
Mind of Matter - Chapter 06

Aug 2nd, 2012
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  1. Upon arrival to the farm you are surprised to see AJ and Pinking waiting for you.
  2. Its 6am, what are they doing up?
  3. "Morning Anon!" Pinkie exclaims, noticing Luna as she and AJ bow
  4. "Good morning Princess" they both say as Luna blushes
  5. "Oh dear me..g-good morning Pinkie Pie, Good Morning Apple Jack, are you well?"
  6. They nod
  7. "Very much so yer majesty."
  8. Pinkie smiles
  9. "Its a pleasure to finally meet you! We're so glad you could have come today!"
  10. Luna seems to push tight against Anon, blush across her cheeks of embarrassment as you smirk
  11. "Ah, ease up on her Pinkie, she's still new to all this, why you two out here so early?"
  12. "For you suga' cube, we're ready to bring you both to yer party."
  13. "Party?" Luna asked
  14. "Dats right, Pinkie and I had spent a good deal of yesterday preparing for the event, ah don't you worry your pretty little thing either Princess, it wont be very big either."
  15. "That's right!" Pinkie exclaims "Only the bestest friends of ours will be there, Twilight, Rairty, Rainbowdash, Fluttershy and Spike."
  16. "Oh that sounds lovely!"
  17. "Well, that's a wonderful gathering group..."
  18. You grin, putting down the apples as does Luna behind yours.
  19. "Well, shall we begin?"
  20. "Just a moment" Luna says as she spreads her wings and flies up, she still had duties, and putting the moon away as her sister began to rise the sun was paramount.
  21. Unlike her nighttime Dance, the setting of the moon was far simpler in its execution.
  22. Luna would fly towards the moon, her horn radiating with energy as she gently guided the massive ball of rock slowly down the horizon out of the way as the sun began to rise on the opposite end.
  23. They were in perfect harmony, synchronized in their fall and rise before the Princess of the night landed back down, her once lovely, ever-flowing mane slowly faded to its bright blue colour, still against her body as she smiled.
  24. You clapped.
  25. "That's awesome..." you say as Luna bows "It is not much, but it still is part of my duty." she said softly, smiling up at you as Aj smirks
  26. "Well, what'yall waiting for, we have a party to get too!"
  28. AJ and Pinkie moved quickly, almost too quickly that you had to drag Luna to keep pace.
  29. Nopony was up since it was early, which made it easier to mosey through town to Sugar Cube Corner.
  30. From the backside, Pinkie showed you a door, shoving you inside quickly as you find yourself in the back end of the main hall, behind what looked like a curtain
  31. Is this some sort of joke?
  32. You look at Luna, she's nervous
  33. Easing down beside her, you stroke her neck, letting your hand ease through her mane.
  34. She seemed to...pause, calming slightly.
  35. "Hey, relax..."
  36. She looks at you, fidgeting a bit as she nods
  37. "I-I am sorry, I never had been part of a 'party' for me before...I wonder....what Pinkie has planned?"
  38. "Well I'm sure we wi-"
  39. "Fillies and gentlecolts..."
  40. "AHEM"
  41. Oh...sorry...I mean gentledragons!
  42. Pinkie certainly had planned this out well.I
  43. "Today we have a special surprise for all of you, she is the maiden of the night, the sweet sister of our beloved Princess and the mare that brings us the beauty of the stars and moon! Everypony welcome Princess LUNA!"
  44. The drape opened as you could see Pinkie showing her hoof behind it, ushering Luna forward as you smirk and give her a swift 'tap' on her rump.
  45. EEP!
  46. she exclaimed, trotting forward into to the open to see the familiar ponies of her freedom all before her, smiling before they all bowed.
  47. "Your highness" they all said "it is an honour to finally meet you."
  48. "Oh darling you are simply ravishing!" one of them said
  49. "Ill say, Celestia has spoken much about you Luna, its a pleasure to finally meet you!" another said.
  50. You grin
  51. Luna's the life of the party tonight.
  52. "And we're not done just yet!"
  53. Pinkie announces, Luna eases to the side to look behind to see you, her expression perfect as she smiled.
  54. "For the first time in Ponyville history, we are introduced to a completely new creature not of this world... a nice fellow and a warming friend, the first HUMAN to visit Equestria, I give you, ANON!
  55. The curtain pulls back further as you slowly step out, standing to your proper 5 foot 11 inch height as you smile and wave.
  56. "yo"
  57. You can see a myriad of colourful ponies. Two unicorns, a white one with a lavender mane and a purple one with a matching mane aside from a bright pink stripe. There were also two Pegasus, a blue one with a rainbow mane and a yellow one with a long pink mane.
  59. It was silence for a moment, so much so you could hear a pin drop...
  61. In this case someone dropped a cupcake as it splatted to the ground.
  62. "Spiiike!?" Complained Pinkie as you could see a little dragon standing on the buffet table, a fallen cupcake below him on the floor.
  63. "Sorry Pinkie...its just....I never seen a creature like that before."
  64. Pinkie seems a lil upset at the loss of a precious sweet, that was until the white one let out a tremendous gasp
  66. "Oh my word! Are you really wearing such dreadful garbs?" the white unicorn asked, having trotted to your side to study your attire.
  67. "Oh dear me such dreadful coloration, and the smell, darling you simply cannot stand to be looking THIS all day!"
  68. "Hey, I don't have the luxury of a diverse wardrobe Missy, don't be bashing what Im wearing.
  69. "Good heavens, how rude!"
  70. "Well excuse me if I like what I wear."
  71. "How can you like...that ensemble?"
  72. "Cause it defines me..."
  73. "No no, certainly not, dear me I would be most willing to find you something better suited for an ambassador of your kind."
  74. "Ambassador."
  75. "Well you are the first Human to be here are you not? That does make you an ambassador yes?"
  76. You nod slowly "y-yeah, I guess..."
  77. "Very well, perhaps we may find time to fit you as a proper individual should!"
  78. You're not sure what just went on, but you nod in agreement with the white one as she eyed you, those eyes, turning from focusing on something that allure?
  79. " the nighttime creature you mentioned before?" the purple one asked, taking a step towards you.
  80. You just stand there looking at her as she looked at you.
  81. "Yuh huh, thats him alright."
  82. "Fascinating...I...I never expected something like THIS to be what you meant...can he understand us?"
  83. "Well DUH! I mean, how else did I help him get into the library, he asked me to help so I did!"
  84. "I see...."
  85. "I take offense to that...":
  86. "Oh...I I am sorry if I did."
  87. "Can I understand you...geeze, what do I look like a child?"
  88. Obviously your words seemed to bother the purple one as she stepped back
  89. "I...I didn't k-know..."
  90. :Una steps by your side.
  91. "Do not worry my dear Twilight...Anon is...well...sensative to be considered lesser.
  92. "Geeze...thanks for the support....Twilight is it right?"
  93. The purple one, Twilight, looks back at you "Y-yes, I'm Twilight Sparkle...I...i didn't believe Pinkie at first, so I'm suprised how...I was proved wrong."
  94. "Sometimes its better to keep things in mind with what your friends tell you, they may be true no matter how silly they are."
  95. Twilight nods, eyes wide with understanding as she trots right in front of you
  96. "Well on behalf of my friends and I, we welcome you."
  97. "Hey now hold on!" spoke the blue Pegasus as she flew right into your face
  98. "Why not pick on someone whose tougher then you are eh?"
  99. "Look whose talking blue ball, you don't look to tough with your rainbow mane."
  100. "HEY I'll have you know that this is the coolest mane in all of Equestria"
  101. "I doubt that."
  102. "Oh really?"
  103. She gets right in your face, you get pissed
  104. "Yeah, I do, cause you know what, you got an attitude complex that makes it matter zilch, besides, the Princess of the Night has a cooler mane then you... 20% cooler actually."
  105. That seemed to hit a nerve as the blue Pegasus pushed her head right into yours, forehead to forehead "why you lil-"
  106. "Rainbow!" Everyone exclaimed as the Pegasus turned
  107. "WHAT? He started it!"
  108. "NO I didn't you lying putz":
  109. "Hey, you wanna fight?!"
  110. "Any time and place."
  111. "FINE!"
  112. RAINBOW!"
  113. The blue Pegasus huffed as she was pulled away, grumbling to herself as AJ tugged her by the tail.
  114. "Sorry bout that Anon, Rainbow here gets a lil...defensive bout her tail and all."
  115. "Yeah, I can see that, just tell her I'm happy to blow off some steam with some tussling."
  116. RD just huffs, looking away from you as you turn to your left to see the biggest...cutest eyes gazing at you
  117. Ohgod
  118. You ease back a bit as the yellow Pegasus was getting...oddly close.
  119. "Wow...hes so tall..."
  120. "Uhh hi?"
  121. "Meep..." she seemed to ease back from you as you calm, sitting up straight.
  122. " are?"
  123. " name is Flutterhsy...and...I wanted to...uhm.. say you don;'t look like some scary monster...i-in fact I think he looks quite cute for a hoo-man"
  124. "Cute?"
  125. tHE PEGASUS NODS " don't have any scary horns or teeth or claws...just...hairless pink body"
  126. "Well...err excuse me if I concur, but I don't like being called hairless
  127. She seemed to drop her smile to a bit of a worried frown
  128. "Oh..s-sorry, I I didn't mean-"
  129. You wave your hands, making her pause
  130. "Its okay....*sigh* you Ponies are quite...literal about things."
  131. "What do you mean by that?" Twilight asks.
  132. You sigh again
  133. "Don't worry...I'm just thinking out loud..."
  134. You look down to see a small dragon tugging on your pant leg
  135. "E-excuse me sir, but...what are you called again?"
  136. You bend know to face the little guy eye to eye
  137. "I'm called a human, and you're a dragon right?"
  138. "Well.,..yeah,m I'm Spike, I'm Twilight's assistant."
  139. "Pretty small to be an assistant"
  140. "HEY I'll have you know I help her write all the letters to Princess Celestia. In fact, I remember she wrote one about you"
  141. You look at Spike, then Twilight, who turns, feeling an odd chill down her spine as you walk over to her.
  142. " told your princess about me?" you ask her, towering over her as she seemed to squeak a bit.
  143. "W-well yes...I had to, I spoken to Pinkie when I found her in the Library and she said she had met a new friend in the night."
  144. You nod
  145. "Well...that explains a lot..." you sigh
  146. "II hope I didn't trouble you, oh my, was I not suppose to?"
  147. "N-no no, not at all, its would have eased a lot of tension.."
  148. "Anon Ah think ya'll should tell em your thoughts..." Aj said as you look at the orange mare and give a big sigh.
  149. "I've been... trying to avoid the princess."
  150. "Avoid the Princess?" everyone asks at once.
  151. Ow your ears...
  152. "yeah...i have my...reasons..." you mutter as they all stare at you
  153. Shit.
  154. "Why?" Twilight asks.
  155. You were about to explain when a sudden knock knock came from the door.
  156. You look at Pinkie
  157. "Expecting anyone else?"
  158. The pink mare shakes her head
  159. Oh shanp
  161. "Pinkie...I need to
  162. "B-but-"
  163. "No!"
  164. Pinkie pauses, the knocking came again
  165. "The Kitchen is just back there!" she points to it and within a second your gone, finding the tallest pantry to hide in as Pinkie goes to the door to open it find Princess Celestia standing there with two royal guards.
  167. You are Celestia
  168. And you've been feeling this searing pain in your horn ever since you rose the sun this morning.
  169. Luna had not returned, perhaps still spending her time with that nightime creature.
  170. She had done her duty with him, perhaps to show her magic to him.
  171. It was sweet, she seemed to grow attached to him more and more, and that made you glad.
  172. But the idea that you didn't know of this thing
  173. this creature...
  174. It bothered you.
  175. Your horn was another issue.
  176. Something bothered it, and it wasn't a common instance either.
  177. You sigh, easing back into your room to look at yourself in the mirror, raising a brush with your magic as you fix your mane.
  178. A sharp pain hit your horn as you drop the brush
  179. Sighing you ease your head down to cast a enchantment to it, bringing it back up as you gaze in the mirror-
  180. Something is watching you
  181. The creature from your dream
  182. the beast
  183. a dragon?
  184. Black scales, red eyes
  185. it watched you with a sinister gaze!
  186. You whip around instantly, tossing the brush aside and readying your magical spells
  187. but no one is there
  188. you look back in the Mirror
  189. its not there either
  190. You exhale, your mind aches of the sudden fear rippling down your spine as you look out the window, perhaps it...
  191. Nothing outside either.
  192. You turn back in, smelling a unusual...
  193. odor
  194. something burning....
  195. you look on your wall
  196. writing
  197. burned out of the very stone.
  198. "I'm watching you."
  200. "Pinkie, is Luna here?"
  201. The pink mare blinks
  202. "Oh Princess, of course she is! Were throwing her a party!"
