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Sep 21st, 2017
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  1. Recently, we've seen high ranked officers of the Paralake Police Department making use of a new, non standard-issue weapon called a Taser.
  2. The Taser is commonly used as a weapon to take down a suspect posing a threat, or refusing to cooperate and is acting in an aggresive manner.
  3. Many officers are positive about the idea, We've interviewed a couple of them, who have claimed that a taser would make them draw their firearms less often because it's the perfect tool to use when the nightstick is not a good method of force, but their firearm is too excessive. Officers have said it would most likely be used against agressive suspects who are posing a threat to the public safety, but not directly with immidiate danger to someones life.
  4. Some might agree, but according to various stories, the "non" in non lethal weapon, might just be a lie.
  5. In the month of august, the police tested the taser for it's atvantages and disatvantages, with schocking results.
  6. On the 25th of august, citizen Jack woodfield got in some trouble after stepping in his vehicle, leaving the betrunkeners pub at the Docks in the business area. The reason? He had drank twice as much as the legal alcohol limit. When informed by the police to stop, the suspect drew a small bat and began walking at officers. The taser was drawn, and officer 'John', who wished to remain anonymous, tasered the suspect. The suspect failed to respond to any order given by police, and after 5 minutes J. Woodfield had no more signs of life. Paramedics responded to the scene but were unsuccesful in saving his life. According to the coroners office, the taser had failed in giving the correct amount of amperage, which caused J. Woodfield in going into shock and dying shortly after.
  7. Citizens hope the taser wil be used properly and only in situations where it would be alsolutely required, not just because it would be an easier tool to aprehend a suspect. With the common acts of excessive force by the Paralake Police, we're expecting another story regarding this soon.
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