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- --[[ Titles ]]--
- title = {
- [1] = "titre_noel_elfette",
- }
- --[[ Lib ]]--
- math.pythag = function(x1,y1,x2,y2,range)
- return ((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2<range^2)
- end
- math.percent = function(x,of,total)
- return (x/of)*total
- end
- math.isNegative = function(x,iN,iP)
- return (x<0 and iN or iP)
- end
- table.random = function(t)
- return t[math.random(#t)]
- end
- table.destroy=function(list,value)
- for k,v in next,list do
- if v == value then
- table.remove(list,k);break
- end
- end
- end
- system.players = function()
- local p = 0
- for k,v in next, do
- p = p + 1
- end
- return p
- end
- system.looping = function(f,tk)
- local s = 1000 / tk
- local t = {}
- for timer = 0,1000-s,s do
- system.newTimer(function() t[#t+1] = system.newTimer(f,1000,true) end,1000+timer,false)
- end
- return t
- end
- --[[ Database ]]--
- info = {}
- serialization = function(x)
- if type(x) == "table" then
- local t = x
- local str = ""
- for index,value in next,t do
- local prefix,tbOption = (type(value)=="string" and "_@" or type(value)=="boolean" and "_!" or type(value)=="number" and "_#" or type(value)=="table" and "_%" or ""),(type(value)~="table" and tostring(value) or "+&"..serialization(value):gsub(";","?").."&-")
- str = str .. ':' .. tostring(index) .. prefix .. tbOption .. ";"
- end
- return str
- elseif type(x) == "string" then
- local s = x
- local list = {}
- for str in s:gmatch("(.-);") do
- local varName,valueType,value = str:match(':(.-)_(%p)(.+)')
- if varName~=nil then
- varName = tonumber(varName) or varName
- if valueType == "@" then
- list[varName] = tostring(value)
- elseif valueType == "!" then
- list[varName] = value=="true"
- elseif valueType == "#" then
- list[varName] = tonumber(value)
- elseif valueType == "%" then
- list[varName] = serialization(value:gsub("+&",""):gsub("&-",""):gsub("%?",";"))
- end
- end
- end
- return list
- end
- end
- eventPlayerDataLoaded = function(n,d)
- if d ~= "" and d:find(":eventNoelGifts") then
- info[n].db = serialization(d)
- else
- system.savePlayerData(n,serialization(info[n].db))
- end
- info[n].dataLoaded = true
- system.updateBar(n)
- end
- --[[ Sets ]]--
- for i,f in next,{"AutoShaman","AfkDeath","MortCommand","AutoTimeLeft"} do
- tfm.exec["disable"..f]()
- end
- local santaMessage = "<V><B>[^_^]</B></V> <BV>%s</BV>\n<V><B>[S4NT4 M4U5]</B></V> <R>%s</R>"
- local langue = {
- en = {"Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!","Christmas is approaching and S4nt4 has a lot to do on his <I>paws</I>. He wants to give all the gifts on time, but he must be fast! Since our dear S4nt4 is clumsy, some gifts will fall and you will have to <CE>collect</CE> them by pressing the <I>space bar</I>! Give the gifts back to S4nt4 when he feels <CE>dizzy</CE> by pressing the <I>space bar</I>!"},
- fr = {"Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!","Noël approche et S4nt4 en a plein les <I>pattes</I>. Il veut donner tous les cadeaux à temps, mais il doit être rapide ! Puisque notre cher S4nt4 est maladroix, certains cadeaux tombent et vous devrez les, <CE>collecter</CE> en appuyant sur la <I>barre d'espace</I>! Donnez les cadeaux à S4nt4 quand il se sent <CE>étourdi</CE> en appuyant sur la <I>barre d'espace</I>!"},
