

May 11th, 2017
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  1. {
  2. "bot_no_permission": "You do not have permission to use this command.",
  3. "bot_botspam": "This command is disabled here!",
  4. "bot_botspam_redirect": "This command is disabled here! Please try using it in <#%s>.",
  5. "bot_cooldown_redirect": "%s, please cool down! %s seconds left.",
  6. "bot_bad_syntax": "Incorrect syntax.",
  7. "bot_generic_error": "Something went wrong, and the error has been logged.",
  8. "bot_not_registered": "%s has not registered with me yet! Try `%shelp register`.",
  9. "bot_available_subcommands": "Available subcommands: %s",
  10. "bot_no_member": "Couldn't find a member.",
  11. "bot_no_hero_error": "Couldn't find a hero.",
  12. "bot_mika_error": "Something went wrong grabbing data from OpenDota. Please try again.",
  13. "bot_wrong_data": "Not enough data for this command!",
  14. "admin_display_channel_specific_cooldowns": "Channel-specific cooldowns: `%s`",
  15. "admin_display_member_specific_cooldowns": "Member-specific cooldowns: `%s`",
  16. "admin_display_custom_prefix": "Custom prefix: `%s`",
  17. "admin_display_trivia_channel": "Trivia channel: %s",
  18. "admin_dispaly_trivia_channel_none": "none",
  19. "admin_display_disabled_commands": "Disabled commands here: %s",
  20. "admin_display_disabled_commands_none": "No disabled commands in this channel.",
  21. "admin_botspam_change": "Botspam channel set to %s.",
  22. "admin_cooldowns_set": "Set %s limit to %s seconds.",
  23. "admin_disable_list": "All disabled commands in this channel: %s",
  24. "admin_disable_none": "No disabled commands in this channel.",
  25. "admin_enable_error": "Disable some commands first!",
  26. "admin_locale_change": "Language set to `%s`.",
  27. "admin_locale_failure": "Can't set to this language! Available languages: %s",
  28. "admin_prefix_change": "Prefix set to `%s`.",
  29. "admin_trivia_enable": "Trivia enabled in <#%s>.",
  30. "admin_trivia_disable": "Trivia channel disabled.",
  31. "prommr_success": "Available regions: %s. Or filter by country:",
  32. "prommr_header": "Top 10 players sorted by Solo MMR in %s",
  33. "prommr_all": "all regions",
  34. "prommr_name": "Name",
  35. "prommr_last_updated": "Last Updated",
  36. "sub_invalid_syntax": "Please mention one player to subscribe to.",
  37. "sub_success": "This subscription has been added.",
  38. "sub_failure": "Something went wrong inserting this subscription. The error has been logged.",
  39. "sub_team_id": "Please provide a team ID. Check out <> for a list of teams.",
  40. "sub_league_id": "Please provide a league ID. Check out <> for a list of leagues.",
  41. "sub_no_type": "Type is a required argument that is missing. Currently available type(s): %s",
  42. "sub_wrong_type": "This type of subscription is not supported. Currently available type(s): %s",
  43. "sub_wrong_newsfeed": "This newsfeed subscription is not available. Available newsfeed subscriptions: %s",
  44. "twitch_clip": "**%s** playing Dota 2, clipped by **%s**, duration **%s**",
  45. "unsub_message_1": "Current subscriptions in this channel owned by %s:",
  46. "unsub_message_3": "To unsubscribe from a subscription, type the number associated with the subscription. This will time out in 60 seconds.",
  47. "unsub_message_4": "Use `%sunsub nuke` to clear all subscriptions from this channel.",
  48. "unsub_success": "Unsubscribed from feed `%s`.",
  49. "unsub_out_of_range": "Index out of range. Try a different number.",
  50. "unsub_timeout": "No response detected, exiting.",
  51. "unsub_no_feeds": "%s has no feeds subscribed to in this channel.",
  52. "unsub_nuke_success": "Successfully nuked %s subscriptions from %s.",
  53. "ping_edit": ":ping_pong: Message send latency: `%s` milliseconds",
  54. "pong": ":ping_pong: Shard latency: `%s` milliseconds",
  55. "trivia_wrong_channel": "Try this command in the trivia channel! <#%s>",
  56. "trivia_no_channel": "This server does not have a designated trivia channel! Try `%shelp admin trivia`.",
  57. "trivia_stopped": "Trivia stopped.",
  58. "trivia_top_ten_bot": "Top 10 users throughout the bot:",
  59. "trivia_top_ten_server": "Top 10 users in this server:",
