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Feb 20th, 2020
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  1. "So this is where you will be staying Steenee. Once it is safe again I will take you home."
  2. The island guardian had recently disappeared, and a lot of wild pokemon saw that as an opportunity to expand their territories and take advantage of weaker pokemon that the Tapu protected.
  3. While in the jungle yesterday I was approached by a tsareena and handed a letter with an offer. "Please take my daughter and protect her until Tapu Lele returns. I will reward you with berries if you keep her safe." I accepted Steenee was entrusted to me.
  5. "Sandshrew is the only other pokemon I have, you should be able to get along with them fine, they're a very kind pokemon."
  6. Steenee bowed to the white armadillo, who responded "Sand sand shrew." Whatever that meant, it made Steenee straighten back up somewhat flustered.
  7. "You don't have to be so formal here, you can relax." Changing topic I said "Why don't we go get you cleaned off. I'll show you how the shower works"
  9. I turned on the water then explained "If you want to change the temurature you turn this knob. This way is hot, this way is cold." I found my leftover grass type soaps under the counter from when I kept a friend's lurantis while they were on vacation. I ask Steenee "Can you read?"
  10. She pressed her hands together and nodded.
  11. "Good, all these bottles have instructions on how to use them on the back. I'll go leave a towel outside for when you're done."
  13. While she was taking a shower I searched what's safe for a steenee to eat on the internet. I was able to piece together a meal from what berries I had on hand and made a note to buy some more foods that she would like. When Steenee got out of the shower the three of us ate together.
  15. We all watched some pokemon contests on TV. Sandshrew got up and left to sleep early. A few hours in steenee leaned into my side and I noticed that she fell asleep. I moved her into her bed and then went to sleep for the night.
  17. Days later I went to a park where Sandshrew and Steenee decided to battle each other. Even though Sandshrew had a type advantage, he was only barely holding on. Steenee clearly was a much more experienced fighter which made for a tense and exciting match. Sandshrew attacked with ice shard which Steenee dodged then counter attacked with magical leaf. My excitement turned to terror when Sandshrew closed the distance to use fury swipes and Steenee retaliated with stomp. Sandshrew fainted, then Steenee started to evolve.
  19. When she finished I told her "Ok, now's a good time to head home" hoping to be able to read up more on how to handle her new development, but she ran farther into the park to fight more pokemon. I recalled Sandshrew and chased after her. Even though she fought every mangemite and rattata she should find, I was only able to keep up because she spent time gloating after every victory.
  21. After nearly a hour she finally stopped and decided to follow me, for about five minutes. She stood her ground and the only option I had was to pick her up. I put her in to princess carry and walked for a bit, but the looks I was getting from nearby people got to me. I tried putting her down to which she reacted by wrapping her arms tightly around my shoulders so I couldn't drop her.
  23. I stopped at a pokemon center to heal Sandshrew then when I got home I distracted Tsareena and Sandshrew with the TV so I could research how to handle her evolution. I found someone who had already asked "How do I train a recently evolved tsareena" and clicked on the link.
  24. "My tsareena that just evolved has refused to follow any of my orders and has been picking fights with all my other pokemon. Is it possible to get them to act like they used to before they evolved?"
  25. "This is a very common experience. When steenee evolve they get a massive ego boost and an intense urge to test their new power. During this piriod they are are highly prone to form habits, if you let her do things she will want to do them again. You should stick them in their pokeball or otherwise punish them when they act up until they settle down. You have to establish that they can't get away with dominating you."
  27. I had already messed up, but I could handle this. I just had to go buy a pokeball then catch her with Sandshrew and I could release when I return her. Maybe buy an x attack to make sure I win. I left my computer ready to take control of the situation.
  28. Then I saw Tsareena taking the remote out of a fainted sandshrew's claw. She noticed me and dropped the remote back on the floor then tried to pull my hand. When I didn't follow her, she kicked my side making me nearly fall over. She looked me in the eye while pointing down the hall and I realized that I had a wild pokemon in my house with no pokemon to protect myself with. I was completely at her mercy.
  30. Inside the bathroom, Tsareena turned the water on and handed me the bottle of leaf lotion then sat down on the edge of the bathtub with her "hair" towards me. I applied the lotion to her firm leaves, working my way up them until I reached the top. When I made contact with her softer crown bulb, she sharply shouted then kicked me onto my knees. I looked up to notice her blush for a moment, then she pointed to her free leg while pressing her heel into me.
