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Jul 22nd, 2014
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  1. [359006213]
  2. Category=LUKE
  3. Speech={SadB}{Body-C}She's exhausted. We all are.
  4. [359006219]
  5. Category=REBECCA
  6. Speech={SadC}{Body-B}[weakly]I can keep going.
  7. [359006289]
  8. Category=REBECCA
  9. Speech={SadCX}{Body-B}[soft cry]
  10. [359006291]
  11. Category=KENNY
  12. Speech={SadC}{Body-A}Rebecca. Let me take the baby.
  13. [359006292]
  14. Category=BONNIE
  15. Speech={SurpriseA}{Body-A}Oh!
  16. [359006293]
  17. Category=REBECCA
  18. Speech={SadC}{Body-A}[softly] He's okay. I've got him.
  19. [359006295]
  20. Category=MIKE
  21. Speech={SadC}{Body-C}Over here, there's a place to sit.
  22. [359006296]
  23. Category=BABY
  24. Speech=[wimpering baby sounds]
  25. [359006718]
  26. Category=BONNIE
  27. Speech={FearB}{Body-A}You all right?
  28. [359006772]
  29. Category=REBECCA
  30. Speech={SadCX}{Body-B}[weak grunt as she stumbles in the snow]
  31. [359006773]
  32. Category=KENNY
  33. Speech={SadB}{Body-A}No, you rest for a minute. {SadC}I'll watch him.
  34. [359006775]
  35. Category=LUKE
  36. Speech=[accusatory]{DisgustB}{Body-C}We shoulda stayed put. We shoulda stayed put until she was in better shape.
  37. [359006776]
  38. Category=KENNY
  39. Speech=[accusatory]{DisgustA}{Body-A}We shoulda left right away, instead of waitin' around. We coulda found more food and been someplace warm days ago.
  40. [359006777]
  41. Category=LUKE
  42. Speech={AngryB}{Body-C}We did the right thing. {AngryA}She was in no condition to move.
  43. [359006778]
  44. Category=KENNY
  45. Speech={AngryB}{Body-A}She's worse now!
  46. [359006779]
  47. Category=KENNY
  48. Speech={AngryA}{Body-A}She wasn't gonna get no better back there. We gotta find food, get her someplace warm.
  49. [359006780]
  50. Category=LUKE
  51. Speech={AngryA}{Body-C}This look like someplace warm to you?
  52. [359006781]
  53. Category=KENNY
  54. Speech=[to the group]{AngryA}{Body-A}Everybody hang in there. We gotta keep movin' if we're gonna make it to that town before nightfall.
  55. [359006782]
  56. Category=LUKE
  57. Speech={SadB}{Body-C}We could still turn back.
  58. [359006783]
  59. Category=KENNY
  60. Speech={DisgustA}{Body-A}That's not an option.
  61. [359006784]
  62. Category=LUKE
  63. Speech={AngryC}{Body-C}You don't even listen to anyone else. {AngryB}You just go on barkin' orders.
  64. [359006785]
  65. Category=KENNY
  66. Speech={AngryA}{Body-A}I'm just doin' what has to be done. Like always.
  67. [359006786]
  68. Category=KENNY
  69. Speech={DisgustA}Keepin' people alive.
  70. [359006787]
  71. Category=LUKE
  72. Speech={SadB}{Body-C}You gotta lighten up, okay? You're pushing 'em too hard.
  73. [359006789]
  74. Category=CLEMENTINE
  75. Speech={FearA}{Body-A}You're not helping anything by arguing.
  76. [359006790]
  77. Category=CLEMENTINE
  78. Speech={SadA}{Body-A}Kenny's right, we have to keep going.
  79. [359006791]
  80. Category=CLEMENTINE
  81. Speech={SadA}{Body-A}Luke's right. Everyone's tired.
  82. [359006795]
  83. Category=LUKE
  84. Speech=[defending her]{AngryC}{Body-C}Back off, Kenny. {AngryB}She said she doesn't want you to take the baby. {AngryA}Don't be weird about it, okay?
