
Terminus: Centricon-Aspirant 1

May 12th, 2023
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  1. [01:58] The demon listened, and for once...?
  2. That tired expression on his face...
  3. The constant hanging miasma of disappointment...
  4. An overwhelming sensation of doubt...
  6. Overtaken, Overwhelmed, Outright vanquished; for the first time, the maws of Terminus ebbed and quivered to force a hideous imitation of a... Smile?
  7. It was insidious as always, truly pleased.
  9. "You, are young... Mortal." Terminus declared outright, "You will make mistakes.
  11. What is important, is that you learn from that...
  12. That you grow from them... And become better than you once were.
  14. There is a reason I chose you as one of my candidates... Now, with your revelation, prove me right -- And I will bless you with my eternal radiance."
  16. A finger was directed for Kris, a person-of-interest in the recent moments.
  17. "You, state your name..." He directed, offering enough pause for them to introduce themselves.
  19. "You, will learn the ways of the Centricon of the Aspirant." A statement made with impunity.
  21. "--under the tutelage of Veld."
  23. So, he was allowed to keep it!
  25. "Your use of it, will strengthen its bond with me... Bettering yourself, your capability and solidifying my power over the realm abroad.
  27. Reality already bends to my whim, and soon... It will take to, absolutely. Realize this, and I will ensure your every drive and desire is attained."
  28. That matter was settled... Which then left Gluxul.
  30. "For your first task... Conduct the ascension ritual." A finger was directed for Gluxul, "--and guide both the drakan and kin through the process. It will be for him." Clearly the intent was in the lesser's best interest.
  31. (Terminus)
  32. [02:06] Pleased at Veld's realizations, Kris's finally gave them a respectful smile. "Good, you can learn. may the fruits of our combined labour be endless, and should fate conspire to have us fight, then I guess ill have to deal with two things at once." This was a golden opportunity for her, not only had she gained many things, but she had also learned both about veld and about the demon with them.
  34. "As for my name, it is Kris, my families last name forever lost to history. It matters not however." AS she listened to the demon continue. This ascension ritual seemed to be the beginning of a new door to explore.
  35. (Kris)
  36. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. [02:13] Gluxul stares in absolute confusion at Terminus' mention of an ascension ritual.
  40. "Glu?"
  42. Gluxul pretends to stir a pot jumping up and down eagerly at Terminus.
  43. (Gluxul)
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. [02:15] Kris says, "Well then Veld, shall we proceed? Much to learn, and many things to research."
  47. [02:15] Terminus says, "Kris, Veld... This one... Glu, is it? Will be your focus... Then, I'm certain that should give the Centricon enough power to conduct a more potent ritual."
  48. [02:17] Veld says, "So you want us to preform the ascension ritual"
  49. [02:17] Terminus says, "Yes."
  50. [02:17] Veld asks, "Do we have the materials for it?"
  51. [02:18] Terminus says, "I will muster them together for you, yes."
  52. [02:22] Terminus says, "I will lead you to the shrine."
  53. [02:23] Terminus says, "If need be, you may share the book... But I'm leaving it in -your- responsibility, Veld."
  54. [02:28] The door to the small household was opened for the three... But Terminus, simply being too large could not fit through the front door. Instead, they opted to start digging through a loose patch of dirt by the side... Tunneling underground, and soon enough? Beneath the floorboards? The eyes of imps could be seen... Glaring from the shadows.
  56. Their eyes closed, vanishing to give way to one... Two... Nay, Three of Terminus' arms. He could not fit, but his arms could reach from beneath the household for the chests and contents within. All of which, guided by a single Seer within whom waited eagerly for Veld's return.
  58. ''Ah, so you've brought others with you... Usque Terminus, Brother, Sister and Kin alike! It is a pleasure to have you in his presence.''
  60. Ingredients were being prepared...
  61. The stage, soon set.
  62. This was their time to shine.
  63. (Terminus)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [02:28] Terminus has placed Fairy Powder into the chest.
  67. [02:29] Terminus has placed Ky'iah (x5) into the chest.
  68. [02:29] Terminus has placed Cylion into the chest.
  69. [02:29] Terminus has placed Crimson Reed (x5) into the chest.
  70. [02:29] Terminus has placed Herdaia (x5) into the chest.
  71. [02:30] Terminus has placed Sugarcap Mushroom (x14) into the chest.
  72. [02:31] Gluxul begins to toss some random ingredients into the Cauldron including some of his signature ingredient of course, his own blood. As the demonic blood infused with the potion Gluxul would plant his face into the potion, screaming in terror as he suddenly lifted off the floorboards and levitated across the air.
  74. "GLUXUL!!!"
  75. (Gluxul)
  76. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. [02:32] Veld says, "...."
  79. [02:32] Terminus has placed Amber (x133) into the chest.
  80. [02:33] Veld says, "I feel like we might need to tie this one down to something."
  81. [02:33] Kris asks, "So veld, while the materials are prepared, shall we discuss the use of the book? Shall we share it?"
  82. [02:34] Veld says, "I do not mind sharing knowledge so long as it stays that way and one does not hoard it over the other"
  83. [02:35] Veld says, "So yes we can share"
  84. [02:36] Veld says, "Or at least until you can get one of your own as im sure you will be able to get one eventually"
  85. [02:36] A free-flying Gluxul was likely terrified or ecstatic at their alchemical prowess taking to...
