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Jan 4th, 2018
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  2. 04.01 14:39:36 [Server] INFO UCH ThE-core{} [Thaumic Energistics Core] (minecraft.jar)
  3. 04.01 14:39:36 [Server] INFO UCH ThaumicTinkerer-preloader{0.1} [Thaumic Tinkerer Core] (minecraft.jar)
  4. 04.01 14:39:36 [Server] INFO UCH voltzenginepreloader{0.0.1} [Voltz Engine Preloader] (minecraft.jar)
  5. 04.01 14:39:36 [Server] INFO UCH WitchingGadgetsCore{1.1.10} [Witching Gadgets Core] (minecraft.jar)
  6. 04.01 14:39:36 [Server] INFO UCH OpenModsCore{0.10} [OpenModsCore] (minecraft.jar)
  7. 04.01 14:39:36 [Server] INFO UCH <CoFH ASM>{000} [CoFH ASM] (minecraft.jar)
  8. 04.01 14:39:36 [Server] INFO UCH STPPlugin{} [ServerTools|Permission Plugin] (minecraft.jar)
  9. 04.01 14:39:36 [Server] INFO UCH FastCraft{1.23} [FastCraft] (fastcraft-1.23.jar)
  10. 04.01 14:39:36 [Server] INFO UCH AnimationAPI{1.2.4} [AnimationAPI] (AnimationAPI-1.7.10-1.2.4.jar)
  11. 04.01 14:39:36 [Server] INFO UCH arsmagica2{} [Ars Magica 2] (1.7.10_AM2-
  12. 04.01 14:39:36 [Server] INFO UCH securitycraft{v1.8.2.3-hotfix} [SecurityCraft] ([1.7.10] SecurityCraft v1.8.2.3-hotfix.jar)
  13. 04.01 14:39:37 [Multicraft] Server shut down (starting)
  14. 04.01 14:39:37 [Multicraft] Restarting crashed server in 3600 seconds
  15. 04.01 14:39:37 [Multicraft] Stopping server!
  16. 04.01 14:39:39 [Multicraft] Server stopped
  17. 04.01 14:40:46 [Multicraft] Received stop command
  18. 04.01 14:40:46 [Multicraft] Server stopped
  19. 04.01 14:43:14 [Multicraft] Received restart command
  20. 04.01 14:43:14 [Multicraft] Server stopped
  21. 04.01 14:43:17 [Multicraft] Loading server properties
  22. 04.01 14:43:17 [Multicraft] Starting server!
  23. 04.01 14:43:17 [Multicraft] Loaded config for "Custom 256MB Permgen"
  24. 04.01 14:43:17 [Multicraft] Updating eula.txt file
  25. 04.01 14:43:17 [Server] INFO Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
  26. 04.01 14:43:19 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
  27. 04.01 14:43:19 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Using primary tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
  28. 04.01 14:43:19 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
  29. 04.01 14:43:19 [Server] main/INFO [FML]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.7.10 loading
  30. 04.01 14:43:19 [Server] main/INFO [FML]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_101, running on Linux:amd64:3.13.0-48-generic, installed at /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre
  31. 04.01 14:43:19 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod am2.preloader.AM2PreloaderContainer does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  32. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Core initializing...stand back! I'm going to try MAGIC!
  33. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/INFO [FML]: [AppEng] Core Init
  34. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod aroma1997.core.coremod.CoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  35. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.CodeChickenCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  36. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod cofh.asm.LoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  37. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/INFO [FML]: Loading tweaker fastcraft.Tweaker from fastcraft-1.23.jar
  38. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  39. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod mrtjp.relocation.asm.RelocationPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  40. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod makeo.gadomancy.coremod.GadomancyCore does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  41. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod ic2.core.coremod.IC2core does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  42. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod invtweaks.forge.asm.FMLPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  43. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod cn.lambdalib.core.LLCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  44. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod mmmlibx.lib.multiModel.MMMLoader.MMMCoremod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  45. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod logisticspipes.asm.LogisticsPipesCoreLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  46. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod net.malisis.core.asm.MalisisCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  47. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod mekanism.common.asm.LoadingHook does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  48. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod mrtjp.core.handler.CorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  49. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  50. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod openblocks.OpenBlocksCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  51. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod openmods.core.OpenModsCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  52. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  53. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod thaumcraft.codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  54. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  55. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/WARN [FML]: The coremod thaumic.tinkerer.preloader.ThaumicTLoaderContainer does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  56. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  57. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name fastcraft.Tweaker
  58. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
  59. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  60. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  61. 04.01 14:43:20 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  62. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] main/INFO [FML]: Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft Forge. Certificate fingerprint e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557
  63. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  64. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  65. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  66. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] main/ERROR [LaunchWrapper]: A critical problem occurred registering the ASM transformer class am2.preloader.AccessTransformers
  67. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: resource AM2_at.cfg not found.
  68. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at ~[guava-17.0.jar:?]
  69. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at ~[guava-17.0.jar:?]
  70. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.AccessTransformer.readMapFile( ~[custom256.jar:?]
  71. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.AccessTransformer.<init>( ~[custom256.jar:?]
  72. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at am2.preloader.AccessTransformers.<init>( ~[AccessTransformers.class:?]
  73. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  74. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  75. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  76. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  77. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at java.lang.Class.newInstance( ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  78. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.registerTransformer( [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
  79. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper.injectIntoClassLoader( [custom256.jar:?]
  80. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
  81. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
  82. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  83. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  84. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  85. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  86. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at [custom256.jar:?]
  87. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.main( [custom256.jar:?]
  88. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] main/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Core: Located Thaumcraft in ThaumcraftMobAspects-1.7.2-2A.jar
  89. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] main/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Core: Located Thaumcraft in Thaumcraft-1.7.10-
  90. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] main/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Core: Located Thaumcraft in thaumcraftneiplugin-1.7.10-1.7a.jar
  91. 04.01 14:43:22 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  92. 04.01 14:43:23 [Multicraft] Skipped 43 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  93. 04.01 14:43:23 [Server] main/INFO [FastCraft]: FastCraft loaded.
  94. 04.01 14:43:23 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
  95. 04.01 14:43:23 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
  96. 04.01 14:43:23 [Server] main/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Core: Altering definition of, (obfuscated)
  97. 04.01 14:43:23 [Server] main/INFO [malisiscore]: Found hooks for (ahb)
  98. 04.01 14:43:23 [Server] main/INFO [WitchingGadgets]: [CORE] Patching onNewPotionEffect
  99. 04.01 14:43:23 [Server] main/INFO [FML]: [GadomancyTransformer] Transforming sv: net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase
  100. 04.01 14:43:23 [Server] main/INFO [LaunchWrapper]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer}
  101. 04.01 14:43:23 [Server] main/INFO [FML]: [waterhooks] Trying to patch BlockDynamicLiquid.updateTick (class: akr)
  102. 04.01 14:43:23 [Server] main/INFO [FML]: [waterhooks] net.minecraft.block.BlockDynamicLiquid.updateTick() patch applied.
  103. 04.01 14:43:24 [Server] main/INFO [FastLeafDecay]: Patching leaves.
  104. 04.01 14:43:24 [Server] main/INFO [FastLeafDecay]: Found leaf Class: net/minecraft/block/BlockLeavesBase
  105. 04.01 14:43:24 [Server] main/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully patched sw.recreateLeash.
  106. 04.01 14:43:24 [Server] main/INFO [malisiscore]: Found hooks for net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock (abh)
  107. 04.01 14:43:25 [Server] main/INFO [EnderCore]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityArrow], Method [func_70071_h_]
  108. 04.01 14:43:25 [Server] main/INFO [EnderCore]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityArrow Finished.
  109. 04.01 14:43:25 [Server] main/INFO [info.servertools.permission.asm.STPClassTransformer]: Found Class To Patch, Name:mw, TransformedName:net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP
  110. 04.01 14:43:25 [Server] main/INFO [info.servertools.permission.asm.STPClassTransformer]: Successfully Mapped Method to be Replaced
  111. 04.01 14:43:25 [Server] main/INFO [EnderCore]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.item.ItemStack], Method [func_77953_t]
  112. 04.01 14:43:25 [Server] main/INFO [EnderCore]: Transforming net.minecraft.item.ItemStack Finished.
  113. 04.01 14:43:25 [Server] main/INFO [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.Container
  114. 04.01 14:43:25 [Server] main/INFO [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerFurnace
  115. 04.01 14:43:25 [Server] main/INFO [EnderCore]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerFurnace], Method [func_82846_b]
  116. 04.01 14:43:25 [Server] main/INFO [EnderCore]: Transforming net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerFurnace Finished.