  85. [359006796]
  86. Category=CLEMENTINE
  87. Speech={AngryA}{Body-A}He's not your baby.
  88. [359006797]
  89. Category=KENNY
  90. Speech={FearA}{Body-A}I was just tryin' to help.
  91. [359006798]
  92. Category=KENNY
  93. Speech=[hackles raised]{AngryC}{Body-A}I ain't bein' weird {AngryB}about it.
  94. [359006799]
  95. Category=LUKE
  96. Speech={AngryB}{Body-A}Yeah. You kinda have been.
  97. [359006800]
  98. Category=LUKE
  99. Speech={DisgustA}And not just right now.
  100. [359006801]
  101. Category=CLEMENTINE
  102. Speech={AngryB}{Body-A}Kenny knows what he's doing.
  103. [359006802]
  104. Category=CLEMENTINE
  105. Speech={AngryA}{Body-A}He's been a dad before.
  106. [359006803]
  107. Category=LUKE
  108. Speech={AngryA}{Body-A}That's not the part I was concerned about.
  109. [359006804]
  110. Category=CLEMENTINE
  111. Speech={FearA}{Body-A}You should listen to Luke.
  112. [359006806]
  113. Category=CLEMENTINE
  114. Speech={SadA}{Body-A}It's Rebecca's decision.
  115. [359006808]
  116. Category=KENNY
  117. Speech={DisgustA}{Body-A}Don't get all bent into a pretzel, I was just tryin' to help.
  118. [359006809]
  119. Category=KENNY
  120. Speech={AngryA}{Body-A}[under breath]People are too damn sensitive sometimes.
  121. [359006810]
  122. Category=CLEMENTINE
  123. Speech={FearB}{Body-A}Arvo?
  124. [359006811]
  125. Category=BONNIE
  126. Speech={DisgustA}{Body-A}Arvo?
  127. [359006812]
  128. Category=ARVO
  129. Speech=[at a short distance]{FearA}{Body-A}[russian:Please, you must help!]
  130. [359006813]
  131. Category=ARVO
  132. Speech=[at a short distance]{FearA}{Body-A}Hello!?
  133. [359006815]
  134. Category=LUKE
  135. Speech={FearA}{Body-A}That's the guy?
  136. [359006818]
  137. Category=MIKE
  138. Speech={FearB}{Body-C}What is this?
  139. [359006819]
  140. Category=BONNIE
  141. Speech={ThinkingA}{Body-A}He doesn't look like much.
  142. [359006821]
  143. Category=KENNY
  144. Speech={AngryB}That ain't the point.
  145. [359006822]
  146. Category=CLEMENTINE
  147. Speech={FearA}{Body-A}I don't trust him. Also, he might be mad at us.
  148. [359006823]
  149. Category=BONNIE
  150. Speech={AngryA}{Body-A}Somethin' ain't right about this.
  151. [359006824]
  152. Category=CLEMENTINE
  153. Speech={AngryA}{Body-A}We should help him. We kind of owe him one.
  154. [359006826]
  155. Category=LUKE
  156. Speech={AngryB}{Body-A}Everybody keep your eyes open!
  157. [359006827]
  158. Category=ARVO
  159. Speech={ThinkingA}{Body-A}Hello! You are Clementine.
  160. [359006828]
  161. Category=KENNY
  162. Speech={ThinkingA}{Body-A}What's goin' on here, friend? You got people with you? {AngryA}Where are they?
  163. [359006829]
  164. Category=ARVO
  165. Speech={SadA}{Body-A}These are my friends. We stay hidden for safety, {AngryA}but you we know. {AngryB}You're Clementine.
  166. [359006830]
  167. Category=LUKE
  168. Speech={ThinkingA}{Body-C}Huh. All right.
  169. [359006831]
  170. Category=ARVO
  171. Speech={SadB}{Body-A}I am hoping you can help me now, not like before. {SadA}{Body-A}All of you can help.
  172. [359006832]
  173. Category=CLEMENTINE
  174. Speech={FearA}{Body-A} Hi, Arvo.
  175. [359006833]
  176. Category=ARVO
  177. Speech={ThinkingA}{Body-A}These are your friends?
  178. [359006834]
  179. Category=ARVO
  180. Speech={DisgustB}{Body-A}I need a... things for-- bandages. I need bandages.
  181. [359006835]
