
Maelstorm Cup

Aug 9th, 2017
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  1. OCT WK4 1000
  4. (Jalen)
  6. "WAKE UP, JALEN!" My ears are assaulted by Rin screaming in my ears with Jotaro banging the walls with his fists. With a pace matching a snail, I arise from the bed and pat the space next to me...why does it feel like I'm missing someone there? Anyway, I glare at my smiling sister. "It's 7AM....Why the fuck did you woke me up at this time?" Leaning in to my face, she whispers. "It's cause the Maelstorm Cup starts at 9AM..."
  8. ...Wait what? I reach over and grab the Tourney Schedule, Scanning it reveals that to my shock...the damned Cup DOES start at 9AM!. "SHIT!" Leaping towards the bathroom to wash up while pushing a giggling Rin to the bed. While washing up, I think back to last night's failed attempt to breed Camilla, but the successful raping of someone else...Who was that Omega? and why was he locked up in his room? No answers come to my mind in these shower thoughts of mine as I finish up washing. Turning the faucet off, I step out of the tub and look at my body. Like all Alphas, my dick is covered in a hairy pouch that pull back whenever I'm horny, with my Knot being the last to come out. However...I look at the mirror and sigh, realizing what or rather....WHO I was missing...usually me and Soleil would shower together and try to wash each other up as the other would resist. Fuck me, I'm starting to miss my fellow Alpha. Laying my head on the mirror to calm myself down...When I get back I'm taking her out, Feelings be damned. With a new resolve in me, I step out of the bathroom to head back to the room where Rin is laying on the bed reading the newspaper with Jotaro eating a bowl of salad with a cup of Apple Juice near him for the battle today.
  10. "Hey..Jalen? Remember that guy we raped in the castle?" "Yeah?" Turning around as I put on my shirt on the bed. "What about it?" She place the newspaper at my face with bold letters at the top saying 'THE NOHRIAN PRINCE DEFLOWERED! SCANDAL IN THE DAMMERUNG CASTLE!'. "Wait, I'm very sure we didn't raped Siegbert..." "No..." Rin shakes her head calmly. "But we did fucked his younger brother, Foleo Dammerung. And as we know from last night...he's an Omega." Holy shit..."So...In a way...we sorta won there?" "I suppose so, But I still wanna rape Camilla tho!" Pouting at me, I smile and kiss her on the lips. "No worries, we gonna knot that woman if it's the last thing we will then..let's go!" Standing up, I turn towards Jotaro who's finished with his food now and beckon him to follow me and Rin out the door to the freezing temperature of this Nohrian weather. Luckily, all of us are dressed for it(Jotaro, however annoyed he is, look adorable in his snow attire) as we walk slowly to the Stadium where we will fight in.
  12. As we walk there, we overhear many gossips of the raping. Each one making the 3 of us nervous as Xander is livid with whoever stole his son's purity and wish to throw them in jail, But Foleo disagrees and want to PARDON us! 'Dude, you raped him so hard, he loves you..." Munching on a ham and egg with cheese crossaint sandwich. I take in what Rin say to me...."Fuck, it's one thing to get over it, but to pardon us? He must had been desperate for some action..." "Who knows?" She shrugs. "Nobles are weird..We need to worry more about the tourney at hand however." Nodding at how right she is, we continue on to the arena and see it is fucking jam packed with people coming in as spectators. I whistled and comment on the scene before us with the people standing in line for their tickets to be scanned in the lobby as we head to the Competitors's entrance and sign up inside there.
  14. "Wow, Nohrians care for the battles more than Ylissians, huh?" "It's to be expected, Nohr was founded on combat, so their culture are more aggressive than ours." Rhiannon using a nicer word in front of the secretary as we head to the waiting room. The secretary tells us that there's a cooler for the breeders inside the room for us to rent with Gatorade and Snacks inside for 500G. "What the fuck? Nohr's expensive as shit!" Rhiannon say what's on our mind as we approach the room. We look at one another as well as Jotaro who's ready for anything. With me at front, I push the doors open...On the side is a machine that spits out Coolers with the items mentioned inside. I put in 500G and out comes our Cooler. Rhiannon pull it up behind as we notice that we are the last ones to enter. And at the end of the room, Sat Siegbert in a seething mood with 3 other people and their monsters with them.
