
The Cruise (Pt1 by:BC)

Jan 8th, 2014
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  3. >Day eight of Twilight's work-rampage.
  4. >She hadn't slept in as long, trying to get Ponyville up to scratch for the Winter Solstice.
  5. >There were so many things she wanted to change, so many other things she wanted to strive to keep the same...
  6. >Spike had long given up on sleep in her room, and had dragged his bed downstairs.
  7. >You didn't have that option.
  8. >You yourself hadn't slept in two days, but your entire species' thing was endurance.
  9. >Her's...wasn't.
  10. >Being that you were Twilight's "Special Somepony", you had to bear the brunt of the alicorn practically tearing herself apart.
  11. >It was heartbreaking.
  12. >Her eyes were bloodshot, she was hearing things that weren't there, her muscles were tense, her magic had failed two days ago...
  13. >You sighed.
  14. >"WHAT?!" Twilight roared, turning on the spot and affixing you with a murderous gaze.
  15. >Oh yeah, and there was that too.
  16. >Mood swings and intense irritability.
  17. "Nothing, Twi."
  18. >"Awful loud over nothing!" The mare groused, before turning back to her desk...
  19. >...and slumping over.
  20. >You sighed again.
  21. >Third time in an hour.
  22. >You went downstairs, where Spike was still reading his comics.
  23. >You had a letter in hand, marked for Celestia.
  24. >The sun had only just gone down, so she should still be awake.
  25. "Hey, Spike." You said, and the baby dragon snapped his attention to you.
  26. >"Yeesh dude, you look rough."
  27. "I know, I intend to change that."
  28. >You held up the letter.
  29. "Can you send this to Celestia? Twilight is taking a week off, effective immediately."
  30. >"Yeah man, no pro-"
  31. >The dragon stopped as he gagged, then coughed a bright green flame.
  32. >On the floor was a letter and two tickets.
  33. >In Celestia's pretty manuscript was your name.
  34. >Curious.
  35. "You okay?"
  36. >"Y-yeah, never done three things at once."
  37. >You paused, deciding if you could take that shot.
  38. >The dragon likely wouldn't understand...
  39. >...or WOULD, and that scared you intensely.
  40. >You popped the letter open.
  41. >"Dear Anonymous,
  42. >My dear Twilight Sparkle...well...
  43. >There's no polite way to put this, I'm afraid."
  44. >You arched an eyebrow at this, still reading.
  45. >"She's driving us insane. Two or three letters A DAY?
  46. >Anonymous, I implore you.
  47. >Make her relax.
  48. >With this letter are two tickets to the most luxurious cruise liner in the region.
  49. >I want you to DRAG her to this ship, kicking and screaming if need be.
  50. >It leaves tomorrow.
  51. >Yours Truly;
  52. >Princess Celestia."
  53. >Underneath her name was her cutie mark, finishing off the letter.
  54. >Inside the envelope were two train tickets.
  55. >You picked up all four tickets, went upstairs, and started packing a large duffel bag.
  56. >You then picked Twilight up and headed out.
  57. ---
  58. >"Anon, let me leave. I've got letters to write, things to approve..."
  59. "Nope."
  60. >She tried to push past you, only for you to block her at every turn.
  61. >Her horn lit up and immediately fizzled out from the mare's exhaustion.
  62. >She beat her wings to get passed, and you grabbed her by her tail and slung her over your shoulder like a purple shoulderbag.
  63. >"Stop, lemme go!"
  64. >Twilight pounded ineffectively on your shoulder with her marshmallow hooves, getting all of nowhere for her efforts.
  65. >You handed the tickets to the giggling mare at the stand and boarded the ship.
  66. >A crewman showed you to your room.
  67. >As Twilight was royalty, she got the biggest room on the ship.
  68. >What a room it was.
  69. >It overlooked practically the entire ship, windows letting in light from every direction.
