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Feb 16th, 2018
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  1. TEAM_ZIVILIST = DarkRP.createJob("Zivilist", {
  2. color = Color(59, 207, 33, 255),
  3. model = {
  4. "models/player/Group01/female_01.mdl",
  5. "models/player/Group01/female_02.mdl",
  6. "models/player/Group01/female_03.mdl",
  7. "models/player/Group01/female_04.mdl",
  8. "models/player/Group01/female_05.mdl",
  9. "models/player/Group01/female_06.mdl",
  10. "models/player/Group01/male_01.mdl",
  11. "models/player/Group01/male_02.mdl",
  12. "models/player/Group01/male_03.mdl",
  13. "models/player/Group01/male_04.mdl",
  14. "models/player/Group01/male_05.mdl",
  15. "models/player/Group01/male_06.mdl",
  16. "models/player/Group01/male_07.mdl",
  17. "models/player/Group01/male_08.mdl",
  18. "models/player/Group01/male_09.mdl"
  19. },
  20. description = [[Der Bürger hat keine wirkliche Rolle im Roleplay. Printe Geld, spring von einem Dach, oder was weiß ich. Hab einfach Spaß!]],
  21. weapons = {},
  22. command = "zivilist",
  23. max = 0,
  24. salary = 50,
  25. admin = 0,
  26. vote = false,
  27. hasLicense = false,
  28. candemote = false,
  29. category = "Zivilisten"
  30. })
  32. TEAM_POLIZEI = DarkRP.createJob("Polizist", {
  33. color = Color(47, 78, 189, 255),
  34. model = {
  35. "models/player/police.mdl",
  36. "models/player/police_fem.mdl"
  37. },
  38. description = [[Du sorgst für Ruhe in der Stadt und nimmst Übertäter fest.]],
  39. weapons = {},
  40. command = "polizist",
  41. max = 8,
  42. salary = 150,
  43. admin = 0,
  44. vote = false,
  45. hasLicense = true,
  46. candemote = true,
  47. category = "Polizei"
  48. })
  50. TEAM_SHERIFF = DarkRP.createJob("Sheriff", {
  51. color = Color(16, 51, 232, 255),
  52. model = {"models/player/combine_soldier_prisonguard.mdl"},
  53. description = [[Du sorgst für Ruhe in der Stadt und inhaftierst Übeltäter. Außerdem befehligst und kooridinierst du die Polizei.]],
  54. weapons = {},
  55. command = "sheriff",
  56. max = 1,
  57. salary = 200,
  58. admin = 0,
  59. vote = false,
  60. hasLicense = true,
  61. candemote = true,
  62. category = "Polizei",
  63. NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_POLIZEI
  64. })
  66. TEAM_WAFFENHÄNDLER = DarkRP.createJob("Waffenhändler", {
  67. color = Color(255, 139, 0, 255),
  68. model = {"models/player/monk.mdl"},
  69. description = [[Verkaufe Waffen gegen Geld an andere Zivilisten. Achtung: Falls du eine Waffe ohne Lizenz verkaufst, darfst du festgenommen werden.]],
  70. weapons = {},
  71. command = "waffenhändler",
  72. max = 2,
  73. salary = 100,
  74. admin = 0,
  75. vote = false,
  76. hasLicense = false,
  77. candemote = true,
  78. category = "Händler"
  79. })
  81. TEAM_SCHWARZMARKTHÄNDLER = DarkRP.createJob("Schwarzmarkthändler", {
  82. color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
  83. model = {"models/player/barney.mdl"},
  84. description = [[Verkaufe Ausrüstung gegen Geld an andere Zivilisten. Achtung: Führe dein Geschäft in einem verstecken Bereich durch. Die Sichtung des Verkaufes von Waffen darf durch die Polizei sanktioniert werden!]],
  85. weapons = {},
  86. command = "schwarzmarkthändler",
  87. max = 1,
  88. salary = 100,
  89. admin = 0,
  90. vote = false,
  91. hasLicense = false,
  92. candemote = true,
  93. category = "Händler"
  94. })
  96. TEAM_SWAT = DarkRP.createJob("SWAT", {
  97. color = Color(76, 99, 186, 255),
  98. model = {"models/player/swat.mdl"},
  99. description = [[Deine Aufgabe ist es, bei schweren Einsätzen hinter dem SEK Assault zu bleiben und die Verbrechen zu inhaftieren oder zu erschießen.]],
  100. weapons = {},
  101. command = "swat",
  102. max = 6,
  103. salary = 175,
  104. admin = 0,
  105. vote = false,
  106. hasLicense = true,
  107. candemote = true,
  108. category = "SWAT"
  109. })
  111. TEAM_SWATASSAULT = DarkRP.createJob("SWAT Assault", {
  112. color = Color(30, 79, 201, 255),
  113. model = {"models/player/gasmask.mdl"},
