
Anons Birthday short

Nov 28th, 2012
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  1. Bored and can't sleep. Pinkie short I guess.
  4. >Sugarcube corner.
  5. >Pinkie surveyed the area, she had spent all day decorating for the occasion. It looked almost perfect.
  6. >The place was full of balloons, party hats, cake, punch and dear friends. Even a giant banner in the middle.
  7. >The only thing the party was missing was the guest of honour.
  8. >Frowning Pinkie starts to wonder where he could be only to be interrupted as all the lights go out.
  9. >Ponies shriek and gasp in surprise only for the lights to come back on after a few moments.
  10. >In the middle of the room where there was nothing before sat a giant cake.
  11. >A muffled evil laughter fills the room.
  12. A mysterious voice calls out “Did you really think you could have a party without me?”
  13. >Pinkie gasps in shock as the giant cake explodes revealing a humanoid wearing a tight red and purple spandex suit. On his chest is an embroidered golden p next to a bomb.
  14. >“Anon? What’s going on? What are you doing?” Asks some very confused ponies.
  15. “Oh no. Anonymous couldn’t make it tonight gentle colts and ladies. For it is I the Party Crasher who has decided to grace you with my presence!”
  16. >Pinkie stares on dumbly. Getting lost in her own thoughts. The past bubbling up inside her, clouding her vision with memories.
  17. >She and her parents had just finished watching The Mask of Zorro and were partying down with a bunch of other movie going enthusiasts outside the theatre when suddenly and without warning a drunken stallion wandered over to her mother and started hitting on her.
  18. >Like really poorly and drunkenly hitting on her.
  19. >Pinkies father rushed over and tried to talk some reason into the stallion but instead of listening the stallion just vomited all over him. Pinkies mother was hit as the stallion about faced and drunkenly staggered away.
  20. >Pinkie trotted over and collapsed in front of her parents thinking that she could help but it was too late. >The mood was dead. The party was crashed.
  21. >Pinkie swore that day that she would never let another party die like that.
  22. >Coming out of here reverie with the past Pinkie donned her cape and cowl.
  23. >Spotting The Party Crasher across the room crudely flirting with Caramel, Pinkie dashes into action. Grabbing a cup of strawberry juice she rushes over to Party Crasher and with one hoof spins him around.
  24. “How about some PUNCH!” as she throws her drink into Party Crashers face.
  25. “Arg its so cold and refreshing.” Party Crasher reels backwards.
  26. “If that’s how you want to play…….lets dance!” Party Casher springs back pushing Pinkie onto her hind hooves and starts dancing.
  27. >His moves are almost too much for Pinkie. Erratic and awkwardly they move across the room.
  28. >“Only one hope” she thinks. Latching her front hooves around Party Crasher she puts all her weight into spinning them toward the cake.
  29. >“Eat this!” as she jams some cake into his mouth.
  30. “Curses its so flaky and good”
  31. >Knowing this was her only chance Pinkie pushes Party Crasher to her table and knocks him onto his chair. Sitting at the tables are all of her very best and confused friends.
  32. “Are yall finished yet?” Applejack inquires.
  33. “Ya I guess so. That was really good cake Pinkie.”
  34. Pinkie taking her own seat. “Hm hmmm. Its so nummy yummy!”
  35. >Looking across the table at Anon she says happily “Happy Birthday Anon.”
  36. “Thank you Pinkie.”
  37. They spend the rest of the night having fun and good times.
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