
Cyberpunk: Session 3: Without a Leg to Stand On

Oct 12th, 2013
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Saturday, October 12, 2013
  3. 7:51 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and you wouldn't really look that spergy
  4. 7:51 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I'm not guying a bike helmet
  5. 7:51 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: why not everyone should have a cyan bike helmet (or was it pink?)
  6. 7:51 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I'd look spergy because I'll have to be like 'oh its from a video game'
  7. 7:51 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: cyan
  8. 7:51 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge has changed their name to The Unnerfable Entropy.
  9. 7:52 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: eh, video games are so popular nowadays a ton of people are probably gonna dress up as a game character
  10. 7:53 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ye
  11. 7:56 PM - Hotline MeltingData: im doin jacket with a friend
  12. 7:56 PM - Hotline MeltingData: and my other friend is biker :v
  13. 7:59 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: None of my friend played hotline
  14. 7:59 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: friends*
  15. 7:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: make them play it
  16. 7:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: it's a great game
  17. 7:59 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I can't
  18. 7:59 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: they are all wimpy sperg lords who are bad at games
  19. 7:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: so am I and I love hotline
  20. 8:00 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: kill them
  21. 8:00 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: and don't appreciate astethic
  22. 8:00 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: kill them all johnny
  23. 8:00 PM - Hotline MeltingData: i send my friends installers off humble bundle of good games
  24. 8:00 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: kill'em again
  25. 8:00 PM - Hotline MeltingData: and then they play them because they're free and are a gift
  26. 8:00 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ma johnny
  27. 8:00 PM - Hotline MeltingData: c:
  28. 8:00 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: also none of my friends really play the computer
  29. 8:00 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: all console fags
  30. 8:01 PM - Hotline MeltingData: all of my friends play both
  31. 8:01 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: horrifing
  32. 8:01 PM - Hotline MeltingData: because they're not stupid
  33. 8:01 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well HM was ported on the VIta (and the PS3 too I think?) so there's that
  34. 8:01 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: also yeah I like both consoles and the PC
  35. 8:01 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: my friends don't have vitas :V
  36. 8:01 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well can't fault them for that
  37. 8:01 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: and the ones that play video games just play xbox
  38. 8:01 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: pleb 2 the max
  39. 8:02 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: my xbox is my only remotely good piece of gaming hardware :v
  40. 8:02 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: go buy a ps3 you pleb
  41. 8:02 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: and drown in the fantastic exclusives
  42. 8:02 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: ps3 games are super expensive though around here
  43. 8:03 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: which reminds me, Ciaster, do you Polish polish Polish poles?
  44. 8:03 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: like, when compared to the average monthly salary, they don't fuck us on exchange rates or anything
  45. 8:03 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: maybe
  47. 8:04 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: that is fucking weird
  48. 8:04 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: don't the usually compensate for that?
  49. 8:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: wouldn't have any profit then I suppose
  50. 8:04 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: GM my seat belt is broken
  51. 8:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: not to mention that they gotta translate the games too
  52. 8:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: roll for basic tech to fix it
  53. 8:04 PM - Hotline MeltingData: ciaster my bum hurts i cant sit down
  54. 8:05 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: in russia, games are like 20 bucks
  55. 8:05 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I can do that, 10+1d10
  56. 8:05 PM - Hotline MeltingData: its because of the awful butt wrecking entropy does :'''(
  57. 8:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah unfortunately (and fortunately too actually) we're not russia :v
  58. 8:05 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I WOULD have done that to fix my motorcycle but SOMEBODY felt like NERFING an AMAZING CHARACTER because he was TOO AWESOME
  59. 8:05 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: brb gotta get a drink
  60. 8:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: also entropy's gonna be wrecking less butt when he gets carted away by the C-SWAT
  61. 8:05 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: uh no
  62. 8:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: which should be soon c:
  63. 8:06 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: we arleady agreed on a fix for that
  64. 8:06 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: unless you changed it again in which case die in a fire
  65. 8:06 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: back
  66. 8:06 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh yeah, dammit
  67. 8:07 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: ha
  68. 8:07 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: guys
  69. 8:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: *grumble*likeahalfofapointmatters*grumble*
  70. 8:07 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ive got a cunning plan
  71. 8:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I'm already scared
  72. 8:07 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: as a fixer
  73. 8:07 PM - Hotline MeltingData:
  74. 8:07 PM - Hotline MeltingData: holy fuck
  75. 8:07 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Oi, I changed my base emp to 3 so you'd quit your bitching
  76. 8:07 PM - Hotline MeltingData: my penis
  77. 8:07 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: i'll call some chop shop mechanic or whatever to come and tow us or something
  78. 8:08 PM - Wing Attack Plan R:
  79. 8:08 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I like how we're having a conversation and you just butt ( heh) in with "my penis"
  80. 8:08 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: gut a cunnin plan
  81. 8:08 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: wrong chat probably :V
  82. 8:08 PM - Hotline MeltingData: sorry gm
  83. 8:08 PM - Hotline MeltingData: my penis is just too important
  84. 8:09 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and ya know you can probably get a deac'd RPG too and it'd be a real one not a cheap airsoft copy
  85. 8:10 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so uh
  86. 8:10 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: gm
  87. 8:10 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: hell you live in Florida just go diving and you'll probably find one some arms trafficker dropped in the water or something
  88. 8:10 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: anyway yeah
  89. 8:10 PM - Hotline MeltingData: nigga
  90. 8:10 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: :V
  91. 8:10 PM - Hotline MeltingData: you cant shoot someone with a deac'd rpg-7
  92. 8:10 PM - Hotline MeltingData: also airsoft is fun af
  93. 8:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you can't shoot someone with an airsoft rpg either m8
  94. 8:11 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ;p;
  95. 8:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I know it's fun, didn't say it wasn't
  96. 8:11 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: lol
  97. 8:11 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: gay
  98. 8:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: wait it actually works holy shit
  99. 8:11 PM - Hotline MeltingData: yes
  100. 8:11 PM - Hotline MeltingData: you totally can
  101. 8:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I take that back this owns
  102. 8:11 PM - Hotline MeltingData: because its airsoft
  103. 8:11 PM - Hotline MeltingData: told ya nigga
  104. 8:11 PM - Hotline MeltingData: l2read
  105. 8:12 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: shame it's got mock wood furniture tho
  106. 8:12 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: anyway
  107. 8:12 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I remember when I was playing paintball
  108. 8:12 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I found a grenade on a log
  109. 8:12 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so rolz
  110. 8:12 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: ciastersCP2020Bonanza
  111. 8:12 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: and me and my friend didn't really know how to use it
  112. 8:12 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: so we though we'd test it
  113. 8:12 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: pull the pin, let go of the spoon, chuck
  114. 8:12 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: and we threw it in a place where no one was
  115. 8:13 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: we didn't know the delay on the grenade
  116. 8:13 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: and we wasted a grenade
  117. 8:13 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: gg
  118. 8:13 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: anywayyyyy
  119. 8:13 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: when there was like 8 people in the log next to us
  120. 8:13 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: when we left off
  121. 8:13 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: y'all were stranded in the middle of the NCX
  122. 8:14 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and Ryan who isn't here called for a car
  123. 8:14 PM - Merchant: car is gone
  124. 8:14 PM - Merchant: gg
  125. 8:14 PM - Merchant: disappeared
  126. 8:14 PM - Merchant: never to be seen
  127. 8:14 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: A banged up red minivan with a broken driver's side window rolls up to the group. The driver leans out the
  128. window and yells: "Hey, boss, I'm here! Sorry it took me so long, the fucker at the gate didn't want to let
  129. me in. Took some, heh, convincin'. Anyway, where ya wanna go?"
  130. 8:14 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: if you mean the car you jumped out of the plane on?
  131. 8:14 PM - Merchant: nvm
  132. 8:14 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: it lost all of its tires
  133. 8:14 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: pay attention you pleb
  134. 8:14 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: that wasn't the car he was talking about
  135. 8:15 PM - Hotline MeltingData has changed their name to El Aguila Quema.
  136. 8:15 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: also that was not a car it was an APC :spergin:
  137. 8:15 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "Away from here. We're probably being boxed in as we speak."
  138. 8:15 PM - Merchant: lol
  139. 8:15 PM - Merchant: this ain't fucking borne yo
  140. 8:16 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: "Sure thing, get in! Might wanna chuck the damn kid seat out though, didn't have time to take it out when I was takin' it."
  141. 8:16 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Entropy and Orphaner get in the van
  142. 8:16 PM - Merchant: :V
  143. 8:16 PM - Merchant: Merchant gets in toooooooo
  144. 8:16 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: mr. random goon leader takes a seat in the back
  145. 8:16 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: And so does everyone else.
  146. 8:16 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: He needs a name
  147. 8:16 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I think I'll call him Tool
  148. 8:16 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Yeah I know
  149. 8:17 PM - El Aguila Quema: toolio
  150. 8:17 PM - Merchant: coolio
  151. 8:17 PM - Merchant: the rapper
  152. 8:17 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so uh
  153. 8:18 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: The piece of shit minivan blasts past the gate of the airport (you manage to catch a glimpse of the security guard laying motionless on the floor of his booth as you drive by) and starts driving in the direction of Entropy's house.
  154. 8:18 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: roll Awareness/Notice everyone!
  155. 8:18 PM - Merchant: ooooooo
  156. 8:19 PM - Merchant: 23
  157. 8:19 PM - El Aguila Quema: wat
  158. 8:19 PM - El Aguila Quema: how do again
  159. 8:19 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 6
  160. 8:19 PM - Merchant: lol entropy fag
  161. 8:19 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: oh shit
  162. 8:19 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: forgot my int
  163. 8:19 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: lol 6
  164. 8:19 PM - Merchant: the awarness skill
  165. 8:19 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so 12
  166. 8:19 PM - Merchant: its also called notice
  167. 8:19 PM - El Aguila Quema: no shit
  168. 8:19 PM - El Aguila Quema: what do i add to it
  169. 8:19 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: awareness/notice + REF I think + 1d10
  170. 8:19 PM - El Aguila Quema: 1d10+awareness+???
  171. 8:19 PM - El Aguila Quema: im so confused
  172. 8:19 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: either ref or int
  173. 8:19 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Awareness/Notice+Int_1d10
  174. 8:19 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: not that hard
  175. 8:20 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: or just check the book :v
  176. 8:20 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I have it in my sheet
  177. 8:20 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: It's Int
  178. 8:20 PM - El Aguila Quema: 22
  179. 8:20 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: btw there's STAT boxes on the sheet
  180. 8:20 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: they're there for a reason guys c:
  181. 8:20 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: But everyone except me is a pleb and doesn't know how to use them
  182. 8:20 PM - Merchant: my sheet is best sheet
  183. 8:20 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "OMG GM WAT AM SKIL UZE? HALP PLS"
  184. 8:21 PM - Merchant: i will accept that to be in character
  185. 8:21 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Merchant and Aguila notice a banged up, suspicious looking taxi a few cars behind them."
  186. 8:21 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I will accept that I will kick you out of the moving van
  187. 8:21 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: why the hell I always add that aphostrophe at the end
  188. 8:21 PM - Merchant: "You guys see that?"
  189. 8:22 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: You keep watching the taxi, as it gradually gets closer, and closer.
  190. 8:22 PM - Merchant: "Looks like someone might be trailing us"
  191. 8:22 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'm going to blame Entropy's mirror shades at night for his poor vision
  192. 8:22 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: :V
  193. 8:22 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Worth the coolness
  194. 8:22 PM - El Aguila Quema: "The yellow car tails us."
  195. 8:22 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: at least, I assume it's night
  196. 8:22 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: it feels like it should be night
  197. 8:22 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Finally, when it's right behind you, and you can see the whites of the taxi passengers' eyes, one of the passengers leans out the window with an UZI.
  198. 8:22 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah it's night
  199. 8:23 PM - Merchant: "Shit drive"
  200. 8:23 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: He starts firing, another guy follows suit.
  201. 8:23 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "If you value your life, driver, I suggest you drive faster."
  202. 8:23 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: (you guys should probably shoot back or something)
  203. 8:23 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: "Oh shit!"
  204. 8:23 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I wait for a lull in their fire then shoot the front tire
  205. 8:24 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: For being shot would be dire
  206. 8:24 PM - Merchant: :V
  207. 8:24 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Your driver steps on it, but there's only so fast an old econobox family minivan can go. The taxi slams in the back of your car, seemingly trying to push you off the road.
  208. 8:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: appy that is a shit rap
  209. 8:24 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so is there a turn order in this or do I just roll
  210. 8:25 PM - Merchant: ask gm
  211. 8:25 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: fuck this, just roll
  212. 8:25 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: well then you can stick your head out the window and get shot pleb
  213. 8:25 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: rollin
  214. 8:25 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: action sequences ain't no time for turns and shit
  215. 8:25 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 24
  216. 8:25 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: and 20
  217. 8:25 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright, hang on, that's gonna be a lot of modifiers
  218. 8:25 PM - Merchant: we couid just go in chat order
  219. 8:25 PM - Merchant: so melting, me, and then appy
  220. 8:26 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: don't forget Tool!
  221. 8:26 PM - Merchant: and tool
  222. 8:26 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I think he's got a gun too, right?
  223. 8:26 PM - Merchant: no he just gets a power drill
  224. 8:26 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Can he giga drill break with it?
