
Jian - "I'm just a wandering priest."

Apr 23rd, 2014
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  1. [22:32] <~Deedles> Jian fell asleep on the roof, undisturbed, that was until the silent hours of the night. The swordsman would awaken to hear hushed voices and quiet scuffling from the small opening between the house he was on and the neighbouring one.
  2. [22:35] <Earthflame> He raises a hand to his mouth, suppressing a yawn and a groan as he rolls onto his knees, cocking an ear and shuffling towards the edge to try and get an idea of what was going on...
  3. [22:48] <~Deedles> As he peeked over the edge he saw two children, a boy and a girl, they couldn't be older than 9. They were huddled to the wall, the boy handing the girl half of a small piece of bread, and both dressed in clothes that are obviously too large for them. The girl had a ragged dress that was probably vibrant red once upon a time, now it looked more like the colour of rust, and her long, blue, hair wasn't in a much better state,
  4. [22:48] <~Deedles> frizzled and tangled. The boy wore a pair of gray pants that he held in place with a bit of string, and a torn, black tunic, his hair was long and black, and looked to be in much the same state as the girl's hair.
  5. [22:53] <Earthflame> Jian peers down at the pair, pondering the pair, still craning to hear something of their conversation.
  6. [23:05] <~Deedles> The boy huffed as he shook his head, lifting a hand to his mouth as he coughed, but suppressed it to say, in a quiet but scolding tone. "I told you not to go into town." his voice was hoarse, and he looked at the girl beside him, though Jian couldn't catch their expressions from above. "I know... But you're too ill to get food, and you need it to get better." the girl replied in a muted manner,
  7. [23:05] <~Deedles> face angled towards the ground as she took a tiny bite from her bread.
  8. [23:09] <Earthflame> Jian rolls back onto the roof and takes a moment to fix his appearance. Not dour and dangerous, but merely rough and scraggly.
  9. [23:16] <~Deedles> As he fiddled with his clothes the conversation continued. "I managed to get to Mamoru's place. He promised that he'd look at you if you and I sneak in tomorrow night." the girl told her companion in a soft voice, the boy answering with a muffled 'mhm', probably had his mouth full with bread. He swallowed and then he said "Thank you... This time I'll go alone though, okay?"
  10. [23:16] <~Deedles> something in his voice told Jian that he must be looking rather intently at the girl, who uttered a quiet noise, before conceeding. "... Alright, I guess it's safer that way anyway."
  11. [23:24] <Earthflame> Jian takes a moment to go over the layout of the alleyway... If he approached from one way, where could they run in the other?
  12. [23:30] <~Deedles> The alley was closed on one end, a stone wall connecting the two houses they hid between, only leaving the end towards the out skirts of the town open.
  13. [23:32] <Earthflame> He moves towards the open end, dropping down out of sight of the alley mouth and double checking his appearance... The scruffy wandering priest look, rather than the baleful Black Lotus agent of the day before.
  14. [23:34] <~Deedles> As he planned his approach he could occassional hear a quiet word passing between the children.
  15. [23:57] <Earthflame> He takes a breath... Puts on a smile... And turns towards the alleyway, walking down it at a gentle pace.
  17. [00:02] <~Deedles> The children reacted as soon as they heard footsteps, the boy coughing as he hoisted himself to his feet and put a hand inside his tunic, glaring towards the entrance of the alley while he kept himself in front of the girl. "Who goes there?" he hissed in a low voice.
  18. [00:07] <Earthflame> Jian raises his hands in a gesture of peace. "I was just passing by and heard voices. Are you two alright?"
  19. [00:14] <~Deedles> "What do you care?" The boy retorted in the kind of aggressive manner that you find in people who've had to look out for themselves for too long. His eyes were narrowed, though Jian couldn't make out his eye colour in the dim alley. While the boy spoke the girl slowly leaned forward, peeking out from behind the boy to get a look at the swordsman, and when she did he could finally see her face.
