
KarateQt's Private Training

Jan 29th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. The hard, meaty smack of flesh on a plastic mat filled the air, sending a nice echo cascading off the walls and echoing throughout the room where it milled about with the last remnants of a pained grunt, the heavy sickly-sweet stink of sweat, and the all-around general sense of impending doom, frustration, and maybe just a hint of embarrassment.
  3. Not for the first time that day did Lincoln Loud curse his lot in life.
  5. He laid there for a moment, groaning in pain and misery. He wasn’t going to cry, and not out of any misplaced sense of masculinity or any of that malarkey, he was just too tired to even consider it. That, and all things considered this wasn’t the worst he’d been through. Lynn had put him through the ringer so many times now this barely even stung.
  7. No, this was a more general, distant pain. His whole body ached, and he was sore all over but that he could handle just fine. Most looked at Lincoln and assumed him scrawny, weak. They were mostly right, but while he wasn’t exactly known for dishing out pain he could sure as heck take it like nobody’s business. And he wasn’t scrawny he was wiry there’s a difference Coach Pacowski you fat fuck, Coach Keck is better than you ever were.
  9. “C’mon Linc, don’t give up now!”
  11. With a sigh Lincoln placed his hands flat on the blue training mat and slowly pushed up, literally peeling his face off the plastic. His sweat left a nice imprint of his face behind and Lincoln glared at it for a few seconds, as though blaming it for his current predicament.
  13. He wasn’t that far off, seeing as he only had himself to blame, as usual.
  15. Taking in a deep breath through his nose Lincoln looked over his shoulder and stared into deep, warm, chocolate limpid pools, which is just a poetical way of saying he was looking into a pretty girls’ eyes. Lincoln always was one of those hopeless romantical types at heart, probably had something to do with the whole, y’know, ten sisters thing.
  17. A good few feet away from where she’d thrown him Kathleen “The Karate QT” Kennedy stood, a smug smile on her face and a glint in her eyes as she playfully glared into his. Her light-black skin shone under a glimmering layer of sweat in the fluorescent lights, and her puffy hair was tied up into a ponytail with a purple scrunchie. Her pose was tense, but somehow still relaxed, like she was ready for action but not at all worried, and to be honest he couldn’t blame her for her hauteur. She was like air sometimes, Lincoln thought, weightless but not at all fragile; the taut muscles of her arms and legs, tense and poised underneath her white robes, attested to that and Lincoln had oft felt the veracity of such strength in the last few months.
  19. Completely of his own volition, mind. He was here for a reason, and as much as some might claim otherwise it wasn’t to get his jollies. Lincoln was no masochist.
  21. Kathleen leaned forward on her toes, bouncing in place as she held up her clenched fists in mock aggression. “C’mon,” she called out, “let me have it! I know you still have a little fight in you!”
  23. The determination and drive in her voice resonated within him, stoking the embers of his tenacity. With a low, deep huff Lincoln steeled himself, reaching deep within his core for those last vestiges of resolve and strength as he flexed his arms-
  25. An immediate and near overwhelming pain flared up in his sides and whatever perseverance he might’ve possessed rushed out of him as he wheezed like a deflated balloon. He didn’t go slack, he could at least say that much, and he managed to push himself to his knees at least, but his face had gone flushed from the effort and he felt a little sick.
  27. Behind him Kathleen’s face went slack and her eyes went wide as all mirth vanished in an instant. “Oh crap,” she muttered and in three steps was by his side, kneeling on the mat as she gingerly prodded his sides.
  29. “Where’s it hurt?” she asked, her tone one of concern and calm urgency as she pressed in close, and her question was answered by way of a pained grunt as an errant brush of her fingers ran over his side, just under the ribs. She pulled up his orange shirt and winced at the sight, sucking in a breath through grit teeth as she beheld the discolored skin of a forming bruise.
  31. “Looks like I got you with that kick after all,” she murmured, and Lincoln could hear the unspoken apology clear as day.
  33. “’S fine,” he muttered, “I’m just being a baby.” He was embarrassed, not necessarily because she was fawning over him but more so that he couldn’t take one lousy kick without bruising up like a banana in the first place. Call it unwarranted machismo all you want but no boy wants to look like a wimp, especially in front of a pretty girl.
  35. Kathleen snorted and flashed him a look. “Don’t be dumb,” she chastised, “if it hurts then it hurts. You trying to tough it out doesn’t impress me.”
  37. Lincoln looked back to the ground, thoroughly cowed by her admonishments. Almost immediately her own eyes softened, and she leaned into him, taking especial care not to press close to his sides as she draped herself over his back.
  39. “Hey,” she whispered into his ear, tenderness in her voice and in her touch, “just sit tight alright, I’ll go get some ice.”
  41. Lincoln nodded his head lamely and was rewarded with a quick kiss on his cheek before the weight on his back relinquished and she took off up the stairs, leaving Lincoln alone in her little makeshift dojo converted basement with only her workout equipment and Karate Kid posters to entertain him.
  43. As she left Lincoln sighed and stretched his back, grunting as the pain in his side flared up. It wasn’t that bad, really. It hurt now that it was all fresh but by tomorrow it’d be nothing more than a familiar dull ache. This wasn’t the first bruise he’d gotten here, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
  45. And as Lincoln stretched, ignoring the cries of abuse from his muscles, it suddenly occurred to him that Kathleen was probably a bit embarrassed herself. She always was after something like this. She never meant it of course, she was just so used to sparring with other kids at her skill level that she… got a bit carried away during their private sessions. Her didn’t blame her, and to be frank he’d gotten worse at home anyway, but it always left her a bit moody afterwards.
  47. Lincoln always thought that a big part of it was because she was worried that he’d take offence to the idea that a girl was stronger than him, which was patently ridiculous in his mind. Having grown up with ten sisters that would wail on him at any given notice (five because they were older and stronger and another five because they were younger and could get away with it) it hardly concerned him whether or not a girl could kick his butt. Some boys his age might rail against the thought, but Lincoln was secure enough in his masculinity that the idea of a girl who trained every day in martial arts and was skilled enough and just plain strong enough to slam him into the mat didn’t bother him one bit.
  49. No, her being tougher than him wasn’t what got to him, it was more that he wasn’t even close to her level yet. It wasn’t that she could beat him so much as it was how effortlessly she could do it. Like he wasn’t even worth the effort sometimes…
  51. He considered this train of thought for all of three seconds before shrugging. ‘Oh well,’ he decided, ‘that’s why I’m here, right?’
  53. Taking in a deep breath Lincoln straightened up, held it for a few seconds, and let it all out in a gasp. Fuck, that hurt! Looking down at his side Lincoln frowned and gingerly touched the already purple bruise. Damn, she really did get him good there. Oh well, his fault for not blocking when he should’ve. Turns out all those “reflexes” you get from videogames mean jack-diddly in the ring.
  55. “Alright, got the ice,” Kathleen called out, and she quickly emerged with prize in tow. She was smiling, but Lincoln had known her for long enough to when she was faking. She knelt by his side and he pulled up his shirt, hissing in pain and relief when she pushed the ice pack against his side.
  57. They sat together for a while, neither really saying much, and her pointedly refusing to meet his expectant gaze as she busied herself with searching for any other possible bruises or injuries. Nothing major, aside from the myriad of minor bruises he’d suffered before and the scar she’d given him their first training session.
  59. Man, it took, like, weeks to get her to calm down after that little incident. She wanted to call off the whole thing then and there. But Lincoln had managed to sway her in the end and now a few months later here they were.
  61. Geez, it’s funny how things turn out, isn’t it?
  63. Not but a little over a year ago Lincoln had found himself in a rut. The then eleven-year-old had the entire expanse of summer ahead of him, but all he could focus on was the looming prospects of his ensured survival in that proverbial hell known to all little kids as… Middle School!
  65. Yeah, bit out of proportion maybe, but he’d been raised on a steady diet of paranoia and horror stories courtesy of his elder sisters, who in hindsight were probably just trying to freak him out; and they succeeded! The worst offender was, as usual, Lynn, who insisted his scrawny butt was little more than fresh meat and all the bullies he’d face previously were fodder compared to what lay ahead. Scared thoroughly out of his wits Lincoln was all but ready to just go ahead and sign his own will then and there when he had a… well a chance encounter we’ll call it.