  225. 8:26 PM - El Aguila Quema: yeah we did chat order before
  226. 8:26 PM - Merchant: no
  227. 8:26 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah he's got a beretta but that's about it
  228. 8:26 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: then what the fuck good is it
  229. 8:26 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: chat order's fine
  230. 8:28 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Entropy's both shots go wide, which is what would probably happen if you tried to shoot out a tire from a moving car.
  231. 8:28 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: well shucks
  232. 8:28 PM - El Aguila Quema: ok
  233. 8:28 PM - El Aguila Quema: skip me since i have nothing to do this turn
  234. 8:28 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: NO
  235. 8:28 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: WAIT
  236. 8:28 PM - El Aguila Quema: and also i have to piss like mad
  237. 8:28 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Tool the Expendable Goon turns around and starts firing through the back window of the van.
  238. 8:28 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I can help you here just hang on and lemme type die a log
  239. 8:29 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: gotta roll for tool
  240. 8:29 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Entropy, pulling his head back into the car, addresses Aguila. "You, toss the child seat."
  241. 8:29 PM - Merchant: also skip my turn if I don't make it back
  242. 8:29 PM - Merchant: i gotta make some food
  243. 8:29 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: k
  244. 8:30 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: While we wait I'd like to point out that I had my first piece of pumpkin pie today and it is delicious
  245. 8:30 PM - El Aguila Quema: oh hey im back
  246. 8:30 PM - El Aguila Quema: nice one appy
  247. 8:30 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: also that's a fan fucking tastic idea seat chucking's exactly what you should do (seriously)
  248. 8:30 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: c:
  249. 8:30 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: ur welcum
  250. 8:30 PM - El Aguila Quema: yeah i was gonna do that if i came back in time
  251. 8:31 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: So just out of curiousity, Ciaster, what are the modifiers I'm getting for trying to shoot the tire out of a moving vehicle?
  252. 8:31 PM - El Aguila Quema: OK, so I grab the child seat, lean out the window, and toss it as hard as i can at the taxi's windshield
  253. 8:31 PM - El Aguila Quema: strength feat, martial arts, etc?
  254. 8:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: -5 (for moving target), -4 (firing from a vehicle), -6 (tiny target - it's a tire after all)
  255. 8:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: strength feat
  256. 8:32 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Wow, -15. Ouch
  257. 8:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah
  258. 8:33 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Even someone with max Ref, Handgun and who rolled a 10 would probably just barely make the cut
  259. 8:33 PM - El Aguila Quema: 25
  260. 8:33 PM - Merchant: back
  261. 8:34 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright since chucking a seat is significantly less precise and requires less finesse than firing guns, you manage to throw the cheap plastic and synthetic materials contraption that's apparently supposed to make kids more safe straight into the taxi's windshield.
  262. 8:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: so did i hit ye windshield
  263. 8:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: aw ye
  264. 8:34 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: also totally forgot about my gun's +2 accuracy, not that I'd have hit anyway
  265. 8:35 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: the light seat bounces off and disappears into the distance, but not without having cracked the windshield to shit. The taxi swerves dangerously all over the road.
  266. 8:35 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Anything else I can throw?"
  267. 8:35 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "I'd say yourself, but that would be impractical and a waste of resources."
  268. 8:35 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Tool fires a couple of shots, and makes a couple of holes in the car's hood, but fails to hit anything vital.
  269. 8:35 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Also awye my name for him stuck
  270. 8:35 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: c:
  271. 8:36 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Aguila reaches into the trunk and grabs a heavy repair kit.
  272. 8:36 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: now you've got plenty of ammo, buddy c:
  273. 8:36 PM - El Aguila Quema: aw ye
  274. 8:37 PM - El Aguila Quema: "I can lift myself pretty well, but throwing is out of the question."
  275. 8:37 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: the toolbox's full of various heavy wrenches and other stuff - stuff that makes repairing cars on the side of the road easy, and is really good at being an impromptu ground to ground projectile.
  276. 8:37 PM - El Aguila Quema: :v
  277. 8:38 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well, the guys in the taxi aren't gonna hit you for shit seeing as they're swerving all over the road right now
  278. 8:38 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: so you could lean out the window and try aiming
  279. 8:38 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and then nail the fuckers in the windshield with a monkey wrench or something
  280. 8:38 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Did Merchant go, or is it still Aguila's turn?
  281. 8:38 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: still aguila's turn
  282. 8:39 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: unless he wants to forfeit it
  283. 8:39 PM - El Aguila Quema: I grab a monkey wrench and throw it at the driver's side of the windshield.
  284. 8:39 PM - El Aguila Quema: 22
  285. 8:39 PM - El Aguila Quema: -3 for second action right?
  286. 8:39 PM - El Aguila Quema: so 19
  287. 8:39 PM - Merchant: its still aguilas
  288. 8:39 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah
  289. 8:40 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: the wrench narrowly misses the windshield, but manages to break off the driver's side mirror before sailing into the distance.
  290. 8:40 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: next up, Merchant!
  291. 8:40 PM - Merchant: ah
  292. 8:40 PM - Merchant: I'll just haphazardly shoot at them
  293. 8:41 PM - Merchant: i'll shoot twice at the car
  294. 8:41 PM - Merchant: 21 and 27
  295. 8:42 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Neither hits
  296. 8:42 PM - Merchant: cool cool
  297. 8:42 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: damn, how does a 27 miss?
  298. 8:42 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: next up is my favorite narcisstic op jazzman
  299. 8:42 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well, you get -15 in modifiers
  300. 8:42 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and you'd have to score at least 15 to hit
  301. 8:42 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: but he wasn't aiming at a tiny target like I was
  302. 8:43 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh shit yeah I forgot that somehow :v
  303. 8:43 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: fuck sorry Wing
  304. 8:43 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so I'd say that -6 for aiming at the tire should be less since he was just popping the car
  305. 8:43 PM - Merchant: its k
  306. 8:43 PM - Merchant: also does anyone have a phone?
  307. 8:43 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I do~
  308. 8:43 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: so that's only a -9 in which case the first shot.......... hits!
  309. 8:43 PM - Merchant: I could have just called a bootergang to start chasing them too
  310. 8:43 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: no idea what it hits though
  311. 8:43 PM - Merchant: a gang owes me a favor
  312. 8:43 PM - Merchant: should I roll for luck
  313. 8:44 PM - Merchant: to see if it hits something
  314. 8:44 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah, that works
  315. 8:44 PM - Merchant: important
  316. 8:44 PM - Merchant: 1d10+8?
  317. 8:44 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yep, pass and it hits one of the passengers, fail and it just hits the car
  318. 8:44 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I get a favor a month from nomads, but everyone was all "what don't use it so early"
  319. 8:44 PM - Merchant: 1d10+luck
  320. 8:44 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yep
  321. 8:44 PM - Merchant: k
  322. 8:44 PM - Merchant: eh
  323. 8:44 PM - Merchant: 16
  324. 8:44 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: why are you rolling luck?
  325. 8:45 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well I guess it can count as an average task
  326. 8:45 PM - Merchant: to see if i hit something important
  327. 8:45 PM - Merchant: i kind of just randomly shot at the car
  328. 8:46 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: The left side gunman winces in pain as his right arm gets hit with a .357 bullet. He drops the submachine gun, which tumbles down the highway while discharging the rest of its magazine before coming to a stop in some roadside bush.
  329. 8:46 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: roll for damage dude
  330. 8:47 PM - Merchant: 10
  331. 8:47 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: time for a shock roll!
  332. 8:49 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: He somehow manages to avoid falling unconcious despite missing a large part of his bicep.
  333. 8:49 PM - Merchant: V:
  334. 8:49 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Awright
  335. 8:49 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I shoot twice at the car, not taking aim and not using my second action
  336. 8:50 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 21 and 28
  337. 8:50 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: So 1 hit if I judge correctly
  338. 8:50 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yep, the second one
  339. 8:50 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: as WIng did, roll for luck to see if you hit anything important
  340. 8:51 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 3
  341. 8:51 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well that's a no
  342. 8:51 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: welp
  343. 8:51 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: his friend empties the remainder of his mag into the general direction of your car, creating a FIRE ZONE!
  344. 8:51 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: hang on gotta double check the rules for that :v
  345. 8:52 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: gj
  346. 8:53 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: in the meantime please enjoy this rad-ass music
  347. 8:53 PM - Welcome To The Space GM:
  348. 8:53 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: it's the official soundtrack for what's happening
  349. 8:54 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright everyone roll Athletics + REF + 1d10
  350. 8:54 PM - El Aguila Quema: 29
  351. 8:54 PM - Merchant: 16
  352. 8:54 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 15
  353. 8:55 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I don't like the look of that
  354. 8:55 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: GM got higher numbers than us Wing
  355. 8:55 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: that's usually bad
  356. 8:56 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Aguila, Tool and the driver manage to dodge the hail of bullets, but WIng and Entropy... don't! Each of you roll 1d6! c;
  357. 8:56 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: c:
  358. 8:56 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I was just rolling for Tool and our nameless ganger driver :v
  359. 8:56 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 5
  360. 8:56 PM - Merchant: 3
  361. 8:56 PM - Merchant: lol fag
  362. 8:56 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: should probably roll for Ryan and Potato too but killing them off in their absence'd be unfair
  363. 8:56 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: you better roll to see where these bullets hit cause I got some light armor on and it better do something
  364. 8:57 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright, Dan, roll 1d10 5 times, Wing, do the same just 3 times
  365. 8:57 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: unless they hit my beautiful face in which case I'm ok with getting pummled
  366. 8:57 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: hell no I'm just gonna offload the work on you
  367. 8:57 PM - Merchant: 6
  368. 8:57 PM - Merchant: 8
  369. 8:57 PM - Merchant: 3
  370. 8:57 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Entropy: repeat 5 1D10 => 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 8 ; 8
  371. 8:57 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: how do I get 8 three times
  372. 8:58 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: wouldn't the chances of that be like, 1 in 1000
  373. 8:58 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright, Merchant gets hit in the left arm, right leg, and the torso
  374. 8:58 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: or something I dunno all this logistical crap
  375. 8:58 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Entropy catches one bullet to the left arm and his right leg gets absolutely shredded with four consecutive shots
  376. 8:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oops
  377. 8:59 PM - Merchant: so how much damage?
  378. 8:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: 2d6+1 per bullet
  379. 8:59 PM - Merchant: o fuck
  380. 8:59 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: what about armor SP?
  381. 8:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: works as usual
  382. 8:59 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: which is... how?
  383. 8:59 PM - Merchant: 12
  384. 8:59 PM - Merchant: 8
  385. 8:59 PM - Merchant: 8
  386. 8:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: just like dt in fallout
  387. 8:59 PM - Merchant: subtract i think
  388. 8:59 PM - Merchant: yeah
  389. 8:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: already rolled, Wing :v
  390. 9:00 PM - Merchant: o
  391. 9:00 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: well shit I'm dead aren't I
  392. 9:00 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well you might have to shell out for a cool robotic leg
  393. 9:00 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and make a stop at a hospital on your way home
  394. 9:00 PM - El Aguila Quema: *might* meaning
  395. 9:00 PM - Merchant: so i took 8 6 and 5 damage?
  396. 9:00 PM - El Aguila Quema: lol ur legs fukd m8
  397. 9:00 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: to not die
  398. 9:00 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I can live with that
  399. 9:01 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you took 6 to the arm, 8 to the leg, and 3 to the torso
  400. 9:01 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you got any arm or leg protection?
  401. 9:01 PM - Merchant: yep
  402. 9:01 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 14 on my arms and torst and 4 on my legs
  403. 9:01 PM - Merchant: 19 on arms legs and torso
  404. 9:01 PM - Merchant: :V
  405. 9:02 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright then, in this case, only one round manages to punch through whatever it's you're wearing on your legs, leaving a giant bruise and making walking really hurt for the next few days
  406. 9:02 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: as for Entropy, well...
  407. 9:02 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you got any arm protection?
  408. 9:02 PM - Merchant: coolio
  409. 9:02 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 14
  410. 9:02 PM - El Aguila Quema: me and wing invested in retarded good armor apparently :v
  411. 9:02 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright, in this case you won't lose your arm as wel
  412. 9:02 PM - El Aguila Quema: ive got 10 on head and legs
  413. 9:02 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: that's good to know
  414. 9:02 PM - Merchant: "Ah fuck"
  415. 9:03 PM - El Aguila Quema: and 22 on torso+arms
  416. 9:03 PM - Merchant: "I am so glad I bough this suit"
  417. 9:03 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: but your leg gets shredded to shit with four 9mm bullets, cracking bones and one of them seemingly hitting a major artery.
  418. 9:03 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so do I need to click little box thingies on my sheet or what
  419. 9:03 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah
  420. 9:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: 39 damage to your leg in total
  421. 9:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: which means it's toast
  422. 9:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: but
  423. 9:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: 'cause I'm not a total asshole
  424. 9:04 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Entropy looks down at his leg, or lack thereof, then back at the driver. "Detour to the hospital, and improve your evasive driving on the way."