  117. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] main/INFO [info.servertools.permission.asm.STPClassTransformer]: Found Class To Patch, Name:z, TransformedName:net.minecraft.command.CommandHandler
  118. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] main/INFO [info.servertools.permission.asm.STPClassTransformer]: Successfully Mapped Method to be Replaced
  119. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] main/INFO [info.servertools.permission.asm.STPClassTransformer]: Successfully Mapped Method to be Replaced
  120. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] main/INFO [info.servertools.permission.asm.STPClassTransformer]: Successfully Mapped Method to be Replaced
  121. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO Starting minecraft server version 1.7.10
  122. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MinecraftForge]: Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization
  123. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: MinecraftForge v10.13.4.1614 Initialized
  124. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Replaced 183 ore recipies
  125. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO [VoltzEngine]: Transforming Chunk class for chunkModified event.
  126. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO [VoltzEngine]: [Voltz-Engine] Found method func_150807_a
  127. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO [VoltzEngine]: Injected instruction to method: func_150807_a
  128. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO [malisiscore]: Found hooks for (apx)
  129. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MinecraftForge]: Completed early MinecraftForge initialization
  130. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Core initializing...stand back! I'm going to try MAGIC!
  131. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [zmaster587.advancedRocketry.asm.ModContainer:<init>:23]: ********* CoreDummyContainer. OK
  132. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: [AppEng] Core Init
  133. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found 0 mods from the command line. Injecting into mod discoverer
  134. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Searching /mods for mods
  135. 04.01 14:43:26 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Also searching /mods/1.7.10 for mods
  136. 04.01 14:43:28 [Server] Server thread/WARN [Aroma1997CoreHelper]: Mod Aroma1997CoreHelper is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  137. 04.01 14:43:28 [Server] Server thread/WARN [AromaBackup]: Mod AromaBackup is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  138. 04.01 14:43:28 [Server] Server thread/WARN [AromaBackupRecovery]: Mod AromaBackupRecovery is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
  139. 04.01 14:43:29 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ChickenChunks]: Mod ChickenChunks is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  140. 04.01 14:43:29 [Server] Server thread/WARN [cosmeticarmorreworked]: Mod cosmeticarmorreworked is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.7.10-v6b
  141. 04.01 14:43:29 [Server] Server thread/WARN [craftingtweaks]: Mod craftingtweaks is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.0.88
  142. 04.01 14:43:30 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ElecCore]: Mod ElecCore is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting ElecCore
  143. 04.01 14:43:30 [Server] Server thread/WARN [EnderStorage]: Mod EnderStorage is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  144. 04.01 14:43:30 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ExtraUtilities]: Mod ExtraUtilities is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.2.12
  145. 04.01 14:43:30 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ForbiddenMagic]: Mod ForbiddenMagic is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.7.10-0.575
  146. 04.01 14:43:31 [Server] Server thread/WARN [lmmx]: Mod lmmx is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
  147. 04.01 14:43:32 [Server] Server thread/WARN [zabuton]: Mod zabuton is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
  148. 04.01 14:43:32 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ModularForcefieldSystem]: Mod ModularForcefieldSystem is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 3.0-ALPHA-7
  149. 04.01 14:43:35 [Server] Server thread/WARN [PneumaticCraft]: Mod PneumaticCraft is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.12.7-150
  150. 04.01 14:43:35 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ProjRed|Core]: Mod ProjRed|Core is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 4.7.0pre12.95
  151. 04.01 14:43:35 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ProjRed|Compatibility]: Mod ProjRed|Compatibility is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 4.7.0pre12.95
  152. 04.01 14:43:35 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ProjRed|Integration]: Mod ProjRed|Integration is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 4.7.0pre12.95
  153. 04.01 14:43:35 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ProjRed|Transmission]: Mod ProjRed|Transmission is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 4.7.0pre12.95
  154. 04.01 14:43:35 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ProjRed|Illumination]: Mod ProjRed|Illumination is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 4.7.0pre12.95
  155. 04.01 14:43:35 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ProjRed|Expansion]: Mod ProjRed|Expansion is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 4.7.0pre12.95
  156. 04.01 14:43:35 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ProjRed|Transportation]: Mod ProjRed|Transportation is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 4.7.0pre12.95
  157. 04.01 14:43:35 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ProjRed|Exploration]: Mod ProjRed|Exploration is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 4.7.0pre12.95
  158. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ServerTools-TELEPORT]: Mod ServerTools-TELEPORT is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
  159. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] Server thread/WARN [tcinventoryscan]: Mod tcinventoryscan is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.0.11
  160. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] Server thread/ERROR [FML]: The file in Thaumic_Upholstery-1.2_1.7.10.jar cannot be parsed as valid JSON. It will be ignored
  161. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO Unterminated object at line 4 column 21
  162. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at ~[Streams.class:?]
  163. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at ~[JsonParser.class:?]
  164. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at ~[JsonParser.class:?]
  165. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.MetadataCollection.from( [MetadataCollection.class:?]
  166. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at [JarDiscoverer.class:?]
  167. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.discovery.ContainerType.findMods( [ContainerType.class:?]
  168. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.discovery.ModCandidate.explore( [ModCandidate.class:?]
  169. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.discovery.ModDiscoverer.identifyMods( [ModDiscoverer.class:?]
  170. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.identifyMods( [Loader.class:?]
  171. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:?]
  172. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
  173. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
  174. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( [lt.class:?]
  175. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
  176. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$ [li.class:?]
  177. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO Caused by: Unterminated object at line 4 column 21
  178. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at ~[JsonReader.class:?]
  179. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at ~[JsonReader.class:?]
  180. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at ~[JsonReader.class:?]
  181. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at$ ~[TypeAdapters$25.class:?]
  182. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at$ ~[TypeAdapters$25.class:?]
  183. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at$ ~[TypeAdapters$25.class:?]
  184. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO at ~[Streams.class:?]
  185. 04.01 14:43:36 [Server] INFO ... 14 more
  186. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/WARN [Translocator]: Mod Translocator is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  187. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/WARN [waystones]: Mod waystones is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.0.5
  188. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ForgeMicroblock]: Mod ForgeMicroblock is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  189. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ForgeMultipart]: Mod ForgeMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  190. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/WARN [McMultipart]: Mod McMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  191. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MCFrames]: Mod MCFrames is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting MCFrames
  192. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/WARN [MCFrames]: Mod MCFrames is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
  193. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ForgeRelocation]: Mod ForgeRelocation is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  194. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/WARN [RelocationFMP]: Mod RelocationFMP is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  195. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/WARN [MrTJPCoreMod]: Mod MrTJPCoreMod is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  196. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Forge Mod Loader has identified 242 mods to load
  197. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [ExtraUtilities] containing declared API package baubles.api (owned by Baubles) without associated API reference
  198. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [TravellersGear] containing declared API package baubles.api (owned by Baubles) without associated API reference
  199. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [CarpentersBlocks] containing declared API package com.cricketcraft.chisel.api (owned by chisel) without associated API reference
  200. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [EnderIO] containing declared API package com.cricketcraft.chisel.api (owned by chisel) without associated API reference
  201. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [ImmersiveEngineering] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
