
Progressive Christian values

Oct 9th, 2018
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  1. Note that I'm not talking about socialism here, that's when you want to use government to implement progressive values.
  2. It's the best argument against my view here, because socialism is expected to come along with progressive values.
  4. Where my view of conservative/progressive values comes from:
  5. Video:
  6. Book:
  7. Practical example of this happening to mice:
  9. Here's some actual Christian values, which in my opinion are progressive:
  10. - sacrificing your child to sooth your emotions; Is very selfish and we see progressives do this with transgenderism. The conservative way of doing things is to sacrifice your own desires so your children will have it better.
  11. - "virgin birth"; Mary cheated on her husband, progressives don't have the instinctive drive to be monogamous that conservatives have.
  12. - "Jesus died for your sins"; original sin and victim culture, victim culture is very popular with progressives and feminists. But the original sin of being white or male is also being pushed.
  13. - "Turn the other cheek"; avoid conflict/competition
  14. - "He who is innocent throw the first stone"; we'll apply the law when it suits us politically
  15. - "Repent and you will be forgiven"; Easy forgiveness so long as someone holds the right political position
  16. - Christians took the sacrifice of Jesus as a replacement of the animal sacrifices they'd been doing. Requiring less investment, less commitment to morals, only professing to believe, is more progressive than before.
  17. - Jesus glorifies self-sacrifice, which mentally primes people for socialism.
  18. - "it's more difficult for a rich man to go to heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle" equivocating success with being a bad person.
  19. - The only time Jesus became violent is to attack the money lenders. Because Romans didn't care about religion these was probably a free market where people with capital provided the service of exchanging for the local currency. This expresses opposition to making money from capital and Christians did indeed forbid banking. It also expresses opposition to meritocracy. Which is something conservatives instinctively favor.
  20. - "Love your enemies", total insanity, only a progressive could say this.
  22. Potential progressive values:
  23. - Christianity ended animal sacrifice. I suspect this is due to feeling sad for those poor animals. Which could be due to progressive values. It could also be due to short time preference and being unwilling to make such an investment.
  25. This discussion is a great example of people who think Christianity somehow protects against progressivism:
  27. They discuss how their country is being destroyed, while mentioning that their constitution contains christianity.
  28. Ireland also used to be very christian. So apparently all these christian influences didn't stop the degeneration.
  29. So why do people still hold on to this illusion?
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