  67. See, and it really does bear repeating, Lincoln had never been especially lucky with the ladies. There was Cristina, who was disgusted by not only him but apparently romance in general and practically had a panic attack anybody even spoke to her. Then there was Paige who was the jealous, competitive type that made him feel like dirt if he so much as looked at another girl. Oh, and then there was Ronnie Anne! Ronnie Anne, his first female friend, the two of them had that whole will-they-or-won’t-they thing going for them, but for the longest time they’d insisted they were just friends and when she moved away to the city during the summer that basically was the final nail in the coffin.
  69. They’d had a good long talk about it. It hurt then, doesn’t anymore but it did then, not gonna lie. But hey, that’s life. The two of them had decided to stay friends, good friends actually, and over time the sting of it would fade and become replace with an almost fraternal bond. She was important to him, always would be, but looking back on it now Lincoln could see that romance wasn’t really an option, that the love between them was something other than the romantic kind everybody else seemed so intent on pushing onto them.
  71. However, revelations like these would come much later, for the Lincoln back then the pain of it was still fresh and he yearned for her company. A yearning that did not go unnoticed, for what friends would Lincoln’s be if they idly stood by and let their buddy suffer so wantonly without so much as lifting a finger? Shitty ones that’s what! So, naturally, Lincoln’s little crew of lads proceeded to do what they do best and make a pack of absolute asses out of themselves on some misguided quest at matchmaking their pal with practically every female in the entire mall!
  73. He couldn’t ask for better friends. No, really, he’s tried, it doesn’t work that way.
  75. So yeah, after what basically amounted to little more than a three-hour embarrassment montage wherein he was humiliated, emasculated, and all-around put through the wringer by his well-intentioned but frankly inept friends, Lincoln had slowly begun to come to the realization that the guys were acting a little strange and that maybe something was going on when… well when he met her.
  77. It was an admittedly rocky first meeting. Lincoln, who had only the vaguest inklings of what was going on, was introduced on behalf of his friends and did so with as much of his usual gusto – somewhat diminished from his sour mood and the recent happenings – as he could muster. Kathleen, who had mistaken him for a sparring partner, proceeded to then bestow upon him an ass kicking of such spectacular quality that he lasted for all of five seconds before passing out from the effort.
  79. By the time Lincoln had woken up – courtesy of the efforts of one Sensei Dan and his trusty bucket of iced water – his injuries had been tended too, as minor as they admittedly were. No concussions or sprains were to be had that day, thankfully. Poor Kathleen, however, was beside herself, out and out bawling right there in the middle of the dojo as she stammered out apology after apology.
  81. She felt terrible, which was understandable. Lincoln was also pretty sure she’d gotten a thorough chewing out from her sensei for just assuming he was another student and wailing on him like that, but for what it’s worth she seemed more upset that she’d done him in than whatever punishment she likely received. At any rate the two were introduced, but it would hardly be the last time he saw her.
  83. For one thing she seemed intent on ‘restoring her honor,’ whatever that meant. All he really gleaned from that was that she would be nice to him whenever she saw him, and should the two ever be at the mall at the same time (a more common occurrence than you might think, Royal Woods is tiny and Lincoln was practically dragged here every Saturday anyway by his sisters) they would, y’know, say hi, shoot the breeze, meet up sometimes. Maybe get a quick bite to eat now and then, she really was a lot of fun to talk too when he really got to know her, especially after she stopped feeling so bad about kicking his butt when they first met.
  85. And then summer ended, as summers are wont to do, and the dreaded school year started. You’d think that as the summer faded and the responsibilities of school quickly mounted such frivolities as a summer fling would be forgotten, pushed to the wayside.
  87. Well, they weren’t. When time couldn’t be found, Lincoln would make it, one way or the other. Maybe he had to ride his bike to the mall by himself, now that Lori had moved off to business school. Maybe he’d cram all his homework in one day, so he’d have a free one to spend with Kathleen. It helped that the two had a few of the same classes, now they didn’t have to meet up at the mall to hang. Now they could talk whenever they wanted, see each other practically every day really.
  89. And maybe, as the months passed, they’d go out more. Maybe they’d hang out at other places, like the arcade, or maybe they’d, who knows, catch a movie or something? Maybe when they talked to each other they did so… differently, flirtatiously even. And maybe, when nobody was really looking, he would stare. At her, that is. And maybe she would too, at first while he wasn’t looking but then, one day, while he was.
  91. Maybe that day they shared a quick kiss? Who can say? The subtle nuances of young love are best left to their own devices. And now here he was, thirteen years old and with his first semester of Middle School under his belt! 7th Grade? Psssh! You can keep it!
  93. He’d changed of course, as young men must. Not by much, he still had the same white hair, the same buck teeth. He was still on the slimmer side, but he was filling out now, regular exercise and a naturally trim physique did him good and the ganglyness of youth was starting to give way to lean muscle. He was still a dork, but now he was a dork with some muscle; sure some other boys were bigger but let’s just say these changes didn’t go unnoticed by those of the feminine persuasion, girls who wouldn’t have paid him a second glance now found themselves turning back as they passed him in the hall.
  95. He noticed, and it did wonders for his confidence, even if he only had eyes for his boo. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the only one to notice, and let’s just say Middle School had one last surprise for Lincoln.
  97. The bullies this go around were no joke. Up till now he’d only had to contend with the standard Elementary fare: taunting, name calling, the odd sneer in the hallway. Now they grabbed shirts, now they pushed and shoulder-checked, now they swore and snapped and tried everything short of physical contact to beat you down to size.
  99. And then, when all else failed, they ultimately did so. With prejudice.
  101. Chandler, as it turned out, was the jealous type. He didn’t like that Jordan made goo-goo eyes at some scrawny albino when she thought he wasn’t looking. Never mind that Lincoln never noticed, this was personal now dammit!
  103. Lincoln thought little of it, ignoring the rumors and concerns of his gaggle of friends with a smirk and a wave of his hand. All throughout Elementary School Lincoln had come to regard Chandler as an annoying prick, but that’s about it. More bark than bite so to speak. Who cares that he’d put on a little muscle between grades? He was still short as hell where Lincoln had shot up a good four or five inches and besides, he didn’t seem the violent type anyway.
  105. So, when Chandler suddenly grabbed him in the hallway, trying to pin his arm back as he reached another over Lincoln’s throat, it came as quite the surprise. But if Lincoln was surprised then Chandler was downright shocked when the white-haired dork lurched forward and drove his elbow behind him, scoring a direct hit on the red-head’s nose.
  107. It came as a shock to most really. Few regarded Lincoln as anything approaching a fighter, largely due to his reclusive and somewhat pacifistic nature; if Lincoln could talk something out, he always would, and he hardly ever got angry, passionate sure, but not angry. He was meek according to most, but what most neglected to remember was that Lincoln Loud grew up with ten sisters.
  109. The truth was Lincoln knew how to fight, or at least he knew how to scrap, he just didn’t enjoy it and had no real inclination to do so at school. He wasn’t some kind of badass, and he knew it, no reason to go around sticking your jaw out he reasoned, that was just a good way to get yourself punched.
  111. The incident passed without further trouble. Chandler slunk away, holding his nose and glaring daggers, while Lincoln was still reeling from what had happened. And though his bros congratulated him Lincoln knew this was just going to bite him in the ass later.
  113. Class passed by with an air of tension. By now everyone in school – minus the teachers of course – had heard about the ‘fight’ and all of them were waiting with bated breath for the eventual outcome. Now normally Lincoln hated to disappoint, but by this moment he was feeling proper sick to his guts and just wanted to go home, lie under the covers, and let this whole day pass on by.
  115. And for a moment he really thought he would be able too. When that last bell rang, when he raced out those double doors and out the front of the school, he truly felt like was going to get out scot-free.
  117. It was about then that Miles, one of Chandlers cronies (the fat one with the green jacket) clotheslined him.
  119. The back of Lincoln’s head bounced off the pavement and his vision went blurry. He thought he heard Clyde scream, but it sounded distant, hazy.
  121. The voice that immediately followed wasn’t.
  123. “Hello Larry,” Chandler sneered, stepping into view as he glared down at his self-proclaimed rival. “You think you’re hot shit Loud?” he asked, leaning forward, “Do ya!?”
  125. Lincoln answered with a good slug to the troglodyte’s nose, smiling as Chandler’s head lurched back and he screamed into his palms. This didn’t last as Joshua, another of Chandler’s cronies (a short kid with black hair and a red hoodie) punched him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Josh and Miles wasted no time pinning his arms, and though Lincoln struggled with a strength born of a lifetime of wrestling and squabbling – a strength the other boys hardly anticipated one might add – it wasn’t enough, and fatigue and pain were quick to set in.
