

Apr 14th, 2018
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  1. [12:41] <T0ast3R__> I am going to college in august, but what if there are no nice girls there?
  2. [12:42] <spacefeline> you are going to meet nice girls in college.
  3. [12:43] <spacefeline> rule #1: never use the b-word, even in jest.
  4. [12:43] <pomifera> Girls aren't nice
  5. [12:43] <pomifera> Just accept that
  6. [12:43] Quit: flipper887 []
  7. [12:43] <T0ast3R__> Bastard?
  8. [12:43] <T0ast3R__> Bullshit?
  9. [12:43] <spacefeline> there are nice people and not nice ppl, this is not governed by gender
  10. [12:44] <pomifera> It's not their fault
  11. [12:44] <pomifera> And not inherent
  12. [12:44] <pomifera> It's their culture
  13. [12:44] <pomifera> The culture that made them into women
  14. [12:44] <spacefeline> -alt, T0ast3R__
  15. [12:44] <T0ast3R__> spacefeline: just ignore him
  16. [12:44] <pomifera> Patriarchally driven superficiality
  17. [12:45] Quit: tilikum [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
  18. [12:45] <pomifera> Go up to a guy with a weird interest and he'll be like oh okay what's this
  19. [12:45] <pomifera> Go up to a girl and she'll be like wow so lame
  20. [12:45] <pomifera> Because they care too much about keeping up appearances
  21. [12:45] <outrageous> Men are controlled by women, to a great extent. So blaming everything on the "patriarchy" is fairly short-sighted.
  22. [12:46] <pomifera> Wat
  23. [12:47] <pomifera> Women's culture consists of like how to look attractive to men
  24. [12:47] <pomifera> How to be a good wife
  25. [12:47] <pomifera> A homemaker
  26. [12:47] <outrageous> It is complex
  27. [12:47] <T0ast3R__> outrageous: just ignore him
  28. [12:47] <pomifera> There are more men in science and careers where they have to use physical labor etc
  29. [12:47] <outrageous> Not as simple as "Patriarchy!"
  30. [12:47] <luckybunny> I remember the old days when if you died, you had to start the whole level again from scratch
  31. [12:48] <pomifera> Because it's not "feminine"
  32. [12:48] <pomifera> Women are told to be cute and polite etc
  33. [12:48] <luckybunny> And even further back, when the concept of saving the game was writing down a long code that appeared upon level completion
  34. [12:48] <pomifera> Men are allowed to actually explore their interests and experiment
  35. [12:49] <luckybunny> Or before that, when there was no save at all, you either completed it from the beginning to the end or you didn't
  36. [12:49] Join: LostSole []
  37. [12:49] <T0ast3R__> I saw a post today saying "women are naturally attracted to women and heterosexuality in women is a societal construct" lol
  38. [12:49] <pomifera> If it's not patriarchy that caused that distinction then what did...?
  39. [12:49] <pomifera> Only other option I can think is that its inherent
  40. [12:49] <b00zi> luckybunny i remember that also but obviously that won't be happening IRL
  41. [12:49] <outrageous> pomifera: I suppose it depends on which culture you live in, but where I live women have been able to do anything they wanted for quite some time yet they keep demanding more.
  42. [12:49] <pomifera> And I find that offensive as a woman...
  43. [12:50] <outrageous> pomifera: Well, as a woman you may not understand that what men do to live up to the expectations of women is quite a lot.
  44. [12:51] <T0ast3R__> outrageous: people love being victims
  45. [12:51] <luckybunny> that's a little bit laughable
  46. [12:51] <luckybunny> men get size shamed a bit, but don't have to shave their whole bodies in order to not be an outcast
  47. [12:52] <T0ast3R__> luckybunny: waaaaaaah
  48. [12:52] <luckybunny> hell they don't even have to shave their faces
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