  31. From the floor it was difficult to reach the higher parts of Tsareena's leg. When I struggled to reach her thigh's backside and where her boot flared out, she pressed harder on my back. I pushed myself up against her foot with one arm to reach higher while finishing the top of her boot when she switched legs and slammed me back onto the floor with her cleaned leg. When she was satisfied she let me stand back up to clean her backside.
  33. After I finished washing her she dragged me into the kitchen to cook dinner. I was forced to guess what she wanted me to make, and when I guessed a wrong tool or ingredient she pressed her foot harder into my back. When I was done I had made and plated her a large omelet with tamato berry sauce. Which she ate in front of me before adding more tamato sauce and forcing me to eat the extremely spicy leftovers.
  35. When we went to sleep, Tsareena took my bed and forced me to sleep in the bed I had put out for her. She laughed at me as I tried to fit into the tiny, steenee sized bed. When I was almost comfortable she decided that she wanted the blanket I was using.
  37. Next morning I tried to leave the house. I needed to buy a max revive and catch Tsareena, or get help from a better trainer. When I tried to unlock the front door, I got hit in the back with a power whip. She picked me up with vines from under her hair and repeatedly kicked me for daring to leave her, then made me brush her hair.
  39. My daily routine became catering to Tsareena's whims while she lounged around the house. I had no way to fight back and she had nothing better to do so I had to play along while hoping that the island guardian returned soon.
  41. She was watching TV while resting her feet on my back. She gave me the remote and told me what do with it using her feet. She would drag her foot across my back to change the volume, and kick my butt to change the channel. We never stayed on one show for long because she got more enjoyment out of me then whatever was on.
  43. She took a break from toying with me while on a news channel and I saw the headline I was waiting for. "Ace Trainer Arrested for Capturing Island Guardian. Tapu Lele has been returned to their shrine." I sat there for a moment but Tsareena didn't do anything. I interrupted whatever she was thinking about by saying "Can you let me get up so I can take you home now?" She whipped me and I added "Mistress" before she took out a piece of paper and wrote something then handed me the note. "One more day."
  45. I dreaded whatever twisted thing she was making me stay for. What could she want to do that she hadn't already? She took her feet off of me and went to my computer. Instead of sitting on me she took my chair from the corner of the room and started looking up restaurants. She stopped at one and pointed to it on the screen.
  47. I panicked about the thought of being in public with Tsareena stepping on me and everything, but she was on good behavior the entire time. I did get more then enough looks for going out with a pokemon, but other then that it seemed she just wanted to take me on a date.
  49. After leaving Tsareena took me to a pokemon center and made me wait outside. I saw through the window her handing Nurse Joy a pokeball and a note. Nurse joy healed the pokeball and Tsareena came back out and handed me the pokeball that I recognized to be Sandshrew's. I got my pokemon back, I could force her to go home now, but she seemed sorry about what she had done, and I had sort of had grown to like her. I decided to let her stay with me.
  51. When I got home Tsareena took me to give her another bath. Instead of drawing out cleaning of her boots for as long as possible and teasing me, she let me do it at my own pace. She didn't make me do anything, until the end when she stopped me from putting the soap away and guided my hand to her crown bulb. I took time and care with her bulb and she seemed to appreciate it when I was done.
  53. Tsareena let me get into my bed with her that night. She wrapped her arms around me and I could feel her breathing into my shoulder. After a few minutes she started to tie her vines around my body very slowly. Feeling them wrap around my body and pull me closer to her felt really nice. I fell asleep before she finished with my legs mostly free.
  55. The next morning I took Tsareena back to the part of the forest where I received her. When we found her mother, Tsareena pulled me down until our heads were level and gave me a kiss, then said what I think was a "Thank you" before running to her mom. They talked for a few minutes while I watched before the mother handed me a basket full of the promised berries.
  57. A few days latter someone knocked on my door. I open it up to find Tsareena with a letter that she hands to me. "Despite my best efforts, I have been unable to find any pokemon slaves that were as good as you. I would like for you to be my servant for moment. In exchange I will allow you to bask in my queenly majesty and step on you whenever I see fit. I will also pay you in berries.
  58. I answered "When do I start." Tsareena whipped me and I corrected "Mistress" before she wrote "Now" on the letter.
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