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Jul 21st, 2023
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  1. chart with two columns (intentional technical debt, unintentional tech debt) and three rows (symptoms, causes, leverage):
  2. symptoms intentional, harder to evolve, maintain, known limits, lack of artifacts
  3. symptoms unintentional: bugs and errors, wrong, flaky, unstable behavior, changes break system, frictional dev, slow to change, hard to evolve, painful maintenance, dev attrition
  4. causes intentional: experimentation, avoid premature optimization, using ready-to-use products but not focusing on long-term needs, not creating artifacts, optimizing for speed
  5. causes unintentional: mismanagement, artificial urgency, misalignment in planning, misunderstood requirements, unclear product strategy/goals, requirements not turned into proper tasks, bad documentation, lack of skills, poor code and design, no automated tests, too much reliance on manual processes/handoffs, tight coupling with other systems, external evolution
  7. leverage intentional: high. unintentional: low
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