
Session 26: The Battle for Crystal...

Jun 21st, 2014
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  1. [2014-06-14 20:23:12] <CrystalDM> 03====FoE Crystal Group, Session 26: The Battle for Crystal Crossing====
  2. [2014-06-14 20:23:30] <CrystalDM> 03War. War never changes.
  3. [2014-06-14 20:25:00] <CrystalDM> 03Whether its pegasi versus unicorn versus earth pony, pony versus zebra, or mutated freaks versus a town, some group always wants to kill another group. All that changes is what toys are used...
  4. [2014-06-14 20:27:51] <CrystalDM> 03As the group approaches Crystal Crossing, a beam of light springs up through the roof of Day's Inn. Its rainbow colored, and shortly reaches a couple thousand feet in the air before descending in a dome over the city. The dome's edges are outside the city walls by about fifty feet, and pegasi and zebra with flight talismans are flying in and out of the shield like its no problem.
  5. [2014-06-14 20:28:27] <CrystalDM> 03The town itself seems much more... lethal, since Emerald's last fly in. Ponies are perched on the walls with a variety of weapons, and there are even several cauldrons of oil being heated.
  6. [2014-06-14 20:29:08] * Militus looks over the defenses and nods approvingly.
  7. [2014-06-14 20:30:43] * Emerald_Blitz looks at all the defenses and shakes her head. "Two hundred years later and it's still a battle every day," she says with a sigh, and turns to the group. "I'm going to go and find their leader," she says. "This... 'queen' Lopatica... It only seems polite to at least ask her not to attack the town. And she may very well be my only link to how I got here. Can you get everything set up without me?"
  8. [2014-06-14 20:32:32] * Tallie still radiates with happy. She nods up at Emerald and smiles broadly. "Good luck."
  9. [2014-06-14 20:32:39] * Militus shrugs. "If you say so, Captain. I would just as soon meet her in battle and decide things that way. Much simpler."
  10. [2014-06-14 20:32:47] * Asami is rather creeped out and unsettled by all of the preparations "whoah.....uhm...if..if you guys don't mind I'm gonna go find my dad okay?
  11. [2014-06-14 20:33:07] * Clue scrunches her face. "Your going to ask the Alicorn who looks like she has Truely Manifested to not attack the town?..."
  12. [2014-06-14 20:34:45] * Emerald_Blitz nods to Asami. "Indeed. If he can offer us any other kind of assistance as well, it would be extremely helpful. Go on, we'll fetch you if anything comes up." She turns back to Clue and Militus. "She doesn't look like she has manifested," Emerald says. "On the contrary, she's very much like me. Well. Not just. Identical, save for coloration." The alicorn looks away. "There's too much I don't ...
  13. [2014-06-14 20:34:46] * Emerald_Blitz ...know to risk throwing it away in a fight. What have we to lose? A bit of sanity from listening to a villainous 'I shall take over the world mwa ha ha' speech?"
  14. [2014-06-14 20:36:14] * Clue looks at Emerald_Blitz with a raised eyebrow. " mostly black with green bits doesn't sound like a manifestation to you?..."
  15. [2014-06-14 20:37:20] <Asami> uhm...Emmy? that Alleycorn has a mane of be careful? " Asami then departs for the hospital, in search of dad!
  16. [2014-06-14 20:37:31] * Militus frowns. "I worry more about you seeing things her way, captain. Such speeches tend to be much more convincing in reality than in stories."
  17. [2014-06-14 20:38:10] * Emerald_Blitz shakes her head. "No, I wouldn't expect so. Highly corrupted perhaps, but not a true manifestation. I imagine a true manifestation is everything your darker inner self could be, and would be much more terrifying than she," Emerald says dryly. "And it's worth a shot. The fewer lives lost here the better, Militus. I doubt she'll be swaying me away from the first ponies who showed me kindness...
  18. [2014-06-14 20:38:12] * Emerald_Blitz ...when I was lost and alone, or do you have that little faith in me?"
  19. [2014-06-14 20:38:22] <Clue> "Leading an army of shadow creatures without being attacked? Those things don't add up to manifestation to you?..."
  20. [2014-06-14 20:39:09] * Emerald_Blitz rolls her eyes. "Either way, I will have learned something important. If she IS a manifestation, then I teleport back here posthaste with the information. If she's not, then perhaps she will still listen to reason."
  21. [2014-06-14 20:39:19] * Militus shakes his head. "Not such little faith, no, but...let's just say I have experience listening to propaganda and being swayed by it. I only worry for you."
  22. [2014-06-14 20:39:39] * Clue nods. "Ok. So. You agree it might be a manifestation. Ok. So. You REALIZE they don't do the whole... agreeing to things... thing. Right?"
