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  1. 2/25/2010
  2. (10:11:23 PM) Claire: Katie thinks that I think I'm better than everyone else.
  3. (10:11:25 PM) Claire: ...
  4. (10:11:40 PM) Me: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
  5. (10:11:57 PM) Claire: Well apparently:
  6. (10:12:27 PM) Claire: what bothers me on occaision is that sometimes you make yourself seem to be at a much higher level than other people, and i hope that you begin to realize that you are more on the level of everyone else than you prefer to believe
  7. (10:14:01 PM) Me: Hm. I believe you're stubborn and stuck in your own head sometimes and that leads to that image.
  8. (10:15:15 PM) Claire: I'm really kind of in shock right now.
  9. (10:15:38 PM) Me: Over that feedback?
  10. (10:16:24 PM) Claire: Um, yes.
  11. (10:16:29 PM) Claire: Wow, she's like, bitching out.
  12. (10:16:35 PM) Me: What set this off?
  13. (10:17:04 PM) Claire: I was talking to her about Scott
  14. (10:17:11 PM) Claire: And she said she thinks I'm above everyone else
  15. (10:17:21 PM) Claire: *She thinks I think I'm above everyone else
  16. (10:17:22 PM) Claire: Jesus.
  17. (10:17:56 PM) Claire: Oh my God.
  18. (10:18:01 PM) Me: You do give off that image based on how you deal with people who want to be involved in your life.
  19. (10:18:08 PM) Claire: Holyyy shit.
  20. (10:18:11 PM) Me: You're just stubborn.
  21. (10:19:48 PM) Claire: You know what.
  22. (10:19:48 PM) Me: Scott isn't the thing to freak over IMO. Scott needs a reality check.
  23. (10:19:51 PM) Me: What?
  24. (10:19:57 PM) Claire: I don't fucking care about this at all.
  25. (10:20:06 PM) Claire: Because SHE is the one dating retards and looking for one-night stands.
  26. (10:20:27 PM) Me: Retards, freshmen, the same thing. It was her choice.
  27. (10:20:50 PM) Claire: She's just fucking STUPID because she has no STANDARDS.
  28. (10:20:52 PM) Claire: JESUS CHRIST.
  29. (10:21:29 PM) Me: I can imagine she has a lot of companionship problems since her mother died.
  30. (10:22:10 PM) Claire: ...
  31. (10:22:38 PM) Me: What? I'm serious. Doesn't disqualify the "having no standards" thing, but it explains it.
  32. (10:22:54 PM) Me: Besides, what are your standards?
  33. (10:29:30 PM) Claire: High.
  34. (10:29:37 PM) Claire: Those are what my standards are.
  35. (10:29:47 PM) Me: Yes, but what are they? What makes them high?
  36. (10:30:29 PM) Claire: People who don't berate friends for faults that
  37. (10:30:32 PM) Claire: a) everyone has
  38. (10:30:39 PM) Claire: and b) are super prominant in her too.
  39. (10:31:38 PM) Me: I'm not berating you.
  40. (10:31:47 PM) Claire: I know you're not
  41. (10:31:48 PM) Claire: She is.
  42. (10:31:55 PM) Claire: I didn't mean you.
  43. (10:31:57 PM) Claire: Never you.
  44. (10:32:47 PM) Me: Thanks. Those are contrasting standards. What are -your- standards?
  45. (10:37:20 PM) Claire: Jesus Christ.
  46. (10:37:27 PM) Claire: How am I even friends with this girl.
  47. (10:38:20 PM) Me: She is generally kind and fun to be around. But you are avoiding my question. What are -your- standards?
  48. (10:38:33 PM) Claire: I told you.
  49. (10:38:36 PM) Claire: Fantastically high.
  50. (10:38:44 PM) Claire: Never irrationally, but fantastically high.
  51. (10:38:48 PM) Me: What does that include?
  52. (10:38:57 PM) Claire: Am I listing?
  53. (10:39:05 PM) Me: Yes.
  54. (10:40:02 PM) Claire: Hm.
  55. (10:40:09 PM) Claire: -Intelligent.
  56. (10:40:14 PM) Claire: -Brave.
  57. (10:40:25 PM) Claire: -Clever.
  58. (10:40:34 PM) Claire: -Ambitious.
  59. (10:40:44 PM) Claire: -Musical.
  60. (10:40:57 PM) Claire: -Writer.
  61. (10:41:09 PM) Claire: -Outside of the box thinker.
  62. (10:41:14 PM) Claire: -Gentle.
  63. (10:41:19 PM) Claire: -Compassionate.
  64. (10:41:21 PM) Claire: -Constant.
  65. (10:41:23 PM) Claire: -Brilliant.
  66. (10:41:26 PM) Claire: -Forgiving.
  67. (10:41:46 PM) Claire: -Someone who knows me so well they can predict how I will act before I even know.
  68. (10:42:04 PM) Claire: I'm sure there are more but my face is really itchy and I can't think.
  69. (10:43:02 PM) Me: You know you pretty much just described me.
  70. (10:43:16 PM) Claire: Pretty much is not all over.
  71. (10:43:41 PM) Me: It was more of a verbal softener, "pretty much".
  72. (10:44:35 PM) Claire: There's nothing I can say here.
  73. (10:46:54 PM) Me: No, there's not. You just listed all the qualities of someone who wants to be with you and offered themself to you and whom of which you rejected. No wonder you're not in a relationship. You reject all the things you say you want in a relationship.
