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a guest
Oct 14th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. followsneeded: &7twitch followers needed (amt.)
  3. subsneeded: &7yt subs needed (amt.)
  6. command /sysgrant [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  7. permission: yurkix.manager
  8. trigger:
  9. if arg-1 is not set:
  10. send "&7/grant {name}"
  11. else:
  12. open chest with 3 rows named "&eGranting &6%arg-1%" to player
  13. wait 1 tick
  14. format slot 12 of player with green wool named "&aYes" with lore "&2Are you sure want to grant &a%arg-1% %arg-2% &2forever?" to close then run [make console execute command "pex user %arg-1% group set %arg-2%"]->[send "&7Added &e%arg-2% &7to &e%arg-1% &7group list for &eforever&7." to executor]-> [send "&7You were added to &e%arg-2% &7to &e%arg-1% &7group list for &eforever&7." to arg 1]
  15. format slot 14 of player with red wool named "&cNo" with lore "&cAre you sure don't want to grant &4%arg-1% %arg-2% &cforever?" to close
  17. command /grant [<offlineplayer>]:
  18. permission: op
  19. trigger:
  20. if player is "uSad_" or "Secnoblade" or "christopher2311":
  21. if arg-1 is not set:
  22. send "&7/grant {player}"
  23. if arg-1 is set:
  24. open chest with 3 rows named "&eCurrently Granting &6%arg-1%" to player
  25. wait 1 tick
  26. format slot 11 of player with red wool named "&c&lStaff Ranks" with lore "&7Shows all Staff Ranks" and "" and "&7(Ex. &cOwner, Co-Owner, &dAdmin, &bMod, &aHelper&7)" to run [make player execute command "/sranks %arg-1%"]
  27. format slot 13 of player with light green wool named "&a&lDonator Ranks" with lore "&7All Donator Ranks" and "" and "&7found on /buy" to run [make player execute command "/dranks %arg-1%"]
  28. format slot 15 of player with pink wool named "&d&lMedia Ranks" with lore "&7All Media Ranks" and "" and "&cYoutube&7 & &5Twitch" to run [make player execute command "/mranks %arg-1%"]
  30. command /mranks [<offlineplayer>]:
  31. permission: op
  32. trigger:
  33. if player is "uSad_" or "Secnoblade" or "christopher2311":
  34. if arg-1 is not set:
  35. send "&7/grant {player}"
  36. if arg-1 is set:
  37. open chest with 3 rows named "&d&lMedia Ranks" to player
  38. wait 1 tick
  39. format slot 0 of player with red wool named "&c&lYou&f&lTube" with lore "&7Youtuber rank!" and "" and "&cREQ:" and "&cSUBS: &7{@subsneeded}" to run [make player execute command "/sysgrant %arg-1% youtube"]
  40. format slot 1 of player with purple wool named "&5&lTwitch" with lore "&7Twitch rank" and "" and "&cREQ:" and "&cFOLLOWERS: &7{@followsneeded}" to run [make player execute command "/sysgrant %arg-1% twitch"]
  42. command /sranks [<offlineplayer>]:
  43. permission: op
  44. trigger:
  45. if player is "uSad_" or "Secnoblade" or "christopher2311":
  46. if arg-1 is not set:
  47. send "&7/grant {player}"
  48. if arg-1 is set:
  49. open chest with 3 rows named "&c&lStaff Ranks" to player
  50. wait 1 tick
  51. format slot 0 of player with red wool named "&4&lOwner" with lore "&7Only &euSad_&7 has this rank" to run [make player execute command "/sysgrant %arg-1% owner"]
  52. format slot 1 of player with red wool named "&4&lCo-Owner" with lore "&7Only &eSecnoblade &7has this rank" to run [make player execute command "/sysgrant %arg-1% coowner"]
  53. format slot 2 of player with pink wool named "&d&lAdministrator" with lore "&7Only cool kids get this rank!" to run [make player execute command "/sysgrant %arg-1% admin"]
  54. format slot 3 of player with light blue wool named "&bModerator" with lore "&7Must earn their way to this rank!" to run [make player execute command "/sysgrant %arg-1% mod"]
  55. format slot 4 of player with light green wool named "&aHelper" with lore "&7Basic starting Staff rank!" to run [make player execute command "/sysgrant %arg-1% helper"]
  57. command /dranks [<offlineplayer>]:
  58. permission: op
  59. trigger:
  60. if player is "uSad_" or "Secnoblade" or "christopher2311":
  61. if arg-1 is not set:
  62. send "&7/grant {player}"
  63. if arg-1 is set:
  64. open chest with 3 rows named "&a&lDonator Ranks" to player
  65. wait 1 tick
  66. format slot 0 of player with light green wool named "&aVIP" with lore "&7First Donor Rank &7(&aVip&7)" to run [make player execute command "/sysgrant %arg-1% vip"]
  67. format slot 1 of player with light blue wool named "&bMVP" with lore "&7Second Donor Rank &7(&bMvp&7)" to run [make player execute command "/sysgrant %arg-1% mvp"]
  68. format slot 2 of player with yellow wool named "&ePRO" with lore "&7Third Donor Rank &7(&ePro&7)" to run [make player execute command "/sysgrant %arg-1% pro"]
  69. format slot 3 of player with dark green wool named "&2LORD" with lore "&7Fourth Donor Rank &7(&2Lord&7)" to run [make player execute command "/sysgrant %arg-1% lord"]
  70. format slot 4 of player with pink wool named "&dGOD" with lore "&7Fifth Donor Rank &7(&dGod&7)" to run [make player execute command "/sysgrant %arg-1% god"]
  71. format slot 5 of player with cyan wool named "&3OVERLORD" with lore "&7Sixth Donor Rank &7(&3Overlord&7)" to run [make player execute command "/sysgrant %arg-1% overlord"]
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