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Jul 21st, 2019
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  1. Crate:
  2. CrateType: Cosmic #Type of crate.
  3. CrateName: '&d&nBasic' #Name of the Inventory if a GUI crate.
  4. StartingKeys: 0 #Starting amount of keys when the player 1st joins.
  5. InGUI: true #If the crate shows in the /cc GUI.
  6. Slot: 23 #Slot the item is in the GUI.
  7. OpeningBroadCast: false #Enables/Disables the Broadcasts message when they open a crate.
  8. BroadCast: '&d&lCRATES &8» &a%Player%' #Message that is broadcasted when opening the crate.
  9. Item: '131' #Item the crate is in the GUI
  10. Glowing: true #If the crate in the main /cc GUI is glowing or not.
  11. Name: '&a&lBasic &f| Crate' #Name of the item in the GUI.
  12. Lore: #The lore of the item in the GUI.
  13. - '&7'
  14. - '&8&l* &7&oLeft click to open'
  15. - '&8&l* &7&oRight click to preview'
  16. PhysicalKey:
  17. Name: '&a&nBasic&f | &d&lKey' #Name of the Key.
  18. Lore:
  19. - '&7Buy this key at &'
  20. Item: '131' #The item the key is.
  21. Glowing: true
  22. Tiers: #The tiers in the Crate
  23. Basic: #The Config Name for the Crate
  24. Name: '&8Basic crate' #The in-game name of the Crate
  25. Color: d #Use the MetaData for the color of the glass
  26. Chance: 80 #Chance of that item getting picked. It would be 80/100 chance because MaxRange is 100.
  27. MaxRange: 100 #The max range that the chance will go though.
  28. UnCommon:
  29. Name: '&aUnCommon Prize'
  30. Color: 5
  31. Chance: 55
  32. MaxRange: 100
  33. Rare:
  34. Name: '&4Rare Prize'
  35. Color: 14
  36. Chance: 20
  37. MaxRange: 100
  38. Prizes: #All the prizes that can be gotten in the Crate.
  39. 1:
  40. DisplayName: '&d$50,000'
  41. DisplayItem: '371'
  42. DisplayAmount: 1
  43. Lore:
  44. - '&7'
  45. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f30%'
  46. MaxRange: 100
  47. Chance: 30
  48. Firework: false
  49. Glowing: true
  50. Tiers:
  51. - 'Basic'
  52. - 'UnCommon'
  53. - 'Rare'
  54. Commands:
  55. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &f$50,000'
  56. - 'eco give %Player% 50000'
  57. 2:
  58. DisplayName: '&d$100,000'
  59. DisplayItem: '371'
  60. DisplayAmount: 1
  61. Lore:
  62. - '&7'
  63. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f20%'
  64. MaxRange: 100
  65. Chance: 20
  66. Firework: false
  67. Glowing: true
  68. Tiers:
  69. - 'Basic'
  70. - 'UnCommon'
  71. - 'Rare'
  72. Commands:
  73. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &f$100,000'
  74. - 'eco give %Player% 100000'
  75. 3:
  76. DisplayName: '&d$250,000'
  77. DisplayItem: '371'
  78. DisplayAmount: 1
  79. Lore:
  80. - '&7'
  81. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f10%'
  82. MaxRange: 100
  83. Chance: 10
  84. Firework: false
  85. Glowing: true
  86. Tiers:
  87. - 'Basic'
  88. - 'UnCommon'
  89. - 'Rare'
  90. Commands:
  91. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &f$250,000'
  92. - 'eco give %Player% 250000'
  93. 4:
  94. DisplayName: '&fx32 | &d&lEMERALD BLOCKS'
  95. DisplayItem: '133'
  96. DisplayAmount: 32
  97. Lore:
  98. - '&7'
  99. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f25%'
  100. MaxRange: 100
  101. Chance: 25
  102. Firework: false
  103. Glowing: true
  104. Tiers:
  105. - 'Basic'
  106. - 'UnCommon'
  107. - 'Rare'
  108. Commands:
  109. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &f32 | EMERALD BLOCKS'
  110. - 'give %Player% 133 32'
  111. 5:
  112. DisplayName: '&fx32 | &d&lDIAMOND BLOCKS'
  113. DisplayItem: '57'
  114. DisplayAmount: 32
  115. Lore:
  116. - '&7'
  117. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f27.5%'
  118. MaxRange: 100
  119. Chance: 27.5
  120. Firework: false
  121. Glowing: true
  122. Tiers:
  123. - 'Basic'
  124. - 'UnCommon'
  125. - 'Rare'
  126. Commands:
  127. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &f32 | &d&lDIAMOND BLOCKS'
  128. - 'give %Player% 57 32'
  129. 6:
  130. DisplayName: '&fx32 | &d&lGOLD BLOCKS'
  131. DisplayItem: '41'
  132. DisplayAmount: 32
  133. Lore:
  134. - '&7'
  135. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f30%'
  136. MaxRange: 100
  137. Chance: 30
  138. Firework: false
  139. Glowing: true
  140. Tiers:
  141. - 'Basic'
  142. - 'UnCommon'
  143. - 'Rare'
  144. Commands:
  145. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &f32 | GOLD BLOCKS'
  146. - 'give %Player% 41 32'
  147. 95:
  148. DisplayName: '&f1x | &d&lHOPPER'
  149. DisplayItem: '154'
  150. DisplayAmount: 1
  151. Lore:
  152. - '&7This hopper will suck up all'
  153. - '&7items.'