  16. One was a silver haired male with a Battleleon(Garu/Durahan) patting Siegbert on the back. The other 2 were females...One had blonde hair with furred clothing and a Falco with her as she fawns over the spoiled punk...The other one is a girl with miscolored hair and pigtails that are pink tipped and blue everything else with a Stinger(Naga/Zuum). Behind me...Rin begins to snarl as she stare at the floor. "What's wrong?" "...Nothing...Someone was just gonna make a bad decision in Ylisse is all...But they changed their mind."
  17. I shrug and turn my head towards the 4 over there.
  19. "C'mon Siegbert, It's not that bad....Foleo's still alive, right?"
  20. "Silas, it's more than that...Someone came and took my brother's purity!!! They will pay for this!!"
  21. "Oh they will for sure~ I just know you and your father will handle them like the alphas you are...~"
  22. "I'm bored....When will we fight?"
  24. I know a gold digger when I see one and that blonde one is a gold digger thot. Me and Rin were gonna turn and sit back when...We hear someone calling out to us. "Hey, I never seen you 2 here before! I know strong monsters and that Hare of yours look strong!" We turn back and see the girl with Blue pinkish hair looking at us with a smile...that smile made me feel uneasy and I assume Rin felt the same as she huddle behind me. "Uhh...Tha-" "I'm Peri! This is Cuddles! Ain't he cute?" Cuddles....his name is Cuddles....Before I could comment on it. "What the hell are you 2 commoner punks here for!?!" Peri seems to have notice the sudden mood change as she scoot out of the way with Siegbert storming towards me. Liquel glaring at Jotaro who stares back with anger. "Why are you here? Wanting to see how much better Nohrians are at training their monsters?" "Wait a min.." The Blonde check me out, Unlike with Peri where I at least felt SOME kindness behind some intent to harm(Whether it was against me and Rin or FOR us...I didn't know), This girl clearly was sizing me up to see if I was worth something...and evidently she don't like us. "Is THIS the guy who you fought in Ylisse for Princess Lucina? Sieggy, He's no-" "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH! SIEGGY! YOU ACTUALLY LET HER CALL YOU THAT!?!?" Rhiannon leans on me for support as I hold in my laughter. To the sides, I can see Peri with a smile on. Seems she like us.
  26. "I'm sorry that you 2 don't understand when a Beta respects her Alpha...An Alpha who's better than you..." With a sneer that makes her look kinda stupid, I have to contain my laughter here..."Siegbert...Con-control your beta be-before she get hurt.." "Well..." Finally the silver haired guy speaks to us with a casual manner. "Who are you guys? I'm Silas, You know Prince Siegbert...his Beta here is Charlotte, and our friend here is P-" "They know who I am already! P is for Pounding! E is for Eradication! R is for Ruthless! and I is for....Impalement! yay!" a silence echos in the room with Peri doing dances as she was chanting her name. "Anyway....You guys must be Jalen and Rhiannon then, huh?" "Mhm...Nice to meet you." I decide to be nice to the one person who's being nice to me as least. "HEY! Did you guys hear about someone plowing Foleo?!?" "PERI!" "What?" Peri shrugs at Charlotte as she glares at him...Not noticing how me and Rin stiffen at that. "Do you really think they need to know that!?!" "Yes, they are my friends now and they need to know that Foleo was made a Bit-" "CAN WE NOT DISCUSS THAT IN FRONT OF THESE PEOPLE!!!?!?!?" Siegbert screams out loud...just in time for the refs to come in to lead us out. He look at me with a hard stare..and I do the same to him. "We settle this now, prepare to regret choosing to come here..."
  27. "Please, I hope your daddy isn't out there, cause he gonna see his oldest son be made to a bitch as well." Snarling, Siegbert with Liquel stomp out with Charlotte, Silas, and their monsters following them. Peri looks at us and nod. "Good luck!, Peri thinks you gonna do well!" As she leaves out with her Stinger.
