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Oct 16th, 2018
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  1. It's about time I got my two cents on this matter out there.
  3. Mike, You're a nice guy. You've always been a lovely chap to talk with and hang out with. Until recently.
  5. Now I know to some (probably all) this will come across as a little harsh or even dick headed but I just need to tell you how I feel about your recent behavioural... How to put this... decline.
  7. Mike I don't know for sure what's caused you downward spiral here, I know bits and pieces but I can't fully understand why you've taken recent events the way you have.
  9. There are certain things that I won't make public but I will say this much about just about everything. Shit happens, We get knocked down (God knows how many knock backs I've taken this 27 Years I've been on this planet), We take a minute to think about what just happen and what can do from here, But over all, It's really important that we pick ourself up and continue on with our lives.
  11. People do and say things everyday, these things will have reactions, but we shouldn't let the reaction completely rule our lives.
  13. I'm gonna use something for my own recent past to emphasise this. (Sorry Sarah) When I first met Sarah I did some dumb things around her, Like correcting her speech. (Note to all DON'T EVER CORRECT THE WAY A FEMALE TALKS) But the point that I wanna focus on here is when I asked her out I was rejected.
  14. This was a knock down but it didn't mean I just cut off ties.
  15. I kept in contact and was a friend. This gave me something to build on later when Sarah asked me out. (and I'm starting to see why I'm the female in this partnership XD).
  17. I think I've digressed a little.
  19. Mike, You seem to be spiralling downward for some reason. I don't know why, I wouldn't like to know the over all source of this so I can then maybe try to help you HELP YOURSELF get back to the way you were.
  21. TLDR: Shit happens. Don't let it consume you. Move on. Good things happen to all.
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