  182. Category=BONNIE
  183. Speech={AngryA}{Body-A}Are you hurt?
  184. [359006836]
  185. Category=ARVO
  186. Speech={NormalA}{Body-A}No.
  187. [359006837]
  188. Category=BURICKO
  189. Speech={AngryB}{Body-AimAK}[in Russian][shouted][No guns! No guns!]
  190. [359006838]
  191. Category=VITALI
  192. Speech={HappyA}{Body-AimShotgun}[grim sounding laughter]
  193. [359006842]
  194. Category=
  195. Speech=What's funny?
  196. [359006843]
  197. Category=
  198. Speech=What did he say?
  199. [359006844]
  200. Category=BURICKO
  201. Speech=[in Russian]{AngryA}[Maybe they have ammunition.]
  202. [359006845]
  203. Category=BURICKO
  204. Speech=[in Russian]{AngryB}{Body-AimAK}[How should I know? Whatever they have.]
  205. [359006846]
  206. Category=ARVO
  207. Speech=[in Russian]{SadA}{Body-A}[What should I take?]
  208. [359006847]
  209. Category=BURICKO
  210. Speech={HappyA}{Body-AimAK}[grim sounding laughter]
  211. [359006849]
  212. Category=CLEMENTINE
  213. Speech={AngryA}{Body-A}What's so funny? Why did they laugh?
  214. [359006850]
  215. Category=CLEMENTINE
  216. Speech={FearB}{Body-A}What did your friend say?
  217. [359006852]
  218. Category=CLEMENTINE
  219. Speech={FearB}{Body-A}We don't want any trouble.
  220. [359006857]
  221. Category=
  222. Speech=What do you need?
  223. [359006858]
  224. Category=
  225. Speech=I'm sorry about before.
  226. [359006859]
  227. Category=
  228. Speech=How is your sister?
  229. [359006860]
  230. Category=ARVO
  231. Speech={NormalA}{Body-A}Yes.
  232. [359006861]
  233. Category=CLEMENTINE
  234. Speech={SadB}{Body-A}I'm sorry about before.
  235. [359006862]
  236. Category=CLEMENTINE
  237. Speech={SadA}{Body-A}What do you need? How can we help?
  238. [359006863]
  239. Category=KENNY
  240. Speech={DisgustA}{Body-A}What is it that you want?
  241. [359006864]
  242. Category=LUKE
  243. Speech={FearA}{Body-A}How can we help you?
  244. [359006866]
  245. Category=MIKE
  246. Speech={FearB}{Body-C}Shit!
  247. [359006867]
  248. Category=LUKE
  249. Speech={FearB}{Body-C}Fuck!
  250. [359006868]
  251. Category=BURICKO
  252. Speech=[in Russian][shout]{AngryC}{Body-AimAK}No guns!
  253. [359006869]
  254. Category=LUKE
  255. Speech={ThinkingA}{Body-A}You're not out here on your own, are you?
  256. [359006870]
  257. Category=KENNY
  258. Speech={AngryC}{Body-A}What the hell?
  259. [359006871]
  260. Category=LUKE
  261. Speech={FearC}{Body-C}Whoa, whoa, hang on now.
  262. [359006872]
  263. Category=MIKE
  264. Speech={FearB}{Body-C}Nobody get excited.
  265. [359006873]
  266. Category=CLEMENTINE
  267. Speech={FearC}{Body-A}All I took were the pills.
  268. [359006874]
  269. Category=CLEMENTINE
  270. Speech={SadA}{Body-A}Jane took your other stuff, not us! {FearB}You don't have to get even with us.
  271. [359006875]
  272. Category=CLEMENTINE
  273. Speech={FearB}{Body-A}It wasn't me who took your stuff, it was Jane! {FearA}It wasn't any of us.
  274. [359006877]
  275. Category=ARVO
  276. Speech={AngryA}Where is she hiding?
  277. [359006878]
  278. Category=ARVO
  279. Speech={AngryB}What's going on?
  280. [359006879]
  281. Category=ARVO
  282. Speech={DisgustA}{Body-A}I do not see a woman who was with you.
  283. [359006880]
  284. Category=ARVO
  285. Speech=[Russian]{FearA}["They must be hiding, I know it."]<Speaking Russian>
  286. [359006882]