  23. [2014-06-14 20:40:13] * Tallie hmmms and looks at Clue. "Ponies have been killing without provocation for years. I doubt all of them were shadow dudes. What really makes a shadow baddie is shadow things."
  24. [2014-06-14 20:40:53] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "Your concern is appreciated Militus, but do keep in mind, I once dated a mare from the Ministry of Morale. I know propoganda when I see it." She turns to clue. "If it is, she won't listen. If she isn't, she might. And I think it's helpful to know which. If she is, we can direct more fire at her immediately. If she's not... I want to know how she got here. Maybe I did the same way..."
  25. [2014-06-14 20:43:05] * Clue shakes her head. "I don't see how talking to something that is most blatantly a shadow, risking your own life, for information is worth the risk.... Best to just kill it. Kill it with fire"
  26. [2014-06-14 20:43:12] <Clue> She says with a frown.
  27. [2014-06-14 20:43:43] * Militus nods and bows to Emerald_Blitz. "Go safely, captain. We will wait here." He then turns and walks off into the town.
  28. [2014-06-14 20:45:00] <CrystalDM> 03Asami finds that... her father is not at the hospital? Rose Light is brewing potions in the hospital.
  29. [2014-06-14 20:45:30] * Emerald_Blitz shrugs. "I respect your opinion, Clue, and I know that you must harbor her some ill will for what her army's part was in scaring that filly and hurting her mother," she says. "But I have to know for certain before I start firing or I'll never be able to forgive myself or put those questions to bed." She spreads her wings. "Be careful everyone. I'll be back as soon as I can." The alicorn...
  30. [2014-06-14 20:45:31] * Emerald_Blitz ...leaps off the ground into the air and veers upward toward the cloud, knowing that Lopatica seems to prefer them as a perch to watch over her army, and looks for a likely place near the army.
  31. [2014-06-14 20:46:08] <Asami> Miss Rose? where is my dad at right now? its kinda important that I see him as soon as possible?
  32. [2014-06-14 20:46:18] * Tallie watches her go and smiles. "I'm gonna go to the mechanics. See if anything's changed." She gets up off her butt and walks into town.
  33. [2014-06-14 20:46:28] * Clue yells to the flying alicorn. "There will not be a big enough "I told you so!" when you get back if I'm right!!"
  34. [2014-06-14 20:47:12] <CrystalDM> 03Rose Light gives Asami a tired smile. "Asami! Good to see you... he was called to help with the shield. He's in Day's Inn."
  35. [2014-06-14 20:48:39] <Asami> Really? I...didn't know he could do that...interesting..but thankyou, and stay safe okay? I'm gonna go there then "Asami then heads off towards the Inn!
  36. [2014-06-14 20:49:33] <CrystalDM> 03The clouds have been cleared from above Crystal Crossing... if Lopatica is watching, she isn't up there.
  37. [2014-06-14 20:50:08] <CrystalDM> 03The Inn... is incredibly heavily guarded. Its surrounded by two dozen earth ponies, all with impressive armor and weapons.
  38. [2014-06-14 20:50:34] * Emerald_Blitz veers toward the direction the army approaches from, hoping to have better luck there.
  39. [2014-06-14 20:50:56] * Militus heads for Day's Inn as well. He carefully approaches the guards, making sure not to make any sudden moves.
  40. [2014-06-14 20:51:28] * Tallie enters the mechanics garage and takes a quick look around. "Helloooooo?" she calls out. "Anyone home?"
  41. [2014-06-14 20:51:45] <CrystalDM> 03There is no approaching army. At all. Clue did say they had vanished...
  42. [2014-06-14 20:52:05] <CrystalDM> 03The ponies nod to Asami and Militus, allowing them to enter.
  43. [2014-06-14 20:52:15] * Clue watches the sky, sitting in the same spot as when Emerald_Blitz took off.
  44. [2014-06-14 20:52:33] * Militus steps into the inn, looking around for the proprietor.
  45. [2014-06-14 20:52:58] <CrystalDM> 03Inside Broken Gear's shop, Tallie finds two pegasi, both in Enclave armor, with quad-linked glowing magical energy pistols.
  46. [2014-06-14 20:53:42] * Tallie blinkie blinks. "Cool armour, guys." she says.
  47. [2014-06-14 20:54:44] * Asami will be looking around the Inn for any sign of Lifesight the unicorn
  48. [2014-06-14 20:54:49] * Emerald_Blitz rubs her eyes. That was impossible, she recalls, but apparently it had happened after all... She kicks down some cloud for herself and tries an alternate tactic, one that has confused her once but might yet help. The alicorn lies down on the cloud and closes her eyes... and tries to find the mental voice that invaded her thoughts before, thinking as hard as she can, LOPATICA. ANSWER ME."
