
Yawata's Ninjutsu facing L/Start for development of techniqu

Feb 11th, 2017
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  1. Rugged warrior says: . . .
  2. Rugged warrior asks: Sparring?
  3. Senju, Jitsuko glances toward the white-haired teen with a brow raised, her hands finding one another infront of her chest. A single seal was made and held as she spoke,
  4. "I don't think you're going to like the outcome."
  6. Her digits shifting, she weaved through a total of four more seals. A collection of chakra within her maw caused her cheeks to puff out, lips parting, a glob of water was expelled at an alarming rate, seeking to strike the Kaguya.
  7. Who knows what would happen should it connect?
  8. Senju, Jitsuko has activated a technique: Suiton: Mizu Jun!
  9. Kaguya, Yawata follows along, positioning himself some few meters away from Jitsuko. Here was a chance to see. Not like an exchange with Kaseki, or those he left behind -- this was something he wanted from the beginning.
  11. Spurred on by his own intensity, and boundless cravings. To Jitsuko, this was a brief exercise, but to Yawata, this was a battle. That was hard-wired into him.
  13. Not liking the outcome wouldn't matter, but there might be some hurt pride over how things went, that was for sure. Definitely a new feeling to consider, and time for it might not even be allowed.
  15. Jitsuko quick on the draw, there's a moment of surprise- his eyes wide now. Relying on instinct, he kicks off, in a hurry to provide some room to evade. Such attempts don't get him far though, and even through the mightiest of his efforts, he's constricted, and left conflicted as there's an explosion of movement, and transformation!
  17. Water that should be subtle, and fluid is now tight, and tight. Around him, he's ensnared!
  21. Kaguya, Yawata thinks: What?!
  22. Senju, Jitsuko yawns. Her hands finding one another, she'd begin to weave through a lengthy set of handseals, resting upon the nineth inparticularly.
  23. "Do you yield-- Eh, doesn't really matter."
  24. The teenage Senjus digits shifted, forming the last seal in the set. A manifestation of chakra erupted from her core, condensed and building to her maw. Soon enough, her lips parted and she spat out a torrent of water, more than what seemed humanly possible. The torrent twisted and turned, spiraling into a column of water and molding itself to resemble a snake, its maw gaping as it encroached the entrapt boy, seeking to swallow him whole, unless the lad possesed strength allowing him to break free of the net and dodge the technique, he'd find himself encompassed by liquid, and carried off by the river of a snake, whom changed direction at this point and began to raise itself into the air.
  25. Senju, Jitsuko has activated a technique: Suiton: Ja no Kuchi!
  26. Rugged warrior asks: ???
  27. Senju, Jitsuko has activated a perk: Hand Seal Speed 2!
  28. Senju, Jitsuko - Control: E - At this level, one leaves much to be desired. Any jutsu they use usually lack any proper refinement, and it's more often than not extremely taxing to the point where they'll be sitting on the ground to take a breather. Their is much to be desired, for their usage in jutsu is weak and pathetic in most aspects.
  29. Senju, Jitsuko - Control: B- - Through painstaking work done, with the control and fine-tuned chakra needed, this shinobi has reached a level that is commendable, for they now can execute several jutsu with the potency to cause widespread damage and be done in a timely matter. They suffer a less taxing request out of their chakra reserves than most do.
  30. Rugged warrior looked at the two with an awe-filled expression on his face.
  31. Insurmountable.
  33. It was clear. As he struggled there in this webbing of liquid. As Jitsuko spares no moment, no hesitation in their step. Use to this, much more than Yawata had imagined himself. It was a slap into reality, and as he struggles in van, he soon goes lax.
  35. Arms leave it for a moment, and attempts to break free instead become attempts to defend. As though he would ever had to -- normally opting for defense in moments where it lead to a certain strike after. The act of just clinging to safety was a disgusting one to him.
  37. Yet he had to. As best he can as those seals are weaved as a hasty pace. As he's left to feel the brunt of a jutsu that's not meant for just one person as far as he's concerned. The head of the dragon erupting through the columns of webbing, and snapping them. Doing what he could not, and soon sending him into the air with an expression of disbelif evident on his face.
  39. He could not hide it, and even if he had some small amounts of tolerance. Even if he was not a stranger to a punch, or strike. This was not like anything he had come to know before. It was very clear, that this was a gap.
  41. Not to be bridged in a night. Not even in a year. This was refined power.
  42. (Kaguya, Yawata)
  43. Rugged warrior nodded his head in a sage-like manner.
  45. <Yes, Jitsuko was quite the opponent.>
  47. The Senju released the seal she was holding; the water fizzling to a miniature pond. Her hands found one another soon enough, weaving through a total of three seals as her chakra churned, condensing within her core. A volume of liquid was craft, her chest and cheeks expanding to a cartoonish preportion. The kunoichis lips parted, spewing forth a low pressure torrent of water, seeking to do nothing more than make Yawatas fall a less hefty one. Jitsuko didn't exactly wish to harm the stranger physically, only show him the gap between them.
  48. (Senju, Jitsuko)
  49. Kaguya, Yawata falls. Gravity works against him, and even with attempts to right himself- pain does prevent that somewhat. This deterrent does bring about some worry, and as Jitsuko readies another technique- the first assumption being something more severe than either of the two before as the difficulty level only seemed to be rising at this point in time. His arms are crossed infront of him. His body curled as closely as he could allow in that moment, and he erects a makeshift defense as he plummets. Expecting the worst clouds his mind though, and as he actually connects- one finds a cushion where he expected velocity filled collision.This surprises him. "What?" Confused, he unwounds from his curled position. Pain coursing through his body, but he was nothing if not tolerant at this point. Even if he walked with a mis-step, or his vision clouded over in a daze, he would not buckle so soon.
  50. Senju, Jitsuko shrugs. "Did you have fun?"
  51. Kaguya, Yawata says: Fun...
  52. was that the word for it? He had been excited. To take the initiative himself, but he fell flat. Far flat from what he imagined. "I don't know. That was unexpected." It wasn't like a match with his cousins, or even an encounter with a beast. Ninjutsu was a lethal, and dangerous thing. He learned that quickly. "It taught me something." That he needed some defense. Something to work in his favor as just going with the flow, learning from others and incorporating abilities would just not do if this is what he had to face. Versality was key so to speak, and he needed to learn how to become that.
  53. (Kaguya, Yawata)
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