  202. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [libVulpes] containing declared API package (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  203. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [voltzenginemodcompat, voltzengine, voltzenginemodflag] containing declared API package (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  204. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [SolarExpansion] containing declared API package cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  205. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [ImmersiveEngineering] containing declared API package cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  206. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [EnderIO] containing declared API package cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  207. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [ExtraUtilities] containing declared API package cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  208. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [mffs] containing declared API package cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  209. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [DefenseTech] containing declared API package cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  210. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [SonarCore] containing declared API package cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  211. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [CoFHCore] containing declared API package cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  212. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [Mekanism] containing declared API package cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  213. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [NuclearCraft] containing declared API package cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  214. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [enderioaddons] containing declared API package info.loenwind.waterhooks (owned by waterhooks) without associated API reference
  215. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [RedstoneArsenal] containing declared API package ic2.api.tile (owned by IC2) without associated API reference
  216. 04.01 14:43:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found mod(s) [powersuits] containing declared API package ic2.api.item (owned by IC2) without associated API reference
  217. 04.01 14:43:38 [Multicraft] Skipped 1 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  218. 04.01 14:43:38 [Server] Server thread/WARN [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum]: Mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum has been disabled through configuration
  219. 04.01 14:43:38 [Server] Server thread/WARN [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools]: Mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools has been disabled through configuration
  220. 04.01 14:43:38 [Server] Server thread/WARN [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft]: Mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft has been disabled through configuration
  221. 04.01 14:43:38 [Server] Server thread/WARN [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes]: Mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes has been disabled through configuration
  222. 04.01 14:43:38 [Server] Server thread/WARN [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry]: Mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry has been disabled through configuration
  223. 04.01 14:43:38 [Server] Server thread/WARN [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes]: Mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes has been disabled through configuration
  224. 04.01 14:43:38 [Server] Server thread/WARN [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest]: Mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest has been disabled through configuration
  225. 04.01 14:43:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file CoFHLib-[1.7.10]1.2.1-185.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  226. 04.01 14:43:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file mcjtylib-1.8.1.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  227. 04.01 14:43:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  228. 04.01 14:43:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  229. 04.01 14:43:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file CodingLib-0.2.8b50.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  230. 04.01 14:43:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, AM2-Preloader, AdvancedRocketryCore, appliedenergistics2-core, Aroma1997Core, CodeChickenCore, LambdaLib|Core, OldModelLoader, NotEnoughItems, OpenComputers|Core, ThE-core, ThaumicTinkerer-preloader, voltzenginepreloader, WitchingGadgetsCore, OpenModsCore, <CoFH ASM>, STPPlugin, FastCraft, arsmagica2, academy-craft, advancedRocketry, ae2stuff, AnimationAPI, aobd, appliedenergistics2, arcanearteries, ArchimedesShips, ArchitectureCraft, Aroma1997CoreHelper, AromaBackup, AromaBackupRecovery, Automagy, BackTools, bdlib, BetterAchievements, betterrecords, BiblioCraft, BiblioWoodsForestry, BiblioWoodsNatura, BigReactors, BiomesOPlenty, BloodArsenal, AWWayofTime, BrandonsCore, BuildCraft|Core, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Factory, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Compat, Calculator, CarpentersBlocks, ChickenChunks, chisel, CoFHCore, CompactMachines, ComputerCraft, one_point_twelve_concrete, cookiecore, cosmeticarmorreworked, craftingtweaks, MineTweaker3, PTRModelLib, props, deepresonance, DefenseTech, Ding, ElecCore, EMT, endercompass, endercore, EnderIO, enderioaddons, EnderStorage, excore, extracells, ExtraUtilities, fastleafdecay, FissionWarfare, flansmod, ForbiddenMagic, FTBL, FTBU, funkylocomotion, gadomancy, GekosLasers, gravestone, GraviGun, GrimoireOfGaia, Hats, headcrumbs, icbm, iChunUtil, ImmersiveEngineering, IC2, inventorytweaks, ironbackpacks, IronChest, JABBA, journeymap, JourneyMapServer, LambdaLib, libVulpes, lmmx, MMMLibX, zabuton, LogisticsPipes, MacroMaker, MagicCookie, malisiscore, malisisdoors, Mantle, mo, MCEF, Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, MekanismTools, mffs, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTConstruct, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MobAmputation, ModularArmour, ModularForcefieldSystem, powersuits, moreplayermodels, Morpheus, MouseTweaks, cfm, Mystcraft, Natura, naturescompass, NEIAddons, NEIAddons|Developer, NEIAddons|AppEng, NEIAddons|Botany, NEIAddons|Forestry, NEIAddons|CraftingTables, NEIAddons|ExNihilo, neiintegration, NetherOres, NodalMechanics, NuclearCraft, numina, OpenBlocks, OpenComputers, OpenMods, openmodularturrets, OpenPeripheral, OpenPeripheralCore, OpenPeripheralIntegration, p455w0rdslib, PneumaticCraft, PortalGun, progressiveautomation, ProjRed|Core, ProjRed|Compatibility, ProjRed|Integration, ProjRed|Transmission, ProjRed|Illumination, ProjRed|Expansion, ProjRed|Transportation, ProjRed|Exploration, quantumflux, QuantumStorage, quiverchevsky, Railcraft, reauth, RedstoneArsenal, RefinedRelocation, rftools, RottenFleshToLeather, secretroomsmod, ServerTools, ServerTools-PERMISSION, ServerTools-TELEPORT, simplyjetpacks, SolarExpansion, SolarFlux, SonarCore, SSTOW, StevesFactoryManager, StorageDrawers, symcalc, Sync, TaintedMagic, tcinventoryscan, tcnodetracker, TConstruct, Thaumcraft, ThaumcraftMobAspects, thaumcraftneiplugin, thaumicdyes, TU, thaumicenergistics, ThaumicExploration, ThaumicHorizons, ThaumicTinkerer, ThermalDynamics, ThermalExpansion, ThermalFoundation, TiConAutoToolStation, TMechworks, Translocator, TravellersGear, voltzenginemodcompat, voltzengine, voltzenginemodflag, Waila, waterhooks, wawla, waystones, witchery, WitchingGadgets, Ztones, Baubles, ForgeMicroblock, ForgeMultipart, McMultipart, MCFrames, ForgeRelocation, RelocationFMP, MrTJPCoreMod] at CLIENT
  231. 04.01 14:43:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, AM2-Preloader, AdvancedRocketryCore, appliedenergistics2-core, Aroma1997Core, CodeChickenCore, LambdaLib|Core, OldModelLoader, NotEnoughItems, OpenComputers|Core, ThE-core, ThaumicTinkerer-preloader, voltzenginepreloader, WitchingGadgetsCore, OpenModsCore, <CoFH ASM>, STPPlugin, FastCraft, arsmagica2, academy-craft, advancedRocketry, ae2stuff, AnimationAPI, aobd, appliedenergistics2, arcanearteries, ArchimedesShips, ArchitectureCraft, Aroma1997CoreHelper, AromaBackup, AromaBackupRecovery, Automagy, BackTools, bdlib, BetterAchievements, betterrecords, BiblioCraft, BiblioWoodsForestry, BiblioWoodsNatura, BigReactors, BiomesOPlenty, BloodArsenal, AWWayofTime, BrandonsCore, BuildCraft|Core, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Factory, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Compat, Calculator, CarpentersBlocks, ChickenChunks, chisel, CoFHCore, CompactMachines, ComputerCraft, one_point_twelve_concrete, cookiecore, cosmeticarmorreworked, craftingtweaks, MineTweaker3, PTRModelLib, props, deepresonance, DefenseTech, Ding, ElecCore, EMT, endercompass, endercore, EnderIO, enderioaddons, EnderStorage, excore, extracells, ExtraUtilities, fastleafdecay, FissionWarfare, flansmod, ForbiddenMagic, FTBL, FTBU, funkylocomotion, gadomancy, GekosLasers, gravestone, GraviGun, GrimoireOfGaia, Hats, headcrumbs, icbm, iChunUtil, ImmersiveEngineering, IC2, inventorytweaks, ironbackpacks, IronChest, JABBA, journeymap, JourneyMapServer, LambdaLib, libVulpes, lmmx, MMMLibX, zabuton, LogisticsPipes, MacroMaker, MagicCookie, malisiscore, malisisdoors, Mantle, mo, MCEF, Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, MekanismTools, mffs, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTConstruct, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MobAmputation, ModularArmour, ModularForcefieldSystem, powersuits, moreplayermodels, Morpheus, MouseTweaks, cfm, Mystcraft, Natura, naturescompass, NEIAddons, NEIAddons|Developer, NEIAddons|AppEng, NEIAddons|Botany, NEIAddons|Forestry, NEIAddons|CraftingTables, NEIAddons|ExNihilo, neiintegration, NetherOres, NodalMechanics, NuclearCraft, numina, OpenBlocks, OpenComputers, OpenMods, openmodularturrets, OpenPeripheral, OpenPeripheralCore, OpenPeripheralIntegration, p455w0rdslib, PneumaticCraft, PortalGun, progressiveautomation, ProjRed|Core, ProjRed|Compatibility, ProjRed|Integration, ProjRed|Transmission, ProjRed|Illumination, ProjRed|Expansion, ProjRed|Transportation, ProjRed|Exploration, quantumflux, QuantumStorage, quiverchevsky, Railcraft, reauth, RedstoneArsenal, RefinedRelocation, rftools, RottenFleshToLeather, secretroomsmod, ServerTools, ServerTools-PERMISSION, ServerTools-TELEPORT, simplyjetpacks, SolarExpansion, SolarFlux, SonarCore, SSTOW, StevesFactoryManager, StorageDrawers, symcalc, Sync, TaintedMagic, tcinventoryscan, tcnodetracker, TConstruct, Thaumcraft, ThaumcraftMobAspects, thaumcraftneiplugin, thaumicdyes, TU, thaumicenergistics, ThaumicExploration, ThaumicHorizons, ThaumicTinkerer, ThermalDynamics, ThermalExpansion, ThermalFoundation, TiConAutoToolStation, TMechworks, Translocator, TravellersGear, voltzenginemodcompat, voltzengine, voltzenginemodflag, Waila, waterhooks, wawla, waystones, witchery, WitchingGadgets, Ztones, Baubles, ForgeMicroblock, ForgeMultipart, McMultipart, MCFrames, ForgeRelocation, RelocationFMP, MrTJPCoreMod] at SERVER
  232. 04.01 14:43:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LambdaLib|Core]: LambdaLib|Core is loading.
  233. 04.01 14:43:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [EnderCore]: Transforming Class [], Method [func_76564_j]
  234. 04.01 14:43:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [EnderCore]: Transforming Finished.
  235. 04.01 14:43:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: [GadomancyTransformer] Transforming thaumcraft.client.lib.RenderEventHandler: thaumcraft.client.lib.RenderEventHandler
  236. 04.01 14:43:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: [GadomancyTransformer] Transforming thaumcraft.common.items.wands.WandManager: thaumcraft.common.items.wands.WandManager
  237. 04.01 14:43:45 [Server] Server thread/INFO [TConstruct]: Natura, what are we going to do tomorrow night?