  20. [00:15] <~Deedles> Despite the alley not having any lighting it didn't need to for Jian to catch the strangeness of her face. Her left eyes was completely white, the skin around it completely black, which snaked out into pointed and jagged markings, looking like some strange form of tribal tattoos. As her eyes met his Jian would be filled with a strange sensation, a sense of power.
  21. [00:31] <Earthflame> Jian keeps his distance, observing them as he speaks. "I'm a priest. Part of our job is to care, even when others wouldn't. Is your friend alright?" He lets his senses flow out towards the girl...
  22. [00:36] <~Deedles> "She doesn't need another priest trying to poke at her!" The boy momentarily raised his voice, but brought it down again, bringing his free hand to cover his mouth as he coughed, before he added "Despite what everyone else says she's fine." The girl was staring at Jian timidly, before her eyes began flickering around her with a confused look. The first thing the swordsman sensed was normal chi,
  23. [00:36] <~Deedles> no different from that of a normal person, but lurking beneath that was the largest pool of Corrupt Chi he'd ever felt, as usual it felt wrong, entising and tainting with its strength, but most of all he just got a stronger sense of the core of Corrupt Chi; power.
  24. [00:40] <Earthflame> He rocks back on his heel, but tries to focus on the moment. "But you sound unwell. Can I help?"
  25. [00:45] <~Deedles> "I'm already going to be helped." The boy replied, obviously set on being suspicious. The girl slowly raised a hand to lay on the boy's arm. "I haven't seen this man before... He's probably not from the town." she told him, the boy giving her the fastest of glances, before his gaze swiftly returned to Jian. "Hmm... Oh... Okay then..." he slowly agreed, but not without pointing accusingly at Jian.
  26. [00:45] <~Deedles> "But lay one finger on Chang'e and I'll beat you up!"
  27. [00:46] <Earthflame> He nods at that. "I'm a wandering priest, doing good where I can... Is it alright if I come closer? I don't want to scare you."
  28. [00:47] <~Deedles> The boy looked down at Chang'e, and she nodded once in reply. "Yeah, sure, but move slowly." the boy said, keeping one hand firmly within his tunic as he began to sit down beside the girl again.
  29. [00:48] <Earthflame> Jian moves with slow, soft steps, keeping his hands clearly visible as he approaches the pair. "How long have you been fending for yourselves?"
  30. [00:50] <~Deedles> "For as long as I can remember." Chang'e answered quietly, the boy coughing a couple of times, before answering "Since I was around 5."
  31. [01:00] <Earthflame> Getting closer, he slowly sits down across from them. "It must have been rough... These are not kind times."
  32. [01:06] <~Deedles> "It wasn't to begin with, there is an orphanage in town." The boy told him.
  33. [01:07] <Earthflame> He nods again. "You both grew up there?"
  34. [01:11] <~Deedles> The boy shook his head "Nah, I lost my parents when I was 3, so I was only there for two years. Chang'e was never there, the townsfolk wouldn't let her." he replied for both of them. The girl was hugging her knees as she looked at the boy while he spoke.
  35. [01:12] <Earthflame> He looks to her with a slow nod. "Because of her eyes? Have they always been that way?"
  36. [01:18] <~Deedles> As Jian studied her he could see that the markings continued all the way down to her hand, at least he could assume as much despite her arms and shoulders being covered as it snaked down her throat and also appeared on her hand. "The eye and the marks. They seem to think she's cursed." The boy spat on the ground beside himself. "It's because my parents died when I was a very little."
  37. [01:36] <Earthflame> He nods again, with pause for thought. "...You mentioned another priest?"
  38. [01:38] <~Deedles> The boy just held normal chi, though there was a hint of uncultivated fire chi. "Yeah, they tried 'curing her for the curse'." the boy said, the distane obvious in his voice and expression. "The townsfolk called them priests, but I just call them fakes." Chang'e nodded slowly as she listened.
  39. [01:42] <Earthflame> He nods. "There are few true Priests left in this world... But what I feel in your friend does not strike me as a curse." He slowly turns towards Chang'e and gives her a bow of his head. "It may be fate that we met, Chang'e. I am called The Yin-Yang Blade, and I wish to help you find balance in yourself."
