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May 20th, 2019
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  1. ** (EthereumJSONRPC.DecodeError) Failed to decode Ethereum JSONRPC response:
  3. request:
  5. url:
  7. body: [{"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"debug_traceTransaction","params":["0xd5afb604a419356f9e438287c15d2935c225e6d54ada7de0abdc9fb28a6381d9",{"tracer":"// tracer allows Geth's `debug_traceTransaction` to mimic the output of Parity's `trace_replayTransaction`\n{\n // The call stack of the EVM execution.\n callStack: [{}],\n\n // step is invoked for every opcode that the VM executes.\n step(log, db) {\n // Capture any errors immediately\n const error = log.getError();\n\n if (error !== undefined) {\n this.fault(log, db);\n } else {\n this.success(log, db);\n }\n },\n\n // fault is invoked when the actual execution of an opcode fails.\n fault(log, db) {\n // If the topmost call already reverted, don't handle the additional fault again\n if (this.topCall().error === undefined) {\n this.putError(log);\n }\n },\n\n putError(log) {\n if (this.callStack.length > 1) {\n this.putErrorInTopCall(log);\n } else {\n this.putErrorInBottomCall(log);\n }\n },\n\n putErrorInTopCall(log) {\n // Pop off the just failed call\n const call = this.callStack.pop();\n this.putErrorInCall(log, call);\n this.pushChildCall(call);\n },\n\n putErrorInBottomCall(log) {\n const call = this.bottomCall();\n this.putErrorInCall(log, call);\n },\n\n putErrorInCall(log, call) {\n call.error = log.getError();\n\n // Consume all available gas and clean any leftovers\n if (call.gasBigInt !== undefined) {\n call.gasUsedBigInt = call.gasBigInt;\n }\n\n delete call.outputOffset;\n delete call.outputLength;\n },\n\n topCall() {\n return this.callStack[this.callStack.length - 1];\n },\n\n bottomCall() {\n return this.callStack[0];\n },\n\n pushChildCall(childCall) {\n const topCall = this.topCall();\n\n if (topCall.calls === undefined) {\n topCall.calls = [];\n }\n\n topCall.calls.push(childCall);\n },\n\n success(log, db) {\n const op = log.op.toString();\n\n this.beforeOp(log, db);\n\n switch (op) {\n case 'CREATE':\n this.createOp(log);\n break;\n case 'SELFDESTRUCT':\n this.selfDestructOp(log, db);\n break;\n case 'CALL':\n case 'CALLCODE':\n case 'DELEGATECALL':\n case 'STATICCALL':\n this.callOp(log, op);\n break;\n case 'REVERT':\n this.revertOp();\n break;\n }\n },\n\n beforeOp(log, db) {\n /**\n * Depths\n * 0 - `ctx`. Never shows up in `log.getDepth()`\n * 1 - first level of `log.getDepth()`\n *\n * callStack indexes\n *\n * 0 - pseudo-call stand-in for `ctx` in initializer (`callStack: [{}]`)\n * 1 - first callOp inside of `ctx`\n */\n const logDepth = log.getDepth();\n const callStackDepth = this.callStack.length;\n\n if (logDepth < callStackDepth) {\n // Pop off the last call and get the execution results\n const call = this.callStack.pop();\n\n call.gasUsedBigInt = call.gasBigInt.subtract(log.getGas());\n\n const ret = log.stack.peek(0);\n\n if (!ret.equals(0)) {\n if (call.type === 'create') {\n call.createdContractAddressHash = toHex(toAddress(ret.toString(16)));\n call.createdContractCode = toHex(db.getCode(toAddress(ret.toString(16))));\n } else {\n call.output = toHex(log.memory.slice(call.outOff, call.outOff + call.outLen));\n }\n } else if (call.error === undefined) {\n call.error = 'internal failure';\n }\n\n delete call.outputOffset;\n delete call.outputLength;\n\n this.pushChildCall(call);\n }\n },\n\n createOp(log) {\n const inputOffset = log.stack.peek(1).valueOf();\n const inputLength = log.stack.peek(2).valueOf();\n const inputEnd = inputOffset + inputLength;\n const stackValue = log.stack.peek(0);\n\n const call = {\n type: 'create',\n from: toHex(log.contract.getAddress()),\n init: toHex(log.memory.slice(inputOffset, inputEnd)),\n gasBigInt: bigInt(log.getGas()),\n valueBigInt: bigInt(stackValue.toString(10))\n };\n this.callStack.push(call);\n },\n\n selfDestructOp(log, db) {\n const contractAddress = log.contract.getAddress();\n\n this.pushChildCall({\n type: 'selfdestruct',\n from: toHex(contractAddress),\n to: toHex(toAddress(log.stack.peek(0).toString(16))),\n gasBigInt: bigInt(log.getGas()),\n valueBigInt: db.getBalance(contractAddress)\n });\n },\n\n callOp(log, op) {\n const to = toAddress(log.stack.peek(1).toString(16));\n\n // Skip any pre-compile invocations, those are just fancy opcodes\n if (!isPrecompiled(to)) {\n this.callCustomOp(log, op, to);\n }\n },\n\n callCustomOp(log, op, to) {\n const stackOffset = (op === 'DELEGATECALL' || op === 'STATICCALL' ? 0 : 1);\n\n const inputOffset = log.stack.peek(2 + stackOffset).valueOf();\n const inputLength = log.stack.peek(3 + stackOffset).valueOf();\n const inputEnd = inputOffset + inputLength;\n\n const call = {\n type: 'call',\n callType: op.toLowerCase(),\n from: toHex(log.contract.getAddress()),\n to: toHex(to),\n gasBigInt: bigInt(log.getGas()),\n input: toHex(log.memory.slice(inputOffset, inputEnd)),\n outputOffset: log.stack.peek(4 + stackOffset).valueOf(),\n outputLength: log.stack.peek(5 + stackOffset).valueOf()\n };\n\n switch (op) {\n case 'CALL':\n case 'CALLCODE':\n call.valueBigInt = bigInt(log.stack.peek(2));\n break;\n case 'DELEGATECALL':\n // value inherited from scope during call sequencing\n break;\n case 'STATICCALL':\n // by definition static calls transfer no value\n call.valueBigInt =;\n break;\n default:\n throw \"Unknown custom call op \" + op;\n }\n\n this.callStack.push(call);\n },\n\n revertOp() {\n this.topCall().error = 'execution reverted';\n },\n\n // result is invoked when all the opcodes have been iterated over and returns\n // the final result of the tracing.\n result(ctx, db) {\n const result = this.ctxToResult(ctx, db);\n const filtered = this.filterNotUndefined(result);\n const callSequence = this.sequence(filtered, [], filtered.valueBigInt, filtered.gasUsedBigInt, []).callSequence;\n return this.encodeCallSequence(callSequence);\n },\n\n ctxToResult(ctx, db) {\n var result;\n\n switch (ctx.type) {\n case 'CALL':\n result = this.ctxToCall(ctx);\n break;\n case 'CREATE':\n result = this.ctxToCreate(ctx, db);\n break;\n }\n\n return result;\n },\n\n ctxToCall(ctx) {\n const result = {\n type: 'call',\n callType: 'call',\n from: toHex(ctx.from),\n to: toHex(,\n valueBigInt: bigInt(ctx.value.toString(10)),\n gasBigInt: bigInt(ctx.gas),\n (truncated)
  8. eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate 19899192 bytes of memory (of type "old_heap").
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