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a guest
Mar 16th, 2025
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  1. 2025-03-16 07:54:18 UTC
  2. Windows-10-10.0.26100
  3. Ren'Py
  5. Eternum
  6. 0.8.6
  7. Built at 2025-02-10 08:16:23 UTC
  9. Early init took 0.04s
  10. Loading error handling took 0.20s
  11. Loading script took 1.01s
  12. Loading save slot metadata took 0.01s
  13. Loading persistent took 0.00s
  14. Set script version to: (8, 3, 2)
  15. Running init code took 0.19s
  16. Loading analysis data took 0.03s
  17. Analyze and compile ATL took 0.05s
  18. Reloading save slot metadata took 0.01s
  19. Index archives took 0.00s
  20. Dump and make backups took 0.00s
  21. Cleaning cache took 0.00s
  22. Making clean stores took 0.00s
  23. Initial gc took 0.15s
  24. DPI scale factor: 1.000000
  25. nvdrs: Loaded, about to disable thread optimizations.
  26. nvdrs: b'DRS_SaveSettings() = -1.' (can be ignored)
  27. Creating interface object took 0.13s
  28. Cleaning stores took 0.00s
  29. Init translation took 0.15s
  30. Build styles took 0.01s
  31. Load screen analysis took 0.00s
  32. Analyze screens took 0.01s
  33. Save screen analysis took 0.02s
  34. Prepare screens took 0.05s
  35. Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s
  36. Save bytecode. took 0.00s
  37. Running _start took 0.00s
  38. Interface start took 0.18s
  40. Initializing gl2 renderer:
  41. primary display bounds: (0, 0, 5120, 1440)
  42. swap interval: 1 frames
  43. Windowed mode.
  44. Vendor: "b'NVIDIA Corporation'"
  45. Renderer: b'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090/PCIe/SSE2'
  46. Version: b'4.6.0 NVIDIA 566.14'
  47. Display Info: None
  48. Screen sizes: virtual=(1920, 1080) physical=(1920, 1080) drawable=(1920, 1080)
  49. Maximum texture size: 4096x4096
  50. Screen sizes: virtual=(1920, 1080) physical=(2558, 1360) drawable=(2558, 1360)
  51. Maximum texture size: 4096x4096
  53. Full traceback:
  54. File "script.rpyc", line 742, in script
  55. File "E:\04_Games\04_Misc_Gaming\01_Eternum\renpy\", line 1361, in execute
  56. renpy.exports.with_statement(trans, paired=paired)
  57. File "E:\04_Games\04_Misc_Gaming\01_Eternum\renpy\exports\", line 257, in with_statement
  58. return, paired, clear=clear)
  59. File "E:\04_Games\04_Misc_Gaming\01_Eternum\renpy\display\", line 1574, in do_with
  60. self.with_none()
  61. File "E:\04_Games\04_Misc_Gaming\01_Eternum\renpy\display\", line 1601, in with_none
  62. for layer, d in self.compute_scene(scene_lists).items():
  63. File "E:\04_Games\04_Misc_Gaming\01_Eternum\renpy\display\", line 1779, in compute_scene
  64. rv[layer] = scene_lists.transform_layer(layer, d)
  65. File "E:\04_Games\04_Misc_Gaming\01_Eternum\renpy\display\", line 719, in transform_layer
  66. rv = a(rv)
  67. TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
  69. While running game code:
  70. TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
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