  287. Category=CLEMENTINE
  288. Speech={FearB}{Body-A}I don't know. I don't know where she is!
  289. [359006883]
  290. Category=CLEMENTINE
  291. Speech={FearB}{Body-A}She's gone! She left the group.
  292. [359006884]
  293. Category=CLEMENTINE
  294. Speech={AngryB}{Body-A}She's close by. Don't worry.
  295. [359006885]
  296. Category=KENNY
  297. Speech=[worried, rising alarm]{FearB}{Body-A}Hey, hey, HEY!
  298. [359006890]
  299. Category=CLEMENTINE
  300. Speech={FearA}{Body-A}Maybe we can work something out.
  301. [359006891]
  302. Category=CLEMENTINE
  303. Speech={FearA}{Body-A}What would you want us to give you?
  304. [359006894]
  305. Category=CLEMENTINE
  306. Speech={FearB}{Body-A}Whatever got taken from you, we'll give you something just as good.
  307. [359006895]
  308. Category=CLEMENTINE
  309. Speech={FearB}{Body-A}Look, whatever got taken from you, we'll give you twice that much from what we have.
  310. [359006901]
  311. Category=CLEMENTINE
  312. Speech={AngryB}{Body-A}No. You aren't taking anything from us.
  313. [359006903]
  314. Category=BURICKO
  315. Speech=[in Russian][surly]{AngryB}{Body-AimAK}[What are you waiting for?]
  316. [359006906]
  317. Category=KENNY
  318. Speech={AngryC}{Body-A}Drop that now or I'm gonna fucking shoot him! I'll do it! Drop it! Drop it! Don't fucking... don't move! I said, don't move!
  319. [359006907]
  320. Category=MIKE
  321. Speech={FearB}{Body-C}Everybody be cool! This doesn't have to go down like this! Don't shoot! Just wait! Look, I don't wanna have to do this, but I will if you make me! Don't make me do it! Look at me! Do you hear me? I will kill you if I have to!
  322. [359006908]
  323. Category=BONNIE
  324. Speech={AngryB}{Body-A}You! Don't even try it, motherfucker! I guarantee I'm a better shot than you are! I'll drop you both before you can blink!
  325. [359006909]
  326. Category=LUKE
  327. Speech={FearB}{Body-C}Kenny, don't! Don't kill him! Look, you don't look like stupid people, let's just... think about this! We can work somethin' out if nobody does anything stupid, okay?
  328. [359006911]
  329. Category=MAUD
  330. Speech=[Russian]{AngryB}{Body-AimGuns}["Are you out of your mind? What the hell do you think you're doing? You're going to get us all killed! Hey! You! Don't point that thing at me! Put it down! I said put it down!"]<Speaking Russian>
  331. [359006912]
  332. Category=VITALI
  333. Speech=[Russian]{AngryB}{Body-AimShotgun}["Buricko! Buricko! We can take them! I can kill any three of them with my bare hands, we don't even need the weapons! That's right, I mean you, eyepatch man, you're weak and I could tear out your throat with my teeth, who needs to use bullets for the likes of you? I'll kill you all and eat your entrails for breakfast!"]<Speaking Russian>
  334. [359006913]
  335. Category=ARVO
  336. Speech={FearA}{Body-A}Oh, shit! [Russian]["Nobody shoot, I don't want to die!"]<Speaking Russian>
  337. [359006914]
  338. Category=LUKE
  339. Speech={FearCX}{Body-C}No![don't shoot, everybody!]
  340. [359006915]
  341. Category=CLEMENTINE
  342. Speech=[loud scream]{FearC}{Body-A}HELP!
  343. [359006916]
  344. Category=CLEMENTINE
  345. Speech=[alt][screams loud enough to be heard over the crowd]{FearC}REBECCA, NO!
  346. [359006917]
  347. Category=BONNIE
  348. Speech=[pickup1]{FearC}[screams loudly]
  349. [359006919]
  350. Category=ARVO
  351. Speech=[revealing nothing]{SadA}{Body-A}Hello. Your name is Clementine, yes?
  352. [359006921]
  353. Category=KENNY
  354. Speech={AngryC}{Body-A}I know they are. {AngryB}But waitin's only gonna make things worse. {DisgustA}You agreed with me on that last night.
  355. [359006922]
  356. Category=KENNY
  357. Speech={AngryC}{Body-A}Why are you takin' his side again? {AngryB}We shouldn't even be out here, {AngryA}we coulda got to better shelter days ago.
