

Aug 9th, 2017
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  1. The Void Aspect and its God Tiers/Classpect Roles
  3. Keywords: Nothing, Hidden, Unawareness, Indifference, Extinguish, Ignorance, Infinite, Meaningless, Irrelevance, Disregard, Insignificant, Obscurity, Nonexistence
  5. Symbols: Darkness, Water/Liquids, Pumpkins, Secrets
  7. Void is one of the 12 Aspects of Homestuck. Its Opposite is the Aspect Light. When I think of Void, I think of the infinite expanse of nothingness that reaches into forever and encapsulates all things. It is the indifference and ignorance that causes you to extinguish or cast aside what you don’t understand, keeping it a seemingly insignificant secret. It is the disregard of what was once significant and the concept of luck entirely, because luck and meaningful things don’t matter and are in fact meaningless and irrelevant. It is unknown, obscure and infinitely unaware. Void is the empty nonexistence that everything and nothing sinks into to become hidden and meaningless. It is calmly letting yourself and everything around you go, gently slipping into obscurity and nonexistence, completely unaware of anything, like falling asleep or into a coma.
  9. Mage of Void: One who Understands with Void or Understands Void
  11. Mages will uniquely experience their Aspect, both good and bad. As a result, they gain a unique understanding of what their Aspect is or does. Their challenge is to become open to new insight or different perspectives than their own.
  13. On the outside, this would seem like the happiest of the Mages, because Mages of Void might suffer from “Nothing”. Some might take this to mean they don’t suffer at all, every endeavor for them is always a pleasant one, which is a valid interpretation, but I think it’s more likely that if they do suffer, they might suffer from ignorance, obscurity, insignificance and irrelevance. That could mean their own or other people’s as well. Mages of Void might constantly feel worthless and meaningless, like they’re totally irrelevant in the grand scheme of things and have nothing to offer. They may be unable to get anyone’s attention and be constantly ignored. They may feel or just plain be ignorant and unaware of things going on around them. Or they might understand and experience the feeling of nonexistence and non importance and reject the idea of inherent worth or value, reaching an elusive state of (ironically) enlightenment only able to be reached through death of their own ego and their own agency.
  15. People can act indifferent to them, uncaring if they have anything to offer or not. The truth may be though, despite what they or anyone else thinks, Mages of Void still have a lot of potential to be super smart about a lot of things. For instance they know secrets, it is impossible to keep a secret from a Mage of Void. They can always find everything because they know where it’s hidden. They know where people usually throw things away and forget them because they’ve been thrown away and forgotten themselves. They know the effects of ignorance and indifference to anything because they’ve been ignorant themselves and suffered for it. They might suffer from the thought of nonexistence and complete and total obscurity.
  17. They might be truly lonely people, or they might the few who truly exist willingly on their own, in the shadows, away from the light. If they suffer, the suffering itself may go completely unnoticed by even those close to them, because most people around them would think they suffer from “Nothing” that they’re actually totally fine or making it up. It wouldn’t be much of a stretch to say a Mage of Void could suffer from an invisible illness, like depression or anxiety as well. They might suffer from some sort of water or liquid, either having constant raining around them or a drowning experience, or even a bad experience with alcohol. This might have allowed them to know when it’s going to rain before it happens or how to swim properly.
  19. Thief of Void: One who Steals with Void or Steals Void
  21. Thieves have good intentions, and might be egocentric. They have natural confidence with their Aspect, but hide insecurities and hate being seen as weak. Their challenge is to learn to let others have their Aspect as well
  23. Thieves of Void have a natural knack for knowing what things are actually useless or irrelevant. They have natural confidence obtaining and knowing even the most heavily guarded secrets by being very good at getting others to let down their guard around them, or let them think they are unimportant or insignificant. They are very good at appearing to be ignorant, useless, unaware or indifferent to things in order to seem trustworthy. They might willingly put themselves into the background and become obscure and hidden, all the while stealing that which is hidden from others. They would be very good at taking and stealing things without any trace or lead that leads back to themselves, they would act ignorant of the whole thing and go "What, me? Steal? Never!”