  203. "May I see her?"
  204. Pinkie steps aside as she lets you in, all the ponies bow instantly, including spike.,
  205. "Princess Celestia?" Twilight asks
  206. "Twilight, my faithful student, and the elements, a pleasure to see you. I apologize if I am interrupting something but I must see Luna."
  207. "Yes Sister?"
  208. The Moon Princess stood at the stage, smiling a bit, but seeing your expression of deep concern brought a sudden change.
  209. she seemed worried
  210. "Luna, we must return to the castle at once..."
  211. "But...why?"
  212. "Something has happened, and I fear for your safety."
  213. "My safety, but sister, I am indeed not in any danger."
  214. "Luna, I have witness a creature that I fear may be what you have been seeing, it showed itself to me, taunted me...even wrote...a warning...on my wall. I cannot simply stand by as this thing now roams...we must head back at once.
  215. "But."
  216. "No buts...we must go at-"
  217. "And why does she have to listen to you Princess, she is a Princess herself is she not?"
  218. That voice
  219. "You..." Celestia says with a cold spike in her words
  220. Anon stepped out from the kitchen his eyes upon the celestial princess of the sun as he crossed his arms.
  221. "A pleasure to finally see you Princess Celestia, I am Anon."
  222. " you are the creature Luna has been seeing these past nights?"
  223. "Yes, I am...and I am also saying that you won't remove her from this party, this is for her and I plan to let her enjoy it.:
  224. "YOU, plan for MY sister?"
  225. "Yes...I plan to let her develop as a proper Princess should, not like some other sister who plans to keep her locked away."
  226. Celestia huffs, her eyes fixated deeply on you as she trots over, making you step back, keeping your distance.
  227. She pauses
  228. "You fear me?"
  229. "Fear? No, not in the slightest, I just like my personal space... I feel uneasy when somepony gets too close."
  230. "Yeah, I can agree to that.." Rainbow Dash muttered as Aj knocked her in the gut.
  231. Celestia seemed intrigued
  232. "Anon...I do not see you as a threat to me, you have taken kind to my sister and she has to you, but you cannot change what must be done by royalty, she must return for her own safety.
  233. "Safety from what, from something that's taunting you, I doubt she would be in any danger if she's here and nothing has bothered her."
  234. Luna nods slowly as Celestia looks at her, then back to you.
  235. "DO you mean to say you know of what I saw."
  236. "Perhaps I do...perhaps I don't, whatever your case may be, shes not in any danger here, and I plan to make sure she enjoys this party that's for her."
  237. Celestia seems...complacent, but she turns to her guards, nodding them off.
  238. "If you seek to take responsibility for my sister then I shall let it be so, she has spoken highly of you, but that is not enough for me; you are either an ally or a threat to my realm and I have yet to find either reason to judge accordingly."
  239. "Then perhaps allow me to find time to talk with you about that, I don't mind a nice sit down over coffee rather than accuse me of being a villainous monstrosity.'
  240. 'perhaps....i shall take you up on that offer...Anon...a pleasure to allow me the chance to finally see you."
  241. And without another word she left, closing the door behind her.
  243. Silence
  244. Stillness...
  246. "Well whats everypony standing around for, lets PARTY!"
  248. Its hard to just let that get out of your head as you sit by the punch bowl, sipping the juice you had in hand as everypony was talking with Luna. Spike sat beside you,nibbling on a cupcake
  249. "So, you're a human right? Guess it must feel odd to be out here with these gals eh?"
  250. "SPike, you don't know the half of it..."
  251. RD flies up to your face, glaring at you again as you give her a "i don't care look."
  252. "You still want to fight it out?" you ask, she nods
  253. "You wanna challenge me, then you better be ready to bring it all on."
  254. "Fine with me, but you can fly, I can't so the argument is invalid."
  255. "What, you saying your chicken?"
  256. "No, but you have an unfair advantage, I don't fight those who can win because they have a natural affinity to be better.:"
  257. "Hah, so you admit me being better?"
  258. "Never said that, just that your kind is 'superior" since you can fly. The only way I can fly is if I can pilot an aircraft."
  259. "Aircraft?"
  260. "A flying machine, can be as simple as a balloon to something as complex as a jet fighter."
  261. Rd sits before you
  262. "I know Pinkie has a balloon and I've seen her flying contraption, but whats this Jet fighter you mentioned, it sounds cool."
  263. You sip your drink
  264. She really wanted to know eh...god this was going to be fun.
  265. "How fast can you fly?"
  266. "Pretty fast, I can clear the sky in Ponyville in 10 seconds flat"
  267. "Its true, seen it" Spike chirps as you look at the blue Pegasus
  268. "Doesn't give me a number...."
  269. "I can create a Sonic Rainboom"
  270. "Sonic Rainboom?"
  271. "Its....well...its a big boom that makes a rainbowand I go super fast FWOOOSH!" she starts flying around in circles, eventually smacking herself into a wall.
  272. You chuckle, certainly shes resilient as she flutters back.
  273. "Well...ow...not as impressive as the real deal..."
  274. "hrmmm, a Sonic Rainboom seems to be considered a sonic boom, similar to our world...meaning you probably went at least Mach 1 to achieve it, breaking the sound barrier is that boom, though how it makes a rainbow I don't get..."
  275. "Yeah, that sounds right, so, whatcha got against that?"
  276. "Well...we have aircraft that can achieve that...
  277. "WHAT!?"
  278. "And break it."
  279. "WHHHAT!?"
  280. "Humans loved to fly, the jet fighter I can break mach 2 and then some...."
  281. "Mach 2? 2? you mean its ONE more better than ME?"
  282. "Yup!"
  283. RD seems upset as she starts flying all over, smashing into things before she is suddenly stopped by A
  284. "Now calm down dere suga cube, what seems to be the problem.:"
  285. "Ill tell you the problem, Anon says Hoo-mans have made things FASTER than ME! Can you BELIEVE THAT!? FASTER THAN ME!?"
  286. You roll your eyes.
  287. "Look, nothing is faster then you here suga cube, whatever Anon mention probably aint from round these parts, so relax will yeh?"
  288. RD sighs, she turns to Anon
  289. "You and me still need to duke it out, I wont let this stand to have ANYTHING faster than me."
  290. You raise your arms, hands open non-aggressive like
  291. "Fine fine, ill wait for the day then.:"
  292. RD grumbles as she flutters off.
  293. AJ sighs, trotting over.
  294. "Ya'll make a cute couple you know that?>"
  295. "Oh shush."
  296. AJ smirks
  297. "Don't mind Rainbow, shes rather...possessive and stubborn, but shes as loyal as a firend ya;ll ever could have; shes proven it many times."
  298. "I don't doubt that, she seems fun... once you get past the ego."
  299. Ah here that.":
  300. "Drink?" You pour her some
  301. "Why thank yeh Anon."
  302. She sips i through a straw you plunk into her cup.
  303. "So whatcha'll think of everyone?>"
  304. "Well...Twilights nice, i think shes quite cute being so...inquisitive...Rarity is interesting, though wanting to make me new clothing is always a plus. Fluttershy is...well...yeah...shy, and Rainbow...she's a bit of a mule."
  305. "I HEARD that."
  306. "Meant for you to!"
  307. Aj rolls her eyes
  308. "Well, yall seem to be settling in fine, dats a good thing."
  309. "Yeah, see, I told you that you'd be fine Anon."
  310. All the ponies now gather around him, Luna included as they all smiled.
  311. It was kinda creepy, but at the same time, it felt...comforting
  312. You finish your last bit of Punch
  313. "'re all wonderful...wonderful ponies, and I thank each n'every one of yez for being so...kind and stuff...been a long time since I've...had such...kindness....
  314. You black out'
  315. You're exhausted....last thing you remember is tumbling forward, and everypony suddenly jumping out to catch you.
  317. --
  319. You wake up sometime later back at AJ's barn, your head hurts a bit but you feel quite...comfy.
  320. You notice you're not wearing the same clothing as before...but a soft...what the fuck?
  321. You're wearing lose pants and a shirt.
  322. The heck is this shit?
  323. Where's your jeans and your...things.
  324. You flip out, quickly rummaging around until you see below all your clothes hanging....the lenght of the barn had a wire strung out with your shirt, pants...socks even.... and your phone and everything else nearly placed on a stool.
  325. of em.
  326. You groan a bit, perhaps staying up far longer than you'd like for the party had its consequence as you slowly wake your senses.
  327. You look at the fabric you were wearing
  328. it was...familiar
  329. Was this the same material the curtain at the party was made from?
  330. Rarity...perhaps she had a thing to do with it.
  331. Perhaps she did.
  332. It certainly wasn't just thrown together, you can actually see seam-work done to the fabric to make it fit around your form.
  333. the thought of her doing that while you were unconscious was...unsettling...but perhaps it was useful for them to understand your physiology.
  334. you certain felt a lil less comforting to know that somepony was checking out your body while you were asleep.
  336. After a brief stretch, you make your way down to the main level of the barn, checking your clothing as you did
  337. Dry
  338. That's good, you can change back into them
  339. u go over to your phone
  340. Still fully charged
  341. Tat was unusual.
  342. You can't imagine that your phone could last 2 full days without losing some battery life, but the indicator was still at 100%.
  343. You shrug
  344. Best not to bother, it was a good thing
  345. Turning back to your clothing, you go and grab your garments, pants, shirt, over-shirt.
  346. You look around
  347. No one about
  348. you sigh as you slowly pull down the pants
  349. "Ah Anon!" spoke a rather soft, yet proper voice.
  350. You turn to see Princess Celestia 'sitting' to your left on a cushion with a cup of coffee before her, another cushion and cup of the same brew lay across from her.
  351. You flush red as you whip your pants back up
  352. THANK GOD you were wearing Underwear
  353. "E-excuse me, but...d-do you mind?
  354. "Mind what?"
  355. "I...want know, get changed, can I have some privacy?"
  356. Celestia seemed confused, but seeing you gripping your pants feverishly was enough to realize the error of her suddenly saying hello.
  357. He had not noticed you till then, a shame, you may have been able to watch him and see his physique.
  358. "Oh..but of course."
  359. Her wings spread out and cover over her head and body, shielding her gaze from you as you sigh
  360. Not the same, but fuck it
  361. you slip on your pants and shirt, folding away the "sleep wear" rarity had made for you before sitting down across from the princess.
  362. "Thank you your majesty." you say as she eases her wings down and back to her flanks.
  363. "I was hoping to take you up on that offer to talk Anon, so I decided to wait here while you slept."
  364. Geee...that's comforting
  365. "And Luna?"
  366. "She has been returned to Canterlot, She was quite happy even in her sleep. You really imprinted yourself on her; I have never seen her so pleased before."
  367. "Give a lil love I guess and it goes a long way."
  368. Celestia perked her head a bit.
  369. "figure of speech"
  370. "Ah...she use them quiet frequently."
  371. "Its what I feel best saying, sorry for the confusion."
  372. She shook her head, levitating her coffee mug to her lips to drink
  373. You do the same...with your hand of course.
  374. IT WAS very sweet
  375. Holy crap
  376. it wasn't a cup of joe
  377. more like Josephine
  378. You sip it back, i tasted good none the less, not too strong either
  379. Funny, you never thought coffee was okay with horses, but hey, they love eating sugar cubes...
  380. "I wanted to ask about you Anon, you certainly have...a way with words strongly so that I nearly felt include to....scold you for it.
  381. "Scold me? I don't think that would work Princess..." you say near monotone.
  382. Honestly, what was she thinking? You could care less about being 'scolded' though it did sound oddly...
  383. ...motherly...
  384. "How else does a princess treat one who nearly insults her in front of her royal subjects some manners?"
  385. You blink, there are several ways you think this through, realizing the fact MAGIC and a giant Alicorn are involved cut down the ideas instantly....
  386. Yeah...
  387. Scolding would be best...
  388. "Well, I guess you do scold them, but if the Princess has done wrong then she is in no right to do the scolding."
  389. "Oh really?"
  390. you take a sip
  391. "Yeah, I stand by what i said, I think how you treated Luna was wrongful on your part, it certainly isn't how sisters should be treated, especially if she's done much wrong in the past because of her lonesome."
  392. Celestia seemed to grow still for a moment, you worry, but seeing her take a sip of her coffee was enough to press on
  393. "She wanted to better herself, you know that, hell I'm sure once she was freed of that darkness she was willing to make herself look better, to make her subjects see her better."
  394. "That is true my dear, very much so that I can not disprove because it wasn't they who had seen it troublesome..."
  395. she sips
  396. " was my subjects of the court that made me do so."
  397. "The court?"
  398. Celestia nods
  399. "I may be Princess of Equestria, Anon, but I assure you I cannot lead my subjects efficiently as my own. The court's based around leaders from every Major city in Equestria to debate the needs and musts of my subjects. I alone never make the full decision on certain matters, and Luna's case was no exception"
  400. "but shes family?"
