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a guest
Dec 22nd, 2014
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  1. Xeroticz joined the room.
  2. typicsquid joined the room.
  3. SlipknotSucks joined the room.
  4. maddogspankz joined the room.
  5. o HaVeN o joined the room.
  6. Trollosophy joined the room.
  7. Hasoon joined the room.
  8. phylim: fuking lovely
  9. phylim: win get 1o pints
  10. phylim: when lose lose 25 points
  11. o HaVeN o: just stop getting caught and you will do fine
  12. Xeroticz: Clearly you don't belong here
  13. phylim: no shit
  14. phylim: playing with shitty bronze
  15. phylim: like u
  16. maddogspankz: O/o
  17. o HaVeN o: ??
  18. Hasoon: I won 20
  19. Hasoon: Lol
  20. Hasoon: :P
  21. typicsquid: because silver 5 is so much better lol
  22. Xeroticz: Considering you aren't much better
  23. typicsquid: 4/9
  24. Xeroticz: ^
  25. Hasoon: :pplomg fpr a dip..
  26. Hasoon: Looking ofr a duo
  27. Hasoon: ...
  28. phylim: i was at s3
  29. phylim: but kept playing with bronze
  30. Hasoon: I was gold 5?
  31. o HaVeN o: lol miss you were by far the worst on our team how could you say that?
  32. phylim: don't know why it's so fucked up with these match ups
  33. Xeroticz: Clearly you didn't belong there either
  34. phylim: Sona fed
  35. phylim: vayne
  36. Xeroticz: And so did you
  37. phylim: i couldn't do crap
  38. Xeroticz: So
  39. phylim: after u fed dumb bitch
  40. phylim: stfu
  41. Xeroticz: Right
  42. phylim: go uninstall
  43. Xeroticz: Nah
  44. maddogspankz: OH SNAP
  45. phylim: and dont play support
  46. Xeroticz: Nah
  47. phylim: u are terrible
  48. maddogspankz: common my bubbles were real
  49. Xeroticz: I did my job
  50. phylim: i main support
  51. phylim: no u didn't
  52. typicsquid: are we at the ocean because it is really salty right now
  53. maddogspankz: #truth
  54. o HaVeN o: now this is just getting dumb
  55. Xeroticz: Then why didn't you say so earlier?
  56. o HaVeN o: but im on sonas side
  57. phylim: because u said
  58. phylim: support
  59. Xeroticz: I'll give up the role to someone who mains it
  60. phylim: i assumed
  61. phylim: u called support
  62. phylim: because that is ur best champ
  63. phylim: and if u are this bad with support
  64. phylim: i can't imagine how bad u are with others
  65. Xeroticz: I did that because I didn't want to play top or jungle
  66. phylim: GO PLAY AI
  67. phylim: and learn ur champ more
  68. Xeroticz: Hey guys
  69. Xeroticz: How long until she gets banned?
  70. phylim: long ways to go ...bitch
  71. Xeroticz: Not at the rate you're going
  72. Xeroticz: so
  73. maddogspankz: lol couldnt say, riot does all that.
  74. phylim: nah
  75. phylim: i don't play with sorry asses like u
  76. phylim: i don't get this upset
  77. phylim: i even ask u to REST
  78. phylim: but nah
  79. maddogspankz: id like to just point out vayne and i communicated so
  80. maddogspankz: couldve been why we did better dunno
  81. Xeroticz: Probably
  82. phylim: at least u communicated
  83. phylim: this bitch wouldn't listen
  84. Xeroticz: I had to deal with her this whole game
  85. maddogspankz: yikes
  86. typicsquid: i wouldnt want to communicate with u mf . Wow lol
  87. phylim: i didn't say anything until u dove
  88. phylim: the turret
  89. maddogspankz: well gl hf gg better luck next time
  90. phylim: and gave ur 3rd death
  91. Xeroticz: Except I didn't dive
  92. phylim: dumb whore
  93. Xeroticz: Nice
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