  358. [359006923]
  359. Category=LUKE
  360. Speech={DisgustA}Of course I'd expect you to say that, seein' as how you agreed with him last night.
  361. [359006924]
  362. Category=LUKE
  363. Speech={DisgustB}{Body-C}Yeah, I guess.
  364. [359006925]
  365. Category=LUKE
  366. Speech={FearA}{Body-C}But we were still right to wait as long as we did. {AngryA}Remember, you agreed with me on that.
  367. [359006929]
  368. Category=KENNY
  369. Speech={DisgustA}{Body-A}Thank you, Clem. {AngryA}I'm glad you see things my way.
  370. [359006931]
  371. Category=KENNY
  372. Speech={AngryA}{Body-A}Don't forget, you agreed with me last night that we should get movin' as quick as possible.
  373. [359006932]
  374. Category=LUKE
  375. Speech={AngryA}{Body-C}Well, don't forget, you agreed with me about waitin' to leave camp until today.
  376. [359006933]
  377. Category=BURICKO
  378. Speech=[Russian]{AngryC}{Body-AimAK}["So, this is how it's going to be, is it? That's fine! This is as good a day to die as any other! You don't scare me, you pathetic scavengers! Just bring it on! Bring it on! Bring it on!"]<Speaking Russian>
  379. [359006934]
  380. Category=
  381. Speech=We have to keep going.
  382. [359006935]
  383. Category=
  384. Speech=We're all tired.
  385. [359006936]
  386. Category=
  387. Speech=He's not your baby, Kenny.
  388. [359006939]
  389. Category=
  390. Speech=We should help him.
  391. [359006940]
  392. Category=
  393. Speech=I don't trust him.
  394. [359006941]
  395. Category=
  396. Speech=I think he has a sick sister...
  397. [359006942]
  398. Category=
  399. Speech=Let's work something out.
  400. [359006943]
  401. Category=
  402. Speech=You aren't taking anything,
  403. [359006944]
  404. Category=
  405. Speech=But I only took pills...
  406. [359006945]
  407. Category=
  408. Speech=Jane stole, not me!
  409. [359006946]
  410. Category=
  411. Speech=What do you want?
  412. [359006947]
  413. Category=
  414. Speech=We'll match what you lost.
  415. [359006948]
  416. Category=
  417. Speech=We'll double what you lost.
  418. [359006949]
  419. Category=
  420. Speech=I don't know.
  421. [359006950]
  422. Category=
  423. Speech=She's gone.
  424. [359006951]
  425. Category=
  426. Speech=She's close by.
  427. [359006953]
  428. Category=BURICKO
  429. Speech=[Russian]{AngryB}{Body-AimAK}[Take everything]<Speaking Russian>
  430. [359006954]
  431. Category=CLEMENTINE
  432. Speech=[pickup1]{SadA}{Body-A}He has a sick sister. They might be in trouble.
  433. [359006955]
  434. Category=ARVO
  435. Speech=[pickup1]{SadA}{Body-A}Sister? Not so good.
  436. [359006956]
  437. Category=CLEMENTINE
  438. Speech=[pickup1]{FearA}{Body-A}How is your sister doing?
  439. [359006957]
  440. Category=
  441. Speech=Arguing isn't helping.
  442. [359006958]
  443. Category=
  444. Speech=[Shoot Rebecca]
  445. [359006959]
  446. Category=
  447. Speech=[Call for Help]
  448. [359006960]
  449. Category=MIKE
  450. Speech=[pickup1] [ALT]{SadC}{Body-C}Over there, there's a place to sit.
  451. [359006961]
  452. Category=BABY
  453. Speech=[Pickup2[Fussing sounds]
  454. [359006962]
  455. Category=REBECCA
  456. Speech=[Pickup2][Weakly] Sh sh sh sh...
  457. [359006963]
  458. Category=KENNY
  459. Speech=[Pickup2] You know this sonuvabitch? What's he want?
  460. [359006965]
  461. Category=ARVO
  462. Speech=[Pickup2][In Russian][Yes. It's them.]
  463. [359006966]