  40. [01:53] <~Deedles> "Help me... find balance?" Chang'e tilted her head to the side as she looked confused, the boy shifting closer to her as he gave Jian a suspicious look. "Just what are you planning?" he asked, though it sounded more like a demand.
  41. [01:54] <Earthflame> He raises his hands again. "I plan nothing. But I believe the Spirits brought me here for a reason. What balance may mean is up to you... Darkness may always be balanced by light."
  42. [02:02] <~Deedles> Chang'e slowly nodded as she looked thoughtful "Why am I unbalanced? Is it because of the black energy?" she asked him quietly.
  43. [02:03] <Earthflame> Jian meets her eyes. "...Yes. Your soul holds dark Chi, vast and powerful. And you are aware of it?"
  44. [02:06] <~Deedles> "It has shown itself a few times, when I'm upset, but I don't know what it is..." Chang'e responded, looking a bit ashamed at her lack of understanding. The boy laid a hand on her shoulder.
  45. [02:08] <Earthflame> Jian moves as if to reach for her, but pauses mid motion as he glances towards the boy. "If you wish, I can help you find out... I too thought I was cursed, with power I could not understand or control... But I have mastered it, as best I can. You could, too, and find your peace."
  46. [02:14] <~Deedles> The boy glared, but Chang'e laid a hand on his head as she smiled faintly "It's okay, Futu, I don't think this one means any harm." she said softly. The boy studied her for a moment, before nodding, shifting slightly to the side to allow Jian to get closer. "I don't really have any problems with it unless someone makes me really sad or angry... or both, but it is scary when it does happen..." the girl explained,
  47. [02:14] <~Deedles> speaking barely above and mumble as she looked to Jian again.
  48. [02:15] <Earthflame> "Could you show it to me, now? With will alone, without anger or fear?"
  49. [02:18] <~Deedles> She shook her head "No, never been able to do it by will."
  50. [02:19] <Earthflame> He gently extends a hand towards her, palm up. "Take my hand."
  51. [02:20] <~Deedles> Futu studied their hands closely as Chang'e slowly reached forward and placed her hand on his. "Like this?" she asked quietly
  52. [02:24] <Earthflame> He nocods, curling his fingers slightly around her smaller hand. "Now, focus on your breathing. Feel the air flow in and out of your lungs..." He closes his eyes too, seeking the depths of the flow of the young girls chi...
  53. [02:45] <~Deedles> As he delved deeper it turned darker, the energy never felt evil, but it definitely felt wild, showing at the lack of control that she had over it. He could also feel a strange detachment between her and the chi, it was there, but it didn't seem to channel through her, at least not in that point in time.
  54. [02:49] <Earthflame> "Hmm... It's almost as if this was not Your chi... Strange." He reaches towards it, tentatively, trying to open a path for just a fragment of it to flow and manifest. "What so you feel?"
  55. [02:52] <~Deedles> "I feel... a bit scared... I can feel it moving. It's just a little though." Chang'e replied, looking a bit uneasy. Futu moved closer to her again, putting an arm around her while suppressing some of his coughs.
  56. [02:53] <Earthflame> "Can you make it move? Can you control it? " He asks the questions softly, cautious and aware of the strange and powerful Chi. Such things must always be handled with care..."
  57. [03:00] <~Deedles> "I'll... I'll try..." Chang'e slowly closed her eyes as she focused, trying to shift and shape the small amount of chi that she could access. Slowly, very slowly, black chi began swirling around their connected hands. Futu stared in amazement at it, remaining quiet.
  58. [03:02] <Earthflame> "That's enough... You can relax, Chang'e." Jian waits until the energy diminishes, and then releases her hand.
  59. [03:05] <~Deedles> She did as he said, her shoulders slumping as she retracted her hand "Is it... bad?" she wondered
  60. [03:08] <Earthflame> He shakes his head. "No, it isn't bad. You can control it, and that's what matters. By being aware of it, you can learn about it, and you won't need to be afraid of it anymore. But for now..." He glances to Futu. "I think we need to get you to a doctor."