  425. 9:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: if you live through that, you'll get +3 base EMP
  426. 9:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: because living through that's gonna make you value humans and life more
  427. 9:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: or something
  428. 9:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: but you're gonna have to give up being an asshole
  429. 9:05 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'm gonna need that EMP if I want some sick ass leg augs
  430. 9:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: as in in character I mean :v
  431. 9:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: anyway, Aguila's up
  432. 9:05 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: to bring me back to being an asshole
  433. 9:05 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: c:
  434. 9:06 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I didn't even get to play an asshole for 3 games and I'm already gonna have to give it up this is depressing
  435. 9:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: I toss two more monkey wrenches
  436. 9:06 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: If Ryan was here he would have jumped out the car and buzzsawed the fuckin car apart
  437. 9:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: hopefully hitting the shit out of the windshield
  438. 9:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: i was contemplating that
  439. 9:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: but i dont know how far i can jump
  440. 9:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: or how far the other car is
  441. 9:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: and i'd rather not risk it
  442. 9:06 PM - Merchant: so i don't have to tick any boxes right?
  443. 9:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: 29, 24
  444. 9:06 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well, how high is your athletics? i could totally let this shit fly with the right stats and rolls
  445. 9:07 PM - El Aguila Quema: athletics?
  446. 9:07 PM - El Aguila Quema: 10
  447. 9:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you do
  448. 9:07 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: also you never told me what boxes to tick
  449. 9:07 PM - Merchant: How many? just one?
  450. 9:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: since you just took a light wound
  451. 9:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: as many as the damage you took was
  452. 9:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: which was 4
  453. 9:07 PM - Merchant: so i tick 4 boxes?
  454. 9:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and uh Dan I think it was like 39 in total
  455. 9:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yep
  456. 9:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: the first 4
  457. 9:08 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: the ones under "light"
  458. 9:08 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so I need to tick 39 boxes? wot
  459. 9:08 PM - Merchant: :V
  460. 9:08 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well your leg just went the way of Bonnie And Clyde
  461. 9:08 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: as in it was riddled with bullets
  462. 9:08 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: not that it ran away and started robbing banks
  463. 9:08 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so every point of damage is a box? That's how it works?
  464. 9:08 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yep
  465. 9:08 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: kay
  466. 9:08 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: the more damage you take, the more boxes you tick
  467. 9:09 PM - Merchant: lol you are fucking dead mate
  468. 9:09 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: the more boxes you tick the harder it's to stay alive
  469. 9:09 PM - El Aguila Quema: uh gm
  470. 9:09 PM - El Aguila Quema: there are 50 boxes i think
  471. 9:09 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh yeah by the way even if you die you can still be revived 'cause THE FUTURE
  472. 9:09 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: well I'm 1 box away from a full box click
  473. 9:09 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 40 boxes
  474. 9:09 PM - El Aguila Quema: oh shit lol
  475. 9:09 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: damn son
  476. 9:09 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: you're trying to kill me
  477. 9:09 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: no fair I never got to do anything cool
  478. 9:10 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I roll cool stat to heal
  479. 9:10 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: uh I'm not gonna make you roll for that
  480. 9:10 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I'm not that much of an asshole
  481. 9:10 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: but you're definitely out of action for the time being
  482. 9:10 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: anyway Aguila's up
  483. 9:10 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: do something cool dude
  484. 9:10 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: well, badger cunts
  485. 9:10 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh yeah shit you already did sorry :v
  486. 9:10 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: lost it in the whole damage conversation
  487. 9:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: what'd ya roll?
  488. 9:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh found that too
  489. 9:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: 23, 24
  490. 9:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: :v
  491. 9:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: 23, 24?
  492. 9:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: wat
  493. 9:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: wait no
  494. 9:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: 3:06 AM - El Aguila Quema: 29, 24
  495. 9:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: yeah
  496. 9:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah it was a 9 not a 3
  497. 9:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: my bad
  498. 9:12 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: in this case, both wrenches hit, roll for luck m8
  499. 9:12 PM - El Aguila Quema: tres
  500. 9:13 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: your luck +1d10 I mean
  501. 9:13 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: :v
  502. 9:13 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: actually wait no
  503. 9:13 PM - Merchant: brb
  504. 9:13 PM - El Aguila Quema: wat
  505. 9:14 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: The wrenches hit the already cracked windshield, shattering it in a rain of glass fragments.
  506. 9:14 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: The driver instinctively covers his face with his left arm, and, since driving while blind's hard, swerves off the road and drives straight into a light pole.
  507. 9:14 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: now you made it easier for them to see
  508. 9:14 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: or that
  509. 9:15 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: The force of impact almost bisects the car. You're pretty sure they're dead.
  510. 9:16 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Oh."
  511. 9:16 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Your driver looks back at you, sees Entropy's leg, goes pale and steps on it.
  512. 9:16 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Oh lord."
  513. 9:16 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "I'd... appreciate not dying. I have a gig coming up."
  514. 9:16 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: look I'm already starting to be nice
  515. 9:16 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: this is terrible
  516. 9:16 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: why do you do this to me dice gods
  517. 9:17 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Some nerve wracking swerving through the streets and neck hair raising sharp turns later, the minivan stops to a skidding halt before the nearest hospital.
  518. 9:17 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'd say Orphaner carries me
  519. 9:17 PM - Merchant: back
  520. 9:17 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: The Orphaner grabs his mortally wounded brother and carries him to the ER.
  521. 9:17 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: y'all gonna follow him or what
  522. 9:17 PM - Merchant: Eh
  523. 9:17 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: don't forget I totally hired you
  524. 9:17 PM - Merchant: nah
  525. 9:18 PM - Merchant: lol u never hired me bitch
  526. 9:18 PM - El Aguila Quema: I'll chill in the car.
  527. 9:18 PM - El Aguila Quema: same :v
  528. 9:18 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: pleb I'll get my nomads on you
  529. 9:18 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: While walking through the door, he looks back and yells "Go get the rest home or I'll rip your fuckin' head off! Right now!" at the poor driver.
  530. 9:18 PM - Merchant: pleb i'll get multiple police departments on you
  531. 9:18 PM - Merchant: and a corperation
  532. 9:18 PM - El Aguila Quema: pleb i'll get my muscles on you
  533. 9:18 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: pleb I'll play my sax in a crowded area
  534. 9:18 PM - Merchant: o fuq
  535. 9:18 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: then you'll be sorry
  536. 9:18 PM - El Aguila Quema: i'm fairly certain i could tear you guys in half :v
  537. 9:19 PM - Merchant: probably
  538. 9:19 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: but you need to be near me to do it
  539. 9:19 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: and with my shooting skills you'd be dead before that
  540. 9:19 PM - El Aguila Quema: bitch i can get in a boat
  541. 9:19 PM - Merchant: Merchant walks into the hospital for healing and such
  542. 9:19 PM - El Aguila Quema: and throw the boat
  543. 9:19 PM - El Aguila Quema: with myself inside
  544. 9:19 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: ~some time passes~
  545. 9:19 PM - Merchant: I realized my injures
  546. 9:19 PM - Merchant: injuies*
  547. 9:19 PM - Merchant: injuries*
  548. 9:19 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well it's too late he already drove away with you on board :v
  549. 9:20 PM - Merchant: o
  550. 9:20 PM - Merchant: fuq
  551. 9:20 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: The bullet hole riddled minivan stops by the curb in the quiet suburb Entropy's home is in.
  552. 9:20 PM - El Aguila Quema:
  553. 9:21 PM - Merchant: what am i looking at
  554. 9:21 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: The driver hands you the spare key he had, and drives away, probably to get rid of the damn thing.
  555. 9:21 PM - Merchant: key to what
  556. 9:21 PM - Merchant: the home
  557. 9:21 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah
  558. 9:21 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: no
  559. 9:21 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: your anus
  560. 9:21 PM - El Aguila Quema: woops
  561. 9:21 PM - El Aguila Quema: sorry
  562. 9:21 PM - Merchant: why does he have the key
  563. 9:21 PM - Merchant: nvm'
  564. 9:21 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Orphaner gave it to him
  565. 9:21 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: or something iunno
  566. 9:21 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'm so getting pointless defenses and security measures come next paycheck
  567. 9:21 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: stop questioning me I'm the GM
  568. 9:21 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: :v
  569. 9:22 PM - Merchant: :V
  570. 9:22 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: You enter the house through the thick glass front door. The interior is white, clean, and full of glass and brushed
  571. steel. Looks like some space flight control center. The ground floor is one single room, with a kitchen
  572. section, a living room including a big flat TV, a big pool table, a large support beam in the middle with
  573. glass stairs wrapped around it, and loads of empty space. There's two doors on the west side of the room -
  574. one of them leading to the bathroom, and the other to the large three car garage. The stairs lead both up,
  575. to the four spacious bedrooms - two of them unused - and the second bathroom, and down, to the soundproofed
  576. practice/recording room.
  577. 9:22 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: ~setting the mood~
  578. 9:23 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: implying I need practice
  579. 9:23 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: though the recording aspect is coo
  580. 9:23 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: :v
  581. 9:23 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: it's also soundproofed c:
  582. 9:23 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you know what that means right
  583. 9:23 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'd hope so, considering it's a recording studio
  584. 9:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: is it time to bone or something
  585. 9:24 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: it probably means there are people hiding in there that they don't know about
  586. 9:24 PM - El Aguila Quema: i wasnt aware i entered an erp
  587. 9:24 PM - Merchant: in the recording studio no one can hear you bone
  588. 9:24 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: it also means that if somebody inside starts screaming nobody's gonna hear them
  589. 9:24 PM - Merchant: my friend made a joke about Gravity
  590. 9:24 PM - Merchant: 'lets just see sandra bollock and batman bone'
  591. 9:24 PM - Merchant: and i said
  592. 9:24 PM - Merchant: 'in space no one can hear you bone'
  593. 9:25 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: heh
  594. 9:25 PM - Merchant: 'because orgasms'
  595. 9:25 PM - Merchant: they still never got the joke
  596. 9:25 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: guess I'
  597. 9:25 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'll just browse LMAO pics until I'm able to do something
  598. 9:25 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: anyway, you wait around for a couple of weeks, waiting for Entropy to come back from the very brink of death.
  599. 9:25 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: since I'm probably undergoing major surgery
  600. 9:25 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: A MONTH HAS PASSED
  601. 9:25 PM - Merchant: can i buy
  602. 9:26 PM - Merchant: a computer
  603. 9:26 PM - Merchant: and phones
  604. 9:26 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: y'all get paychecks and shit
  605. 9:26 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah sure go wild
  606. 9:26 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: AWYE 12K COMIN UP
  607. 9:26 PM - Merchant: a bunch of disposable phones
  608. 9:26 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: LEG AUGS HERE I COME
  609. 9:26 PM - Merchant: I forgot what my salary as
  610. 9:26 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I got +3 EMP right?
  611. 9:26 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: During that time, the house gets gradually turned into a base of operations in preparation to the upcoming job.
  612. 9:26 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: let's make it a 4
  613. 9:26 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: whatever the job is
  614. 9:26 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: yissss
  615. 9:26 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 4 EMP
  616. 9:26 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: never say I don't treat my players right c:
  617. 9:26 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: sweet ass leg augs here I come
  618. 9:27 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: thx bby u ok gm 8/10
  619. 9:27 PM - Merchant: soo we all get our monies
  620. 9:27 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: the job is stealing Big Chen's client list
  621. 9:27 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yep you do
  622. 9:27 PM - El Aguila Quema: i think i fucked up my salary
  623. 9:27 PM - El Aguila Quema: wheres the table for it
  624. 9:27 PM - Merchant: woooo
  625. 9:27 PM - Merchant: 13,400 eb
  626. 9:27 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: salary's in items
  627. 9:27 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: uh, I think only get 1 month
  628. 9:27 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: somewhere at the beginning of the chapter
  629. 9:27 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: you don't roll for it
  630. 9:28 PM - El Aguila Quema: yep
  631. 9:28 PM - El Aguila Quema: i fucked it up
  632. 9:28 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: rolling was just to start off
  633. 9:28 PM - Merchant: its under starting funds
  634. 9:28 PM - Merchant: brb going to buy some gear
  635. 9:28 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: yes, starting funds. To start the game. We already started the game
  636. 9:28 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: sooooooooooooo.... Dan what kinda augs you gettin' for yo bitchin' new leg?
  637. 9:28 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Thus, since only 1 month has passed, you get 1 month's salary
  638. 9:28 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I dunno I'm gonna have to check
  639. 9:28 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Can I get a built-in amp
  640. 9:28 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: :v
  641. 9:29 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: no
  642. 9:29 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: actually
  643. 9:29 PM - El Aguila Quema: alright rad, i get 5k a month
  644. 9:29 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: wait
  645. 9:29 PM - El Aguila Quema: cool
  646. 9:29 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: still no
  647. 9:29 PM - El Aguila Quema: ha
  648. 9:29 PM - El Aguila Quema: ownt
  649. 9:29 PM - Merchant: what is the difference between pocket commo, mastoid commo, and the cellular phone?
  650. 9:29 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: uh
  651. 9:29 PM - El Aguila Quema: yo gm
  652. 9:29 PM - El Aguila Quema: i wanna get a higher armored mask
  653. 9:29 PM - El Aguila Quema: and higher armored pantsu
  654. 9:29 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and why the hell would ya son
  655. 9:30 PM - El Aguila Quema: because 10 armor is not enough
  656. 9:30 PM - Merchant: alright so commos are walkie talkies
  657. 9:30 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: it totally is it can almost maybe stop a 9mm
  658. 9:30 PM - El Aguila Quema: fuck that
  659. 9:30 PM - El Aguila Quema: i want ballistic plating on my face
  660. 9:30 PM - Merchant: should we all get some commos for the heist n shit?