  401. Celestia sighs, hrmming with deep focus
  402. "Yes, and trust me Anon, I wished never to banish her in the first place, I understood her plight, I did so with great worry and fear. She had turned into something I wished she hadn't... but the facts were there, and what happened happened because of my leading, and of my error. The court was ass assembled by every major figure from the main cities of Euqestria.
  403. Manehatton, Filidelphia, Hoofington and the others sent representatives chosen by the whole city to attend the courts sessions...and for the first hundred so years it went superbly. "
  404. You made senses, something you can expect from your world, but the clincher was on the table now.
  405. "Wat happened after that first 100 years?"
  406. Celestia looked at you, a expression you never thought possible on such a power as her.
  407. She was sad, depressed with deep regret.
  408. "The court became...upstanding."
  409. "Upstanding?"
  410. "Yes...full of themselves, and I partly know who is to blame"
  411. Oh shit...
  412. "My Nephew...Prince Blueblood, descendant of the Princess Platinum, had somehow risen among the elites of Canterlot as a prized speak to represent the ponies requests as a whole. It was...interesting to say the least how one could be so influential that ALL support backed him from within Caterlot. I had no reason to object to his addition, but..."
  413. "But what?"
  414. "I felt a pang of regret, one that I've lived with, one that placed itself alongside the regret of my sisters life."
  415. That's bad
  416. "I had sent away to the other cities, asking if they knew of BlueBlood, surely he bore some...intent within his mind to seek power. His Mother was the same, and I would not be surprised if he had taken to her striding."
  417. "And what did the other cities say?"
  418. "They were in worry of it."
  419. "Worry?"
  420. "The old Princess and her minions had been everywhere, many of them had attempted to take seats of power in every city, but they all saw through their veils, it was obvious they wanted to grant the Princess, more for the matter BlueBlood, with more strength in the decision, almost to challenge my own power and superiority.
  421. "I take it that it didn't go through, surely your court would have seen-'
  422. "Blueblood had been accepted...without my consent."
  423. You nearly dropped your coffee
  424. "H-how the fuck?"
  425. She looked at you with big eyes, almost finding more insult in your curse word then the subject
  426. "Anon!"
  427. "Sorry your highness, but serious, dubbuye, tee, eff, what the heck happened there?"
  429. she almost barked that one, as thought it was a pang of more then just regret, almost of insult....pain.
  430. You sit back, surprised by her outburst as she comforts herself with a deep sigh, fluttering her wings before settling them back against her flank.
  431. ""I had no choice, he was settled into Canterlot office...and he ruled the court from there."
  432. "Wait..old the heck did he get settled into the court without the Princess consent? I mean, Hello, you're the one in charged here?"
  433. "Do you think me a fool Anon? I had every idea of his intentions, the fact that he Avoided my judgment was unfitting, even belittling me of my right as ruler of Equestria...I had....never been so insulted by my own subjects..."
  434. You smirk, sitting back
  435. "What? You dare mock my trifle?!"
  436. "Well...maybe....if you're "all knowing" then how did you not see this coming?"
  437. She got mad, you could see her expression anger.
  438. " don't understand the responsibility i take to my subjects, you do not realize, perhaps even fathom what duties I attend. If you think solely the raise and fall of the sun is all I manage then you are sorely mistaken...My subjects are my responsibility, tending to them, governing them, protecting them. This court was my open hoof to extend a connection from them to me, and this Prince, this Prince...swine....wanted to settled those matters before me...."
  439. "I take it this has to deal with Platinum then, sending her kid to fuck this up?"
  440. "Anon!"
  441. "Sorry..."
  442. She paused, calming a bit from her rant as she sipped another bit of her coffee and poured, extending the kettle to you as you nod, letting her fill it.
  443. "I could not refuse his offering when the entire court requested his refuse would have been the worse possible solution to relationships with my subjects and the also seemed apparent to Blueblood to single the situation with Luna as a primary means of concern. Even though I had banished her, he sought more from her, preventing her from ever leading a normal life again."
  444. "That sucks...'
  445. "I would have been much worse....Platinum had seen fit to make my matters becoming as difficult as possible, and Blueblood's appearance, as well as certain desire to enlist into the court, was not beyond my thoughts on the matter. What I found out further however was far worse."
  446. "Oh do tell, how can some Bashful prince bastard come in the muck up your court..."
  447. "He wished to remove me from the throne.."
  448. There was a long silence, even you felt a sudden pang of dread from how a place like this...well...could still have the soils of political greed and destruction.
  449. "A coup?"
  450. "Coup? ANon, we are not chickens..."
  451. "No no...that's not it, a political coup."
  452. "What is this...Coup?"
  453. "Its known as a forceful overthrow of the assembly of leadership in a location by the military or a separate political power all together. More often it means lots of shooting up and dying..."
  454. "I dare say such a thing could exist here."
  455. "I wouldn't be surprised if infulence and treachery are as common as you make it out to be."
  456. Celestia sighed, accepting what you said for a moment before sipping a bit more of her brew.
  457. "Since then, I have challenged BlueBlood, and he has me in every decision the court makes. It has become so bogged down in plotted infighting, overruling and disapproval that it has halted much of the required situations that are needed from all the other cities; weather management of several locations to the funding of reconstruction of broken or old property."
  458. "sO IT WENT All to crap?"
  459. "Yes, fortunately many of the city governors were wise stallions and mares, they did their jobs well and i could have some severance knowing they could handle themselves, but...Canterlot is a bit city, and eventually it was becoming aparent we couldn't led even ourselves efficiently.
  460. "BluebLoods doing?"
  461. "YEs, I can already figure the blame game was on me since the start Anon, and it has been a thousand years since then.
  462. "So with the return of Luna..."
  463. "They have only begun to bicker, but I senses BlueBlood wants to try something..."
  464. You sigh, putting down your cup
  465. "Well, if you wanted me to hear your story of authority crumble around you then you have my sympathy, but I really don't care much about it. Politics can kiss my arse for all I care."
  466. "Anon...?"
  467. You start grabbing your wallet, slipping it into your pocket.
  468. "I honestly don't want any part of your banter towards dealing with your subjects, that's your call, not mine."
  469. "Anon!?"
  470. You put on your hat and begin grabbing your phone when you can see a magical aura around the stool, pulling it away slightly. You sigh, looking up at Celestia.
  471. "what?"
  472. "Please, do not joke me. Do not take me for a wild mare who seeks to make you relate to her pain. I ask at least allow me to have you present yourself as witness to the court this evening, such is your words that I would have a very good...feeling...about you presenting to them."
  473. "About what, how stupid they are? You can do that just as easily."
  474. "Nay...":
  475. "Nay>?:"
  476. "I am a princess, and for the past several hundred years, BlueBlood has drilled that fact into the courts head; they see me as ROYALTY, not as Politics."
  477. "Yet Royalty still has a say."
  478. "Until they are no longer needed."
  479. You look at Celestia, and then back at your stuff, the time on your phone said almost 3pm, so you decided to think about it.
  480. "Tell you what, I got some things planned for this come by before sunset sharp and I'll give you my decision"
  481. Celestia smiled, her expression warming as she slowly rose "I shall wait your arrival Anon."
  482. "That don't mean I will agree to it."
  483. "I understand, but I have faith you may do the right thing for me."
  484. "Yeah...well...Luna deserves it at least, if they start bitching at her, I want to start bowling some heads."
  485. "bowling...some...heads?"
  486. You smack your fist into your opposite palm a few times to bear reference to the rather violent nature of the word as Celestia just seems to smirk, giggling a bit at the fact
  487. "You are a wild species Anon, I wonder if I should expect much more of you?"
  488. "I wouldn't put that past yeh, besides...someones going to get a beat down tonight, I can tell you that much when any human is involved in politics."
  490. You left the barn soon after, seeing the princess leave the other side back to Canterlot.
  491. Strange
  492. She didn't take her cushion or kettle...a gift perhaps?
  493. It didn't matter, right now you had to see-"
  494. "HEY ANON!"
  495. Pinkie bounded down on top of you, pinning you to the floor.
  496. "Diddja like it? DIDJA LIKE IOT!>?" She put her face right onto yours as you blink
  497. "Augh, Pinkie GHEEZE!" you ease her back a bit, sitting up as you dust off
  498. "just got em clean....did I like what?"
  499. "THE party!" she jumped in place few times, smirking as big as ever
  500. "Yeah...
  501. you say with a smile
  502. "yeah I did very much...thank you."
  503. "I...I hope the Princess wasn't too much of a problem for you, I didn't tell her, honest."
  504. "No, I kno0w you didn't, Twilight, she did, but not you, I can't be mad at you from your friend taking something so serious to heart that she must tell her mentor....she needs to get out more."
  505. "I knoW! I tell her ALL the time."
  506. "I think she needs a bit more then that then..."
  507. You stand up, dusting your pants off now and your shoes before you fix your hat
  508. Pinkie smiling at you
  509. "Hay, where is Rarity's place...she wanted to get some new clothing for me if I recall from her statement at the party.
  510. Pinkie nods
  511. "Sure thing Anon, I was wondering when you;'d take her up on that offer."
  512. "Hey, its free clothing, free is good, and it would be rude of me to refuse.
  513. Pinkie smiles
  514. "You're going to like rarity, shes the kindness, most generous pony you could ever meet.
  515. "Sounds like quiet a person
  516. "yes, she also is a wonderful tailor."
  517. "Oh?""
  518. "Yuh huh! She made us super awesome dresses for the galla!
  519. "Well, then I guess she wont have any trouble for me then, she did make me those jammies."
  520. "What?"
  521. "Oh, the curtain, did she use that?"
  522. "From the party? Oh rarity INSISTED she make you some proper sleep wear. I let her take my old curtain and well,you were wearing them"
  523. "comfy too, hope you didn't mind?"
  524. "Not at ALL! I wanted to get a new one for awhile anyway so it just made my job a lot easier."
  525. She giggled, of course it wasn't that complex in being given something to help with.
  526. She did buy you PB&J, that's just another thing to add up for Pinkie, she was so nice.
  527. making you feel welcome and comfortable.
  528. And if she was this nice, and rarity made you this outfit, how would SHE be towards you?
  530. "Pinkie! Oh its so wonderful top see you!"
  531. The two mares hugged as Rarity welcomed the pink one to the door. You can remember her from the party that morning, white cat with a brilliant violet mane that matched the fur perfectly.
  532. She was elegant in style and design, certainly in the 'sexy' category for ponies, perhaps almost show-pony',material since her mane was so...well..perfect.
  533. "And Ah, Anon, it is so wonderful to see you.
  534. She trotted over, looking up and down at your form
  535. "My my, much more spectacular standing tall, you would not believe how difficult it was to measure you out sleeping on the floor...indeed you take the...silliest...of positions."
  536. Shge giggled, you rubbed the back of your head a bit
  537. "Yeah...funny, but I don't remember asking for it..."
  538. "Nonsense dear, I made my words clear, an ambassador of a new species must look the part. Style and fashion are most befitting for a person of such political standing...'
  539. "Oh....uhh well I'm not all that for being "political" I'm just here, lost from my own world."
  540. Rarity gave a sadden face
  541. "Oh dear me, such a shame to hear that, I do apologize, I did not-"
  542. You waggle your hand
  543. "Think nothing of it m'lady, I was just trying to make it clear I am not the "primary" example of my species, hell, I'm sure there are a lot better ones of me back there, but I am in no way the Ambassador."
  544. "Well, you are the only one here darling, at least take a title fitting"
  545. "I'd say Expeditioner"
  546. "VEry well, an Expeditionist still requires the right attire1' and she turned about, almost "strutting" in style back inside...
  547. Was she showing off her rump?
  549. You follow inside, Pinkie didn't follow.
  550. "Pinkie,not coming?"
  551. "Sorry Anon, Rarity makes it explicit she wanted to see you alone, so I'm off to prepare for your second welcome party!"
  552. "But we had one before."
  553. She nods
  554. "Duh that was Luna's party, we still need to make one just for you and I HAVE JUST the thing to do it!"
  555. "Great...well that may need to wait...but thank you Pinkie."
  556. "No problem Anon, you be kind to Rarity, she can kick a lot more than any other pony when it comes to words."
  557. "Eh?"
  558. Pinkie smiles and just skips off
  559. What did she mean by "kicks harder with words?"
  561. Rarity "Boutique" as she called it was a mix between a house and a storefront. Walking inside through the main door opened to several "mannequins" or in this case PONY-quins of shape, male and female, with some of them donning outfits of elegance and grace.
  562. You were no fashion artists, bit you could tell these suits and dresses were quite well done
  563. Their stitching looked nice, and some even were incrusted with-
  564. Oh
  565. shit...
  566. are those DIAMONDS!?
  567. You blink, the suit on the Stallion seems to have embroidered diamonds all along the collar. Even around the pocket it had three separate jewels encased around the lip.