  238. 04.01 14:43:45 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Natura]: TConstruct, we're going to take over the world!
  239. 04.01 14:43:45 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Brandon's Core]: Hello Minecraft!!!
  240. 04.01 14:43:47 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerWorkbench
  241. 04.01 14:43:47 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerRepair
  242. 04.01 14:43:47 [Server] Server thread/INFO [EnderCore]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerRepair], Method [func_82848_d]
  243. 04.01 14:43:47 [Server] Server thread/INFO [EnderCore]: Transforming net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerRepair Finished.
  244. 04.01 14:43:47 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Core: Altering definition of net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect, (obfuscated)
  245. 04.01 14:43:48 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ThE-Core]: Transforming Class (thaumcraft.common.entities.golems.EntityGolemBase)
  246. 04.01 14:43:51 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenMods]: openperipheral.ApiSetup.installProviderAccess( OPC API v. 3.4.2 provideded by OpenPeripheralCore, (ApiAccess source: jar:file:/mods/OpenPeripheralCore-1.7.10-1.4.jar!/openperipheral/api/ApiAccess.class)
  247. 04.01 14:43:51 [Server] Server thread/INFO [progressiveautomation]: Starting automation
  248. 04.01 14:43:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ThE-Core]: Transforming Class (thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect)
  249. 04.01 14:43:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ThE-Core]: Transforming Class (thaumcraft.common.entities.golems.ItemGolemPlacer)
  250. 04.01 14:43:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ThE-Core]: Transforming Class (thaumcraft.common.entities.golems.ItemGolemBell)
  251. 04.01 14:43:53 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Processing ObjectHolder annotations
  252. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found 530 ObjectHolder annotations
  253. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Identifying ItemStackHolder annotations
  254. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Found 43 ItemStackHolder annotations
  255. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
  256. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Aroma1997Core]: Logger initialized.
  257. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Aroma1997Core]: Finished Pre-initialization.
  258. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FastCraft]: FastCraft 1.23 loaded.
  259. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Thread-6/INFO [FastCraft]: You are using the latest suitable version.
  260. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Extending potions array
  261. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Injecting potions starting from index 32
  262. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Water Breathing is ID 24
  263. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Flight is ID 25
  264. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Feather Fall is ID 26
  265. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Haste is ID 27
  266. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion True Sight is ID 28
  267. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Regeneration is ID 29
  268. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Magic Shield is ID 30
  269. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Charmed is ID 31
  270. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Frost Slow is ID 32
  271. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Chrono Anchor is ID 33
  272. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Mana Regen is ID 34
  273. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Entangled is ID 35
  274. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Watery Grave is ID 36
  275. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Spell Reflect is ID 37
  276. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Silence is ID 38
  277. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Swift Swim is ID 39
  278. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Agility is ID 40
  279. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Leap is ID 41
  280. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Mana Boost is ID 42
  281. 04.01 14:43:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Potion Astral Distortion is ID 43
  282. 04.01 14:43:56 [Multicraft] Skipped 56 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  283. 04.01 14:43:56 [Server] Server thread/INFO [CoFHWorld]: Registering Default Templates.
  284. 04.01 14:43:56 [Server] Server thread/INFO [CoFHWorld]: Registering default generators
  285. 04.01 14:43:56 [Server] Server thread/INFO [CoFHWorld]: Complete
  286. 04.01 14:43:56 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AcademyCraft]: Starting AcademyCraft
  287. 04.01 14:43:56 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AcademyCraft]: Copyright (c) Lambda Innovation, 2013-2016
  288. 04.01 14:43:56 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AcademyCraft]:
  289. 04.01 14:43:57 [Server] Server thread/INFO [BuildCraft]: Starting BuildCraft 7.1.22
  290. 04.01 14:43:57 [Server] Server thread/INFO [BuildCraft]: Copyright (c) the BuildCraft team, 2011-2015
  291. 04.01 14:43:57 [Server] Server thread/INFO [BuildCraft]:
  292. 04.01 14:43:57 [Server] Thread-7/INFO [BuildCraft]: Beginning version check
  293. 04.01 14:43:57 [Server] Thread-7/WARN [BuildCraft]: Using outdated version [7.1.22] for Minecraft 1.7.10. Consider updating to 7.1.23.
  294. 04.01 14:43:58 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2:S]: Pre Initialization ( started )
  295. 04.01 14:43:58 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: func_145839_a(Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)V - Transformed
  296. 04.01 14:43:58 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: func_145841_b(Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)V - Transformed
  297. 04.01 14:43:58 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface from appeng/tile/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is enabled.
  298. 04.01 14:43:58 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Removing Interface Reika.RotaryCraft.API.Power.AdvancedShaftPowerReceiver from appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft because RotaryCraft integration is disabled.
  299. 04.01 14:43:58 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Removing Interface Reika.RotaryCraft.API.Interfaces.Transducerable from appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft because RotaryCraft integration is disabled.
  300. 04.01 14:43:58 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Removing Method Tick_RotaryCraft from appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft because RotaryCraft integration is disabled.
  301. 04.01 14:43:58 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Updated appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft
  302. 04.01 14:43:58 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface from appeng/tile/powersink/RedstoneFlux because RF integration is enabled.
  303. 04.01 14:43:58 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface from appeng/tile/powersink/MekJoules because Mekanism integration is enabled.
  304. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.api.rednet.connectivity.IRedNetConnection from appeng/block/networking/BlockCableBus because MFR integration is enabled.
  305. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Method getConnectionType from appeng/block/networking/BlockCableBus because MFR integration is enabled.
  306. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface from appeng/items/tools/quartz/ToolQuartzWrench because BuildCraftCore integration is enabled.
  307. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface ic2.api.item.ISpecialElectricItem from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is enabled.
  308. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface ic2.api.item.IElectricItemManager from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is enabled.
  309. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Method getManager from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is enabled.
  310. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/RedstoneFlux because RFItem integration is enabled.
  311. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface from appeng/items/tools/ToolNetworkTool because BuildCraftCore integration is enabled.
  312. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface buildcraft.api.transport.IPipeConnection from appeng/parts/misc/PartStorageBus because BuildCraftTransport integration is enabled.
  313. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Method overridePipeConnection from appeng/parts/misc/PartStorageBus because BuildCraftTransport integration is enabled.
  314. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface buildcraft.api.transport.IPipeConnection from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PItems because BuildCraftTransport integration is enabled.
  315. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Method overridePipeConnection from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PItems because BuildCraftTransport integration is enabled.
  316. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PIC2Power because IC2 integration is enabled.
  317. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PIC2Power because IC2 integration is enabled.
  318. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PRFPower because RF integration is enabled.
  319. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2POpenComputers because OpenComputers integration is enabled.
  320. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2POpenComputers because OpenComputers integration is enabled.
  321. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface pneumaticCraft.api.tileentity.ISidedPneumaticMachine from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PPressure because PneumaticCraft integration is enabled.
  322. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2:S]: Starting AE2 VersionChecker
  323. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AE2:S]: Pre Initialization ( ended after 1141ms )
  324. 04.01 14:43:59 [Multicraft] Skipped 3 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  325. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [bdlib]: Initialized network channel 'bdew.multiblock' for mod 'bdlib'
  326. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [bdlib]: Loading internal config files for mod AE2 Stuff
  327. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/mods/ae2stuff-!/assets/ae2stuff/config/tuning.cfg
  328. 04.01 14:43:59 [Server] Server thread/INFO [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/mods/ae2stuff-!/assets/ae2stuff/config/recipes.cfg
  329. 04.01 14:44:00 [Server] Server thread/INFO [bdlib]: Loading user config files for mod AE2 Stuff
  330. 04.01 14:44:00 [Server] Server thread/INFO [bdlib]: Config loading for mod AE2 Stuff finished
  331. 04.01 14:44:00 [Server] Server thread/INFO [bdlib]: Loaded creative tabs for ae2stuff
  332. 04.01 14:44:00 [Server] Server thread/INFO [WitchingGadgets]: [CORE] Patching Thaumcraft's Worldgen
  333. 04.01 14:44:01 [Server] Server thread/INFO [WitchingGadgets]: [CORE] Patching Pouch - Interfaces
  334. 04.01 14:44:01 [Server] Server thread/INFO [WitchingGadgets]: [CORE] Patching Pouch - Methods
  335. 04.01 14:44:01 [Server] Server thread/INFO [WitchingGadgets]: [CORE] Patching Boots
  336. 04.01 14:44:01 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Aroma1997CoreHelper]: Helping Aroma1997Core
  337. 04.01 14:44:01 [Server] Server thread/INFO [AromaBackup]: Using Dimension Blacklist with 0 entries.