  661. 9:30 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: probably, yeah
  662. 9:30 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you're the experienced dude so yep, you probably should
  663. 9:31 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: also, you send an e-mail to a netrunner you know since you know that Big Chen's security system isn't gonna be a cakewalk
  664. 9:31 PM - El Aguila Quema: fuck yes
  665. 9:31 PM - Merchant: coolio
  666. 9:31 PM - El Aguila Quema: flak mask
  667. 9:31 PM - El Aguila Quema: and flak pantsu
  668. 9:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: pants are OK, but I'm not really feelin' the mask honestly
  669. 9:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: actually
  670. 9:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: go for it
  671. 9:32 PM - El Aguila Quema: yesss
  672. 9:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: a bullet deflectin' mask sounds awesome as all fuck
  673. 9:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I like awesome
  674. 9:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: :v
  675. 9:32 PM - El Aguila Quema: im gonna redesign his mask too to go along with it
  676. 9:32 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: such aug
  677. 9:32 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: many choose
  678. 9:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: so cyber
  679. 9:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: such punk
  680. 9:33 PM - Merchant: so its been 4 months?
  681. 9:33 PM - El Aguila Quema: how much is this gonna cost?
  682. 9:33 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: uh... no idea
  683. 9:33 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: nah, just one month
  684. 9:33 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: a few weeks, that's it
  685. 9:33 PM - Merchant: nvm 1 month
  686. 9:33 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: remember, surgery in the future's different
  687. 9:33 PM - Merchant: k
  688. 9:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: yo jimbo
  689. 9:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: costs for my shit yo
  690. 9:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: the pants i know
  691. 9:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: what aboutt he mask
  692. 9:34 PM - El Aguila Quema: ye mask
  693. 9:34 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: it's a custom job so
  694. 9:34 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I dunno
  695. 9:34 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: 2x the vest?
  696. 9:35 PM - El Aguila Quema: 400?
  697. 9:35 PM - El Aguila Quema: nice
  698. 9:35 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: sure why not
  699. 9:35 PM - El Aguila Quema: man shit is CHEAP
  700. 9:35 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah
  701. 9:35 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and disposable
  702. 9:35 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: 'cause THE FUTURE IS DISPOSABLE
  703. 9:35 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: honestly though it makes sense
  704. 9:35 PM - El Aguila Quema: fuck yes this is going to look like goddamn iron man
  705. 9:36 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I mean with all the shit going on in the cities it'd make sense heavy armor and stuff is common
  706. 9:36 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "Cyberleg augs. Artifical shoulder mount."
  707. 9:36 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: you'd have an arm
  708. 9:36 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: on your leg
  709. 9:36 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: what
  710. 9:36 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: no
  711. 9:36 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: the book says you can't do that
  712. 9:36 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and to get a life
  713. 9:36 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: then why is it there
  714. 9:36 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I don't want it cause it's dumb
  715. 9:36 PM - Merchant: can i spend a day in the hospital too heal myself
  716. 9:36 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: but I'm wondering why it exists
  717. 9:36 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: wait it really is under legs?
  718. 9:36 PM - Merchant: eh nvm
  719. 9:36 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: maybe you read it wrong
  720. 9:36 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: your bruise got healed over the time dude
  721. 9:37 PM - Merchant: That makes
  722. 9:37 PM - Merchant: sense
  723. 9:37 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I did say it was just a bruise the bullet didn't go all the way through
  724. 9:38 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: also yeah cyberarms and legs are the same list and hands/feet are a different one
  725. 9:38 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: that's why shoulder mounts are under that
  726. 9:38 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: what is SDP?
  727. 9:38 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I think structural points or something
  728. 9:38 PM - El Aguila Quema: put an arm on your ass
  729. 9:38 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: basically HP for machines
  730. 9:39 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh yeah also your bitchin' new cyberleg can't tire so you can just hop around on it forever
  731. 9:39 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: :v
  732. 9:39 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: awye
  733. 9:39 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and it deals like 2d6 damage
  734. 9:39 PM - Merchant: So shall we buy commos?
  735. 9:39 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah, just get a big ol' pile of commos, NV goggles if you want to and all that spy shit
  736. 9:39 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: ~planning a heist~
  737. 9:40 PM - Merchant: ye
  738. 9:40 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: maybe some Stealth skill chips too for everyone :v
  739. 9:40 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: since y'all kind of suck at stealth
  740. 9:40 PM - Merchant: yeah where do you find the chips?
  741. 9:40 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: wow there are no interesting cyberleg things that I want
  742. 9:40 PM - Merchant: I can be the Charisma guy of the heist
  743. 9:40 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: think it's in the descriptions of cyberware
  744. 9:40 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: maybe I'll just buy an asston of other stuff
  745. 9:41 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: also everyone
  746. 9:41 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: what do you mean there's no interesting cyberleg things
  747. 9:41 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: what about
  748. 9:41 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: a leg holster
  749. 9:41 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: don't forget to take off any monthly expenses from your money
  750. 9:41 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: they were living in your house though :v
  751. 9:41 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: so just halve them or something
  752. 9:41 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: My 12k turns into 8.3k to keep up my house, groceries and cellphone
  753. 9:42 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: fuckin freeloaders
  754. 9:42 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: :v
  755. 9:42 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: why are they even living in my house
  756. 9:42 PM - Merchant: you still gotta pay
  757. 9:42 PM - Merchant: even if we are living in your house
  758. 9:42 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: we all jumped out of a plane together and that's about it
  759. 9:42 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: 'cause it's a great base of operations
  760. 9:42 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: for what though, we're all unaffiliated!
  761. 9:42 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: srsly
  762. 9:42 PM - El Aguila Quema: i have a house :V
  763. 9:42 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and I dunno you asked them for help and/or employed them
  764. 9:43 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: theys was sayin "lol u dint imploy me"
  765. 9:43 PM - Merchant: I'm trying to bring down big chen or whatever his name is
  766. 9:43 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I
  767. 9:43 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'm not paying them if they're living in my house and eating my fresh food
  768. 9:43 PM - Merchant: I'm just tagging along because you guys are doing the same
  769. 9:43 PM - Merchant: I payed for my fresh food too bitch
  770. 9:43 PM - El Aguila Quema: i have a job and an appearance to keep up :v
  771. 9:43 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh yeah also Dan get the holster so you can do this:
  772. 9:43 PM - El Aguila Quema: i just eat at my house and go to yours to plan n shit
  773. 9:44 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Well crap I guess I need the holster
  774. 9:44 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: robocop .gifs: the highest form of convincing someone to do something
  775. 9:45 PM - Merchant: how many levels do the chips boost?
  776. 9:45 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 1-3
  777. 9:45 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: and they don't stack with skills
  778. 9:45 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yep
  779. 9:45 PM - Merchant: ah
  780. 9:45 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and they cap skills
  781. 9:45 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and they don't level
  782. 9:45 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: aw crap I need to roll for the humanity loss on my leg
  783. 9:45 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah, sorry
  784. 9:45 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I probably won't even get any augs because the dice hate me today
  785. 9:46 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: get some RealSkinn (tm) if you want to knock the loss down a bit though
  786. 9:46 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: but then you won't have a kickin' shiny leg
  787. 9:46 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: :v
  788. 9:46 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 6 and I'll get realskinn
  789. 9:46 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: worth it to avoid cyberpsychosis
  790. 9:46 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: shit, 6? that ain't half bad
  791. 9:46 PM - Merchant: did we get any IP?
  792. 9:46 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: also this whole humanity loss system is ludicrous
  793. 9:46 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: don't forget about the boost you got from me out the kindness of my own heart
  794. 9:47 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: if EMP caps out at 10 and half these augs can roll over 10 EMP
  795. 9:47 PM - Merchant: it makes sense
  796. 9:47 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you know what? I need to look into the whole AP thing and I'm gonna give you the answer
  797. 9:47 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah it makes sense
  798. 9:47 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: after all the more machine you are the less human you are
  799. 9:47 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "I have a new metal leg I hate humanity"
  800. 9:47 PM - Merchant: albeit somewhat unbalanced
  801. 9:47 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "somewhat"
  802. 9:47 PM - Merchant: okay think robocop
  803. 9:48 PM - Merchant: he is literally 90 percent machine
  804. 9:48 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: but he isn't just missing a leg
  805. 9:48 PM - Merchant: he won't really have any human interaction
  806. 9:48 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright, IP time for y'all
  807. 9:48 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I rolled 1.666666667 on realskinn
  808. 9:48 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: what does it round to
  809. 9:48 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: :v
  810. 9:48 PM - Merchant: also i gotta hire a lockpicker or whatever for this heist
  811. 9:49 PM - Merchant: someone to deal with technical stuff
  812. 9:49 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: uh... 1.7 which would be 2.0 going with regular math rules
  813. 9:49 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: noice
  814. 9:49 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: a safe breaker more like
  815. 9:49 PM - Merchant: yeah thats the word
  816. 9:50 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: oh wait
  817. 9:50 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: also, Aguila gets +15 IP to Strength Feat for his throwing antics and eventually disabling the car, and +5 IP to athletics for successfully avoiding gunfire
  818. 9:50 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'm a tar
  819. 9:50 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: d
  820. 9:50 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: the rolls are for HL loss, nor direct EMP loss
  821. 9:50 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: wow I'm dum 0/10
  822. 9:50 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: uh... yes
  823. 9:50 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: forgot humanity loss was Empx10
  824. 9:50 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: :v
  825. 9:50 PM - Merchant: wow u fucking mongoloid
  826. 9:51 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: happens :v
  827. 9:51 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: AWYE TIME 4 AUGS
  828. 9:51 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: also Merchant you get +5 IP to Pistols for that sweet shot you nailed the gunner with
  829. 9:51 PM - Merchant: niiiice
  830. 9:51 PM - Merchant: wait
  831. 9:51 PM - Merchant: just to pistols?
  832. 9:51 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Gettin dat armor 4 me leggo
  833. 9:51 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah you used a pistol after all
  834. 9:51 PM - Merchant: because i have a 10 in that :V
  835. 9:52 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh
  836. 9:52 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: in this case uh
  837. 9:52 PM - El Aguila Quema: +15 IP?
  838. 9:52 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: fuck
  839. 9:52 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: he's got max pistols :v
  840. 9:52 PM - El Aguila Quema: what does that do
  841. 9:52 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you gain 15 improvement points
  842. 9:52 PM - El Aguila Quema: i have 10 in both the skills you gave me things for
  843. 9:52 PM - El Aguila Quema: so uh
  844. 9:52 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh
  845. 9:52 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: fukken hell
  846. 9:52 PM - El Aguila Quema: 25 in strength feat?
  847. 9:52 PM - Merchant: straight up?
  848. 9:52 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: no that's not how it works
  849. 9:52 PM - El Aguila Quema: how do they work then
  850. 9:53 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you need your current rank x10 to level up a skill
  851. 9:53 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: to the next level
  852. 9:53 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and since you've got maxxed both of the skills you get uh I'm sorry but nothing really :v
  853. 9:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: oh
  854. 9:53 PM - El Aguila Quema: ok :c
  855. 9:53 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you know what we really should do a low-level campaign after that
  856. 9:54 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: so that y'all can get some real advancement stuff and squatting and crust punk shit and so on
  857. 9:54 PM - Merchant: low level campaign?
  858. 9:54 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: could be cool
  859. 9:54 PM - Merchant: ahj
  860. 9:54 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah where everyone's not a demigod like you all are
  861. 9:54 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: After my cyberleg, realskinn and leg armor I have 5900 left
  862. 9:54 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: now for my leg holster
  863. 9:54 PM - El Aguila Quema: thatd be cool
  864. 9:54 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: buy a second gun for the holster too :v
  865. 9:54 PM - El Aguila Quema: a low level that is
  866. 9:55 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah, CP seems made for that
  867. 9:55 PM - Merchant: wait so how do you add new guns?
  868. 9:55 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: as in?
  869. 9:55 PM - Merchant: new skills*
  870. 9:55 PM - Merchant: learn new skills
  871. 9:56 PM - Merchant: brb
  872. 9:56 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: check page 53
  873. 9:56 PM - El Aguila Quema: check outthe mask
  874. 9:57 PM - Merchant: back
  875. 9:57 PM - Merchant: oh nvm
  876. 9:57 PM - Merchant: first level costs 10 IP
  877. 9:57 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yep
  878. 9:58 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and you can study from books/get lessons
  879. 9:58 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: which award IP over time
  880. 9:58 PM - El Aguila Quema: whatchu nigs think about my flak mask thingy
  881. 9:58 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I dunno post stats here :v
  882. 9:58 PM - El Aguila Quema: same as the regular flak shit
  883. 9:58 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: When it says "armors body" does that mean limbs too or just torst
  884. 9:58 PM - El Aguila Quema: im talking about the drawing
  885. 9:58 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: torso*
  886. 9:58 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: think it's both, yeah
  887. 9:58 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: whatchu buyin'?
  888. 9:58 PM - Merchant: ah fuck
  889. 9:59 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'm thinking Skin Weave
  890. 9:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: better not be a MetalGear (tm)
  891. 9:59 PM - Merchant: nvm
  892. 9:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh, yeah, that's pretty rad
  893. 9:59 PM - El Aguila Quema: yay
  894. 9:59 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Entropy ain't takin no chances after that pile of shit hit the supersonic fan
  895. 9:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well now you've got your rad leg
  896. 9:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you can take cover behind it or something I dunno :v
  897. 9:59 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so does skin weave armor all my limbs?