  568. "Do you like it?" Rarity asks, turning about to see Anon gazing at the outfit
  569. "Its...well...very nice, but I've never seen so much crystal-work in a suit."
  570. "Crystal work?"
  571. "Diamonds and rare stones."
  572. "Oh! Well darling its quite the high level of fashion, almost EVERYpony who wants to be well known sports some form of jewels, diamonds, sapphires, ruby's, emeralds...
  573. You pause, she didn't seem all amazed as you were
  574. " say that so causally."
  575. "Well of course dear, its not like its hard to find jewels to make dresses."
  576. "Wait...what?"
  577. "Oh dear me, please do not say your lack of fashion has made you not realize what bea-"
  578. "no no no....I'm my world Rarity, stuff like diamonds are expensive, let alone used as extensively in most fashion shows."
  579. Rarity eyes light up
  580. "Fashion shows, then you MUST tell me of them! Though, seeing your style...perhaps I should worry for them?"
  581. You roll your eyes, shaking your head a bit.
  582. "N-npo, my lack of fashion doesn't mean humans lack it."
  583. "Then what do you mean?"
  584. "Well, we have a good deal of fashion ability in our own race I just don't follow it."
  585. "I can understand why darling, Jeans with a short sleeve, how tacky, really, turtlenecks are the only way to sport such a colour as denim.
  586. "Uhhh right...anyway, you wanted to make some new clothes for me?"
  587. Again the brightened expression as she nodded
  588. "Oh YES Indeed I did darling, but, come now, where are my manners, do you want something to eat or drink, you certainly have been asleep for awhile, did you not eat before you come?"
  589. "I uh-"
  590. A growling of your stomach makes the answer pretty clear as rarity suppresses giggle
  591. "My dear Anon, let me fix you something, perhaps some eggs or a hay-on-toast sandwich, or perhaps oatmeal?"
  592. "Oatmeal works!" you call back, you prefer oatmeal and you've hadn't really had anything other then apples and the PB&J Pinkie got you.
  593. "Very well, some oatmeal for the explorer! Sweetie Belle!" she called out
  594. "Be a dear and get some good plates,we have guests!"
  595. "Okay Rarity!" Chipped another cute child-like voice as the rapping of hooves on tile suddenly came into existence.
  596. "Oh boy a guest1 Who is it?"
  597. "A new friend darling, his name is anon, he's waiting in the foye, why not go meet him."
  598. "Oh Would I!"
  599. Sweetie Belle trotted on small legs right into the foye, only to see a tall, spindly looking...thing...standing there.
  600. You were still wearing your hat, she couldn't even seen yopur face, just a pair of brown eyes gazing at her
  601. "AIEEEE!"
  602. "SWEETIE BELLE!?" Rarity yelped, rushing into the Foye
  603. "Whats the matter sweetie?"
  604. "M-MOnster, there's a Monster here Rarity!"
  605. "OH, little fillie, stop being so silly..THATs anon!"
  606. She sighed, realizing how intimidating you DID look.
  607. "Anon...I'm sorry for this, I guess a little Fillie who hasn't seen a human can be a bit scatted...would you-"
  608. "Take off my hat? Yah..."
  609. Your bucket hat came off, your brown eyes from behind your glasses were clearer now, no shadow, and your black hair curled a bit, almost like Sweeties.
  610. The white unicorn fillie with hair split between Pink and Purple looked at you from her Sisters arms
  611. "Oh-oh! AppleBloom told me about you!"
  612. "AppleBloom...?"
  613. The yellow fillie from AJ's farm
  614. You had total forgot about her.
  615. She was certainly one to spill the still had to talk to her bout you. Shit...keep forgetting things and its gonna be a problem
  616. "I..>i have to go tell her that you;'re at MY house now, I'm sure she'd want to see you again Mr Invisible."
  617. She skittles from her Sisters grip and right out the door.
  618. Rarity sighed
  619. "Fillies these days, so energetic..."
  620. "Why you say that, aren't you like a fillie yourself."
  621. Rarity blushed, both with embarrassment and flattery "haha Oh dear me Anon no no, I am a sophisticate and beautiful mare, please, I'm sure your kind has a difference between young and old just as we."
  622. "We do, so I guess you'd be an elegant "mademoiselle"
  623. She seems to blink at the word, eyes alight again
  624. "Oh my Anon, do you spot yourself as word of such elegant tongue?
  625. you pause, smirking a bit
  626. "Wee mademoiselle Rarity, I cannot say I haven't bothered with learning such finery tongue and etiquette."
  627. "Oh simply wondrous, Pinkie was right about your words, such a elegant vocabulary...please please, take a seat, I will have your oatmeal read in just a moment!"
  628. she began to hum, it seems she enjoy cooking, even a simple meal like oatmeal, made you smile a bit, felt quite glad that someone enjoyed doing things for others. Guess that's what the others meant by "Generosity"
  629. You dared not to take advantage of such a thing...but could that even be possible to the very element of it?
  630. "Here you are Sweetie, now eat up, Rarity worked hard to make it just right."
  631. "Its oatmeal?"
  632. "tut tut! Even oatmeal needs the tender care as a full dinner would need especially when its made for someone else!"
  633. You nods, looking at her as she stood by your side, almost like a waiting chef for the result of a kind creeped yeh, but you slowly took the spoon, dipped it in, drew a blob, and then stuck it in your mouth.
  634. It was sweet
  635. Really sweet
  636. Sweet to the point of perfection without lousing the taste of the oatmeal itself.
  637. You keep the spoon on your tongue, the oatmeal already in your mouth as you plus the silverware from your mouth and let the food sit.
  638. It did taste good, even its heat was right
  639. You've eaten a lot of oatmeal in your life
  640. This...was probably
  641. the
  642. BEST
  643. you ever had
  644. You swallow, it even went down smooth as you nod and gave a thumbs up.
  645. Rarity's expression brighten as she jumped slightly.
  646. "Wonderful, simply wonderful!" she trotted to another chair across from you and sat
  647. "Now then dearie, Rarity had said to make you some clothes, and I do not mean those for your bed ware; every pony deserve something to sleep it, dreadfully not what you wear when you go out! Thank Pinkies kindness for the curtain, being an old sheet from a bed. It would have been dreadfully hard to get you settled so quickly without you waking up mid-process, how unfitting a lady to have to do everything with their client a sleep, simply ungodly method of customer service."
  648. You just eat your food, her rambling is...quiet in depth, but you nod, too busy with food in the maw
  649. "Now then, seeing you...ensemble....made me think that I would need to completely think about how one designs clothes for a new species. I've never much delved into making clothing for animals....but....oddly enough the premise of a PET line of clothing does sound quiet....oooo....Ideeeeaa~!"
  650. You take another spoonful as she starts going off about pets and dresses and dresses for pets...
  651. Weird...
  652. You didn't care
  653. oatmeal
  654. "....Oh but I digress...where was OH!" she clapped her hooves together as she got up and walked to your sides
  655. "Anon, I would like to take your measurements, a fashioner cannot make miracles without some instruction now can she? I must ask if you let me get your numbers."
  656. You gulped the spoonful
  657. "uuhhh sure?"
  658. There goes breakfast
  659. "Oh simply wonderful!" she trotted off and sat across from you again
  660. "But do be a dear and finish, it won't do well cold, especially if you're hungry."
  661. And you thought Pinkie was kind
  662. Holyshitgenerosity.
  664. She led you to her tailor room; it was another section of the main level.
  665. Its well lit, two large windows looked out into the green pastures beyond Ponyville as Rarity went to a desk nearby, grabbing a few items and n=magically levitating a pair of oversize orange glasses onto her face.
  666. They weren't lens-less
  667. Holy shit they were elaborate as all fuck
  668. and that colour.
  669. You snicker, holding in a giggle
  670. "Is something the matter anon?
  671. She chripped, grabbing a measuring tape in her maw and trotting over to you
  672. "There,. be a dear and...
  673. She looked at you, her eyes open for a moment of realization
  674. "You are still wearing your clothes
  675. "Yyyyeah so?""
  676. D;
  677. darling, I would need you to....oh my."
  678. She began to blush immensely
  679. "oh my...I...never realized that., oh dear me its not that you're a handsome....ahh oh my I'm so sorry, I couldn't...when you were...eeke...oh my oh my oh my..."
  680. she see,med to scamper about on all four hooves as you blink a few times.
  681. "Uhhh Rarity?"
  682. She paused
  683. "Y-yes?"
  684. "Its fine..." you wave both hands "if you don't mind turning around for a bit, Ill get this off."
  685. She blushed, nodding in compliance as she trund,levitating two samples of fabric over her peripherals like blinders
  686. She was still a lady respectability was number one as you flunk down your pants, and remove your button down.
  687. Your briefs were snug...aside from the obvious and your shirt helped covering just a bit as it was snugly fit;perhaps being washed did something to it."
  688. "okay, I'm ready."
  689. Rarity turned slowly, you can see her eyes study your face, then your body and then directly to between your legs.
  690. She blushed more, hiding it as she stepped forward
  691. "o-okay...l-lets begin."
  692. Shes jittery with the tape, perhaps seeing his "manhood" rather close like that (compared to ponies who seem to lack that from the value of it).
  693. You were more concerned about that horn....
  694. Dear god it was hovering way to close.
  695. "t-thirty three leg..." she muttered
  696. "Oh dear me that certianly is a tad longer than I've ever worked with... how tall are you my dear?"
  697. "Uhhh...five foot eight"
  698. "Hrmmm, five foot eight...that requires bit more thinking...yes...."
  699. She looked at you, your legs, then a ponyquin...she trotted over to it, gently magicing the fabric doll as she adjusted the limbs, standing it straight up and along side you.
  700. "hrmmm close, but a bit short on the outcome...very well, Anon, may you raise your arms?"
  701. "What like this?"
  702. You raise your arms out from your body past your head; starfish
  703. "Perfect, now, Rarity needs you NOT to move an inch!"
  705. This was...
  706. so pathetic
  707. You're arms wouldn't go down after you finished with rarity, you had strained your muscles to the point that you needed HER to help plop them back down.
  708. "Im terribly sorry my dear, by that's the only way to have made the measurements perfect.
  709. "Gee...thanks....ow."
  710. You feel your other arm fall and roll your shoulders, yet definitely needed a GOOD STRETCH AS you stand up and rotate your body partial clock and counter clockwise, letting your arms work out.
  711. "I want to thank you kindly for that either way Rarity, means a lot to me that someone wants me in good fashion tastes."
  712. "Oh opf coruse dear,i WOULDN'T dream OF Having such an important figure in his species to look beneath himself, clearly it was most requiring of me to befit you in the BEST possible garments one can offer to their ambassador."
  713. "Explorer"
  714. "Explorer!"
  715. You chuckle
  716. 'well...thanks either way, but may I ask a favor?"
  717. Rarity perked her ears, turning
  718. "Yes dear, what is it?"
  719. "Can i make me a vest."
  720. "A vest? Why certainly dear, I can easily add that in with the ensamble, hrmm, a vest, yes perhaps a classical Ponisaunce attire or maybe a Follia design or-"
  721. "Not that kind of vest"
  722. She turns
  723. "then, what my dear?"
  724. "A combat vest?"
  725. "COMBAT? OH how dreadful,why would you EVER request something so...savage and brutish?"
  726. "Because I feel I need it for my own safety?"
  727. Rarity paused, her expression went tense, much more than before
  728. "Darling, why would anyone want to bring harm to you, especially seeing as you're not even known by manyponies here?"
  729. "You forget one thing; the important ones do, you SAW Celestia at the party this morning, she SAW me, in fact, she visited me after the party...after you kindly took me home."
  730. "We....Didn't take you home..."
  731. You pause
  732. "What do you mean?"
  733. "Dear, none of us took you home because Celestia had done it for us."
  734. You go pale white
  735. "So did she-"
  736. "No no, I still made your sleepwear, by her request of course, and she then asked to take you home personally."
  737. "And Luna?"
  738. Rarity nodded "The Guard Ponies took her home before Celestia, she will be put to bed in her room."
  739. You sigh
  740. "Thats a relief....I'm glad she got home, but...I thought I would take care of her."
  741. "Oh dear but you did! You were such a gentlpony to her."
  742. "Gentleman"
  743. "Yes...of course...such a gentleman to her, she certainly does seem attached to you, very odd, but who am I to question royalty, maybe its the latest thing."
  744. You smirk
  745. "Well...yeah...Kinda guess why she wanted to ask me to attend a court in Canterlot."
  746. "A WHAT!? Rarity seemed to drop her expression
  748. Rarity jumped right up to you, fore hooves on your chest face to face
  749. "OH DARLING! My clothes to be seen witness to the very esteemed individuals of the court!?" She fluttered against you, her whole body pulsated as she rested on your chest
  750. "My word, why didn't you mention it~?" she whispered, her tone suddenly very surly "I would be happy to make something so befitting of you...but..."
