
Mods List for Better SMP Modpack

Oct 28th, 2021
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  1. Current Mod List (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
  2. Dragon Mounts
  3. Additional Bars
  4. Abnormals Core
  5. Abnormals Delight
  6. Additional Banners
  7. Adorn
  8. AkashicTome
  9. Alexsmobs
  10. Antiqueatlas
  11. Appliedenergistics2
  12. Aquaculture
  13. ArachnidRancher
  14. Architectury
  15. Atmospheric
  16. AttributeFix
  17. AutoRegLib
  18. BadMObs
  19. Bamboo_Blocks
  20. Bayou-Blues
  21. BetterAdvancements
  22. Better-Badlands
  23. BetterDungeons
  24. Betterendforge
  25. BetterF3
  26. BetterMineshafts
  27. BetterNether
  28. BetterShields
  29. BetterStrongholds
  30. BloodMagic
  31. Blue-Skies
  32. Bookshelf
  33. Botania
  34. Bountiful
  35. BuzzierBees
  36. BYG
  37. Caelus
  38. Campful
  39. Carryon
  40. Catalogue
  41. Cavebiomeapi
  42. CavesAndCliffsBackport
  43. CC-Tweaked
  44. Charm
  45. Chocolate
  46. Cinderscapes Reforged
  47. Citadel
  48. Cleancut
  49. ClientTweaks
  50. Cloth Config
  51. Clumps
  52. CNB
  53. COFH Core
  54. Collective
  55. Combustivefishing
  56. Comforts
  57. Configured
  58. Controlling
  59. Corpse
  60. CraftableDeeds
  61. CraftTweaker
  62. Crumbs
  63. Cuniform
  64. Curioofundying
  65. Curiouselytra
  66. CustomStartingGear
  67. DarkerDepths
  68. DarkPaintings
  69. DecorativeBlocksAbnormals
  70. DecorativeBlocks
  71. Deeper in The Caves Renake
  72. DefaultWorldType
  73. Desolation
  74. Differentiate
  75. DrippyLoadingScreen
  76. DungeonsMObs
  77. DungeonsPlus
  78. DungeonsArise
  79. Dyenamics
  80. DynamicSurrondings
  81. Dynviewdirst
  82. easyMagic
  83. Elevatorid
  84. Enchantwithmob
  85. Endergetic
  86. EnhancedCelestials
  87. Enchanced Mushrooms
  88. Enviromental
  89. ExoticBirds
  90. ExtendedMushrooms
  91. ExtremeReactors2
  92. FabricBiomesApi
  93. FallingLeaves
  94. FancyMenu
  95. FarmersDelight
  96. FarmersDelightIntegration
  97. FarmersDelightIntegrations
  98. FastLeafDecay
  99. FDCookBook
  100. Ferritecore
  101. FpsReducer
  102. FrozenUP
  103. FTBBackups
  104. FTBlibraryforge
  105. FTBquestsForge
  106. Ftbteamsforge
  107. gamemenumodoption
  108. geckolib
  109. goblintraders
  110. goldenhopper
  111. gaurdvillagers
  112. hunterillager
  113. illagersweararmor
  114. immersivecooking
  115. incontrol
  116. infernalexpansion
  117. inventoryhud
  118. inventorypets
  119. itemfilters
  120. jade
  121. jei
  122. jeienchantmentinfo
  123. jeiinteration
  124. jeiproffesions
  125. jeitweaker
  126. justenoughproffesions
  127. justnenoughresources
  128. kiwi
  129. kleeslabs
  130. konkrete
  131. kotlinfor
  132. lazydfu
  133. leosmushrooms
  134. mantle
  135. masonry
  136. mekanism
  137. mekanismadditions
  138. mekanismgenerators
  139. ekanismtools
  140. morepaths
  141. morevillagers
  142. mousetweaks
  143. mowziesmobs
  144. myserveriscompatible
  145. natureexpantion
  146. naturescompass
  147. netheragriculture
  148. nthersdelight
  149. ntherexoticism
  150. nourishedend
  151. obfuscate
  152. oddwatermobs
  153. omnis
  154. optifine
  155. outerend
  156. outvoted
  157. overloadedmorarbor
  158. paintings
  159. patchouli
  160. paxiforge
  161. peformant
  162. personality
  163. pickupnotifier
  164. polymorph
  165. projecte
  166. pyromancer
  167. quark
  168. randompathces
  169. repurpiorsedstructures
  170. restoredearth
  171. revampedwolf
  172. rottenpiglins
  173. sapience
  174. savangeenddravage
  175. selen
  176. sreneseasons
  177. simplenpc
  178. simplestoragenetwork
  179. dnoepig
  180. snowrealmagivsophisticatedbackpacks
  181. spacebosstools
  182. sparkforge
  183. spheric
  184. stalwardungeons
  185. stoneholm
  186. strawgoem
  187. structuregel
  188. supplementaries
  189. tconstruct
  190. terraform
  191. terraincognita
  192. thegraveyard
  193. theabyss2
  194. theconjurer
  195. thermalcultivation
  196. thermalexpansion
  197. thermalfoundation
  198. thermalinnovation
  199. tips
  200. torchmaster
  201. torchslabsmod
  202. toughnessbar
  203. travelersindex
  204. travelerstitles
  205. treeharvester
  206. ttumbleweed
  207. twighlightforest
  208. unanmedanimalmod
  209. upgradeaquatic
  210. upgradednetherite
  211. valhesiacore
  212. valhesiastructures
  213. vehiclemode
  214. cienmining
  215. villagernames
  216. villagertools
  217. voicechat
  218. voidtoem
  219. wanderingbag
  220. waystones
  221. xareosminimap
  222. xptome
  223. yungsapi
  224. zerocore
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