  127. Chandler loomed over him, snarling like a rabid dog with blood dripping freely from his busted nose. Miles commented on it and was told to shut up for his efforts. “Who do you think you are?” Chandler asked him, “you’re just some geek, a freak! You think you can hit me!?”
  129. “You grabbed me,” Lincoln retorted, and was kicked in the ribs for his troubles.
  131. “Kids are laughing at me because of you,” Chandler seethed, “they’re telling me I got my ass kicked by Lincoln Loud. Bullshit you kicked my ass you little punk!”
  133. A crowd had gathered now, kids milling about and pressing in to watch in horror and fascination. A few of them were smiling, most weren’t.
  135. Chandler’s lower lip trembled a bit. “Jordan broke up with me because of you… said I was acting crazy. Crazy! Me!? Can you believe that!?”
  137. ‘Yeah,’ Lincoln thought but couldn’t say on account of the incessant ringing in his head and the fact that Chandler was kicking him in the gut.
  139. “Well I’m gonna teach you a lesson,” the red head snarled, furrowing his brow as he smiled nastily down at his prey. “I’ll teach you to never-
  141. Whatever lesson Chandler might’ve been willing to impart was mercifully cut short by a nice loud thud as someone’s heel neatly cracked him in the side of the head. Chandler’s face went slack and he hit the pavement like a dead fish.
  143. “Oh shit!” someone in the crowd shouted, but all Lincoln could hear after that was the sounds of someone’s knuckles being popped.
  145. “Let him go.”
  147. Ah, now there was a voice he recognized.
  149. Kathleen Kennedy stood still as a statue, her whole-body tense and poised and as tightly coiled as a wound spring. There was fire in her eyes and ice in her veins and moreover the promise that she wasn’t about to go easy on any of them. The crowd drew in, interested in this new development and keen to see where it might lead.
  151. The two boys glanced first at their fallen boss, then to each other. It wasn’t exactly a secret that Kathleen knew karate, though in her usual blue tank top and sweatpants you’d be hard-pressed to think of her as anything approaching dangerous.
  153. Miles was first to react, hauling himself to his feet with narrowed eyes and a clenched jaw. He moved forwards, all slow and menacing like, and reached out—
  155. Kathleen’s hand lashed out quick as lightning and grabbed on tight, squeezing the larger boy’s ham-like fist until something popped. His eyes bulged and he started to scream but the air was knocked out of him with a quick kick to the false ribs. He buckled at that and had just enough time to look up his assailant with wide eyes just before she cracked him in the neck with the side of her hand with a devastating chop that left him a gurgling mess on the ground.
  157. The whole thing was over in five seconds.
  159. The crowd was silent, as many of them tried to process what it was that just happened. Joshua was one of them, and by the time he realized that Miles was down Kathleen was already looming over him, staring down with wide eyes that held no promise for mercy.
  161. Josh flinched back. “No wai-
  163. Grabbing the front of his shirt Kathleen hefted him up single-handedly and with a flick of her wrist sent him sailing over her shoulder to land in the grass where he lay in a groaning heap.
  165. It was about then the crowd dispersed. The fight was over, and no one wanted to get caught by a teacher, so the kids scattered aside from a few dedicated fellows, Lincoln’s friends chief among them though a few good Samaritans stuck around as well and it was with their help that Lincoln was tended to.
  167. Kathleen in particular fretted, nothing new there. But there seemed to be… something. Lincoln couldn’t put his finger on it, and maybe it was just the possibility of a concussion but was it him or was she glowing? She seemed so… so real.
  169. She asked him if he needed to go to the nurse.
  171. He asked her to teach him.
  173. It wasn’t that easy. It would take a few more weeks of pestering to get a spar out of her, and a few more weeks after that for her to get over giving him that scar for her to start getting serious about teaching him self-defense. They were getting there, slowly but surely progress was being made; maybe not as quick as he’d like but hey, that’s his problem. Rome wasn’t built in a day after all.
  175. A deep sigh to his right brought Lincoln back to reality and he turned to look as Kathleen pulled off her scrunchie and shook her curly hair all around. Lincoln loved her hair, and he wanted to touch it but Lori had told him that was one of those Things You Don’t Do and he wasn’t sure if it was because she was a girl or because she was black and he didn’t really want to ask for fear of looking like an ass.
  177. She certainly didn’t let such fears stop her as she ran her own fingers through her dark, curled locks, blowing out a deep breath of air through her lips as she slowly nodded her head. Lincoln gave her a wry smile and bumped her. She smiled back but didn’t bump and he was half grateful and half annoyed by that.
  179. Not at her understand, but himself. He wasn’t fragile, he was weaker than her sure, but he wasn’t made of glass and it always irritated him whenever he got a bit roughed up during their sparring and she got all fretful and worried over him. Like, it was nice, but also annoying. Does that make sense? Probably not but hey, he’s thirteen, leave him alone.
  181. Lincoln felt her skin on his and smiled, wriggling his longer fingers around hers as he squeezed her hand tight. He loved the way she felt, especially her fists, hard but not calloused, she was thorough in her moisturizing and it showed. Lincoln brought the hand up to his lips for a kiss and she went a nice red color and looked away, giggling as she tried to wave him off. He merely redoubled his efforts, turning her hand so he could pay especial attention to the purple butterfly tattoo on her wrist before kissing his way down her arm, his heart soaring as she laughed and even snorted. She hated it when he made her snort, but he thought it was cuter than anything and endeavored to pry one out of her at every opportunity.
  183. Kathleen squealed and tried to squirm away as he planted a big wet kiss right on her cheek, but he held her tight and gave her a good nuzzle, which she returned with much gusto. They stayed like that for a hot minute, feeling each other’s warmth and relishing it. Eventually, however, Kathleen began to jostle around, and Lincoln relinquished his hold enough to let her look up at him with shining eyes.
  185. “Think I’m done for now,” she whispered. She was smiling but it was forced, and he didn’t like the idea that she had to force a smile around him.
  187. Lincoln sighed and tried to stretch out, but his muscles cried out and his side flared up with immediate waves of agony. “Yeah,” he muttered, and he hated that he couldn’t hide his strained tone.
  189. Kathleen frowned and wagged a finger in his face. “Don’t be mad.”
  191. “I’m not mad,” he protested, scratching his chin, “not at you anyway. More myself than anything.”
  193. “Well don’t be,” she said, smacking him in the shoulder and grinning when he turned to glare at her. “Seriously,” she insisted, “you’re getting so much better, you really are. Don’t get discouraged, you’re doing great seeing as you’ve only got a few months under your belt. You’re so good I keep forgetting you’re just a beginner, I just need to go easier on you, I guess…”
  195. Lincoln snorted. “Don’t even think about it,” he said, and though he smiled there was a bit of edge to his words. “I’m fine. I just need to toughen up a little. No pain no gain, right?”
  197. She huffed right on back and shook her head, looking up to the ceiling. ‘Lord, what am I gonna do with this boy,’ those eyes said, and it made him snicker. Kathleen folded up her legs under her and stood straight up then looked down at him with a quirked eyebrow. She leaned forward and poked him right on the nose.
  199. “You, Lincoln Loud, are stubborn,” she chastised. “You walk around like you ain’t the cutest thing ever but deep down you just a stubborn jerk.”
  201. “Yep!” Lincoln agreed, puffing out his chest as he flashed her those buck teeth of his.
  203. She gasped in mock outrage and looked away, spreading her arms out wide. “See what I gotta deal with?” she asked the invisible audience, gesturing to him.
  205. “Oh, they see,” Lincoln replied, spreading out on the mat as he pointed at her and snapped a finger. “They just agree you brought it on yourself.”
  207. “Yeah, they’re probably right Q-Tip,” she muttered, but there was only mirth in her words, and he chuckled at her little pet name for him.
  209. Leaning back Lincoln threw his arms up behind his head and stared up at her, wonder and affection in his gaze as his eyes rolled over her. Standing directly under the only source of light in the room she seemed radiant, her skin glowed with a golden sheen and her brilliant white karategi dazzled and amazed, though what immediately drew his eyes in was the Orange belt tied firmly around the uniform, a testament to her skills and prowess.
  211. “Don’t get too used to seeing this,” Kathleen said, tapping the side of her belt with a smile, having caught him staring. “Pretty soon it’ll be a Green belt, Sensei Dan says I’m top of the class!”
  213. Sensei Dan was a middle-aged, scruffy looking white guy who ran a karate dojo in a Michigan mall, and Lincoln was also pretty sure he still lived with his mom in the trailer park a mile away. He knew this, and he was pretty sure Kathleen did as well, but he still smiled all the same and nodded his head.