  60. "trivia_unkown_user": "Unknown User",
  61. "trivia_concurrent_games": "Current trivia games running:",
  62. "trivia_total_questions": "Total questions:",
  63. "trivia_first_place": "First place:",
  64. "trivia_has_not_played": "%s hasn't played trivia yet!",
  65. "trivia_points": "Points:",
  66. "trivia_highest_streak": "Highest Streak:",
  67. "trivia_server_rank": "Server Rank:",
  68. "trivia_global_rank": "Global Rank:",
  69. "info_description": "A Dota 2 related bot. Contact %s for support and questions!",
  70. "info_links_0": "📄 [GitHub](%s)",
  71. "info_links_1": "🤖 [Online Help](%s)",
  72. "info_links_2": "🔗 [Invite Link](%s)",
  73. "info_links_3": "ℹ [Help Server](%s)",
  74. "info_alpha_testers": "Alpha Testers",
  75. "info_translators": "Translators",
  76. "info_github_log": "GitHub Log",
  77. "info_links": "Links",
  78. "info_special_thanks": "Special Thanks",
  79. "restart_trivia_message": "The bot is going down for an update. Wait a ~30 seconds and type `--trivia start` again. Sorry for the inconvenience!",
  80. "history_with_wrong_data": "Not enough or too much data provided for this command! Please only specify one member.",
  81. "history_with_title": "History between %s and %s",
  82. "history_with_with": "With",
  83. "history_with_winloss": "Win/Loss",
  84. "history_with_against": "Against",
  85. "history_as_wins": "Wins:",
  86. "history_as_games": "Games:",
  87. "history_as_winrate": "Winrate:",
  88. "lastmatch_no_match": "Couldn't find a match with these parameters.",
  89. "matches_no_matchid": "Couldn't find a match ID.",
  90. "matches_bad_matchid": "Invalid match ID provided.",
  91. "matches_match_unknown_player": "Unknown",
  92. "matches_match_radiant_victory": "Radiant Victory!",
  93. "matches_match_dire_victory": "Dire Victory!",
  94. "matches_match_completed": "Completed",
  95. "matches_embed_title": "Use `%smatches` to check on a specific match.",
  96. "matchinfo_match_radiant_victory": "Radiant Victory!",
  97. "matchinfo_match_dire_victory": "Dire Victory!",
  98. "matchinfo_match_completed": "Completed",
  99. "mmr_in_progress": "Gathering MMR data. This could take up to %s.",
  100. "mmr_all_title": "Top 15 players sorted by Solo MMR in %s",
  101. "mmr_all_players": "Players",
  102. "register_steam_down": "Steam is down or registering is disabled at the moment, please try again later.",
  103. "register_bad_vanity": "Couldn't resolve this vanity URL.",
  104. "register_no_id": "ID missing or invalid ID provided.",
  105. "register_private_account": "This steam account is private, or hasn't signed up for OpenDota yet! I can't register it.",
  106. "register_no_steam_id": "I couldn't find a steam ID associated with this user!",
  107. "register_dm_0": "Thanks for registering with listen-bot!",
  108. "register_dm_1": "Please check your steam friend requests. You should receive a request from me.",
  109. "register_dm_2": "On acceptance, I will prompt you for a code, please send me this: `%s`",
  110. "register_dm_3": "This code is case sensitive and will expire in 10 minutes.",
  111. "register_dm_4": "",
  112. "register_dm_5": "If you didn't get a friend request, try sending me a request as well: <%s>",
  113. "unregister_no_account": "You don't have an account with me.",
  114. "unregister_success": "Deleted. Sorry to see you go... 😢",
  115. "ability_not_found_conflicts": "Ability not found. Possible conflicts: %s",
  116. "ability_not_found": "Couldn't find that ability.",
  117. "guide_no_guides": "Couldn't find any guides for this hero.",
  118. "item_not_found_conflicts": "Item not found. Possible conflicts: %s",
  119. "item_not_found": "Item not found.",
  120. "patch_message_0": "%s has changed in %s.",
  121. "patch_message_1": "Use ◀ and ▶ to scroll between patches.",
  122. "help_list_of_commands": "List of commands:",
  123. "help_instruction": "Use `%shelp <name>` to find out more about a specific command.",
  124. "help_cant_find": "Can't find help topic `%s`.",
  125. "help_name": "Name",
  126. "help_usage": "Usage",
  127. "help_aliases": "Aliases",
  128. "help_filters": "Filters",
  129. "help_args": "Arguments/Subcommands",