- br = {"Feliz Natal & Feliz Ano Novo!","O Natal está chegando e S4nt4 tem em suas <I>patas</I> muito o que fazer. Ele quer entregar todos os presentes a tempo, mas ele deve ser rápido! Uma vez que nosso querido S4NT4 é desajeitado, alguns presentes cairão e você terá que <CE>coletá-los</CE> pressionando a <I>barra de espaço</I>! Devolva os presentes ao S4nt4, pressionando a <I>barra de espaço</I>, quando ele se sentir <CE>tonto</CE>!"},
- es = {"¡Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!","La Navidad se está acercando y S4nt4 tiene muchas cosas que hacer con sus <I>patas</I>. Él quiere dar todos los regalos a tiempo, pero debe ser rápido! Puesto que nuestro querido S4nt4 es torpe, algunos regalos caerán y tendrás que <CE>recogerlos</CE> pulsando la <I>barra espaciadora</I>! Regrese los regalos a S4nt4 cuando se sienta <CE>mareado</CE> presionando la <I>barra de espacio</I>!"},
- tr = {"Mutlu Noeller & Mutlu Yıllar!","Noel geliyor ve S4nt4'nın <I>patilerinde</I> yapacağı çok işi var. Bütün hediyeleri zamanında vermek istiyor ama hızlı olması gerek! Sevgili S4nt4'mız sakar olduğu için, bazı hediyeler düşecek ve <I>boşluk tuşuna</I> basarak onları <CE>toplamanız</CE> gerekecek! S4nt4'nın <CE>başı döndüğünde</CE> <I>boşluk tuşuna</I> basarak hediyeleri ona geri verin!"},
- pl = {"Wesołych Świąt i Wesołego Nowego Roku!","Święta nadchodzą, a S4nt4 ma <I>łapki</I> pełne roboty. On chce dać wszystkim prezenty na czas, ale musi się pośpieszyć! Od kiedy nasz S4nt4 jest niezdarny, gubi prezenty, które musicie <CE>pozbierać</CE> wciskając <I>spację</I>! Oddajcie prezenty S4nt4 kiedy jest <CE>oszołomiony</CE> wciskając <I>spację</I>!"},
- ar = {"عيد ميلاد مجيدا و كل عام و أنتم بخير","عيد الميلاد اقترب و<I> يدى </I> سانتا مليئة. يريد سانتا تسليم جميع الهدايا على الوقت, ولكن يجب ان يكون سريعا! ولكن صديقنا العزيز سانتا غير بارع في تسليم الهدايا, بعض الهدايا ستسقط وعليك ان تقوم <CE> بجمع</CE> الهدايا التي سقطت عن طريق الضغط على المسطرة ! وارجاع الهدايا الى صديقنا العزيز سانتا عندما يشعر <CE> بالدوار</CE> عن طريق الضغط على زر المسطرة!"},
- hu = {"Boldog Karácsonyt & Boldog Új Évet!","A Karácsony közeleg, és a Mikulásra pedig <I>rengeteg munka vár<I>. Oda akarja adni az összes ajándékot időben, de muszáj gyorsnak lennie! Mivel a mi Mikulásunk kétbalkezes, néhány ajándék lepottyan és Neked kell <CE>összegyűjteni</CE> azokat, a <I>Szóköz</I> megnyomásával! Vidd vissza a Mikulásnak az ajándékot a <I>Szóköz</I> megnyomásával, amikor Mikulás <CE>megszédül</CE>!"},
- ru = {"С новым годом и Рождеством!","Рождество приближается и S4nt4 направляется к вам! Он очень спешит, чтобы раздать все подарки вовремя! Но так как наш дорогой S4nt4 неуклюж, то некоторые подарки будут падать. Вы должны <CE>собрать</CE> их, нажимая клавишу <I>пробел</I>! Помогите S4nta. <CE>Верните</CE> ему подарки обратно с помощью <I>пробела</I>!"},
- }
- =
- local communityMessage = langue.en
- for k,v in next,langue do
- if k == then
- communityMessage = v
- break
- end
- end
- --[[ Map ]]--
- system.start = false
- system.aim = 8
- amountPlayers = 20