  215. “I believe it,” he said, and he did. Most kids barely made it to their Yellow belt, and while the logistics behind it still left him a bit befuddled, he let Kathleen’s skill and strength speak for itself in such matters.
  217. Kathleen, admittedly, wasn’t sure if she wanted to grow pro or anything like that, nor did she completely understand the specifics behind karate herself. She understood it was important, and went about everything Sensei Da instructed her to do with proper reverence, but she was also acutely aware that to someone who properly studied karate their whole life, like, in Japan or something, she probably came across as a bumbling doofus at best.
  219. It was just fun; she had told him once. She liked getting out there, she liked the mystery and the allure of martial arts, she enjoyed the routine and discipline, the power and the control, and she tried her best to respect the craft to the best of her abilities.
  221. It was commendable, Lincoln thought, and as long as she enjoyed it who cares. Nothing wrong with a bit of mall karate, just so long as you don’t make an ass of yourself thinking you’re some kind of ninja or martial arts master. And for all of Sensei Dan’s faults he himself seemed to greatly respect the whole thing too and tried to instill this understanding into all of his students.
  223. “I wasn’t joking y’know,” Kathleen suddenly said as she went about her post-workout stretching. “You really are getting better, I can tell. Your footwork is still crap, but you’re getting the basics. By the time Summer is over I’m pretty sure nobody will be wanting to mess with you.”
  225. Lincoln nodded his head from the ground, staring at her while she stretched. “Yeah,” he mumbled, “I guess. That’s not really why I’m doing this though.”
  227. Now that caught her attention, and she turned to look at him with eyebrow raised. “Huh? Really? I thought that was why you asked me give you self-defense lessons, so that way Chandler and his bully friends won’t beat on you next year?”
  229. He couldn’t fault her for thinking that. Middle School sucked, it wasn’t as bad as Lynn made it out to be, but it definitely sucked, and from what Luan and Luna told him High School was even worse. And while Chandler hadn’t really messed with him after the fight (which hadn’t been reported by the by, no teacher saw and Lincoln was no snitch) Linc could tell he wanted to, badly. And a summer’s worth of stewing in thoughts of revenge would make the red-head even worse next year. So yeah, self-defense training was definitely going to come in handy in the near future, and the exercise felt pretty good on top of that!
  231. But that wasn’t why he was here, and it wasn’t why he’d asked her to teach him those couple of months ago. Not by a long shot.
  233. Lincoln sucked in a lungful of air, held it for a second, and blew it out, scratching his head as he did so. How should he put it? He barely understood how he felt himself, but he felt he needed to at least let her know all the same, least he could do really. And more than that, he wanted her to know how she made him feel.
  235. “Look it’s… it’s hard to explain,” he lamely started, waving his hands about. Kathleen caught the exasperation in his voice and stopped stretching long enough to glance over. It wasn’t often that Lincoln really opened up; not like he was repressed or anything, he just generally wore his heart on his sleeves and didn’t want to bother anyone with all his emotional bizz and the like. Besides, she was curious now, might as well hear him out.
  237. Taking a deep breath Lincoln steeled himself and pushed onward. “It’s like, when you’re out here, when you’re doing your… thing… I see you. Y’know? Not, like, the real you or anything like that, but a part of you I don’t always see. Your passion, your drive, your strength, it’s amazing. I love seeing you like this, and I guess I want to… be a part of it, or something. It’s not that I want to be as good as you or impress you or anything like that. I just want to be with you while you’re doing your thing because it makes you, well, happy, and I want to be a part of that too. I just want to be with you when you’re happy...”
  239. With a grunt Lincoln sat up, gingerly rubbing his side as he turned to face her. “Does that make sense? It’s hard to, like, get it out in words. Probably sound like a doofus, right?”
  241. Lincoln had all of three seconds to register the distinct lack of response and the subsequent sound of something rapidly approaching before Kathleen pretty much body slammed him back into the mat. Her knee caught him in the side and the resulting pain took the wind out of his sails with a breathy gasp on his part; a gasp that went completely ignored as the little lady scooped him up and began to plant a plethora of smooches all over his cheeks, his lips, basically slathering every available inch of his face.
  243. ‘This isn’t so bad,’ Lincoln thought, a goofy smile spreading ear to ear even as his body cried out in agony.
  245. Planting an especially wet smack of a kiss on Lincoln’s mouth Kathleen pressed him close to her breast and held him there, running her fingers through his soft, white hair as she nuzzled the top of his head with a tear-stained cheek, mumbling half-heard compliments concerning his sweetness and declarations of affection on her part.
  247. Lincoln took it in stride, he wasn’t one for feeling overly smug but then he was a young man and what young man in his position wouldn’t be feeling self-assured? Wrapping lithe arms around her muscular core Lincoln brought her in for a kiss of his own, pressing his lips into her cheek and hamming it up with a groan while she squealed in delight and halfheartedly tried to push away.
  249. Giggling and blushing madly the pair of them sank into one another, and Lincoln’s zeal proved in his favor (or perhaps not) when his pressing weight caught her off guard and the two fell forward. For a second they sat there, her underneath and looking up into his shining, blue eyes and him staring down red-faced from sudden onset embarrassment coupled with the pain of another flare-up from that bruise stirring.
  251. …it wasn’t the only thing stirring…
  253. Kathleen’s eyes flickered from Lincoln’s waist back up to his crimson face and stared for a moment. Wide-eyed and lips pressed tight as the realization of what had just poked her in the thigh dawned on her.
  255. And then she smiled, and it wasn’t a particularly innocent smile either. Far too much lip biting, though Lincoln didn’t necessarily have a problem with that per se.
  257. “Hey,” she whispered a mite bit huskily, her eyes half-lidded as she smiled lazily up at him.
  259. Lincoln swallowed his rising trepidations and tried to smile back (it was a bit too twitchy to really be called anything but a terrified grimace to be honest) as he nervously tittered back a, “H-h-hey,” of his own.
  261. Kathleen moaned lowly to herself, a shiver spreading out throughout her body as she stretched out below him, spreading her legs and arms to the very limits of what her robes would allow, and Lincoln couldn’t help but notice a very conspicuous and certain lack of anything resembling undergarments below.
  263. He swallowed again, his pupils shrinking as his heartbeat echoed in his skull.
  265. Kathleen bit her bottom lip as she splayed out below. “Y’know,” she began, her tone as innocent, like she was just starting any ol’ conversation, “I didn’t really get to finish my… stretching.”
  267. “O-oh?” Lincoln questioned, his voice airy and light and he kicked himself for it and the earlier stutter.
  269. He had no need to be so hard on himself, if she even noticed she certainly didn’t care. Reaching up she hooked her arms around his neck and drew him closer, so close their lips brushed.
  271. “Yeah,” she whispered, “so how’s about you—
  273. A leg shot up and around Lincoln’s waist, driving him down into her pelvis. A sudden and all too familiar need filled Lincoln’s groin and he groaned into his clenched teeth as she rolled him around with her legs, grinding his mast into her heat.
  275. -help a girl out?” she all but growled, a mirthful glint in her eyes as she looked down to where the two were so close, so nearly joined.
  277. The intent was not lost on Lincoln, and after a second or two of confused shock, a salacious grin spread across his face as he leaned down, supporting most of his weight on his shoulders but letting just enough on her to keep her in place as rested his lips on her.
  279. “Oh?” he whispered, and she shivered below him as his lips caressed hers. “And where would you like me to start?”
  281. Kathleen rolled her eyes, scoffed, and gabbed the back of Lincoln’s head before all but mashing his face into hers. Lincoln responded in kind, and the two reveled in the other’s taste, their warmth. This was hardly the first time they’d ever made out, but something was in the air today, an electric charge that sent sparks running down the spine and sent a heat spreading out throughout the core.
  283. But do not be so mistaken as to believe that Lincoln’s lips were the only part of him hard at work! Idle hands are the Devil’s plaything, but Lincoln suspected that, inventive as he was, he could get up to some downright sinful mischief should he have the inclination.
  285. His hands roved and roamed to his hearts content, and in short order found themselves plucking at the hem of Kathleen’s outfit, nimble fingers delicately traipsing the edges of her robes before, quick as a flash, darting in.
  287. You’d be forgiven for assuming that in Lincoln’s adolescent haste he’d be aiming for something a little more delicate than the belly, but Lincoln liked to take things slow when he could help it. Besides, we’ve all got our little peccadillos, and when given the chance the white-haired lad liked to… indulge~
  289. Kathleen flinched and laughed into his mouth as his fingers danced across her stomach, taut and muscular and hard as a rock in all the right places but still undeniably feminine in its shape and contours. Lincoln separated from her mouth with a wet pop and grinned down at her red face, eyes shut and smiling as she squirmed and writhed below him, giggling as his fingers glided over her stomach and sides.