  464. Category=MAUD
  465. Speech=[Pickup2][In Russian][These are them?]
  466. [359006967]
  467. Category=BURICKO
  468. Speech=[Pickup2][In Russian][Tell them to put their guns on the ground and that we will be taking everything they have]
  469. [359006968]
  470. Category=ARVO
  471. Speech=[Pickup2] I told them you are the ones who robbed me.
  472. [359006969]
  473. Category=ARVO
  474. Speech=[Pickup2] They think it's funny that you're just a little girl...
  475. [359006970]
  476. Category=ARVO
  477. Speech=[Pickup2] ...and they want you and your friends to put down the guns so we can take your things.
  478. [359006972]
  479. Category=ARVO
  480. Speech=[Pickup2] I am sorry, Clementine. But we are not here to make deals.
  481. [359006973]
  482. Category=BURICKO
  483. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian][What's going on?]<Speaking Russian>
  484. [359006974]
  485. Category=ARVO
  486. Speech=[Pickup2][Suspicious]"Jane..." Where is the other woman?
  487. [359006975]
  488. Category=ARVO
  489. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["There was one more of them before..."]<Speaking Russian>
  490. [359006977]
  491. Category=ARVO
  492. Speech=[Pickup2][Sadly, final] I wish we could have met differently, Clementine.
  493. [359006978]
  494. Category=BURICKO
  495. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Enough of this!"]<Speaking Russian>
  496. [359006979]
  497. Category=ARVO
  498. Speech=[Pickup2] You were kind.
  499. [359006980]
  500. Category=ARVO
  501. Speech=[Pickup2][Hard] But this is how it has to be.
  502. [359006981]
  503. Category=ARVO
  504. Speech=[Pickup2] That is not common.
  505. [359006991]
  506. Category=ARVO
  507. Speech=[Pickup2][Confused, amazed] You have a baby with you?
  508. [359006992]
  509. Category=KENNY
  510. Speech=[Pickup2] I will not let them touch that baby.
  511. [359006994]
  512. Category=ARVO
  513. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["They have a baby!"]<Speaking Russian>
  514. [359006995]
  515. Category=KENNY
  516. Speech=[Pickup2][Furious, protective] Yeah. So back the FUCK off.
  517. [359006999]
  518. Category=BURICKO
  519. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Tell them to put the guns down, Arvo!"]<Speaking Russian>
  520. [359007000]
  521. Category=KENNY
  522. Speech=[Pickup2][Getting angrier] Fine my ass.
  523. [359007001]
  524. Category=ARVO
  525. Speech=[Pickup2] This can be easy for you.
  526. [359007003]
  527. Category=ARVO
  528. Speech=[Pickup2] All of you just put your guns down. This will be fine.
  529. [359007005]
  530. Category=BURICKO
  531. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Another one?"]<Speaking Russian>
  532. [359007006]
  533. Category=MAUD
  534. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Not here?"]<Speaking Russian>
  535. [359007007]
  536. Category=CLEMENTINE
  537. Speech=[Pickup2][Panicked] We have a baby!
  538. [359007008]
  539. Category=ARVO
  540. Speech=[Pickup2][Unsure] I... I-
  541. [359007009]
  542. Category=CLEMENTINE
  543. Speech=[pickup2][Pleading] Please. Tell them not to shoot.
  544. [359007010]
  545. Category=MAUD
  546. Speech=[Pickup2][In Russian][Arvo?! What is going on?]
  547. [359007011]
  548. Category=KENNY
  549. Speech=[Pickup2][Re: Maud] The fuck is she saying?!
  550. [359007012]
  551. Category=CLEMENTINE
  552. Speech=[Pickup2][Pleading] If you put your guns down, we will too.
  553. [359007015]
  554. Category=BURICKO
  555. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Come on Arvo - Why aren't they cooperating?"]<Speaking Russian>
  556. [359007016]
  557. Category=ARVO
  558. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["I'm trying!"]<Speaking Russian>
  559. [359007017]
  560. Category=MAUD
  561. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian][Angry]["Then try harder!"]<Speaking Russian>
  562. [359007018]
  563. Category=BABY
  564. Speech=[Pickup2][Crying]
  565. [359007019]
  566. Category=KENNY
  567. Speech=[Pickup2][Enraged] All of you back the FUCK off! You think I'm afraid to die?! Just come on and fucking TRY IT you bunch of shitbag cowards!