  29. "Well....shall we?" Rin nods at me as I nod back and lead the way out for us. The arena seems more grandiose than the ones back home. Jumbotron on each exit with a ceiling. People walking in the stands selling food and beer with signs for Siegbert to cheer him on. I look up at the Northern section and in the private box is the royals and their friends...Xander with a stiff look, That hot-ass Aunt Camilla up there, and 2 other nobles with purple hair that I can only assume are her kids....making her a MILF!....Anyway...The 3 of them are with Foleo sitting next to his dad. Me, Rin, and Jotaro stand through the whole speech of Xander giving out in honor of something regarding one of their ancestors or something I look around and see a lot of media coverage from the Nohrian News team here., Must be for the royals being here I suppose....After that and the Nohrian Pledge(We payed our respects in it, not willing to deal with another controversy). we're finally told to go to our dugouts with the brackets shown on the screens. Siegbert and me are on the opposite of the brackets, good enough for me. Make our win all the better over him in Finals.
  32. The 1st match is Siegbert's Liquel vs some Worm....It goes about as well as you expected for Liquel who wins via Time-Out after a long process which he peppered the Worm from afar with Smoke Bombs and Whirlwinds, Looking up at the crowd who's cheering for him and the royal box, Xander nods with an approving look while Camilla, her kids,~~Leo and Elise~~ and Foleo cheer for him. Siegbert doesn't look my way, Hmph...Not that I care as Rhiannon prep Jotaro up for our match. The next match is Cuddles vs a Pixie...Peri is jumping on her feet as she command her monster and I gotta admit, she's not bad. Sure she relies a bit too much on moves with high POW and low ACC like Drill Attack and Pierce..but her Cuddles can contend quite well as after tanking some Bolts, he get in a good hit with Pierce. After that connects, Cuddles throw out a Belly Punch that KOs the Pixie. Peri take in the cheers as she head back to her dugout.
  35. "Time for our match, Any thing else you need to know about Falco?" Rhiannon check back with me after making sure Jotaro's ready. Standing up and hugging her for good luck. "Nah, I'm good." "Then go get that thot, big bro!" I nod and head out with Jotaro to fight Charlotte and her Falco, Samson...
  38. (Soleil)
  41. Ever since Jalen and Rin with Jotaro went to Nohr, I've been at their ranch watching it over and keeping it intact while Inigo stay at our ranch. I've been taking advantage of the drills here for their monster as I jog with Andrea behind me. My body is sweating into my sweatsuit as we finish the sprint towards the finish line. Crossing it, I look back and see Andrea breathing hard, I rub her head and let her know how proud of her I am as we head back. Right now, I imagine Jalen's getting ready for that Maelstorm Cup to win it, He's just scared that he would lose to me again~ That's why he went to Nohr.
  43. Inside the home, I tell Andrea to go relax as I go upstairs and shower in Jalen's bathroom. After a good 30 mins of washing my body, I get dressed in his room. While in there, I rub his bed in a contemplating manner. "I miss you, come home so I can mess with you, you damned asshole..." I've come to terms with my feelings for him since he left...they say you never appreciate things until they are gone and every night since he had left....I had some lonely nights...Now in a bad mood, I sulk my way to the freezer downstairs in the kitchen and was about to grab the Chocolate Ice Cream...but something told me not to pick that up from the feeling of dread in my head...sooo I pick up the Lime Ice Cream instead and head to the couch where Andrea is at, watching her MLP cartoons. I pick the remote up and change it...much to her whining. "Oh calm down, It's time to watch the Maelstorm Cup and watch Jalen!" Andrea glares at me and mutter to herself, but joins me in watching the match.