  291. That a girl as strong as her could be so ticklish was nothing short of delightful in Lincoln’s eyes.
  293. A few light slaps to the cheek caught his attention and Lincoln stared down at Kathleen’s smirking face. Her fingers traced the outline of his jaw, gliding down his neck and chest, and finally to the hem of his dark-orange polo. A tug made plain her intentions, and Lincoln smirked back as an elfin light shone clear in her eyes and she bit her bottom lip when he sat up on his knees and in one fell swoop pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside.
  295. Kathleen positively groaned in delight and approval, racking her nails across his chest and down his stomach. Truly her earlier comments concerning his improvement were not made in vain for the fruits of their combined efforts laid bare and oh so tantalizing before her.
  297. Now this boy wasn’t rocking a six-pack or anything like that, but one would be remiss to simply write him off. Progress had definitely been made since he’d begun training, and through a combination of hard work, dedication, and a little thing called puberty, the soft, doughy physique of childhood had been trimmed, re-forged in the fires of regular exercise and healthy eating habits! So yeah, he was solid, not quite ottermode yet but getting there.
  299. Whatever it was Kathleen loved it. It suited him, she thought as she ran her fingers over his chest, feeling the muscle underneath; it was just so… Lincoln. The muscle was there, but it didn’t stick out obnoxiously. It was, what’s the word? Aesthetics! Yeah, that was it, he was aesthetically pleasing and all that jazz. There was substance here!
  301. And she wasn’t the only one who admired a little physique either…
  303. Lincoln couldn’t suppress a shudder of his own as Kathleen’s nails left faint marks on his chest, the sensation of it all, mostly pleasure with just the faintest hints of pain, sent shocks rippling through his body and into his brain. He took in a deep breath and collected himself. This was no time to get all woozy! If his lady wanted a massage, then by God she was going to get one!
  305. Lincoln grabbed the hem of her robes and slowly, gently, and with no small number of sly looks or smirks on his part, pulled them apart as far as the belt still tied around her waist would allow. It was enough, and not for the first time Lincoln was glad that when it was just the two of them training Kathleen would forego the use of a bra.
  307. As her ample bountifulness all but spilled out from her robes Lincoln took a moment to appreciate what was laid bare before him. Despite being only a young lass herself Kathleen was already plenty mature, physically and mentally, and Lincoln would be a liar if he said he’d never noticed the way she filled out her tank tops. He knew, and more importantly she knew, and despite how often she’d complain about how they just got in the way of training and stuff like that she none-too-secretly delighted in his captivated stares, in the fact that he was looking at her like that. It was an exercise in her femininity and she, in turn, indulged in it.
  309. Lincoln loved it as well, and not only because he was a horny teenager with boobs in his face. Linc had always been a romantic at heart, probably had something to do with living around ten romance-obsessed sisters his whole life, but whatever the case he could be a little poetical when it came to matters of the heart and there was just something about seeing her like this, laid bare and naked, her bosom and womanly dignity exposed to the world and him in turn, the contrast of such undeniable femininity against her toned, muscular physique that sent him into a frenzy that made him… made him… well made him horny as fuck if we’re being honest.
  311. But randy as he was Lincoln was known for his level head so, as always, he started slow, assessing the situation at hand. Or, rather, handful.
  313. He started once again at her sides, just above her hips still enshroud by her robes tied together by that infernal belt. When considering Lincoln massage therapist may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but practice makes perfect as they say and between a girlfriend always complaining of aches after training and ten sisters always eager to help let’s just say Lincoln endeavored to practice. A professional he was not, but to a young enamored girl his fingers had a magic all their own and the sheer fact it was him alone made up for any lack of expertise on his part.
  315. Every touch sent a coo trilling from her nearly parted lips. When his fingers danced across her taut belly, she squirmed and giggled. When he kneaded at her muscles it sent a groan rising from the deepest depths of her core. Every action of his provoked something out of her: a fidget here, a lip-bite there, a groan, a moan, a leg-cross, and, finally, the soft utterances of his name in hushed whispers.
  317. She couldn’t help it, he knew all her weaknesses, every soft spot to poke and prod and even grope to get just the right reaction out of her. And why wouldn’t he? This certainly wasn’t their first “massage” though it just might be the best one so far.
  319. He really is getting better at this, she thought, grinning to herself with one arm draped over her eyes, enjoying her boyfriend’s tender ministrations. But relaxing – and oh so satisfying – as it was there was still some part of her that just couldn’t sit still, a part of her that needed acknowledgement, that demanded release of its own. A stirring in her core, a certain heat in her lower abdomen, a flash in her eyes and a quickness in her breath to signify her growing desires.
  321. Desires echoed by her partner incidentally.
  323. From the rocking of his hips, at first gentle but slowly growing rough in his neediness for release, and the sharpness of his breath, which would at times grow deep and guttural with longing, it was evident that Lincoln was reaching his limit. The massage had been well appreciated but it was time to move on to the main event, and with that in mind Lincoln’s eyes caught hers. There was no need for words, he could see her own yearning plain as day, an echo of his own mutual zeal.
  325. His fingers trailed upwards as Lincoln tried to mask his barely concealed thirst with an air of coolness, all the while squeezing and fondling. When they finally found their mark, Kathleen let out a squeak as she felt his hands wrap around her beasts, his grasp gentle but resolute in its steadfastness. His touch sent little pulses of pleasure running through her body. Her heartbeat echoed in her head and she could feel her face grow hot as his warm hands endeavored to make up for lost time.
  327. Kathleen was lost in that sort of white noise space she always drifted off to whenever things got heated up like this. It wasn’t all too dissimilar from that same place she went right before a match honestly, where all things drifted away until it was just her. Only this time it’s way more fun, mostly because it wasn’t just her this time around. He was here with her. It was just them and nothing else but this moment together.
  329. Kathleen let out something between an airy sigh and a moan as her lips curled up into a smile and she squirmed underneath her boyfriend. She couldn’t help but giggle as Lincoln sank into her, the pressure of his body pressing her to the floor but just light enough not to be uncomfortable and pressed on.
  331. Not that she was complaining of course, and she squirmed again and smiled at the warmth of his hands as he cupped her voluptuous assets and fondled them, lightly squeezing and groping and all but playing with them as he turned them over in his hands and was held enraptured by the sight and feel of them, warm and oh so captivating, mouthwatering even.
  333. Well now… there’s an idea!
  335. Kathleen’s eyes shot open and a something between a squeak and a moan escaped from her lips as something warm and wet encircled her left nipple. With a jerk and a kick of her legs she tried to sit up but fell back down as Lincoln pressed all his weight against her and continued his oral assault on her person. With a moan of relish, he fondled and suckled and Kathleen’s face screwed up in pleasure and just a little embarrassment as his scalding hot tongue flicked over her nipple, sending ripples through her core to resonate in time to the beating of her heart. With cheeks red as crimson she turned away and draped her arms over her face, desperate to hide her mewls and her growing smile even as her legs tightened their grip on Lincoln’s midsection, holding him in place as if afraid he might disappear otherwise.
  337. Such worries were unfounded, of course. Lincoln had no intention of going anywhere just yet. Time of a sort passed in this fashion, with Lincoln teasing one breast with his mouth, tongue flicking at her most sensitive spots before gently nibbling, and the other being groped by a wandering hand, deft fingers mirroring his tongues actions by pulling and tweaking and pinching.
  339. Not too hard, mind, but just hard enough. Just the way she liked it.
  341. He’d had enough practice to get it down to pat by this point.
  343. Lincoln separated from her breast with a pop and flicked her nipple with his tongue before grabbing a handful, watching with relish as his fingers sank in before pressing both breasts together and rubbing them together. Kathleen giggled more at his expression than anything else, he really did love those things, though she could think of a certain other body part of hers he loved just a much.
  344. Grabbing his cheeks, she pulled him up and gave him a nice, wet kiss and he moaned into her mouth when he felt her tongue gently probing his lips. Entrance was granted and the two teens sank into one another as their tongues wrestled for dominance, their hands exploring each other’s body as noises of mutual pleasure rang out in the air.
  346. A pressing need for air was the only reason the two separated and even then they made sure to shower the others lips with a plethora of pecks and smooches in between each gasp and breath. Kathleen smooshed Lincoln’s cheeks and brought him for another and then, for a moment, a second only really, she stared into those bright, blue eyes of his.