  114. description = [[Deine Aufgabe ist es, bei Sturmangriffen ganz vorne zu stehen und bewaffnete Verbrecher auszuschalten. Außerdem ist deine Aufgabe die Stadt und ihre Einwohner vor Gefahren zu schützen.]],
  115. weapons = {},
  116. command = "swatassault",
  117. max = 3,
  118. salary = 200,
  119. admin = 0,
  120. vote = false,
  121. hasLicense = true,
  122. candemote = true,
  123. category = "SWAT",
  124. NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_SWAT
  125. })
  127. TEAM_SWATSNIPER = DarkRP.createJob("SWAT Sniper", {
  128. color = Color(47, 53, 189, 255),
  129. model = {"models/player/riot.mdl"},
  130. description = [[Du sorgst mit deinem Scharfschützengewehr für die Sicherheit der Stadt.]],
  131. weapons = {},
  132. command = "swatsniper",
  133. max = 2,
  134. salary = 200,
  135. admin = 0,
  136. vote = false,
  137. hasLicense = true,
  138. candemote = true,
  139. category = "SWAT",
  140. NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_SWAT
  141. })
  143. TEAM_SWATLEADER = DarkRP.createJob("SWAT Leader", {
  144. color = Color(24, 85, 204, 255),
  145. model = {"models/player/urban.mdl"},
  146. description = [[Du kommandierst das SWAT und hilfst mit deinem Gewehr bei der Verteidigung der Stadt.]],
  147. weapons = {},
  148. command = "swatleader",
  149. max = 1,
  150. salary = 250,
  151. admin = 0,
  152. vote = false,
  153. hasLicense = true,
  154. candemote = true,
  155. category = "SWAT",
  156. NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_SWAT
  157. })
  159. TEAM_NEWSREPORTER = DarkRP.createJob("Fernsehreporter", {
  160. color = Color(244, 255, 107, 255),
  161. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_02.mdl"},
  162. description = [[Laufe mit deiner Kamera in der Welt herum und filme alles, was deinen Zuschauern gefallen könnte.]],
  163. weapons = {},
  164. command = "reporter",
  165. max = 1,
  166. salary = 100,
  167. admin = 0,
  168. vote = false,
  169. hasLicense = false,
  170. candemote = true,
  171. category = "Zivilisten"
  172. })
  174. TEAM_DCLASS = DarkRP.createJob("D-Klasse", {
  175. color = Color(255, 168, 0, 255),
  176. model = {"models/player/Group02/male_04.mdl"},
  177. description = [[Du wurdest zum Tode verurteilt und von der Foundation zum Testen an SCP's gekauft.]],
  178. weapons = {},
  179. command = "dklasse",
  180. max = 0,
  181. salary = 20,
  182. admin = 0,
  183. vote = false,
  184. hasLicense = false,
  185. candemote = false,
  186. category = "D-Klassen"
  187. })
  189. TEAM_SD = DarkRP.createJob("Site Director", {
  190. color = Color(196, 31, 31, 255),
  191. model = {"models/player/Group01/male_02.mdl"},
  192. description = [[Du kontrollierst die Foundation, bis auf einige Ausnahmen. Deine einzigen Vorgesetzten sind der O5-Rat.]],
  193. weapons = {},
  194. command = "sitedirector",
  195. max = 1,
  196. salary = 500,
  197. admin = 0,
  198. vote = false,
  199. hasLicense = true,
  200. candemote = true,
  201. category = "Site Administration"
  202. })
  204. TEAM_O5 = DarkRP.createJob("O5", {
  205. color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255),
  206. model = {"models/player/Group01/male_02.mdl"},
  207. description = [[Du kontrollierst die Foundation, alles und jeden in ihr.]],
  208. weapons = {},
  209. command = "o5",
  210. max = 1,
  211. salary = 1000,
  212. admin = 0,
  213. vote = false,
  214. hasLicense = true,
  215. candemote = true,
  216. category = "Site Administration"
  217. })
  219. TEAM_CHAOSINSURGENCY = DarkRP.createJob("Chaos Insurgency", {
  220. color = Color(90, 145, 0, 255),
  221. model = {"models/player/Group01/male_07.mdl"},
  222. description = [[Du betrittst bei Lockdowns die Foundation und hilfst den SCP's zu fliehen.]],
  223. weapons = {},
  224. command = "chaosinsurgency",
  225. max = 4,
  226. salary = 100,
  227. admin = 0,
  228. vote = false,
  229. hasLicense = false,
  230. candemote = true,
  231. category = "Chaos Insurgency"
  232. })
  234. TEAM_REINIGUNGSDIENST = DarkRP.createJob("Reinigungsdienst", {
  235. color = Color(73, 145, 61, 255),
  236. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_04.mdl"},