  46. After that long and somewhat boring pledge and's time for the cup to finally begin! Starting with the damned prince's Antlan winning his match via Timeout...The level of camerawork is impressive, but I imagine it's only cause of the fact that the royal family are in attendance with shots of them shown...Next match is a Stinger vs a Granity(Pixie/Golem) where that breeder is somewhat crazy...but hey, she won with efficiency, so that's good for her...Finally, the next match is Jalen and Jotaro who step out to fight against a blonde woman that's wearing a lot of fancy clothing...a bit too much for me, but whatever...there appear to be some trash talking coming from that woman while her Falco taunts Jotaro..Both him and Jalen look bored out of their mind, as the announcers begin the match...Jotaro leaps in and grab the Falco by his head after dodging a punch from said Falco, flip over him, and slam him to the ground for a brutal and quick KO!
  48. "Heh..." I turn to Andrea with a nervous smile."I'm glad that's not us out there." She nods back sweating..Knowing 1st hand how strong Jotaro is..."Then again." Turning back to the screen with a smirk. "We're just as strong as them....That being said..." I put on some foam fingers and pull out some popcorn with Andrea doing the same with pop for us. "GO JAY AND RIN! WHOOP THEIR ASSES!!!!"
  50. (Jalen)
  52. "AND FURTHER MORE...." What the hell is this woman even saying? Something about proving her worth to Siegbert? Man, whatever...I don't got time for this shit. As soon as that bell ring...
  54. RING!
  55. "Collar Throw"
  57. And at that, Jotaro runs in to perform the attack on Samson after dodging the punch thrown by it, he leaps up to grab the head and throw the muscular bird-demon towards the ground with a sickening crack. The crowd is very much silent from it before bursting into cheers from the sheer power. Heh, Guess Nohr likes Carnage....Jotaro walk back towards me and nod as we fistbump, and then get hugged by Rin with her kissing his head and praising him. I look around and see various reactions...Siegbert's contemptible to Per look, to Charlotte's angered look with tears, to Silas's look of interested...and finally Peri's look of awe. Oh boy, I think I may have a Beta...and it's Peri.
  59. The next matches go on smoothly with the new arena becoming the Rock Terrain for the last 4 matches with the next matches being Liquel vs Cuddles and Jotaro vs Stassen..The Battleleon of Silas. At the moment, Cuddles and Liquel are going at it.Cuddles doing pretty good actually, landing a Stab and Tail Slash on him while keeping the pressure...But with 20 seconds left, Liquel lands a clutch Fire Punch that leads to a Punch Rush...landing enough hits to stall Cuddles out with Crescents and Smoke Bombs. Time runs out with Liquel announced the winner with the crowd chanting his name as Siegbert bows before them. "We gonna stomp that bastard." Rhiannon speaks to me as we get ready to fight Silas and Strassen. "Hey, that Garu have more DEF than a pure one..but less SPD cause of it." "Allright, I'll keep that in mind, Thanks Rin." I hug her before me and Jotaro walk out to the field where Silas and Strassen awaits.
  61. "Allright! I've been told of you and that Hare of yours from Siegbert! Show me your power!" What a jovial fellow, seems his Battleleon is into this as well. I nod at him and look at Jotaro. "Well...You heard the man." Turning back to the foes before just before the fight begins..with a menacing smile.
  63. "Show him your moves."
  66. (Soleil)
  68. Man, Jalen never fail to disappoint. Jotaro's performance so far is making a buzz on Twitter regarding Nohrians after that crushing victory over Samson, With trends like #KillerRabbit, #PsychoBunny.or my favorite...#DemonHare. HA! If they think Jotaro's bad, then they can't handle Andrea! The next match is between Prince Punk and Local Scene LOLOMG1!1 Le Epic Meme Girl(I don't like neither one). Scene girl's Stinger is impressive, I'll admit...Seems like she's training him in SKI and POW, Nagas's specialties and it was appearing that it was gonna pay off in a win, but then Liquel gets one lucky-ass Fire Punch and suddenly he's the winner! Pah! This is why I support longer matches or even KOs only...So shit like that won't happen!
