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a guest
Jun 18th, 2019
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text 1.76 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ------ Compilação iniciada: Projeto: zlib-1.2.11, Configuração: Release Win32 ------
  2. 1>adler32.c
  3. 1>compress.c
  4. 1>crc32.c
  5. 1>deflate.c
  6. 1>gzclose.c
  7. 1>gzlib.c
  8. 1>gzread.c
  9. 1>gzwrite.c
  10. 1>infback.c
  11. 1>inffast.c
  12. 1>inflate.c
  13. 1>inftrees.c
  14. 1>trees.c
  15. 1>uncompr.c
  16. 1>zutil.c
  17. 1>zlib-1.2.11.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Pedro Domenech\Desktop\Client 23-05\vc2017\..\src\external\lib\zlib.lib
  18. 2>------ Compilação iniciada: Projeto: png-1.6.34, Configuração: Release Win32 ------
  19. 2>png.c
  20. 2>pngerror.c
  21. 2>pngget.c
  22. 2>pngmem.c
  23. 2>pngpread.c
  24. 2>pngread.c
  25. 2>pngrio.c
  26. 2>pngrtran.c
  27. 2>pngrutil.c
  28. 2>pngset.c
  29. 2>pngtest.c
  30. 2>pngtrans.c
  31. 2>pngwio.c
  32. 2>pngwrite.c
  33. 2>pngwtran.c
  34. 2>pngwutil.c
  35. 2>LINK : warning LNK4068: /MACHINE nÒo especificada; padronizando para X86
  36. 2>png-1.6.34.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Pedro Domenech\Desktop\Client 23-05\vc2017\..\src\external\lib\libpng_a.lib
  37. 2>Projeto de compilação pronto "png-1.6.34.vcxproj".
  38. 3>------ Compilação iniciada: Projeto: Tibia, Configuração: Release Win32 ------
  39. 3>animator.cpp
  40. 3>dllmain.cpp
  41. 3>Imbuements.cpp
  42. 3>Market.cpp
  43. 3>Outfits.cpp
  44. 3>Store.cpp
  45. 3>Updater.cpp
  46. 3>GUI_Button.cpp
  47. 3>GUI_CheckBox.cpp
  48. 3>GUI_Element.cpp
  49. 3>GUI_Grouper.cpp
  50. 3>GUI_Icon.cpp
  51. 3>GUI_ItemViewer.cpp
  52. 3>GUI_Label.cpp
  53. 3>GUI_ScrollBar.cpp
  54. 3>GUI_Separator.cpp
  55. 3>GUI_StaticImage.cpp
  56. 3>GUI_TextBox.cpp
  57. 3>GUI_Texture.cpp
  58. 3>GUI_Window.cpp
  59. 3>hook.cpp
  60. 3>protocolgame.cpp
  61. 3>protocollogin.cpp
  62. 3>resource.cpp
  63. 3>thingManager.cpp
  64. 3>util.cpp
  65. 3>Gerando código
  66. 3>All 3235 functions were compiled because no usable IPDB/IOBJ from previous compilation was found.
  67. 3>Finalizada a geração de código
  68. 3>Tibia.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Pedro Domenech\Desktop\Client 23-05\vc2017\Release\Tibia.dll
  69. ========== Compilar: 3 com êxito, 0 com falha, 0 atualizados, 0 ignorados ==========
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