
Hoenn 5th episode

Oct 12th, 2017
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  1. Hoenn 5th episode
  3. [Jalen]
  5. Well, We(Remember that I have this girl with me) arrive in Mauville City and holy fuck, this place is quite easy to get lost in. the entire city seems to have an entire redo from a small town to a metropolis with the upper class living up north and everyone else living down south...All of this is cause of Brando Corp's tech and finances that gave aid to building the city. "Holy shit, that's pretty damn cool..." I look up at the buildings here and there, while I hear Soleil scoff. "Eh, I liked the old one better...All of this seems unnecessary, like...most of this was land for Pokemon. But then Brando Corp..." She growl at that name. "Decided that we needed more stuff! So 3 years ago, they decided to rebuild Mauville under the premise of 'Gotta move humanity forward!'...But they neglect helping the poor pokemon!!" Wow I never thought of this girl who dress so loose to be so caring about the Pokemon...Now I feel bad about thinking badly of this girl. "That is true..." "Of course it is, which is why I dislike them so much!"
  7. She sighs and go back to latching to my arm with a smile."But enough about that....tell me Jalen...What make a guy like you wanna travel around?~" I can smell whatever lotion she use and it is quite good, However I keep my composure around her. "I'm doing the Gym Challenge so I can become the Hoenn Champion."(Also I gotta make sure both teams here don't do anything stupid.) "Oh, that's nice! I'm just traveling around here and there, battling, enjoying life, you know...casual things." She look over her nails during which I take my arm from her smoothly. "He-Hey! What's the big deal?" She looks offended here. "Listen, we just met so I'm not quite comfortable with you being so close to me like that." "!!" she gasp loudly with a shocked look....I guess she don't really get rejected that often?
  9. "I have you know a lot of guys would LOVE to be in your position..." She cross her arms and look away, Although I catch her looking at me for my reaction which is a calm look. "I understand that, but I would also like to have a girl that's not just after me for my looks, you know?" "....." she sighs and shrugs "You're right, I should ba-" Suddenly I hear a PokeNAV ringing and see Soleil pulling her out of her jacket. She seems to be reading the message and have a serious look on her face as she close it, before smiling at me.
  10. "Hey, your name's Jalen, right? Well I gotta go out and meet my friends for something, it's privacy, you know?" "Sure, hopefully we'll see each other again?" "Awwww...You DO like me!~" Rolling my eyes as she lean in and flutter her eyes at me. "I'm not totally against you...Just learn to respect my private space." She ignore that and flat out kiss me on my cheek and run off! "HEY!!" "Ha!, I couldn't resist it, see ya later, Jayjay!!"....Stupid girl, she's cute tho...just that she can be quite....forward. Whatever, I better go heal my team up at the Center...
  13. [Soleil]
  15. Man, seducing that Jalen guy is gonna be actually hard...Turns out he don't always think with his dick. "Damnit,I may actually need to know him as a person and then get him to join us.." I arrive at our secret hideout. a Fish Market with a secret room in the back. I walk past the 'workers' here with a nod as I walk towards the back. Using the secret knock on it, the door open up for me as I walk in the room. In here with me is Peri, our friendly yet somewhat insane member. Beruka, one of our more 'dirty' members who handle the dirty stuff like extortion and even assassination. Gerome,our dark and brooding member...and..."Where's Charlotte?" I look around for our blonde thot. "...Sucking dick." Beruka replies while sharpening her knife. "Tch, typical..." I sat on a wooden box, in the middle of this room is a table with the map of Hoenn on it. multiple 'X' are crossed on the map showing where we have bases at. The biggest one of course is our main base off the shore of Lilycove City...The room is only lit by a single ceiling lamp hanging above us. Peri is drinking a pop and eating a Hot dog while Gerome is standing next to Beruka arms crossed.. "She better get here befo-" the door is knocked on as Gerome goes over and open it up to reveal Charlotte wiping her mouth and brushing past him. "Ok, I'm here now!"
  17. "Took you long enough..." "YAY! Charlotte's here! Now we gotta wait for Leo!" I flinch as I hear the name of my ex...rolling my eyes as Beruka and Peri greet her, Charlotte walk up to Gerome and tries to flirt with him before Leo finally arrives from the back. "Charlotte, I'll appreciate if you could separate your personal hobby from your Team Aqua meetings..." "Yes sir..." She sighs as we all crowd around the table.
  19. "So, on today's agenda...Soleil here will tell us about her work in Slateport, Beruka will inform us of her latest work, and then we will begin to make our way to Fallabor Town. Ok?" A cries of "Yes sir" ring out from us, not all of us like Leo, but he's not only 2nd in command as well as being our 2nd best trainer(Mom's the best ofc) but he's also quite we do heed his plans. "Soleil..." "Leo...." Right away, the mood turn somewhat sour before Leo clears his throat. "Do tell us the work you did in Slateport."
