

Mar 11th, 2017
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  1. [2/27/2017 9:35:07 PM] BossLeader: He watched her approach from the comfortable black leather of the couch, eyes focusing in on her supply breasts as the lace of her bra became visible beneath the shirt. An amused smile crossed his lips at the mention of pissing, his soft gaze meeting her glare. "Yes mistress." He responded coyly. The way she danced and her body swayed before him as she continued undressing was an arousing display, the front of his pants feeling tighter by the second as a slight bulge became visible beneath the denim. "Would you like that, Mistress?" He asked with a hint of sincerity to his voice, and an almost hungry stare in his eyes as he gazed upon the enticing ass in front of him.
  2. [2/27/2017 9:48:45 PM] Bitchtits Mcgee: Becoming more serious, she ceased her twirling motions, and lowered self to the ground, one knee at a time, then into a sitting position. Relaxing against the wall, she brought her legs out from under her, One relaxed and one up, her legs slightly spread to tease at what the thong she was wearing hid inbetween. Bringing her hand up, she curled her index finger at him, motioning him to come as she spoke lowly. I don't think I need to nor should I be asking twice from my pet. Come here. " Lowering one of her hands between her legs, she began to stroke herself gently overtop her panties, her lips parting slightly as her breath deepened. Crawl.
  3. [2/27/2017 10:01:16 PM] BossLeader: His smile dissolved into a neutral expression of obedience as he rose from the couch and seamlessly lowered to his hands and knees. He flexed his fingers while arching his back and letting out a soft yawn, relieving the stiffness in his muscles much like an actual pet rousing from its slumber. Afterwards he slowly approached her, crawling forward as instructed until he would be close enough to lower his head to her panties, taking a nip at the waistband before attempting to pull them down her legs. A hint of red was clearly visible spreading across his cheeks, a clear sign of what her luring display was doing to his loins.
  4. [2/27/2017 10:11:39 PM] Bitchtits Mcgee: Watching him crawl to her made her smirk and a small "Hmph" escaped her lips. When his lips reached her panties, She angled herself to make it easier for him to slide them off. As he was doing that, she reached behind herself to slide out of her bra, unclipping it with a slight flick, sliding it off of her and throwing it aside. Looking down at him, She moved her hand that was in between her legs to run through his hair, Massaging his scalp gently, almost lovingly before moving her hand near the base of his neck and tugging harshly. "I want you to look at me when you take these off. Eyes on mine. No straying. " She ordered. She kept her voice low, trying to sound as intimidating as possible even though the simple act of him obeying her so well sent a shock of lust through her body.
  5. [2/27/2017 10:30:59 PM] BossLeader: His gaze slowly climbed up from her panties, ascending past her waist and stomach, lingering on her luscious breasts for a moment before continuing to meet her eyes. As instructed he attempted to hold her gaze, his cheeks growing more flush with color as he occasionally, if only for a brief moment, stole a glance at her breasts. He gulped, swallowing hard against the hand around his neck as he slowly pulled her panties off, holding them between his lips as he sat up and continued fighting to keep his eyes on hers. Kneeling before her, he brought his hands over his lap to cover his obvious arousal, the slight bulge in his pants having grown to a rather noticeable firm bump in the front.
  6. [2/27/2017 10:40:20 PM] Bitchtits Mcgee: She quickly noted his eagerness to follow but also his gaze flickering. As soon as her panties were off and he was seated before her, she pushed against the wall slightly, pushing her body forward, mimicking his kneeling position by hooking the one leg that was extended before underneath of her. Her hand moved to cup his chin, and she matched his eyes with her own. Her face was hardened as she spoke through her teeth, the words she spoke after coming out as a hiss. "I said no straying." The same hand that cupped him moved quickly. She didn't bring her hand back to slap him, but the contact made in her movement let a loud clap ring out, his cheek reddening. Tilting her head slightly, she re gripped his chin and turned his face back towards her. "Listen next time." Still holding his head hostage, her own eyes staring back at his, she slid her free hand between them and rubbed gently against his jeans and against his arousal. Dragging herself up to "stand" on her knees, giving herself enough of an angle to slide her hand into the said clothing, she unceremoniously gripped his hardened member in her palm and pumped it against his flesh harshly. "Don't be a bad boy, okay?"