  348. There was a flurry of movement, a rustling of clothes interposed by a squawk of alarm and then, finally, a yelp as Lincoln fell ass over backwards and landed flat on his back on the plastic mat. Lincoln groaned as his vision swam and his side flared up, the pain he’d been blissfully ignorant of for the past several minutes returning with a vengeance.
  350. Naturally he wondered what just happened, but before Lincoln could so much as utter a syllable a sudden pressure made itself evident on his lower body and Lincoln looked down to see his girlfriend smiling back at him, an impish glint in her eyes and a roguish quirk to her grin.
  352. Now, Lincoln had experienced his fair share of spontaneity in his short life, and in short doses even enjoyed it from time to time, but a man can only take so much, and he was fully prepared to—
  354. With a chuckle Kathleen dragged her nails down his trimmed chest, kissing a trail down to his stomach and even lower, stopping only at his jeans to look back up at him with a raised brow and a soft smile.
  356. -to just sit back and let his girlfriend do whatever she wants. That’s what he was going to say.
  358. “Sorry for the surprise there Linc,” Kathleen said, still grinning like a fool as she rubbed her face into the noticeable bulge in his pants, “but you were getting a bit… distracted. If you’re in the gym, you’re in here for one reason, and that’s to work! And you can’t exactly work in these~”
  360. Lincoln offered no resistance as she undid the button with her shaky hands, and though the whole removal process was a bit awkward with a final kick of the legs Lincoln was finally freed and Kathleen was met with her prize.
  362. It was, admittedly, a bit hard to swallow. Or it would be at any rate.
  364. “…Say, Linc? C’mere a second,” Kathleen said, airy and breathless after the short pause she needed to… digest this most recent development. Now she'd seen him before mind, but somehow each time it always caught her of guard. Hooking an arm around Lincoln’s waist she pulled him close and the boy shuddered as he felt her warm breath on his most sensitive of places. “Y’know, I always thought you’d have made a good workout partner, ever since I first saw you. Figured we’d get some nice… physical training done, some one-on-one contact. Give each other rub-downs, maybe some nice post-workout massages…”
  366. “O-oh?” Lincoln wheezed out, his pupils shrinking as he felt her cheek nestle up in his lower hemisphere.
  368. “Yeah,” she sighed,” but this is way better! Since you’re my boyfriend now, that means we don’t even have to worry about silly things, like wearing clothes and all that. Makes these workouts so much more… intimate, don’tcha think?”
  370. “Mmhmm,” Lincoln whimpered, nodding his head like his sister Luna at a rock concert. “S-so much better!”
  372. Kathleen couldn’t help but giggle, this was just so rich. He acted all coy and suave when he was in charge but flip the script on him and watch him get all flustered. God he was cute.
  374. “Good,” she said, cupping the tent he was pitching with one palm as the other’s fingers slyly hooked around the waistband of his drawers. There was a brief silence, then a gasp, but not one of terror or faux amusement, but tinged with the unmistakable lilt of pleasure.
  376. Lincoln shivered as the humid air of the basement washed over his naked body and the sensation of his cotton briefs gliding down his legs sent goosebumps all along his flesh. More than that though he was acutely aware of Kathleen, her hot breath on his loins, the brief flash of her teeth as she licked her lips, and that all too familiar wild sheen in her eyes she got whenever she was feeling… especially excited.
  378. “Because goodness knows you need the exercise,” she continued, her voice husky and her eyes lidded as she hefted her prize in her palm. “I mean… just look at all this flab!” Lincoln jumped as her other hand firmly grabbed onto his valuable assets just below the shaft and gave them a solid working over. “Mmmph! So heavy~”
  380. Lincoln gasped and squirmed in her grasp, calling out with shallow, breathy cries his pleasure. This wasn’t their first rodeo by any stretch, but it wasn’t exactly something either of them were overtly familiar with. It was still fresh, still unfamiliar in many ways, and still special enough that each time felt like their first.
  382. “Now, let’s start with some calisthenics to get warmed up! Just let me… waitaminute… how do you… quit squirming!”
  384. Pushing Lincoln’s legs apart Kathleen nestled in, in a manner not at all graceful nor dignified, tried to wrap Lincoln’s prodigious inheritance between her more than modestly sized knockers. Lincoln quirked a brow at that, he was familiar with the maneuver after countless hours of… online research… but this was a new development for her.
  386. “Just wanted to try something,” she mumbled, her face red as she tried pinning his girth in place. “Saw it in one of the Japanese cartoons online… only it looked a lot easier!”
  388. Now, in many ways Lincoln was just as gifted as Kathleen was in the maturity department, which is simply to say that he was on the upper end of the spectrum. Nothing grotesque or outlandish of course, but let’s just say he inherited a little something from ol’ Lynn Sr. and there’s a reason that man has eleven kids. Some would say he was quite a handful. Two in fact!
  390. Kathleen, of course, tackled it like she tackled all daunting prospects, head-on and determined to come in on top. Which is usually how she ended up incidentally. This little stratagem was a bit more hands-on than she was expecting though, but she was no quitter by any means.
  392. Lincoln moaned and bit his bottom lip as a warmth he hadn’t before experienced enveloped his member, and Kathleen let out a quick chirp of triumph as she managed to wrangle Lincoln Jr. into submission. It made for quite a sight; her breasts squished up against his groin with the head peeking out just a hair’s breadth from her lips. Lincoln tried not to squirm as he got used to the sensation, it was strange but not at all uncomfortable, just the right amount of pressure and warmth to get him nice and hard and even a bit relaxed.
  394. Kathleen looked, smirked when she saw his red face, his eyes screwed shut and a soft smile as he cooed with each breath, and she decided to get this show on the road.
  396. “Right,” she murmured, her eyes fixed squarely on her prize as she licked her lips, “let’s see…”
  398. Th first lick set a tremor through Lincoln’s body. The second made his legs tremble. When she wrapped her lips around the tip and swirled her tongue around his swollen head he gasped and gripped the mat so tight his knuckles went white. She chuckled at that and so did he, though his was a bit more winded. Satisfied with his reactions thus far Kathleen decided it was time to kick it into high gear.
  400. Her technique, admittedly, could have used a little work, some fine tuning here and there. But hey, points for trying! And what can you expect for her first time? Lincoln certainly didn’t have any complaints, but then again at his age a stiff breeze could get him going so that’s not saying much. Certainly, there was something to say for trust and love and his appreciation for her willingness to do something like this for him, but this would all come later. Y’know, a time when all the blood in his body was going to his brain instead of his dick.
  402. Kathleen separated with a pop and lapped at the tip before giving it a kiss. “So fucking big,” she muttered, squeezing her breasts together and trying to move them up and down ad hoping she was doing it right. Lincoln’s moans put most of those worries to rest, and she supposed that so long as he was having fun then all was good.
  404. She was also wondering about other things. A need that had burning in her for a while now, and a question to go with it. And not your average, everyday kind of question either, more the make-or-potentially-break a relationship kind of question. Maybe she was overreacting, but the maybe she wasn’t, but the wet hot need in between her thighs wasn’t going away any time soon and if she didn’t grab the bull by the horns and just ask it now she was going to be regretting it tonight.
  406. Besides, she’d buttered him up enough, right? Yeah, sure, definitely!
  408. Propping herself up on her forearms Kathleen scooched forward and plopped down on Lincoln’s torso. The boy grunted and looked down at her, obviously disappointed that the fun had stopped but not about to say anything of course. She kissed his chest and looked up at him, and the sudden hesitation in her gaze caught his attention immediately.
  410. “Hey, uh, Linc?” she began lamely, wrapping her arms around his torso, “I was wondering if maybe we could… keep going?”
  412. Lincoln raised a brow at that. Keep going? Then why’d she sto- Oh! Oooooh…
  414. Lincoln gulped and his mind went blank for a second. Was this happening? I mean, yeah, obviously, she’s right there, but… was it? Like really?
  416. They’d been together for a little over a year now, and they’d been intimate for about the last three months, so it wasn’t entirely out of left field or anything. But weren’t they too young? Or were they? All the guys liked to joke about it, and Chandler insisted he’d already 'got some tail' so maybe it wasn’t all that crazy. The girls said otherwise but they always made it seem like it he’d be the one pushing for it (which pissed him off a bit, like they thought he’d even do that in the first place) and that he’d have to wait for her to be ready, but if she’s the one asking then surely…
  418. All of a sudden Lincoln realized he’d just been sitting there gaping like a retard for the past minute and that his girlfriend was probably worried out of her mind right now.
