
Lyra Summons Anon (on hold)

Jun 20th, 2014
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  1. >be Lyra
  2. >after months of begging and pleading and annoying Twilight finally get her to make you some magic bleach.
  3. >take it home, close all the curtains, lock the door, and start clearing a big space in your living room.
  4. >caressing the bottle you pour it out and start using your magic on it like Twilight said.
  5. >slowly it starts rising and forming a small rectangular window.
  6. >it's working!
  7. >you close your eyes and focus harder.
  8. >hear a loud pop and then a thud.
  9. "Fuck my head..."
  10. >you open your eyes and almost want to cry tears of joy.
  11. >in front of you, right now, in your very house, with his two arms and legs, rubbing his forehead with his hands, was a human.
  12. "is this blood? Am I bleeding? Where the hell am I anyw-"
  13. >he turns to look at you and a mix of fear and confusion fill his face.
  14. >you don't give a shit though, you can barely hear him over your excited panting.
  15. >before he gets another word out you run up to him and give him a big hug.
  16. >he freaks out but you're not letting go.
  17. >you're really actually hugging a real human right now oh my gosh you're never letting go ever.
  18. >he keeps talking but you don't hear a word. You're too busy taking in his scent and feeling of his chest bumping up and down, and the subtle sound of his heart beating wildly.
  19. >after awhile he calms down and
  20. >Oh
  21. >My
  22. >Celestia
  23. >he hugged you back!
  24. >he's putting his long arms around you and hugging you!
  25. >you could die happy right now
  26. >wait are you dying right now?
  27. >you feel so light headed
  28. >is your nose bleeding?
  29. >you pass out.
  31. >you wake up after what feels like hours.
  32. >your head is pounding and you feel like you're gonna throw up.
  33. >you look around your living room and see the couch you moved and the wet spot where you poured out the bleach but sadly no human.
  34. >guess the bleach must have made you imagine him.
  35. >"Stupid Twilight and her fake magic bleach."
  36. "Hey, uhh, you okay?"
  37. >from behind the couch you hear someone and a few seconds later see a human head slowly rise to get a look at you.
  38. >his eyes are still full of that same fearful confusion, although more confusion and worry than fear.
  39. >you just stare at him for awhile before you realize the awkward silence you created and fumble out a few words.
  40. >"you're still here?"
  41. >smooth Lyra. Real smooth.
  42. "Y-Yeah."
  43. >you watch him slightly sink back behind the couch as he answers.
  44. >you stand up from the floor to get a better look at him hiding behind your couch.
  45. >come on Lyra you can do this. Just talk to him like a normal pony and stop freaking him out.
  46. >"I'm not gonna kill you, don't worry."
  47. "O-Oh y-yeah?"
  48. >wow good job Lyra! 'I'm not gonna kill you,' that'll really calm him down.
  49. >you see him slowly starting to inch towards your front door.
  50. >"n-no wait sorry! I just mean like I'm not gonna hurt you. Please don't leave!"
  51. >your ears drop and a look of worry fills your eyes.
  52. >the human stops inching back and he looks into your eyes. He puts down the bat he was hiding and sits on the ground.
  53. >you sort of stand there watching him afraid to get closer or say anything in case doing that will freak him out again.
  54. "So uh, what's your name?"
  56. >"It's Lyra."
  57. "I'm anon."
  58. >you talk with the human awhile. Eventually you convince him that no this wasn't a dream, yes you really were a talking horse, and no you were not going to kill him.
  59. >that last one took a lot longer than it should have.
  60. >At least once he was satisfied he stopped eyeing the bat and sat down on your couch instead of behind it.
  61. >you sat down next to him and to your delightful relief he didn't bolt at your presence.
  62. >"anon, if you don't mind me asking, why did you stay? I mean you seemed pretty freaked out when you got here."
  63. "I was gonna leave actually, no offense."
  64. >you want to shoot him a glare but you don't really have a defense, not after the way you acted.
  65. "Just, as a was about to go I saw your nose still bleeding and your leg was twitching. I could still smell that horrible stuff you spilled. Figured that was probably making your nose bleed and I could at least clean that up. Make sure you don't die or something. Then you stopped moving for awhile there. I got a little worried. Decided to stay until you woke up."
  66. >you kept talking mostly asking him excitedly about his world while he asked you for things like water, food, where he was, and a few questions about you.
  67. >as you talked he calmed down and even scratched behind your ear and ran his hand through your mane by accident a few times when he wasn't thinking.
  68. >sadly once he realized it he stopped with an I'm sorry and all that.
  69. >you talked for hours and as much as you wanted to keep talking your body wanted to sleep.
  70. >you laid your head on his lap and closed your eyes.
  71. >"goodnight anon... Thanks for staying..."
  72. >you felt him run his hands through your mane like a brush as you drifted off to sleep.
  73. "Goodnight Lyra."
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