  7. [2/27/2017 10:56:01 PM] Bitchtits Mcgee: (LOOKATTHECHATOMGIMDED)
  8. [2/27/2017 11:19:44 PM] BossLeader: His body stiffened expectantly as she cupped his chin. Eyes wide with fear as she spoke, he was about to utter out an apologetic plea for mercy when suddenly his cheek stung with searing pain, a loud yelp escaping his lips and causing him to drop her panties. His hand was raising to cup his cheek when she grasped his chin again. All he could do was nod slowly, the gradually subsiding pain of the slap still visible in his eyes as he met her gaze. He tensed up as she caressed the crotch of his pants, the tight bulge throbbing desirously in spite of the slap, or perhaps because of it. He lowered his hands to his thighs, gripping them firmly while she rose on her knees to kneel before him. He made no effort to resist as she reached into his pants and roughly stroked his length. "Y-yes Mistress, I'm sorry." He replied, holding back a quiet groan of pleasure.
  9. [2/27/2017 11:32:33 PM] Bitchtits Mcgee: Pleased with response, she continued stroking him, stopping her hand for a minute at a time to keep him on edge. Eventually she moved to unbuckle his jeans, and zip them down with her free hand. His cock was freed with this, letting her have a larger area of movement. "You're so hard already. What do you want to do with this cock, huh? Are you thinking about fucking me? I don't think you've been a good enough pet." Her voice was like velvet this time, a rumble in her throat not masking her lust as she felt him throb in her hands. fisting his cock in her hand at the base, cutting off some of the blood flow almost painfully. Moving her hand to his balls, she would fondle them, squeezing them gently as she recalled him liking his balls played with before. "I don't want you too excited. So I have to keep you simmered down. Tell me if I treat you too roughly." Showing a flicker of a concern, she'd lean in and give him a light kiss on the tip of his nose, her eyes finally leaving his if only to close for a second. "But again. No straying. You can't look anywhere but at my face. Can't touch. Not until you ask politely. Or beg. I haven't decided." She smiled innocently at him. "It's really all your choice on when you've had enough of this.. teasing.. I guess." Releasing the hand that gripped his length, she'd return to stroking him, leaving her other hand where it was to fondle him still.
  10. [2/27/2017 11:55:40 PM] BossLeader: He dug his fingers into his thighs, squeezing tightly each time she paused her stroking. His cock twitched, surging upwards as his muscles tightened in response to her touch each time she continued stroking. When she finally opened his pants a shuddering sigh of relief escaped his lips. He gently bit into his lower lip as she tightened her grip on his length, the constricted shaft twitching excitedly as the sudden restriction of blood flow began to affect it. His face was an expression of tortured bliss as she fondled his balls, cheeks burning red as he bit deeper into his lip. "Of course, Mistress..." He nodded, smiling slightly as she kissed him. When he eyes closed he couldn't help but steal another glance at her tempting breasts, just barely managing to return his gaze to her eyes before they reopened. "Yes Mistress, I understand..." He slowly took a deep breath, steadying himself before letting it out in a shuddering sigh. His shaft was beginning to swell with blood from the poor circulation, growing just the slightest beyond its prior girth. He wanted more, but at the same time her hands made it hard to beg for anything else.
  11. [2/28/2017 12:12:15 AM] Bitchtits Mcgee: Listening to him following commands, she decided to reward him, if only slightly. Removing her hands from his cock, she moved them up her body, from her thighs, over her mound, abdomen, circling her breasts, and over her perked nipples, teasing him once more. Moving her hand higher up she'd slide two fingers into her mouth sucking on them gently before pulling them out with a slight pop, coated with saliva. Moving her hand back down she'd move it between her legs, mixing her own moisture with her spit, before sliding closer to him. Putting one leg on either side of his and her hands on his shoulders for stability, she'd straddle him. Pressing her hips back down against his groin, his hard cock rubbing against her wet pussy. She rested her forehead on his shoulder with a sigh, finally breaking eye contact. "This is just as hard for me as it is for you. Wasn't expecting you to be so obedient." She'd grind herself against his cock, using her pussy as if it was her hands before. She breathed heavily, moans heard in between as she used him to stroke herself. "You're such a good pet, though." Noticing his hands at his thighs, her eyes narrowed. Raising her head from where it laid, she'd look at him once more, the pleasured flush from grinding against him fading from her cheeks as she resumed her role. "Do something useful and start taking off your shirt." Seeing how they were close together, it'd be rough to not touch her. Her body only an inch from his, not counting their groins. She masked a laugh at her earlier request to not touch her, but didn't take it back.
  12. [2/28/2017 12:59:55 AM] Bitchtits Mcgee: ( Did you fall asleep? :c )
  13. [2/28/2017 1:01:52 AM] BossLeader: (No babe, was downstairs taking a midnight shower lol.)