  751. She paused, pulling away "that does not explain the desire for a....combat...vest." she said, tapping your chest to emphasis the question.
  752. You sigh, shaking your head "She mentioned some pretty....deep shit"
  753. "Anon!"
  754. "Sorry....she mentioned some pretty important things regarding the court, things that she'd want me to help her handle. I don't honestly know why she would, but she felt my "attitude" would be best suited for the situation. Problem is, that's a ROYAL court, and despite it being as such, by the way I figure, someones going to be armed with a sword and someones going to be willing to use it."
  755. "Anon, dearest me why must you think such a hellish thought?"
  756. "Call it my bare essence of survival and tactical awareness. I Don't slack off when I'm going to something important in a place I know nothing about; I would be damned if I somehow end up on the end of a stick without anything to protect me especially when I have no idea just would be to die like that."
  757. Rarity si9ghed, nodding "A Romantic ideal Anon, but I can assure you no such a thing would be considered here....I will make you the vest, but promise me, promise me you will not wear that thing unless its absolutely necessary. Wouldn't DREAM of advertising myself as that, and for the respect of you, showing it around wouldn't go well either...such a barbaric thing, I should swat you for such a request..." she gently batted your shoulder, making a rather pretend prissy "oooooh!" sound.
  758. You laugh
  759. "I promise, I won't wear it out in public, but I'll still wear it at the court."
  760. Rarity sighed, giving a casual smile as she took off her glasses
  761. She did look cuter without them off, dear god she looked cute with them on
  762. Dear god brain what the heck
  763. "Roll with it"
  764. "Wha?" Rarity suddenly said, the momentary silence bewildering her just as it did you
  765. "Ah nm-nothing"
  766. you pull back instantly just as you hear a knocking at the door.
  768. SAFE
  770. You exhale, slowly letting Rarity trot around you to open the door
  771. You hear a click and a yawn of the door opening
  772. "Oh Twilight! What brings you here?"
  773. "Hello Rarity, Pinkie told me Anon was here, I just wanted to drop in and say Hi to him."
  774. "Oh yes, he and I have just finished a wonderful plan for an ensemble he must wear tonight
  775. "Oh really?"
  776. "Indeed, his clothes are simply atrocious, I cannot understand how his kind can wear them...mind you he looks quite good in them when you pout that aside.
  777. Twilight seemed to pause for a bit as Rarity looked at her
  778. "Oh deary me, I hope that didn't sound so...raunchy of me." she giggled further as she led Twilight into the fitting room
  779. "Anon, we're coming-"
  780. He wasn't there.
  781. "S-strange...he was just sitting here a moment ago?"
  783. --
  785. NOPE
  786. nope nope nope
  787. NOOOOPE
  788. you DO NOT want to see Twilight, DEAR GOD NOT NOW!
  790. You were flushed red when your brain drew you into that dim fantasy of what Rarity was imposing
  791. Those eyes, god damn those eyes! What was in them, geeze they looked like galaxies...."
  792. Probably why she is so hard to avoid allure
  793. Whatever the case, you were aroused mode.
  794. Last thing you want is to go off and think of Twilight like that
  795. FUCK not Twilight
  796. It was bad enough her MENTOR, the PRINCESS gave you the motherly treatment this morning, its even worse you started thinking naughty of her STUDENT...let alone her SISTER.
  797. The former being slightly wrong in any sense of the matter.
  798. Rarity knew the request, she'd didn't, you could trust her too, question is...what could you do while you wait
  799. You had crept out the window when Rarity had uttered the word Twilight, and her gossip talk gave you enough time to break for the window, find it unlocked, and sneak outside with it.
  800. Now, all you were needing to do was
  801. "Hey!"
  802. You pause to see Pinkie standing there
  803. "I saw what you did there.."
  804. "Uhh Pinkie?" she begins to walk towards you, pointing you back the way you came
  805. "Pinkie, what the heck?"
  806. "You need to speak with Twilight, nopony and I MEAN no pony will just leave from a conversation
  807. "But-Pinkie, t-theres a perfectly good explanation!"
  808. "NO BUTTTS!" she points a hoof at your mouth
  809. "Its not nice of a friend to ditch other friends..."
  810. You paused...she was right
  811. You facepalm yourself
  812. You weren't here to be tactical, this was to get to KNOW these ponies...
  813. Fuck, the questions you could ask
  814. You open your eyes as you don't see Pinkie in front of you any more and your back to the window you left from
  815. "Anon, dear what are you doing outside?" Rarity ask, having opened the window when Twilight noticed you.
  816. "OH...just needed to get some air, so I came out from the window."
  817. "But darling...there is a back door."
  818. You sigh, chuckling a bit
  819. "You know, I never like taking the back door, windows are much cooler."
  820. Rarity rolls her eyes as she chuckles "You're certainly the silly one."
  821. "If Twilight wants to talk, then send her outside, we'll leave you to your work."
  822. Rarity smirks "Oh, and leave me all alone?"
  823. "We'll be right here, you're welcome to join us."
  824. she waggled a hoof as she went back inside, bringing out Twilight who had the most confused expression on her face
  825. "Waht...just happened here?" she asked
  826. She looks at you suddenly and freezes
  827. She was so close to you again, this time it seemed she was a bit frightened of it.
  828. "Hey, you coming or not?"
  829. "Uh...y-yeah, sure..." she eases her frame about the window, trying to figure out how to slip out.
  830. "Oh...oW!" she mutters, trying to bend over the frame a bit
  831. "Twilight..." Rarity began in a near monotone voice "just use the door."
  832. --
  833. She stood beside you with a hat on, or at least one she thought of wearing.
  834. "I read that its better to be as equal to your partner in attire as possible to make them feel comfortable."
  835. "Where did you get that?"
  836. "Ambassadors Etiquette 101."
  837. Who the fuck has a book on that?
  838. You shrug,'d bother about it and it get you no where.
  839. You were both looking out over the pasture, several times Twilight stared at you, not sure if she should say anything., all, or waiting on you to say something.
  840. You sigh
  841. :"So, you had questions?"
  842. Twilight blinked "ah, yeah, I do...number one...well...Welcome to Equestria and Ponyville...I'm Twilight Sparkle, and you are Anon yes?"
  843. A scroll suddenly fluttered from the girls saddle-bag as she began to scribble out with the quill levitated with her magic, same waty Rarity did for items she wanted to 'hold"
  844. you scoff, smirking a bit as you reach into your pocket
  845. "Strange, you don't resemble anything within the history of Equestira, nothing I've ever read about had a "hairless ape" hrmmm, certainly important for initial findings but it certainly is going to be hard to describe your past."
  846. "What is this a biography?"
  847. "Yes Anon, yes it is, Celestia requested I study you as best as possible, I plan to do so, wouldn't make me a proper student if I didn't."
  848. "oh have got to be kidding.
  849. "about what?"
  851. "What you're doing, geezes do you really gotta be that boring?"
  852. "Boring?"
  853. "yes, boring, UI mean, who writes a biography about someone new rather then just talking to them, drop the scroll lady, you don't need that."
  854. "Don't NEED that, may I remind you that I can't just save all my memoiries to some form of literature, whats wrong with being through when you need to write about a new species?"
  855. "Well for one...its rude. I don't come out to talk to a reporter, blasted things are all a bother."
  856. "A reporter!? Certianly I am not, I'm a Librarian, and I work at the Ponyville Library, so I MUST document this."
  857. "Go ahead jelly doughnut, don't mind me then."
  858. " the hell did you even think that?"
  859. "I don't know, maybe because I think you need to liven up more and stop being so plain"
  860. "P-plain? How am I plain?"
  861. "Just....your attitude...why are you writing this thing. Why not just experience the fact you're talking to a new creature in your world..."
  862. You start walking forward
  863. "Hey,w-where are you going?"
  864. "For a walk, seems your too busy to bother with your writing
  865. "H-hey now, that's not true, Anon...ANON WAIT!"
  866. TL ran after you, you just bolted through the open plains before you until you hear the galloping of hooves and feel a hefty weight on your back
  867. "Anon!"
  868. "Oh crap!"
  869. You fall, she's on top of you.
  870. "Anon, WAIT, I can't let you leave until I document this! Celestia insisted on a report, I have to make on-!"
  872. You shove her right off, arm swinging back as you knock her quiet hard.
  873. She's actually thrown nearly a foot away as she lands beside you, you get off and are about to bolt when you suddenly hear sobbing.
  874. Twilight is on the ground, shes twitching a bit, not from any shock, but from the crying she was doing
  875. "W-what did I...*sniff* wrong...I..I read everything about envoys and meetings and how to act proper towards deligates of other regions...and and..."
  876. She starts whimpering something else, her breath exhaling quickly as you turn around, slowly walking back to her, easing down beside her so she could see you. On your toes, legs squatted as you look at her.
  877. She looks at you, eyes tearing up.
  878. "You okay? Anything hurt? I hope I didn't get you in a sensitive spot.."
  879. She shakes her head slowly...
  880. "Good, then lie on your back"
  881. "What?"
  882. "Just do it..."
  883. She nods, sniffling away some tears as she turns over onto her backside, gazing up at the sky.
  884. She would hear your footsteps as she tried to tolt her head without much success as you lay down on your back, directly opposit from the very point of her head to yours.
  885. "There, you got questions, I'll answer...
  886. "*sniffle* a-alright..."
  887. She paused, in fact, her eyes were distracted by looking...well...up
  888. Rainbow dash hadn't cleared the sky yet, a common thing for her to do while she lazed about, but that didn't mean it was an off kettle thing to worry about. Twilight gazed at the clouds, they seemed...calming...almost serene, more-so then usual.
  889. She exhaled, letting a soft breath escape
  890. "Where did you come from?" she began
  891. "Earth...a planet much like this, that's all I can gather that I certainly am not there anymore,"
  892. " did you get here? Did you fly a spaceship?"
  893. "Nope"
  894. "Teleportation"
  895. "nuh uh.."
  896. "Time Travel?"
  897. "I doubt this planet is a past or even future example of earth..."
  898. "Trans-dimensional?"
  899. "I wouldn't put that one past it, but I'd still have to say no.
  900. "Then how?"
  901. "The concept of how eludes me, and I haven;t the foggiest as to what did it in the first place and why."
  902. Twilight sighed, putting her hooves to her chin
  903. "That doesn't make sense, how can you just BE here?"
  904. "The same way you can exist here perhaps? I can't give you answers Twilight, I'm just as dumbfounded as you.
  905. "Maybe he came from a distant star cluster, sent here by ancient aliens that needed him to save us all from sheer disaster?"
  906. The chirpy voice of Pinkie knocked the two upright instantly as Pinkie was lay amongst then seemingly out of nowhere, connecting her head position to Twis' and Anons, making a three pronged star like formation"
  907. "I doubt that, I don't think aliens would abduct a HUMAN to fix a problem elsewhere, we're not the best kind of species for that"
  908. Twilight sits up
  909. "Why do you say that?"
  910. "HUmans... or humanity in general, is a selfish, greedy race that seeks little in the way of making things better; our own world is too messed up to consider being a prime example of planetary care to begin with, minus the wars we fight amongst ourselves quite commonly."
  911. "Sounds...terrible"
  912. "It has its moments...but those are far and few...I can't say I dislike it, its home, and I just live with it."
  913. Twilight sighed "Well, guess I can be glad we got a good seed of your race?"
  914. "I have my doubts, no human is ever a GOOD seed, we all have the qualities of evil; greed, lust, gluttony, the usual sort of chaotic mixtures we disdain but cant avoid.
  915. Twilight's expression seem to sour
  916. "You mean, you have chaos in you?"
  917. "Perhaps, we all do, at least humans do; many literature on our species, mostly religious ones, speak of a balance of good in evil in all mankind, depending on what...and how...we use our lives changes the balance."
  918. Twilight seemed awe.
  919. She never expected an actual creature with not just good in them, but Chaos as well, it was quite mind blowing such a possibility could exist.
  920. Anon laid back down, resting his head on the grass
  921. "You ever do this? Just sit back and watch the clouds?"
  922. The sound of trotting hooves echoed nearby as Rarity ran up the embankment
  923. "Oh heavens darlings are you alright? I heard Twilight shout Anons name and then chase after him, I do hope nothing terrible has happened."
  924. Anon turns a bit "nothing at all Rarity, Twilight was just about to show me some unusual formations of cummulis clouds
  925. "Oh....well...alright then..." Rarity had a bewildered look, the same could be said for Twilight as anon just laid there. Pinlkie giggled pointing a cloud
  926. "Hey, that opne looks like a banana"
  927. Anon smirks "Were? All I see are potatoes..."
  928. "Potates, bleh, they are not fun!"
  929. "But they do make french fries"
  930. Pinkie rubbed her belly "Mmmm I LOVE french fries, I wonder why they are called that when there isn't much French here, unlike your world which has France...but does that mean French Fries come from there...?"