- currentTime,leftTime = 0,150
- local xml = '<C><P DS="y;310" /><Z><S><S H="10" L="50" X="275" c="2" Y="165" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="200" X="100" H="80" Y="360" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="200" X="109" H="80" Y="379" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-10,0,0,0" /><S X="391" L="230" H="80" c="3" Y="354" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-2,0,0,0" /><S H="100" L="230" X="430" c="3" Y="411" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" /><S H="80" L="180" X="705" c="3" Y="397" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-2,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="44" H="10" c="3" Y="361" T="13" X="237" /><S X="-5" L="10" H="3000" c="3" Y="100" T="12" P="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" /><S H="3000" L="10" X="805" c="3" Y="101" T="12" P="0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" /><S L="10" X="400" H="3000" Y="-5" T="12" P="0,0,0,0,90,0,0,0" /><S L="80" H="10" X="96" Y="158" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0.3,.9,0,0,0,0" L="50" X="275" c="3" Y="165" T="12" H="10" /><S L="130" X="527" H="10" Y="128" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,10,0,0,0" /><S L="90" H="10" X="632" Y="131" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-10,0,0,0" /><S H="3000" L="10" o="23E9E9" X="805" c="2" Y="100" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0" /><S X="-5" L="10" o="23E9E9" H="3000" c="2" Y="100" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-35,0,0,0" L="230" X="549" c="3" Y="467" T="12" H="100" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-55,0,0,0" L="230" H="100" c="3" Y="441" T="12" X="250" /><S L="230" X="125" H="100" Y="422" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" /><S X="510" L="230" H="100" c="3" Y="477" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-65,0,0,0" /><S L="50" X="91" H="50" Y="339" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-45,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" L="30" X="164" c="2" Y="325" T="12" H="50" /><S P="0,0,0.3,1.1,0,0,0,0" L="30" H="50" c="3" Y="325" T="12" X="164" /><S L="50" X="240" H="10" Y="158" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="50" H="10" X="443" Y="125" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-20,0,0,0" /><S H="80" L="220" o="23E9E9" X="393" c="1" Y="359" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-2,0,0,0" /><S L="230" o="23E9E9" X="427" H="100" Y="416" T="12" m="" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-30,0,0,0" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-65,0,0,0" L="230" o="23E9E9" H="100" Y="481" T="12" m="" X="501" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-35,0,0,0" L="230" o="23E9E9" H="100" Y="474" T="12" m="" X="550" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,-2,0,0,0" L="180" o="23E9E9" X="706" Y="404" T="12" m="" H="80" /><S P="0,0,0.3,0.2,1,0,0,0" L="230" o="23E9E9" X="314" c="2" Y="373" T="12" m="" H="100" /></S><D><P X="241" Y="507" T="51" P="0,1" /><P X="566" Y="449" T="46" P="0,0" /></D><O /></Z></C>'
- tfm.exec.newGame(xml)