  70. Whatever...It's Jotaro's match up next as he will face off a Battleleon...Hmmmm, I'm curious on how this match will go...after some talking between the 2, the match begins with Strassen launching into a Fire Charge towards Jotaro who dodges it quite skillfully and counters back with a Back Blow...Strassen duck under it and use a sweeping Wild Kick to knock Jotaro down, but Jotaro avoids it and connect a well aimed and powerful Kung-Fu Blow to Strassen's head! The Garu is skidding back a bit before stopping and was gonna run in when that breeder of his command him to stop and take a small moment to collect himself...That Breeder isn't too bad, I suppose. His Garu does so and launch a Tornado from his arm towards Jotaro! He didn't had enough time to dodge it and is picked by it before getting out of it, but he took considerable amount of damage from it as well as some minor Guts lost...However, Jalen doesn't seem too fazed, hell he's smirking...That asshole must have a plan!...And he does as Jotaro is ordered to end it with Kung-Fu Kick! The Hare uses the rocks to his advantage as he hops from one to another with impressive speed and then end it with a leaping kick to Strassen that send the Garu flying through rocks!!! The dust settle from it all as we see Strassen KO'ed, but not as injured as Samson was. Silas sighs, but smiles and nod at Jalen. Thanking him for the match. Jalen (May I add cooly...meow~) nods and walk back with Jotaro to their dugout with a ecstatic Rin awaits them.
  73. "FUCK YEAH!!!" standing up with a fistpump and spilling Popcorn on the floor, I blink and look at Andrea who look at me with a confused look. Embarassed, I sit back down with a scowl. "Don't get all weirded out cause I'm cheering for my alpha....Not like I-I like him or anything." She speaks in her language with a snarky tone that make me realized how cliche I was there. "I KNOW THAT WAS SO LAME TO SAY! SHUT UP AND WATCH THE FIGHT!!!" Damned Fairy Hare laughs at me as I facepalm...Oh well. The 3rd place match begins with me not giving a damn for it.(PS: Scene Girl...or Peri I guess, wins the match).
  75. NOW! Now is the fabled Finals between Jalen and Prince Pussy-ass bitch!
  78. (Jalen)
  80. Here we the Finals against the prince of Nohr....The crowd's roaring and cheering for him and Liquel..So many signs in the crowd for him. Tho, I do hear some chants of my name and Jotaro's in there...either some Ylissians or Nohrians who are impressed by us. Whatever it is, They have not impact on this match of us.
  82. "I'll admit; I'm somewhat impressed by you beating some of Nohr's fin-" "If you consider Charlotte one of Nohr's finest, then your nation have issues." At that claim, Siegbert's fans boo and jeer me for being a dick towards her. but I ignore them as Rin defend me as usual..."Hmph, I'll let that claim towards my Beta pass..Consider yourself lucky, peasant!" He points upwards to the Noble box where his family reside...the stern look of his father appearing on the jumbotron. "Not many occasions where Father come out, hopefully you can put up a good show as I defeat you here, hm?" Always the smug lil punk, huh? "Well Siegbert, when me and Jotaro get done with you and Liquel..." I look up at the box. "You're gonna be made to look like what your brother just went through...Like a bitch." I didn't care for the crowd's reactions...nor Siegbert's expected angered cry, nor even his family members(Tho I notice Camilla holding back a laugh...What a mean auntie, holy shit lol) Xander's stoic and none-caring look bored me..But Foleo's face worried me...he look...flustered by it with a blushing look? The fuck? Anyway...Siegbert's ranting as usual. "I'll make you pay for that, Knave!" "Dude...My name is Jalen...Remember that." "SILENCE!"
  84. The match begins with both monsters standing still...none of us wanted to make a move that will get whiffed and Jotaro and Liquel begin to shuffle around each other...keeping the other in their sight...Until Liquel shoots Lightning from his armblade at Jotaro who dodge it. However, I tell him to defend himself as Liquel is upon him with Punch Rush....Some of the fists connects on Jotaro before he dodge them all. Here, I tell him to use Spin Kick when he sees an opening, and he does so by dodging to the side while spinning and land a foot on Liquel's chest. This gives us some distance to close in on, but then Liquel shock us by unleasing not only his 2 blades, but then Siegbert command him to use Shadow Dance? Wait, oh fuck....Liquel just fucking made a shadow clone of himself and is now running towards Jotaro! Jotao dodge one, but get cut by one. And it becomes as cycle of dodging one only to get cutted by the other one. At this point, there's minor cuts on Jotaro's body as he is somewhat bloodied..but then I hatch up a plan right there to save him.