  568. [359007020]
  569. Category=
  570. Speech=Tell them not to shoot.
  571. [359007021]
  572. Category=
  573. Speech=We'll put our guns down if you do.
  574. [359007022]
  575. Category=BURICKO
  576. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Arvo. What is she saying?"]<Speaking Russian>
  577. [359007023]
  578. Category=ARVO
  579. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Hang on, hang on..."]<Speaking Russian>
  580. [359007024]
  581. Category=ARVO
  582. Speech=[Pickup2][To Clem] What do you mean?
  583. [359007025]
  584. Category=ARVO
  585. Speech=[Pickup2] Buricko is saying that we will take everything.
  586. [359007026]
  587. Category=CLEMENTINE
  588. Speech=[Pickup2][hint of guilt] Jane and I met him on the observation deck.
  589. [359007027]
  590. Category=CLEMENTINE
  591. Speech=[Pickup2] Before everyone else came.
  592. [359007028]
  593. Category=ARVO
  594. Speech=[Pickup2][Distant] Hello! Please?
  595. [359007029]
  596. Category=KENNY
  597. Speech=[Pickup2][Suspicious] I don't like this.
  598. [359007030]
  599. Category=KENNY
  600. Speech=[Pickup2][Aghast] "Robbed?"
  601. [359007031]
  602. Category=KENNY
  603. Speech=[Pickup2][To Clem] Clementine, You robbed this guy?
  604. [359007032]
  605. Category=ARVO
  606. Speech=[Pickup2][Regretful] They are not telling me to ask...
  607. [359007033]
  608. Category=ARVO
  609. Speech=[Pickup2][Suspicious] It's a trap. I know it.
  610. [359007034]
  611. Category=ARVO
  612. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Buricko, Buricko, stop! Put your gun down! You don't want to do this!"]<Speaking Russian>
  613. [359007035]
  614. Category=ARVO
  615. Speech=[Pickup2] Please! Oh, no!
  616. [359007036]
  617. Category=VITALI
  618. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Maud. What are they saying?"]<Speaking Russian>
  619. [359007037]
  620. Category=MAUD
  621. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["I don't know. I only know as much as you do."]<Speaking Russian>
  622. [359007038]
  623. Category=BURICKO
  624. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Both of you shut up and just stay alert."]<Speaking Russian>
  625. [359007039]
  626. Category=MAUD
  627. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["He's trying. Just be patient."]<Speaking Russian>
  628. [359007040]
  629. Category=VITALI
  630. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["I don't like this. Just make them put their guns down, Arvo."]<Speaking Russian>
  631. [359007041]
  632. Category=VITALI
  633. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["I'm tired of being patient."]<Speaking Russian>
  634. [359007042]
  635. Category=BURICKO
  636. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Yeah. If Arvo can't do it, then we'll handle it."]<Speaking Russian>
  637. [359007049]
  638. Category=MAUD
  639. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Just get the medicine back! this is crazy!"]<Speaking Russian>
  640. [359007050]
  641. Category=VITALI
  642. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["What the hell is going on?! This is too much! Buricko, back down!"]<Speaking Russian>
  643. [359007051]
  644. Category=BURICKO
  645. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["If you know what's good for you, put your guns down NOW!"]<Speaking Russian>
  646. [359007053]
  647. Category=BURICKO
  648. Speech=[Pickup2]You! Gun. Down.
  649. [359007054]
  650. Category=VITALI
  651. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Buricko STOP! You're going to get us ALL killed!!"]<Speaking Russian>
  652. [359007055]
  653. Category=MAUD
  654. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Arvo - Why wouldn't they listen to us?"]<Speaking Russian>
  655. [359007057]
  656. Category=VITALI
  657. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["You want to die?! Do you want to die, huh? Don't push me. Do I look like a nice man?"]<Speaking Russian>
  658. [359007058]
  659. Category=VITALI
  660. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Because they're stubborn Americans. They wouldn't listen and now we're all screwed!"]<Speaking Russian>
  661. [359007059]
  662. Category=BURICKO
  663. Speech=[Pickup2][Russian]["Don't try and be fucking cowboys - You're all out of your goddamn league!"]<Speaking Russian>
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