
Homura vestige

May 20th, 2013
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  1. Homura, Who Flies Against Time
  2. ------------------------------------
  3. Seal:
  4. Vestige Level: 7th
  5. Binding DC: 30
  7. Legend: Homura's origins are closely linked with those of Madoka, another vestige. In life, the two shared a deep bond of friendship, and when Madoka died in battle against a powerful monster, Homura was stricken by grief. Using powerful magic of a sort now lost to the world, she travelled backward in time in hopes of rescuing her friend from this fate.
  8. Homura tried and failed repeatedly to save Madoka, at first from death in the combat her magic required her to take part in, then from even acquiring that magic in the first place once Homura discovered some dark secret about the true nature of that form of magic. Over and over again, Homura went back in time, each time failing to save her friend from an unfortunate fate, and each time moving farther and farther away from her original timeline. Finally, after countless such repetitions, Madoka herself found a way to break the cycle, actually managing to rewrite the very laws of reality to alter their form of magic so that it would no longer doom its users to a fate worse than death. However, by so doing, Madoka made her own existence incompatible with the new laws of reality, and thus became a vestige. At first Homura was happy that Madoka had finally escaped her ill fate, but over time Homura grew to miss her dear friend, and became unbearably lonely. She began once again to reset time over and over, desperately trying to find a timeline in which Madoka still existed, but to no avail. When Homura finally died, she was so far distanced from her original timeline that her soul had nowhere to go, and so she too became a vestige. Whether this allowed her to finally reunite with her friend or not remains a mystery to even the most learned scholars of binder lore.
  10. Special Requirement: Homura refuses to form a pact with anyone who does not understand firsthand the sort of deep attachment that drove her actions in life. In order to summon Homura, you must have made a great sacrifice for the sake of a close friend, or have lost a dear friend due to lack of the power or dedication to save them.
  12. Manifestation: A cloud of yellow-brown dust fills the area over the seal, and from it strides Homura. At first she appears as a human girl with long black hair, the bangs tied back with a red ribbon, clad in white and purple and wielding a bow. Moments after her appearance out of the mist, rifts appear behind her, extending from her shoulders like great, jagged wings. The rifts open onto some otherworldly realm, swirling with kaleidoscopic colors and floating images of various strange objects. The girl drops to her knees, and the rift-wings fold around her, obscuring her from view, then the rifts vanish. Homura rises in a new form, a floating woman's head with long, loose braids and a broad-brimmed witch's hat. A cloak billows out below, showing a vision of a starry sky within it, and large mothlike wings extend behind the cloak, likewise appearing as windows to a view of stars. In this form, her face is a featureless black expanse, and her overall appearance is distinctly surreal, almost appearing more as an expressionist painting than a real being.
  14. Sign: A purple diamond-shaped gem appears on the back of your left hand, extending from the wrist to the knuckles. The gem briefly glows as bright as a torch whenever you activate any of Homura's granted powers. If removed, the gem immediately crumbles into sand and a new one grows in its place. The gem does not interfere with wearing a glove or gauntlet, but the purple light it emits when you use a granted power shines undimmed through all such coverings.
  16. Influence: You become fiercely devoted to those you consider your friends. If any creature attacks someone you see as a friend, targets them with a harmful effect, or produces a harmful effect that includes your friend in its area, you must attack or otherwise retaliate against that creature as soon as you are able, targeting it preferentially over all others. If multiple creatures harm your friends before you get a chance to act, you may choose which one to target.
  18. Granted powers:
  19. Homura's Shield: As a move action, you can call forth a +2 Ghost Ward mithral buckler emblazoned with Homura's seal, which appears equipped on your arm. You are automatically proficient with this shield. The shield's enhancement bonus increases by 1 for every four effective binder levels you possess past 12, making it a +3 Ghost Ward mithral buckler at EBL 16 and a +4 Ghost Ward mithral buckler at EBL 20. The shield can be dismissed with another move action.
  20. Extradimensional Storage: While wearing Homura's shield, you can use it as an extradimensional storage space. Nonliving material (but not living creatures) pressed against the back of the shield is taken in to the extradimensional space, which can hold up to 500 lbs. Much like a Handy Haversack, the shield automatically provides exactly the item you want when retrieving something from it, so retrieving an item stored in the shield is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The shield is especially handy for storing weapons and ammunition; retrieving a weapon stored in the shield functions exactly the same as drawing a weapon from its sheathe, and ammunition can be drawn from the shield as if from a quiver. Items stored in the shield remain in extradimensional space when the shield is dismissed or your pact with Homura ends, but can be accessed the next time you call the shield.
  21. Haste: At will, you can use Haste as the spell, with caster level equal to your effective binder level.
  22. Time Dilation: By using this power, you shift to another time frame, speeding up so much that everything else seems to stand still. You can use this ability as an immediate action to take a move action; this can be done in response to an enemy attack to move out of range, foiling the attack. Alternatively, you can use this ability as a swift action to gain the ability to act for 1 round of apparent time. During this time, you can attack, use vestige granted powers, cast spells, move, or perform any other actions you could normally do. This round of apparent time does not count toward the number of rounds you must wait between using vestige granted powers or any other effect that requires you to wait a certain number of rounds between uses. When your time dilation expires, you resume acting during your current turn in the standard time frame. You are undetectable by any means while acting under either version of this ability; your actions occur instantaneously from everyone else's perspective, and it's impossible to discern anything other than the end result of everything you've done. If you use the swift-action version of this ability, you cannot use your time dilation again for 5 rounds. The other version is usable at will. Regardless of which version you use, you can only use time dilation once per day for every three effective binder levels you possess.
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