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a guest
Feb 16th, 2019
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  1. alias +beo "-lookatweapon; +reload";
  2. alias -beo "+lookatweapon; -reload";
  3. alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump; -attack; -attack2";
  4. alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump";
  5. alias +duckjump "+jump; +duck";
  6. alias -duckjump "-jump; -duck";
  7. bind "c" "buy smokegrenade;use weapon_smokegrenade";
  8. bind "f" "buy flashbang;use weapon_flashbang";
  9. bind "t" "+spray_menu";
  10. bind "r" "+beo";
  11. bind "v" "buy molotov;buy incgrenade;use weapon_molotov;use weapon_incgrenade";
  12. bind "x" "buy hegrenade;use weapon_hegrenade";
  13. bind "ralt" "noclip";
  14. bind "space" "+duckjump";
  15. bind "shift" "+speed; r_cleardecals";
  16. bind "ctrl" "+duck; r_cleardecals";
  17. bind "mouse4" "+voicerecord";
  18. bind "mouse5" "+jumpthrow";
  19. bind "mwheelup" "+jump";
  20. bind "mwheeldown" "+jump";
  21. bindtoggle "z" "cl_righthand";
  22. bindtoggle "f1" "mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled";
  23. closeonbuy "0";
  24. cl_autohelp "0";
  25. cl_autowepswitch "0";
  26. cl_cmdrate "128";
  27. cl_color 4;
  28. cl_crosshair_sniper_width "1";
  29. cl_disablefreezecam "1";
  30. cl_disablehtmlmotd "0";
  31. cl_forcepreload "1";
  32. cl_interp "0";
  33. cl_interp_ratio "1";
  34. cl_interpolate "1";
  35. cl_lagcompensation "1";
  36. cl_predict "1";
  37. cl_predictweapons "1";
  38. cl_radar_always_centered "0";
  39. cl_radar_icon_scale_min "0.4";
  40. cl_radar_rotate "1";
  41. cl_radar_scale "0.4";
  42. cl_righthand "0";
  43. cl_resend "6";
  44. cl_timeout "1337";
  45. cl_updaterate "128";
  46. dsp_enhance_stereo "0";
  47. fps_max "999";
  48. hud_scaling "1";
  49. m_customaccel "0";
  50. m_customaccel_exponent "1.05";
  51. m_customaccel_max "0";
  52. m_customaccel_scale "0.04";
  53. mat_monitorgamma "1.5";
  54. muzzleflash_light "0";
  55. net_client_steamdatagram_enable_override "1";
  56. net_maxroutable "1200";
  57. r_drawtracers_firstperson "0";
  58. r_dynamic "0";
  59. r_eyegloss "0";
  60. r_eyemove "0";
  61. r_eyeshift_x "0";
  62. r_eyeshift_y "0";
  63. r_eyeshift_z "0";
  64. r_eyesize "0";
  65. snd_mixahead "0.05";
  66. snd_roundend_volume "0";
  67. snd_roundstart_volume "0";
  68. snd_tensecondwarning_volume "0.3";
  69. sensitivity "1.75";
  70. sv_forcepreload "1"
  71. voice_enable "1";
  72. voice_scale "0.23";
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