  86. They soared about the room, earning a concerned look from the Seer Acolyte overseeing the process. A batted hand reached out to no avail to catch the rampant imp... However, amongst their soaring, they flew a bit too close to one of the great arms of the elemental beneath the floorboards.
  88. It reached out, but not to catch them physically but entangle them in a faceless field of telekinetic power. The power sought to force the lesser into a stasis of sorts, though it was entirely fully conscious and capable of flailing about.
  90. "Little one. Do well not to damage the material about..." The posture of the directed hand loosened up, relinquishing the stasis spell to allow Gluxul to float freely once more.
  92. Before long, ingredients would be bestowed before the trio for them to act accordingly.
  93. (Terminus)
  94. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. [02:37] Terminus has placed Saniskriti into the chest.
  97. [02:38] Kris says, "Many doors and paths indeed. However those terms i find acceptable."
  98. [02:38] Kris says, "However, I will offer you a extra path as well, should I get my own book and you are in need, i shall help you."
  99. [02:40] {Item} You picked up Fire Crystal x2. Dropped by Veld .
  100. [02:41] {Item} You drop Vitality X x5.
  101. [02:41] {Item} You drop Agility X x5.
  102. [02:42] {Item} You drop Power X x1.
  103. [02:52] Gluxul says, "Hey to be fair, Gluxul just bled into the cauldron also xD"
  104. [02:53] The young giant would simply remember how he did the ritual from the last time as he would spill the contents of ingredients into the cauldron as it would be alchemical herbs that would help to spur the lesser demons strength and speed to greater heights. After he did so he would grind it down into a more processed form before say.
  106. "Hold out your arm towards the cauldron, and spill your blood into it drakanite… I will do the same as it will be a powerful catalyst for the ritual."
  108. He would then use a sharpened nail that was more like a claw at this point and cut his own wrist as blood would begin go pour into the cauldron... beginning the Ritual of Ascension.
  109. (Veld )
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. [02:57] Kris rolled her sleeve up before holding her arm out over the cauldron, at just the right spot it would be simple for Veld to make the cut without much effort on his part. "Do be gentle. I do bite." She said softly, one last joke before she opened a new door.
  113. (Kris)
  114. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. [02:57] Gluxul drools watching the blood pour from the Drakanite, he'd lean forward slowly unless stopped to try and take a swig of the fresh tapped red honey.
  117. (Gluxul)
  118. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120. [03:08] He would be swift and clean with the slash as it was quite easy for him to draw blood thanks to his affinity with blood magic but as for babysitting the lesser demon well... he would simply use occultic magic to cling to it and keep it from moving too much as he would keep it away from them.
  122. "I'll keep that in mind... also I think you should be more concerned with that one trying to drink your blood."
  124. Veld would lightly chuckle as he would begin to focus on the next part seeing as the order of things needed to be right in order for them to not royally screw up the ritual which he was already doing a unique take on by including the drakanites blood.
  126. So he would begin... as he would first ignite his body in occultic energy and then condense and collect it into his palm and then pour the chaotic energy into the bloody fluid causing it to bubble and churn, dissolving and mixing the herbs.
  128. Then he would release the Imp from its restrains as he the young giant would say.
  130. "Drink from the cauldron as herald of the end will give you strength and through me I will be his conduit to help you ascend to greater heights!"
  132. The giant would then wait for Gluxul to start drinking its contents as he needed him to empty the cauldron before he could continue... though the tantalizing blood from the both of them would help to give the creature more than enough reason to drink it.
  133. (Veld )
  134. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. [03:15] The stinging sensation as she felt the cut happen, as her blood began to flow into the cauldron, providing a odd sense of joy and pain at once. She made sure to pay attention during this, as she may one day be the one leading the ritual.
  138. turning to stare at the imp, she waited for it to comply with the command.
  139. (Kris)
  140. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. [03:19] Gluxul eager for what he had been waiting for all this time, would leap face first to the cauldron, still not satiating his constant bloodlust.
  144. "Gluxul!!"
  146. Although, it would be enough to appease him for now as he licked the concoction from his lips. At this, Gluxul returns to licking his wounds like an injured animal.
  147. (Gluxul)
  148. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. [03:30] He would quickly begin the chant as it was simple as he would point out his hand towards the lesser demon, his aura beginning to flair and cover his body as his eyes slightly glowed orange with occultic magic. the room slightly darken as the boy would summon the centricon… the book that was being discussed and talked about, it was covered in human skin. when the pages open they would see the contents of the lesser ritual as the words glowed and his voice echoed throughout the room.
  152. "Pervide in Aeternum Cognoscere Tuam et Crecere"
  155. Then the occultic energies would jump onto the imp as it would warp the chaotic substance and twist it to make the dark energies vitalize and quicken its little body as well as strengthened it a bit as well though the change would be rough and painful in the process as the ritual would come to a close and the swirling of dark energy that filled the room would soon disapate as soon as it appeared.
  157. "Thank you Herald of the end for this gift, Usque Terminus"
  159. He would then quickly look to Kris as if to guesture to follow suit and give thanks as they would say the name of their patron and he would clasp his hands together in a praying motion before leaving a light sigh as it was done.
  162. (Veld )
  163. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. [03:35] Kris caught the look immediately and spoke. "Thank you Herald of the Emd for this gift, Usque Terminus." She said, actually meaning it. It was a gift indeed, to have a new option given for her goals, as she followed Veld's gesture and praying with him.
  166. (Kris)
  167. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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