  154. - '&7'
  155. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f10%'
  156. MaxRange: 100
  157. Chance: 10
  158. Firework: false
  159. Glowing: true
  160. Tiers:
  161. - 'Basic'
  162. - 'UnCommon'
  163. - 'Rare'
  164. Commands:
  165. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &f1x | &d&lHOPPER'
  166. - 'give %Player% hopper 1'
  167. 100:
  168. DisplayName: '&f2x | &d&lHOPPER'
  169. DisplayItem: '154'
  170. DisplayAmount: 2
  171. Lore:
  172. - '&7This hopper will suck up all'
  173. - '&7items in a chunk.'
  174. - '&7'
  175. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f5%'
  176. MaxRange: 100
  177. Chance: 5
  178. Firework: false
  179. Glowing: true
  180. Tiers:
  181. - 'Basic'
  182. - 'UnCommon'
  183. - 'Rare'
  184. Commands:
  185. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &f2x | &d&lHOPPER'
  186. - 'give %Player% hopper 2'
  187. 91:
  188. DisplayName: '&d&lTAG &f| &8&l〈&e&lGodly&8&l〉'
  189. DisplayItem: '421'
  190. DisplayAmount: 1
  191. Lore:
  192. - '&7'
  193. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f15%'
  194. MaxRange: 100
  195. Chance: 15
  196. Firework: false
  197. Glowing: true
  198. Tiers:
  199. - 'Basic'
  200. - 'UnCommon'
  201. - 'Rare'
  202. Commands:
  203. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &d&lTAG &f| &8&l〈&e&lGodly&8&l〉'
  204. - 'voucher give %Player% godly 1'
  205. 92:
  206. DisplayName: '&d&lTAG &f| &8&l〈&a&lGrinder&8&l〉'
  207. DisplayItem: '421'
  208. DisplayAmount: 1
  209. Lore:
  210. - '&7'
  211. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f15%'
  212. MaxRange: 100
  213. Chance: 15
  214. Firework: false
  215. Glowing: true
  216. Tiers:
  217. - 'Basic'
  218. - 'UnCommon'
  219. - 'Rare'
  220. Commands:
  221. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &d&lTAG &f| &8&l〈&a&lGrinder&8&l〉'
  222. - 'voucher give %Player% grinder 1'
  223. 213:
  224. DisplayName: '&d&lTAG &f| &8&l〈&9&lMeme&8&l〉'
  225. DisplayItem: '421'
  226. DisplayAmount: 1
  227. Lore:
  228. - '&7'
  229. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f5%'
  230. MaxRange: 100
  231. Chance: 5
  232. Firework: false
  233. Glowing: true
  234. Tiers:
  235. - 'Basic'
  236. - 'UnCommon'
  237. - 'Rare'
  238. Commands:
  239. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &d&lTAG &f| &8&l〈&9&lMeme&8&l〉'
  240. - 'voucher give %Player% meme 1'
  241. 102:
  242. DisplayName: '&fKey | &4&lADVANCED'
  243. DisplayItem: '131'
  244. DisplayAmount: 1
  245. Lore:
  246. - '&7'
  247. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f15%'
  248. MaxRange: 100
  249. Chance: 15
  250. Firework: true
  251. Glowing: true
  252. Tiers:
  253. - 'Basic'
  254. - 'UnCommon'
  255. - 'Rare'
  256. Commands:
  257. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &fKey | &4&lADVANCED'
  258. - 'cc give physical Advanced 1 %Player%'
  259. 103:
  260. DisplayName: '&fKey | &d&lLEGENDARY'
  261. DisplayItem: '131'
  262. DisplayAmount: 1
  263. Lore:
  264. - '&7'
  265. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f7.5%'
  266. MaxRange: 100
  267. Chance: 7.5
  268. Firework: true
  269. Glowing: true
  270. Tiers:
  271. - 'Basic'
  272. - 'UnCommon'
  273. - 'Rare'
  274. Commands:
  275. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &fKey | &d&lLEGENDARY'
  276. - 'cc give physical Legendary 1 %Player%'
  277. 13:
  278. DisplayName: '&f1x | &d&lSELL WAND'
  279. DisplayItem: '369'
  280. DisplayAmount: 1
  281. Lore:
  282. - "&7Hit the sell wand on a chest"
  283. - "&7and it will sell all sellable"
  284. - '&7items in the chest.'