  130. "help_cmd_prommr_usage": "%sprommr <region or countrycode>",
  131. "help_cmd_prommr_args_0": "`region`: filter by a specific region, either americas, se_asia, china, or europe",
  132. "help_cmd_prommr_args_1": "`countrycode`: filter by a two character country code, for example `us`",
  133. "help_cmd_prommr_desc": "Shows a leaderboard of MMR according to Valve's leaderboards. Provide an invalid argument for a list of countries and regions.",
  134. "help_cmd_sub_usage": "%ssub <type> <id>",
  135. "help_cmd_sub_args_0": "`type`: the type of subscription, can be player, team, league, or newsfeed",
  136. "help_cmd_sub_args_1": "`id`: the identifier for the type of subscription. can be a player id, team id, league id, or newsfeed name.",
  137. "help_cmd_sub_desc": "Subscribe to multiple feeds of news or matches in this channel.",
  138. "help_cmd_twitch_usage": "%stwitch <subcommand>",
  139. "help_cmd_twitch_args_0": "`clip`: returns a random clip",
  140. "help_cmd_twitch_args_1": "`streams`: returns top 5 streams in English. filter to other languages with a two character country code.",
  141. "help_cmd_twitch_desc": "Some commands related to Dota 2 activity on",
  142. "help_cmd_unsub_usage": "%sunsub <nuke>",
  143. "help_cmd_unsub_args_0": "`nuke`: if used with nuke, all subscriptions by anyone in this channel will be deleted.",
  144. "help_cmd_unsub_desc": "Interactively removes your subscriptions from a channel.",
  145. "help_cmd_admin_usage": "%sadmin <subcommand> <options>",
  146. "help_cmd_admin_args_0": "`botspam <#channel>`: allows a certain channel to ignore cooldowns and disabled commands.",
  147. "help_cmd_admin_args_1": "`cooldowns <channel or member> <time in seconds>`: set server wide cooldowns for channels or members.",
  148. "help_cmd_admin_args_2": "`disable <command(s)>`: turns certain commands off in the current channel.",
  149. "help_cmd_admin_args_3": "`enable <command(s)>`: turns certain commands on in the current channel.",
  150. "help_cmd_admin_args_4": "`locale <code>`: changes bot's language to a different one. use command by itself to see a list of available languages.",
  151. "help_cmd_admin_args_5": "`prefix <new prefix>`: allows the bot to respond to a different prefix. it will still respond to `--`.",
  152. "help_cmd_admin_args_6": "`trivia <channel>`: enables the trivia game in a certain channel. use `here` to use the current channel, or `none` to disable it.",
  153. "help_cmd_arteezy_usage": "%sarteezy",
  154. "help_cmd_arteezy_desc": "Returns a random arteezy tweet.",
  155. "help_cmd_courage_usage": "%scourage [<hero name>]",
  156. "help_cmd_courage_desc": "Returns a random item build. see <> for rules, or make your own!",
  157. "help_cmd_mike_usage": "%smike",
  158. "help_cmd_mike_desc": "Returns a random ixmike88 quote.",
  159. "help_cmd_mike_usage": "%sping",
  160. "help_cmd_ping_desc": "Returns the time between when the bot received your message and the bot's message being sent.",
  161. "help_cmd_pong_usage": "%spong",
  162. "help_cmd_pong_desc": "Returns the last heartbeat latency measure.",
  163. "help_cmd_trivia_usage": "%strivia <subcommand>",
  164. "help_cmd_trivia_args_0": "`start`: starts the trivia game.",
  165. "help_cmd_trivia_args_1": "`stop`: stops the trivia game, if it is running.",
  166. "help_cmd_trivia_args_2": "`top`: returns leaderboard of trivia scores in this server.",
  167. "help_cmd_trivia_args_3": "`top all`: returns every trivia score in the bot.",
  168. "help_cmd_trivia_args_4": "`points [<member>]`: returns your trivia points. type or mention a name to check on someone else.",
  169. "help_cmd_trivia_args_5": "`stats`: some statistics about the trivia game.",
  170. "help_cmd_botstats_usage": "%sbotstats",
  171. "help_cmd_botstats_desc": "Returns statistics about the bot.",
  172. "help_cmd_help_usage": "%shelp <command>",
  173. "help_cmd_help_desc": "How did you get here?",
  174. "help_cmd_info_usage": "%sinfo",
  175. "help_cmd_info_desc": "Returns some information about the bot.",
  176. "help_cmd_invite_usage": "%sinvite",
  177. "help_cmd_shardinfo_usage": "%sshardinfo",
  178. "help_cmd_shardinfo_desc": "Shows information on the shards of the bot.",