  898. 9:59 PM - El Aguila Quema: rad mask is radder
  899. 10:00 PM - Merchant: ye
  900. 10:00 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yep, it says "body" so I figure it does everything apart from the head
  901. 10:00 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: and does the weave go over my cyberleg too?
  902. 10:00 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: since I have reakskinn
  903. 10:00 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: nah, it's bioware
  904. 10:00 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: kay
  905. 10:00 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: realskinn just looks like, well, real skin :v
  906. 10:01 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: aw I was really hoping you'd keep your leg shiny and metal
  907. 10:01 PM - Merchant: what skill should I get?
  908. 10:01 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Driving could be useful
  909. 10:01 PM - Merchant: brb
  910. 10:01 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: well I like my humanity
  911. 10:02 PM - El Aguila Quema: wait gm
  912. 10:02 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: in order to get more augs
  913. 10:02 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: c:
  914. 10:02 PM - El Aguila Quema: so can i get any new skills or anything
  915. 10:02 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you still have plenty of it though thanks to me :v
  916. 10:02 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yep
  917. 10:02 PM - El Aguila Quema: how do
  918. 10:02 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: depends on the skill
  919. 10:02 PM - El Aguila Quema: can i improve my perform
  920. 10:02 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: what level it's at right now?
  921. 10:02 PM - El Aguila Quema: 1
  922. 10:03 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Ah, screw realskinn
  923. 10:03 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: only 2 humanity points ain't worth losing a shiny as fuck leg
  924. 10:03 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I got 4k left after that little augmentation spree
  925. 10:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: buy shittons of teddy bears
  926. 10:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright sure why not, let's say you had some acting lessons in the meantime and got ... let's say 15 IP
  927. 10:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: you're a psychopath, act like one
  928. 10:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: nah, keep the money
  929. 10:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: no
  930. 10:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: he's not a psycho no more though :v
  931. 10:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: shittons of teddybears
  932. 10:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I made him slightly nicer
  933. 10:04 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: but I can't because getting my leg shot off by humans made me like humans more???
  934. 10:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: oh he's not a complete ass any more :v
  935. 10:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: thanks to miraculously surviving the mortal wound
  936. 10:04 PM - El Aguila Quema: it made you realize how you're human too
  937. 10:04 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'm still gonna be pretty assy with 4 emp
  938. 10:04 PM - Merchant: wait so chips only go up to 3?
  939. 10:04 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: hoping to get it lower
  940. 10:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you realized that there's something more to life than just power and control
  941. 10:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: that maybe, just maybe, living can be its own reward
  942. 10:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yep, chips only go up to 3
  943. 10:05 PM - Merchant: lol fuck that
  944. 10:05 PM - Merchant: gaaaaaay
  945. 10:05 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Losing humanity: the smart way. A guide by Appy
  946. 10:05 PM - Merchant: at the inspiration quote
  947. 10:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: don't shit on my uplifting little speech
  948. 10:05 PM - Merchant: not the chip
  949. 10:05 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: gettin chrome for my leg
  950. 10:05 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: gonna be hella shiny
  951. 10:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: aw yeah
  952. 10:06 PM - Fuck Airman has been invited to chat.
  953. 10:06 PM - Merchant: uh
  954. 10:06 PM - Fuck Airman entered chat.
  955. 10:06 PM - Merchant: why
  956. 10:06 PM - Fuck Airman: Hey Im not dead
  957. 10:06 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: it's a sunny day and there's snipers after you? take off your pants and blind the fuckers
  958. 10:06 PM - Merchant: you already have real skin
  959. 10:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: oh hey ryan made it
  960. 10:06 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh hey look who decided to show up
  961. 10:06 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I ditched the realskinn
  962. 10:06 PM - Fuck Airman: 0u0
  963. 10:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: holy fuck appy get a lime green chrome leg
  964. 10:06 PM - Merchant: and steal my fixer thunder
  965. 10:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: or gold
  966. 10:06 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you missed a hella cool car chase
  967. 10:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: or something stupidly flamboyant
  968. 10:06 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and Entropy almost got dead
  969. 10:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: in which i almost bisected a car with the power of throwing wrecnhes
  970. 10:06 PM - Fuck Airman: Well, Im not able to sawblade punch things during carchases, so not much for
  971. 10:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: wrenches
  972. 10:06 PM - Fuck Airman: me
  973. 10:06 PM - Merchant: And I came out
  974. 10:06 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and got a new shiny chrome leg
  975. 10:06 PM - Merchant: fine
  976. 10:06 PM - Fuck Airman: Wait, GM, question
  977. 10:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: ye
  978. 10:07 PM - Fuck Airman: Can you remove protestic limbs, yes?
  979. 10:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yep
  980. 10:07 PM - Fuck Airman: So
  981. 10:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: only if you have the QD mount though
  982. 10:07 PM - Fuck Airman: I can I throw my buzzsaw fist at things
  983. 10:07 PM - Fuck Airman: Fuck
  984. 10:07 PM - El Aguila Quema: gm
  985. 10:07 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'm going to need to remove my leg and beat people with it
  986. 10:07 PM - El Aguila Quema: with 1 point in perform
  987. 10:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: otherwise you'd need a set of tools or something
  988. 10:07 PM - El Aguila Quema: and 15 ip
  989. 10:07 PM - El Aguila Quema: what does that do
  990. 10:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you level up
  991. 10:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and have 5 IP to spare
  992. 10:07 PM - El Aguila Quema: oh ok
  993. 10:08 PM - El Aguila Quema: 10 ip points per level?
  994. 10:08 PM - El Aguila Quema: rad
  995. 10:08 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: uh no
  996. 10:08 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: since you level at current skill level x10
  997. 10:08 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: ^
  998. 10:08 PM - El Aguila Quema: ah
  999. 10:08 PM - Merchant: there are levels in this game
  1000. 10:08 PM - El Aguila Quema: fuck thats a lot :v
  1001. 10:08 PM - Merchant: nvm
  1002. 10:08 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well yeah but skills only have 10 levels so
  1003. 10:08 PM - Merchant: you gain lots of IP too
  1004. 10:08 PM - Merchant: not to mention most the these skills are useless and can be chipped
  1005. 10:08 PM - Fuck Airman: Right, I should know this system better, since Im trying to learn it, but its hella confusing, more so with giant robits
  1006. 10:09 PM - Merchant: how is gamble a skill like seriously what the fuck
  1007. 10:09 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh yeah also a month passed so you get your monthly salary Ryan
  1008. 10:09 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well, gambling *is* a skill
  1009. 10:09 PM - Fuck Airman: Gambling is a skill in Fallout PNP too
  1010. 10:09 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: keeping cool and so on
  1011. 10:09 PM - Merchant: doesn't make it any less shit
  1012. 10:09 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yep
  1013. 10:09 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: welcome to RPGs
  1014. 10:09 PM - Fuck Airman: Not as shit as outdoorsman
  1015. 10:10 PM - Merchant: my favorite is Cryotank Operation
  1016. 10:10 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: outdoorsman was da bomb in the games
  1017. 10:10 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: 100 outdoorsman hello no more random encounters
  1018. 10:10 PM - Merchant: outdoorsman can actually be useful as a passive skill tho
  1019. 10:10 PM - Merchant: unlike repair and science
  1020. 10:10 PM - Fuck Airman: I pretty much already have points in what matters, kicking people in the face, and scaring the shit out of those who I dont kill
  1021. 10:10 PM - Fuck Airman: 0u0
  1022. 10:10 PM - Merchant: same
  1023. 10:10 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: question, Ryan - how much humanity you've got right now?
  1024. 10:11 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Should
  1025. 10:11 PM - Fuck Airman: 1
  1026. 10:11 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: should I get
  1027. 10:11 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: a missile launcher
  1028. 10:11 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: in my leg
  1029. 10:11 PM - Merchant: lol yes
  1030. 10:11 PM - Fuck Airman: Psychopath already, I know
  1031. 10:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: no thats op
  1032. 10:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: thats a question?
  1033. 10:11 PM - Fuck Airman: Dan
  1034. 10:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: fuck yes you should
  1035. 10:11 PM - Fuck Airman: Dont get a rocket launcher
  1036. 10:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: oh ok
  1037. 10:11 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: well it'd be useful for car chases
  1038. 10:11 PM - Fuck Airman: Attach a rocket thruster
  1039. 10:11 PM - Fuck Airman: To the leg
  1040. 10:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I as a gm deny you the pleasures of rocket lauchers in legs
  1041. 10:11 PM - Fuck Airman: And fucking rocket kick bitches
  1042. 10:11 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: wow terribad gm
  1043. 10:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: just buy a LAW from a pawn shop or something with Merchant's 10 Streetwise
  1044. 10:12 PM - Fuck Airman: I have 10 Streetdeal, I can probably get you one less legally, yet cheaper :V
  1045. 10:12 PM - Merchant: "Hey if you guys need some hardware then I'm your guy"
  1046. 10:12 PM - Merchant: fuckshityo
  1047. 10:12 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: ooo
  1048. 10:12 PM - Merchant: well
  1049. 10:12 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Voice Synthesizer should be useful
  1050. 10:12 PM - Fuck Airman: Right so, I wake up, and look around "The shitting fuck did I miss out on here?"
  1051. 10:12 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: and it's fitting to be able to play sounds other than the sax from myself!
  1052. 10:12 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah streetdeal streetwise same thing
  1053. 10:12 PM - Merchant: i got 9 streetdeal and 8 streetwise
  1054. 10:13 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well, what happened was that you carried your dying brother from the car to the hospital
  1055. 10:13 PM - Fuck Airman: Sleepcarried I guess
  1056. 10:13 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and stayed with him all the time until he recovered
  1057. 10:13 PM - El Aguila Quema: "A month of planning some heist on a crime lord."
  1058. 10:13 PM - Merchant: I got a bunch in persuasion tho because i feel like it would be used for haggling
  1059. 10:13 PM - Fuck Airman: "Oh shit, we're robbing someone, I'm in"
  1060. 10:13 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: no you weren't sleeping that's a terrible excuse
  1061. 10:13 PM - Fuck Airman: For a month
  1062. 10:13 PM - Merchant: as opposed to just finding the stuff
  1063. 10:13 PM - Fuck Airman: No waking up
  1064. 10:14 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: though the house got turned into a base of operations
  1065. 10:14 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: for the upcoming heist
  1066. 10:14 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: what are we even gonna heist
  1067. 10:14 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you're gonna need a netrunner and a safe cracker though
  1068. 10:14 PM - Merchant: big chan
  1069. 10:14 PM - Merchant: his client list or something
  1070. 10:14 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: big chan's client list, to be precise
  1071. 10:14 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah
  1072. 10:14 PM - Fuck Airman: "Right so, what we taking, drugs, money, girls, weapons, fun things?"
  1073. 10:14 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: to see who put the hit out on you
  1074. 10:15 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: And can we just say I used my previous month's Nomad pack favor to retrieve and fix my motorcycle?
  1075. 10:15 PM - Merchant: can i roll for streetwise/deal to find a crew
  1076. 10:15 PM - Fuck Airman: "Also, I volunteer as the distraction"
  1077. 10:15 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so I don't have to pay for it
  1078. 10:15 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: why not
  1079. 10:15 PM - Merchant: 1 sec
  1080. 10:15 PM - Fuck Airman: Wait, Merchant
  1081. 10:15 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well you already contacted a netrunner you knew
  1082. 10:15 PM - Merchant: gotta figure out the difference between the 2
  1083. 10:15 PM - Fuck Airman: Let me roll, I have 10
  1084. 10:15 PM - Merchant: alright
  1085. 10:15 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you can roll for the safecracker though
  1086. 10:15 PM - Merchant: k
  1087. 10:15 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I've already got the netrunner bit done too
  1088. 10:15 PM - Fuck Airman: (Also Gravity was fucking amazing)
  1089. 10:15 PM - Merchant: 11
  1090. 10:16 PM - Merchant: yeah it was pretty good
  1091. 10:16 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah I was just talking with my friend about it earlier today and we agreed we had to go and see it
  1092. 10:16 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: heard it was great
  1093. 10:16 PM - El Aguila Quema: fuck that im never watching that movie
  1094. 10:16 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Dan, done with your leg and shit?
  1095. 10:16 PM - Merchant: fantastic cinematography but the writing and story is 'okay'
  1096. 10:16 PM - El Aguila Quema: biggest fear ever
  1097. 10:16 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: yeah, my leg's set
  1098. 10:16 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'm just browsing the items to see what and if I should spend my remaining 2800 on
  1099. 10:16 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: in this case, you walk into your house after your brother
  1100. 10:16 PM - Fuck Airman: Also, I shall not be dividing my attention, but I am watching Esports as I play
  1101. 10:16 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: sorry, 2900
  1102. 10:17 PM - Merchant: lol fuck u esports
  1103. 10:17 PM - Merchant: nerd sperg
  1104. 10:17 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: everyone stops doing whatever they're doing to look at the man who came back from beyond the grave
  1105. 10:17 PM - Fuck Airman: WoT nationals :V
  1106. 10:17 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: also lol esports
  1107. 10:17 PM - Fuck Airman: "Moron bought a new leg, how y'all like it"
  1108. 10:17 PM - El Aguila Quema: lol esports
  1109. 10:17 PM - Merchant: all he did is lose his leg
  1110. 10:17 PM - El Aguila Quema: world of tanks
  1111. 10:17 PM - El Aguila Quema: nigga
  1112. 10:17 PM - El Aguila Quema: :v
  1113. 10:17 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "Moron? This leg is entirely functional, in multiple ways."