  74. (10:47:41 PM) Me: At this rate you may never find someone because you deliberately avoid the opportunity to go out with someone who meets every single one of your criteria because you're too emotionally weak to date someone who may or may not have an unstable mood every so often.
  75. (10:48:05 PM) Me: And by emotionally weak I mean stubborn.
  76. (10:53:57 PM) Claire: You know.
  77. (10:54:02 PM) Claire: This is exactly what you did to Aristo.
  78. (10:54:55 PM) Me: What? It is in no way similar.
  79. (10:56:27 PM) Me: He did not meet all my standards.
  80. (10:57:20 PM) Claire: You don't meet all of mine.
  81. (10:57:32 PM) Me: What don't I meet?
  82. (10:57:39 PM) Claire: Constant.
  83. (10:57:44 PM) Claire: I'm sorry.
  84. (10:58:03 PM) Claire: If you really want to talk about this more, we can
  85. (10:58:06 PM) Me: No one is perfectly constant. It's what makes us human.
  86. (10:58:08 PM) Claire: Just not right now.
  87. (10:58:12 PM) Claire: I can't do this right now.
  88. (10:59:18 PM) Me: So I'm a 92%. If you think you'll ever find someone who's 100%, you're ridiculous.
  89. (10:59:20 PM) Me: But okay.
  90. (10:59:29 PM) Claire: I'm not ridiculous.
  91. (10:59:37 PM) Claire: In the words of someone very near to my heart
  92. (10:59:51 PM) Claire: "Our standards are high. Our standards are NEVER -too- high."
  93. (11:00:37 PM) Me: That's a delusional statement and you will pass this life alone going by that.
  94. (11:00:49 PM) Claire: So you say.
  95. (11:00:53 PM) Claire: I believe otherwise.
  96. (11:01:12 PM) Me: Hence, delusional.
  97. (11:01:14 PM) Claire: "Perchance different views seperate the wills, indeed."
  98. (11:02:28 PM) Me: "A witty saying proves nothing" - Voltaire.
  99. (11:03:22 PM) Claire: "Wit is a sword; it is meant to make people feel the point as well as see it."
  100. (11:03:46 PM) Claire: -G.K. Chesterston.
  101. (11:04:08 PM) Me: "A witty saying proves nothing."
  102. (11:04:20 PM) Claire: "Feel the point as well as see it."
  103. (11:04:31 PM) Me: "Proves nothing."
  104. (11:04:38 PM) Claire: "See it."
  105. (11:04:41 PM) Me: Quit spewing soundbytes and say something.
  106. (11:04:44 PM) Me: Of your own.
  107. (11:04:45 PM) Me: Original.
  108. (11:04:48 PM) Me: From your mind.
  109. (11:05:00 PM) Claire: Spare me.
  110. (11:05:11 PM) Claire: I'm sorry you're hurt.
  111. (11:05:15 PM) Claire: But you can't twist my thoughts.
  112. (11:05:23 PM) Claire: You think I haven't thought about this before?
  113. (11:05:26 PM) Claire: I have.
  114. (11:05:32 PM) Claire: and you know what I've found?
  115. (11:05:48 PM) Claire: That everyone you date comes out hurt
  116. (11:05:56 PM) Claire: I can't end up that way.
  117. (11:06:03 PM) Claire: I can't.
  118. (11:08:36 PM) Me: Of course they do. I come out hurt too, temporarily. It's a breakup, it sucks. And you know what? Ever since the end of freshman year I've been dating people just to give them a chance. Because you know what? I always had you in mind. I've always cared for you and been there for you and wanted to be closer, but dared not cross the line. I've cared for you a long time, Claire. I've dated other people, and guilt was always a major factor in the breakup for my feelings for you. Breakups suck but they don't have to. It's how you handle yourself.
  119. (11:10:33 PM) Claire: You didn't give one to Aristo
  120. (11:10:37 PM) Claire: And I really can't explain myself.
  121. (11:10:55 PM) Me: No, because I knew he wasn't mature enough yet.
  122. (11:11:45 PM) Me: I know you can't. It's because you're not making sense. It's because you're delusional and lack insight. And somehow I still want to care for you, despite confirming all this.
  123. (11:11:55 PM) Claire: Don't call me delusional.
  124. (11:12:04 PM) Claire: I'm not delusional.
  125. (11:12:18 PM) Claire: If I lack insight and am delusional in your opinion
  126. (11:12:21 PM) Claire: Then stop.
  127. (11:12:28 PM) Me: You think you'll find Mr/Miss 100%. That's pretty delusional.
  128. (11:12:43 PM) Me: I don't want to. I care about you. I want you to think about these things. Even if it has nothing to do with me.
  129. (11:12:46 PM) Claire: No it is not.
  130. (11:12:51 PM) Claire: You are wrong.
  131. (11:12:57 PM) Claire: 100% will have faults
  132. (11:13:00 PM) Claire: But you know what?
  133. (11:13:10 PM) Claire: I'm going to love the shit out of those faults for stupid as fuck reasons.
  134. (11:14:17 PM) Me: Ok. You've shut down, so I'll stop. Goodnight.
  135. (11:15:34 PM) Claire: Goodnight.
  136. (11:15:39 PM) Claire: And next time?
  137. (11:15:42 PM) Claire: Don't predict me.
  138. (11:15:46 PM) Claire: Because I hate it.
  139. (11:16:02 PM) Claire: And if you fulfilled another one of those traits, if we're using the list, then you don't have Prediction down either.
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