  179. "help_cmd_usage_usage": "%susage",
  180. "help_cmd_usage_desc": "Shows how many times each command has been used.",
  181. "help_cmd_history_usage": "%shistory <filter> <text> [<filter> <text>]",
  182. "help_cmd_history_filters_0": "`with <member>`: show your history with another registered user.",
  183. "help_cmd_history_filters_1": "`as <hero>`: show your history as a certain hero.",
  184. "help_cmd_history_filters_2": "`of <member>`: *optional* when used with the `as` filter, override the search for your ID with theirs.",
  185. "help_cmd_history_desc": "NOTE: using `of <member> with <member>` does not work as of now.",
  186. "help_cmd_lastmatch_usage": "%slastmatch <filter> <text> [<filter> <text>]",
  187. "help_cmd_lastmatch_filters_0": "`with <member>`: *optional* adds a member filter to the search for your latest match.",
  188. "help_cmd_lastmatch_filters_1": "`as <hero>`: *optional* adds a hero filter to the search for your latest match.",
  189. "help_cmd_lastmatch_filters_2": "`of <member>`: *optional* adds a member filter, and removes your ID from the search.",
  190. "help_cmd_lastmatch_desc": "Get your last match. Multiple filters can be applied. For member filters, more than one member may be specified.",
  191. "help_cmd_matches_usage": "%smatches <filter> <text> [<filter> <text>]",
  192. "help_cmd_matches_filters_0": "`with <member>`: *optional* adds a member filter to the search for matches.",
  193. "help_cmd_matches_filters_1": "`as <hero>`: *optional* adds a hero filter to the search for matches.",
  194. "help_cmd_matches_filters_2": "`of <member>`: *optional* adds a member filter, and removes your ID from the search.",
  195. "help_cmd_matches_desc": "Get your last 12 matches. Multiple filters can be applied. For member filters, more than one member may be specified.",
  196. "help_cmd_matchinfo_usage": "%smatchinfo <matchid>",
  197. "help_cmd_matchinfo_args_0": "`matchid`: a match ID, Dotabuff link or OpenDota link to look up.",
  198. "help_cmd_matchinfo_desc": "Gets a specific match and displays it.",
  199. "help_cmd_mmr_usage": "%smmr [<member or all>]",
  200. "help_cmd_mmr_args_0": "`member`: *optional* A registered member.",
  201. "help_cmd_mmr_args_1": "`all`: *optional* Use this argument to retrieve a leaderboard of the current server.",
  202. "help_cmd_mmr_desc": "Retrieves MMR data from OpenDota for a member, for the server, or for yourself.",
  203. "help_cmd_playerinfo_usage": "%splayerinfo [<member>]",
  204. "help_cmd_playerinfo_args_0": "`member`: *optional* A registered member.",
  205. "help_cmd_playerinfo_desc": "Show a summary of a player's profile. Can be used without arguments to find your own.",
  206. "help_cmd_register_usage": "%sregister <friend ID, OpenDota link, Dotabuff link>",
  207. "help_cmd_register_desc": "Accepts a steam profile link or a Dotabuff/OpenDota link. The bot account will send you a friend request on steam along with a direct message on discord with instructions. **Make sure your steam account is public and you have discord set to accept direct messages from other users before trying this!**",
  208. "help_cmd_unregister_usage": "%sunregister",
  209. "help_cmd_unregister_desc": "Removes your account with the bot.",
  210. "help_cmd_ability_usage": "%sability <name>",
  211. "help_cmd_ability_args_0": "`name`: Either the name of the ability, or the hero name along with the default key (QWEDFR).",
  212. "help_cmd_ability_desc": "Returns information about an ability.",
  213. "help_cmd_guide_usage": "%sguide <hero name>",
  214. "help_cmd_guide_desc": "Returns a Torte De Lini guide for a hero.",
  215. "help_cmd_hero_usage": "%shero <hero name>",
  216. "help_cmd_hero_desc": "Returns some stats and a list of abilities for a hero.",
  217. "help_cmd_item_usage": "%sitem <item name>",
  218. "help_cmd_item_desc": "Returns information about an item.",
  219. "help_cmd_patch_usage": "%spatch <hero name>",
  220. "help_cmd_patch_desc": "Returns an interactive list of patch notes for a hero.",
  221. "help_cmd_talents_usage": "%stalents <hero name>",
  222. "help_cmd_talents_desc": "Returns the talents for a specific hero."
  223. }
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