  338. 04.01 14:44:03 [Server] Server thread/WARN [BackTools]: [4.0.0] You're loading Back Tools on a server! This is a client-only mod!
  339. 04.01 14:44:03 [Server] Server thread/WARN [FML]: (y-_-)y Why you no have correct mods installed to run BiblioWoods Forestry edition??
  340. 04.01 14:44:03 [Server] Server thread/WARN [FML]: Is BiblioCraft loaded? true
  341. 04.01 14:44:03 [Server] Server thread/WARN [FML]: Is Forestry loaded? false
  342. 04.01 14:44:03 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Mantle]: Mantle (1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins191) -- Preparing for launch.
  343. 04.01 14:44:03 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Mantle]: Entering preinitialization phase.
  344. 04.01 14:44:03 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Mantle]: Loading configuration from disk.
  345. 04.01 14:44:03 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Mantle]: Configuration load completed.
  346. 04.01 14:44:03 [Server] Server thread/INFO [PulseManager-Natura]: Skipping Pulse Natura Forestry Compatibility; missing dependency: Forestry
  347. 04.01 14:44:03 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FastLeafDecay]: Patching leaves.
  348. 04.01 14:44:03 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FastLeafDecay]: Found leaf Class: mods/natura/blocks/trees/NLeaves
  349. 04.01 14:44:03 [Server] Server thread/INFO [PulseManager-Natura]: Skipping Pulse Natura TreeCapitator Compatibility; missing dependency: Treecapitator
  350. 04.01 14:44:04 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ThermalFoundation]: Thermal Foundation: Loading Plugins...
  351. 04.01 14:44:04 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ThermalFoundation]: Thermal Foundation: Finished Loading Plugins.
  352. 04.01 14:44:04 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ThermalExpansion]: ThermalExpansion: Loading Plugins...
  353. 04.01 14:44:04 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ThermalExpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Finished Loading Plugins.
  354. 04.01 14:44:04 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.tileentity.TileEntityReactorComputerPort.
  355. 04.01 14:44:04 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.tileentity.TileEntityTurbineComputerPort.
  356. 04.01 14:44:06 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [WayofTime.alchemicalWizardry.common.NewPacketHandler:<init>:56]: Server sided~
  357. 04.01 14:44:06 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [WayofTime.alchemicalWizardry.common.NewPacketHandler$KeyboardMessageHandler:<init>:304]: I am being created
  358. 04.01 14:44:10 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class thaumic.tinkerer.common.block.tile.TileAspectAnalyzer.
  359. 04.01 14:44:10 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class thaumic.tinkerer.common.block.tile.TileGolemConnector.
  360. 04.01 14:44:10 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class thaumic.tinkerer.common.block.tile.TileMagnet.
  361. 04.01 14:44:10 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class thaumic.tinkerer.common.block.tile.tablet.TileAnimationTablet.
  362. 04.01 14:44:10 [Server] Server thread/INFO [extrautils]: Hello World
  363. 04.01 14:44:12 [Server] Server thread/WARN [FML]: A mod has attempted to assign Block mods.railcraft.common.fluids.BlockRailcraftFluidFinite@7c7c0627 to the Fluid 'steam' but this Fluid has already been linked to the Block powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block.fluid.BlockFactoryFluid@4063bfce. You may have duplicate Fluid Blocks as a result. It *may* be possible to configure your mods to avoid this.
  364. 04.01 14:44:13 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Railcraft]: Activating Christmas Seasonal Pack
  365. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.computercraft.ComputercraftHelper@52666739
  366. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.ThaumcraftHelper@9c09752
  367. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.waila.WailaHelper@1eedc4db
  368. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.TConstructHelper@cbefa7c
  369. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.FMPHelper@178d6192
  370. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.MekanismHelper@1a7a0e36
  371. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.minetweaker.MTHelper@6bc1ccba
  372. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.IC2Helper@672673be
  373. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.AppliedEnergisticsHelper@71faa161
  374. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.opencomputers.OCHelper@ddbe6ca
  375. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.ThermalExpansionHelper@681a4fd7
  376. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.ChiselHelper@3c756ae9
  377. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.ExtraUtilsHelper@18a035af
  378. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.RailcraftHelper@4a1f6dc7
  379. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.ThermalDynamicsHelper@7041f7a4
  380. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.ThermalFoundationHelper@40760a73
  381. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.mfr.MFRHelper@6d1df873
  382. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.CarpentersHelper@7f73dd04
  383. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.BacktoolsHelper@13934a73
  384. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.EnderIOHelper@63c6efe0
  385. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [PulseManager-TConstruct]: Skipping Pulse Tinkers' Underground Biomes Compatiblity; missing dependency: UndergroundBiomes
  386. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [TConstruct]: Gear module active. Adding gear cast.
  387. 04.01 14:44:14 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.arc.bloodarsenal.common.block.ModBlocks:registerBlock:103]:
  388. 04.01 14:44:15 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.arc.bloodarsenal.common.block.ModBlocks:registerBlock:103]:
  389. 04.01 14:44:15 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.arc.bloodarsenal.common.block.ModBlocks:registerBlock:103]:
  390. 04.01 14:44:15 [Server] Server thread/INFO [SonarCore]: Initilised API
  391. 04.01 14:44:15 [Server] Server thread/INFO [SonarCore]: Registering Packets
  392. 04.01 14:44:15 [Server] Server thread/INFO [SonarCore]: Register Packets
  393. 04.01 14:44:15 [Server] Server thread/FATAL [Calculator]: Sonar Core is not loaded
  394. 04.01 14:44:15 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Calculator]: Registered Network
  395. 04.01 14:44:15 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Calculator]: Registered Packets
  396. 04.01 14:44:15 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Calculator]: Loaded Configuration
  397. 04.01 14:44:15 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Calculator]: Integrated with 'IC2'
  398. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Calculator]: Loaded Blocks
  399. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Calculator]: Loaded Items
  400. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Calculator]: Registered Entities
  401. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: Starting pre-init...
  402. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: Loading blocks...
  403. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: Skipping feature twilghtForest as its required mod TwilightForest was missing.
  404. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: Skipping feature tfMazestone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
  405. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: Skipping feature tfTowerstone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
  406. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: Skipping feature tfUnderBrick as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
  407. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: 102 Feature's blocks loaded.
  408. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: Loading Tile Entities...
  409. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: Tile Entities loaded.
  410. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: Loading items...
  411. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: Skipping feature twilghtForest as its required mod TwilightForest was missing.
  412. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: Skipping feature tfMazestone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
  413. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: Skipping feature tfTowerstone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
  414. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: Skipping feature tfUnderBrick as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
  415. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: 102 Feature's items loaded.
  416. 04.01 14:44:16 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Chisel]: Pre-init finished.
  417. 04.01 14:44:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO [CarpentersBlocks]: Designs found: Bed(6), Chisel(9), FlowerPot(18), Tile(13)
  418. 04.01 14:44:17 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Initializing blocks and items.
  419. 04.01 14:44:18 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface appeng.api.movable.IMovableTile into li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.traits.Environment.
  420. 04.01 14:44:18 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface appeng.api.networking.IGridHost into li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.traits.power.AppliedEnergistics2.
  421. 04.01 14:44:18 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface factorization.api.IChargeConductor from missing mod factorization.
  422. 04.01 14:44:18 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.power.IEnergyHandlerGC from missing mod Galacticraft API.
  423. 04.01 14:44:18 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.transmission.tile.IConnector from missing mod Galacticraft API.
  424. 04.01 14:44:18 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface into li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.traits.power.IndustrialCraft2Experimental.
  425. 04.01 14:44:18 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface from missing mod IC2-Classic.
  426. 04.01 14:44:18 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface into li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.traits.power.Mekanism.
  427. 04.01 14:44:18 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface into li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.traits.power.RedstoneFlux.
  428. 04.01 14:44:18 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface Reika.RotaryCraft.API.Power.ShaftPowerReceiver from missing mod RotaryCraft.
  429. 04.01 14:44:18 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface buildcraft.api.tiles.IHasWork into li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.traits.StateAware.
  430. 04.01 14:44:18 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface lordfokas.stargatetech2.api.bus.IBusDevice from missing mod StargateTech2.
  431. 04.01 14:44:19 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IAEWrench into li.cil.oc.common.item.Wrench.
  432. 04.01 14:44:19 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface into li.cil.oc.common.item.Wrench.
  433. 04.01 14:44:19 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface com.bluepowermod.api.misc.IScrewdriver from missing mod bluepowerAPI.
  434. 04.01 14:44:19 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface cofh.api.item.IToolHammer into li.cil.oc.common.item.Wrench.
  435. 04.01 14:44:19 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface crazypants.enderio.tool.ITool from missing mod EnderIO.
  436. 04.01 14:44:19 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface mekanism.api.IMekWrench into li.cil.oc.common.item.Wrench.
  437. 04.01 14:44:19 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.api.IMFRHammer into li.cil.oc.common.item.Wrench.