- --[[ Player ]]--
- system.displayBar = function(id,player,value,nvalue,color,sig,size,height)
- sig = sig or ""
- size = size or 100
- height = height or 20
- ui.addTextArea(id,"",player,5,(height+8) * id,size + 4,height,0xC7CED2,1,1,true)
- if value ~= 0 then
- ui.addTextArea(id.."0","",player,6,(height+8) * id + 2,nvalue + 2,height - 4,color,color,1,true)
- end
- ui.addTextArea(id.."00","<B><font color='#0'>"..value..sig,player,(size-30)/2,(height+8) * id + 1,50,height,1,1,0,true)
- end
- system.updateBar = function(n,giftColor)
- giftColor = giftColor or info[n].lastColor
- system.displayBar(1,n,math.floor(info[n].db.eventNoelGifts[2]) .. " / "..system.aim,(info[n].db.eventNoelGifts[2] > system.aim and 100 or math.percent(info[n].db.eventNoelGifts[2],system.aim,100)),0xFF0000)
- system.displayBar(2,n,info[n].db.eventNoelGifts[1],(info[n].db.eventNoelGifts[1] > 50 and 50 or math.percent(info[n].db.eventNoelGifts[1],50,50)),giftColor,"G",50,20)
- end
- eventNewGame = function()
- system.start = true
- amountPlayers = system.players()
- currentTime,leftTime = 0,150
- tfm.exec.setGameTime(60 * 2.5)
- tfm.exec.snow(60 * 2.5)
- tfm.exec.addImage("158c1feaf90.png","?0",0,0)
- ui.setMapName("<J>"..table.random({"Nöel","Christmas","Bolodefchoco","Lua event","#xmas","Bogkitty"}).." <G>- @"..table.random({666,404,801,"%Y"),0,1}))
- ui.setShamanName("<R>S4NT4 M4U5")
- for k,v in next, do
- info[k] = {
- db = {
- eventNoelGifts = {0,0},
- eventNoelTitle = false,
- },
- catch = 0,
- lastColor = 0xB73535,
- dataLoaded = false
- }
- system.loadPlayerData(k)
- if not v.isDead then
- system.bindKeyboard(k,32,true,true)
- end
- system.updateBar(k)
- end
- tfm.exec.chatMessage(santaMessage:format(communityMessage[2],communityMessage[1]:upper()))
- end
- eventPlayerDied = function(n)
- if system.start then
- system.bindKeyboard(n,32,true,false)
- end
- end
- eventNewPlayer = function(n)
- tfm.exec.addImage("158c1feaf90.png","?0",0,0,n)
- end
- eventPlayerLeft = function(n)
- if info[n] then
- system.savePlayerData(n,serialization(info[n].db))
- end
- end
- --[[ AI ]]--
- local despawnObjects = {}
- local currentGifts = {}
- local gifts = {
- [1] = {
- [1] = "158bb1db61b",
- [2] = 20000,
- };
- [2] = {
- [1] = "158bb1c95e0",
- [2] = 15000,
- };
- [3] = {
- [1] = "158bb1cc6ec",
- [2] = 10000,
- };
- [4] = {
- [1] = "158bb1ce1aa",
- [2] = 8000,
- };
- [5] = {
- [1] = "1591c9b3123",
- [2] = 6000,
- };
- }
- local noel = {}
- local initx,inity = 240,140
- noel.x = initx
- noel.y = inity
- = -1
- noel.isEscaping = false
- noel.isDizzy = {0,false}
- noel.timers = {
- teleport = 0,
- prize = 0
- }
- noel.img = {
- dizzy = {"158bb1dccb6","158bb1cf9a8","158bb1d6489","158bb1e2518"},
- right = "158bb1d8069",
- left = "158bb1e0daf",
- jumping = "158bb1d470a",
- stop = "158bb1d9b67",
- }
- noel.updateImage = function(img)
- tfm.exec.removeImage(noel.imgId)
- noel.imgId = tfm.exec.addImage(img..".png","#",-23,-32)
- end
- noel.particles = function(id)
- for i = 1,5 do
- tfm.exec.displayParticle(id,noel.x + math.random(-50,50),noel.y + math.random(-50,50),table.random({-.2,.2}),table.random({-.2,.2}))
- end
- end
- noel.move = function(x,y)
- tfm.exec.moveObject(,0,0,false,x,y,false)