  61. [03:14] <~Deedles> "I was going to take him to Mamoru tomorrow, but... with your help we might be able to do so now." Chang'e told Jian as she glanced at Futu, who nodded. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind, he never does."
  62. [03:16] <Earthflame> "If you can tell me where he lives, I can get you there." Jian nods with a smile.
  63. [03:17] <~Deedles> "It's further into the city, in a build of brown wood with black details." Futu described it to Jian, pointing in the direction.
  64. [03:19] <Earthflame> Jian nods, glancing at the two of them. "...I can probably carry you."
  65. [03:24] <~Deedles> "You sure?" Futu glanced at himself and then Chang'e, before looking Jian up and down. He was sceptical, but then, as Jian would know, the boy's probably never met anyone from Mt Baoban before...
  66. [03:25] <Earthflame> He smiles at that, standing slowly. "Chang'e, could you hang on to my shoulders? I'll carry you, Futu."
  67. [03:30] <~Deedles> Chang'e moved up and slowly gripped his shoulders while Futu look at him varily, but didn't voice any objection.
  68. [03:37] <Earthflame> He carefully lifted the boy in his arms, made sure Chang'e was holding on tight. "Alright, on three. One, two... Three-!" And with a leap, they're atop the roof.
  69. [03:41] <~Deedles> In the silent hours of the nights as people were all asleep Jian found that he had no problem avoiding detection as he only needed to hide from a few patrolling guards. "Down there." Futu murmured as he pointed towards the building he'd described.
  70. [03:41] <~Deedles> "There's a door around the back." Chang'e added quietly.
  71. [03:49] <Earthflame> Jian nods, dropping down behind the building, carefully setting down Chang'e and Futu before rising to knock on the door, with a slight groan of pain.
  72. [03:56] <~Deedles> A short while passed of silence, which made it easy for Jian to hear as footsteps approached the door, side door opening a moment later. Peering out at the swordsman and the two children was a man, looking be in his late tweenties or early thirties. He had short, black hair, which was currently in ruffled in that I-just-woke-up manner. He had five-a-clock shade decorating his jaw, and wore simple black trousers and a loose,
  73. [03:56] <~Deedles> trousers and a loose, white linen tunic. "Hello Mamoru." Chang'e greeted the man with a faint smile. His eyes narrowed as if a bit confused, before he relaxed and nodded. "Oh, it's you." he said, moving to the side and pulling the door along with him. "Come on in."
  74. [03:57] <Earthflame> Jian gives the man a nod as he enters, glancing around.
  75. [04:04] <~Deedles> It's a rather cozy house, simply decorated. The walls were painted a cream colour while the floor was of a deep, brown wood. He lead them past a partially open doorway to the right-a bed can be spied inside-and took them through a door on the left. "Have a seat on the bed, Futu." he instructed the boy, kneeling infront of him as he did. Mamoru laid a hand on the boy's chin. "Open wide..." he instructed.
  76. [04:04] <~Deedles> As he peered down Futu's throat he spoke again, adressing Jian. "Who might you be?"
  77. [04:06] <Earthflame> "Just a wandering priest. I came across these two and thought they looked in need of help... And I could use medical attention myself."
  78. [04:14] <~Deedles> "Have a seat beside Futu." Mamoru told the swordsman, studying the boy's eyes, before he stood and moved over to one of his shelves, beginning to mix some herbs. "I'll be one moment, gonna put some water to boil." he told them, disappearing out of the medical room to, persumably, the kitchen. Chang'e looked towards Jian. "You okay?" she asked softly.
  79. [04:16] <Earthflame> He nods with a smile. "I'm not too bad. I was hurt, but I'll get better." He moves to scratch at his right arm, murmuring "I've had worse..."
  80. [04:21] <~Deedles> She nodded slowly and then went quiet. The doctor returned after just a minute. "Alright, water's boiling. Good thing you came here so quickly, Futu. It's a lung infection you've got." he told the boy while he moved over to Jian. "Alright, what do you need help with?" he asked the swordsman.