  438. 04.01 14:44:19 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface mrtjp.projectred.api.IScrewdriver into li.cil.oc.common.item.Wrench.
  439. 04.01 14:44:19 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface mods.railcraft.api.core.items.IToolCrowbar into li.cil.oc.common.item.Wrench.
  440. 04.01 14:44:19 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface ic2.api.item.IBoxable into li.cil.oc.common.item.Wrench.
  441. 04.01 14:44:19 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IAEItemPowerStorage into li.cil.oc.common.item.traits.Chargeable.
  442. 04.01 14:44:19 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface into li.cil.oc.common.item.traits.Chargeable.
  443. 04.01 14:44:19 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface ic2.api.item.ISpecialElectricItem into li.cil.oc.common.item.traits.Chargeable.
  444. 04.01 14:44:19 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface into li.cil.oc.common.item.traits.Chargeable.
  445. 04.01 14:44:20 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Initializing additional OreDict entries.
  446. 04.01 14:44:20 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Initializing OpenComputers API.
  447. 04.01 14:44:20 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Found a compatible native library: ''.
  448. 04.01 14:44:20 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Found a compatible native library: ''.
  449. 04.01 14:44:20 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Done with pre init phase.
  450. 04.01 14:44:21 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class pneumaticCraft.common.thirdparty.computercraft.TileEntityDroneInterface.
  451. 04.01 14:44:21 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Compact Machines]: Registering dimension 2 on server side
  452. 04.01 14:44:30 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ElecCore]: ElecCore has Pre-initialized
  453. 04.01 14:44:30 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:blaze_powder
  454. 04.01 14:44:30 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:coal
  455. 04.01 14:44:30 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:diamond
  456. 04.01 14:44:30 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:emerald
  457. 04.01 14:44:30 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:ender_pearl
  458. 04.01 14:44:30 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:ghast_tear
  459. 04.01 14:44:30 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:glowstone_dust
  460. 04.01 14:44:30 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:gunpowder
  461. 04.01 14:44:30 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:nether_star
  462. 04.01 14:44:30 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:quartz
  463. 04.01 14:44:30 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:redstone
  464. 04.01 14:44:30 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:slime_ball
  465. 04.01 14:44:31 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Ding]: Ding is a clientside mod only!
  466. 04.01 14:44:31 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Electro-Magic Tools]: Starting planning the world domination
  467. 04.01 14:44:31 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Electro-Magic Tools]: Planning complete
  468. 04.01 14:44:32 [Server] Server thread/INFO [EnderIO]: XP Juice regististration left to Open Blocks.
  469. 04.01 14:44:33 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Preinitialising Flan's mod.
  470. 04.01 14:44:33 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Loaded content pack : FC Pack V8.02 1.7.10-1.8 FM5.1.jar
  471. 04.01 14:44:33 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Loaded content pack : Modern Warfare-Content Pack-1.8-5.3.jar
  472. 04.01 14:44:33 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Loaded content pack : Simple Parts-Content Pack-1.8-5.3.jar
  473. 04.01 14:44:33 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Loaded content pack list server side.
  474. 04.01 14:44:33 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Loaded part.
  475. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.guns.ShootableType:read:150]: Reading grenade file failed.
  476. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1.5"
  477. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
  478. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
  479. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
  480. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at
  481. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at
  482. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at
  483. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at com.flansmod.common.FlansMod.readContentPacks(
  484. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at com.flansmod.common.FlansMod.preInit(
  485. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  486. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  487. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  488. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  489. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent(
  490. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3.invoke(Unknown Source)
  491. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  492. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  493. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at
  494. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at
  495. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at
  496. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at
  497. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at
  498. 04.01 14:44:34 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(
  499. 04.01 14:44:35 [Multicraft] Skipped 223 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  500. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Loaded plane.
  501. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Loaded mechaItem.
  502. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find smallIronBody when adding recipe for Omega
  503. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find smallIronArm when adding recipe for Omega
  504. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find smallIronArm when adding recipe for Omega
  505. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find smallIronLeg when adding recipe for Omega
  506. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Failed to find dye colour : grey while adding Peregrine
  507. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Failed to find dye colour : grey while adding PeregrineD
  508. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Failed to find dye colour : grey while adding PeregrineS
  509. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Failed to find dye colour : grey while adding PeregrineSR
  510. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Failed to find dye colour : grey while adding PeregrineW
  511. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find mediumDiamondBody when adding recipe for ZeroTitanII
  512. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find mediumDiamondArm when adding recipe for ZeroTitanII
  513. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find mediumDiamondArm when adding recipe for ZeroTitanII
  514. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find mediumDiamondLeg when adding recipe for ZeroTitanII
  515. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Loaded mecha.
  516. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Loaded tool.
  517. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Loaded armour.
  518. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find basicCPU when adding recipe for mwArmour
  519. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Loaded armourBox.
  520. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find Klii when adding recipe for NSCDbox
  521. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find Klii when adding recipe for NSCDbox
  522. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find Klii when adding recipe for NSCDbox
  523. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find Klii when adding recipe for NSCDbox
  524. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find Klii when adding recipe for NSCDbox
  525. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find Klii when adding recipe for NSCDbox
  526. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find Klii when adding recipe for NSCDbox
  527. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find Klii when adding recipe for NSCDbox
  528. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find Klii when adding recipe for NSCDbox
  529. 04.01 14:44:35 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Could not find Klii when adding recipe for NSCDbox
  530. 04.01 14:44:36 [Multicraft] Skipped 5275 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  531. 04.01 14:44:36 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Tried to add m4Carbine to player class gignAssault1 but the item did not exist
  532. 04.01 14:44:36 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Tried to add mp5k to player class gignDualWield1 but the item did not exist
  533. 04.01 14:44:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Tried to add mp5k+flanMWSilencer to player class gignSniper2 but the item did not exist
  534. 04.01 14:44:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Loaded playerClass.
  535. 04.01 14:44:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Loaded team.
  536. 04.01 14:44:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:549]: [Flan's Mod] Preinitializing complete.
  537. 04.01 14:44:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FTBLib]: Loading FTBLib, v1.0.18.2
  538. 04.01 14:44:37 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FTBLib]: OS: LINUX, 64bit: true
  539. 04.01 14:44:38 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FTBU Backups]: Backups folder - /./backups
  540. 04.01 14:44:38 [Server] Server thread/INFO [newframes]: Let's Move!
  541. 04.01 14:44:38 [Server] Server thread/INFO [GekosLasers]: Pre init starting
  542. 04.01 14:44:38 [Server] Server thread/INFO [GekosLasers]: Reading config file
  543. 04.01 14:44:38 [Server] Server thread/INFO [GekosLasers]: Found the config
  544. 04.01 14:44:38 [Server] Server thread/INFO [GekosLasers]: Loading config
  545. 04.01 14:44:38 [Server] Server thread/INFO [GekosLasers]: Pre init finished
  546. 04.01 14:44:38 [Server] Server thread/INFO [GraviGun]: [4.0.0-beta] Loading properties.
  547. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Phase: Pre-Init
  548. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Validating file paths
  549. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Done...
  550. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Registering mod processors
  551. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Mod: Voltz Engine
  552. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< block, >
  553. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< tileEntity, >
  554. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< multiblock, >
  555. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< item, >
  556. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< oreName, >
  557. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< craftingGridRecipe, >
  558. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< furnaceRecipe, >
  559. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< recipeRemoval, >
  560. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: -is loadable
  561. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< worldGenerator, >
  562. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< override, >
  563. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< missingMappingEvent, >
  564. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< explosive, >
  565. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< setting, >
  566. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Mod: ICBM
  567. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< missile, com.builtbroken.icbm.content.missile.json.MissileJsonProcessor@61796f45 >
  568. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Mod: Modular Forcefield System 1.7.10-0.1.0b147
  569. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Mod: Voltz Engine Mod Compatibility Loader
  570. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Added Processor< hideItem, >
  571. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Mod: VoltzEngine mod protection, flag, and region system
  572. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Done...