  931. How the hell did this ponie know that stuff?
  932. You shrug
  933. Best not to question, last thing you want is to figure an answer you'd hate yourself hearing.
  934. "Well, If its all well and done here girls and gentleman, I shall return to my duties, I am indeed having MUCH fun designing your attire Anon, who would have imagined HUMANS to be excellent fashion models....oh the wonders..."
  935. Rarity trotted off, babbling to herself about some ideas in her head for clothing, perhaps some she could work to her normal ensembles she would design for other ponies as you poke Twilight flank
  936. "Hey, we're not done are we?"
  937. Twilight blinked as he signaled to have her lie down again as she did without hesitation.
  938. "SO...what makes you choose between Good and Evil?"
  939. Anon shrugged "Depends, could be anything from simple desires of power and wealth to the prospect of revenge to just wanting to little voices in your head that tell you to do something can't be explained, but its just how people choose to live their lives. Me, personally, I feel I have a good balance of both."
  940. "Both?"
  941. "I have good thoughts and then I have thoughts of me wanting to break someones neck."
  942. "There's nothing good about something like that."
  943. "Well, it explains my use of force with you moments earlier...still sorry for it
  944. "its the past....but you certainly are quite...strong for someone so...well...thin."
  945. You roll your eyes
  946. "Muscle tension; I am quite durable for my looks, never judge a book by its cover."
  947. "That should be easy for Twilight, she has thousands of them!"
  948. "I know, she does live in a Library..."
  949. You and Pinkie Pie giggle
  950. "Hey, that's not nice!" Twilight huffed
  951. "Ah relax Twilight, no harm, no foul..." you sit up looking at her "Sides, where I come from, girls who are quite...intelligent are always famed for their skills...and you..well..seeing as you;re a pretty stock pony, you'd look quite...attractive if you were a human."
  952. Twilight face went blush red, almost close to Pinkies as the pink mare turned about on her stomach
  953. "Oh hey, Twilight's turning PINK like me!"
  954. She shot Pinkie a look and then quickly ran off.
  955. You watch her go, rubbing her head.
  956. "Uh...was it something I said?"
  957. "Maybeee?" Pinkie adds look up at you
  958. Oh darn, hope I didn't offend her"
  959. "No...shes just not use to be so well complimented on her looks."
  960. "What do you mean"
  961. Pinkie sighs"She doesn't get out much, you'd think someone like her would be for meeting somepony special, but seems she doesn't ever get many chances, what being a bookworm and all."
  962. "Shame, can see that she needs to get laid."
  963. "You know it me, we ALL know she needs that special somepony."
  964. You nod as you watch her flash away with her teleportation, not even going to say bye to rarity, you must have really got her rilled with just one compliment.
  965. Either ponies were too literal, or they just seemed to drop around you.
  966. Speaking of drop....
  968. You lay back down next to Pinkie as she wiggles a hoof at the sky, making airplane noises
  969. "Nerrrr p'shew p'shew! This is Pink Leader, were going in!"
  970. "what are you doing?"
  971. "Oh, just imagining a valiant fight between dragons and jet fighters."
  972. "Dragons and jet fighters?"
  973. "Yeah, it'd be super cool, see, the jets they can fly almost as natural as Pegasus, but the dragons are tough so they need to fly super crazy and fast, working as a team and-"
  974. "ughh that's all fine and dandy, and I like where that is going, but serious, what?"
  975. "Oh, that's probably going to happen later..."
  976. Pinkie snickered as she laid back again
  977. "What do you think was with Twilight?" you ask as Pinkie shurgs
  978. "I was just as suprised as you, shes never reacted like that to ANYpony
  979. "Well, I hope I didn't insult saying she'd be cute as a human."
  980. "Perhaps it was the oppsit like on Opposuit day, you know, maybeshe thinks you find her cute as a ponby,ad ecven more so as a human."
  981. "Oh god, please tell me she wont use hermagic to change form...god sakes I'd hate myself if she went through all the trouble t-"
  982. You pause as you look up, seeinbg a small bird fly over...but thats no bird...its bright blue'
  983. A pegasus.
  984. A rainbow tail chased her fdlgiht path, lining up with each of her manuvers, swoopiung up and down, left and right, making the clouds spin aqll about as she moved quikcly through the canopy.
  985. "Wow...wait...she looks familair?"
  986. "Oh thats Rainbow Dash! Remeber her from the party?"You remeber a certian pegasus gfetting in your grill.
  987. was she the same one?
  988. You pause, laying back as Pinkie was now waying widly about
  989. "Whooo go DASHIE!"
  990. As if on cue to the cheering her friend made, 'Dashie' began to intensify her flight pattern, she went left and righjt weith breakneck speed and perhaps even more g-force than a human could ever take. Her body was nible, quickly flying, banking, diving and even whipping around clouds into a frenzy as she puts all her heart into it.
  991. She really was trying her best, but something seemed...a miss.
  992. She didn't seem to catch air as properly as you thoiught, something about her tails position or maybe it was her hooves in the rear.
  993. She certainly had a lot less drag on her than say the yellow pegasus from the morning, Fluttershy was it? Her hair was much shorter and even her tail was cropped just a bit to allow for better airflow.
  994. She did seem areodynamic to the extreme, moreso that shewas a female build rather than a male.
  995. You lay back to watch the rainbow trail behind her as you see her suddenly bank downards at...incredible speed
  996. "Oh shes going to try a Sonic Rainboom"
  997. "A sonic whatsits?"
  998. "Ooooh just watch, its too awesome to explain"
  999. You indeed do, sitting up as you see her drop altitude at an incredibkle pace, you never seen something drop sonfast, especially now that her angel seemed...oh dear....a bit too closeto theground
  1000. "C'mon Dashie!" Pinkie cried as the Ponie looked up just in timeto
  1001. She seemed to hesitate, and rather than pull up like she should do, she slammed hard into the dirt, dragging a trail from the point of impact right to your feet.
  1002. Pinkie had a forwn "awww, no good Dashie?"
  1003. The sky blue pegasusi rose her head, spitting out dirt as she looked up at Pinkie, then you.
  1004. Quicklygetting to her feet she glares at you
  1005. "That was still super awesome Dashie!"
  1006. The pegasus turns to Pinkie
  1007. "Aw, thanks Pinkie, but it aint the best, not with this lameo standing around, made me mess up my flight."
  1008. "Excuse me?"
  1009. What was that, was she just BLAMING you for her mistake
  1010. "You uncoth low can you go? Guess the dirt is too rich for yah, gotta go to clay dontcha?"
  1011. "Whaddya mean clay? I am the fastest speeder around, I can beat your clay in an instant"
  1012. She didn't get it, Pinkie was about to interject but she sighed a bit.
  1013. "Wow, guess brawns do take away brain."
  1014. "Hey I'll have you know it takes lotta skill to get these manuvbers just right, what does a fancy pants like you know about flying? Don;t have any wings."
  1015. "PErhaps not, but I do know when a dame is dragging herself across the sky rainbow butt....or should I say rainbow Flank."
  1016. "Rainbow FLANK!? You serious, noiw thats not cool."
  1017. "Blaming others for your mistake isn't either."
  1018. "You're just boring!"
  1019. "What?"
  1020. "You got no edge to you, so boring I crashed when I saw you."
  1021. "Are you kidding me?"
  1022. "You saw me didn't you?"
  1023. "Saw you try a Sonic Rainboom, can see why its called a rainboom, you crash at super speeds, why not call it Sonic Raincrash?"
  1024. That seem to strike a nerve, she was about to speak something back
  1025. her hotheadeness, as ytou learn, got to her.
  1026. She lunged at you
  1027. And boy did she LUNGE
  1028. "ITRS A SONIC RAINVBOOM YOU BORING BORESONE!" she shouted, tackling intro your upper body just enough for you to feel the wind knock right out of you. You take a heafty breath as time seems to slow just a bit, seeing Rainbow smash into you, moving your arms to grab her forehooves, gently push against her and as you feel backwards, raise your foot to slam into her gut.
  1029. Time returned
  1030. You nailed a direct flat-foooted kicked right into the pegasis tummy.
  1031. She seemed to cringe as you realsed her hooves in the same instant, seeing her LAUNCH from your body
  1032. Were you really stronger?
  1033. She flew almost five feet back, slamming into the ground with a resounding WHUMP
  1035. Shit son, you certianly were stronger
  1036. or these ponies weremade out of marshmellows.
  1037. Whatever the case, it didn't take long for Rainbow to slowly get up
  1038. "Augh, haven't been kick...that hard since the fight with you got some kick...but that isn't going to save you!": she lunged again
  1039. Durable bugger
  1040. "NOW WAIT!" suddenly came a proper voice from behind as Rainbow dash stopped instantly in mid flight, only two feet from you as Rarity trotted out, several fabrics hovering by her magics as well as a few needles and thread with a tape measurer.
  1041. "Don't you dare think about harming this Gentlman Rainbow, he has been the mnost superb model, and designing closthing for him is absolutly DEVINE, now Anon, be a dear and strech out your arms?
  1042. You blink
  1043. "uuhh...sure?"
  1044. ytou strech ouy your arms as you suddenly feel several peices of fabric strap along your body; the "suit" was coming on nicely, you could see the actually "chest" section was done and the sleeves were coming along well. It seemed one was-
  1045. "Ah, I see, the left is a tad too matter, an easy fix... Hrmm, but your legs..." she knelt down, looking at your long legs
  1046. "Be a dear and bend one?"
  1047. You siugh, bendiung your leg upwards, keeping your balance on your stable foot.
  1048. "Ahh facinating, still the same as our own, perfect! Was worried I may have to add more room for a joint here or there..."
  1049. She smiled, rulling her measuring tape out and checking a few more things.
  1050. "Thank you ever so much Anon, your attire will be asbolsutly SMASHING!"
  1051. she trots off with a hum
  1052. "Oh, you may continue." she added, just as you feel the second impact of Rainbow slamming into your gut...
  1053. Again
  1054. Fuck she needed better accuracy.
  1055. You tumble back with her
  1056. heading back to the ground as again time seemed to slow just a bit
  1057. you see her, cringing as she seemed to feel just as much impact pain from hitting you directly in the ribs as you did feeling her thick head.
  1058. You groan, pushing yourself down slowly, keeping your neck tight with your body as you grabbed her forehooves again, pulling her into you as you let your leg again strech out and then press her up and over your tumbling body.
  1059. Time returned to normal
  1060. She would fly right over you back into the Boutique of rarity moments before the unciorn entered the back door.
  1061. Feeling the rush of wind past her cause the White Unicorn to pause as she sees Dashie and in a heap of fabrics
  1062. "OH Darling Rainbow, do you wish to model for me later too? Such a fine design I have in mind for yoouuuu~"
  1063. "AUGH!" Rainbow sped out, letting Rarity have a playful smirk on her face before heading inside.
  1065. She came at you again, faster this time, she probably wasgetting real tired of being tossed around like that. HEr expression showed it effortless, all you could do was smirk.
  1066. She looked rather dominative like that, easily the one stubborn of the group, the one who could pave the way for the team.
  1067. You had one like her...somewhere....and that instant was all Rainbow needed before slamming right into your gut....a thrid time.
  1068. "Getting old..." you think as you slowly grab her forehooves tighter this time and begin to rotate them like a biycle pedel. As you did, you slowly pulled down onto your back, legs up, but your lower legs laying along the girls underbelly, keeping her steady above you as she seemed look down at you with...suprise.
  1069. "H-hey?" She said, her expression reddening as you were ducking below her
  1070. "What y-you doing?"
  1071. "You have too much drag, not enough focus on the wings."
  1072. "WHa?"
  1073. She seemed to pause in her motion as you set her arms outright, pausing in your fall
  1074. "Can you flap your wings?"
  1075. "What?"
  1076. "Just do it."
  1077. She didn't hesitate, she began to flap,m and flap, and flap.
  1078. You place her hooves together, legging the foreleg gently so they almost crested together like a sword.
  1079. "NOW LAUNCH!" you bark as you hp launcher her right off your legs, she takes flight instantly, actually going much faster than before.
  1080. What started as an unexpected WHAOOo turned into a whale of yells and cheers as the Pegasus reached a speed previously not attained before (even though it wasn't really THAT much faster she would later think) she felt her body actually streamlining through the air much quicker, and that was always a plus to go even faster.
  1081. You stand up to watch her trail soar off to who knows where as you turn to Pinkie, the biggest smile on her face.
  1082. "Wow, how did?"
  1083. "Flying is like swimming right? I just figured if she's going to fly, she should fix her posture to be as aerodynamic as possible, the legs and one arm out just too super hero, she wants speed, she needs to look the part."
  1084. "How dd you get that from swimming?" Pinkie asks
  1085. "Strokes"
  1086. "Strokes? You mean bad hearts?"