  81. [04:23] <Earthflame> As an answer, Jian gingerly lets his clothes slip off to reveal the vivid, fresh wound there... Which seems impossibly sealed.
  82. [04:26] <~Deedles> Mamoru's eyes widened at the sight, but he didn't say anything. Wordlessly he stood up and moved over to a cupboard, opening it to get a jar containing a mint green paste from it. "I have no idea how that wound isn't bleeding all over the place, but it'll need sewing shut." he stated. Meanwhile Futu and Chang'e were just staring, stunned into silence.
  83. [04:28] <Earthflame> He smiles softly. "My blood is more obedient than usual."
  84. [04:30] <~Deedles> The doctor looked at him and then shrugged "Not the first strange thing I've seen." he muttered as he kneeled in front of Jian, popping open the jar to begin carefully applying the ointment around the wound. "Nasty cut though. What gave you it?" he asked
  85. [04:30] <Earthflame> "I doubt you'd believe me, even if I told you the truth."
  86. [04:33] <~Deedles> "If you said 'giant black tiger' then you'd be the third to make such a claim today." Mamoru said nonchalantly, studing the cut while he put on the ointment, closing the jar once he was done. "The black tiger from the forest?" Chang'e asked with a faint gasp to her voice. "Which either giant black tiger do you know of, Chang'e?" Futu replied as he rolled his eyes and smiled at her.
  87. [04:34] <Earthflame> He seems a little surprised by the doctors words... And more so as he turns to the children. "So you've seen him, too?"
  88. [04:40] <~Deedles> "Several of the children have, but no one believes it. They all say it's kid's stories, but I've seen it! It's HUGE!" Futu said, gesturing widely with his arms as he spoke and frowned. Mamoru quietly moved over to the table, getting a needle and thread ready.
  89. [04:44] <~Deedles> *no one believes them.
  90. [04:44] <Earthflame> Jian nods to the doctor, keeping his gaze on Futu as he ponders. "...His name is Taihu. He was a great and proud Spirit once, but he fell to loneliness and envy, and became a monster. Although he is scary, and the cause of much pain..." He winces at a twinge in the wound. "...He needs compassion and pity, not hatred. All he wanted was to be loved."
  91. [04:50] <~Deedles> Chang'e looked at Jian really sympathetically "That sounds so lonely..." she said quietly. Futu folded his arms and looked to the side, his breathing getting a bit heavier as he obviously didn't share the sentiment. Mamoru kneeled in front of Jian again. "One of the others who mentioned a black tiger was a young lady, she told me she had a friend who wouldn't call the tiger a kid's story,
  92. [04:50] <~Deedles> but a spirit, and that it's his religion." he said, his tone casual while he looked focused on the wound, slowly beginning to sew it shut.
  93. [04:52] <Earthflame> Jian grimaces, but controls himself. "Such people are rare these days... Do you have any idea where that young woman could be found?" He glances towards Chang'e. "...Do you know what you could do, to help him?"
  94. [04:55] <~Deedles> "I do." Mamoru answered as he slowly continued his work. "I sent them to an Inn called the Golden Ox. Her white haired companion apparently wished to get a good drink."
  95. [18:03] <Earthflame> Jian nods at the information. "Thank you... I'll have to check up on them at some point." He turns to Chang'e again, waiting to see if she responds to his question.
  96. [18:06] <~Deedles> "You might want to change clothes if you wish to roam around the town, Mr Wandering Priest." Mamoru chimed idly from where he was kneeled. Chang'e looked thoughtful, fiddling with her dress "I think Taihu could use a hug." she murmured, not entirely sure if that was the 'correct' answer.
  97. [18:07] <Earthflame> "I'll go by the rooftops." He speaks to the doctor, before turning to Chang'e. "For Spirits, a prayer is like a hug... I think, if you say a prayer to him every night before you go to sleep, he might feel better. If enough people start showing him compassion, to wish him well... I think he might not be so sad or lonely."