  1114. 10:17 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: "Shiny as hell."
  1115. 10:18 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: that was Tool saying it by the way
  1116. 10:18 PM - Merchant: "I've seen worse than getting shot in the leg"
  1117. 10:18 PM - Fuck Airman: "Yes, but you managed to lose your last one, I cut my old hand off, with my teeth"
  1118. 10:18 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh yeah Tool's also your gunman now
  1119. 10:18 PM - Fuck Airman: "Delicious by the way, debating on getting another, maybe a flamethrower, or a baby cannon, whatevers in stock"
  1120. 10:18 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "You didn't seem to be doing much help back then. Perhaps that is WHY I lost it in the first place."
  1121. 10:18 PM - El Aguila Quema: "Your leg shines with the free spirit of the eagles! We must embrace, my spirit brother!"
  1122. 10:18 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh yeah: Ryan, Tool's the guy from the plane who came with y'all
  1123. 10:19 PM - El Aguila Quema: I bear hug the shit out of him.
  1124. 10:19 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: the hijackers' leader
  1125. 10:19 PM - Merchant: "I didn't do anything? The fucking nerve"
  1126. 10:19 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Entropy gasps from the suspiciously lucha-like grip, "Relinquish your grasp."
  1127. 10:19 PM - Merchant: :V
  1128. 10:19 PM - El Aguila Quema: I let go of him
  1129. 10:20 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Entropy wasn't talking about you, WIng
  1130. 10:20 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: :v
  1131. 10:20 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: He was talking to Orphaner
  1132. 10:20 PM - Merchant: oooooo
  1133. 10:20 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: mongoloid
  1134. 10:20 PM - Merchant: fuck ur shit u fucking
  1135. 10:20 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Merchant's laptop makes a hollywoodish loud *ding* sound, signifying that an e-mail has been received
  1136. 10:20 PM - Merchant: ah
  1137. 10:20 PM - Fuck Airman: "Anyways, seriously, I heard we're stealing things, I volunteer as distraction for this marvelous adventure in grand theft something"
  1138. 10:20 PM - Merchant: you stoll it
  1139. 10:20 PM - Merchant: merchant does matrix hack taps
  1140. 10:20 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "So what has been going on during my absence?"
  1141. 10:21 PM - Merchant: Merchant checks the email
  1142. 10:21 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Entropy strolls over and looks over Merchant's shoulder.
  1143. 10:21 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: it's the response from the Netrunner you'd mailed a while back.
  1144. 10:21 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: "Meet me in Zeke's in the 10 St. Center, 9 PM. Ask the waitress for Charlie."
  1145. 10:21 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Does Entropy know about this heisty shit?
  1146. 10:21 PM - Merchant: "I got a guy to Run for us"
  1147. 10:21 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: COnsidering he was in the hospital for most of this
  1148. 10:21 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I think so, yeah
  1149. 10:21 PM - Fuck Airman: They'd message us
  1150. 10:21 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: true
  1151. 10:21 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: alrighty then
  1152. 10:21 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: he probably was resting but kept informed about all the shit that was happening
  1153. 10:22 PM - Fuck Airman: But seriously, let me be a distraction, a psychopath with a buzzsaw is not good at stealth
  1154. 10:22 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "It seems we have a time and place. Are we prepared?"
  1155. 10:22 PM - Fuck Airman: Too boring
  1156. 10:22 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well you don't have to stealth anything :v
  1157. 10:22 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: also you've got a long way to the heist
  1158. 10:22 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you're meeting your 'runner right now, but you still need a safecracker
  1159. 10:23 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: also, the runner's gonna need some time to burrow into the system and dig around for info
  1160. 10:23 PM - Fuck Airman: "Right then, what are we doing now, since I dont think we're going to be stealing anything tonight"
  1161. 10:23 PM - Fuck Airman: "Unless you guys want me too, I'd love some free shit"
  1162. 10:24 PM - Fuck Airman: to*
  1163. 10:24 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "While I'd ordinairly agree, brother, we have other matters to attend to."
  1164. 10:25 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "You might be needed if the meet goes sour."
  1165. 10:25 PM - Fuck Airman: "Woah woah, Entropy is against a good old fashion smash and grab, the fuck did they inject you with in the hospital"
  1166. 10:25 PM - Merchant: "We should probably meet up with the runner"
  1167. 10:25 PM - Merchant: nvm
  1168. 10:25 PM - Merchant: disregard that shit
  1169. 10:25 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you should though
  1170. 10:25 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: that's in the mail you got
  1171. 10:25 PM - Merchant: you said we just were visiting
  1172. 10:26 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you're meeting your runner
  1173. 10:26 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "Perhaps, but it isn not every day that we find a netrunner of this caliber, We'll need him for the REAL 'smash and grab.'"
  1174. 10:26 PM - Merchant: alright then disregard my disregarding
  1175. 10:26 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: who just sent you a mail with the details on where to meet him and when
  1176. 10:26 PM - Fuck Airman: "Fine, just dont let anyone fuck with my place. Its not cheap alright"
  1177. 10:26 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: "Nah, apparently we're meetin' him in the city."
  1178. 10:26 PM - Merchant: Merchant checks the time
  1179. 10:27 PM - Fuck Airman: Roll for perception towards your watch
  1180. 10:27 PM - Fuck Airman: :V
  1181. 10:27 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you fail and slam the watch in your face
  1182. 10:27 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: take 1 damage
  1183. 10:27 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: critical fail his watch becomes invisible
  1184. 10:27 PM - El Aguila Quema: critfail his watch is now in heiroglyphics
  1185. 10:28 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: anyway you spend the time shooting the shit and doing some more preparations, until it's time to go.
  1186. 10:28 PM - Merchant: what time is it
  1187. 10:28 PM - Merchant: ah
  1188. 10:28 PM - Fuck Airman: Critfails, he travels an hour in the future, misses the appointment
  1189. 10:28 PM - Merchant: nvm
  1190. 10:28 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "I'd also like to take this opportunity to point out that I got more than my leg done. Something such as my loss of a limb should be less likely to occur in the near future."
  1191. 10:28 PM - Merchant: Merchant calls a taxi and heads to Zeke's
  1192. 10:29 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Tool, Aguila, Orphaner, Merchant and Entropy pile into some disposable stolen car one of Orphaner's gangsters had left out front, and head to the 10 St. Center
  1193. 10:29 PM - Merchant: k nvm
  1194. 10:29 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: :v
  1195. 10:29 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: sorry, but y'all are gonna need some firepower
  1196. 10:29 PM - Fuck Airman: Taxis are for law abiding faggets :V
  1197. 10:29 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Can I follow on my motorcycle
  1198. 10:29 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you've got 3 motorcycle skill
  1199. 10:29 PM - El Aguila Quema: i do have firepower
  1200. 10:29 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you're gonna end up like I do when I ride bikes in GTA
  1201. 10:29 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'd imagine that's enough to just drive normally and casually
  1202. 10:30 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: otherwise what the hell's the point of the chip
  1203. 10:30 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: guess so, yeah
  1204. 10:30 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: unless you're planning something...
  1205. 10:30 PM - Fuck Airman: One motorcycle is more like GTA driving
  1206. 10:30 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: sinister
  1207. 10:30 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright, you follow them on your bike, miraculously managing to avoid crashing your newly fixed bike.
  1208. 10:30 PM - Fuck Airman: It'd be funny if he crashed and lost his other leg
  1209. 10:30 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: miraciously my ass, I nailed that jump out of the plane
  1210. 10:31 PM - Fuck Airman: I'd be carrying that dumb ass to the hospital again, laughing all the way
  1211. 10:31 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Zeke's a cheap fast food place, plonked down right in the middle of the 10 St. mini-mall. It resembles one
  1212. of these 50's diners - steel and aluminium, lots of windows, red vinyl seats, worn tables with tons of
  1213. coffee cup marks on them, a long bar, the works.
  1214. 10:31 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: At least you still care enough to carry me
  1215. 10:31 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: :v
  1216. 10:31 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: At 9 PM, most of the crowd's gone, and so, there's only a
  1217. few patrons around. There's a sleepy looking, long haired guy in a black t-shirt and an apron standing
  1218. behind the counter, chatting with a similarly bored looking pale skinned short girl leaning on the bar. His
  1219. name tag reads "Zeke". The girl's wearing what looks like a grey and blue flannel shirt and a pair of
  1220. slightly baggy light blue jeans, and holding what looks like a rolled up white apron under her arm. You
  1221. figure that's the waitress.
  1222. 10:31 PM - Fuck Airman disconnected.
  1223. 10:31 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "How... detestably generic."
  1224. 10:31 PM - Merchant: "I'm looking for Charlie"
  1225. 10:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: She turns to you. "That'd be me you're lookin' for, choomba. Let's take a seat in one of these booths and
  1226. talk business."
  1227. 10:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: fukken formatting goddammit
  1228. 10:32 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: bitch said choomba
  1229. 10:32 PM - Fuck Airman entered chat.
  1230. 10:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yep
  1231. 10:32 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: cyberpunk biatch
  1232. 10:32 PM - Fuck Airman: Wifi shit itself
  1233. 10:32 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: choooooomba
  1234. 10:32 PM - Fuck Airman: 0u0
  1235. 10:32 PM - Merchant: what a twist
  1236. 10:32 PM - El Aguila Quema: choom
  1237. 10:32 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: ba
  1238. 10:33 PM - El Aguila Quema: chooga chooga chooga chooga chooooooooooooooombaaaaaa
  1239. 10:33 PM - Merchant: Merchant takes a seat at one of the booths"
  1240. 10:33 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: stop losing your shit over silly slang ya dumbasses
  1241. 10:33 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: "So, what's the job?"
  1242. 10:33 PM - Merchant: "A fixer named Big Chen"
  1243. 10:33 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "Heist."
  1244. 10:34 PM - Merchant: "He need you to disable his security"
  1245. 10:34 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I assume Entropy's more or less funding this shindig?
  1246. 10:34 PM - Fuck Airman: "So, what we paying this fuck?"
  1247. 10:34 PM - Merchant: "Have a little respect"
  1248. 10:34 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: "Damn, Chen? Nothin' I can't handle, but this guy's place's a goddamn fortress, both in the Net and in the real world."
  1249. 10:34 PM - Fuck Airman: "I have none of that"
  1250. 10:34 PM - Merchant: "Thats why we need you"
  1251. 10:35 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: She turns to the Orphaner "That's gonna cost ya 10% more, buddy."
  1252. 10:35 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "We can handle the 'real world' aspect of his supposed fortress."
  1253. 10:35 PM - Fuck Airman: Welp
  1254. 10:35 PM - Fuck Airman: Time to put 10 Intimidate to use
  1255. 10:35 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: "Alright, but I'm not gonna do that outta the kindness of my heart. Ya know my usual
  1256. cut, right?"
  1257. 10:35 PM - Merchant: npnpnpnpnoppnonon
  1258. 10:35 PM - Merchant: nonoonononn
  1259. 10:35 PM - Fuck Airman: "Ahem, I think you better change that or...
  1260. 10:35 PM - Merchant: "Please, remind me"
  1261. 10:35 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: (she usually takes either a flat fee of 2500 eb/day, or 15% of the payout, depends on which of
  1262. these is higher, plus further 10%/1000 eb for acting as mission control)
  1263. 10:36 PM - Fuck Airman: I revv the buzzsaw hand, totally not making a scene "I FUCKING END YOU"
  1264. 10:36 PM - Fuck Airman: (Nope, negociation time)
  1265. 10:36 PM - Fuck Airman: (With a buzzsaw)
  1266. 10:36 PM - Fuck Airman: (And 10 intimidate)
  1267. 10:36 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: ("negotiation")
  1268. 10:36 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: "Not impressed, buddy. Go chop some trees or somethin'."
  1269. 10:36 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: roll for intimidate dude
  1270. 10:36 PM - Fuck Airman: What are the modifiers?
  1271. 10:36 PM - Merchant: shall we go for 2500/eb
  1272. 10:36 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 1d10+10+Cool, I assume
  1273. 10:37 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I think Intimidate is Cool
  1274. 10:37 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well you're gonna need mission control to handle the security while you're doing your thing
  1275. 10:37 PM - Merchant: "You FUCKING MONGOLOID"
  1276. 10:37 PM - Fuck Airman: 1d10+10+10
  1277. 10:37 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: unless you just want to do a hands-on approach and blow anything you can't open
  1278. 10:37 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so it's a good thing I didn't spend that 2900 eb
  1279. 10:37 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: :v
  1280. 10:37 PM - Fuck Airman: 29
  1281. 10:37 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'd say he passes on the threat
  1282. 10:37 PM - Merchant: she*
  1283. 10:37 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: uh
  1284. 10:38 PM - Fuck Airman: I made the threat :V
  1285. 10:38 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I was referring to Orphaner
  1286. 10:38 PM - Merchant: o
  1287. 10:38 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: wow ur a tardy mongoloid
  1288. 10:38 PM - Fuck Airman: More like
  1289. 10:38 PM - Fuck Airman: Mongolord
  1290. 10:38 PM - Merchant: "Ignore this asshole"
  1291. 10:38 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: "Man, you're a scary fucker. Oooh, I'm quakin' in my boots. Alright, two K per day for both?"
  1292. 10:38 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Entropy stands next to his brother, emotionless, mirror shades, cool. He crosses his arms."