- end
- noel.nearMouse = function(range)
- local player = {"",{dist=math.random(800),x=0,y=0}}
- for k,v in next, do
- if not v.isDead then
- if math.pythag(v.x,v.y,noel.x,noel.y,range) then
- local m = v.x-noel.x
- if math.abs(m) < player[2].dist then
- player = {k,{dist=m,x=v.x,y=v.y}}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- noel.isEscaping = player[1] ~= ""
- return player
- end
- noel.escape = function(id)
- local player = noel.nearMouse(math.random(80,100))
- local mul = (player[1] ~= "" and math.isNegative(player[2].dist,1,-1) or table.random({-1,1}))
- local img = math.isNegative(mul,"left","right")
- local rand = 9 - math.random(0,9)
- if id == 0 or (rand < 6) then
- noel.move(mul * math.random(50,80),-math.random(1,10))
- noel.updateImage(noel.img[img])
- elseif id == 1 or (rand < 9) then
- noel.move(mul * math.random(60,70),-80)
- noel.updateImage(table.random({noel.img[img],noel.img.jumping}))
- elseif id == 2 or rand == 9 then
- noel.move(mul * math.random(10,20),-math.random(70,100))
- noel.updateImage(noel.img.jumping)
- end
- end
- noel.meep = function()
- tfm.exec.displayParticle(20,noel.x,noel.y)
- tfm.exec.explosion(noel.x,noel.y,20,50)
- end
- noel.cannon = function()
- local player = noel.nearMouse(100)
- if player[1] ~= "" then
- local x = noel.x + (noel.x > player[2].x and -40 or 40)
- local y = noel.y + (noel.y > player[2].y and -40 or 40)
- local angle = math.deg(math.atan2(player[2].y-noel.y,player[2].x-noel.x)) + 90
- table.insert(despawnObjects,{
- [1] = tfm.exec.addShamanObject(1703,x,y,angle),
- [2] = os.time() + 2500
- })
- local effect = function(id,sx,sy,xs,ys,e)
- for i = 1,2 do
- tfm.exec.displayParticle(id[i] and id[i] or id[1],x + sx * e,y - sy * e,xs/1.5,ys/1.5)
- end
- end
- for i = 1,20 do
- effect({9,11},math.cos(i),math.sin(i),math.cos(i),-math.sin(i),22)
- effect({13},math.cos(i),math.sin(i),math.sin(i),math.cos(i),19)
- end
- end
- end
- noel.teleport = function()
- if os.time() > noel.timers.teleport then
- noel.timers.teleport = os.time() + 8000
- tfm.exec.displayParticle(37,noel.x,noel.y)
- local x,y = math.random(20,780),math.random(50,300)
- tfm.exec.moveObject(,x,y)
- tfm.exec.displayParticle(37,x,y)
- else
- noel.escape(2)
- end
- end
- = function()
- if os.time() > noel.timers.prize then
- noel.timers.prize = os.time() + 5000
- noel.updateImage(noel.img.stop)
- local giftsAmount = amountPlayers < 10 and 1 or math.floor(amountPlayers/10)
- if tonumber("%Y")) == 2017 then
- giftsAmount = giftsAmount * 2
- end
- for i = 1,giftsAmount do
- local gift = table.random({2,4,3,1,1,2,3,5,2,4})
- for k,v in next,gifts do
- if gift == k then
- gift = k
- break
- end
- end
- local gen = {}
- gen[1] = tfm.exec.addShamanObject(6300,noel.x,noel.y,0,table.random({-13,-10,-5,5,10,13}))
- gen[2] = os.time() + gifts[gift][2]
- gen[3] = tfm.exec.addImage(gifts[gift][1]..".png","#"..gen[1],-15,-15)
- gen[4] = gift
- table.insert(currentGifts,gen)
- end
- else
- noel.escape(0)
- end
- end
- noel.dizzy = function(timer)
- if os.time() > noel.timers.prize then
- noel.isDizzy[1] = os.time() + 9500
- else
- noel.escape(2)
- end
- end
- eventLoop = function()
- if system.start then