  49. [2014-06-14 20:56:48] <CrystalDM> 03Dawn is serving Sparkle Colas to the zebra and unicorns in the room. The room is glowing as streams of magic are coming from the horns of the unicorns. The zebra are chanting... and in the center of the room is an incredibly old unicorn, channeling the magic from the other unicorns from his horn and up. Life Sight is one of the unicorns, channeling. He's actually closest to the entrance....
  50. [2014-06-14 20:56:48] <CrystalDM> ...The room also... tingles? When you enter it.
  51. [2014-06-14 20:57:58] * Militus twitches his ears as the tingly feeling washes over him.
  52. [2014-06-14 20:59:42] <CrystalDM> 03Emerald_Blitz gets no answer for a moment... then a rather surprised "Wha? Go away, I'm busy."
  53. [2014-06-14 21:00:19] * Asami will be gawking up at the weird sight until she catches a glimpse of her dad, and then GLOMP hug "Ohh my gosh I was so worried about you poppa!
  54. [2014-06-14 21:00:49] <Emerald_Blitz> "Then make time," Emerald thinks. "That settlement your army marches toward is under my protection. I would parley with you before you do anything... foolish."
  55. [2014-06-14 21:00:54] <CrystalDM> 03The pegasi look over at Tallie. "Oh, Tallie! I didn't realize you were coming back!" Broken Gear and Rim Fire are the pegasi in the Enclave suits.
  56. [2014-06-14 21:01:29] * Tallie tilts her head. "Broken? Rim? What's with the gettup?" she asks, walking forward. "And more importantly, can I get a griffin set?"
  57. [2014-06-14 21:02:17] <CrystalDM> 03Life Sight yelps in surprise. "Hey there, squirt! You made it back!"
  58. [2014-06-14 21:03:06] <CrystalDM> 03"Are you a queen leading an army to create an empire?" The voice sounds pompous... and familiar? Not one of the voices she heard earlier, either.
  59. [2014-06-14 21:04:20] * Asami clinghugs to one of Lifesight's forlegs "We came back because of some crazy alleycorn leading a mutant army...I..we were worried about everyone everything okay?
  60. [2014-06-14 21:04:48] <Emerald_Blitz> "No," Emerald thinks evenly. She finds it surprisingly easy to form thoughts without saying them aloud somehow. "But you're hardly a queen yet, and you're not creating an empire so much as marching across the face of a ruined one. Will you hear what I have to say, or not?"
  61. [2014-06-14 21:05:29] <CrystalDM> 03Rim Fire chuckles. "Sorry, Tallie, right? We don't have any for griffins."
  62. [2014-06-14 21:05:54] <CrystalDM> 03Life Sight nods. "Only because your friend Emerald came and warned us. It takes time to set this up.
  63. [2014-06-14 21:05:57] <CrystalDM> "
  64. [2014-06-14 21:06:00] * Militus waits for Day to finish her rounds before approaching her.
  65. [2014-06-14 21:06:09] * Tallie pouts. "Laaaaaame." She walks further into the garage and sits on a table. "So what's new, pussycat?" she asks, swinging her legs under the table.
  66. [2014-06-14 21:07:01] <CrystalDM> 03The floor of the inn is inscribed with zebrakin cuniform and a variety of geometric circles.
  67. [2014-06-14 21:08:48] <CrystalDM> 03Pleasant Day eventually finishes serving the sparkle colas. She is wearing some light armor and has a couple pistols holstered. "Hey Militus, how is it going?"
  68. [2014-06-14 21:09:22] * Asami nodnoddles "uhm...poppa? why is there alot of ghosts meddling in your all's big spell thingy?
  69. [2014-06-14 21:10:11] * Militus smiles and nods at her. "Well, so far. I wanted to see how you were doing. How are you contributing to the defence of the Crossing, besides being a wondeful hostess of course."
  70. [2014-06-14 21:13:34] <CrystalDM> 03For a moment, there is nothing. Then the voice booms in Emerald_Blitz's head. "THEN GO BACK TO YOUR PITIFUL FRIENDS!" The voice pauses for a moment. "This is complicated."
  71. [2014-06-14 21:15:33] <CrystalDM> 03Life Sight pauses. "Ghosts?" The stallion looks over at the nearly albino zebra. The zebra nods. "Ah... your daughter can't see the spirits."