  1087. "No..strokes...if you swim, you move your arms and legs right?"
  1088. Pinkie nods
  1089. "Yuh huh"
  1090. "Well in this case hooves, but the principle of body posture is the same..."
  1091. Pinkie nodded again
  1092. "Super smart Anon"
  1093. YOu chuckle
  1094. "Hey...I need to find somepony, mind telling Rainbow Butt when she gets back down to earth that she owes me one?"
  1095. Pinkie giggled "Sure thing Anon, I'm sure she won't live it down until she can get you back for it, which probably will happen later on..."
  1096. "Yeah, if things go the way they often do in adventures like these..."
  1097. Pinkie blinked
  1098. Did he just...?
  1100. Walking your way around the Boutique you bump into Rarity hauling what looks like a rather large wagon-like cart. It certainly wasn't a shabby wooden one like you saw on AJ's farm, this one was more of a child-toy that would be strapped to the back of a bike or pedal-truck. It was bright purple along the rim with a white carriage and matching bars that settled comfortably along the ponies flanks
  1101. "Ah Anon, so glad to see you, don't mind me leaving the botuique but I mUST collect more jewels for your vest, I simply cantfind enough to swe into the fabric.
  1102. You riub your head
  1103. "Jems for my vest?"
  1104. "Wghy yes dear, you wished for a combat vest to protect you yes? Well of coruse I cannot use something as barbaric or uncothly as METAL now can I? Simply far to rough to work with such delicate hooves. I certianly MUST find the right size crystals for your garment that would only be fitting for a normal warrior stallion!" she seemed to look dreasmy eye
  1105. "Such would be a dream, swept away by a valiant knight in shining armour...*sigh~*"
  1106. You blink
  1107. Okay, she was either off in la-la land fantasizing about some hunk, or she was just way to pent up...perhaps along the linjes of Twilight, but surley she had some fine suitors....
  1108. "So... you;'re going out to collect jeweles?
  1109. "Why yes darling, what ever else would I be going to do with such a big burden on my behind...*sigh* it is always so troublesome finding good help to manage my passions, dare I even consider putting Sweetie Belle into such a request, she is far to young to be bothered with such hard work.
  1110. "Your such a caring sister..." you mutter
  1111. "Oh darling you have NO idea how much I've learnt about my younger sibling, she and I may not always see eye-to-eye, but I love her, cherish her more than anyt suitor Stallion could ever hope to present. She IS family after all."
  1112. You snicker "Well thats fine and dandy, but if your trying to pry me to help you, Ihave other plans
  1113. "Oh heavejjns NIO Darling, I would never sink to such a level to ask my model to be even CONSIDERED to work such dirty duty, I already haver the perfect companion for such a task.
  1114. "Who?"
  1115. "Why Spikey Whikey of coruse"
  1116. "Spikey...whikey?"
  1117. "OH yes, he's rthe cutest little dragon, assistant to Twilight if you remeber from the party."
  1118. Your mind reflects on the pruple green dragon.
  1119. "Ah, yeah, speaking of which I do need to see Twilight."
  1120. "Oh? Wasn;'t she just with you?"
  1121. "Well...yeh...but I think I over-complimented her in some way that I really HOPE she doesn't take too seriously."
  1122. "Oh dear me...and then what?"
  1123. "Well she left, without saying mucvh of anything, so I would assume..."
  1124. "She's at her Library deary,m knowing her, probably reading up on something you said."
  1125. "I...figured..."
  1126. Rarity chuckled "Very well darlijg, you mayt follow, I shall take you right too her."
  1128. --
  1130. This would be your second time going to the library, the first was a rather impromture visit under the covert of darkness, now, as the afternoon sun began to crest over the town of Ponyville, you can see the library in a much better light.
  1131. Aside from it being a tree, it had several open balconys along the top, each one with a wide door and platform for anypony to stand and view a good chunk of ponyville. At the topmost balcony was a small telescope, one you'd be quite interested in viewing at some point.
  1132. Rarity had been going on about a few good ideas for fashion designs thanks to working on your 'form' it waskinda creepy how she'd be so easily willing to tak ideas from what you asked for and derive them for ponies. She insisted the combat vest was not neccissary but you held true to your reason.
  1133. "I nearly got skewered once by the princess of the night, last thing I want is her sister to find a reason to do so to me as well. I know she's nice and all but..."
  1134. "But nothing darling how could you even THINK of such a thing from Princess Celestia, she DID take you home and settled you into bed personally."
  1135. "Which I still find odd and strangly creepy."
  1136. "She's being hospitable dear, you are considered an outter-wordly creature, what would the example of her be if she just left you alone?"
  1137. "Perhaps the fact she may not mind my presence, I still feel out of place having to so suddenly go to a 'court' for a reason I'm not too sure about..."
  1138. "You mean she didn't tell you?"
  1139. "Not really, she only said my 'attitude' was perfect for the situaqtion....I can't help but wonder what she's planning..."
  1140. "Well I can assure you darling she would do nothing dastardly of the sort, she is a wise and kind princess, she probavbly would be more than happy to-"
  1141. Her words were cut short, as you went to grab the doorknob, a sudden explosion rocketed you and Rarity from your footing, sending the door swining open and you flat on your back.
  1142. Rarity was in no better standing, uinhurt, she lay on her side.
  1143. "Eeeek I can't move!" she whined, the cart obviously weighing her downnas youy slwoly get up, vision blurry and ears ringing, to help push her upriught.
  1144. "there...yah go....what the heck happened?
  1145. You realize that Twilight and Spike are inside. You quickly dive inside admist the mess of black smoke.
  1146. "Anon!" Rarity shjouts, unable to unhitch the cart from her body quickly enough to stop as you land on the floor of the library
  1147. get below the smoke
  1148. You cover your mouth as you hear hoof falls
  1149. "Anon!"
  1150. Rarity
  1151. "OPEN THE WINDOWS!" you bark as she looks around, coughing heavily as she gets a face full of smoke
  1152. "Augh, my mane, oooh this will defintily ruin it!"
  1153. "Enough talk, get the damn windows!"
  1154. Rarity huffs, coughing more and more as she uses hermagic to open every windowe in the library as you see where the smoke is coming from
  1155. "The basement?"
  1156. You crawl your way over to the stairwell leading own to find it curved right below thge tree into a giant labratory, smoke billowing from aplatform not too far down.
  1157. Twilight....shes unconcious on the floor surrounded by books and things, Spike was nearby, trying to get her moving
  1158. "C'mon Twilight...get up...gawuh, I told you that was a stupid idea."
  1159. You kmake your way down to the little Dragon, he flails
  1160. "ANON you gotta help her?"
  1161. "Yeah yeah,. already doing that."
  1162. You gently touch along her neck, a pulse, she's alive.
  1163. You check her maw
  1164. breath...she's still breathing
  1165. "Unconcious...c'mon, we gotta get her out...what the HELL were you doing?"
  1166. Spike srhugged
  1167. "She kept going on about "shifting", not sure what she-"
  1168. "Oh crud....she did take it literally..."
  1169. "What?"
  1170. "Nothing, just help me get her on my back."
  1171. You can't see much with the smoke, realized there was no fire; no real heat anywere, just this...unrelenting wave of black smoke.
  1172. And then you see it.
  1173. A mirror...or something, floating, right in front of you.
  1174. it glints and twinkles like an anomoly as you slowly back away, only to see it shift, and then phase a reflection of you.
  1175. You are not a human in what you see...
  1176. You back away instantly as it sudden crackles and fades from existence, a slight peowb like a computer shut-down made it clear it was done with whatever it had come for.
  1177. "Spike?"
  1178. You look around to see the little guy grabbing something from the desk nearby, an opened book.
  1179. "Twilight was reading this, I never seen it before, but I think you should." He keeps the book close as you nod.
  1180. "Thanks, lets get her out of here, we can ask her about it later."
  1181. With Spikes help, you got Twilight onto your back
  1182. She was much lighter than she looked as you let her body sag over your shoulders, seeing her still head across your right arm as you begun to walk up the stairs with her.
  1184. Outside a crowd began to gather, Rarity had to pull herself out from inside as the smoke got too thick, but the windows had all been openbed as it began to billow out.
  1185. Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow had arrived on scene a moment later, and RD was already whipping up a wind storm to clear the rest of the smoke away.
  1187. There...everypony sees you, carrying out Twilight opn your back
  1188. Shocks, Expressions of awe and bewilderment of this....thing that emerged from Twilights home
  1189. None had seen it before,
  1190. It was...astounding for some
  1191. Others were petrified
  1192. "Oh Anon areyou arlight? *GASP* Is Twilight okay, oh please tell me she's okay!
  1193. "Shes fine, just...out cold... hell man, what was she doing?"
  1194. Rarity and the others ease Twilight off your back, settling her down as the white unciron rushes off and reutnrs with a warm towel, placing it on the purple ones head.
  1195. You sigh, coughing a bit as you dust yourself off.
  1196. Spike hands you a towel, you gladly take it, nodding
  1197. "thanks"
  1198. you whipe your face of the smoke as you can see Twilight slowly
  1199. " head..."
  1200. Instantly all her friends hugged her
  1201. "TWILIGHT!" they shout
  1202. "Augh...w-what happened?"
  1203. "Oh we're glad you're okay, there was a loud BOOM and the whole town shook, there was smoke and all this ickyness from your house, but Anon dove in and saved you, he's a HERO!"
  1204. Pinkie shouts.
  1205. "*cough* oh indeed Twilight, Anon was simply wonderful in acting to help you, my word, what were you thinking?"
  1206. "A-non?"
  1207. Twilight turns to see Anon sitting there, whipping his face, cap brim low as she slowly fidgest over
  1208. "A-anon...t-tha-"
  1209. You bop her on the head, hard.
  1210. She recolis, Yelping as she gripped her head in pain.
  1212. She looked upat you, her eyes were with shock as you look out into the crowd
  1213. "A-anon.."
  1214. "Were you trying to do to get yourself killed? I mean, you certainly weren't trying to recreate the explosion of 1812, so what in the hay were you thinking of accomplishing by nearly blowing yourself up?"
  1215. "a-anon..I...I was'
  1216. "Trying to shape shift."
  1217. Spike perked up, handing a book to Anon who took it.
  1218. "Molecular Manuipulation: Alternating the physical form of..."
  1219. you drop the book, glaring at Twilight
  1220. "Are you insaine? What gave you don't answer it...I did...fuck it."
  1221. "A-anon?"
  1222. "Twilight, what I said was a compliment, why would you go try and turn your physical FORM into something you have NO idea what is? Where's the intelligence in that? I thought you were smart, but this certainly was a dumb thing to do, god, go ohead, get yourself killed over someone making a nice comment to be something else...don;t you think things through I mean sheesh, you leave the coinversation all flustered and then what, try to nmake youreselgf human when you have really NO idea what a HUMAN looks like or how it would even fit from your form."
  1223. She was tearing up
  1224. "I...I just wanted to see..."
  1225. "See what? See how something else looks on you? Its not like a new pair of clothes Twilight, I can't belive you'd do that..."
  1226. Twilight looked down, she felt a deep...almost impecable urge to cry, but she didn't, she didn't want to do it now, she was stupid, real stupid.
  1228. An hour passed before the smoke cleared, the Ponies of the town all ventured off, few muttering aboiut this new creature thius, ANON that saved Twilight from her wasn't a bad rumor to go around, but it certainly made Twilight think hard aboiut what she was trying to do.
  1229. Some had even said that she brought the thing here, a wld idea that she was trying to break dimensional barriers...whoever thought of that was either crazy or brilliant in the creativity department.
  1230. You were sitting inside the library now, a bath-time later, and Twilight was wrapping up the cleaning job, as seeing as Spike had advised her against the little 'experiment', was best SHE cleaned up her own mess.
  1231. "I'm really sorry Anon..."
  1232. "Forget it...its my fault for saying something like that"
  1233. "No...its not...its my fault fore being so...well..
  1234. "Wanting?"
  1235. She blushed
  1236. " could say that."
  1237. You chuckle
  1238. "Im supruised you'd be so quick to even fall for a creature not of the same species...I mean, really now, you don't have...whats the word...some-pony special to be with?"
  1239. She shook her head
  1240. "wow....that's...terrible."
  1241. "I...guess I was jusy too busy...or picky....whichever you want to think of it. Rarity knows what she wants, we can see it so blatantly in her choice of Stallions but...well I never could find one for me,"
  1242. "Whys that?"
  1243. "I was a bookworm...ponies aren't always thrilled to find someone who leads a boring life."
  1244. "I dunno....being this "element of harmony" thing sounds pretty cool."
  1245. "She nearly dropped her book
  1246. "H-how?"
  1247. "Pinkie...what, is it a big deal?"
  1248. "W-well...sorta...I mean, not many ponies even KNOW that were the Elements of Harmony.
  1249. "They told me thge story about you and nightmare moon, pretty cool stuff, I'm surpised tyhe power of friendship is so strong."