  70. >It was almost like they had installed a five-star hotel room into the ship.
  71. >You threw the duffel bag onto the floor by the bed, and then tossed Twilight lightly onto the mattress.
  72. >She didn't feel it.
  73. >The mare was already snoring.
  74. >The horn for the Cruise Liner announced its departure from the port, but Twilight didn't hear it.
  75. >She was effectively dead to the world.
  76. >You laid down next to her, happy to get some sleep yourself.
  77. >You pulled the quilt over the two of you, giving her horn a light kiss.
  78. >She giggled sleepily, clutching onto your right arm with both forehooves.
  79. >Twilight pulled herself closer, before sighing and going into a deeper sleep.
  80. >You decided to join her.
  81. ---
  82. >The two of you had practically slept the entire first day away.
  83. >That was good for two reasons.
  84. >One: Both of you were well rested now.
  85. >Two: Twilight had no idea how far out into the ocean you were, meaning she couldn't reliably teleport or fly away.
  86. >It was currently day two of the cruise.
  87. >Day three and four, the Liner was docked at a small resort town for souvenirs.
  88. >Day five and six were spent heading back to Ponyville.
  89. >And Day seven was spent going home and unpacking.
  90. >Hopefully Twilight would be fully unwound by then.
  91. >You were, currently, lounging on a poolside deck chair, an orange/mango drink in your hands.
  92. >The pool was a private one attached to the VIP room, overlooking the public one on the main deck.
  93. >Pretty sweet digs.
  94. >Had a semi-personal attendant too.
  95. >Twilight...was chewing on her wings in nervousness.
  96. "Twilight."
  97. >She froze mid-chomp, looking at you.
  98. "Relax."
  99. >"I can't."
  100. >You gave the mare a flat look.
  101. "Why not?"
  102. >"There's so much paperwork I need to do, and it's just going to pile up..."
  103. "Worry about that when you get home."
  104. >She sighed.
  105. >"I-I just..."
  106. >Twilight resumed chewing her wings when words failed her.
  107. >You reached over and booped her nose with a finger, and the mare recoiled with a sneeze.
  108. >"H-hey!"
  109. "Stop."
  110. >You instead grabbed her and plopped her on the chair next to you, then motioned for the waiter.
  111. >"Yes sir, what can I get you?"
  112. "Well Twilight? What can he get you?" You asked.
  113. >You smiled at the mare, who's defenses were finally being battered down.
  114. >"A-a glass of water is fine..."
  115. >"On it, Princess."
  116. >A bow, and the waiter was off.
  117. >You reached over and began scratching her head, and she gave a content sigh.
  118. >Your fingers hit her scalp and she began leaning into it, humming in approval.
  119. >"Any more of this and I may have to make you "Royal headscratcher"..."
  120. >Chuckling, you grabbed the glass of water from the waiter.
  121. >He bowed and left to attend to other cruise-goers, leaving the two of you alone.
  122. >You stood and began stripping, Twilight watching with interest.
  123. >You knew, because her wings were beginning to spring up.
  124. >"Wh-what are you doing?"
  125. "Going for a swim." You replied simply, plunging in without any further words.
  126. >Resurfacing several seconds later, you chuckled at Twilight's soaked coat.
  127. >She hadn't prepared for the splash and had actually stood to watch.
  128. >"When I get my hooves on you..." She menaced, a playfully evil grin decorating her face for the first time in a while.
  129. "All talk, Ms. Sparkle!" You taunted, donning your own smirk. "I wanna see some action!"
  130. >She plunged into the pool after you, surfacing moments later.
  131. >Her mane was soaked, covering her eyes before she cleared it with her hooves.
  132. >You splashed her a few times, the mare squealing in joy and returning fire.
  133. >The impish grin never left.
  134. >"Oh Anonymous~!" She said musically, horn alight.
  135. >You quirked an eyebrow...and a shadow settled over you.
  136. "Oh no..."