  1293. 10:38 PM - Merchant: for both?
  1294. 10:38 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "That is acceptable."
  1295. 10:39 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: "Alright, that's a deal then. Just lemme grab my stuff and we're off." She goes
  1296. into the door marked "PERSONNEL ONLY", next to the counter, and returns a minute or so later, wearing a
  1297. distressed olive drab field jacket and a backpack. "See you, man!" she says to Zeke as she walks out the
  1298. door with you.
  1299. 10:39 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: oh god ending narration with "s is contagious
  1300. 10:39 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah, funny how it works :v
  1301. 10:39 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: fukken annoying
  1302. 10:39 PM - Fuck Airman: I shall be using and abusing that 10 Intimidate :V
  1303. 10:39 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: brb piss don't break stuff while I'm gone pls
  1304. 10:39 PM - Fuck Airman: Lets break stuff while Dan is peeing
  1305. 10:39 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: did you read my new cyberpsychosis rules? :getin:
  1306. 10:40 PM - Fuck Airman: Noope
  1307. 10:40 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: they're in a handy .txt file in the dropbox folder
  1308. 10:40 PM - Merchant: the conversation skills should be limited tho
  1309. 10:40 PM - El Aguila Quema: 2 sessions in and ciasters already making a rebalance
  1310. 10:40 PM - Fuck Airman: But, my Saw does the talking
  1311. 10:40 PM - El Aguila Quema: what a little busy bee c:
  1312. 10:40 PM - Merchant: so the person talking does the rolls
  1313. 10:40 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah it's a goddamn curse lemme tell you waht
  1314. 10:40 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: *what
  1315. 10:40 PM - Fuck Airman: I have 10 intimidate and interrogate, I think I can handle it
  1316. 10:40 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: bak
  1317. 10:41 PM - Fuck Airman: ouo
  1318. 10:41 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: now I have that need to rebalance everything that's not balanced aargh
  1319. 10:41 PM - Merchant: because with fallout it was essentially just everyone rolling speech until it worked
  1320. 10:41 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: "Alright, guys - I'm gonna have to stop by my place to grab my gear. I'm stayin' over at the Yamagumi Hotel,
  1321. in J-town. It's just a deck and a couple of 'trodes, fits in my backpack no problem. Oh, yeah, and I'm
  1322. probably gonna need some spare clothes, too, that shit you're lookin' to pull off will probably take a while
  1323. if what I heard 'bout Chen's security's correct."
  1324. 10:41 PM - Merchant: "Alright"
  1325. 10:41 PM - Fuck Airman: "Great, that shit's taken care of, whats next on the list?"
  1326. 10:41 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: You head to J-Town, with Tool remaining the designated driver.
  1327. 10:42 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: look up dude
  1328. 10:42 PM - Merchant: "We need a safe cracker too"
  1329. 10:42 PM - Merchant: "You can take care of that"
  1330. 10:42 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Can we just say that Tool's name isn't actually Tool but I just started calling him that before I was less of a dick and it stuck?
  1331. 10:42 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: ---long boring ride later---
  1332. 10:42 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: cause I want that to be the case
  1333. 10:42 PM - Fuck Airman: Tool Toolison
  1334. 10:42 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I actually wanted to go for him being good with Tech :v
  1335. 10:42 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: thus, Tool
  1336. 10:42 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: since he's good with them
  1337. 10:42 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: aw
  1338. 10:43 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: guess that works
  1339. 10:43 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: this way it's both funny and works
  1340. 10:43 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: but I wanted Entropy the Edgy to refer to his workers as "tools"
  1341. 10:43 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: You park your banged-up ride in front of the Yamagumi Hotel. It's an unassuming concrete building - the blue
  1342. neon sign mounted on the awning above the door says "Yamagumi Hotel" in smaller letters under a bunch of
  1343. Japanese alphabet symbols. Curiously enough, the neon is intact and not flickering, which seems to be
  1344. somewhat of a rarity in Night City.
  1345. 10:43 PM - Merchant: back
  1346. 10:43 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: he lost his edge though after he became more human thanks to me
  1347. 10:43 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: ~unorthodox GMing~
  1348. 10:44 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: still slightly edgy with 4 emp
  1349. 10:44 PM - Merchant: also i refuse to call the orphaner by name
  1350. 10:44 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I hope
  1351. 10:44 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: "Be right back!" says Charlie before getting out of the car and heading for the hotel door.
  1352. 10:44 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Roll for Awareness/Notice #2, everyone!
  1353. 10:44 PM - Merchant: "Yo, buzzsaw"
  1354. 10:44 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: c:
  1355. 10:44 PM - Fuck Airman: How do I roll that?
  1356. 10:44 PM - Merchant: #2?
  1357. 10:44 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: as in there already was one
  1358. 10:44 PM - Merchant: ah
  1359. 10:44 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and that's the second roll of the session :v
  1360. 10:44 PM - Fuck Airman: Gmmmmmmmmm
  1361. 10:45 PM - Fuck Airman: I just arrivvvvvvvvvvved
  1362. 10:45 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yessssssssssssssssss
  1363. 10:45 PM - Merchant: 23
  1364. 10:45 PM - Fuck Airman: How do I into this roooooooollllllllllllllllllll
  1365. 10:45 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: ssssssoooooooooo
  1366. 10:45 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: safashnfijancxijbxcuyas
  1367. 10:45 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 12
  1368. 10:45 PM - El Aguila Quema: 21
  1369. 10:45 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: we went over that like a milion times now
  1370. 10:45 PM - Fuck Airman: I WAS GONE
  1371. 10:45 PM - Merchant: also if this is a conversation i get a plus 2 to the roll
  1372. 10:45 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: ^
  1373. 10:45 PM - Merchant: 1D10+AWARENESS/NOTICE+INT
  1374. 10:46 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: ^
  1375. 10:46 PM - Fuck Airman: 12
  1376. 10:46 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Merchant and Aguila (again): You hear a slam of a car door from the other side of the street. As you turn around, you notice
  1377. three men in gray suits walking across the street, seemingly having just exited an unassuming dark blue
  1378. sedan. One of them is wearing a beige peacoat. Charlie turns around - you can see her eyes narrow in the
  1379. faint blue glow of the neon sign. She slips her right hand under her jacket as she dodges behind a nearby
  1380. DataTerm. This turns out to be a wise choice, as Peacoat and his two wingmen open fire.
  1381. 10:46 PM - Merchant: MY SHEET LISTS ALL THE SKILLS
  1382. 10:46 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: we both rolled 12 :v
  1383. 10:46 PM - Merchant: AND THUS IS BEST
  1384. 10:46 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: ACTION TIME
  1386. 10:46 PM - Fuck Airman: AW YES, TIME TO KILL
  1387. 10:47 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: hang on lemme upload my bootiful map
  1388. 10:47 PM - Merchant: Merchant runs behind cover
  1389. 10:47 PM - Fuck Airman: I run towards the bastards
  1390. 10:47 PM - Fuck Airman: 0u0
  1391. 10:47 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you're sitting in a car :v
  1392. 10:47 PM - Merchant: o
  1393. 10:47 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: where am I on me bike?
  1394. 10:47 PM - Merchant: Merchant slouches down in the car
  1395. 10:48 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I made this map before you decided to be a ~cool loner~
  1396. 10:48 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: aw
  1397. 10:48 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: but
  1398. 10:48 PM - Merchant: "Looks for stylish scarves and Takanaka suits"
  1399. 10:48 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'm ~roleplaying~
  1400. 10:48 PM - Fuck Airman: You teleport into the car
  1401. 10:48 PM - Merchant: "They might be Yakuza"
  1402. 10:48 PM - Fuck Airman: I question nothing
  1403. 10:48 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you're behind the car is all
  1404. 10:48 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: kay
  1405. 10:48 PM - Fuck Airman: "They're about to be dead, open the door, Im making a run at the fucks"
  1406. 10:48 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: You notice neither - in fact, the guys don't look Asian, either.
  1407. 10:48 PM - Merchant: "You open the door idiot"
  1408. 10:48 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: can Aguila throw Orphaner
  1409. 10:48 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: please say yes
  1410. 10:49 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: and let them do that
  1411. 10:49 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: uh
  1412. 10:49 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well
  1413. 10:49 PM - El Aguila Quema: how much does orphaner weigh
  1414. 10:49 PM - Merchant: I don't think you can throw him far
  1415. 10:49 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: nnnnnnot really? depends on how much he weighs I guess
  1416. 10:49 PM - Fuck Airman: Fuck I havent done eight for this fuck
  1417. 10:49 PM - El Aguila Quema: i can try
  1418. 10:49 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: if I had a leg missile launcher they'd be dead
  1419. 10:49 PM - El Aguila Quema: i can deadlift 2200
  1420. 10:49 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: it's only three guys
  1421. 10:49 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: just sayin
  1422. 10:49 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: plus their getaway
  1423. 10:49 PM - Fuck Airman: :V
  1424. 10:49 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you don't need a missile launcher to take them out
  1425. 10:50 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright, Merchant's hiding in the car, Orphaner's bravely charging the guys, what about Aguila and Entropy?
  1426. 10:51 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I guess I'll do the sensible thing and not lose any other limbs
  1427. 10:51 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so I get behind the car
  1428. 10:51 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Alright, you open the door and exit the car while keeping your head down
  1429. 10:51 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: and then
  1430. 10:51 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I shoot
  1431. 10:51 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: ye baddies
  1432. 10:51 PM - El Aguila Quema: where the fuck am i
  1433. 10:52 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: which baddie doth ye shoot
  1434. 10:52 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: in the car
  1435. 10:52 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: with the rest of 'em niggas
  1436. 10:52 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: G1 I suppose
  1437. 10:52 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: and since I can't aim I'll just shoot him twice
  1438. 10:52 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: gotta make sure he dies
  1439. 10:52 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: or at least gets hurt
  1440. 10:52 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 22 and 20
  1441. 10:52 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright, you peek out, fire two quick shots, and then get back into cover
  1442. 10:53 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: actually that should be 24 and 22
  1443. 10:53 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I keep forgetting my gun has +2 accuracy
  1444. 10:53 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: doesn't matter, either way, both hit
  1445. 10:53 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: roll for damage :v
  1446. 10:53 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: kay
  1447. 10:53 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: does ammo have damage or is it just gun damage?
  1448. 10:54 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: it's the same thing
  1449. 10:54 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 13 and 9
  1450. 10:54 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: roll for where I hit now?
  1451. 10:54 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah
  1452. 10:54 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 6 and 3
  1453. 10:55 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: die die die die die
  1454. 10:56 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: The first heavy 11mm slug slams into the assassin's left arm, spinning him around. The second one slams into his torso, taking out a large chunk of his internal organs. He falls to the ground with a wet thud, his pistol clattering next to him.
  1455. 10:56 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yay ultraviolence
  1456. 10:56 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "Good thing all that hospital time hasn't dulled my senses."
  1457. 10:56 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: guess it's the npcs' turn now
  1458. 10:57 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Tool wisely decides he'd like to live a little longer, and gets down on the floor - well, as much as he can, anyway.
  1459. 10:58 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: The assassin in the coat turns in your direction, and peppers the car with buckshot. Unfortunately for him, the engine block stops all of it. His friend follows suit with his pistol.
  1460. 10:58 PM - El Aguila Quema: Several more goons run out of a nearby alleyway, slamming open doors as they go. They get on the floor. Everybody walks the dinosaur.
  1461. 10:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Exploiting their suddenly created weak spot, Charlie pops out from behind the DataTerm - pistol in hand - and takes two shots at the nearest assassin.
  1462. 10:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: also no that's a lame joke
  1463. 10:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: don't ever do this agian
  1464. 10:59 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: *again
  1465. 10:59 PM - Merchant: inb4 charlie dies
  1466. 11:00 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: bitch better not
  1467. 11:00 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: she got a job to do
  1468. 11:00 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: she can die after she does it but before I pay her
  1469. 11:00 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'm cool with it
  1470. 11:00 PM - Merchant: I'll just cut her up and sell her parts
  1471. 11:00 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: wait was I supposed to pay her already
  1472. 11:00 PM - Merchant: we'll feed it to her account every night
  1473. 11:01 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: you wanks better pitch in I only got 2936 left
  1474. 11:01 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: which reminds me I should get some grenades
  1475. 11:01 PM - Merchant: I got 8k
  1476. 11:01 PM - Fuck Airman: I havent spent any dosh of my salary :V
  1477. 11:01 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: The first shot hits the asphalt next to the suited goon's feet, but the second puts a neat hole right into his chest.
  1478. 11:02 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Well I needed a new leg
  1479. 11:02 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Now I know where the saying "an arm and a leg" comes from
  1480. 11:02 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: ba dum TISH
  1481. 11:02 PM - El Aguila Quema: i only spent 600 bucks so that i could have the best armor here
  1482. 11:02 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: my skin is armor
  1483. 11:02 PM - Merchant: Also I bought a commo
  1484. 11:02 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: stacked on my armor
  1485. 11:02 PM - El Aguila Quema: i have at least 20 on every part of my body
  1486. 11:02 PM - Merchant: and no one else did >:C
  1487. 11:02 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: well I got my phone so you can commo me on my phone or something
  1488. 11:02 PM - Merchant: its a walkie talkie
  1489. 11:03 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: shhh]
  1490. 11:03 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: future
  1491. 11:03 PM - Merchant: used for quick heist communication
  1492. 11:03 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: (future)
  1493. 11:03 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so uh
  1494. 11:03 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: what happened
  1495. 11:04 PM - Merchant: nothing much
  1496. 11:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I spent way too much time rolling for shock/stun
  1497. 11:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: The guy's just laying there, blood slowly seeping from the hole in his chest.