  285. - '&7'
  286. - '&4&l* &cUses: &450 uses'
  287. - '&7'
  288. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f10%'
  289. 134:
  290. DisplayName: '&b&lMVP &d&lKit'
  291. DisplayItem: '340'
  292. DisplayAmount: 1
  293. Lore:
  294. - '&7'
  295. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f18%'
  296. MaxRange: 100
  297. Chance: 18
  298. Firework: false
  299. Glowing: true
  300. Tiers:
  301. - 'Basic'
  302. - 'UnCommon'
  303. - 'Rare'
  304. Commands:
  305. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &b&lMVP &dKit'
  306. - 'kit mvp %Player%'
  307. MaxRange: 100
  308. Chance: 10
  309. Firework: true
  310. Glowing: true
  311. Tiers:
  312. - 'Basic'
  313. - 'UnCommon'
  314. - 'Rare'
  315. Commands:
  316. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &fx1 | &d&lSELL WAND'
  317. - 'sellwands give %Player% 50'
  318. 14:
  319. DisplayName: '&fRank | &b&lMVP'
  320. DisplayItem: '339'
  321. DisplayAmount: 1
  322. Lore:
  323. - '&7'
  324. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f0.1%'
  325. MaxRange: 100
  326. Chance: 0.1
  327. Firework: true
  328. Glowing: true
  329. Tiers:
  330. - 'Basic'
  331. - 'UnCommon'
  332. - 'Rare'
  333. Commands:
  334. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &fRank | &b&lMVP'
  335. - 'pex user %Player% group set mvp'
  336. 200:
  337. DisplayName: '&fx1 &f| &e&lNEW &d&lMINER MINION'
  338. DisplayItem: '399'
  339. DisplayAmount: 1
  340. Lore:
  341. - "&7A miner minion to do your"
  342. - "&7dirty work."
  343. - '&7'
  344. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f8%'
  345. MaxRange: 100
  346. Chance: 8
  347. Firework: true
  348. Glowing: true
  349. Tiers:
  350. - 'Basic'
  351. - 'UnCommon'
  352. - 'Rare'
  353. Commands:
  354. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &fx1 &f| &e&lNEW &d&lMINER MINION'
  355. - 'minion give %Player% Miner 1'
  356. 15:
  357. DisplayName: '&fx1 | &d&lGOLEM SPAWNER'
  358. DisplayItem: '52'
  359. DisplayAmount: 1
  360. Lore:
  361. - '&7'
  362. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f2%'
  363. MaxRange: 100
  364. Chance: 2
  365. Firework: true
  366. Glowing: true
  367. Tiers:
  368. - 'Basic'
  369. - 'UnCommon'
  370. - 'Rare'
  371. Commands:
  372. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &fx1 | &d&lGOLEM SPAWNER'
  373. - 'us givespawner %Player% iron_golem 1'
  374. 16:
  375. DisplayName: '&fx1 | &d&lBLAZE SPAWNER'
  376. DisplayItem: '52'
  377. DisplayAmount: 1
  378. Lore:
  379. - '&7'
  380. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f3%'
  381. MaxRange: 100
  382. Chance: 3
  383. Firework: false
  384. Glowing: true
  385. Tiers:
  386. - 'Basic'
  387. - 'UnCommon'
  388. - 'Rare'
  389. Commands:
  390. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &fx1 | &d&lBLAZE SPAWNER'
  391. - 'us givespawner %Player% blaze 1'
  392. 136:
  393. DisplayName: '&d&lULTRA &d&lKit'
  394. DisplayItem: '340'
  395. DisplayAmount: 1
  396. Lore:
  397. - '&7'
  398. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f8%'
  399. MaxRange: 100
  400. Chance: 8
  401. Firework: false
  402. Glowing: true
  403. Tiers:
  404. - 'Basic'
  405. - 'UnCommon'
  406. - 'Rare'
  407. Commands:
  408. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &d&lULTRA &dKit'