  72. [2014-06-14 21:15:44] * Emerald_Blitz winces and steels her mind against... whatever that was. "Then uncomplicated it post-haste, because THAT was an act of aggression that does not put me in a disposition of kindness toward you. Who are you and how are you hijacking my... sisters... method of communication?"
  73. [2014-06-14 21:16:40] <CrystalDM> 03Broken Gear smiles. "Just preparing to defend the city. Means coming out of hiding, though." The mare shrugs.
  74. [2014-06-14 21:17:12] <CrystalDM> 03Pleasant Day chuckles. "Oh, just keeping everyone hydrated. And preparing to defend them."
  75. [2014-06-14 21:17:21] * Tallie nods slowly. "Yeah... its gonna suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck." She says with a heavy sigh. "We're gonna get Steel ranger support though, so that's always good, right?"
  76. [2014-06-14 21:17:29] <CrystalDM> 03Clue hears a very familiar voice behind her. "Clue? Baby?"
  77. [2014-06-14 21:17:54] * Militus nods. "I'm set to do the same, though perhaps not right here. Stay safe."
  78. [2014-06-14 21:17:58] <CrystalDM> ((Zebra notes 'can' see spirits'))
  79. [2014-06-14 21:18:10] <Asami> "are they supposed to be doing...whateveer it is they're doing?
  80. [2014-06-14 21:18:26] * Clue tenses up, not wanting to hear that voice here. "...Mom?...
  81. [2014-06-14 21:19:00] <CrystalDM> 03The voice groans. "That's my method, not their method. Now /STOP BOTHERING ME AND GO AWAY/!"
  82. [2014-06-14 21:23:21] * Emerald_Blitz topples backward off her cloud, her ears ringing and brain blinded for a few moments, struggling to regain her balance as she awkwardly flies back toward Crystal Crossing. This was not good news at all...
  83. [2014-06-14 21:28:14] <CrystalDM> 03Broken Gear nods. "Yeah. We can be thankful for that."
  84. [2014-06-14 21:30:25] * Tallie looks around, before getting up and walking towards her room. "You done anything to my room?" she calls back.
  85. [2014-06-14 21:30:42] |<-- Emerald_Blitz has left (Quit: User has encountered an unexpected existence failure.)
  86. [2014-06-14 21:31:41] <CrystalDM> 03"No, I haven't done anything to it!" Broken Gear calls up to Tallie.
  87. [2014-06-14 21:32:06] <CrystalDM> 03Day smiles and nods. "Stay safe, Militus."
  88. [2014-06-14 21:32:35] <CrystalDM> 03The white zebra nods. "Yes. They are keeping the unicorns able to cast the spell. They are spirits of magic."
  89. [2014-06-14 21:32:38] * Tallie opens the door and sees its left just the way she left it. She grins and climbs up into her hammock and sighs. "I need to take this with me..." she muses to herself, then goes into her secret comic book stash.
  90. [2014-06-14 21:33:18] <CrystalDM> 03The older mare with that crimson mane walks over. She's wearing armor... that still has flour stains. "Clue... are you ok? Have you been getting enough to eat?"
  91. [2014-06-14 21:34:24] * Militus points to the colas. "Do you mind if I take one?" he grins.
  92. [2014-06-14 21:35:15] <CrystalDM> 03Pleasant Day shakes her head. "Go ahead." The mare starts going around with a wash cloth, dabbing heads and clearing sweat.
  93. [2014-06-14 21:36:19] <Asami> okay...well there anything I can do? I feel kinda useless
  94. [2014-06-14 21:36:27] * Militus grabs a Sparkle-Cola and starts slowly sipping it, watching the shield casting.
  95. [2014-06-14 21:37:05] <CrystalDM> 03Life Sight shakes his head. "We have things pretty much under control with the shield casting... maybe check the walls?"
  96. [2014-06-14 21:37:26] <CrystalDM> 03The room feels... tingly? Makes you want to get up and run a mile, almost...
  97. [2014-06-14 21:38:43] * Clue shrugs. "Yeah... I'm just waiting for Emerald Blitz to come back..." She turns to face her mother. "Should you really still be here?" Worry is plastered over her face.
  98. [2014-06-14 21:39:53] * Militus finishes his cola and sets the bottle down. He gets up and flexes his legs, wondering at the strange feeling that's come over him.
  99. [2014-06-14 21:40:01] <Asami> the walls have dozens of ponies on them...I'm betting that they already know about 'em...well uhm...I guess I'll go find Emmy then and let her know
  100. [2014-06-14 21:40:48] <CrystalDM> 03Scarlet nods. "Yeah... I'm not going to leave your father to defend the walls. Everyone needs to do their part. Even if mine is just making sure everyone gets enough to eat. Your father always joked that I could feed an army with my kitchen... now we get to see if I can do that." The older mare smiles for a moment, tears starting to fill her eyes before she reaches over and glomps Clue in...
