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Sep 15th, 2017
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  1. [19:44] <madprops> Odyss3us, why do you put &nbsp; instead of normal spaces
  2. [19:44] <madprops> because that's actually the problem
  3. 02[19:45] * jayarcs ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  4. [19:46] <madprops> also you might want to give some space between those columns
  5. 02[19:49] * Blendify (~Blendify@unaffiliated/blendify) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  6. [19:50] <madprops> &nbsp actually stands for NON BREAKABLE space
  7. 01[19:52] <Odyss3us> ur kidding me
  8. 02[19:53] * b44rd (~b44rd@ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  9. 01[19:54] <Odyss3us> that did nothing MACscr
  10. 01[19:54] <Odyss3us> madprops
  11. [19:57] <madprops> Odyss3us, with nbsp
  12. [19:57] <madprops> without
  13. 02[19:58] * web1 (50bb726f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ Quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  14. [19:58] <madprops> WHY do you use &nbsp in the first place?
  15. [19:58] <madprops> you can just use whitespace lol
  16. 01[20:00] <Odyss3us> i just ganked it
  17. 01[20:00] <Odyss3us> back in the day browsers didn't recognize conseq spaces
  18. 01[20:00] <Odyss3us> and i haven't done web dev for that long
  19. 01[20:00] <Odyss3us> well front end shit
  20. [20:03] <madprops> it still doesn't recognize consecutive spaces
  21. [20:03] <madprops> if you want spacing between words you can use a css property
  22. [20:03] <madprops> if you want a part to be double spaced use nbsp, but dont use nbsp to simulate normal whitespace
  23. 01[20:17] <Odyss3us> well that's not the problem here, nothing is wrapping corrrectly
  24. 01[20:17] <Odyss3us> its all fucked up
  25. 01[20:17] <Odyss3us> even on mobile
  26. 02[20:27] * neoncontrails (~neoncontr@2001:579:e09c:101:7829:27e7:82aa:b0b0) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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  36. 02[21:02] * NateRiver ( Quit
  37. 03[21:02] * Muimi (~Admin@unaffiliated/muimi) has joined #web
  38. [21:04] <Muimi> any android developers online tonight?
  39. [21:05] <DLSteve> there is a whole android dev channel.
  40. 03[21:05] * systemfault (~rcyr@unaffiliated/rcyr) has joined #web
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  42. 03[21:17] * localhorse_ is now known as localhorse
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  46. 02[21:22] * hphuoc25 (~hphuoc25@ Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
  47. 02[21:23] * b44rd (~b44rd@ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  48. [21:25] <madprops> Odyss3us, does the site have the updated code?
  49. 02[21:26] * Phloxx ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  50. 02[21:29] * Noldorin (~noldorin@unaffiliated/noldorin) Quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
  51. 03[21:30] * Phloxx ( has joined #web
  52. 02[21:42] * mezod (~mezod@unaffiliated/mezod) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  53. 02[21:45] * DLSteve ( Quit (Quit: All rise, the honorable DLSteve has left the channel.)
  54. 03[21:45] * voidah (~voidah@unaffiliated/voider) has joined #web
  55. 02[21:47] * tinyV0id (~winbash@unaffiliated/tinyv0id) Quit (Disconnected by services)
  56. 03[21:47] * InternetAddicted (~winbash@unaffiliated/tinyv0id) has joined #web
  57. 02[21:54] * cpe (~cpe@unaffiliated/cpe) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  58. 01[21:56] <Odyss3us> madprops: yes
  59. [21:58] <madprops> Odyss3us, i still see the nbsp
  60. [21:58] <madprops> s
  61. [21:58] <madprops> maybe im not understand what part you're focusing on
  62. [21:58] <madprops> understanding
  63. 01[21:59] <Odyss3us> hmmm where?
  64. 01[22:00] <Odyss3us> paste the text
  65. 03[22:00] * cpe (~cpe@unaffiliated/cpe) has joined #web
  66. 01[22:00] <Odyss3us> madprops ^^^
  67. 03[22:07] * mizu_no_oto_work ( has joined #web
  68. 03[22:10] * SemiNus (~SemiNus@ has joined #web
  69. [22:10] <SemiNus> Hello =)
  70. 01[22:11] <Odyss3us> hey you know css well SemiNus?
  71. 01[22:11] <Odyss3us> <--- why is the text not breaking
  72. [22:12] <madprops> Odyss3us, right click the Morrocan Hummus description
  73. 03[22:12] * InternetAddicted is now known as tinyV0id
  74. [22:12] <SemiNus> Odyss3us, which text to be exact?