  137. >Looking up, a gigantic orb of water was rippling and undulating several feet above your head.
  138. >It was being held with a magenta aura...and then suddenly, it wasn't.
  139. >Several hundred gallons of water crashed down on your head, sending you sputtering to the edges of the pool.
  140. >You held up a hand, and Twilight paused so you could catch your breath.
  141. >Trap was set.
  142. >"What's wrong, Anon? Don't dish it out if you can't take it~!" The lavender mare teased, and you waved her off with a grin.
  143. >She drew nearer, smile vanishing as you didn't reply.
  144. >"Anon?"
  145. >Twilight came within grabbing distance.
  146. >Trap was sprung.
  147. >You lunged, grabbing the mare by the horn and dunking her.
  148. >Hooves met ribs, and you let go, suddenly unable to breathe.
  149. >The mare resurfaced, seriously annoyed again.
  150. >You were gasping on the side of the pool.
  151. >"No dunking. Seriously. Shining Armor did it to me as a filly. I didn't like it then." Twilight said with a certain finality that made you shiver.
  152. >Or would have, if you could have done anything but breathe with intense difficulty.
  153. >Twilight got nearer.
  154. >"I don't like it now."
  155. >You merely nodded in response.
  156. "O-okay, okay. No more dunking."
  157. >"Good."
  158. >With that, the mare swam over and rested in your lap, resting the back of her head on your shoulder.
  159. >Her mane was sticking to you, but neither of you cared at the moment.
  160. >The mare's tail drifted over your right thigh, resting there as she floated.
  161. "Feel better?"
  162. >"Much."
  163. "Good. The ship has a stop at a port tomorrow, plenty of shopping we can do."
  164. >"Oooo, foreign literature..."
  165. "I figured you'd like that."
  166. >She snuggled into your grip, noticing your fingers were getting wrinkled.
  167. >"What a strange phenomenon..." The mare said quietly, inspecting your digits.
  168. >"Why do they do that?"
  169. "Extra grip in the water." You replied.
  170. >You pulled the mare closer into your chest.
  171. "The easier to hold you with, my dear."
  172. >She giggled.
  173. >"Anon, I think...I want to go downstairs.
  174. "Mm?"
  175. >"There's more to do downstairs, and I think I want to get something to eat too."
  176. "Heh, alright. Let's go then."
  177. >The next several hours were spent on the main deck mingling with the other ponies, though most kept their distance from you.
  178. >Ponyville was used to you...these ponies were not.
  179. >The only reason they didn't outright panic was because they had seen Twilight sticking very close to you.
  180. >You didn't imagine there would be any trouble though.
  181. >Everyone here was here to relax and have fun.
  182. >You and Twilight explored the inner parts of the Liner, shocked to see it essentially had a mall inside it.
  183. "Whoa."
  184. >"An...Emperor's Barn...?" Twilight asked with wonder, staring pointedly at the bookstore.
  185. >The mare spread her wings and essentially floated over to it, abandoning you on the other end of the platform.
  186. "H-hey!"
  187. ---
  188. >The two of you went back to your room, happy and exhausted.
  189. >Twilight was swooning over the dozen new books she had to read, and you had a few nicknacks to give to the others back home.
  190. >Twilight placed the bag of books on the duffel bag, then settled into bed.
  191. >She hummed happily as she jumped into the bed.
  192. >"I...I'm glad you didn't let me leave." The mare said after a moment.
  193. "Oh?"
  194. >"Yeah. I'm actually having fun, and...I needed this. I really did."
  195. >Twilight smiled a bright heart-melting smile, nuzzling into your side as you joined her on the plush, comfortable bed.
  196. "I know you did. No work, no worries, just you, me, and relaxation."
  197. >"Mmm...just you and me, huh...?" She grinned.
  198. >She came in for a kiss, and the rest of the night was spent in ecstasy, two lovers enjoying their first night in weeks together.
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