  101. [2014-06-14 21:40:48] <CrystalDM> ...a hug.
  102. [2014-06-14 21:41:53] <CrystalDM> 03Life Sight nods. "Sorry Asami. Maybe Rose Light could use some help?" The stallion goes back to focusing on the old unicorn in the center.
  103. [2014-06-14 21:43:00] * Clue embraces her mother in a hug. "I don't want you to get hurt... I don't want to see anyone hurt... You could.. got to West Village or something..."
  104. [2014-06-14 21:43:12] * Militus trots outside, looking around for something to do to help.
  105. [2014-06-14 21:44:34] <CrystalDM> 03Scarlet shakes her head. "Maybe if the pegasus were to fly us... but then we'd have to go through those tunnels..." The mare shivers. "But, at least I got to meet one of your friends today."
  106. [2014-06-14 21:45:13] <CrystalDM> 03The town is a flurry of activity. Its like Winter Wrap-Up, but with guns!
  107. [2014-06-14 21:45:14] * Asami will head back to the hospital and try to find someway to be useful with RoseLight
  108. [2014-06-14 21:46:25] * Tallie rolls out of her hammock and pulls it down, then stuffs it in her packs along with a couple of comics. "NEat." She moves downstairs and up to Broken Gear. "Hey Gear... you got any cool stuff I could use in the fight? Explosive weapons? Armour?"
  109. [2014-06-14 21:46:37] <CrystalDM> 03Rose Light is still brewing potions. She seems to have set up an assembly line, almost. "Hello Asami. Did you talk to your father?"
  110. [2014-06-14 21:47:27] * Asami nodsnods "yeah...he's doing that rainbowey spell there anything I can do here to help out?
  111. [2014-06-14 21:48:06] <CrystalDM> 03Broken Gear is busy putting magical energy ammunition into her battle saddle, using her tail. "Sorry Tallie, I'm all out. Its all on the walls... I might be able to wrastle you up some armor."
  112. [2014-06-14 21:48:39] * Militus trots through the town, looking for ways to help.
  113. [2014-06-14 21:48:54] * Tallie nods. "Anything I could use. I've already died once, I don't want to do it again."
  114. [2014-06-14 21:50:01] <CrystalDM> 03Rose Light nods. "If you can help me feed herbs into the beakers, I can brew more potions."
  115. [2014-06-14 21:50:03] * Clue blinks. "You met one of my friends?"
  116. [2014-06-14 21:50:51] <CrystalDM> 03Scarlet nods. "Yeah. That darling Emerald_Blitz. She came over and we chatted. Your father and her got along marvelously."
  117. [2014-06-14 21:51:40] * Clue deadpans. "Oh, and what did you talk about?..."
  118. [2014-06-14 21:54:54] <CrystalDM> 03Scarlet pauses, thinking. "She just wanted to talk about you, dear. She wanted to know more about you growing up."
  119. [2014-06-14 21:57:12] * Clue nods slowly. "What sort of questions?"
  120. [2014-06-14 21:57:16] <CrystalDM> 03Broken Gear does looks through her much diminished stockpile of goods, but eventually she comes back with a reinforcement kit. "Sorry Tallie. I've only got a reinforcement kit."
  121. [2014-06-14 21:58:38] <CrystalDM> 03Scarlet smiles. "Oh, just what you were like as a kid. She looked at all the projects you brought home. Oh! She also wanted to look into your room. We left everything just the way you left it, in case you wanted to come home and spend the night." Scarlet smiles before digging around in her saddle bags. "Sandwich, dear?"
  122. [2014-06-14 22:01:07] <Clue> "Sandwich? I.. what?" She blinks in confusion. "No, I want to know what Emerald was doing. She looked through my room!?"
  123. [2014-06-14 22:01:54] <CrystalDM> 03Scarlet nods. "She was only in there for a couple of minutes, dear. She's your friend, right? So it was ok?" The older mare looks unsure.
  124. [2014-06-14 22:02:41] * Tallie blehs. "I'll still take it. I bet I can use it for one of our tanky guys."
  125. [2014-06-14 22:03:25] <CrystalDM> 03Broken shakes her head. "Its only for lighter armor, Tallie. Like your leather armor."
  126. [2014-06-14 22:06:29] * Clue nods. "Yes, she is my friend. But.... it was my room..." She looks down. "She did something odd earlier.. appologized... but... maybe her visit did that..."
  127. [2014-06-14 22:06:45] * Tallie pouts. "Well that's just dandy. Guess I'll be tankier then." She says.