  1498. 11:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Aguila time
  1499. 11:04 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: shit that took me way too long didn't it
  1500. 11:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: yes it did uhm
  1501. 11:05 PM - El Aguila Quema: i dont even know whats going on anymore
  1502. 11:05 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: people shooting us
  1503. 11:05 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: kill people
  1504. 11:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you're against one goon with a shotgun
  1505. 11:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and one who's heavily wounded
  1506. 11:05 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and one who's just happily expiring in the middle of the street with a ginormous hole in his chest
  1507. 11:05 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: that from me or Charlie? I assume mine died from the way you made it sound
  1508. 11:06 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: ah, there you go
  1509. 11:06 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: that'd be yours
  1510. 11:06 PM - Fuck Airman disconnected.
  1511. 11:06 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: he might not technically be *dead* but he's definitely beyond saving :v
  1512. 11:06 PM - Merchant: yay i am fixer now
  1513. 11:06 PM - El Aguila Quema: what can i throw :v
  1514. 11:06 PM - Fuck Airman entered chat.
  1515. 11:07 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: throw Ryan
  1516. 11:07 PM - Merchant: fuck
  1517. 11:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: that's an incredibly one dimensioned approach to combat my friend
  1518. 11:07 PM - Fuck Airman: Dan
  1519. 11:07 PM - Fuck Airman: I come back to
  1520. 11:07 PM - Merchant: i was going to pull out rorschach quotes but whatever
  1521. 11:07 PM - El Aguila Quema: the second dimension is punching
  1522. 11:07 PM - Fuck Airman: The suggestion of throwing me
  1523. 11:07 PM - El Aguila Quema: and the third dimension is not being shot
  1524. 11:07 PM - El Aguila Quema: how far can i throw ye psychopath
  1525. 11:07 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: far enough
  1526. 11:08 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: he's a short-ass Korean anyway
  1527. 11:08 PM - Fuck Airman: I am not short >:[
  1528. 11:08 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: He's a big boy
  1529. 11:08 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well alright but you're still Korean
  1530. 11:08 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: with a big blade
  1531. 11:08 PM - Merchant: ryan is korean
  1532. 11:08 PM - Merchant: lol
  1533. 11:08 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: so is Entropy
  1534. 11:08 PM - Fuck Airman: In game you plebian
  1535. 11:08 PM - Fuck Airman: North Korean
  1536. 11:08 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: we're North Korean
  1537. 11:08 PM - Fuck Airman: Pirates
  1538. 11:08 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: and I think we're pirates
  1539. 11:08 PM - Merchant: oh
  1540. 11:08 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: yep
  1541. 11:09 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: u srs
  1542. 11:09 PM - Fuck Airman: The Unnerfable Entropy: and I think we're pirates
  1543. 11:09 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 11:08 PM - Fuck Airman: Pirates
  1544. 11:09 PM - Fuck Airman: That should be an album title. And I think We're Pirates
  1545. 11:09 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: anyway do you chuck him or not
  1546. 11:09 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: Dataaaa
  1547. 11:09 PM - Fuck Airman: For my band TH_ (Thunderscore)
  1548. 11:09 PM - Merchant: fuck you stop stealing my character ideas
  1549. 11:09 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: By all means, feel free to use the title
  1550. 11:09 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh they're so gonna be making a cameo
  1551. 11:09 PM - Merchant: when half of my character ideas are based on othere things
  1552. 11:10 PM - El Aguila Quema: ok so
  1553. 11:10 PM - El Aguila Quema: can i throw him
  1554. 11:10 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Entropy is probably my first entirely unique character
  1555. 11:10 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah why not
  1556. 11:10 PM - El Aguila Quema: that sure was hard
  1557. 11:10 PM - El Aguila Quema: why could we do that like
  1558. 11:10 PM - El Aguila Quema: 2 minutes ago
  1559. 11:10 PM - El Aguila Quema: :v
  1560. 11:10 PM - El Aguila Quema: couldnt
  1561. 11:10 PM - El Aguila Quema: anyway
  1562. 11:10 PM - El Aguila Quema: i throw his shit
  1563. 11:10 PM - El Aguila Quema: 29
  1564. 11:11 PM - Fuck Airman: WAIT, IM ACTUALLY GETTING THROWN
  1565. 11:11 PM - Fuck Airman: FUCK YEAH
  1566. 11:11 PM - Merchant: you break your hip
  1567. 11:11 PM - Merchant: good luck faggot
  1568. 11:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: its impossible for me to roll anything lower than a 21 :v
  1569. 11:11 PM - Fuck Airman: When I get back I will saw your cock off and feed it to you Merchant
  1570. 11:11 PM - El Aguila Quema: on strength shit at least
  1571. 11:11 PM - Fuck Airman: 0u0
  1572. 11:11 PM - Merchant: Not before I saw your cock off first
  1573. 11:11 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: you chuck the psychotic man at the assassin. Orphaner turns his arm saw on during the very brief flight, and slams right into the hapless assassin's chest, sawing it open.
  1574. 11:12 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: blood everywhere, etc., etc.
  1575. 11:12 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: anyway he's dead
  1576. 11:12 PM - Fuck Airman: I scream the entire time, a victory cry
  1577. 11:12 PM - Fuck Airman: How about
  1578. 11:12 PM - Fuck Airman: WAAAAAAAAAGH
  1579. 11:12 PM - Merchant: :V
  1580. 11:12 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I can agree with this
  1581. 11:12 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Orphaner is CP Gorgutz confirmed
  1582. 11:13 PM - El Aguila Quema: "THE EAGLE'S WINGS GRANT POWER"
  1583. 11:13 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: their getaway driver loses their shit, peels out and tries to get away, almost running over Orphaner in the process. Unfortunately for him, his escape ends when has a brief yet unfriendly encounter with a delivery truck on the next intersection.
  1584. 11:14 PM - Fuck Airman: Also I jump the car
  1585. 11:14 PM - Fuck Airman: Because that sounds cooler
  1586. 11:14 PM - Fuck Airman: On my resume, of badassery
  1587. 11:14 PM - Fuck Airman: For jobs
  1588. 11:14 PM - Fuck Airman: Of a badass nature
  1589. 11:14 PM - Fuck Airman: Like explosives farmer
  1590. 11:14 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: The blue sedan smashes right into a truck, bounces off and smashes into a wall with the back. It kind of looks like an accordion at this point.
  1591. 11:14 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "That was easier than it should have been. These men are unprofessional."
  1592. 11:14 PM - Fuck Airman: "ALSO I FUCKED SAWED THEM"
  1593. 11:15 PM - Fuck Airman: "IN FACT"
  1594. 11:15 PM - Fuck Airman: "THEY NEVER SAW ME COMING"
  1595. 11:15 PM - Fuck Airman: "AHAHA, LAUGH OR I KILL ALL OF YOU"
  1596. 11:15 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "You did well brother."
  1597. 11:15 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: hint: you might want to grab the driver and ask him who's got it out for your new party member
  1598. 11:15 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I figured he died
  1599. 11:15 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: :V
  1600. 11:15 PM - Fuck Airman: "I SAID LAUGH"
  1601. 11:15 PM - Merchant: "Fuck No"
  1602. 11:16 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Entropy backs away from Merchant before his blood gets on his shiny new leg
  1603. 11:16 PM - Merchant: :V
  1604. 11:16 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: "ask" as in "ask nicely while punching him over and over in the balls in Entropy's recording studio"
  1605. 11:16 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "I suggest you laugh. A simple 'ha' will do."
  1606. 11:16 PM - Merchant: "More like nah":
  1607. 11:17 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: so, Ryan, what's your character's base Empathy?
  1608. 11:17 PM - El Aguila Quema: odamn
  1609. 11:17 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: c:
  1610. 11:17 PM - Fuck Airman: 2
  1611. 11:17 PM - Fuck Airman: But it is 1 atm due to augs
  1612. 11:17 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: that feels like the perfect moment
  1613. 11:17 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright roll 1d10
  1614. 11:17 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: "It won't be me who gets his dick sawed off. I already lost enough parts."
  1615. 11:17 PM - Merchant: what
  1616. 11:17 PM - Merchant: o fuq
  1617. 11:17 PM - Merchant: ooooaoaeogosrphinrh
  1618. 11:17 PM - Fuck Airman: 3
  1619. 11:17 PM - Merchant: ofuqofuqofuq
  1620. 11:17 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: well you just got lucky
  1621. 11:17 PM - Fuck Airman: Can I kill things now?
  1622. 11:17 PM - Fuck Airman: Aww
  1623. 11:17 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: and managed to keep your psychosis in check
  1624. 11:17 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: ~for now....~
  1625. 11:17 PM - Merchant: i didn't know that could trigger it :V
  1626. 11:18 PM - Fuck Airman: Better start laughing
  1627. 11:18 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: figured that'd be the perfect moment really
  1628. 11:18 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright, so
  1629. 11:18 PM - Merchant: My tongue will still be as free as the people of america tho
  1630. 11:18 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I kind of don't have any more stuff prepared for today :v
  1631. 11:18 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: also I'm sleepy
  1632. 11:19 PM - Fuck Airman: My saw will make it as free as the people of North Korea
  1633. 11:19 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: but, good news abound - we can play tomorrow as I've got the day off on Monday
  1634. 11:19 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: !
  1635. 11:19 PM - Fuck Airman: Woo
  1636. 11:19 PM - Merchant: I'll have you hanged for 50 dollars
  1637. 11:19 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: unless y'all can't/don't feel like it
  1638. 11:19 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I can live with this
  1639. 11:19 PM - Merchant: I can't play tomorrow
  1640. 11:19 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: aw
  1641. 11:19 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: why would that be?
  1642. 11:20 PM - Merchant: I gotta make up at like 5 for school
  1643. 11:20 PM - Merchant: wake up*
  1644. 11:20 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: we can start earlier than usual
  1645. 11:20 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: like the last time we played on a Sunday
  1646. 11:20 PM - Merchant: alright I can probably do that
  1647. 11:20 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: what
  1648. 11:20 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: school on sunday
  1649. 11:20 PM - Fuck Airman: Well, from 1-4 Central time, I have shit to do
  1650. 11:20 PM - Merchant: no i got school on monday
  1651. 11:21 PM - Fuck Airman: But anytime after that, my social life is empty
  1652. 11:21 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: you must not be murrical
  1653. 11:21 PM - Fuck Airman: ^u^
  1654. 11:21 PM - Merchant: I don't want to go to bed at 12 and wake up at 5
  1655. 11:21 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I got monday off because Columbus beat some indians to death or somethin
  1656. 11:21 PM - Fuck Airman: Thank god for the murder of thousands of natives
  1657. 11:21 PM - Fuck Airman: 0u0
  1658. 11:21 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Agreed
  1659. 11:21 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: they died for our cause (of having a day off)
  1660. 11:21 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Their deaths were worth the day off from school
  1661. 11:22 PM - Fuck Airman: Indeed
  1662. 11:22 PM - Fuck Airman: Also, for Thanksgiving
  1663. 11:22 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: I actually don't get a day off 'cause of that but 'cause it's like Teacher's day or some other polish tradition shit iunno
  1664. 11:22 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: Thanks for giving us such nice holidays
  1665. 11:22 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: anyway I get a day off so I don't care why really :v
  1666. 11:22 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: such a polish co-inky0dink
  1667. 11:22 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: so, who's saving the log?
  1668. 11:22 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: guess me
  1669. 11:23 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I've been doing it since we started Fallout
  1670. 11:23 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: thank you for volunteering
  1671. 11:23 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: no need to break tradition
  1672. 11:23 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: yeah I know, it was kind of a rhetorical question really since I was sure you'd answer to it :v
  1673. 11:23 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: pleb
  1674. 11:23 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: :v
  1675. 11:23 PM - Merchant: brb
  1676. 11:23 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: give me REF points instead of EMP next time
  1677. 11:23 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I demand to allocate an EMP point to Ref
  1678. 11:24 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: oh yeah also last question: how do y'all like the terrible pun in my name
  1679. 11:24 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 11/10
  1680. 11:24 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: also no gm does what gm wants
  1681. 11:24 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: 0/10
  1682. 11:24 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: there should be a comma somewhere in this sentence for it to make sense actually
  1683. 11:24 PM - Merchant: back
  1684. 11:24 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: nobody cares
  1685. 11:24 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: c:
  1686. 11:24 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: alright, auf wiedeshein erryone, I'm off to sleep
  1687. 11:24 PM - Welcome To The Space GM: see ya later
  1688. 11:25 PM - Welcome To The Space GM disconnected.
  1689. 11:25 PM - Merchant: bai~
  1690. 11:25 PM - Fuck Airman left chat.
  1691. 11:25 PM - Merchant: I think I might switch out Merchant for a Techie after the heist
  1692. 11:25 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: go 4 it
  1693. 11:26 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: I'm sticking with Entropy as long as possible
  1694. 11:26 PM - Merchant: Well
  1695. 11:26 PM - El Aguila Quema: bye guys
  1696. 11:26 PM - El Aguila Quema left chat.
  1697. 11:27 PM - The Unnerfable Entropy: welp
  1698. 11:27 PM - Merchant: bai
  1699. 11:27 PM - Merchant left chat.
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