
[NOTE] Idea Dump [12/25/2013]

Feb 5th, 2013
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  1. This'll just be a sort of unorganized dumping ground for any ideas I have floating around in my head. Also, any Anon that has a request for a one-shot can send me an email at '' and I'll throw it up here for consideration.
  3. >Belgarath in Equestria: Crotchety disciple of Aldur is transported to Equestria by Eriond, because the spirit of his defeated foe has apparently risen again here. Lots of Celestia/Belgarath banter, awesome potential for Discord-interaction, no romance.
  5. >Series of one-shots, idea from Vhatug. "Cute scenes between Lyra and Anon. For example, she's examining his hands, pops one of his knuckles, and bawls her eyes out because she thinks she broke his finger."
  7. >One-shot idea from evets. "Insomniac in Equestria. Anon and Luna hang out and save people from their nightmares."
  9. >A Disgaea/MLP crossover. Anon is kill; Sent to the Netherworld(Tartarus) and reincarnated as a Prinny. Forced to endure many humiliating and degrading tasks beneath various characters from the series (Laharl/Etna/etc.) in an attempt to atone for his sins in life, while the M6 go through hell (literally) to try and rescue him.
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