- currentTime = currentTime + .5
- leftTime = leftTime - .5
- if currentTime > 4 then
- if == -1 then
- = tfm.exec.addShamanObject(6300,noel.x,noel.y)
- noel.updateImage(noel.img.stop)
- end
- local ox,oy
- if[] then
- ox,oy =[].x,[].y
- else
- ox,oy = noel.x,noel.y
- end
- if (ox < -10 or ox > 810) or (oy > 400 or oy < -50) then
- tfm.exec.removeObject(
- noel.x,noel.y = initx,inity
- = nil
- end
- if then
- noel.x = ox
- noel.y = oy
- end
- for k,v in ipairs(despawnObjects) do
- if os.time() > v[2] then
- tfm.exec.removeObject(v[1])
- end
- end
- for k,v in ipairs(currentGifts) do
- if os.time() > v[2] then
- tfm.exec.removeObject(v[1])
- tfm.exec.removeImage(v[3])
- end
- end
- if os.time() > noel.isDizzy[1] and currentTime > 5 then
- noel.particles(13)
- if currentTime % 60 == 0 then
- noel.dizzy()
- elseif currentTime % 5 == 0 then
- noel.escape(1)
- elseif math.floor(currentTime) % 2 == 0 then
- local option = math.random((noel.isEscaping and 15 or 12))
- if option > 3 then
- noel.escape()
- else
- noel.updateImage(noel.img.stop)
- if currentTime > 7 and math.random(1,2) == 1 then
- if option == 3 then
- noel.cannon()
- elseif option == 2 then
- noel.teleport()
- elseif option == 1 then
- noel.meep()
- end
- end
- end
- else
- noel.updateImage(noel.img.stop)
- end
- else
- noel.particles(1)
- if not noel.isDizzy[2] then
- noel.isDizzy[2] = true
- noel.timers.prize = os.time() + 5000
- local imgId = #noel.img.dizzy
- local animation = {}
- local numb = 1
- animation = system.looping(function()
- noel.updateImage(noel.img.dizzy[imgId])
- if imgId == #noel.img.dizzy or imgId == 1 then
- numb = -numb
- end
- imgId = imgId + numb
- if (os.time()+250) > noel.isDizzy[1] then
- for k,v in next,animation do
- system.removeTimer(v)
- end
- noel.isDizzy = {0,false}
- end
- end,10)
- end
- end
- end
- if leftTime < 2 then
- for k,v in next, do
- if info[k] then
- system.savePlayerData(k,serialization(info[k].db))
- end
- end
- system.exit()
- end
- end
- end
- eventKeyboard = function(n,k,d,x,y)
- if system.start then
- if os.time() > info[n].catch and k == 32 and info[n].dataLoaded then
- if os.time() < noel.isDizzy[1] then
- if math.pythag(x,y,noel.x,noel.y,32) then
- info[n].db.eventNoelGifts[2] = (info[n].db.eventNoelGifts[1]/10) + info[n].db.eventNoelGifts[2]
- info[n].db.eventNoelGifts[1] = 0
- if not info[n].db.eventNoelTitle then
- if info[n].db.eventNoelGifts[2] >= system.aim then
- info[n].db.eventNoelTitle = true
- system.giveEventGift(n,title[1])
- end
- end
- system.savePlayerData(n,serialization(info[n].db))
- system.updateBar(n)
- end
- else
- for k,v in next,currentGifts do
- local o =[v[1]]
- if o and math.pythag(x,y,o.x,o.y,25) then
- if (info[n].db.eventNoelGifts[1]+v[4]) <= 50 then
- tfm.exec.removeObject(v[1])
- tfm.exec.removeImage(v[3])
- currentGifts[k][2] = 0
- info[n].db.eventNoelGifts[1] = info[n].db.eventNoelGifts[1] + v[4]
- system.savePlayerData(n,serialization(info[n].db))
- system.updateBar(n,({0xB73535,0x358CB7,0x35B765,0xB7B735,0xB73487})[v[4]])
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- info[n].catch = os.time() + 1000
- end
- end
- end
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