  409. - 'kit ultra %Player%'
  410. 17:
  411. DisplayName: '&fx1 | &d&lZOMBIE SPAWNER'
  412. DisplayItem: '52'
  413. DisplayAmount: 1
  414. Lore:
  415. - '&7'
  416. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f5%'
  417. MaxRange: 100
  418. Chance: 5
  419. Firework: false
  420. Glowing: true
  421. Tiers:
  422. - 'Basic'
  423. - 'UnCommon'
  424. - 'Rare'
  425. Commands:
  426. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &fx1 | &d&lZOMBIE SPAWNER'
  427. - 'us givespawner %Player% zombie 1'
  428. 18:
  429. DisplayName: '&fx1 | &d&lSKELETON SPAWNER'
  430. DisplayItem: '52'
  431. DisplayAmount: 1
  432. Lore:
  433. - '&7'
  434. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f4%'
  435. MaxRange: 100
  436. Chance: 4
  437. Firework: false
  438. Glowing: true
  439. Tiers:
  440. - 'Basic'
  441. - 'UnCommon'
  442. - 'Rare'
  443. Commands:
  444. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &fx1 | &d&lSKELETON SPAWNER'
  445. - 'us givespawner drawinqs skeleton 1'
  446. 123:
  447. DisplayName: '&d&lTIER I &f| Money Pouch'
  448. DisplayItem: '130'
  449. DisplayAmount: 1
  450. Lore:
  451. - "&7This gem has been lost for centuries."
  452. - "&7Clean it off to find out what kind it is."
  453. - '&7'
  454. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f8%'
  455. MaxRange: 100
  456. Chance: 8
  457. Firework: false
  458. Glowing: true
  459. Tiers:
  460. - 'Basic'
  461. - 'UnCommon'
  462. - 'Rare'
  463. Commands:
  464. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &d&lTIER I &f| Money Pouch'
  465. - 'pouch 1 %Player% 1'
  466. 124:
  467. DisplayName: '&d&lTIER II &f| Money Pouch'
  468. DisplayItem: '130'
  469. DisplayAmount: 1
  470. Lore:
  471. - "&7This gem has been lost for centuries."
  472. - "&7Clean it off to find out what kind it is."
  473. - '&7'
  474. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f6%'
  475. MaxRange: 100
  476. Chance: 6
  477. Firework: false
  478. Glowing: true
  479. Tiers:
  480. - 'Basic'
  481. - 'UnCommon'
  482. - 'Rare'
  483. Commands:
  484. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &d&lTIER II &f| Money Pouch'
  485. - 'pouch 2 %Player% 1'
  486. 132:
  487. DisplayName: '&fx15 &f| &d&lTOKENS'
  488. DisplayItem: '175'
  489. DisplayAmount: 15
  490. Lore:
  491. - "&7Tokens can be spent to obtain"
  492. - "&7multiple uncommon rewards."
  493. - '&7'
  494. - '&8&l* &8Use &7/tokens&8 to see'
  495. - '&8 your current tokens.'
  496. - '&7'
  497. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f2%'
  498. MaxRange: 100
  499. Chance: 2
  500. Firework: true
  501. Glowing: true
  502. Tiers:
  503. - 'Basic'
  504. - 'UnCommon'
  505. - 'Rare'
  506. Commands:
  507. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &fx15 &f| &d&lTOKENS'
  508. - 'tokens give %Player% 15'
  509. 133:
  510. DisplayName: '&a&lVIP &d&lKit'
  511. DisplayItem: '340'
  512. DisplayAmount: 1
  513. Lore:
  514. - '&7'
  515. - '&6&l* &dChance: &f30%'
  516. MaxRange: 100
  517. Chance: 30
  518. Firework: false
  519. Glowing: true
  520. Tiers:
  521. - 'Basic'
  522. - 'UnCommon'
  523. - 'Rare'
  524. Commands:
  525. - 'tm msg %Player% &dCongratulations\n&7You won: &a&lVIP &dKit'
  526. - 'kit vip %Player%'
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