in this state you will be able to defeat kaijin with greater ease than Double, though you won’t be able to reach the pinnacle of their combat ability through just owning the belt. After all, a small drawback to this belt is that in order to get the maximum potential, your teamwork has to be impeccable. But that’s only a minor hindrance…compared to the arsenal you can bring to bear.
  156. ==============================================================
  157. UFO
  158. Orange
  159. Gold
  160. Dragon
  161. Diamond
  162. Dolphin
  163. Salamander
  164. Bee
  165. Flower
  166. Music
  167. Key
  168. Star
  169. Edge
  170. Bomb
  171. Energy
  172. Pyramid
  173. Zero
  174. Magma
  175. Dino
  176. Cockroach
  177. Virus
  178. Nightmare
  179. Beast
  180. Gene
  181. Jewel
  182. Brilliant Masquerade
  183. Tool
  184. Dog
  185. Hell
  186. Orange
  190. ….Oh, you want these? I mean…you CAN, but they’re kind of spoken-for. If you really want…You have to take the “WISP Brigade” drawback for that Gaia Memory, for no extra CP. If you somehow get them all? Well…Look near the tail end of the jump for the "Unlimited Colors" scenario to see what happens.
  191. Suffice to say, They’re all pretty potent compared to the previous ones, and you already have a strong compatibility with them!
  192. ===============================================================
  193. Rocket
  194. Laser
  195. Cube
  196. Hover
  197. Spike
  198. Drill
  199. Frenzy
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