  420. Lincoln looked back down and sure enough there she was, still looking up at him with eyes wide and a small frown o her face as the full weight of what she’d just asked pressed down on her. She looked… small, and Lincoln realized just how much she’d put herself on the spot just now. He also realized he didn’t like it, her being small that is. She should never have to feel small, ever.
  422. With a grunt Lincoln sat up and reached out to cup her cheeks in his hands and he gave her the biggest smile he could offer. He wasn’t sure what exactly brought about this question, or if he was even a hundred percent ready himself, but he was at least willing to let her know he wasn’t mad or upset or anything stupid like that.
  424. Her cheeks lit up like a Christmas light and she glanced away but her frowned turned upside down and she started doing that cute thing she does where her cheeks puff up whenever she gets embarrassed. Oh yeah, Lincoln was all about that.
  426. “Hey,” he whispered, rubbing her cheek with a thumb till he catches her full attention. “I’m… I’m open to just about anything… I guess. Just so long as you’re okay with it. Just took me by surprise is all.”
  428. She smiles but looks away again and Lincoln sighs.
  430. “I’m not saying I don’t want to or anything… because I do. I really, really, want to.”
  432. This got her to look back at him, which is progress as far as he’s concerned.
  434. “Just want to make sure you’re not feeling pressured or anything. Like, you don’t have to do this for or anything, y’know?”
  436. Her smile quirks a bit at the end and Lincoln gets the feeling she was probably thinking more or less the same thing. She tells him as much and his nervous grin slowly grows into a full-on smirk to match her own.
  438. “Oh? Well, I mean, if we’re both okay with it…”
  440. He wiggled his eyebrows and she snorted and laughed as she rubbed her head into his chest and just sat there giggling for a few seconds. Lincoln joined in her mirth as well, finding the whole thing downright humorous really.
  442. And then she put him in a submission hold and he suddenly found the whole thing a little less amusing.
  444. “C’mon hun, let’s wrestle!”
  446. This really shouldn’t have come as a surprise, Lincoln blithely thought. She always wanted to wrestle, especially when she was feeling randy. Which, come to think of it, was usually after she wrestled with him anyway. It was a vicious cycle.
  448. Now, most who knew Lincoln would think he’d probably go limp and just take it, and they wouldn’t have been far off the mark a year or two ago. But time does funny things to a fellow and Lincoln in particular had taken a liking to wrestling – to a degree! Wrestling with Lynn still sucked but at least he tried to fight back nowadays.
  450. Besides, naked wrestling with your girlfriend is a lot more fun when both parties fight back.
  452. She already had him at a disadvantage, granted, but Lincoln at least put in his due, and before long the sounds of grunts and muffled laughter rang out as the two of them rolled around, trying to pin the other to the mat. Lincoln didn’t last as long as he normally did – mostly due to his side, which still hurt by the way! – and Kathleen cackled in triumph as she held his body tight under her right arm while her leg curled up under a thigh and kept his lower body nice and pinned.
  454. Now, in the scuffle Lincoln had realized three things. First, his side, ouch! Second, that at some point or other Kathleen’s karategi had been shed, leaving her, noticeably, in the buff; guess she wasn’t wearing anything underneath, why did he have the sneaking suspicion this had been planned? Third, that a particular extremity of his was now nice and poised and had quickly found itself in a somewhat perilous predicament.
  456. He wasn’t the only one to notice, and the lass on top and around him grinned salaciously in victory.
  458. “Yeah, that’s it,” she moaned, pressing her taut yet oh so plump rear against his member and grinding the tip against her wet, hot sex. Lincoln yelped a bit and squirmed as sensations brand new and altogether overwhelming flooded his senses with an urge h only understood in the broadest, most instinctual sense.
  460. “Oh! Trying to break free?” Kathleen asked, smashing her bottom down so that his member rested comfortably between her cheeks. “Well… too bad! I’ve got you now, so just try to break free! MMMN! That’s the spirit, Linc! Ohhhhn yeah, you’re all nice and struggly now~”
  462. Kathleen’s impression that Lincoln’s movements were indicative of his desire for escape would quickly be silenced. With a twist of his shoulder Lincoln freed his right arm, growled into her ears, and open-palmed smacked her cheeks, squeezing and spanking and absolutely loving the way her voice hitched with each squeak and squeal of pleasure.
  464. “Lincoln…” Kathleen whined, her body going just slack enough so that he could move and stare into her love-drunk eyes. Lincoln gave her a kiss and she focused on him and smiled, before squeezing him tight again.
  466. “…You’re so fuckin’ cute! C’mere!”
  468. Lincoln rolled his eyes as she rolled over him, giggling to herself as she held her lover tight and delighted in the strange yet overpowering feelings running through her body, little electric sparks that started in her scalp, ran through her beating heart, and culminated in her trembling nethers. Lincoln groaned as his hips buckled and Kathleen moaned as his length dragged across her sopping wet entrance. They were both hot, a burning that was both familiar to them yet alien all the same, the intensity of which left them almost baffled and oblivious to all but themselves and each other.
  470. With a gasp Kathleen let go and shot up, propping herself on her hands before staring down. The want and need on Lincoln’s face reflected her own and when he nodded at her she felt a weight in her chest suddenly lift, leaving her almost giddy. This was it; they were going to…
  472. Kathleen took a deep breath, steeled herself, and nodded back.
  474. It took a little repositioning on her part, a few agonizing seconds of burning need, but then, finally…
  476. Her breath hitched and she choked out a gasp as the head of Lincoln’s shaft pierced her lips, the glands spreading her open and scraping the insides juuuuuuust right. Below her Lincoln clamped a hand over his mouth and his eyes screwed shut as his face went an entirely new shade of red. The two of them shuddered as one, and Kathleen let out a single chuckle as the motion sent vibrations through her core.
  478. Kathleen rolled her hips and moaned as she tried to get used to the feeling of him inside her. It wasn’t… bad. No not by a longshot. It was weird and strange and wonderful and breathtaking and even just a little bit scary and it was… it was…
  480. It was new, and It was him.
  482. And she wanted more.
  484. Kathleen sucked in a quick breath through her teeth and slowly drove her hips down, all but impaling herself on his length. It was an arduous process, or at least it felt like one, and she had to pause every now and then to catch her breath. There was pain, yes, but nothing she hadn’t prepared herself for and nothing she couldn’t handle. It was worth it. It was so worth it.
  486. When she hilted at the base, the entirety of Lincoln’s mass sheathed inside her, she couldn’t help but laugh, hiccup, then laugh again. She felt so… full. So strangely, wonderfully, amazingly full. It made her giddy and light-headed and sure it hurt a bit when she angled her stomach one way but that was fine, so long as she kept him inside her.
  488. It was starting to feel good.
  490. Real good.
  492. Kathleen slowly raised her hips and groaned as she felt Lincoln scrap the insides of her walls all the way up. She stopped at the last moment, his tip still inside, and without further ado slammed her hips back down, taking him all in one go till her ass slapped against his thighs.
  494. Lincoln wheezed like a dying man and wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight against him and angling himself so he could lie next to her. It was an odd position, the two of them wrapped around each other, their legs entangled and their hands fervently clinging to their partner.
  496. Lincoln felt hot. She was hot. So deliciously, agonizingly hot. She scalded him with each desperate pump of her waist and he couldn’t get enough of her as he thrusted in time with her frantic humping, unwilling to spend even a second away from her and soon the sounds of their frenzied lovemaking filled the air.
  498. Kathleen was moaning like a… like a… well like a girl getting fucked, and to say it was getting Lincoln riled up would be an understatement.
  500. “F-fuck!” the lad all but growled, pulling her tight to his chest and stuffing his face into her neck. His teeth scraped her bare flesh and Kathleen mewled when he gave her quick nip.
  502. Yep, that did it.
  504. Lincoln grabbed a nice handful of her ass and with a grunt and a heave began to push and this time it was Kathleen’s turn to gasp as he turned the tables on her and wrestled her into submission, taking the top position and still sheathed in her embrace all the while.
  506. “Yessssss,” Lincoln hissed in orgasmic bliss, his eyes shut tight as he grabbed her left leg and threw it over his shoulder before holding it tight. Kathleen let out a sound half-scream and half-moan as he started to grind his pelvis into her, stirring up her insides in ways she couldn’t have ever imagined. He raised a hand up high and brought it down on her plump ass like the wrath of God and she tensed and let out the loudest moan he’d ever heard.