  237. description = [[Du wirst zu diversen Reinigungseinsätzen gerufen, um Zellen von SCP's oder Blutbäder zu reinigen. Sehr schmackhaft.]],
  238. weapons = {},
  239. command = "reinigungsdienst",
  240. max = 3,
  241. salary = 50,
  242. admin = 0,
  243. vote = false,
  244. hasLicense = false,
  245. candemote = true,
  246. category = "Tiefrangiges Personal"
  247. })
  249. TEAM_FOUNDATIONARZT = DarkRP.createJob("Foundation-Arzt", {
  250. color = Color(73, 145, 61, 255),
  251. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_04.mdl"},
  252. description = [[Du wirst zu diversen Rettungseinsätzen gerufen, um verletzte von SCP-Experimenten zu versorgen.]],
  253. weapons = {},
  254. command = "foundationarzt",
  255. max = 3,
  256. salary = 50,
  257. admin = 0,
  258. vote = false,
  259. hasLicense = false,
  260. candemote = true,
  261. category = "Tiefrangiges Personal"
  262. })
  264. TEAM_WISSENSCHAFTLER = DarkRP.createJob("Wissenschaftler", {
  265. color = Color(33, 149, 166, 255),
  266. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_04.mdl"},
  267. description = [[Du untersuchst SCP's.]],
  268. weapons = {},
  269. command = "wissenschaftler",
  270. max = 4,
  271. salary = 250,
  272. admin = 0,
  273. vote = false,
  274. hasLicense = false,
  275. candemote = true,
  276. category = "Wissenschaftler"
  277. })
  279. TEAM_CHEFWISSENSCHAFTLER = DarkRP.createJob("Chefwissenschaftler", {
  280. color = Color(33, 149, 166, 255),
  281. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_04.mdl"},
  282. description = [[Du untersuchst SCP's.]],
  283. weapons = {},
  284. command = "chefwissenschaftler",
  285. max = 1,
  286. salary = 500,
  287. admin = 0,
  288. vote = false,
  289. hasLicense = false,
  290. candemote = true,
  291. category = "Wissenschaftler",
  292. NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_WISSENSCHAFTLER
  293. })
  295. TEAM_PERSONENSCHUTZ = DarkRP.createJob("Personenschutz", {
  296. color = Color(70, 39, 194, 255),
  297. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_04.mdl"},
  298. description = [[Du schützt einzelne Personen mit deinem Leben.]],
  299. weapons = {},
  300. command = "personenschutz",
  301. max = 4,
  302. salary = 250,
  303. admin = 0,
  304. vote = false,
  305. hasLicense = false,
  306. candemote = true,
  307. category = "Personenschutz"
  308. })
  310. TEAM_SICHERHEITSDIENST = DarkRP.createJob("Sicherheitsdienst", {
  311. color = Color(47, 96, 189, 255),
  312. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_04.mdl"},
  313. description = [[Du passt auf den Zellentrakt und die LCZ auf.]],
  314. weapons = {},
  315. command = "sicherheitsdienst",
  316. max = 5,
  317. salary = 100,
  318. admin = 0,
  319. vote = false,
  320. hasLicense = true,
  321. candemote = true,
  322. category = "Foundation-Sicherheitsdienst"
  323. })
  325. TEAM_SICHERHEITSCHEF = DarkRP.createJob("Sicherheitschef", {
  326. color = Color(38, 43, 163, 255),
  327. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_04.mdl"},
  328. description = [[Du bewachst den Zellentrack und die LCZ, und kommandierst auch die Sicherheitsdienste.]],
  329. weapons = {},
  330. command = "sicherheitschef",
  331. max = 1,
  332. salary = 175,
  333. admin = 0,
  334. vote = false,
  335. hasLicense = true,
  336. candemote = true,
  337. category = "Foundation-Sicherheitsdienst",
  339. })
  341. TEAM_HAZMATUNIT = DarkRP.createJob("Hazmat Unit", {
  342. color = Color(138, 138, 138, 255),
  343. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_04.mdl"},
  344. description = [[Dein Anzug ist gegen die meisten Angriffe von SCP's immun.]],
  345. weapons = {},
  346. command = "hazmat",
  347. max = 3,
  348. salary = 100,
  349. admin = 0,
  350. vote = false,
  351. hasLicense = false,
  352. candemote = true,
  353. category = "SCP Recontainment"
  354. })
  356. TEAM_RECONTAINMENT = DarkRP.createJob("Recontainment Unit", {
  357. color = Color(138, 138, 138, 255),
  358. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_04.mdl"},
  359. description = [[Dein Anzug ist gegen die meisten Angriffe von SCP's immun. Kooperiere mit Hazmat Einheiten um gebreachte SCP's einzufangen.]],