  128. [2014-06-14 22:08:09] <CrystalDM> 03Broken hooves over the reinforcement kit to Tallie. "I need to go fly on patrol. Stay safe, Tallie!"
  129. [2014-06-14 22:08:46] <CrystalDM> 03Scarlet nods. "She did seem rather sad when she left... I left her some cookies in her saddle bags to cheer her up." The mare smiles.
  130. [2014-06-14 22:08:56] * Tallie nods and salutes. "Good luck!" she says and pockets the kit. "I'll try!"
  131. [2014-06-14 22:09:51] <CrystalDM> 03Broken flies out of the garage, waving to Tallie as she flies up into the sky. Damn, she's quick.
  132. [2014-06-14 22:10:40] * Clue sighs. "...ugh... it was pity then wasn't it..."
  133. [2014-06-14 22:12:42] <CrystalDM> 03Scarlet cocks her head at Clue. "What was a pity, dear?"
  134. [2014-06-14 22:13:24] * Clue shakes her head. "Nothing mom..." She takes a few moments to think before looking to her mother with a small smile. "How bout that sandwich?"
  135. [2014-06-14 22:14:59] <CrystalDM> 03Scarlet smiles. "Your favorite is still peanut butter, chocolate, and bananas, right?"
  136. [2014-06-14 22:16:48] * Clue smiles and nods. "Yes"
  137. [2014-06-14 22:17:38] <CrystalDM> 03Scarlet fiddles with her saddle bags, and pulls out a sandwich in short order. "Here you go, dear. You should visit your father before the fight, you know. In case..." The mare trails off.
  138. [2014-06-14 22:19:32] * Clue frowns. "Don't say those sort of things mom..." She takes the sandwich and nods. "Yeah I'll go check on him.... where is he located"
  139. [2014-06-14 22:20:30] <CrystalDM> 03Scarlet nods. "He's up on the wall, directing the new recruits. After the fight... can you come for dinner?"
  140. [2014-06-14 22:21:02] <CrystalDM> 03Rim Fire flies down, landing in front of Militus in the Enclave Power Armor. "Good to have you back, soldier."
  141. [2014-06-14 22:21:49] * Militus salutes. "It's good to be back. How should I help, sir?"
  142. [2014-06-14 22:24:08] * Tallie skips over to one of my many work-benches and strips off for the second time that day. She goes about reinforcing her armour.
  143. [2014-06-14 22:24:32] * Clue nods. "Yeah ok... it's... it's been a while since I came over..." The little unicorn frowns. She takes a bite from the sandwich and goes to find her father.
  144. [2014-06-14 22:25:10] <CrystalDM> 03Rim Fire salutes as well. "We could always use more things delivered to the walls. Ammo, oil, and the like. Or are you looking for an assignment during the battle?"
  145. [2014-06-14 22:25:29] <Militus> "Both, sir."
  146. [2014-06-14 22:26:55] <CrystalDM> 03"Hrm..." The stallion thinks for a moment. "How much do you know about this enemy we'll be facing?"
  147. [2014-06-14 22:28:19] <CrystalDM> 03Clue's father, the old mustard-yellow stallion, is shouting on the wall. "DID I SAY YOU COULD STOP MOVING, MAGGOT?! MOVE IT!" The stallion, barely out of colthood, eeps and says "Sorry Sergeant Mustard!"
  148. [2014-06-14 22:29:48] <Militus> "Corrupted wildlife, sir. Mostly geckos, but with some other creatures included as well."
  149. [2014-06-14 22:30:13] <CrystalDM> 03"Have you fought them?" The stallion continues to pace.
  150. [2014-06-14 22:31:03] * Militus nods. "The geckos, yes. The others, no."
  151. [2014-06-14 22:32:39] * Clue kicks her hooves around as she slowly approaches her father, keeping quiet.
  152. [2014-06-14 22:33:12] <CrystalDM> 03"Good enough. I want you to start briefing our ground forces, and the Rangers as they come in. Let them know what to expect and how best to fight them." The stallion nods.
  153. [2014-06-14 22:34:50] * Militus nods. "Will do, sir. Anything else?"
  154. [2014-06-14 22:37:16] <CrystalDM> 03The mustard-colored stallion opens his mouth to shout for a moment, and then notices Clue. The stallion gallops over and glomps the little mare, holding her tight. He looks over at the recruits, all of them staring at the stallion. He growls at them "DID I SAY YOU COULD STOP WORKING? AND IF ANY OF YOU ARE GETTING IDEAS, I'LL TAN YOUR HIDES!!!" The recruits suddenly find things to do...