  508. …Well now…
  510. Grinning to himself Lincoln waited a second or two before letting her have it again. And again. And again.
  512. Each smack brought out another moan, another shriek of orgasmic bliss, and the way she tensed and just strangled his dick stirred up feelings in him he didn’t even know he had. And all the while Lincoln kept going, kept pumping and grinding and slamming his hips into hers, as if determined to plumb her depths even further with each stroke, to sink into her completely.
  514. Animalistic fervor drove him forward, a need he didn’t fully understand or even realize in his lust-fueled state compelled him, and for once it was all Kathleen could do but hold on as he set the pace. With another growl Lincoln flexed and shoved off Kathleen’s leg and with a soft pop pulled out. His absence was immediately noted, and Kathleen made evident her frustrations and need.
  516. “Nnnnoooooo… baby come back,” she mewled, almost sobbing as the scalding warmth that had filled her suddenly left, leaving her vacant and empty and oh so cold with longing.
  518. She needn’t wait long, and she groaned in approval when she felt Lincoln fingers sink into her rear, his grip hard and tight as he first smooshed her ass cheeks together then spread them apart. She lifted up her behind in invitation and he gladly accepted with a lusty growl and a thrust of his hips that took her breath away.
  520. The copious fluids leaking from her quivering womanhood provided easy entry and Lincoln sank into her plush rear with relish, taking in a deep breath, holding it, and letting it out with a sigh as he sank into her muscular body. Below him Kathleen squeaked, and then trembled so hard Lincoln felt he had to hold on lest he be thrown off. The shaking spread out throughout her whole body, starting in her arms and going down her body, through her core, and then down her legs to her toes. When it passed her midsection something very interesting happened, and Lincoln let out a single, long, airy moan as he felt her heat spread through her walls and over his member and then down his now conspicuously soaked legs.
  522. Was that… did she…
  524. It was at that moment, deep within the metaphorical realms of Lincoln’s subconscious, that instincts millions of years in the making truly began to stir. They’d always been there, whispering, guiding him subtly, but in light of all this recent stimulation it would appear that a more… direct approach was required.
  526. Lincoln listened with bated breath and pricked ear, took in everything that had happened with a simple nod of acquiescence, and then pulled out till only his tip was still inside, swirling his hips once, twice, then plunged in with all his worth.
  528. Kathleen squirmed and gasped below him as he grinded in deep then pulled out and repeated this little maneuver of his over and over again, each time gaining in frequency and lessening in duration until the swinging of his hips were a blur and her pretty little puss had been good and properly stirred up, leaving her a drooling, gibbering mess cheek-first on the mat.
  530. Lost in his lust Lincoln hooked his arms underneath Kathleen’s and propped her up to give him an angle where he could really give it to her. The pair of them were lost in ecstasy, reveling in their union of flesh and self and perhaps just a bit on the taboo of it all, this illicit connection of lust and love and everything that entails, their first experience and, in their young minds, the purest expression of their relationship.
  532. This, of course, was all in the back of their minds, Lincoln’s in particular as the forefront of his consciousness was focused on far more pressing matter at the moment, chief of all quelling the mounting pressure that had slowly but surely been building up in his groin.
  534. Now Lincoln had been around the block enough times to know what that meant, but never had he experienced such a need, such a primitive desire for release as he did now. He needed to be closer, closer to her, closer inside her, closer to her heat, her burning core.
  536. It was so hot…
  538. Lincoln closed his eyes, bit his bottom lip and drove on, grinding his hips into her so hard they slid across the now thoroughly soaked training mat. He wrapped his arms around her body and leaned as forward as he could to kiss her cheek.
  540. “I love you so much,” he whispered, and Kathleen looked back and kissed him on the lips.
  542. And that… was… it!
  544. Lincoln threw his head back and groaned as he gave his hips one last slam and felt the sweet, almost painful release rock through his lower body. His legs quivered and his arms shuddered, but he held his grip tighter than ever and wrapped his legs around hers as she kicked out from beneath him.
  546. Below Kathleen gaped, silent and full and blank except for a vague sense of accomplishment and the warmth flooding her belly. Above, pressed tight and utterly in control, Lincoln grunted and swung his hips every few seconds, and with each thrust came a flood of scalding heat to fill her up, pouring into her deepest parts and into every nook and cranny she didn’t even know exist.
  548. And all the while he kissed her, his lips dancing over her cheek and the tip of her ear and muttering sweet nothing and declarations of love with every gasp and heave in time to his desperate thrusts.
  550. And at last when he was spent, when that last shot of liquid fire had filled her thirsty inside and he let out a low, deep sigh of pure unfettered blissful relief, he slowly pulled out, leaving a warm trail of sticky fluid down her thigh. Kathleen gave a sigh of relief herself, a bit disappointed that the warmth he had provided was leaving as a pool of warmth slowly seeped out of her overstuffed snatch, but otherwise utterly content and maybe a bit sore in all the best ways.
  552. She hadn’t felt this worn out since her first karate lesson!
  554. The thought made her giggle, and above her Lincoln chuckle as well as he splayed out on top of her, utterly spent and pleasantly numb all over. He gave her another kiss on the neck and straightened out his arms, taking his weight off her. He held it for a few seconds, but soon his arms began to tremble like gelatin and he all but collapsed at her side, landing on his back and just laying there breathing heavily with a hazy look in his eyes that conveyed only bliss and a sense of satisfaction in a job well done.
  556. Kathleen giggled again at the sight and stretched out. She felt deliciously sore and warm and fulfilled and all sorts of other feelings she didn’t even know how to describe at it was making her feel all fuzzy inside. She stretched until her joints popped and with a groan of satisfaction fell limp at her lover’s side, having only the energy needed to crawl just a little bit closer ad snuggle up at his side so she could give him a quick kiss and a wink.
  558. “Damn Linc,” she whispered, her voice hoarse from all the screaming she’d been doing a moment ago, “you really gave me a workout there, that was some intense cardio. Guess that’s why they call ‘em deep tissue massages~”
  560. Lincoln snorted at that and tried to lean in closer but found himself so utterly exhausted the thought of it was simply impossible. Why, he bet if he closed his eyes he’d just nod right off.
  562. Kathleen smirked at that and scooched a bit closer herself, tired herself but obviously not to the degree her boo here was.
  564. “Took it out of you huh? I’ll be honest, didn’t think you had it in ya, and I mean that literally. Though I guess it’s all technically in me now, huh?”
  566. That got a good chuckle from Lincoln, though he winced afterwards.
  568. Kathleen’s hand snaked down his chest and found his, their fingers intertwining as their grip tightened on the other and she gave him another kiss.
  570. “Seriously though, thanks for putting up with me hun, I appreciate it. I wanted my first to be with you and, well, y’know? Thought now would be a good time to get it all… out there.”
  572. Now it was Lincoln’s turn to kiss her, and she graciously accepted with another peck thrown in.
  574. “No prob,” he wheezed, half staring at her and half staring at the ceiling. “I enjoyed it too.”
  576. She raised a brow at that and smirked. “Oh yeah? I didn’t notice.”
  578. “I wasn’t too hard on you, was I?” Linc asked, suddenly quite anxious, mortified at the very thought he might’ve been pushy at what was supposed to be their most special moment. Such fears were waylaid when she snorted and laughed at him, giving him a good hard smack to the chest as she told him to stop worrying so much, of course she loved it.
  580. “But…” she immediately whispered, laying her head on his chest and nuzzling in, “…that’s one of the reasons I love you so much. You’re so caring.”
  582. Lincoln smiled and nestled in himself. It was getting a bit hard to concentrate, and he knew when he woke up he’d probably feel like death itself, but in his lust-addled mind he figured it was worth it and, in all likelihood, he’d feel the same afterwards too.
  584. “Parents won’t be back ‘till tomorrow,” Kathleen mumbled, her eyes drooping as well, “plenty of time to clean up. Should probably call your folks though.”
  586. “Luna… owes me a solid,” Lincoln yawned, “I’ll call her and tell her to cover for me.”
  588. “Cool,” Kathleen whispered. “in that case we can go for round two when we wake up.”
  590. Lincoln’s eyes shot open as an almost overwhelming sense of encroaching doom washed over him. He glanced first at Kathleen, dozing off on his chest, her beautiful dark skin contrasting perfectly with his pale white, and then he glanced at his side, where what should have been nothing more than a slight bruise had since expanded to cover near the entire length of his side, marring his alabaster flesh with a nice unhealthy purple.
  592. Lincoln stared at it, glanced back at Kathleen, and considered everything that had just happened for a few seconds before smiling and laying his head back against the plastic mat and closing his eyes.
  594. Worth it!
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