  98. [18:11] <~Deedles> Chang'e nodded slowly as she looked at Jian "Okay..." The doctor remained quiet for a moment "The guards brought in one of their own earlier, he was rather dazed, had a light concussion..." he said while sewing the last few stitches, before carefully tying the thread and snipping off any left overs.
  99. [18:13] <Earthflame> He paused at that... And sighs. "...I had no ill will against that man. I thought appearing as an agent of evil might let me find who amongst the guards are traitors... But they were too well prepared for that to work." He shakes his head a moment, but smiles at Chang'e and Futu. "...But I think the Spirits may have led me where I was needed most."
  100. [18:15] <~Deedles> Mamoru looked up at him with a raised brow "Traitors among the guards?" his lips quirked into his first smile in Jian's presence, and it was one of slight amusement. "The guards may be blind to the obvious at times, but they're not corrupt." he said while getting to his feet. Chang'e and Futu looked at Jian, smiling slightly.
  101. [18:16] <Earthflame> "Not even amongst their leadership?"
  102. [18:22] <~Deedles> Mamoru shrugged, his back to Jian as he moved back to the table, getting on with cleaning the needle. "I don't meet them very often, so I can't say I know them all that well, and while they have been acting strangely from time to time I do think their wish to protect the town is sincere." he put the needle away. "But I'm just a town doctor, I don't really get involved in such things."
  103. [18:24] <Earthflame> "You seem to know rather more than 'Just' a town doctor... And be more open to hearing the things you're told than most people."
  104. [18:27] <~Deedles> "I have been around, I've seen my fair share of strange things, but the one thing that remains constant is that facts don't lie." Mamoru said, glancing towards Chang'e "Can you get me the kettle from the kitchen?" he asked, the girl nodding as she flashed him a smile. "Mhm..." she replied, before swiftly leaving the room.
  105. [18:28] <Earthflame> Jian glances down at the wound. "...Should I release the blood control now?"
  106. [18:34] <~Deedles> "Yeah, the wound is closed, I should just wrap some bandages around it." The doctor replied
  107. [18:38] <Earthflame> "I'll wait until then. No sense in bleeding all over everything... Even if I can recall it, it doesn't look particularly pleasant."
  108. [18:42] <~Deedles> "I imagine not..." Mamoru moved back over to Jian, waiting for him to remove the robe fully, before he began wrapping the bandage around his torso. At that point Chang'e returned with the kettle, the doctor glancing back at her "Place it on the table for me, will ya?" he asked, the girl doing as he asked, before she took up her seat again.
  109. [18:44] <Earthflame> Jian gives the girl a smile, before asking Mamoru "How long have you known these two?"
  110. [18:51] <~Deedles> "A couple of years now." Mamoru answered while using a safetypin to keep the bandage in place. "It was shortly after I returned to the town." he added, moving to the table to pour the water into the teapot he prepared earlier.
  111. [14:27] <Earthflame> Jian nods at that, taking a moment to ponder as he closes his eyes... Releasing the control of his blood causes him to gasp in pain, but the bandage and the stitches hold. "...Thank you, doctor."
  112. [14:29] <~Deedles> "It's what I do." He answered, studying Jian carefully after his pained sound, before he moved over to the table to pour the now ready tea into a cup, handing it to Futu.
  113. [14:29] <Earthflame> Jian glances to the boy. "Will Futu need any more treatments, after this?"
  114. [14:35] <~Deedles> "A few more." Mamoru looked at the boy, and then at the girl. "So it's better if you two stay here for a while." Futu opened his mouth to object, but the man gestured for him to stay quiet. "Doctor's orders." he stated. Chang'e shifted uncomfortably in her seat, but nodded.
  115. [14:36] <Earthflame> Jian glances towards the doctor. "...I'll be around to check up on them, for a little while. To make sure Futu is okay."
  116. [14:39] <~Deedles> Mamoru nodded "An extra pair of eyes is always good, just don't bring any trouble to my door." he said while he began cleaning up the table, getting everything back into place.
  117. [14:40] <Earthflame> "I would not dream of it." He smiles. "You are a good man, I think. You deserve your peace, so you can do good for others."