  155. [2014-06-14 22:37:54] * Clue meeps. "Hi dad..."
  156. [2014-06-14 22:39:06] <CrystalDM> 03Rim Fire nods. "No. That will be all." The stallion takes off into the sky.
  157. [2014-06-14 22:39:26] <CrystalDM> 03"Clue... let's get off this wall. How have you been?"
  158. [2014-06-14 22:40:06] * Militus looks around. Would have bee nice to know /where/ he was giving briefings...
  159. [2014-06-14 22:40:23] * Clue nids
  160. [2014-06-14 22:40:35] * Clue nods. "....I've been fine..."
  161. [2014-06-14 22:42:05] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion nods. "That's... good. Have you been eating enough? If you haven't been, your mothers going to try and feed you."
  162. [2014-06-14 22:42:59] <CrystalDM> 03After a few minutes, Rim Fire lands next to Militus. "Go ahead and do briefings in Broken Gear's garage. I'll be sending groups of 50 to visit you." The stallion takes off again.
  163. [2014-06-14 22:43:53] * Militus salutes and then turns to head off to Gear's garage.
  164. [2014-06-14 22:44:16] * Tallie is inside!
  165. [2014-06-14 22:45:14] * Militus raises his eyebrow. "Oh, hello Tallie. I didn't realize you'd be here. Care to stay for the briefing?"
  166. [2014-06-14 22:45:43] * Tallie blinks and covers herself up. She hasn't gotten dressed yet. "MILLIE!" She shrieks. "GETOUTGETOUTGETOUTGETOUT!"
  167. [2014-06-14 22:46:07] * Militus blinks. "Ah...hello to you too?"
  168. [2014-06-14 22:46:13] <Tallie> "OOOOOUT!"
  169. [2014-06-14 22:46:28] * Militus rolls his eyes and exits the garage.
  170. [2014-06-14 22:46:28] * Clue nods. "She's already done that..." Clue giggles.
  171. [2014-06-14 22:50:26] * Tallie quickly gets dressed. The griffin then pokes her head out with a scowl, looking at Militus. "Now, what do you want?"
  172. [2014-06-14 22:50:59] <Militus> "I have to give a briefing in this building soon. The first of many briefings, actually."
  173. [2014-06-14 22:51:21] * Tallie looks herself over. "Good thing I got dressed before that then..." she mutters.
  174. [2014-06-14 22:52:44] <CrystalDM> 03Mustard chuckles. "Well then, that's good I suppose. How have you been? Have you been staying safe?" The stallion smiles, finding an empty seat at a table below the wall.
  175. [2014-06-14 22:55:29] * Clue nods. "Yes dad... I'm a grown mare... I can handle myself out there... after all you did raise me" She sticks out her tongue.
  176. [2014-06-14 22:59:30] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion chuckles. "Yes, I suppose I did. So, what have you been up to lately?"
  177. [2014-06-14 23:00:05] <Militus> "Can I come in and look over the space then?"
  178. [2014-06-14 23:01:01] * Tallie nods. "Yes. Its decent now." she says, ducking back in. "Just don't go in my room."
  179. [2014-06-14 23:01:30] * Clue thinks. "Making sure the surrounding areas know about corruption... found a lost stable, helped out another..." She shrugs.
  180. [2014-06-14 23:03:37] * Militus re-enters the garage. "Of course, I wouldn't dream of intruding on your room."
  181. [2014-06-14 23:03:49] <Tallie> "Good."
  182. [2014-06-14 23:04:33] * Militus looks around the garage, appraising the space before the first guards and Rangers arrive.
  183. [2014-06-14 23:07:53] <CrystalDM> 03The space is quite large. You could fit a large bit of farm equipment inside. Fifty ponies can fit inside the room, though it will be standing room only.
  184. [2014-06-14 23:08:37] <CrystalDM> 03Mustard chuckles. "Oh? Do you have a coltfriend? Or a marefriend? Am I going to get grandchildren?" The stallion smiles, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
  185. [2014-06-14 23:09:27] * Militus moves to the front of the room and stands ready for the first group to enter.
  186. [2014-06-14 23:11:53] * Clue starts to hoof the ground, silently as her face fills with blush.
  187. [2014-06-14 23:12:30] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion smiles. "Oh? Is there someone? Come on, Clue, am I going to be a grandfather soon?"
  188. [2014-06-14 23:12:55] * Tallie looks at Militus. "Does it meet your standards? I used to work here y'know."
  189. [2014-06-14 23:13:31] * Clue 's face grows even more red. "...well... she said her stable has the technology to do that..."