  86. "Jotaro! Grab both of them and throw them!" Hearing this, Jotaro reach out and grabs the wrists of both Liquels with each arms. "WHAT!?! Liquel, break free!" Nope! Too late! Jotaro now fling both of them to different of them turning to smoke being the fake as Jotaro pursue the real one and land a couple of hits on him before Liquel lands and block a Straight..."Jotaro, stay on him!" "Get back with Whirlwind!" Damnit! Liquel jumps and spin, making a tornado to blow Jotaro back..."NOW USE CRESCENT!" SHIT! Jotaro couldn't dodge the attack as he is hurled towards a rock and is stuck on it thanks to Liquel's horns. Liquel lands and is prepping a fist on fire now....Panic is on both me and Rin's face as the timer(Holy shit, we forgot
  88. "ANY LAST WORDS?!? NO, NO NEED TO HEAR YOUR PATHETIC LAST SENTENCE! LIQUEL, FLARE PUNCH!!!" Liquel shouts and flies his way towards Jotaro who's stuck....or so he thinks. My sudden smirk makes Siegbert pause a bit.."JOTARO! LET GO OF YOUR INNER BEAST AND CRUSH LIQUEL!!" Jotaro let out a roar of fury, eyes glowing deep red now, as he use his feet to kick him off the rock and take the horns off..he grab the horns and flung them towards Liquel who dodge them en route to Jotaro...But didn't dodge the following Kung-Fu Blow to his face.
  90. "LIQUEL!" "Remember Siegbert..." His panicking face makes my smirk grow wider... "Like a bitch." And thus, Jotaro, roaring with rage. Unleash a brutal combo consisting of Hard Straights,Kung-Fu Blows, High and Spin Kicks...and ending it witha Heavy Smash that sendsLiquel through 4 rocks and out of the arena.
  92. With that, I'm declared the winner with Rin running out there to pick up a tired Jotaro with tears of joy as I pat him on the back. I look up to see the reactions...Seems Camilla's side of her family are impressed, if not intrigued..I haven't forgotten me and Rin's plans for Camilla..however, Xander's look of disgusted and comtempt makes me mad, but I don't show it on my face, but my voice clearly shows it.
  94. "So that's how it's gonna be....Fine then.." "Something's wrong, brother?". Rin look at me with a worried look. I shake my head with a smile.. "Nah...Let's go home." We leave the thought on my mind.
  96. "(I'm gonna fuck the hell outta Soleil)"
  100. (Soleil)
  103. "FUCKING HELL YEAH!!!" I take my shirt off and swing it in the air after seeing Jotaro make an amazing comeback against that Antlan!. Jalen and Co didn't see it, but Siegbert was crying like a fucking bitch! As I was dancing around the house with Andrea, we began to twerk or asses off when...
  105. "Sister...the hell are you doing?"
  107. I stop and slowly turn my head towards a blushing Inigo with widen eyes. "I'm not shocked that you're doing this..but I am shocked that you're doing this in Jal-" "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!?!" Embarassed for the 2nd time today, Inigo flinches before getting his bearings back. and smiling.
  109. "I got WONDERFUL news!" I roll my eyes as I put my shirt back on.. "Oh boy, what is it?" I guess he didn't sense the sarcasm in my voice as he shouts at me.
  114. That's fin-Wait what? That skank wanna date my brother?!?...This doesn't make any sense...why would she do so now? What's the fucking purpose? I didn't tell Inigo of my suspicions cause honestly....I'm hoping I'm wrong and just being super protective. While he is busy telling me things that I save to tell Jalen...2 things are in my mind...
  117. "(I'm gonna fuck the love into Jalen....and THEN...I'll find out WHY you wanna date my brother, you devil-haired skank!)"
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