  75. 02[22:17] * RumpledElf ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  76. 03[22:20] * RumpledElf ( has joined #web
  77. 02[22:20] * ArcaTech ( Quit (Quit: ArcaTech)
  78. 03[22:21] * b44rd (~b44rd@ has joined #web
  79. 01[22:21] <Odyss3us> the third header for one
  80. 01[22:21] <Odyss3us> and its subtitle
  81. 01[22:21] <Odyss3us> also the second description
  82. 01[22:21] <Odyss3us> and it seems to be wraping weird in general
  83. 01[22:22] <Odyss3us> even on mobile
  84. [22:23] <madprops> i think you're trolling
  85. 03[22:24] * AnarchyAo ( has joined #web
  86. [22:24] <SemiNus> Odyss3us, I have a hard time understanding the issue
  87. [22:25] <SemiNus> Odyss3us, can you take a screenshot and draw some red lines around the areas in question?
  88. [22:25] <SemiNus> I am willed to look at it closely, but I need to understand your question first
  89. [22:25] <madprops> it's literally the &nbsp;'s
  90. [22:25] <madprops> but he wont remove them
  91. 02[22:26] * ivan_the_monkey ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  92. [22:27] <SemiNus> madprops, why not?
  93. [22:27] <SemiNus> madprops, &nbsp; is so 1998 ^.^
  94. 01[22:29] <Odyss3us> madprops: paste the fraking next where u see nbsp;
  95. [22:30] <madprops> i already told you
  96. [22:31] <madprops> just select them all in your editor and remove them
  97. 01[22:32] <Odyss3us> leme look at the fraking markup on the web because i am not seeing that locally
  98. [22:32] <SemiNus> I'd also like to ask something, but my question is more theoretical.
  99. [22:33] <SemiNus> position:sticky; has not been implemented by all browsers yet, as a matter of fact, only a few support it natively.
  100. [22:33] <SemiNus> however, there are polyfills around
  101. [22:33] <SemiNus> there is also this nice piece of software:
  102. [22:33] <SemiNus>
  103. [22:33] <Ella> Title: Stickybits
  104. [22:34] <SemiNus> so, the situation is, that I have 3 bars on the website in question
  105. 01[22:34] <Odyss3us> i'm looking at the live source, its not fucking there
  106. [22:34] <SemiNus> the 3rd one has a _negative_ margin to the top
  107. [22:34] <madprops> watch your language saucy boy
  108. [22:34] <madprops> it's still there
  109. [22:34] <madprops> that's it
  110. [22:35] <SemiNus> when I want to make the 3rd bar stick to the top then, I am concerned that the negative margin could still be applied in some browsers / some polyfills
  111. [22:35] <SemiNus> e.g. position:sticky; top:40px; margin-top:-20px;
  112. [22:35] <SemiNus>
  113. [22:35] <Ella> Title: Edit fiddle - JSFiddle
  114. 01[22:36] <Odyss3us> sorry madprops
  115. 01[22:36] <Odyss3us> how is that possible?
  116. 01[22:36] <Odyss3us> it can't be possible
  117. [22:36] <madprops> ok tbh i didn't look at the source
  118. [22:36] <madprops> im inspecting the html
  119. [22:36] <madprops>
  120. [22:36] <madprops> it is inserting nbsp s
  121. [22:37] <SemiNus> Odyss3us, why don't you code that by hand? That's a pretty simple website
  122. [22:38] <SemiNus> I'd personally use unsorted lists to display the menu card (the food)
  123. [22:39] <madprops>
  124. [22:39] <Ella> Title: tinymce - Wordpress automatically adding "&nbsp;"? - WordPress Development Stack Exchange
  125. [22:40] <madprops> there are some solutions in there
  126. [22:40] <madprops> read all the answers
  127. 03[22:41] * venmx ( has joined #web
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  133. 02[22:51] * mizu_no_oto_work ( Quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
  134. 01[22:53] <Odyss3us> SemiNus: i am
  135. 01[22:54] <Odyss3us> wtf
  136. 02[22:54] * b44rd (~b44rd@ Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  137. 01[22:54] <Odyss3us> i am copy pasting from a pdf...
  138. 01[22:54] <Odyss3us> they don't show up in vs or edge
  139. 01[22:56] <Odyss3us> i;m looking at it notepad
  140. 01[22:56] <Odyss3us> dude do you understand how valuable my time is?
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