  1250. "Well...its also magic."
  1251. "Aint gotta s'plain shit then..."
  1252. "E-excuse me?"
  1253. You blink
  1254. "Well....we...don't belive in, more or less posses, magic. Humans, aside from those in fantasy novels, never had any "magical" capabilities, we're more based around fact and science then myths..."
  1255. "Hrmmm, that is interesting, noteven a smidge of magic?"
  1256. "Nope, its something that can't be exlplained. A friend has a saying "Its magic, ain't gotta s'plain shit." because its just something unexplainable, no real evidence exists of how it works so we really can't tell."
  1257. "Certianly....vulgar....but you are right; I guess a species that never contacted true magic wouldn't be able to understand it."
  1258. "Well not exactly."
  1259. You pause, fishing out your phone.
  1260. Twilight's eytes light up as you tap the screen, causing a vivid display to appear and a few taps to access the main menu. From there, you click an icon of a notepad and show up several pages of notes.
  1261. "Lesse..."
  1262. Twilight trots over,m gazing at the little device with awe
  1263. "W-what is that?>"
  1264. You look up at her, then the device.
  1265. "Never seen a Smartphone before?"
  1266. "S-smart phone? You mean it can talk?"
  1267. "N-no, its...well....hrmm."
  1268. You waggle it abit to think, Twilight watches, stepping back a bit thinking you may be doing something with it.
  1269. "oh...I can consider this OUR kind of magic; we use technology right, so, we build devices like Smart phones and comnputers to help make our lives easier..."
  1270. "I...see...I think. How so?"
  1271. "Well....its a phone, I'm not sure if you ponies have telephones or not..."
  1272. Twilight shakes her head
  1273. "Perhaps in the bigger cities....but...not here."
  1274. "Its sorta like that...only I can call anywere I want atany timne during the day>"
  1275. "Thats amazing."
  1276. "Theres more...I can also send text messages."
  1277. "Text messages....oh you mean like ltters? How...does the scroll fit in there?"
  1278. "Uh,...nono, I can TYPE a letter out...see."
  1279. you draw up the notepad and begin to tap letters down, Twilights eyes go wide.
  1280. "Oh myt, that...that looks so SIMPLE!"
  1281. "Trust me, it gets so easy once you can use to...try?"
  1282. You look at her hooves
  1283. "Its.,..a touch screen, not sure if you can use it with..."
  1284. "Touch screen?"
  1285. "It senses 'contact' of a finger" you waggle your finger and draw it around the screen, highling the letters as you ran it over them "and then places the letter you click.
  1286. Twilight furrows her brow as she watched, her horn gently glowing as she created what looked like a small orb of energy and began to tap it on the screen
  1287. iot responded
  1288. "'re quite good at that magic stuff."
  1289. "Well I AM the element of Magic."
  1290. "Touche..."
  1291. "You notion a lot about your worlds literature, it certainly seems quite...advanced."
  1292. "Well...when you're a writer, you tend to look at many-"
  1293. -THUMP-
  1294. Twilight was on you, her forehooves to your shoulders, face to face
  1295. "YOU ARE A WRITER?"
  1296. "Uhh....y-yeah.."
  1297. She inhaled deeply as she seemed to bounce right off you
  1298. "oh my god oh my god oh my god!"
  1299. She came at you again
  1300. "What books have you written?"
  1301. "Uhhh mostly fiction"
  1302. "FICTION! OH I do so enjoy a good book of fiction, anything else?"
  1303. "A scolarly paper on Video Games?"
  1304. "Video Games...oh...those are those things Rainbow and Pinkie amazing>"
  1305. They have Video games here but no cell phones?
  1306. "Have you...publish anything?"
  1307. "N-no...not really, I never actually finish books I write."
  1308. Twilight seemed to mellow out,a bit depressed as she eased off to stand before you.
  1309. "You never finish, but why? You seem like you know qyuite a lot about writing."
  1310. "Call it short-attention span...the problem with know SO much is you get distracted and overhwlemed with new ideas before you can finish the old..I know I have several near-complete works backhome...but...none are ever clkose to being finished."
  1311. Twilight seemed saddened "thats terrible."
  1312. "A gift and a curse..." you tap your phone, gently turniong the screen off and putting it away
  1313. "Speaking of which, I came to ask for some help."
  1314. "Help? After what I did?"
  1315. "Well, don't fret about that, this is serious....I need to go to canterlot tonight for something..."
  1316. "Oh is that...WAIT WHAT!?"
  1317. She was on you again
  1319. "Princess requests, Celestia asked me afterthe party this morning if I could come down for some sorta 'court' thing, I wasn't too sure on what, but she said my 'attitude' would help."
  1320. Twilight eases off, sighing "thats...thats bizzar, why would she so suddenly want you to go to Canterlot, and to the grand court for that matter..."
  1321. "Im just as baffled as you, When I told Rarity about it she flipped out too, was saying how my attire has to be simply PERFCT now."
  1322. "Well, you are sorta advertising her clothing line.
  1323. "True....anyway, whatever the reason, do yopu have any books on this court thing, or just politics in general? I'd like to have something to read so I can figure it out along the way."
  1324. Twilight hrrmede, turning about to her collection
  1325. "Lets see....we have "Diplomatic Immunity" "The Guide to Politcal Debates." "Archtypes and Policies." ooooh! "Canterlot Refference to Court Debates!" she drew a lined book with golden embridery
  1326. "5th edition, yup, knew I had one of these." her magic levitates the book to your arms as you grab felt...holy crap...HEAVY'
  1327. " got anything...smaller?"
  1328. Twilight shook her head "if you want a single read for everything, thats the best book, its been written after several generations of corut debates, should give you more than an idea of what to do."
  1329. "Geeze...thanks...I'll be certain to return it when I'm done."
  1330. Twilight smiles
  1331. "Anon...may i ask a request?"
  1332. You turn to Twilight
  1333. "Sure...whats on your mind?"
  1334. She looked down a bit, hiding some blush from her cheek "Could you...write me a story?"
  1335. You pause for amoment, a story, for her?Well that didn't sound to complicated...
  1336. "What...kind of story?"
  1337. Twilight looked up, eyes alight
  1338. "Ooooh I have SO many ideas...I...I just want something very nice...and well....I guess read."
  1339. You blink a few times 'hrmm...well then let me ask, who should the protagonist be?"
  1340. Twilight blushed more
  1341. ""
  1342. You chuckle
  1343. "Hey, i-i'm serious!"
  1344. "You really want me to writre a story about you?"
  1345. " say I would look...cute as a human, why not write something with that?"
  1346. You facepalm, but exhalea soft laugh
  1347. "Fine, I'll see what I can come up with, but It won't be long okay, maybe when I get back we can try, but lets just keep this between us okay?"
  1348. Twilight nodded, littlerly bounding into you as she hugged you tight
  1349. "Oh thank you thankyouthank y-"
  1351. knock knock knock
  1353. who could that be?
  1354. Twilight clambers off you instantly as she fixes her bhair a bit and walks to the door, opening it to show Rarity holding several clothing peices with her magic.
  1355. "Good evening Twilight, are you well?"
  1356. "Oh very much so Rarity and you?"
  1357. "Simply SPLENDED my dear, is Anon around?"
  1358. "Why yes.."
  1359. "Oh wonderful, Anon, I do hope you try not to escape the back windowe this time..."
  1360. "I oplannot to Miss Rarity."
  1361. "Oooh Miss Rarity, now now, not so formal dear, Rarity has just come by to deleluiver your...goods...shall we say?"
  1362. She levitated two pairs of clothing to you, ther first was a nice pair of black pants with a white tutelneck top, following with it was a nice darl grey jacket-like buttopn down as you look them over
  1363. "Rarity, these are amazing!"
  1364. "Oh don't thank me yet dear, check the second."
  1365. The second pair of clothing consisted of something quite...wonderious. It was a vest
  1366. Simialr to a kevlar vest you knew from yourworld, the difference was this "
  1367. vest": seem to be stylerd a loit differently, it almost look like a blazer jacket with added padding on the chest, core, and along the spine in the backl. Despite its bulk, it was extrmely light.
  1368. "What did you put in this, its so light?
  1369. "Oh just a few diamonds...I swered them in withas many layers of toughen fabric I could get a hold of, it will erptoectyou from alnmost ANYTHING."
  1370. "Almost anything?"
  1371. Rarity giggled "Well dear,. its not exactly field tested, but they are diamonds, they line the entiery of your suit, with one...veyr large one over your heart, for one who has such a big one, I could not DREAM of letting it simply be unprotecte... even if it is a bit...extnesive."
  1372. You smirk, looking at it.
  1373. "Wellm go on, try them on."
  1374. "What?"
  1375. "An artist must be able to marvel in her masterpeice Anon, please, go put them on."
  1376. You roll your eyes
  1377. "Bathroom?"
  1378. The two mares point up the stairs as you clamber up to get changed.
  1380. --
  1382. "Simply smashing! Oh i wish I could take a picture!"
  1383. Anon stood atop the stairs as Rarity was in awe foir your new attire, certainly you did look much more handsome in this than your oldere clothing. The whole ensamble was well fit, snug against yourt body buty just lose enoiugh to move freely. The black pants worked wellwith your shoes, matching perfectly as your white turtle neck perked right up through your dark grey button down. Rarity eyes flutter "Oh darling it certianly so gorgious, i am very pleased."
  1384. "As am I rarity, you've done a wonderful job."
  1385. The white unicorn blushed "All in a days work darling, I am glad you like it."
  1386. You then grab the vest, slowly putting it on; it was defnitly a lot lighter and fit snug over the shirts you wore...of coruse Rarity had a rather scruitiunzed look.
  1387. "Hmm, something is not right..." she trots close, her horn glowing as she opens the "blazer-vest" just a bit at the top
  1388. "Ah, perfect!"
  1389. You did present a slightly...buffer...exterior, but not really noticable that it made you look different.
  1390. With her work done, Rarity gave a satisfied nod, not before levitating something...oh god.
  1391. "I err...took the liberty, iof protection was on your mind, to fashiopn you this...Anon, I...well...a man must protect what is MOSt sacredf to them yes?"
  1392. You look at the object, it weas a hollowed out stone with a lining the interior, held in place by a strap-
  1393. "Uhhh oh yeah, thank you...uhm..."
  1394. You know exactly what it is as you slip it into your pocket "ill put that on another time..."
  1395. Twilight was blushing just as much as Rarity, she noticed this.
  1396. "Good heavens Twilight, do you think me as uncoth? I would never DARE to try something to a creature we know LITTLE about, I am just caring for his...well being."
  1397. "Uh...huh..."
  1398. Akward...silence followed.
  1399. *ahem*
  1400. They both turn to you as you lift up Twilights book.,
  1401. "UI thank you both very much for your help,m Rarity, your clothing design they say 'manifque' and Twilight, the book is something I definitly will take a reading to as soon as possible.
  1402. The two gave sheepish smiles
  1403. :Well, we're quite astonished by the fact her MAJESTy wishes to see you so suddenly, but who are we to challenge what Celestiadesires am I reight?" Rarity winked a bit as you rolled your eyes.
  1404. God she defeintly was posh, but in a good way, she loved her gossip.
  1405. "Ill be certian to point any stallions interested in my wares to you Miss Rarity, I'm certian many would take a liking with more than just your clothing."
  1406. "Oh dear me, such a fresh one.." she blushed redder as she truned abit.
  1407. "Well I'll leave you two alone...ta ta~" she said and "strutted" out the door, leaving a love sick Spike standing before us.
  1408. "Wow...him too?"
  1410. Twilight shook her head, freeing herself from the sillyness in her mind.
  1411. "Anon...if I may?"
  1412. "Go ahead."
  1413. "You're about to be the first Human going to the Canterlot court, I may not know much about your customs, but this is something very serious and very important, I do hope you can play a good part...I mean...not that I doubt what you could do, its just..."
  1414. "You don't wantme to make myself look bad...that and the Princess as seeing she was the one who requested me."
  1415. Twuilight nodded.
  1416. "I will do my utmost Twi, Celestia may have seemed...unettling to start, but I thinkI can trust her, this COURT however I'm not too sure, s'why I asked Rarity for this vest and well....lets call it a cup."
  1417. "O-okay...but, will it be neccissary?"
  1418. Anon shrugged as he walked down the rest of the stairs to the door, easing Spike to the side as he seemed to "float" off to the opposit wall.
  1419. "With me around, I wouldn't put the possiblity of something unexpected to happen. There's a saying; Prepare for the Best, Expect the Worst, Screw what others think and Do your own thing."
  1420. Twilight blinked
  1421. "It means to be ready for anything, keep your mind and eyes out and always trust your gut, trust me, my gut always wants me to be careful and a place where I ahve no idea what is or what will be given to me, best thing I could do is simply preapre for the least expected outcome."
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