
Anthony BloodborneRose

Jan 11th, 2016
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  1. Name: Alexander "Cobbler' Bellerose
  3. Age: 22
  5. Appearance:
  6. -Anthony is 6'1, but is quite lanky, light build.
  7. -He has very soft, fair skin, not really ever getting much sunlight, prefering to stay inside and study, and when he does go out it's at night. His eyes are green, and hair is light brown and very roughly cut short.
  8. -His face is rather plain, with the most distinguished feature being a slightly larger than average nose.
  9. -He has light scars across his body, mostly from his tinkering and cutting of it to figure out how his own body works rather than work on a cadaver.
  11. Personality: Alexander is quite eccentric, preferring his medical studies over anything else, even the life, well being, sanity, limbs, and organs of his patients, or victims. He ventures out to fight beasts not for the well beings of others, or even any interest in society, but because the parts of the beasts themselves could very well be utilized in his research as well as being subjects to it. Any offensive capabilities he has are a result from this research however, just... repurposed.
  13. Homeland: Llyne
  15. Backstory: Alexander was raised by a rather rough farming family, but never personally wanted to follow suit. After his mother was ill he was given a chance to study under a doctor named Herald Bellerose, a former cultist, shadow-hunter, alchemist, plague-man, and now doctor. He gave the chance to the young boy both for his wide-eyed enthusiasm for the medical procedures he was doing, but as well for the help he gave during the "operations". Although his mother later died, of unknown reasons, he still went off to apprentice. His father tried to talk him out of it, but he too died mysteriously... Over the next 6 years Alexander was taught everything the doctor could before he himself died, leaving Alexander his small fortune and his research to continue and find a means of immortality within the alchemical and diseased arts.
  16. During his training Alexander and the Doctor would frequently snoop around cemeteries at the dead of night to find cadavers or even prawl around the city-scape for unsuspecting patients to mess around with. Over the years he and the doctor gained a reputation, with both of them being known as the Cobblers, but the local churches and police could never find them as they always moved from town to town and kept their movements back to the doctor's manor secretive. However after the doctor died, Alexander chose to become a shadowhunter both to aid in his research but as well leave the country to escape both his reputation as well as his fate.
  18. Weaponry/Equipment:
  20. Bone-Sword: A sword constructed from bone and metal that conceals itself within a cane. At the end of the thin, straight sword is the point of a needle and at it's handle an area to put in poison to be directly injected with a lunge. As well the scabbard that hides it as it's a cane continually coats the blade in poison.
  22. Chain-bonesaw: A demonic craft left to him by his master, a somewhat larger than average bonesaw that lacks a true edge, rather having a chain running across it and spins around as a chainsaw, though still meant to rend flesh and bone. This chain is run by oil.
  24. Plague-Doctor Gear: Including coat, mask, and hood.
  26. Medical Kit: A kit of bandages, alcohols, scrubs, needles, vials, and other assorted medical supplies
  28. Magic: Alchemy: Specifically focusing in healing, disease, and revival.
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