
nwod attributes

Jun 28th, 2013
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  1. Power is the degree of effect that your character has on others and his surroundings. The higher his score, the smarter, more potent or more impos- ing he is. Intelligence, Strength and Presence therefore apply when your char- acter seeks to force himself on his environment.
  2. Finesse is a measure of your character’s capacity to interact with the world and influence others. The higher his score, the craftier, more delicate and more influential he is. Wits, Dexterity and Manipulation have bearing when your character tries to anticipate and react to his environment, and to coordi- nate others.
  3. Resistance indicates how well your character copes with influences from both without and within that might affect him adversely. The higher his score the more staunch, sturdy or dignified he is. Resolve, Stamina and Composure The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven. — Milton, Paradise Lost 43 apply when your character responds to coercion, injury and influence. Resolve tests his ability to resist efforts to direct his mind, Stamina helps him shrug off physical trauma, and Composure helps him recover from horrify- ing experiences or social tension and still maintain con- trol.
  5. Intelligence
  7. The raw power of the mind. Cognitive capacity. The in- herent capability to digest, comprehend and remember infor- mation— and to learn more. Intelligence is a direct measure of how smart your character is. She may be dull-minded or have narrow-vision. She may be book-smart, or she may simply be able to grasp concepts, interpret situations and solve problems quickly. Intelligence is valued by planners, theorists, scholars, white-collar employees and leaders.
  9. Wits
  11. The ability to think on one’s feet, under pressure or duress, without letting them see you sweat. Wits also en- compasses an eye for detail, the ability to absorb what’s going on in the environment, and to react to events. It might mean recognizing that the temperature in a room slowly drops, that a landscape painting incorporates a dis- guised human face, or that a trap is about to be sprung. Wits involves the powers of perception and response. Your character may be oblivious, dumbfounded, quick-eyed or wary. The trait is useful for entrepreneurs, charlatans, ath- letes, tacticians, lawyers and criminals.
  13. Resolve
  15. The focus and determination to see your character’s will done. The capacity to stay on target, ignore distrac- tions and to resist coercion or browbeating. Resolve is your character’s mental fortitude. His personal conviction. His clarity of vision or spirit. Your character may be easily dis- tracted, unable to concentrate, resolute or single-minded. The trait is pivotal to resisting supernatural forms of men- tal control; it acts as a veritable defense of the mind. Re- solve is valuable to leaders, motivators, soldiers, athletes, police and organizers.
  17. Strength
  19. Physical might. Sheer bodily power. The capacity to lift objects, move items, hit things and people, and do damage. Strength is a measure of muscle. Your character could be 98-pound weakling, he could carry a spare tire, or he could be lean and cut or bulky and brawny. Your character’s Strength score is used in hand-to-hand com- bat. This trait is instrumental to laborers, thugs, athletes, brawlers and law-enforcement agents.
  21. Dexterity
  23. Quickness. Response time. A delicate touch. Dexter- ity indicates how quickly and with how much finesse your character responds to his physical world. While high Wits dots helps your character spot trouble, high Dexterity dots help him react to it, whether with a counteraction or to simply get the hell out of the way. Dexterity also helps with hand-eye coordination, be it to fire an accurate shot, to juggle objects or to perform delicate jobs such as handle explosives. Your character might be sluggish, clumsy, slight, quick or nimble. Dexterity is invaluable to criminals, sports stars, surgeons and dancers.
  25. Stamina
  27. Sturdiness. Steadfastness. Sheer physical resilience. Stamina is a measure of how tough your character is. It indicates how far she can push her body, and how much physical abuse she can endure. Your character might be sickly and frail, or hardy and unstoppable. Bouncers, brawl- ers, triathletes, survivalists, heavy lifters and workaholics thrive on Stamina.
  29. Presence
  31. Bearing. Stature. Assertiveness. Presence suggests the power of your character’s very identity. Attractiveness is only part of the trait. Your character may be jaw-dropping gorgeous, plain-Jane or downright ugly, but her Presence means much more. It reflects her sheer command over the attention of others. It’s her capacity to impose her will on others by being socially aggressive or powerful — a veritable bull in a china shop or someone who simply doesn’t accept no for an answer. This trait is essential to leaders, enforcers, interrogators, models, politicians and salespeople.
  33. Manipulation
  35. Charm. Persuasiveness. Charisma. The capacity to play upon the desires, hopes and needs of others to influ- ence them. Manipulation reflects your character’s finesse in social situations. How well he can appeal to, gain the favor of and generally coerce others. Manipulation is ap- plied to win smiles, to put people at ease or to gain favors. Where Presence deals in social force, Manipulation fo- cuses on social subtlety. It’s the tool and trade of businesspeople, politicians, salesfolk and publicists. Your character may be a wallflower, he could frequently make off-color statements, he might have a winning smile and a hardy handshake, or he may be able to sell sand in the desert.
  37. Composure
  39. Poise. Dignity. The capacity to remain calm and ap- pear — and actually be — unfazed in social and threaten- ing situations, usually harrowing ones. Your character might lose his temper at the slightest perceived insult, collapse emotionally under a mere pretense, weather a storm of verbal (or literal) slings and arrows, or have the nerve to look unspeakable horror in the eye. This trait is a measure of emotional fortitude, restraint and calm. It’s ideal among leaders, soldiers, moderators and anyone whose movements are public consumption. Composure is vital to resisting social influence and pressure — overt, covert or otherworldly.
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