  573. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Loading files
  574. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Loading json resources
  575. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Scanning mod packages for json data
  576. 04.01 14:44:39 [Server] Server thread/INFO [JsonContentLoader]: Mod: Minecraft Coder Pack 9.05
  577. 04.01 14:44:40 [Multicraft] Skipped 852 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  578. 04.01 14:44:40 [Server] Server thread/INFO [VoltzEngine]: ItemBase()@1462927283 has been registered to
  579. 04.01 14:44:40 [Server] Server thread/INFO [VoltzEngine]: ItemBase()@647026952 has been registered to
  580. 04.01 14:44:40 [Server] Server thread/INFO [VoltzEngine]: ItemWrapperGPSFlag()@366164217 has been registered to com.builtbroken.icbm.ICBM@749751
  581. 04.01 14:44:40 [Server] Server thread/INFO [VoltzEngine]: ItemWrapperRadarGun()@32744487 has been registered to com.builtbroken.icbm.ICBM@749751
  582. 04.01 14:44:40 [Server] Server thread/INFO [VoltzEngine]: ItemWrapperLinkTool()@495749254 has been registered to com.builtbroken.icbm.ICBM@749751
  583. 04.01 14:44:40 [Server] Server thread/INFO [VoltzEngine]: ItemWrapperLaserDet()@276247564 has been registered to com.builtbroken.icbm.ICBM@749751
  584. 04.01 14:44:40 [Server] Server thread/INFO [VoltzEngine]: ItemMissile()@485478923 has been registered to com.builtbroken.icbm.ICBM@749751
  585. 04.01 14:44:40 [Server] Server thread/INFO [VoltzEngine]: ItemWrapperRemoteDet()@2199341 has been registered to com.builtbroken.icbm.ICBM@749751
  586. 04.01 14:44:40 [Server] Server thread/INFO [VoltzEngine]: ItemBase()@2039541527 has been registered to com.builtbroken.icbm.ICBM@749751
  587. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-init FileManager.
  588. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-mods path =/./mods
  589. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-getModFile:[mmmlibx]:/./mods
  590. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-getModFile-get:191.
  591. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-getModFile-file:littleMaidMobX-1.7.x_0.1.1.jar
  592. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-getModFile-file:littleMaidMobX
  593. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-getModFile-files:2
  594. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-getModFile:[mmmlibx]:/./mods
  595. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-getModFile-get:191.
  596. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-getModFile-files:2
  597. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-getModFile:[mmmlibx]:/./mods
  598. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-getModFile-get:191.
  599. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-getModFile-files:2
  600. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-getModFile:[EntityMode]:/./mods
  601. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-getModFile-get:191.
  602. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMMLib:Debug:41]: MMMLib-getModFile-files:0
  603. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMM_TextureManager:addModelClass:466]: MMM_TextureManager.addModelClass : mmmlibx.lib.MMM_ModelMulti_Stef
  604. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMM_TextureManager:addModelClass:466]: MMM_TextureManager.addModelClass : mmmlibx.lib.MMM_ModelMulti_Steve
  605. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMM_TextureManager:addModelClass:466]: MMM_TextureManager.addModelClass : mmmlibx.lib.multiModel.model.mc162.ModelLittleMaid_AC
  606. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMM_TextureManager:addModelClass:466]: MMM_TextureManager.addModelClass : mmmlibx.lib.multiModel.model.mc162.ModelLittleMaid_Archetype
  607. 04.01 14:44:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [STDOUT]: [mmmlibx.lib.MMM_TextureManager:addModelClass:466]: MMM_TextureManager.addModelClass : mmmlibx.lib.multiModel.model.mc162.ModelLittleMaid_Aug
  608. 04.01 14:44:42 [Multicraft] Skipped 3 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  609. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded BCProxy
  610. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded Forestry DummyProxy
  611. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded IC2Proxy
  612. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded CCProxy
  613. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded ThaumCraftProxy
  614. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded ThermalExpansionProxy
  615. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded BetterStorage DummyProxy
  616. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded NEIProxy
  617. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded Factorization DummyProxy
  618. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded EnderIOProxy
  619. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded IronChestProxy
  620. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded EnderStorageProxy
  621. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded OpenComputersProxy
  622. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded ToolWrenchProxy
  623. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded ExtraCellsProxy
  624. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded CoFHPowerProxy
  625. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded TDProxy
  626. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded Binnie DummyProxy
  627. 04.01 14:44:42 [Server] Server thread/INFO [LogisticsPipes]: Loaded CCLProxy
  628. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Thaumcraft detected
  629. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileEssentiaReservoir Thaumcraft Bridge
  630. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised EntityGolemBase Thaumcraft Bridge
  631. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised entityGolemBase_golemType Thaumcraft Bridge
  632. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised entityGolemBase_decoration Thaumcraft Bridge
  633. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised entityGolemBase_upgrades Thaumcraft Bridge
  634. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised entityGolemBase_advanced Thaumcraft Bridge
  635. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised entityGolemBase_inventory Thaumcraft Bridge
  636. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised entityGolemBase_homeFacing Thaumcraft Bridge
  637. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised entityGolemBase_getCore Thaumcraft Bridge
  638. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised entityGolemBase_getMarkers Thaumcraft Bridge
  639. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised entityGolemBase_setMarkers Thaumcraft Bridge
  640. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised entityGolemBase_dropStuff Thaumcraft Bridge
  641. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised entityGolemBase_getOwner Thaumcraft Bridge
  642. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised entityGolemBase_getUpgradeAmount Thaumcraft Bridge
  643. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised enumGolemType Thaumcraft Bridge
  644. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileEssentiaReservoir_facing Thaumcraft Bridge
  645. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileEssentiaReservoir_getSuctionAmount Thaumcraft Bridge
  646. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileEssentiaReservoir_getSuction Thaumcraft Bridge
  647. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileEssentiaReservoir_addEssentia Thaumcraft Bridge
  648. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileEssentiaReservoir_containerContains Thaumcraft Bridge
  649. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileJarFillable Thaumcraft Bridge
  650. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileJarFillable_aspect Thaumcraft Bridge
  651. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileJarFillable_aspectFilter Thaumcraft Bridge
  652. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileJarFillable_amount Thaumcraft Bridge
  653. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileJarFillable_maxAmount Thaumcraft Bridge
  654. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileJarFillable_doesContainerAccept Thaumcraft Bridge
  655. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileJarFillable_addToContainer Thaumcraft Bridge
  656. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileJarFillableVoid Thaumcraft Bridge
  657. 04.01 14:44:43 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MAGICCOOKIE]: Intialised tileAlembic Thaumcraft Bridge
  658. 04.01 14:44:44 [Multicraft] Skipped 36 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  659. 04.01 14:44:44 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class matteroverdrive.machines.transporter.TileEntityMachineTransporter.
  660. 04.01 14:44:44 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class matteroverdrive.machines.fusionReactorController.TileEntityMachineFusionReactorController.
  661. 04.01 14:44:44 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Matter Overdrive]: The mod exnihilo was not loaded, skipping compatibility module.
  662. 04.01 14:44:44 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Matter Overdrive]: Attempting to run pre-initialization methods for all registered compatibility modules.
  663. 04.01 14:44:44 [Server] Server thread/INFO [MCEF]: Loading MCEF config...
  664. 04.01 14:44:45 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Morpheus]: Loading configuration
  665. 04.01 14:44:46 [Server] Server thread/INFO [NEIAddons|Developer]: Wrong side: SERVER, Developer Tools Addon not loading
  666. 04.01 14:44:46 [Server] Server thread/INFO [NEIAddons|AppEng]: Version check success: appliedenergistics2 required / rv3-beta-6 detected
  667. 04.01 14:44:46 [Server] Server thread/INFO [NEIAddons|Botany]: Wrong side: SERVER, Botany Addon not loading
  668. 04.01 14:44:46 [Server] Server thread/INFO [NEIAddons|Forestry]: Required mod Forestry is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable
  669. 04.01 14:44:46 [Server] Server thread/ERROR [NEIAddons|Forestry]: Requirements unmet, Forestry Addon not loading
  670. 04.01 14:44:46 [Server] Server thread/INFO [NEIAddons|CraftingTables]: Wrong side: SERVER, Crafting Tables Addon not loading
  671. 04.01 14:44:46 [Server] Server thread/INFO [NEIAddons|ExNihilo]: Wrong side: SERVER, Ex Nihilo Addon not loading
  672. 04.01 14:44:47 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerPlayer
  673. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class openmodularturrets.tileentity.turretbase.TurretBase.
  674. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] INFO Jan 04, 2018 2:44:48 PM openmodularturrets.compatability.ModCompatibility checkForMods
  675. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] INFO INFO: Hi there, dV=V0B(t1-t0)! (Found ThermalExpansion)
  676. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] INFO Jan 04, 2018 2:44:48 PM openmodularturrets.compatability.ModCompatibility checkForMods
  677. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] INFO INFO: Not sure if iron ingot, or electrical steel ingot... (Found EnderIO)
  678. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] INFO Jan 04, 2018 2:44:48 PM openmodularturrets.compatability.ModCompatibility checkForMods
  679. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] INFO INFO: Mur omsimu, plz. (Found Mekanism)
  680. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] INFO Jan 04, 2018 2:44:48 PM openmodularturrets.compatability.ModCompatibility checkForMods
  681. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] INFO INFO: Afrikaners is plesierig. (Found Thaumcraft)
  682. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] INFO Jan 04, 2018 2:44:48 PM openmodularturrets.compatability.ModCompatibility checkForMods
  683. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] INFO INFO: Enabling LUA integration. (Found OpenComputers/ComputerCraft)
  684. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] Server thread/INFO [PortalGun]: [4.0.0-beta-6] Loading properties.