  21. "Allright, Before I arrive, it seems like some Team Magma grunts were in line for the Slateport Museum there, Via ear-hustling, I learned that they were there for some Brando Parts, why...I don't know, but knowing them it wasn't anything good." "Did you went inside the museum?" Gerome ask me. "No." I turn to him. "Then you didn't tried to stop them..." Sigh...Gerome can be so infuriating to deal with... "You didn't let me finished, dumbass...I was GONNA go in there, when I saw someone else went in there...Peeking through the windows out of sight, I saw a black teen engaging with Takumi of Magma and defeating him quite easily with Kagero of Magma watching as well."
  23. "Hmmm...." "What?" "...." "Oh cool! Is he a new Aqua member?!?" "Is he hot!?!" They all have their own answers(Leo,Gerome,Beruka,Peri, and Charlotte) for my report. "What else happened?" Leo press me more for answers. "Well, after defeating Takumi, The Magma Mistress, Caeldori came before the teen...and back away from what I've seen after she told him the terrible dream of Team Magma." Leo and Gerome seems to ponder over this as Peri raise her hand. "What kind of Pokemon he used?" Thinking back to the fight... "He used a Kirlia and a Combusken against Takumi, both seem well-trained as they dealt with his Pokemon in a timely fashion.." For once, Charlotte seems to be thinking..."Something's wrong, Charlotte?" Leo sees this and ask her, Charlotte look at me with a rather worried look. "Did you get his name?" Frowning at her scared and worried look. "Well, I didn't get his name until I 'battled' him and threw the match, but his name is Jalen." Charlotte pulls her hair with an angry look. "THAT'S THE ASSHOLE WHO STOPPED ME AND NILES BACK IN RUSTBURO!!!"
  26. This alarm all of us as Leo was reported to by her and Niles on the failure of that mission. He rubs his chin here as he learn of that. "So, that's the same guy who stopped us..." "But..." Gerome speaks up, "Why would he be against Team Magma if he's against us as well?" "What if he's a member of a 3rd team!?!!" Oh, Peri...bless your heart. "I highly doubt that, We have tabs all over this region as well as Magma does...a new team would had been known by both of us." Leo shoot down that idea rather fast..He turn back to me."So I imagined that you fought him....what is his style?" "Well, he like to attack head-on regardless of type disadvantage...Had I not been throwing the match, I would had won..." "So I see..." "So is he here....shall I eliminate him?" Beruka flashes her knive in the light before she hides it in her cloak. "Who-whoa there, 1st off, yes he is here for the Gym Challenge...and 2nd off...I'm actually trying to recruit this guy." "What" "What?" "WHAT!?!" Leo, Gerome, and Charlotte have looks of confusion, disbelief, and anger on themselves as I smile weakly and put my hands up. "Guys, it's not a bad idea, I swear! He seems to be a reasonable person! If I can get him to see our logic here, then it should be a cinch to get him to join us!"
  28. ".....Fine." Leo shrugs and sighs as I fistbumps. "BUT! You're the one who gonna tell Madam Camilla of this." He frowns at me. " I hope you know what you're doing..." I smirk with confidence as usual. "Of course I do, I just need to apply more effort is all." Leo nods and turn to Beruka. "Allright Beruka...tell me about your mission from last night..." As Beruka begins to tell us in details of her last killing...I sit back on the box and think about that guy...(I'm gonna get him to join...whether by force or by sex...)
  30. [Jalen]
  32. So after healing up my team, I head towards the 2 routes on the west and east side of Mauville City, Route 117 and Route 118. Route 117 have a Daycare center there for breeding pokemon. Some people go there for breeding egg moves for their mons as others just do it casually. I fought some breeders there along with some triathletes on their marathon(Why they wanna battle me in the middle of that is beyond me...) After that, I went to Verdanturf Town and breath in that fresh air, this is where that Rustruf Cave leads to from Rustboro City. But after healing there, I went all the way to Route 118 and trained there. That route is quite short since a river splits the land I head back to Mauville, buy me a Mach Bike and zoom my way to the Gym. Here, I encounter Foleo from Petalburg with a relative. Seems Foleo wanna do the Gym Challenge and wanted to battle me for it. Although he can get much better, his current team is just Ralts. My own Kirlia beats his own quite easily...He took the lost harder than I expected, but thank me for the battle and told his aunt he's ready to head back. She connect the dots that I was the boy who helped Foleo catch his own Pokemon and gave me the HM for Rock Smash.
  34. She walk off and leaves me to head to the gym by myself...allright, it's time to win!
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