  360. weapons = {},
  361. command = "recontainmentunit",
  362. max = 2,
  363. salary = 150,
  364. admin = 0,
  365. vote = false,
  366. hasLicense = false,
  367. candemote = true,
  368. category = "SCP Recontainment"
  369. })
  371. TEAM_MTFREKRUT = DarkRP.createJob("MTF Rekrut", {
  372. color = Color(204, 55, 55, 255),
  373. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_04.mdl"},
  374. description = [[tba]],
  375. weapons = {},
  376. command = "mtfrekrut",
  377. max = 4,
  378. salary = 150,
  379. admin = 0,
  380. vote = false,
  381. hasLicense = true,
  382. candemote = true,
  383. category = "MTF & MeTF"
  384. })
  386. TEAM_MTF = DarkRP.createJob("MTF", {
  387. color = Color(15, 175, 186, 255),
  388. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_04.mdl"},
  389. description = [[tba]],
  390. weapons = {},
  391. command = "mtf",
  392. max = 6,
  393. salary = 250,
  394. admin = 0,
  395. vote = false,
  396. hasLicense = true,
  397. candemote = true,
  398. category = "MTF & MeTF"
  399. })
  401. TEAM_NTF = DarkRP.createJob("Nine Tailed Fox", {
  402. color = Color(29, 98, 204, 255),
  403. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_04.mdl"},
  404. description = [[tba]],
  405. weapons = {},
  406. command = "ntf",
  407. max = 3,
  408. salary = 250,
  409. admin = 0,
  410. vote = false,
  411. hasLicense = true,
  412. candemote = true,
  413. category = "Nine Tailed Fox"
  414. })
  416. TEAM_FOUNDATIONAI = DarkRP.createJob("Foundation AI", {
  417. color = Color(161, 161, 161, 255),
  418. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_04.mdl"},
  419. description = [[tba]],
  420. weapons = {},
  421. command = "foundationai",
  422. max = 1,
  423. salary = 100,
  424. admin = 0,
  425. vote = false,
  426. hasLicense = true,
  427. candemote = false,
  428. category = "Spezielles"
  429. })
  431. TEAM_ADMINIMDIENST = DarkRP.createJob("Admin im Dienst", {
  432. color = Color(176, 18, 18, 255),
  433. model = {"models/player/combine_super_soldier.mdl"},
  434. description = [[tba]],
  435. weapons = {},
  436. command = "adminimdienst",
  437. max = 0,
  438. salary = 250,
  439. admin = 0,
  440. vote = false,
  441. hasLicense = true,
  442. candemote = false,
  443. category = "Teammitglieder"
  444. customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or
  445. table.HasValue({"co-owner", "owner", "admin", "admin_don", "superadmin", "superadmin_don"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup"))
  446. end,
  447. CustomCheckFailMsg = "Du hast keinen Zugriff auf diesen Job!",
  448. })
  450. TEAM_OWNERIMDIENST = DarkRP.createJob("Owner im Dienst", {
  451. color = Color(224, 22, 22, 255),
  452. model = {"models/player/combine_super_soldier.mdl"},
  453. description = [[tba]],
  454. weapons = {},
  455. command = "ownerimdienst",
  456. max = 0,
  457. salary = 250,
  458. admin = 0,
  459. vote = false,
  460. hasLicense = true,
  461. candemote = false,
  462. category = "Teammitglieder",
  463. customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or
  464. table.HasValue({"co-owner", "owner"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup"))
  465. end,
  466. CustomCheckFailMsg = "Du hast keinen Zugriff auf diesen Job!",
  467. })
  469. TEAM_SCP173 = DarkRP.createJob("SCP-173", {
  470. color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
  471. model = {"models/player/hostage/hostage_04.mdl"},
  472. description = [[tba]],
  473. weapons = {},
  474. command = "scp173",
  475. max = 1,
  476. salary = 50,
  477. admin = 0,
  478. vote = false,
  479. hasLicense = false,
  480. candemote = true,
  481. category = "SCPs"
  482. })
  484. TEAM_MECHANIKER = DarkRP.createJob("Mechaniker", {
  485. color = Color(128, 84, 32, 255),
  486. model = {"models/player/eli.mdl"},
  487. description = [[tba]],
  488. weapons = {},
  489. command = "mechaniker",
  490. max = 2,
  491. salary = 150,
  492. admin = 0,
  493. vote = false,
  494. hasLicense = false,
  495. candemote = true,
  496. category = "Händler"
  497. })
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