  118. [14:45] <~Deedles> Mamoru shrugged "Good is a matter of prespective, and what one knows." he answered with a faint smile, placing a hand on the table once it was cleared.
  119. [14:45] <Earthflame> Jian smiles softly at that. "...And I have misjudged people before. Often enough to be more careful, now... When I have the option."
  120. [14:50] <~Deedles> The house felt calm, it gave a sense of quiet and simplicity, and yet inspired thoughtfulness. The doctor slowly nodded. "People are easily misjudged." he chuckled a bit as what Jian said next though "You? Careful?" he inquired as he looked back at the swordsman with a raised brow.
  121. [14:51] <Earthflame> He laughed at that. "When I have the option, as I said... After losing my friends and quite a lot of blood, I had to find a doctor sooner or later."
  122. [14:52] <~Deedles> Mamoru shook his head "That was a logical thing to do, I was refering to your display earlier this evening." he corrected
  123. [14:52] <Earthflame> He glances up at him. "You saw that, did you?"
  124. [14:54] <~Deedles> "No, but as I mentioned, the guard who was injured got brought here, I heard quite enough then." He answered, folding his arms as he leaned back against the table. "Not the actions of a careful man, no?"
  125. [14:57] <Earthflame> "Not the actions of someone wishing to seem careful. I was following a hunch... Even if it didn't pay off." He rolls a shoulder. "I was hoping that having Corrupt Chi would be more boon than burden, for once..." He gives Chang'e a sad glance. "It is a hard path to travel."
  126. [15:01] <~Deedles> Chang'e glanced back at Jian, but her expression was rather neutral. "You'll want to be careful from now on... and aquire a change of clothes. By now all the guards will know your description, but apart from your robes you look fairly ordinary." Mamoru said, taking a moment to look at the two kids. "You guys know where the spare bedroom is, now off with you. You need to sleep" he shooed them gently.
  127. [15:01] <~Deedles> Chang'e nodded as she slid off her seat to move over to Futu, taking his hand as she began leading him out of the room.
  128. [15:02] <Earthflame> "Goodnight." Jian nods to them as they leave.
  129. [15:03] <~Deedles> The doctor waited for them to exit the room, before he looked at Jian again. "If you want to sleep inside you can use the bed here." he nodded at the one the swordsman was sat on.
  130. [15:04] <Earthflame> Jian ponders that, but shakes his head. "I don't want to bring any further trouble onto you. I'll pay for the care, and for any spare clothes if you have them. Then I should try and find my friends so I can rest easy."
  131. [15:05] <~Deedles> Mamoru nodded "You pay whatever you want." he said, gesturing towards a wooden bowl on a stool by the door as he headed for said door. "I'll get you some clothes."
  132. [15:06] <Earthflame> Jian pulls out a few coins- He doesn't have much left- and drops them into the bowl, relaxing as he waits... He was fortunate to find this man.
  133. [15:08] <~Deedles> It didn't take long, just a couple of minutes, before he got back, handing Jian a pair of black trousers, a grey shirt and a black jacket, everything made out of linen. "Is this alright?" he wondered
  134. [15:09] <Earthflame> He nods at that. "Perfect. Thank you again for all your help." He rose, still stiff, and bowed slightly as he took the clothes. "I'll be back to check on Futu and Chang'e tomorrow."
  135. [15:10] <~Deedles> Mamoru folded his arms and nodded "Alright, I'm sure they'll appreciate it. Just watch your back, okay? If any of the guards who saw you today spots you again I'm not sure the new clothes would fool them."
  136. [15:12] <Earthflame> He chuckles at that. "I've not walked the streets of this town yet, why would I start now?" He stands, stretching a little as he walks towards the back door. "I'll go by rooftop. Until tomorrow, doctor."
  137. [15:13] <~Deedles> "Until then, priest." Mamoru replied as he followed Jian to the door.
  138. [15:14] <Earthflame> Jian gives the man a final bow of his head before he leaps into the night...
  139. [15:14] <~Deedles> ---------------------
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