  25. They would be very good at denying or hiding what really happened. They would be excellent liars and almost never would get caught lying. They could even take advantage of other, more ignorant and unaware people, using them as decoys or placing the blame on them when they steal something. They are almost never truly honest with their real intentions and will make up lies about or hide them or pretend they don’t exist. They are also amazing at keeping their own secrets naturally. A Thief of Void might also steal the obfuscation and mystery surrounding other people’s secrets, forcing them into the open.
  27. They might also steal the meaninglessness or insignificance out of something, suddenly making it appear super important and relevant. They could use these objects as clever distractions or replacements for when they steal what they really want. They could steal and surround themselves with indifference or ignorance, making people ignore them and whatever they do. If they are very talented Thieves of Void, almost no one would ever suspect them of anything and they would be viewed as innocent by almost everyone. They could also steal any kind of water and liquid that they wanted from others, alcohol especially.
  29. Knight of Void: One who Exploits with Void or Exploits Void
  31. Knights hide a fear of a perceived fundamental failure with their Aspect behind a shield of confidence and obsessive effort. Their challenge is to learn to take it down a notch and to understand that they are skilled enough
  33. A Knight of Void would use and exploit either their own or other people’s indifference, unawareness or ignorance to their own advantage. They can also exploit obscure or hidden things and secrets to their advantage. They are exceptionally good at disregarding unimportant or irrelevant things or people, but they fear that what they can do is inherently meaningless, useless or insignificant. They naturally work in dark hidden places and shadow and are very good at keeping secrets or sharing secrets as they need to. All that which is unknown, or hidden, obscure or even nonexistent is at their disposal. They might be able to exploit any number of things that may or may not exist in the infinite Void.
  35. They can exploit a person’s secrets to either be used against them or exploit how people can sometimes disregard certain things or view them as unimportant. They might worry about whether or not something is truly meaningless or irrelevant. Sometimes they might even wonder if they themselves are truly irrelevant or unimportant in the grand scheme of things. They may fear that being truly skilled with Void means being truly skilled at nothing, but in reality Void encompasses everything that is unknown. So a Knight of Void could have some secret hidden skill that they may not think is really a skill or all that important. A Knight of Void will struggle finding out what exactly it is they are good at, but once they know what that thing is, nothing can stop them.
  37. They are likely to fight from some hidden or unknown vantage, like shadows, being far away or high above. They would definitely not usually be ones for close combat. They would like pull strings from the background and exploit what other people either can’t comprehend or just simply ignore. They might also be something of a water bender, exploiting water and liquid in various ways, or just exploiting things or people with alcohol. They are likely very good at getting other people to let their guard down around them and be at ease, so they don’t notice when they are being exploited or something is happening behind their backs.
  39. Page of Void: One who Invites Exploitation of Void or one who Invites Exploitation through Void
  41. Pages start with a deficit in their Aspect that they confidently overcome through obvious overcompensation. Their challenge is to keep at it, even if they fail and the journey is slow, for they become the strongest players
  43. A Page of Void is an especially difficult class to have. They start out with a deficit in Void, which means they pay way too much attention to every little thing. They don’t have proper amounts of indifference or disregard for seemingly unimportant things and take most everything way too seriously. They badly overcompensate for this by trying to cover up or hide how much attention they give things, even if it’s very obvious that they won’t let something go. They might try to pretend that they don’t really care or think that something is meaningless when it’s really obvious they haven’t quite given it up yet. They don’t have a lot of well kept secrets and tend to keep things out in the open.
  45. Despite them trying to keep secrets, they often fail by either not hiding it well enough or drawing too much attention to the fact that they have a secret. Their own ignorance and disregard for certain things can be easily exploited by others. They would have trouble ignoring the right things and so they focus on something that wasn’t really important but go out of their way to ignore things that are important. They might not understand at all what it means for something to be infinite or nonexistent and would have trouble grasping these existential concepts. They might have a hard time grasping the concept of something or all things being completely and totally irrelevant or meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
  47. They might have trouble understanding that some people prefer some things to be hidden or not talked about or kept a secret, and thus might accidentally draw more attention to those things in their attempts to make sure that it is completely ignored and not talked about. They might actually try really hard to be unaware of things, ignore them, or be indifferent to them in their attempts to understand what Void really is and how to act like a proper Void player, but this usually ends up with them overcompensating how much they are ignoring said things and end up drawing more attention to it instead. It’s almost they don’t know how to not pay attention to something even when they do try to ignore one particular thing.
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