  14. [2/28/2017 1:03:10 AM] Bitchtits Mcgee: (o)
  15. [2/28/2017 1:03:16 AM] Bitchtits Mcgee: ( o h ()
  16. [2/28/2017 1:03:46 AM] BossLeader: (You make for a sweet domme, btw.)
  17. [2/28/2017 1:04:03 AM] Bitchtits Mcgee: (I'm glad I'm doing okay ahahha)
  18. [2/28/2017 1:31:30 AM | Edited 1:34:19 AM] BossLeader: His cock jerked upwards once released from her grasp, falling back down before jerking again as his thigh and pelvic muscles continued to contract as though her hand were still stroking his shaft. He tried hard to keep his eyes focused on hers as she caressed herself, only seeing her enticing breasts in his peripheral vision until she began sucking on her fingers. When those moist digits slipped free of her mouth his gaze fell upon and followed them all the way down to her enticing honeypot. A shudder ran through his body, a low groan rising from his throat as her moist sex stroked his excitedly throbbing cock. "Thank you Mistress, I-... I enjoy serving." He had paused to let out another restrained groan of pleasure, rolling his hips against hers to rub his aching cock between her moist lips. "Yes Mistress, of course." He answered her command, his hands already gripping the hem of his shirt and working to lift the loose-fitting garment over his head.
  19. [2/28/2017 1:58:00 AM] Bitchtits Mcgee: Continuing to grind against him, moans now left unhindered from her lips, she watched him as he shrugged out of the shirt. She was looking over his frame like a prey would. When his hands were free she took one of the wrist, then grabbed for the other. Leaning forward so that her chest was pressing against his, using her grip on him to keep her steady, she moved his arms behind his back, leaning him backwards slightly. "No touching." Moving her hands between the two of them, all she had to do was grip his member once more, his cock standing at attention easily, and already slicked with her juices. She raised herself above him, hovering herself over his tip. A single thrust and he'd be sheathed inside her. But she stayed herself, instead, using her hand to stroke it right outside her soaked opening. "Say please." She smiled down at him, waiting for his response and hiding how eager she was to use her pet.
  20. [2/28/2017 2:28:17 AM] BossLeader: The discarded shirt fell to the floor behind him as she took his wrists, him putting up no more of a struggle than instinctively struggling against her grasp for a brief few seconds before relieving control of his arms to her. He stared wide-eyed at her in surprise as she moved his arms behind him, visibly worried about falling until he realized she was keeping him steady and for the most part upright. Her perky breasts pressed against his chest all too temptingly, enough that she might have felt each heavy breath filling his lungs, if not his racing heartbeat itself. "Y-yes mistress!" He replied, keeping his hands behind himself as she moved her own between them. His cock jerked excitedly as she grasped it, a faint tingling sensation tickling the slickened underside as the open air teased the moistened flesh. She was right over his aching girth. One thrust to fully embed himself in her... His eyes gazed down at the almost-union waiting to happen/ "Please Mistress... Please take my cock into your wonderful pussy." He was far less subtle about his excitement, panting softly as he waited for his mistress to grace him with the moist warmth and tightness of her body.
  21. [2/28/2017 2:38:00 AM] Bitchtits Mcgee: "You're such a good pet.." She almost purred as she moved her hands to rest lightly on his stomach, not pushing at all, before sliding down with one thrust over top his member. A loud gasp exited her lips and she lolled her head back with her eyes closed for a moment, savoring the feeling of his cock inside her. She wouldn't move however, and when her eyes opened they were almost sparkling with a devious intent. "Please mistress... what?" She laughed as she started grinding against him, only this time his cock was pressed deep inside her, her pussy squeezing him languidly. She herself was tempted to just move, but she knew this wasn't the time for that. Moving one hand up, she gripped his chin from below, grabbing his neck almost and tilting his head up and to the side as she moved her lips to the juncture where his neck met his collar bone. Laying a few kisses and love bites, she'd whisper against his skin. "Tell me how much you want Mistress's pussy."
  22. [2/28/2017 3:08:55 AM] BossLeader: A delighted gasp escaped his lips as all at once as he felt his cock become enveloped by her pussy, his head falling back and body trembling from the sudden pleasure as a bead of precum drew from his cock and quickly joined the moisture of her tight walls. He was roughly chewing his lower lip, savoring the feeling of her pussy wrapped around his manhood when she spoke. "Please- Nnng." A stifled moan rose from his throat as she grinded against him, feeling almost like every inch of his shaft were being massaged. He inhaled sharply as she grabbed him and tilted his head. "M-more... More than anything, Mistress!" He replied, digging his fingernails into his own palms to resist moving them from behind his back.
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