  190. [2014-06-14 23:13:46] * Militus nods. "Yes, it does. And I've lived here long enough to know that you used to work here, Tallie. Hopefully you will again when we're done."
  191. [2014-06-14 23:14:12] * Tallie blinks and winces. "Right. Forgot." she says. "Brain's still a little slow this morning."
  192. [2014-06-14 23:14:21] <CrystalDM> 03Shortly a group of ponies enter. They are equipped in a variety of armor, some holding heavy weapons while others are holding large rifles.
  193. [2014-06-14 23:15:57] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion smiles and cheers. "I'm going to be a grandfather!" He starts to get up and dance.
  194. [2014-06-14 23:16:32] * Tallie sits on a table. "I was, uh... up... all night." she says.
  195. [2014-06-14 23:18:21] <CrystalDM> 03The group of ponies all look at Tallie.
  196. [2014-06-14 23:18:29] * Clue hoofs the ground some more. "Well... she said we would talk about it at a later date..."
  197. [2014-06-14 23:19:07] * Militus is about to speak to Tallie when the new arrivals start filing in. He turns to face them. "Good afternoon. My name is Militus and I'm here to familiarize you all with the forces threatening this town."
  198. [2014-06-14 23:19:22] <Militus> "Please ignore the griffin. She hasn't had her coffee yet."
  199. [2014-06-14 23:20:13] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion continues dancing. "That's ok, I'm going to have grandchildren. Have you two decided how many? Oh, is marefriend going to be here? Who is she?"
  200. [2014-06-14 23:20:21] * Tallie realises she said that out loud. She then puts her head in her hands and groans. "What, a griffin can't spend a night fixing a hydrolic accelorator?"
  201. [2014-06-14 23:21:02] * Clue can't grow more red. "Feather Fall is here somewhere..." She looks to her father. "Dad. She said it was too early to talk about it"
  202. [2014-06-14 23:23:48] <CrystalDM> 03The ponies look confused for a moment before shaking their heads, redirecting their attention to Militus.
  203. [2014-06-14 23:24:11] * Militus starts his briefing. He'll be here a while...
  204. [2014-06-14 23:24:28] <CrystalDM> 03Mustard pauses in his celebrations. "Oh. Well, are you going to bring her over for dinner then after the battle? I'm sure your mother would love to meet her. I know I would."
  205. [2014-06-14 23:27:12] * Clue shrugs. "I guess so...."
  206. [2014-06-14 23:27:45] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion smiles. "Excellent! So, tell me about her."
  207. [2014-06-14 23:30:56] <Clue> "Well... she's a crystal pony..."
  208. [2014-06-14 23:32:09] <CrystalDM> 03Mustard nods. "Oh? Cool. Where does she live?"
  209. [2014-06-14 23:33:07] <Clue> "Stable 42" She answers.
  210. [2014-06-14 23:34:13] <Clue> "She's a scribe/and or a ranger" Clue adds.
  211. [2014-06-14 23:35:28] <CrystalDM> 03Mustard smiles. "Ah. What does she do for them?"
  212. [2014-06-14 23:37:11] <Clue> "Uhh.... teach? Magic mainly"
  213. [2014-06-14 23:38:40] <CrystalDM> 03"So my grandchildren are going to be unicorns. Good to know." The stallion chuckles.
  214. [2014-06-14 23:39:36] <Clue> "Most likely" Clue nods.
  215. [2014-06-14 23:42:27] <CrystalDM> 03Mustard nods. "So, what does she like? Besides you?"
  216. [2014-06-14 23:48:34] * Clue shrugs. "Magic?..."
  217. [2014-06-14 23:49:13] <CrystalDM> 03Mustard smiles. "What about her favorite color? Food? Game?"
  218. [2014-06-14 23:50:35] * Clue grows silent. "...I... don't really know... we... just... well she teaches me magic... and... kiss?"
  219. [2014-06-14 23:53:07] <CrystalDM> 03Mustard looks at his daughter with a flat expression. "Clue... I think you should probably get to know her better before you have kids."
  220. [2014-06-14 23:54:15] * Clue deadpans. "...YOU! You were dancing around and junk, not me! Feather Fall already said it would be a while"
  221. [2014-06-14 23:54:48] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion scratches the back of his head. "Yeah... maybe I let the idea of grandkids get the better of me."
  222. [2014-06-15 00:00:05] * Clue bumbs her father. "Yes, you" She rolls her eyes with a smile.
  223. [2014-06-15 00:02:12] <CrystalDM> 03As the preparations are underway, just what will the town be facing?
  224. [2014-06-15 00:03:03] <CrystalDM> 03====FoECrystal Group: Session Paused====
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