  685. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] Server thread/INFO [progressiveautomation]: ImmersiveEngineering Loaded
  686. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] Server thread/INFO [progressiveautomation]: harvestcraft not found, not loading
  687. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] Server thread/INFO [progressiveautomation]: PneumaticCraft Loaded
  688. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] Server thread/INFO [progressiveautomation]: MFR Loaded
  689. 04.01 14:44:48 [Server] Server thread/INFO [progressiveautomation]: AgriCraft not found, not loading
  690. 04.01 14:44:49 [Server] Server thread/INFO [progressiveautomation]: B0bGrowsOre not found, not loading
  691. 04.01 14:44:49 [Server] Server thread/INFO [progressiveautomation]: Thaumcraft Loaded
  692. 04.01 14:44:49 [Server] Server thread/INFO [progressiveautomation]: RightClickPlants Loaded
  693. 04.01 14:44:49 [Server] Server thread/INFO [progressiveautomation]: Vanilla Loaded
  694. 04.01 14:44:49 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ProjRed|Core]: Failed to load PR Plugin: Treecapitator: gem axe compat
  695. 04.01 14:44:49 [Server] Server thread/WARN [ProjRed|Core]: Failed to load PR Plugin: Colored Lights: Illumination lighting
  696. 04.01 14:44:50 [Server] CoFHUpdater:RedstoneArsenal/INFO [RedstoneArsenal]: An updated version of Redstone Arsenal is available: Redstone Arsenal 1.1.3 for Minecraft 1.7.10.
  697. 04.01 14:44:50 [Server] Thread-9/INFO [RefinedRelocation]: Version Checker Status: CURRENT
  698. 04.01 14:44:51 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class mcjty.rftools.blocks.environmental.EnvironmentalControllerTileEntity.
  699. 04.01 14:44:51 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class mcjty.rftools.blocks.screens.ScreenControllerTileEntity.
  700. 04.01 14:44:51 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class mcjty.rftools.blocks.dimlets.DimensionBuilderTileEntity.
  701. 04.01 14:44:51 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class mcjty.rftools.blocks.teleporter.DialingDeviceTileEntity.
  702. 04.01 14:44:51 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class mcjty.rftools.blocks.shield.ShieldTEBase.
  703. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class mcjty.rftools.blocks.spaceprojector.SpaceProjectorTileEntity.
  704. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class mcjty.rftools.blocks.spaceprojector.BuilderTileEntity.
  705. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Could not read 'userbuilder.json', this is not an error!
  706. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class mcjty.rftools.blocks.blockprotector.BlockProtectorTileEntity.
  707. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [OmniScaffolds]: Starting configuration load
  708. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [RottenFleshToLeather]: Mod configuration successfully loaded
  709. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [simplyjetpacks]: Starting Simply Jetpacks
  710. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [simplyjetpacks]: Successfully found CoFHLib
  711. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [simplyjetpacks]: Loading configuration files
  712. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [simplyjetpacks]: Registering items
  713. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [SolarFlux]: Pre Initialization
  714. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [SolarFlux]: Initialization of configuration
  715. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [SolarFlux]: Registering blocks
  716. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [SolarFlux]: Registering items
  717. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [SSTOW]: Loaded custom tier kill settings!
  718. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [SSTOW]: Min kills: 0,64,128,256,512,1024
  719. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [SSTOW]: Max kills: 63,127,255,511,1023,1024
  720. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [SSTOW]: Loaded configuration file!
  721. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [symcalc]: SymCalc 0.14 initializing
  722. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [symcalc]: Added symmetry calculator item
  723. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [TAINTEDMAGIC]: Please stand back... Pre-initializing Tainted Magic!
  724. 04.01 14:44:52 [Server] Server thread/INFO [TAINTEDMAGIC]: Loading config
  725. 04.01 14:44:53 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Thaumic Energistics]: Starting (PreInit)
  726. 04.01 14:44:53 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Thaumic Energistics]: Finished (PreInit in 192ms)
  727. 04.01 14:44:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ThermalDynamics]: Loading Plugins...
  728. 04.01 14:44:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ThermalDynamics]: Finished Loading Plugins.
  729. 04.01 14:44:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [TMechworks]: Loading configuration...
  730. 04.01 14:44:54 [Server] Server thread/INFO [TMechworks]: Done.
  731. 04.01 14:44:55 [Server] Server thread/WARN [witchery: SERVER]: witchery: Potion slot 56 already occupided by potion.paralysis is being overwriting with witchery:potion.paralysed, you may want to change potion ids in the config file!
  732. 04.01 14:44:55 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Core: Altering definition of, (obfuscated)
  733. 04.01 14:44:55 [Server] Server thread/INFO [ArsMagica2]: Core: Altering definition of, (obfuscated)
  734. 04.01 14:44:55 [Server] Server thread/WARN [witchery: SERVER]: witchery: Potion slot 57 already occupided by potion.possession is being overwriting with witchery:potion.wrappedinvine, you may want to change potion ids in the config file!
  735. 04.01 14:44:56 [Server] Server thread/INFO [WitchingGadgets]: Setting up 'WitchingGadgets'
  736. 04.01 14:44:56 [Server] Server thread/WARN [FML]: ****************************************
  737. 04.01 14:44:56 [Server] Server thread/WARN [FML]: * Invalid registration attempt for an Ore Dictionary item with name blockVoid has occurred. The registration has been denied to prevent crashes. The mod responsible for the registration needs to correct this.
  738. 04.01 14:44:56 [Server] Server thread/WARN [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary.registerOreImpl(
  739. 04.01 14:44:56 [Server] Server thread/WARN [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary.registerOre(
  740. 04.01 14:44:56 [Server] Server thread/WARN [FML]: * at witchinggadgets.common.WGContent.preInitItems(
  741. 04.01 14:44:56 [Server] Server thread/WARN [FML]: * at witchinggadgets.common.WGContent.preInit(
  742. 04.01 14:44:56 [Server] Server thread/WARN [FML]: * at witchinggadgets.WitchingGadgets.preInit(
  743. 04.01 14:44:56 [Server] Server thread/WARN [FML]: * at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)...
  744. 04.01 14:44:56 [Server] Server thread/WARN [FML]: ****************************************
  745. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Applying holder lookups
  746. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Holder lookups applied
  747. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Injecting itemstacks
  748. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] Server thread/INFO [FML]: Itemstack injection complete
  749. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] Server thread/ERROR [FML]: Fatal errors were detected during the transition from PREINITIALIZATION to INITIALIZATION. Loading cannot continue
  750. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] Server thread/ERROR [FML]:
  751. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
  752. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar)
  753. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (custom256.jar)
  754. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (custom256.jar)
  755. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH AM2-Preloader{0.0.3} [AMCore] (minecraft.jar)
  756. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH AdvancedRocketryCore{1} [Advanced Rocketry] (minecraft.jar)
  757. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH appliedenergistics2-core{rv3-beta-6} [Applied Energistics 2 Core] (minecraft.jar)
  758. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH Aroma1997Core{} [Aroma1997Core] (Aroma1997Core-1.7.10-
  759. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH CodeChickenCore{} [CodeChicken Core] (minecraft.jar)
  760. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH LambdaLib|Core{1.2.3} [LambdaLib|Core] (minecraft.jar)
  761. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH OldModelLoader{1.0} [OldModelLoader] (minecraft.jar)
  762. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH NotEnoughItems{} [Not Enough Items] (NotEnoughItems-1.7.10-
  763. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH OpenComputers|Core{} [OpenComputers (Core)] (minecraft.jar)
  764. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH ThE-core{} [Thaumic Energistics Core] (minecraft.jar)
  765. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH ThaumicTinkerer-preloader{0.1} [Thaumic Tinkerer Core] (minecraft.jar)
  766. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH voltzenginepreloader{0.0.1} [Voltz Engine Preloader] (minecraft.jar)
  767. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH WitchingGadgetsCore{1.1.10} [Witching Gadgets Core] (minecraft.jar)
  768. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH OpenModsCore{0.10} [OpenModsCore] (minecraft.jar)
  769. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH <CoFH ASM>{000} [CoFH ASM] (minecraft.jar)
  770. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH STPPlugin{} [ServerTools|Permission Plugin] (minecraft.jar)
  771. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH FastCraft{1.23} [FastCraft] (fastcraft-1.23.jar)
  772. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH AnimationAPI{1.2.4} [AnimationAPI] (AnimationAPI-1.7.10-1.2.4.jar)
  773. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH arsmagica2{} [Ars Magica 2] (1.7.10_AM2-
  774. 04.01 14:44:57 [Server] INFO UCH LambdaLib{1.2.3} [LambdaLib] (LambdaLib-1.2.3.jar)
  775. 04.01 14:44:58 [Multicraft] Server shut down (starting)
  776. 04.01 14:44:58 [Multicraft] Restarting crashed server in 3600 seconds
  777. 04.01 14:44:58 [Multicraft] Server stopped
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